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How much do I owe you?我该付多少钱?

How much do you charge for…?要卖多少钱?

How much do you ask for it?这个你要卖多少钱?

How much does it cost?这个要多少钱?

How much,please?请问要多少钱?

What do you charge for it?这个你卖多少钱?

What does it come to?一共多少钱?

What does it cost?这个要卖多少钱?

What's it worth?这值多少钱?


It costs…这个要……

It sells…这个卖……

The price depends on the quality.按质论价。

The price is marked on the tag,sir.价格就标在牌子上,先生。

They're 5 dollars each.每个5美元。


Do you have anything ready-made that will fit me?你有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗?

I could also do with some aspirin.我还可以买些阿司匹林。

I wonder if you have any good bikes.不知你们有没有优质自行车。

I'm after a pair of glasses.我想买副眼镜。


What can I show you?您要买什么?

What material do you have in mind,sir?先生,你想要什么料子的?

What style do you prefer?您喜欢什么式样的?

How long would I have to wait for it?我得等多久才能买到呢?

Is this meat just in?这肉是刚进的货吗?

Could you advise me what kind of shoes fit me best?你能不能指点我,哪种鞋我穿最合适?


All out now.全售完了。

I can do the size,but not the color.我们有这尺寸,但没有这颜色。

I'm afraid we are out of them today.今天恐怕没有货了。

Sorry,but we don't have that in your size.对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。We may get a supply tomorrow.我们明天可以供应。


Have you anything that doesn't cost so much?价格不那么贵的你们有吗? How about showing me some samples?给我看一些样品好吗?

It's a bit too loud.这个有点俗。

It's a bit too small on me.这个我穿着太小了一点。

Pick me out a good piece,please.请给我挑一个好的。

Yellow becomes me.黄色同我很相称。


How do you sell the water melons? 这些西瓜怎么卖?

How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers?这束花你要卖多少钱?

How much do you ask for it?这个你要卖多少钱?

How much does the bill come to?这帐单一共多少钱?

What's the price of the apples?这苹果的价格是多少?


It sells at 2.5 pounds a bottle.这卖2.5英镑一瓶。

It's priced at 100 dollars.这个定价为100美元。

It's sold by the yard.这是按码出售的。

The price depends on the quality.按质论价。


Can you come down a bit?

Can you sell it for 3 pounds?3英镑你卖吗?

That's a bit more than I wanted to pay.这比我想出的价钱高了一点。The price is not reasonable.这价格不公道。

I'll mett you half way.我让一半。

It's a real bargain.这是真正的便宜货。

It's our standard price.这是我们的标准价格。How much would you like it to be?您想出多少钱?
