TL52065E泡沫橡胶弹性体 密封材料中文版

ASTM D1056_C

弹性泡沫材料—海绵橡胶和发泡橡胶的标准规范此标准下发在固定指定D 1056年上;紧跟指定之后的数字表示初始的指定年份或者是修改的指定年份,括号中的数字表示上次批准的年份,上标希腊字母的第五个字表示自前次修改或批准所做的编辑上的改变。
1、范围1.1 此规范适用于弹性泡沫橡胶产品如海绵橡胶和发泡橡胶,但不适用于泡沫乳胶和硬质泡沫橡胶。
1.2 对于切割标准试件,通过这些方法对尺寸太小的推挤型或模压型分类或测试有些困难,因此,通常情况下需要特殊的测试程序。
1.4 国际单位制中的值视为标准值。
1.5 下面的安全危险警告仅适合此规范的测试方法部分:此标准的目的不是要提出所有安全问题,即便是,也是与使用有关。
2、参考文件2.1 美国材料实验协会标准:D 395测试方法橡胶特性—压缩形变D 412测试方法硬化橡胶、热塑性橡胶和热塑性人造橡胶—紧缩D 471测试方法橡胶特性—液体影响D 573测试方法橡胶—在烤箱中的老化D 575测试方法橡胶压缩特性D 832测试方法橡胶低温条件测试D 1171测试方法橡胶老化—室内外表面臭氧裂化(三角试样)D 3182实践橡胶—材料,器具,标准化合物混合步骤和标准硬化片准备步骤D 3183实践橡胶—准备产品测试部分2.2 ISO标准ISO 6916-1 弹性泡沫聚合材料:海绵和发泡泡沫橡胶产品—规范表1部分3、术语3.1 定义—看术语D 8833.2 此标准具体定义3.2.1 泡沫材料—发泡(开孔、闭孔或半孔)而且孔完全分散的材料通称。

KonzernnormDescriptors:cover, nonwoven, needle-punched nonwoven, needle web, light resistant,Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Page 2TL 520 69: 2004-03D3.3 AppearanceThe nonwoven material shall not fray at the cut edges during processing and in later use. The material must be flexible enough to conform to the curves (radii) inside the car without forming cracks or folds.The material must not become sticky either at room temperature or at +90 °C, and the impregnation must not become brittle at temperatures down to -40 °C.The material must also be resistant to mold fungus in a moist heat climate.compatibility3.4 PhysiologicalThe nonwoven material must be physiologically safe and must not induce skin irritation (e.g., due to fine fiber dust) or produce objectionable odors.Substances that are emitted at elevated temperatures must be toxicologically safe.3.5 Identification according to VDA 260Decorative nonwoven material: >PP+SBR<Application of adhesive (where used): >PA<3.6 IdentificationAccording to drawing.3.7 ConditioningPrior to testing, the specimens must be conditioned for at least 48 h in the DIN 50014 − 23/50-2 standard climate.3.8 Evaluation of the measuring resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.Page 3TL 520 69: 2004-03D 4 PropertiesSee Table 1Table 1No.Property Unit RequirementType withoutindexType A Type B1Material and structure Nonwovenmade of 100%polypropylenefibers, spin dyed,quality 1 a;bonding usingneedle-punchingand backimpregnation.The top side mustexhibit a nappystructure or afleecy characteraccording to theoriginal sample.Nonwoven made of100% polypropylene fibers in6.7 dtex, spin dyed; bonding using needle-punching andback impregnation.The surface must exhibita velour-type finish (dilour quality) according to the original sample. In order to avoid inhomogeneities on the surface of the nonwoven fabric-covered components,the needle-punched nonwoven surface must always be shorn.The fiber material must be light-resistant,so that sufficient resistance to color changeand abrasion is ensured.Bleed-through of the bonding agent is not permitted.1.1Adhesive coating--The backcan be adhesive-coated acc. tothe release.2Color and surface structure Acc. to released sample3Weight per unit area,see Section 5.13.1Overall structure(without adhesive)g/m210050550+−10050470+−10050390+−3.2Nonwoven fabric g/m2≥ 420≥ 320≥ 270 3.3Back impregnation g/m2≥ 80≥ 100≥ 70 3.4Adhesive coating of the back g/m2--≥ 100 4Thickness mm4.0 ± 0.5 2.5 ± 0.5 5Tear strengthper 5 cm specimen width5.1Lengthwise N≥ 450≥ 4005.2Crosswise N≥ 550≥ 2506Elongation at tear,see Section 5.26.1Lengthwise%≥ 406.2Crosswise%≥ 40Page 4TL 520 69: 2004-03DNo.Property Unit RequirementType withoutindexType A Type B7Tear propagation strengthper 5 cm specimen width,see Section 5.37.1Lengthwise N≥ 407.2Crosswise N≥ 408Abrasion characteristics,see Section 5.48.1Behavior after 1,000 revolutions8.1.1Weight loss g≤ 0.18≤ profile The napped structure or fleece layer must not beabraded down to the back coating at any point.Uniform fading according to gray-scale level 2.5as per DIN EN 20105-A02 is permissible.9Behavior after xenon arc light agingacc. to Test Specification PV 1303Exposure periods: 109.1Colorfastness to light Gray-scale level ≥ 4 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A02.Color shift is not permitted.9.2LightfastnessAbrasion behavior after300 Crockmeter strokesagainst dry rubbing cloth,see Section 5.5Practically no napping or fleece abrasion; slighttrace of abrasion corresponding to the original sample is permissible.Substrate material shall not be visible.10Colorfastness to water10.1Filter paper test,see Section 5.6Gray-scale level 5 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A0310.2Aging of a nonwoven strip halfsubmerged in deionized water After one hour of water immersion and subsequent drying, there must be no noticeable color change.11Colorfastness to abrasion11.1Rotary abrasion test,see Section 5.7Gray-scale level 5 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A03; gray-scale level 4.5 is permissible.11.2Crockmeter testacc. to PV 390620 strokes againstmoist nettle cloth Gray-scale level 5 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A03; gray-scale level 4.5 is permissible.12Dimensional change after 1 h waterimmersion followed by 24 h at +90 °Caging in mechanically circulated air andacclimatization,see Section 5.812.1Measured wet12.1.1Lengthwise%-0.5 to +0.5 12.1.2Crosswise%-0.5 to +0.5 12.2After aging at elevatedtemperature andacclimatization12.2.1Lengthwise%-1.0 to +1.0 12.2.2Crosswise%-0.5 to +0.5Page 5TL 520 69: 2004-03D5 Notes on testing5.1 Weight per unit areaTest according to DIN EN 29073-1 with 100-cm2 round specimens.5.2 Elongation at tearTest according to DIN EN 29073-3; traverse speed v =100 mm/min; free clamping length (measurement length) 100 mm.5.3 Tear propagation strengthTest according to DIN 53859-4; traverse speed v =100 mm/min; the mean value (ξ) of the 10 points of intersection in the load/displacement curve shall be designated as the tear propagation strength.characteristics5.4 AbrasionTest according to PV 3908, contact pressure 9.81 N.behavior5.5 AbrasionCrockmeter test according to PV 3906.At least 1 specimen shall be tested per direction after the xenon arc light aging; possible bleeding of the rubbing cloth is not evaluated.5.6 Filter paper testA piece of filter paper (Schleicher & Schüll Blauband 5893), previously immersed in deionized water, shall be placed on a section of nonwoven fabric of approx. (50 x 50) mm; these together shall then be loaded for 1 h with 5 kg between two glass plates.Page 6TL 520 69: 2004-03D5.7 Rotary abrasion testRound specimens of 100 cm2 shall be abraded against undyed nettle cloth with the Schopper machine.Specimen curvature 5 mmAbrasion surface50 cm2Contact pressure9.81 NRevolutions1000Size ofnettle cloth specimen approx. (20 x 9.5) cmThe nettle cloth specimen shall be clamped into the holding fixture on the test machine together with a similar size wool felt pad according to TL 380. Nettle cloth corresponding to ECE cotton fabric according to DIN EN ISO 105-X12.5.8 Aging in water and at elevated temperaturesTest according to SAE J 883, but at +90 °C.A nonwoven fabric section of at least (300 x 300) mm is aged in water for 1 h at room temperature; after the water is allowed to drip off, it is dried for 24 h in mechanically circulated air at +90 °C and subsequently acclimatized for 24 h in the DIN 50014 – 23/50-2 standard climate.5.9 Behavior upon treatment with petroleum etherSpecial boiling point spirit according to DIN 51631-2Page 7TL 520 69: 2004-03D standards*)6 ReferencedTL 380Wool Felt for Testing Purposes; Material RequirementsTL 1010Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Flammability, Material RequirementsPV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment ComponentsPV 3906Non-Metallic Planar Fabrics; Testing of Abrasion BehaviorPV 3908Textiles, Carpets; Wear ResistanceVW 011 55Vehicle Supply Parts, General; Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 501 80Components in Passenger Compartment; Emission BehaviorVW 911 01Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN 50014Climates and their Technical Application; Standard AtmospheresDIN 51631-2Mineral Spirits – Special Boiling Point Spirits – RequirementsDIN 53859-4Testing of Textiles; Tear Growth Test on Textile Fabrics, Nonwoven Textiles DIN EN 20105-A02Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness – Part A02: Grey Scale for Assessing Change in ColourDIN EN 20105-A03Textiles; Tests for Color Fastness, Part A03: Grey Scale for Assessing StainingDIN EN 29073-1Textiles; Test Method for Nonwoven Fabrics; Part 1: Determination of Mass Per Unit AreaDIN EN 29073-3Textiles; Test Method for Nonwoven Fabrics; Part 3: Determination of Tensile Strength And ElongationDIN EN ISO 105-X12Textiles; Tests for Color Fastness; Color Fastness to RubbingSAE J 883Test Method For Determining Dimensional StabilityVDA 260Bauteile von Kraftfahrzeugen; Kennzeichnung der Werkstoffe (Automotive Components, Identification of Materials; only available in German)*)In this section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。

汽车设计-汽车密封条用TPV材料性能要求规范模板XXXX发布汽车密封条用TPV材料性能要求规范1 范围本规范规定了汽车密封条用热塑性弹性体(TPV)材料的性能要求和试验方法。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 528-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定GB/T 531.1-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶压入硬度试验方法第1部分:邵氏硬度计法(邵氏硬度)GB/T 1033.1-2008 塑料非泡沫塑料密度的测定第1部分:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法GB/T 1682-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定单试样法GB/T 2941-2006 橡胶物理试验方法试样制备和调节通用程序GB/T 3512-2001 硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶热空气加速老化和耐热试验GB/T 7759-1996 硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶常温、高温和低温下压缩永久变形测定GB/T 7762-2003 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐臭氧龟裂静态拉伸试验GB/T 19243-2003 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与有机物接触污染的试验方法3 材料性能要求3.1 原料外观热塑性弹性体(TPV)为颗粒状材料,颗粒尺寸均匀,不允许夹带机械杂质。
3.2 制品外观制品表面有光泽、色泽均匀,无飞边和毛刺,不允许出现杂质和缺料等缺陷。
3.3 材料性能热塑性弹性体(TPV)材料性能应符合表1的规定。
表1 热塑性弹性体(TPV)材料性能要求4 试验方法4.1 试样环境调节和试验的标准环境按照GB/T 2941-2006,样条在(23±2)℃、(50±5)%湿度环境下至少存放24h,并要求测试时室温条件与此一致。
4.2 硬度按照GB/T 531.1-2008规定的方法,将厚度不小于6mm,上下平行的试片放在邵氏A型硬度计上,在试片上取间距不少于6mm,与试验边缘的距离均不小于12mm的三点进行测量,取测定值的平均值为实验结果。

1产品安全信息说明书1. 产品识别品名:ENDUR ®异戊二烯弹性体产品(含 A714, A731, A732, A733, A734, A746, A7413, A7415, A7512)HMIS 分级:H 1 F 1 R 0用途:Floats制表日期:04/05/2011公司/进行识别:Rogers Corporation One Technology Drive P.O. Box 188Rogers, CT 06263-0188 Phone: 001-860-774-9605 Fax: 001-860-779-5778Email:******************************化学品运输紧急应变中心: 800-424-9300 (美国& 加拿大)703-527-3887 (国际– 对方付费电话)2. 危害识别材料分类: NE 标签要求: NE过度暴露效应: 会引起暂时性眼睛刺激。
吸入: 移至空气新鲜处,并寻求医疗救助。
眼睛接触: 用大量清水冲洗眼睛并寻求医疗救助。
皮肤接触: 用肥皂和清水彻底洗净。
食入: 不是可能的暴露途径。
慢性: NE3 成分信息化学品名称 CAS 号欧洲现有商业化学物质名录 /欧洲新化学物质名录含量(%) OSHA 容许接触限值 阈限值欧盟分类氧化锌 1314-13-2 <15 5 mg/m 3 (粉尘) 2 mg/m 3(粉尘) 3 mg/m 3(粉尘) 二氧化硅 63231-67-4<105 mg/m 3 5 mg/m 3 5 mg/m 3硫磺7704-34-9<15 mg/m 3 (可吸入粉尘)5 mg/m 3(可吸入粉尘)NE该材料是根据20CFR1910.1200规定说生产,因此无危害沟通标准。
TL_52065_EN 由多孔橡胶制成的弹性体密封材料物料需求

Group standardTL 52065Issue 2017-02Class. No.:55164Descriptors:elastomer, elastomer seal, sealing material, seal, elastomer sealing material, cellular rubber, CR,EPDM, SBR, NR, damping materialElastomer Sealing Material Made of Cellular Rubber Material Requirements2 types: without suffix; A Previous issuesTL 52065: 1980-03, 1982-06, 1993-03, 2004-04, 2010-05, 2010-11ChangesThe following changes have been made to TL 52065: 2010-11:–Technical responsibility updated–Section 3.1 "Basic requirements": Required test panels expanded–Table 1 updated (emission behavior, flammability, shrinkage, etc. expanded)–Section 5.8 "Paint indifference", Section 5.11 "Shrinkage", and Section 5.12 "Water absorp‐tion" expanded–Section 5.9 "Sealing behavior": "Radius" changed to "inner radius" to be more precise –Additional content-related and editorial changes ScopeThis Technical Supply Specification (TL) specifies the material requirements for elastomer sealing material made of cellular rubber for molded or extruded products or damping material.DesignationExample designation for a product made of chloroprene rubber as per TL 52065:CR as per TL 52065, black, resistant to heat aging at 80 °C, water-resistant, ozone-resistant, paintindifferent, plastic deformation, compression stress (8.0 ±1.0) N/cm 212Always use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 9All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2015-07dPage 2TL 52065: 2017-02Requirements Basic requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.The following are required for complete testing:–Sealing material or profile measuring 3 m in length– 3 test panels in standard paper size DIN A4, thickness: 2 mm (does not apply to sealing pro‐files)– 1 test panel in DIN A4 size, thickness: 6 mm (does not apply to sealing profiles)–2 test panels in DIN A4 size, thickness: at least 25 mmTypes–TL 52065Closed-cell rubber without skin –TL 52065-AClosed-cell rubber with skinEvaluation of the measurement resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.MaterialPolymer-based cellular rubbers CR, NR, SBR, EPDM, etc., and/or compounds of such polymers,as per the drawing in each case.AppearanceA cross-sectional evaluation must show that the material has a uniform cellular structure and is free of processing flaws such as cavities, inclusions, or broken cell walls.If, for example, the cells are sealed to the outside, the sealing must have a uniform bond and a flawless surface texture. In the as-received condition and after all aging processes are performed,the sealing must not tear open when subjected to light pressure. Blisters, dents, etc. are not per‐missible.Test setupAs per drawing ColorBlack Pore diameter ≤ 0.5 mm3 3.13.2 3.3 3.8Page 3TL 52065: 2017-02Emission behaviorOnly if emission behavior as per VW 50180 is required in the drawing (for vehicle interior compo‐nents only)Ignition residue as per Test Specification PV 3927 (thermogravimetry)As per released sample PropertiesSee table 1.Table 13.9 3.104Page 4TL 52065: 2017-02Page 5TL 52065: 2017-02Notes on testingTensile strength and elongation at tearWhen calculating the surface area to determine tensile strength values, the cell density of the ma‐terial is ignored.–Product as per TL 52065:Specimen:Preferably dumb-bell specimen S 2 as per DIN 53504Specimen thickness:approx. 5 mm–Product as per TL 52065-A:Specimen:Depending on the component dimensions, dumb-bell specimen S 2 or S 3A as per DIN 53504Specimen thickness:approx. 2 mmAging in airAging processes take place in a forced-air oven as per DIN 53508.Aging period:46 h Test temperature:70 °CMeasurements are taken after 15 min acclimatization at (23 ±2) °C.5 5.15.2Page 6TL 52065: 2017-02Heat agingOnly if "resistant to heat aging" is required in the drawing.Aging processes take place in a forced-air oven as per DIN 53508.Test temperature:As per drawingMeasurements are taken after 30 min acclimatization at (23 ±2) °C.Aging in waterOnly if "water-resistant" is required in the drawing.Aging processes take place in 400 cm 3 of deionized water in forced-air ovens as per DIN 53508.Test temperature:80 °CThe specimens must be completely covered with water during the aging process.Measurements are taken after 30 min acclimatization at (23 ±2) °pression stressOnly if "compression stress" is required in the drawing.Minimum specimen size:50 mm × 50 mm × 25 mm Evaluation of compression stress:At 40% compression Deformation rate:100 mm/minPlastic deformationTest based on DIN EN ISO 1856.Deviation:Specimen thickness as per sampleCalculation of results as per formula (1)Plastic deformation (%) =(h 0 - h 2)(h 0 - h 1)× 100Legend h 0Height of the specimen in state without load h 1Height of the specimen in compressed state h 2Height of the specimen after removing the load(1)Compression:By 25% of the initial height or as per drawing Aging processes take place in a forced-air oven as per DIN 53508.Test temperature:As per drawingMeasurements are taken after 2 h acclimatization at (23 ±2) °C.Low-temperature behaviorAdhesive tape is wound around the ends of the specimens prior to aging; in the case of very short specimens, the ends are clamped in pliers.5.3 7TL 52065: 2017-02After completion of the aging period, the specimens are folded with a swift movement until the in‐side surfaces come into contact with one another.Paint indifferenceOnly if "paint-indifferent" is required in the drawingIn the case of vulcanized specimens, the specimens must be tested within the period between 16 h and 3 months after vulcanization.For this test, specimens (approx. 10 mm × 40 mm) are sampled and placed between two painted metal panels (painted with Volkswagen body paint, color: "pure white") in such a way that an edge of at least 20 mm remains uncovered in each specimen. In the case of several specimens, the min‐imum distance between them is 40 mm. In order to maintain even contact between the specimens and the metal panels, the whole setup is pressed together, for example using load weights, in such a way that a contact-surface pressure of 5 kPa to 10 kPa (equivalent to 0.5 N/cm 2 to 1.0 N/cm 2)results.The specimen setup is aged in a forced-air oven as per DIN 53508 at (70 ±2) °C for (24 ±2) h. The panels are then irradiated under an ultraviolet (UV) light, with a filter to absorb the radiation with wavelengths shorter than 280 nm, for 1 h, with an intensity of irradiation of 1 kW/m 2. The panels are visually evaluated as to whether discoloration of the contact surface and/or surrounding discol‐oration has occurred.Sealing behaviorA specimen section measuring approx. 250 mm in length is bent into a U shape with an inner radi‐us of r = 50 mm between two 10-mm-thick plexiglass plates and compressed by 30% of the initial thickness.After a hold time of 22 h at (23 ±2) °C, the trough formed by the specimen section when the plates are upright is filled to a height of 20 mm with deionized water. The water is dyed beforehand using a neutral organic dye.Over a period of 96 h at (23 ±2) °C, the sealing behavior is evaluated every 24 h.At least 3 specimens must be tested.Sealing behavior during heat and humidity agingSpecimens mounted as per section 5.9 are aged for 96 h at 70 °C and 100% relative humidity.1 h after removal, the trough formed by the specimen section is filled to a height of 20 mm with dyed water.Over a period of 96 h at (23 ±2) °C, the sealing behavior is evaluated every 24 h.At least 3 specimens must be tested. 8TL 52065: 2017-02ShrinkageOnly if "shrinkage" is required in the drawing.Minimum specimen size:50 mm × 50 mm × 25 mmCompression:Like installed condition or 25% of the initial height Temperature and time aging:24 h at 90 °C and then 24 h at 23 °CWater absorptionAging processes take place in approx. 400 cm 3 of deionized water.Test temperature:23 °C Aging period:24 hThe specimens must be completely covered with water during the aging process.Calculation of results as per formula (2).Change in weight after aging (%) =m 1 – m 0m 0× 100Legend m 0Weight on delivery m 1Weight after aging(2)Applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Xenon Arc Light Aging of Vehicle Interior Com‐ponentsPV 3927Thermogravimetric Analysis for Plastics and Elastomers; Determination:Plasticizers, Carbon BlackPV 3929Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Dry, Hot Climate PV 3930Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Moist, Hot ClimateTL 1010Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements VW 01155Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes VW 2.8.1Elastomers; Materials Requirements and Testing VW 50180Components in the Vehicle Interior; Emission Behavior VW 50185Vehicle Parts; Resistance to Open-Air WeatheringVW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operat‐ing Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances5.11 5.126Page 9TL 52065: 2017-02 DIN 53504Testing of rubber - determination of tensile strength at break, tensilestress at yield, elongation at break and stress values in a tensile test DIN 53508Testing of rubber - Accelerated ageingDIN EN 20105-A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessingchange in colourDIN EN ISO 1183-1Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics -Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration meth‐odDIN EN ISO 1856Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of compression set DIN EN ISO 3386-1Polymeric materials, cellular flexible - Determination of stress-straincharacteristics in compression - Part 1: Low-density materialsDIN EN ISO 3386-2Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of stress-straincharacteristics in compression - Part 2: High-density materials。

更改:相对于TL 520 35:1999-05作了以下修改:-对TL进行了修订-更改了材料代码-更新了引用标准较早的版本1976-12;1993-03;1999-051 适用范围本供货技术条件规定了三种类型的PP/EPDM/PE-聚合物混合物成品件的材料要求(见3.3节)。
2 标记法含有10%滑石粉添加剂的类型的标记示例:PP/EPDM/PE-聚合物混合物,含10%滑石粉添加剂,按照TL 520 35-B。
3 要求3.1 基本要求首批供货和更改的批准按照VW 011 55。
排放特性按照VW 501 80(只有当图纸有此要求时)。
大气曝晒试验按照VW 501 85.有害物质的避免按照VW 911 01。
3.2 特性成品件的表面和内部不得有诸如渗化线、缩孔、裂纹以及其它类似的缺陷部位和制造缺陷。
3.3 类型-TL 520 35 PP/EPDM/PE-聚合物混合物,在+230C时弯曲强度≥18N/mm2。
-TL 520 35-A PP/EPDM/PE-聚合物混合物,在+230C时弯曲强度≥27N/mm2。
-TL 520 35-B PP/EPDM/PE-聚合物混合物,含10%滑石粉添加剂,或PP/EPDM-聚合物混合物,含10%滑石粉添加剂3.4 按照VDA 260的材料代码-TL 520 35和TL 520 35-A: >PP+EPDM+PE<-TL 520 35-B:>PP+EPDM+PE-TD10<或>PP+EPDM-TD10<3.5 制造工艺注塑工艺3.6 测量结果的评定所要求的数值适用于每次单独的测量。
3.7 试验日期成品件应至少在生产14天后才能用于试验。
3.8 材料见5.1节。
-TL 520 35和TL 520 35-A PP/EPDM/PE聚合物混合物,着色,耐热老化和紫外线照射-TL 52035-B PP/EPDM/PE聚合物混合物,可选PP/EPDM聚合物混合物,添加滑石粉,着色,耐热老化和紫外线照射3.9 色调按照图纸。
热塑性弹性体 命名和缩略语-最新国标

热塑性弹性体命名和缩略语1 范围本文件确立了以聚合物和相关聚合物的化学组成为基础的热塑性弹性体的命名体系,规定了用于在工业、商业和政府中识别热塑性弹性体的符号和缩略语。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
ISO 1043-1 塑料符号和缩略语第1部分:基础聚合物及其特征性能(Plastics—Symbols and abbreviated terms—Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics)注:GB/T 1844.1—2022 塑料符号和缩略语第1部分: 基础聚合物及其特征性能(ISO 1043-1:2011,MOD)ISO 1629 橡胶和胶乳命名法(Rubbers and latices—Nomenclature)注:GB/T 5576—XXXX 橡胶和胶乳命名法(ISO 1629:2013,MOD)3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
3.1热塑性弹性体thermoplastic elastomerTPE聚合物或聚合物混合物,其使用温度下的性能与硫化橡胶相似,同时也可像热塑性塑料一样在高温下进行加工和再加工。
注:T PE是ISO 1382和ISO 472规定的弹性体。
4 命名体系4.1 前缀 TP 是用于表示热塑性弹性体的缩略语,后面应跟一个代表每个热塑性弹性体类别的字母,详见第 5 章。

第6页 VW2.8.1:2007-03
耐触媒质 试验温度单位:℃ (误差要求见图纸) 试验媒质
质量 识别号
试验指导 见章节
油脂 (70±3)
钙锂油 按照标准
锂油 按照标准
TL 735
根据图纸 说明的油
冷却剂 (135±
3) 冷却剂添 加物按照 标 准 TL
774 S
耐光性和 耐气候性
耐触介质 试验温度单位:℃ (误差要求见图纸) 试验介质
质量 识别 号 1
3 3.1 3.2 3.2.1
3.2.2 4 4.1 5
5.1 5.2
5.3 6 6.1
热量分析,成分% PV 3927 和/或气体色谱法质谱 仪作为鉴定试验 密度单位:g/cm3, DIN EN ISO 1183-1 硬度按肖氏 A, DIN 53505 交货情况的最佳硬度 供货变动 热老化后,给出要求温度, DIN53508 在接触介质中放置后 重量变化百分比% 在接触介质中放置后 抗拉强度,单位:N/mm DIN 53504 在交货时的情况 热老化后,给出要求的温度, DIN 53508 在接触介质中放置后 断裂张力,%,DIN53504 在交货时的情况
仅在图纸上有补充写了“回弹>…%” 的情况下要求。
DIN 53512
DIN IEC 60167
仅在图纸上有补充写了“自动涂油”的情况下要 求。
卡夫特 K-5202 有机硅胶粘剂安全数据表说明书

SDS .安全数据表卡夫特 K-52022018. 01.01更新 V002.2016.01安全数据表Safety Data SheetSDS :K-5202修订日期: 2018.01.01 根据GB/T 16483-2008 版本:V002.2016.01文件编号SDS No.: SDSK5202V002201601N1 最初发布日期:2018.01.01Section 1 : 化学品及企业标识化学品中文名称: 卡夫特K-5202 有机硅胶粘剂 推荐用途及限制: 有机硅胶粘剂企业名称:广东恒大新材料科技有限公司地址:广东省惠州市龙丰共联都田工业区 516001 电话:************ 传真:************ 电子邮件:******************应急电话: 86-532-838890990Section 2 : 危险性概述目Section 3 : 成份/组成信息一般描述: 混合物根据GB 13690-2009之成分说明:像形图:警示词:: 警告危险性描述: 非危险物质或混合物。
预防措施: P261避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。
事故响应:P302+ P352如果在皮肤上:用大量肥皂和水清洗。
P304 + P340如果吸入:将患者转移到空气新鲜处休息,保持呼吸舒畅的姿势。
P305+ P351+ P338如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。
存储说明: P403+ P233存放在通风良好的地方。
化学名称CAS No. 含量 W %GHS 分类液体聚硅氧烷63148-60-7 36 不作为危险品管理。
甲基三(乙基甲基酮肟基)硅烷导热粉 22984-54-91344-28-1 8 52 H315造成皮肤刺激 H318造成严重眼损伤 H330吸入致命H335可能引起呼吸道刺激。
氨基硅烷 5089-72-5 4H319造成严重眼刺激 H315造成皮肤刺激。
GMW 15473_空气、灰尘、噪音和水密封用柔性发泡橡胶_TL 试验测试标准

通用汽车 世界工程标准弹性体材料标准GMW15473空气、灰尘、噪音和水密封用柔性发泡橡胶© 版权2007 所有权归通用汽车公司1适用范围本标准描述了用于诸如空气、灰尘和水密封件和垫圈的柔性发泡橡胶材料要求。
1.1 材料描述。
种类Ⅰ的发泡橡胶材料用于空气、灰尘和隔音,无需通用汽车材料档案(MATSPC )的批准。
种类Ⅱ的发泡橡胶材料必须满足本标准3.18中关于水密封的要求,并须得到MATSPC 的批准。
1.1.1此类材料按照3.3描述的压缩形变的范围进行分类型如下:• 类型 I < 5.00 kPa (只针对种类Ⅰ) • 类型 II 5.00-21.00 kPa • 类型 III 21.01-48.00 kPa • 类型 IV 48.01-97.00 kPa • 类型 V 97.01-172.00 kPa • 类型 VI 172.01-276.00 kPa1.1.2某些应用可能需要使用粘结剂,如果使用粘结剂(ADH ),需要在基本规格和类型编号后加上ADH 后缀。
1.1.3另有内饰零件需要耐磨擦的涂层(CO )来减少基材和密封间的摩擦,当使用此类涂层时,在基本规格、种类和类型编号后加上CO 后缀。
1.4.1 标明材料,如腈基橡胶,乙丙橡胶(EPDM ),聚氯乙烯(PVC )等。
1.4.2标明密度和公差1.4.3如果使用粘结剂或者耐磨涂层,指明ADH 和CO 后缀。
1.4.4 指明应用范围,如内饰、外饰、发动机舱,因为不同的使用区域需进行不同的试验。
2 参考目录说明: 除非特别指明,否则只能引用最新的获得批准的标准或规范。

2001年6月成品用玻璃成品用玻璃纤维增强的纤维增强的PA6.6材料技术要求TL520 62 标准中心55 12 1共5页第1页3. 更改2. 更改1. 更改首次采用日期专业负责批准更改负责采用翻译曹哲日期2004.03.20译校日期技校日期抄写萧明日期2004.08.05 主题词:PA 6.6(聚乙烯6.6),玻璃纤维增强,水箱D 修订同TL 520 62:1991-02比较,做了如下修改:—标准内容重新做了编排;—吸取了VW 501 80,VW 501 85和VW 911 01的内容;—删除了VW 501 15的内容;—相关参考文献得到了校正;—表1和试验说明都有所修改.以前版本1978-04;1981-03;1986-01;1988-07;1991-021 适用范围该标准为玻璃纤维增强的PA 6.6,例如为水箱规定了材料技术要求2 标记法PA 6.6-GF 30,按TL520 62进行标记.3 技术要求3.1 基本规定首次供货和更改的批准按VW 011 55放射特性按VW501 80避免有害物质按VW911 01为了一次全面彻底的检查,须用5个部件3.1.1 质地这些成品部件在表面和内部都不得有例如缩孔、裂缝、熔接痕、以及类似的缺陷和加工上的缺陷.在加强筋、加固梁、连接管等配伍部位上如果有凹陷,但它门对可装配性并无损害,对装配工作也无妨碍时,则是允许的.这些部件必须保证有一个完好无D 缺的装配结果.玻璃纤维在材料中必须分布均匀,为了说明这一点,可以从成品件的3个不同部位取出试样进行检验,它们彼此之间玻璃纤维含量的差额不大于1.0%.3.2 制造注塑法3.3 预处理试样在试验之前,须在DIN50 014 -23/50-2规定的标准气候下,即(23±2)℃和(50± 6)%相对空气湿度情况下,预处理至少48小时。
3.4 技术要求的有效性所要求的数值应适用于每次单项测试结果.材料代码3.5>PA 66 – GF 30<4 材料技术要求材料 (见6.1条)4.1玻璃纤维增强的、热稳定的聚酰胺6.6.玻璃纤维含量按EN ISO 11724.2(30±2)%加工质量 (见6.2条)4.3模制件在消除应力介质中存放之后整体上的视觉质地4.3.1模制件不得出现穿透的裂缝,由于模制件具有限制冷却剂接触的功能,所以这对于控制冷却方面的零部件和部位,例如软管接管、密封面和管壁具有特殊的要求.4.4含水量 (在100℃情况下烘干,直至实现重量稳定为止)1.0至3.0%5 性能上的技术要求见表16 试验说明D材料6.1借助红外线光谱学可以实现等同性试验加工质量6.2按TL 774的规定,至少要将三个成品件总成放在不加水的冷却剂中进行时效处理.第1次装满冷却剂一定要按现行的规格办事.时效处理持续时间:48小时;时效处理温度(135±1)℃.时效处理在带有循环槽的恒温器 (例如沃布塞尔合资公司测试仪表厂生产的U 12型劳大 – 超级恒温器)中进行,恒温器注满试验介质.试验物在冷却剂时效处理之后,用自来水洗刷干净.紧接着在70℃下干燥3个小时,然后予以鉴定.球压硬度6.3该项测试至少要用3块 (20×20) mm的试样来进行(每块试样进行两次测量).试样由单面加工的或上漆的模制件做成,用平磨工具把点蚀或漆积点加以清除.这样加工获得的平坦表面充作支承面.测量工作则在未加工处理的背面进行.6.4抗弯强度抗弯强度测试按 EN ISO 178标准进行.试样的长度: (50±1) mm; 宽度: (6±0.2)mm厚度相当于制成品的厚度(最大达到4 mm);跨距: 40 mm; 试验速度: 14 mm/min.有一个侧面加过工的、也就是上了漆的模制件,用它做试样时,要这样安置在试验机的支座上,使其加过工的、也就是上了漆的一个侧面对准压力锤头.冲击韧性6.5冲击韧性试验按EN ISO 179进行.不过试样长度: (50±1) mm, 宽度: (6±0.2)mm厚度相当于制成品的厚度(最大达4 mm);支架距离(跨距): 40 mm; 试验仪器为4 J型摆式冲击试验机.有一个侧面加过工的、也就是上过漆的模制件,用它做试样时,要这样安置在摆式冲击机的支座上,使加过工的、也就是上过漆的一个侧面对准锤刃.缺口冲击韧性6.6抗弯冲击试验(宽边冲击试验)按EN ISO 179进行,不过试样长度: (50±1) mm,宽度: (6±0.2)mm;厚度相当于成品件的厚度(最大达4 mm);支架距离(跨距): 40 mm;试验仪器为4 J型摆式冲击试验机.试样宽边做出一个0.8 mm宽的U 形缺口,缺口深度为试样厚度的1/3.缺口基底D界定的边缘必须是曲率半径<0.1 mm.有一侧加过工的、也就是上过漆的模件,用它做成的试样,在其加过工的、也就是上过漆的一边上做出一个缺口.6.7 抗冷却剂的稳定性 按TL 774 裁取的工件和标准小条件,放在不加水的冷却剂中进行时效处理.第 1次注满冷却剂一定要按现行的规格办事. 时效处理持续时间:48 小时; 时效处理温度: (135±1)℃ 试样要在(23±2)℃的试验介质中冷却(30+15) min 之后进行测量.6.8 低温性能 时效处理至少应有2个成品部件在(-40±1)℃情况下进行;时效处理持续时间: (22±2) h.6.9 耐光照性试验按PV 1303 进行,如果在图纸上暴光周期数没有确定,可采用下面的调整方法: 构件在间接日照范围内存放3个暴光周期 在直接日射范围内,用于构件的暴光周期为5周(例如车门栏杆) 在最高日照范围内, 用于构件的暴光周期为10周(例如顶棚行李架)7 相关参考资料TL 774 乙二烯醇基冷却液添加剂;材料技术要求 TL 1010 内部装配材料,燃烧性状,材料技术要求 PV 1303 塑料薄膜,织物表面层,氙弧同步灯光 VW 011 55 汽车配件概述;首次供货和更改的批准 VW 501 80 汽车内部构件,放射特性 VW 501 85 汽车结构件,抗风化性能 VW 911 01 汽车环境标准,汽车构件,材料,燃料,避免有害物质 DIN 50 014 气候及其在工业上的应用,标准气候 DIN 53 479 塑料和弹性体试验,密度测定 DIN 53 497 塑料试验,热塑性模塑材料制成的模制件;热时效试验,不包括外部机械应力.DIN EN 20105-A02 织物,颜色牢度试验,A02部分,颜色变化评估用灰色尺寸 DIN EN ISO 178 塑料,弯曲性能的测定 DIN EN ISO 179 塑料,夏比冲击韧性的测定 DIN EN ISO 1172 纺织玻璃纤维增强塑料,预浸渍,模塑材料和层压塑料,纺织 玻璃纤维材料含量和矿物填料含量的测定 DIN EN ISO 2039-1 塑料,硬度测定,第1部分:球压试验 DIN EN ISO 3146 塑料,分晶聚合物的熔化性状,(熔化温度或熔化范围)。
qcc jt097-2010 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记

Q/CC JT097—2010
代替:Q/CC JT097-2008
汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的 材料标识和标记
Material identification and marking of automotive plastic,rubber and thermoplastic elastomer parts
Q/CC JT097-2010
前 言 ............................................................................ III 1 范围 ................................................................................ 1 2 规范性引用文件 ...................................................................... 1 3 术语和定义 .......................................................................... 1 4 符号和缩略语 ........................................................................ 2 5 标识符的技术要求 .................................................................... 2 6 材料标识及其他信息的表示 ............................................................ 5
汉高LOCTITE EA E-05CL环氧粘结剂安全技术说明书

安全技术说明书 根据GB/T 16483-2008第 1 页 共 10 页LOCTITE EA E-05CL known as Hysol E-05CL Epoxy ADH - Ultra安全技术说明书编号 : 157198V 001.8修订: 23.08.2019 发布日期: 30.03.2020化学品中文名称: LOCTITE EA E-05CL known as Hysol E-05CL Epoxy ADH - Ultra推荐用途:双组分环氧粘结剂的A 部分企业信息:汉高(中国)投资有限公司 江湾城路99号6幢5、6、7层 200438 中国上海市杨浦区中国电话: +86-21-2891 8000 传真: +86-21-2891 5137电子邮件:***************************生效日期: 23.08.2019应急信息: 应急电话:+86 21 2891 8311 (24小时)。
物质或混合物的分类根据GB 13690-2009 (化学品分类和危险性公示通则):危险分类危险类别 皮肤腐蚀/刺激类别 2 严重眼损伤/眼刺激 类别 2A 皮肤敏化作用类别 1 急性危害水生环境 类别 2对水生环境有慢性危害类别 2标签要素根据GB 15258-2009 (化学品安全标签编写规定):象形图信号词:警告危险性说明:H315造成皮肤刺激。


EN521(98/01)———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————欧标( 521 )欧洲标准协会(European Committee for Standardization)适用于液化石油气及便携式气压液化石油气器具前言本欧标由NSAL秘书处CEN/TC181技委会编制,适用于以液化瓦斯为燃料之器具。
5.1 总那么。
5.2 不同气体间的转换。
5.3 材料。
5.4 装配,清洗及保护。
5.5 强度及稳固性。
5.6 气路组合的气密性。
5.7 接头。
5.8 运输,固定及设备移动。
5.9 阀。
5.10 旋钮。
5.11 阀嘴。
5.12 点火装置。
5.13 火焰监控装置。
5.14 炉头及释热元件。
5.15 烤网。
5.16 旋转烤叉。

关键词:聚氨酯,原料,合成,应用,进展Pu synthetic raw material research progressABSTRACTThe paper mainly describes the basic synthesis at home and abroad and its characteristics of polyurethane materials and polyurethane breed type and the main application of polyurethane products. Including the polyurethane adhesive, polyurethane coating, polyurethane foam plastics, pu synthetic leather, pu sealants, polyurethane fiber, polyurethane rubber and polyurethane paints. In addition to them in the life all aspects of the concrete use is given. Covers the polyurethane synthesis theory, synthesis method and synthetic process. And polyurethane materials to the properties, applications and synthetic methods are studied discussion. The development of our country the status and development of polyurethane field distribution was analyzed. Meanwhile to the world of its raw material industry polyurethane described present situation and development.KEY WORDS: polyurethane, raw materials, application, polyurethane, progress目录前言 (1)第1章概述 (2)1.1聚氨酯发展简史 (2)1.2聚氨酯的类型品种 (3)1.2.1聚氨酯粘胶剂 (3)1.2.2聚氨酯涂料 (4)1.2.3聚氨酯泡沫塑料 (5)1.2.4聚氨酯合成革 (5)1.2.5聚氨酯密封胶 (5)1.2.6聚氨酯纤维 (6)1.2.7聚氨酯漆 (7)1.2.8聚氨酯橡胶 (7)第2章聚氨酯合成原料 (9)2.1 异氰酸酯 (9)2.1.1甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI) (9)2.1.2二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI) (10)2.1.3多亚甲基多苯基多异氰酸酯(PAPI) (12)2.1.4异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI) (12)2.1.5其它异氰酸酯 (HDI等) (13)2.2多元醇 (13)2.2.1聚酯多元醇 (14)2.2.2聚醚多元醇 (14)2.3扩链剂 (16)2.4催化剂 (17)2.5助剂 (17)第3章合成方法与工艺 (19)3.1聚氨酯合成方法 (19)3.1.1两步法合成工艺 (19)3.1.2一步法合成工艺 (20)3.2聚氨酯合成原理 (21)第4章聚氨酯应用 (22)4.1日常生活中的应用 (22)4.2各种聚氨酯材料的具体应用 (22)第5章世界聚氨发展及其原料工业的现状及进展 (26)5.1聚氨酯是有发展前途的合成材料 (26)5.1.1市场分析和进展 (26)5.1.2原料工业现状 (27)5.1.3中国聚氨酯工业现状 (29)5.1.4我国国PU区域分布格局将逐渐形成 (29)5.2可再生原料生产聚氨酯将成必然趋势 (30)结论 (30)辞 (32)参考文献 (34)附录 (35)外文资料翻译 (35)前言聚氨酯全称为聚氨基甲酸酯(简称 PU),是主链上含有重复氨基甲酸酯基团的大分子化合物的统称[1-2]。