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Unit 1

Children especially are hungry for reassurance, and the want of kindly appreciation in childhood can endanger the growth of character. A young mother told the Reverend A. W. Beaven of a

heart-aching incident: “My little daughter often misbehaves and I have to rebuke her. But one day she had been especially good, hadn’t done a single thing that called for reprimand. That night, after I tucked her in bed and started downstairs, I heard her sobbing. Turning back, I found her head hidden in the pillow. Between sobs she asked, ‘Haven’t I been a pretty good girl today?’孩子们尤其渴望鼓励。童年时如果得不到善意的赞赏,将会危及性格的发展。一位年轻妈妈向A·W·比文牧师讲述了一件让人伤心的事:“我的小女儿常常不听话,我不得不批评她。但是有一天,她特别乖,没有做一件会挨批评的事。当天晚上,我给她盖好被子、准备下楼时,听见她在抽泣。我走回去,发现她把头埋在枕头里。她一边呜咽一边问:‘难道我今天还不够乖吗?’”

“That question,”said the mother, “went through me like a knife. I had been quick to correct her when she did wrong, but when she had tried to behave I had not noticed it. I had put her to bed without one word of appreciation.”


Unit 2

For many of us the word “creativity”has a wall around it, and we are on the outside. We protest that we have no gift, and that creativity is for geniuses.


But creativity is not the special gift of a favored few, a burst of light you’ve either got or you haven’t. One of the most creative people I ever knew was an old woman who lived on a remote sheep ranch in California. A Chilean she had married an American sea captain at sixteen, moved to his country and learned his language. On that lonely, fog-swept coast she made a home, a life, an empire both spiritual and commercial. She bought and sold land, delivered babies, and cooked for thirty men at shearing time. She bore five children, and taught them to read and write and ride and to be as much at home in the ocean as a seal. It made your blood sing to watch her, at ninety, climb the hill behind her house and face the sun as it went down in the sea.


Unit 4

Whether you run a race, bounce a basketball, or hurl a baseball home, you do it because it’s fun. Some scientists claim play is a natural instinct —just like sleep. That might explain why sports are likely to be as old as humanity.


Some claim sports began as a form of survival. Prehistoric man ran, jumped, and climbed for his life. Hunters separated themselves by skill, and competition flourished. Wall paintings dating from 1850BC, that depict wrestling, dancing, and acrobatics, were discovered in an Egyptian tomb at Bani Hasan. The Ancient Greeks revolutionized sports by holding the world’s first Olympic games at Olympia in 776 B.C. But it wasn’t until the early nineteenth century, that sports as we know them came into play. (Pardon the pun!) Modern sports such as cricket, golf, and horse racing began in England and spread to the United States, Western Europe, and the rest of the world. These sports were the models for the games we play today, including baseball and football. 有些人说,体育是作为人类的生存形式发端的。史前人的奔跑、跳跃、攀爬都是为了求生。猎手通过技巧分出强弱,竞争由此盛行起来。追溯到公元前1850年的壁画描绘了拳击、舞蹈和杂技的场面,这些壁画是在贝尼哈桑的埃及古墓里发现的。古希腊人于公元前776年在奥林匹亚举行了世界上第一次奥运会,令体育发生了突破性的大变革。但是,直到19世纪初,我们所了解的体育活动才开始兴起(请原谅,这里用了双关语!)。像板球、高尔夫球和赛马这样的当代体育项目诞生于英格兰,后来传播到美国、西欧和世界各地。包括棒球和足球在内的这些体育项目都是今天竞技项目的雏型。

Unit 6

At the back of the book, there are places to jot down those stray longings that hit you at your busiest moments: the books you’d like to read, the friends you’d like to visit, the classes you’d like to take, the movies you’d like to see, places you’d like to go, all your neglected wishes, hopes, and dreams. With these at your fingertips, every month you get a chance to make sure you make space for the things that matter.


This looking ahead and planning for the future, it seems to me, has the potential to repair anyone’s badly skewed long-range perspective about time. It’s a chance to see the future coming instead of having it take you by surprise. You get to anticipate everything that is sure to happen instead of having predictable events suddenly show up to haunt you. You get to decide in advance how many projects you can comfortably take on rather than discovering too late that you’re swamped.

