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一.选择填空: 1. Mrs. Brown came to China ____ 1996. A .from B . of C. to D. in 2. The room was full ____ smoke after the big fire. A .of B . with C. in D. for 3. Here are some presents ____ you ____ our best wishes. A .to; with B . for; with C.of; about D. for; for 4. Both Mr Green and Mrs Green were born ____ June, 1956. A .in B . at C . on D. for 5. The little boy is always interested ____ science. A .with B. by C. in D. at 6. Li Lei often gets up ____ seven o'clock on Sundays. A .on B. in C. at D. for 7. They arrived early ____ a Tuesday morning. A .on B. at C. in D .of 8. Macao (澳门) will return to our motherland ____ December 20th, 1999. A .on B. at C. in D. for 9. ----When were you born? ----I was born ____ August 25, 1983. A .on B. in C. at D. to 10. Let me show you the place ____ the map. A .with B. on C. in 11. John knows ____ a computer. A .how to use B.how use C. how uses 12. The visitors ____ Japan arrived ____ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning. A .from; at B. of; to C .from; to D. of; on 13. The teacher will be back ____ an hour. A .in B . after C. on 14. This programme was sent to the USA ____ China ____ satellite. A .in; of B. of; in C. from; by D. by; from
17. The eraser was passed ____ one student ____ another.
18. Did you live ____ Beijing in 1997?
19. When did you arrive ____ the village? 20. I think Mary is ____ duty today. 21. Eating too much isn't good ____ your health. 22. I'm afraid he is ____ the cinema ____ the moment. 23. Thanks ____ asking me to your party. 24. My watch is very different ____ yours. 25. What's the weather ____ today? 26. The student is asking his teacher ____ the sports meeting. 27. The farmers are all getting ready ____ the next year. 28. The radio says the wind will stop later ____ the day. 29. Let's go out ____ a walk, shall we? 30. Tom, your mother is waiting ____ you. 31. We have noodles for lunch for lunch ____ times. 32. Harerbin is ____ the north of China. 33. The day ____ tomorrow will be windy. 34. Don't worry ____ your test. 35. I don't know which is the way ____ the park. 36. An old woman is ____ the side of the road. 37. ____ the end of the road you'll see the hospital 38. He left Tokyo ____ a visit ____ Beijing. 39. Don't laugh ____ other people's mistakes. 40. He did this instead ____ me. 41. The people here are very friendly ____ us. 42. Does he learn English ____ himself? 43. I felt a little afraid ____ my teacher. 44. I'm afraid he'll fall ____ the bike. 45. Help yourselves ____ some fish, Lily and Lucy. 46. ____ these words he left the classroom. 47. It was a pleasure ____ me. 48. I'm sorry I'm late ____ the meeting.
17. The classroom is quite different
that one.
A. of B. from C. with D. like
18. Look, you'll see a bridge
the river.
A. on B. above C. over D. in
19. – Your coat looks nice, Is It
8. May I borrow a pencil ____ you?
9. Don't sleep ____ the open air.
10. I often help my mother ____ _ the housework. 11. It's time ____ school.
12. I have quite a lot ____ homework to do.
13. What's the time? It's half ____ seven.
14. Ducks are good ____ swimming.
15. What are you talking ____ ?
16. He is sitting ____ the front of the car.
A. after B. behind C. later D. out of
1. What's wrong ____ your watch?
2. One ____ the students is in the classroom.
3. I think the shop is closed ____ this time of day.
15. It's cold outside. Please
your warm clothes.
A. put in B. take off C. put on D. put up
16. He got many gifts
his birthday
his friends.
A. on, from B. in, of C. at, to D. from, for
cotton? -Yes. It's
A. made of, made by B. made of, made in C. made for, made in D. made from made by
20. Tow may fall
the others because he has missed so many lessons.
49. Study hard, or you won't catch up ____ your classmates. 50. Not far ____ him was Lin Tao . Lin Tao ran fast, too. 51. Mr Wu is going to tell us the result ____ once. 52. He goes to school early ____ usual. 53. It's another way ____ saying fast. 54. I'm sorry he doesn't agree ____ me. 55. He prefers playing football ____ playing basketball. 56. What do you mean ____ baozhi? 57. Don't play ____ fire . It's dangerous. 58. He didn't go ____ bed until twelve o'clock. 59. My teacher was angry ____ me. 60. Someone is knocking ____ the door. 61. Have you heard ____ Jim yet? 62. If you break the window, you'll have to pay ____ it. 63. I'm sorry . I won't talk to others in class ____ now on. 64. What have you done ____ the milk? 65. The students walked ____ the gates with Uncle Wang. 66. Are you ____ trouble, Jim? 67. My mother is ill . I have to send ____ the doctor. 68. The doctor operated ____ my mother at once. 69. The glass is full ____ milk. 70. I saw him ____ the crowd. 71. There are a group of sheep ____ the foot of the hill. 72. We are twins . People often mistake us ____ each other. 73. The knife is made ____ metal and wood. 74. Ships can travel ____ the world. 75. He watched me ____ surprise. 76. Choose my subject . Something about English, ____ example. 77. Tie the horse ____ the tree. 78. Nothing can stop us ____ studying hard.
4. My father teaches English ____ a school.
5. We have lunch ____ the middle of the day.
6. You can buy some school things ____ your way hoΒιβλιοθήκη Baidue.
7. I was born ____ July 1, 1982.