

Lesson 1 Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk

[1] In retrospect, the pattern seems clear. Years before the Deepwater Horizon rig blew, BP was developing a reputation as an oil company that took safety risks to save money. An explosion at a Texas refinery killed 15 workers in 2005, and federal regulators and a panel led by James A. BakerⅢ, the former secretary of state, said that cost cutting was partly to blame. The next year, a corroded pipeline in Alaska poured oil into Prudhoe Bay. None other than Joe Barton, a Republican congressman from Texas and a global-warming skeptic, upbraided BP managers for their “seeming indifference to safety and environmental issues”.

[2] Much of this indifference stemmed from an obsession with profits, come what may. But there also appears to have been another factor, one more universally human, at work. The people running BP did a dreadful job of estimating the true chances of events that seemed unlikely—but that would bring enormous costs.

[3] Perhaps the easiest way to see this is to consider what BP executives must be thinking today. Surely, given the expense of the clean-up and the hit to BP’s reputation, the executives wish they could go back and spend the extra money to make Deepwater Horizon safer. That they did not suggests that they figured the rig would be fine an it


[4]For all the criticism BP executives may deserve, they are far from the only people to struggle with such low-probability, high-cost events. Nearly everyone does. “These are precisely the kinds of events that are hard for us as humans to get our hands around and react to rationally, ”Robert N. Stavins, an environmental economist at Harvard, says. We make two basic—and opposite—types of mistakes. When an event is difficult to imagine, we tend to underestimate its likelihood. This is the proverbial black swan. Most of the people running Deepwater Horizon probably never had a rig explode on them. So they assumed it would not happen , at least not to them.

[5] Similarly, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan liked to argue, not so long ago, that the national real estate market was not in a bubble because it had never been in one before. Wall Street traders took the same view and built mathematical models that did not allow for the possibility that house prices would decline. And may home buyers signed up for unaffordable mortgages, believing they could refinance or sell the house once its price rose. That’s what house prices did, it seemed.

[6]On the other hand, when an unlikely event is all too easy to imagine, we often go in the opposite direction and overestimate the odds. After the 9/11 attacks, Americans canceled plane trips and took to the road. There were no terrorist attacks in this country in 2002, yet the

additional driving apparently led to an increase in traffic fatalities.

[7]When the stakes are high enough, it falls to government to help its citizens avoid these entirely human errors. The market, left to its own devices, often cannot do so. Yet in the case of Deepwater Horizon, government policy actually went the other way. It encouraged BP to underestimate the odds of a catastrophe.

[8] In a little-noticed provision in a 1990 law passed after the Exxon Valdez spill, Congress capped a spiller’s liability over and above cleanup costs at $7500 million for a rig spill. Even if the party is on the hook for only $7500 million. (In this instance, BP has agreed to waive the cap for claims it deems legitimate. ) Michael Greenstone, an M.I.T. economist who runs the Hamilton Project in Washington, says the law fundamentally distorts a company’s decision making. Without the cap, executives would have to weigh the possible revenue from a well against the cost of drilling there and the risk of damage. With the cap, they can largely ignore the potential damage beyond cleanup costs. So they end up drilling wells even in places where the damage can be horrific, like close to a shoreline. To put it another way, human frailty helped BP’s executives underestimate the chance of a low-probability, high-cost event. Federal law helped them underestimate the costs.

[9] In the wake of Deepwater Horizon, Congress and Obama administration will no doubt be tempted to pass laws meant to reduce

the risks of another deep-water disaster. Certainly there are some sensible steps they can take, like lifting the liability cap and freeing regulators from the sway of industry. But it would be foolish to think that the only risks we are still underestimating are the ones that have suddenly become salient.

[10]The big financial risk is no longer a housing bubble. Instead, it may be the huge deficits that the growth of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will cause in coming years—and the possibility that lender will eventually become nervous about extending credit to Washington. True, some economists and policy makers insist the country should not get worked up about this possibility, because lenders have never soured on the Unite States government before and show no signs of doing so now. but isn’t that reminiscent of the old Bernanke-Greenspan tune about the housing market?

[11]Then, of course, there are the greenhouse gases that oil wells ( among other things) send into the atmosphere even when the wells function properly. Scientists say the buildup of these gases is already likely to warm the planet by at least three degrees over the next century and cause droughts, storms and more ice-cap melting. The researcher’s estimates have risen recently, too, and it is also possible the planet could get around 12 degree hotter. That kind of could flood major cities and cause parts of Antarctica to collapse.

[12]Nothing like that has ever happened before. Even imagining it is difficult. It is much easier to hope that the odds of such an outcome are vanishingly small. In fact, it’s only natural to have this hope. But that doesn’t make it wise.


考研英语阅读真题及答案 英语阅读关于考研的在历年的真题中,有不少的精华等着大家去发掘。下面是给大家整理的考研英语阅读真题及答案,供大家参阅! 1991年考研英语阅读真题及答案解析Section II Reading Comprehension Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points) Text 1 A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》 (通用本课后练习答案) 第二册 UNIT ONE The Pleasure of Learning Key to the Exercises I. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. T III. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役. 2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验. 3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头. IV. 1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time. 2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life. Key to the reading—skill Exercises 1. Students have improved SAT scores. 2. Teenagers planned patrols 3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers. 4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people 5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world. 6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book. with Santa Claus Key to the Exercises I . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗 2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣. 3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢. 4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常. III. 1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.

研究生英语阅读教程提高级 课后习题

Lesson 2 The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.(关于格林兄弟的故事可以唤起父母在安慰的怀抱中对故事时间的温暖回忆。) A.recall B. create C. release D. collect 1.One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity to your advantage.(成功旅行的秘诀之一就是总是把逆境变成你的优势。) A.unfamiliarity B. exploration C. pleasure D.difficulties. 2.The claws of bears may be used to climb trees , rip open nests and beehives, or catch prey.(熊的爪子可以用来爬树,撕开巢蜂房,或捕捉猎物。) A.clear B. tear C. throw D. dig 3.The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems.分析人员正在剖析侵入他们电脑系统的入侵和其他攻击。 A.intercepting B. fighting C. analyzing D. discussing 4.He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone. 他整天呆在房间里,戴着耳机以免打扰任何人。 A.unless B. when C. so that D. in case 5.As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed, there was talk of apocalypse.随着失业线的延长和工厂的关闭,人们谈论着天启?。 A.emergency B. uncertainty C. disaster D. reduction 6.The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often she would bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose.(医院的气味是如此的无情,以至于她常常会把白花的云彩带到她的鼻子上) A.unexpected B. unique C. impressive D. terrible 7.Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous in a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line.7、批评家认为,在一个半数人口生活在贫困线以下的国家里,奢侈的公园本身是不协调的。 A.inappropriate B. creative C. unnecessary D. enjoyable 8.Many believed optimistically the news would soothe markets, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.许多人乐观地认为,这一消息将安抚市场,但它似乎起了相反的作用。 A.push B. mislead C. calm D. discourage 9. A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurance in the face of adversity without getting upset.一个坚忍的人在面对逆境时往往表现出令人钦佩的耐心和忍耐力,而不会感到不安 A.confident B. uncomplaining C. unconventional D. reliable ADBCD CDACB Lesson 4 1.During the lecture all the audience listened to China’s first astronaut with rapt admiration.演讲过程中,所有听众都听了中国第一位宇航员的讲话 A.obscure B. obvious C. obliged D. obsessed 2.Most of her colleagues didn’t like her because she was adept at the fine art of


Lesson 1 II. Translation Put the following passages into Chinese. 1. For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Cumbric, Cornish, Norn and Manx. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to the three remaining Celtic languages, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh... that their long-term future must be considered... very greatly at risk. 因为英语是个杀手。正是英语造成了凯尔特语、康沃尔语、诺恩语和马恩语等语言的消亡。这些岛上的分地区依然还有很多社区的人使用在英语到来之前就已存在的语言。然而,英语在日常生活中无处不在。所有的人或几乎所有的人都懂英语。英语对仅存的三种凯尔特语——爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语及威尔士语的威胁是如此之大,人们一定认为它们遥远的未来是岌岌可危的。 2. He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguisticism (a condition parallel to racism and sexism). As Phillipson sees it, leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly "white" English-speaking world, have (by design or default) encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English, a spread which began some three centuries ago as economic and colonial expansion. 同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(与种族歧视、性别歧视等类似)的偏见密切相关。在菲利普森看来,在以白人英语为主导的世界里,主要的机构和个人(有意或无意地)鼓励或者至少是容忍了(肯定没有反对)英语霸权主义式的传播,这种传播始于三个世纪之前的经济及殖民扩张。 3.By and large, we now view them as more or less benign, and often talk with admiration and appreciation about the cultures associated with them and what they have given to the world. And it is fairly safe to do this, because none of them now poses much of a threat. 总的来说,我们现在或多或少地把这些语言看作有利的语言。在谈到与之相关的文化及其为世界所做的贡献时,我们常怀有崇敬与赞赏,而且这样做是很安全的,因为这些语言现在已不会构成什么大的威胁。 4. Yet many people see English as a blessing. Let me leave aside here the obvious advantages possessed by any world language, such as a large communicative network, a strong literary and media complex, and a powerful cultural and educational apparatus. 然而,许多人把英语看成是一件幸事。在此,我暂且不谈世界语言所具有的明显优势,例如庞大的交流网络、发达的文字与传媒体系以及强大的文化教育设施。 5. English-speaking South Africans of British descent were not particularly strong in opposing the apartheid regime, and the black opposition, whose members had many languages, was at first weak and disorganized. 讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言,在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。 6. Such symbolism suggests that the users of the world's lingua franca should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse. 这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处,同时尽能避免招来灾难。


Unit 1 part one Angel at Work Ⅰ Reading for information 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A Ⅲ Summary 1.to transcribe his Sunday speeches /too much to handle 2.out of the blue/ share the inspiration 3.deliver the tape personally/the mystery of the arrangement 4.personal contact/spastic 5.asked for reward/full and dedicated Unit 2 part one My Miraculous Life Ⅰ Reading for information 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6 C Unit 3 part one A Thief Ⅰ Reading for information 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C.A 5.B 6 C Ⅲ Summary 1.the ticket counter/a leather coat 2.a cocktail bar/catches sight of a blonde girl/a Travellers Aid counter 3. a magazine/becomes aware of/jostling/blushes

4. lifted/back pocket 5. a front window/hand her over 6. wrong/bolts 7. has stolen Unit 4 part one Escape Artists Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.publishing/overseen 2.procrastinator/affected https://www.360docs.net/doc/688724798.html,ziness/desire/consistently/delay 4.funishes/reinforcing/subscribe 5.mismatch/sophisticated 6.solution/deploying/management Unit 5 part one For Big Bruno, a Man We Can Look Up to Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.hard work/pay off 2.Big Bruno/strong in stature/a gentle spirit 3.most patient/slow to get angry/a heart of gold


Lesson 1 1. Yesterday’s terrorism darkened, marked and forever altered the way Americans live their lives. 昨日发生的恐怖主义活动使美国人的生活暗淡无光,在他们的生活中留下了印迹,并永远地改变了他们的生活。 2. “We are going to have to learn what a lot of other countries have gone through: to manage fear at a cultural and national level,” said Charles Figley, a professor of trauma psychology at Florida State University. “We’re getting a lesson in the way fear works.” 佛罗里达州立大学创伤心理学教授查尔斯?费格里说:“我们得学一学其它许多国家曾经经历过的东西,那就是从文化上和在全国范围内来应对恐惧。”他还说:“我们正在体验恐惧是怎样起作用的。” 3. In a country long proud and even boastful of its openness—a country where an ordinary citizen can stroll through the U.S. Capitol unescorted—the terrorist attacks are likely to force Americans to a lot of that. Metal detectors now mark the front door of many government buildings, and security guards are a fixture in the lobby of most large office buildings. 美国是一个一向以开放自豪甚至洋洋得意的国家,在这里,人们可以独自在美国国会大楼中闲庭信步,而现在,恐怖袭击很有可能迫使美国人处处小心,惶惶不可终日。其实我们很大程度上已经是这样了。许多政府大楼的前门装设的金属探测器已然成为一道风景线,大部分的办公大楼里也必备保安。 4. But retaliation carries the risk of setting off a tightening spiral of violence and counterviolence not unlike the Middle East or Northern Ireland. Unlike countries that have had to learn to live with violence,”We are new at this,” said Florida’s Dr. Figley, who heads a project that has trained trauma teams in Yugoslavia.”My fear is we will overreach and make things worse rather than better by retribution, revenge, racism and marginalizing ethnic groups.” 报复有很大的危险,会引发和在中东及北爱尔兰一样的紧张的暴力和反暴力的恶性攀升。与那些不得不在暴力中学习如何生存的国家不同,“我们是新手,”曾在南斯拉夫训练过创伤急救队的项目负责人费格里博士说,“我所担心的是惩罚、报复、种族主义和排斥少数民族的举动会过于偏激,适得其反。” 5. Fear of terrorism is likely to lead Americans to tolerate more government surveillance—such as overhead video cameras at sporting events—than they have to date. “It’s very likely in the wake of today’s events that we’re going to see a greater acceptance on the public’s part—and on the court’s part—to approve certain kinds of police tactics,” said William Stuntz, a Harvard Low School professor. 对于恐怖主义的恐惧会使美国人接受比现在更多的来自政府的监控,例如在运动竞赛场上高架的摄象机。哈佛大学法学院教授威廉姆斯?斯汤资说,“经过目前前这些事件,我们将发现,无论是公众,还是法庭,都会在更大程度上接受某些警察的策略。” Lesson 5 戴维先到一步,事后他气愤地向我发难说当他告诉领班准备和谁一起吃饭时,领班的语气骤然逆转。一瞬间就从“这是个什么人?”变成“这边有请,先生。”当我们赶到时,拍照的人已经在饭店外忙个不停了。戴维开始嘲笑我是伦敦这家高级饭店里的知名人物。这时,我俩向屋内望去并同时看到了我们的偶像。


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案 UNIT ONE 1.Goodbye school Key to the Exercises I 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. A II 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoist Key to the Reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1: 1. B 2. D paragraph 2 1. D 2. A 2.The Saturday Evening Post Information Related to the Text Key to the Exercises I. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C II . 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career . 2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers . He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch . 3. The battle to make him different from his father . 4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation . 5. Writers didn't have to have any gumption at all . 3. Love The Neighbor Key to the Exercises I . 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F II. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽. 2.《圣经》里的戒律"热爱你的邻居"大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是"尊敬你的邻居." 3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最 好的朋友. 4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰 的分界线. 5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位. UNIT TWO 4.Making Friends in American Culture Key to the Exercises I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D II. 1. Because there is a language barrier , many Chinese are hesitant to speak with strangers and they don't know what to talk to American about or how to keep the conversation moving . 2. His class and major . 3. These questions help people participate in the conversation . 4. When the other person first gives his name himself . 5. Communication . Key to the reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1 : 1. C 2. A


Unit 1 Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World? (2)Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there (3)to have no access to the health service (4)an important role in prospering and developing (5)a depression in yield and a reduction in quality (6)could have made a good salary (7)We cannot estimate the value of modern science and technology too much. (8)The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood. (9)During the SARS outbreak, the lack of hygiene in poor countries had devastating consequences to all people of the world. (10)T his University Library is one of the largest Libraries in China, with a stack of over 2.3 million volumes. It supports the University’s research and teaching across a full range of subjects, and provides information about the Library’s collections and services in each subject area. (11)T he recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as job layoffs ravaged household budgets. (12)C hina's government declared two strains of genetically modified rice safe to produce and consume, taking a major step toward endorsing the use of biotechnology in the staple food crop of billions of people in Asia. China is the world's top producer and consumer of rice, so its use of modified varieties has the potential to alter the grain's global supply patterns. China's officials have been less constrained by public pressure over the sometimes-controversial use of biotechnology in food than officials in other countries. The government has long supported research into agricultural biotechnology as part of a drive to ensure the nation remains self-sufficient in staple crops. IV. Cloze 1. species 2. predictable 3. unrelated 4. different 5. into 6. produce 7. seeing 8. also 9. obvious 10. inserted 11. nobody 12. approved 13. apparently 14. humans 15. risks Unit 2 The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White (2)He was not severely punished for his crime (3)advance our knowledge of the HIV virus. (4)when taken according to the instruction (5)to have no access to the health service (6)He has some vague ideas about what to do

大学英语阅读教程答案 第1册

to Exercises Key to Exercises Lesson1 https://www.360docs.net/doc/688724798.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.B 5.A 6.C7.B8.B 3.(1)shield(2)playing(3)shield(4)personal(5)social (6)political(7)family(8)colleagues(9)stimulate 4.(1)blackboard(2)unconscious(3)time (4)ancestors(5)parents(6)reinvent B.Reading Strategies 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B10.A Lesson2 https://www.360docs.net/doc/688724798.html,prehension Check 1.A 3.C 4.B 5.A7.C8.B 2.(1)defines(2)failures(3)successful(4)beliefs 6.(1)picture(2)performing(3)replace(4)self-image (5)line(6)potential(7)short-change(8)better B.Reading Strategies 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C10.A Lesson3 https://www.360docs.net/doc/688724798.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.A 3.B 5.A 6.B7.B8.A 4.(1)cultivate(2)granted(3)investigate(4)explore (5)major(6)exploration B.Reading Strategies 1.normalized 2.membership 3.threatening 4.publication 5.novelists 6.persuasion 7.personality 8.pressure 9.reluctance10.justify Lesson4 https://www.360docs.net/doc/688724798.html,prehension Check 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 1.(1)crush(2)Brazil(3)intelligent(4)knockout B.Reading Strategies 1.distinguishable 2.psychological 3.effective 4.insistent 5.various 6.skinny 7.delightful 8.gloriously 9.financial10.amazing


Book One Unit Fifteen Passage One Directions: You will have 10 minutes to read this passage quickly and answer the following questions from A, B9 C and D. You should decide on the best choice. The Steps of Knighthood In the medieval times,many knights rode out to do battle. They made sieges (围攻)on other castles,and defended their own castles. But knights weren’t always so good at fighting. Knights had to pass long,hard,half boring hours of practice,practice,practice. First they had to be a page. If they did good they became a squire. If squires were worthy they were dubbed (授予称号)and became knights. Pages When a boy born by a knight turns six or seven he is sent from his home to a nearby castle. There he is trained by the lord of the castle to become a knight. He is a page. A page helps his lord dress and put on armor. He plays many training games that include wrestling,piggy-back wrestling,sword practice with blunt wooden swords and tiny round shields called bucklers, and lance practice on a rolling log pulled by two other pages toward a quintain (A quintain is a target on one end of a swinging board. On the other end is a bag full of sand. When the lance hits the target the rider has to duck or the bag of sand will strike him on the back or the head.). A page rarely ever learned how to read or write because it wasn’t thought to be very knightly. The ladies of the castle taught him table manners. The page waited on his lord and lady. It was his duty and privilege to accompany his lord and lady at all times. Whe n his lord’s armor was rusty,the page rolled the armor in a barrel of sand so that the rust was gone. He was taught to be quick,graceful, and flexible. He received religious training from the chaplain (牧师)? He sometimes received training-in-arms from the squires. Squires If the page showed promise,then at the age of fourteen,he became a squire. A squire is a Knight’s personal servant. In battle,a squire would bring his knight replacements of lances,swords, horses,or any item lost or damaged in battle. The squire had to become accustomed to heavy armor. A squire played games with real weapons against real knights! The squire learned to ride his war horse while keeping his weapon arm free. While he was a squire,he was allowed to carry a sword and a shield,which showed what rank he had achieved. The squire was taught not to kill many knights. Most knights held other knights for ransom. If he got through all of that,he was knighted or “dubbed”. Before a squire was dubbed,he did lots of things in preparation. First, he prayed all night. He prayed without sleeping or eating. When morning came,he would take a nice, warm bath. Then he put on a special padded vest and hood so that his armor did not hurt him. Then he would have a page help him put on chain mail armor or plate armor. Then the almost knighted squire would put on a white tunic. The tunic was white because white is the color of peace. He knelt before his lord. Then his lord would slap him with his hand or the flat of the sword. As his lord was doing that,his lord would say,“I dub thee Sir Knight.” Then the new knight would
