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Hvuiaplll.leayrtyechCsltianrt-ton, $240 million.

-A wonderful way to identify the level and importance of a we page
The basic algorithm: 1.every web page will get the same PageRank at first 2.Execute the following cycle:Each page assigns its current PageRank equally to the outward links on this page, so that each link gets the corresponding PageRank. For each cycle, the new PageRank is obtained by summation of all the PageRank that is passed in inward links of this page. 3.After several cycle,the PageRank of every web page won't change any more.And the more higher the PageRank , the more important the web page .
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Nate Silver
◆In 2012,It predicted all 50 states elections correctly.
◆In 2008,It predicted 49 of the 50 states elections correctly.
Advantage:It is a static algorithm which is independent of the query. And the PageRank of all web pages is obtained by offline calculation. It effectively reduce the amount of computation in online query, greatly reduce the query response time. disadvantage:People's queries always have thematic features.But PageRank ignores thematic relevance, resulting in the reduction of the correlation and thematic for results.
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L:the number of outward liknks PR:the PageRank in this cycle q:Damping factor: the probability that a user reaches a web page and continues to browse backwards at any time.