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a ai ay ey

table ['teibl] 桌子

baby ['beibi] 婴儿

cake [keik] 蛋糕

face [feis] 脸

plane [plein] 飞机

vapour ['veipə] 蒸汽

pencil-case [´pensəl-keis] 铅笔盒

eraser [i´reizə] 橡皮

crayon [´kreiən] 蜡笔

grape [greip] 葡萄

grey [grei] 灰色的

eight [eit] 八

great [greit] 太好了

eighteen [´ei´ti:n] 十八

painting ['peintiŋ]绘画

playground ['pleigraund] 操场

today [tə'dei] 今天

play [plei] 玩

rainy ['reini] 下雨的

potato [pə'teitəu] 土豆

tomato [tə'meitəu] 西红柿

tasty ['teisti] 好吃的

they [ðei] 他们

make the bed [meik] [ðə] [bed] 铺床

set the table [set] [ðə] ['teibl] 摆饭桌

put away the clothes [put] [ə'wei] [ðə] [kləuðz] 收拾衣服skate [skeit] 滑冰

date [deit] 日期

tail [teil] 尾巴

have a toothache ['tu:θeik] 牙疼
