例如:1)“I have read your articles.I expect to meet an old man.”“我读过你的文章,没想到你这样年轻。
”(动词)2)He was absent from his own country last year.他去年不在自己的国家。
(形容词短语)3)He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children.他衣服没脱就跳入水中,把孩子救了上来。
(副词)4)He was extremely sorry for the shortness of time.他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。
(名词)5)I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task.我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的。
第十讲 正反、反正表达法
“反译” 的分类
词语的反译 语言差异决定的反译
1. 词语中的反译
a barren tract of land be at a loss be fatally ill safe and sound
不毛之地 不知所措 不可救药
with dignity
1. 词语中的反译
1.2英语原文使用了no, not等否定词
• The research group lost no time in carrying out their new plan. • 研究小组抓紧时间/争分夺秒执行了他们的 新计划。
2.1 英语原文带有显形否定词语、短语
• If you fail to prepare, • you prepare to fail. • 不认真准备,就准备不及格/失败吧。
2. 语言差异决定的反译
• 3)否定句译成肯定句 • I couldn’t feel better. • 我感觉好极了。
3.说 1.1 英语原文含有否定意义词缀的单词 1.2 英语原文使用了no, not等否定词 • 2、英语正说,反译成汉语反说 2.1 英语原文带有显形否定词语、短语 2.2 英语原文带有隐形否定词语、短语
• 点评:
• 英文句子中含有否定意义词缀的单词大多 数可以从正面着笔。如讲disorder不翻译 成“无序状态”,而翻译成“乱七八糟”, 两者意思一样,但从正面着笔更加顺畅。
1.1 英语原文含有否定意义词缀的单词
• Hitler’s undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with worldwide condemnation.
在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手:1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。
(形容词)He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。
(动词)Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。
He is the last man to come .他是最后来的。
He is the last person for such a job .他最不配干这个工作。
《中西文化对比》第五章 汉英翻译的九种技巧
Seek, seek; search, search; Cold, cold; bare, bare; Grief, grief; cruel, cruel grief. Now warm, then like the autumn cold again, How hard to calm the heart!
1. 重复法
1.汉语重复,英译时也重复; 2.根据两种语言各自的习惯用法,以不同的表达方式进
We have to analyze and solve problems.
7. Rain or shine, I’ll go there. 雨也罢,晴也罢,我都要去那。(使译文生动流畅)。
8.We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the
weather, of each other---of everything but our host and hostess. 我们谈到自己, 谈到前途, 谈到旅程, 谈到天气, 谈到彼此的情 况, ---谈到一切,只是不谈我们的男女主人。
1. 重复法 (repetition) 2. 增译法 (amplification) 3. 减译法 (omission) 4. 词类转移法 (conversion) 5. 词序调整法 (inversion) 6. 分译法 (division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法 (negation) 8. 语态 变换法 (the change of the voices) 9.修辞重现
16、Those who fear the influence of television deliberately underplay its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated. 那些害怕电视影响力的人故意贬低电视的说服 力,不希望电视影响社会的潜力得以广泛传播。
1、He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。 2、Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 3、My husband missed the last bus, so he had to go home on foot. 我丈夫没有赶上末班公共汽车,所以只好步 行回家。 4、In the high altitude snow and ice remain all year. 高海拔的地方,冰雪终年不化。
译文:The argument he put forward is pretty thin. (词) 例2:我们确信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。
译文:We are confident that the younger generation will prove worthy ofour trust. (短语)例3:他七十岁了,可是并不显老。
译文:He was 70, but he carried his years lightly. (句子)II.汉语从正面表达,译文从反面表达例1:他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
译文:He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. (词)例2:调查结果清清楚楚地显示病人死于心脏病。
译文:The investigation left no doubt that the patient had died of heartdisease.(短语)例3:这类举动迟早会被人觉察的。
译文:Such actions couldn’t long escape notice. (句子) III.特殊的否认句式例1:有利必有弊。
译文:There is not any advantage without disadvantage. (双重否认)例2:我们在那个城市从未因为是犹太人而遭受歧视。
译文:In that city, we had never suffereddiscrimination because we wereJews. (否认转移)二、分句、合句法I.分句法汉译英时,需要分译的句子多数是长句,或者是构造复杂的复句。
【译文】凡是活在世上的人都曾有过神仙般 的几段绝好时光。(双重否定表示强烈肯定)
例5:The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.
例6:He has no small chance of success.
例5:The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 【译文】我走在厚厚的地毯上一点儿声 音也没有。
例6:The pursuit of science withdraws interest from external things. 【译文】科学家由于致力于科学研究, 对外界事物总是不感兴趣。 例7: My guess is as good as yours. 【译文】我的猜测并不比你的高明。
课堂互动1: 翻译句子, 注意否定译肯定
1.Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 【译文】今天下午,学生统统要交上书面作业。 2.Styles come and go, but good taste is timeless. 【译文】文风随时在变,而文雅是永恒的。 3.All the articles are untouchable in the museum. 【译文】博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。 4. No one has nothing to offer to society. 【译文】人人对社会都有所贡献。(双重否定用 来表示强烈肯定)
The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天之内全国武装起来了。 The crew were trained at England. 机组成员是在英国进行训练的。 The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易做出的。
他毫无自私自利之心,我们大家都应当向他 学习。
拆副词 He was naturally proud of his son’s being enrolled into Qinghua University. 儿子考上清华大学他感到自豪,这是很自 然的。 The ancients tried unsuccessfully to explain eclipses. 古人试图解释日月蚀现象,但未能成功。
短语 The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war. 岛民发现自己远远没有做好战斗准备。 We believe that the younger generations will prove worthy of our trust.
拆形容词 Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of “selfreliance”.
毛主席在谈到他的“自力更生”政策时, 也许有些自豪感,这是可以理解的。 That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.
We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.
The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen with evil intent.
英语和汉语均有从正面或反面来表达一种 概念的现象。如果原文从反面表达直译出 来不合乎译语习惯,就可考虑从正面表达, 反之亦然。使用哪种方法,主要看译语表 达习惯及修辞效果而定。
拆句法:即将外位语结构改变成一个独立的句子或并 列分句。
健全自己身体,保持合理的规律生活,这 是自我修养的物质基础。(周恩来《我的 修养要则》)
Keep fit, lead a reasonable and regular life. This is the material basis for training.
外位语英译Байду номын сангаас习
高粱、玉米、黄豆,这些已经收割完了。 百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展
和科学进步的方针 靠山脚有一排用竹子搭成的草棚,这就是
三连的营房了。 钢盔、皮包、水壶、刺刀、剃胡刀、旅行
English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2006 by Wei Jianhua All Rights Reserved
excuse 对不起 lack 不足/没有 overlook 没有注意 refuse 不答应 hate 不喜欢
English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2006 by Wei Jianhua All Rights Reserved
little没有多少 ignorance 无知 in doubt 拿不准 refusal 不答应 out of place 不恰当/不在适当位置 absence 不在 anything but 概不/决不
miss 未赶上/未击中 fail 不及格/没有成功 ignore 不顾/不理 neglect 不注意 exclude 不包括 refrain from 忍不住… wonder 不知道 fancy 想不到 lose 抓不住 / 听不见/ 看不见
例: 1、The first bombs missed the target. 第一批炸弹没有击中目标。
1.The failure was the making of him. 这次不成功是他成功的基础。 2. The operation only just succeeded and it was fortunate that we had provided additional forces.
English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2006 by Wei Jianhua All Rights Reserved
(二)英译汉反说正译法:英语从反面表达, 汉语从正面表达
反正译是用变换语气的方法把原文的否定式译成 汉语的肯定式。翻译时运用这一方法可使译文自然 流畅。 英语中含有否定词语的结构和双重否定的结构常有 这种方法来解释。英语中表达否定意思的词或词组 指带有de-, dis-, im-, in-, un-, less-等词缀的词和 no, not, not…until, no less than, no more than, Nothing than, nothing but, cannot…too 等表示 否定的词或词组。
She is no less diligent than her sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。 Such things couldn’t long escape notice. 这类事情迟早会被人发觉的。 We did not notice this matter until yesterday. 直到昨天我们才注意到这件事。 We can not be too careful in doing experiments. 我们做实验越仔细越好。
(一)英译汉正说反译法:英语从正面表达, 汉语从反面表达
正反译是用变换语气的方法把原文的肯定式译成 汉语的否定式。翻译时运用这一方法可使译文合乎 汉语规范,更恰当地表达原文的意思。
例如, correct 可译成“没有毛病”,wonder可译成 “不知道”,exactly可译成“一点不错”,anythi but可译成“一点也不”等等。
Never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 I couldn’t agree more about it. 我对此非常赞同。 His story was nothing but lies. 他的那番话纯粹是谎言。 Our advice was not lost on him. 我们的劝告对他起了作用。 There is no rule but exceptions. 凡规则总有例外。 Don’t lose time in posting this letter.
正反、反正翻译法 ppt课件
The thought of returning to his native land never
deserted him.
归国的念头始终萦绕在他ppt课的件 心中。
He was an indecisive sort of person and always
would probably have been a success. • 如果他不发脾气,谈判很可能已经成功了。 • The mistake escaped me. • 我没注意到这个错误。
• (二)副词
• We may safely say so. • 我们这样说错不了。
• 在中文中,正面和反面表达主要是指是否
• 一、英语从正面表达,译文从反面表达 • (一)动词 • Such a chance was denied me. • 我没有得到这样一个机会。 • If he had kept his temper, the negotiation
carefully and cautiously as he does the unfamiliar.
1.It was said that someone had sown discord among them. 据说有人在他们中间挑拨离间。
Good winner, good loser. 胜不骄,败不馁。
7)译文:就在她打开包的时候,她有一个 念头:万一它们不灵验呢?(反-正) 8)译文:我没有得到这个机会。(正-反)
9)The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. 10)I only wish he was here himself, as I don't doubt he will be here at sunset tomorrow.
4. Noun 名词
20)He was extremely sorry for the shortness of time. 译文:他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。(正反) 21)Behave yourself during my absence译文:我不在时要规矩点。(正反)
22) This failure was the making of him. 译文:这次不成功是他成功的基础。(正反) 23)He showed a strong dislike for father’s business. 译文:他对他父亲的生意表现出强烈的厌 恶。(反-正)
49)You couldn’t turn on the television without seeing a woman demonstrating a lipstick.
译文: 你一打开电视机,准会看到一个女人在 演示涂唇膏。(反-正)
c. Partly negation
50)Not all minerals come from mines . 译文:并非所有矿物都来自矿山。(反-正) 51)Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 译文:不是两种物质都溶于水。(反-正) 52)All that glitters is not gold. 译文:闪光的不一定都是金子。(反-正)
第6章 正反、反正表达法
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Excuse me. He is above himself.
We can’t wait to meet you.
Keep off the grass.
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The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations. 虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。 The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. 调查结果清楚的说明病人死于癌症。 3)I only wish he was here himself,as I don‘t doubt he will be here at sunset tomorrow. 我希望他也在这里,我有把握,明天太阳下山 的时候,他就要来了。
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The scientist must approach the familiar just as carefully and cautiously as he does the unfamiliar. 科学家在处理熟知的事物时,必须像处理 陌生的事物一样小心谨慎。 He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
Affirmative & Negative Expressions in Translation
2. 增译法 (amplification) ⒉ 汉译英时的增词情况
汉译英也有增词法,称“词的增补”。概括起来,汉译英需要增补 的有下列9种情况。 ⑴汉语无主语视情况补出主语 例:接到你的来信,非常高兴。 I was very glad to have received your letter. 子曰:“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。” Confucius said: “He who learns without thinking is lost. He who thinks without learning remains puzzled.” ⑵增补物主代词 例:我用手蒙住脸。 I cover my face with my hands. ⑶增补作宾语的代词 按习惯,汉语常常可省略宾语,但英语里,凡及物动词都得有宾语。 例:请原谅,打断你一下。 Excuse me for interrupting you.
1. 重复法 (repetition) ⑴动词的重复 例:We shall overcome all the difficulties so long as we study hard and in a good way. 只要我们学习努力,而且学习得法,我们就能克服学习中 的困难。 ⑵名词的重复 例: We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 ⑶代词的重复 例: Wherever there is matter, there is motion. 哪里有物质,哪里就有运动。 ⑷关键词语的重复 ⑸应用汉语四字词语和重迭词 例: Nels had it all written out neatly. 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。
2. 增译法 (amplification) ⒈ 英译汉的增词情况 ⑴英语中的某些抽象名词、不及物动词或代词,若单独译出, 有时意思不够明确,可分别在其后增加“状态”、“工 作”、“过程”、“现象”、“方式”、“情况”、“作 用”、“部分”、“化”等词。 例:Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall show no irregularities and no interruptions. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。
Unit 12 翻译技巧--正反译法
IV. Double Negative for Emphasis 1. There is no rule that has no exception. 2. It never rains but it pours. 3. It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes. 4. I am not reluctant to accept your proposal. 5. Its significance and importance can never be overemphasized.
正如前面,所讲每一种语言都有自己独特的否 定方式。由于英、汉语之间存在着很大差别, 在翻译时可以根据英、汉语各自的特点及其表 达习惯等,进行正反互译, 即英语从正面表达, 汉语可以从反面翻译;英语从反面表达, 汉语 可以从正面翻译, 从而使译文符合译语的表达 习惯、达到强调或修辞的目的或准确地表达出 原文的精神风貌。
VII.Negation According to Usage
As the saying goes, “Men only weep when deeply hurt.” These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion. “Just to have a word with Wang. I won’t be long! ”
Don’t lose time in posting this letter. (短语) 赶快把这封信寄出去。 The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. (短语) 调查的结果清清楚楚说明病人死于癌症。 Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. (短语) 今天下午学生统统要交书面作业。 Such fights couldn’t long escape notice. 这类飞行迟早要会被人发觉的。 She saw at once that Phil was not all right. 她马上看到菲尓出了毛病。
例1:In the high altitude snow and ice remain all
the year. 【译文】海拔高的地方,冰雪常年不化。 例2:The explanation is pretty thin. 【译文】这个解释很不详细。 例3:Slips are scarcely avoidable when you’re
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正话反说,肯定译否定 英语中有一些句子,句式是肯定
句,意义却是否定的。可根据词句的 涵义,按汉语表达习惯,肯定译否定, 通顺自然,语言地道。
17 返回章重点 退出
例1:The window refuses to open. 【译文】窗户打不开。 例2:It is a wise father that knows his own child. 【译文】聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的儿子。
“it be +adj. +n.+ that” It is good workman that never blunders. 智者千虑,必有一失。 It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯,事必有变。
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例4: She refrained from laughing. 【译文】她忍住没有笑。 例5:The thick carpet killed the
他决不会说这样的话。 6. Haste makes waste.
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▪ 我们做鸡是对的? 我们做鸡正点耶~~ 我们就是做鸡的。 我们有做鸡的权利。 我们只做鸡的右半边 我们可以做鸡,对吧!! 我们行使了鸡的权利 我们只做右边的鸡...... 我们让鸡向右看齐 我们只做正确(正版)的鸡! 我们只做正确的 我们一定要把鸡打成右派!!!
WK 13 正反反正表达法
• Excuse me. • 对不起。 • (原文从正面表达,译文从反面表达。)
• “Don’t stop working,‖ he said. (反面表 达) • 他说,“继续干活吧。”(正面表达)
• He went into the insecure building.(反面表达) • 他走进那所危楼。 (正面表达,有强调的作用) • 他走进那所不安全的大楼。(反面表达,语气不 如上文强)
• 6.句子 • 1)Such flights couldn’t long escape notice. • 这类飞行迟早要会被人发觉的。 • 2)Ashurst saw at once that Phil was not all right. • 艾舍斯特马上看到菲尓出了毛病。
一、英语从正面表达,译文从反面表达 • 1.动词
• Such a chance denied me. • 我没有得到这样一个机会。
• The first bombs missed the target. • 第一批炸弹没有击中目标。
• The two teams tied. • 两队不分胜负。 • “If we lose our lives, then you’ll lose yours!‖ she said with a laugh. • 她笑着说:“如果我们的性命保不住的话, 那你的性命也保不住。”
• 5. 连接词
• I will not go unless I hear from him. • 如果他不通知我,我就不去。 • The guerillas would fight to death before they surrendered. • 游击队员宁愿战斗到死,而决不投降。
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Negation 作为一种翻译技巧,它主要指在翻译实践中,为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。
而语法中的Negation则译成“否定”,因为它是指下面四种语言现象:1.Full negative(完全否定);2. Absolute negative(绝对否定);3. Semi negative(部分否定) ;4. Words, or phrases, with negative implication(含否定意义的词或短语)。
1.I don’t think Tom is correct.我认为汤姆不对。
I don’t think Xiao Li will come tomorrow.(不译成:I think Xiao Li won’t come tomorrow.)3. A: Are you not going tomorrow?B. No, I’m not going.甲:你明天不去吗?乙:是的,我不去。
4. ①Africa is not kicking out Western Imperialism ②in order to invite other new masters.①非洲踢出西方帝国主义②并不是为了请进其他新的主子。
)5. The world today is far from peaceful.今天的世界还很不安宁。
(far from是一个形式上肯定而含有否定意义的短语或词组,所以要“正说反译”。
Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.7. 他尽力克服技术资料的不足。
He tries his best to overcome the lack of technical data.8. 窗户打不开。
The window refuses to open.9. 昨天他没准时到校。
Yesterday he failed to get to school on time.10. 他们不准小孩入内。
They excluded children (from) getting in. 11. 那座大楼处于无人管理的状态。
That building is in a state of neglect.12. 他常常心不在焉。
He’s often absent-minded.13. 干这事我力不胜任。
To do this beyond my ability.14. 雷锋的高尚行为是赞扬不尽的。
Lei Feng’s noble deeds are above all praise.15. 该做这工作的是我,而不是你。
I, rather than you, should do the work.16. 事实争相同你想的完全不同。
The truth is quite other than what you think.17. She refrained from laughing.她忍住了,没有发笑。
18. She was refused admittance by them.他们不许她进去。
19. An opportunity is not likely to repeat itself.良机难再。
20. 不辜负全国人民和全世界人民对我们的期望。
Live up to the expectations of our own people and the people throughout the world.21. 工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。
Slips are scarcely avoidable when you’re new to your work.22. 任何事物都有两点,说只有一点叫知其一不知其二。
There are two aspects to everything; to say there is only one is to be aware of one aspect and to be ignored of the other.23. 在技术方面,我看大部分首先要照办,因为那些我们现在还没有,还不懂,学了比较有利。
In technology, I think first we have to follow others in most cases, and it is better for us to do so, since that is what we are lacking at present and know little about.24. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。
The meeting were marked by such an absence of lively discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up.25. 使用按键,勿用力过猛。
avoid operating the keys roughly.26. 科学家们在会上庄严地保证说:“我们决不辜负党对我们的期望。
”The scientists made a solemn pledge at the conference, saying,“ We’ll for ever live up to what our Party expects of us.”27. The evidence is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt.证据确凿,毋庸置疑。
28. 那里的县委不了解下情。
The County Party Committee there is ignorant of conditions atthe lower levels.29. 那家伙很不老实。
The fellow is far from being honest.30. 那城市及其周围的地方是不冻港和无核区。
The city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nuclear-weapon-free zone.31. 栾平呆立着,回答不出杨子荣的一系列问题。
Luan Ping stood still, trying vainly (in vain) to answer the battery of questions Yang Zirong raised.32. Mr. White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country.怀特先生并没有对该国的政变发表正式评论。
33. That served to strengthen instead of weaken our determination (or: That strengthened, rather than weakened, our determination.)那件事没有削弱我们的决心,反倒增加了我们的决心。
34. But for the workers’ help, we should not have succeeded in this experiment.没有工人们的帮助,我们这个实验便不会成功。
35. All that glitters is not gold. (or: All is not gold that glitters.)正译:闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。
36. “All is not lost.” –John Milton(约翰•密尔顿说过:)并非全失。
”)37. George Bernard Shaw once said,“All criminals are not murderers.”乔治•萧伯纳曾说:“罪犯并非全是杀人犯。
”)38. But all men are not born to reign.并非人人生来都是作帝王的。
39. All graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work.外语院校的毕业生并非人人被分配去做翻译工作。
40. All that flatter you too much are not faithful friends.捧你的人并非都是你的忠实朋友。
41. Both children are not clever.正译:并非两个孩子都聪明。
一般说来,双重否定等于肯定(否定之否定等于肯定:Two noes make a yes.),但作为一种粗俗英语或亚标准英语,一直被以英语为母语的人们,特别是英语国家的不少劳动人民在使用,表示强调否定之义。
这种双重否定的语言现象在不少书中,如马克•吐温的The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn一书中使用得很多。
1.We never thought of nothing wrong.正译:我们从来没想到有什么错误。
(正规英语为We never thought of anything wrong.)误译:我从来没想到了有错误。