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译林版四年级英语下册期中模拟测试卷班级_________ 姓名________________ 学号___________ 听力部分(30分)



( ) 1. A. day B. today C. Mo nday ( ) 2. A. homework B. go home C. home ( ) 3. A. night B. right C.pity ( ) 4. A. black B. back C. duck ( ) 5. A. what B. where C. whe n ( ) 6. A. draw B. swim C. skate ( ) 7. A. them B. they C. their ( ) 8. A. basketball 1 B. table tennis C.football ( ) 9. A. man B. woma n C. many ( ) 10 .A. TV B. pie C. PE



()It ' twelve.

()She likes PE.

()They 'e boats.

()At twelve.

()He can draw a boat.


()1. A. At seve n. B. It ' seve n. C. Seve n.

()2. A.What a pity! B.How nice! C. Good idea!

( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. I can see a lake. C. I can swim.

()4. A. It ' Mo nday. B. On Mon day. C. It ' one.

()5. A. We like Chi nese. B.Yes, we do. C. No, you don


1. A: __________ do you go home ___________ day ?

B: I __________ go home at five in the after noon.

2. A: ______________________ does Su Yang have?

B: She ______________________ and ___________ .

3. A: It ' time for ____________ .

B: __________ right..


一、语音辨别,相同的写“ S”不同的写“ D” (5分)


()1. A. week B. sleep

( )2. A. make B. match

( )3. A. meet B. Wednseday

( )4. A. play B. table

( )5. A. less on B. desk


1. 在夜里

2. go to bed at ten

3. 在我的学校

4. a difficult subject


6.What a pity !

7. 今天晚上8.five big trees

9.看我的课程表10. a lot of lessons


( )1.1 can 'see _______________ f lowers.

A. some

B. a

C. any

( )2. -How many _______ a re there in a week ? -Seve n.

A. day

B. days

C. today

()3. What can she do ?

A. She has a picture.

B. She likes draw ing.

C. She can draw.

()4. Mike ___________ dinner at six.

A. have

B. after

C. has

()5. What can you see un der the tree ?

A. I can draw a dog.

B. I can see a dog.

C. I ' like a hot dog. ( )6. Mary and Hele n __________ t hree less ons ________ T uesday morning.

A. have, on

B. have, in

C. has, at

( )7. _________ is the first day of a week.

A. Mon day

B. Su nday

C. Saturday

()8. What ' ______________ over there ?

A. this

B. those

C. that

( )9. These _________ my new books. - _______ n ice !

A. are, It '

B. are, What

C. are, How

()10. Can you skate ?

A. It ' easy.

B. Ok.

C. Try aga in.


1. see, and, some, they, mon keys, hill, can, a (.)

2. there, the, like, you, over, do, tree ( ?)
