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Unit 1 Dream homes


1.想住在宫殿would like to live in a palace

2.住在饭店旁live next to the restaurant

3.最大的一个the biggest one

4.听音乐listen to the music

5.梦想中的家园dream home

6.来自不同的国家come from different counties

7.法国的首都the capital of France

8.其他国家的首都the capital of other countries

9.住在大房子里live in a big/large house

10.我最喜爱的地方my favourite place

11.看漫画书read comic books

12.与朋友交谈chat with friends

13.住在小镇上live in a small town

14.睡在木屋里sleep in a wooden house

15.在河的上方over the river

16.向外看看海洋look out at the sea

17.看窗外look out of the window

18.爬梯进入房间climb a ladder to get into the house

19.既漂亮又安静be beautiful and quiet

20.下雨很多rain a lot

21.在江阴市中心in the center of Jangyin

22.和我妹妹合用一个卧室share a bedroom with my sister

23.在繁华街上的一幢公寓里in a flat on a busy street

24.在厨房里in the kitchen

25.我最喜爱的房间my favourite room

26.坐在厨房里sit in a kitchen

27.做饭cooks meal

28.在客厅看电视watch TV in the sitting room

29.睡在花园里sleep in the garden

30.在莫斯科中央in the center of Moscow

31.在繁华的街上on a busy street

32.和某人共享某物share sth with sb

33.住在山里的木屋里live in a wooden house in the hill

34.(对)某人友好be friendly to sb

35.种花的地方the place to grow flowers

36.在大多数家里in most homes

37.十多个房间more than ten rooms

38.一些学生的家some students’ homes

39.餐厅 a dining room

40.大多数的孩子most children

41.在我面前in front of me

42.在你后面behind you

43.在他和我之间between him and me 44.在湖面上over the lake

45.在讲台上on the teacher’s desk

46.在教室外面outside the classroom

47.躺在床上lie in bed

48.坐在她旁边sit beside her

49.站在树下stand under the tree

50.在门对面opposite the door

51.在书架上on a bookshelf

52.在口袋里面in the pocket

53.整洁be clean and tidy

54.在她的打印机旁next to her printer

55.在英国的家the house in Britain

56.把它寄给他send it to him

57.与。。。不同be different from

58.和。。。一样the same as

59.你自己的卧室your own bedroom

60.合用一个房间share a bedroom with

61.我可以和某人通话吗Can/May I speak to sb?

62.你是谁?(电话)Who is that speaking?/Who’s calling?

63.打电话给她call/phone/ring her

64.从上海打来的电话call from Shanghai

65.至少/最多at least/most

66.少于/超过less than/more than

67.三层楼three floors

68.在第三层楼on the third floor

69.没有其他的房间no other rooms

70.在一二楼on the first and second floor

71.50米长fifty metres long

72.足球场 a football field

73.洗淋浴或盆浴have a shower or bath

74.同时at the same time

75.比Wendy高2层two floors above Wendy

76.比Peter低2层one floor below Peter

77.有12个淋浴器和四个浴缸的房间 a room with


Unit 2 Neighbours

1.打算做某事 be going to do sth.

2.拜访我们的新邻居 visit our new neighbours

3.我恐怕他们不欢迎像你这样的访客。I ‘m afraid they

won’t welcome the visitors

4.他们小区的生活 life in their neighbourhood

5.互相帮助 help each other

6.住在城市花园 live in City Garden

7.第九街区 in Ninth Street

8.他们中的大多数 most of them

9.住在像这样的小区很好it’s good to live in a

neighbourhood like that.

10.好邻居 good neighbours
