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Book One: Lesson 1 超级摇滚歌星

A. Answer the following questions on the text:
1. (1) The author used the two quotations to introduce the discussion and express his ideas about rock music and young culture heroes. (2)Yes, they are.
2. The author uses the three examples to show that the young people worship the rock superstars very much, but the adults find these rock superstars are sick. The examples are used to show that young people and adults have totally different attitudes towards rock music.
3. Irving Horowitz believes that rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forum where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs.
4. When he appeared on the Ed. Sullivan Sunday night variety show in front of millions, a kind of debate took place. Most of the old people while most of the young viewers applauded.
5. Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection. The Beatles urged peace and piety. The Rolling Stones demanded revolution.
6. Apart from politics, the rock music deat with a range of feelings and emotions.
7. The rock superstars got applause, praise and money.
8. No, he hasn"t. It is impossible for the author to give a complete answer in a short article. He ends his article with questions because he wants to leave the question to he readers and let them to think.
B. Translate the following into Chinese:
1. 他描述道;"贾格尔抓起落架半加仑水,沿着前台跑,边跑边把水洒向前几排汗流淋淋的歌迷身上。"
2. 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的?
3. 还由于他把你狂热的幻想表演出来了,你不知不觉地被这个不可思议的小丑所吸引?
4. 一些社会学家认为,你支这些问题的回答,可以说明你在想什么,社会在想什么。换句话说,可以说明你和你所在社会的立场。
5. 只不过艾你维斯的演唱体现了50年代青少年那种沮丧的精神状态。
6. 感情总是任何音乐的一种成分,也是一个重要题目。
7. 霍罗威茨认为,这种乡间成分有助于听众表达"摆脱这一切"、"重归昔日"的强烈愿望。
8. 在1972年的一次全国民意测验中,10%以上的高中男生,20%的女生说他们心目中的英雄是超级摇滚歌星。
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when neccssary.
1. embody , 2. act out . 3. sprinkled . 4. sweltering. 5. idle . 6. rejected. 7. rather than. 8. reverence/worship
D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences:
1.debating. 2. proud. 3.blend, mix. 4.conceive. 5. were dressed. 6. idealistic. 7. admiration
8. rumbling

E. Explain the underlined words in English:
1. disgusting

2. Editors" wrote articles to attack him.
3. the confusions of the old people.
4. advocated peace and devotion
5. The words of the song praise the natural happiness of the old days reflect emotions and favour
6. reflect emotions and favour
7. a place where ideas come into opposition and try to defeat each other
8. other successful rock stars at present

F. Translate the following into English:

Rock music began in America in the late 1950"s. It was not only a new musical form, but also a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of world and life. On this forum, the stars sang out the attitudes of youth towards civil rights, war and peace, their disaffection of the society, and a range of emotions between love and hate. All in all, on this forum, the American youth redefined their belief in and feelings for American society. The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley, singer and poet Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and so on. They were the culture heroes worshipped by young people.

G. wrtting

Book One: Lesson 2 年轻人的四种选择

1. The look at the adult world with great skepticism.
2. Drop out means to withdraw from conventional society. The author says that the dropouts are parasitic because they batten on the society in which they refuse to take any responsibility.
3. The difference is that people who lfee are not parasites. They are willing so support themselves and to contribute something to the general community.
4. Because our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes, except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone.
5. Young people who are more active and idealistic tend to follow the strategy of armed revolution.
6. Because they will live in bitter disillusionment to see the new establishment is just as stuffy and hard-faced as the old one.
7. For example, the problems of an affluent society, of racial justice, of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable, of population explosion and so on.
8. The fourth alternative is trying to change the world gradually, one clod at a time. The author favors this alternative because he thinks it offers a better chance for remedying some of the world"s outrages than any other available strategy.



1. satisfying, 2. cleansed, 3.symbolize, 4.ran out of
5. unprecedented, 6. insoluble, 7. struck, 8.virtually

1.galnce, 2.relative, 3. exasperated, 4. noisome, 5.inhabited, 6. cluttered. 7.idealistic. 8.appeal

1. … were also worried about the adult world
2. They don"t" live off others (The don"t batten on society)
3. … was also practiced by our ancestors in ancient times.
4. all the unpleasant things of the city:crimes, social injustice, unemployment ore the mental strain caused by severe competion.
5. Their success never brings bout a completely new and different world.
6. This strategy is not at all attractive.
7. Changing and curing the cruelty and violence of the world better than any other possible wasy.
8. Another problem soon appears before them.

American young people in the 1960"s were a generation of rebellion. They found America, an affluent society, full of poverty, injustice and hypocrisy. They no longer believed in the adult world which did not belong to them and rejected its beliefs and values. Many young people threw themselves into the battles against poverty, racial discrimination and Vietnam War. Some of them even attempted to overthrow the society through armed revolution. Many others expressed their resentment in passive ways. They took drugs and lived a parasitic life without taking any social responsibility, or fled to the unsullied countryside to live a rather primitive communal life.

Book One: Lesson 3 强制的力量(作者:威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯)

1. Because it was very damp there sometimes. They had her in the kitchen where it was warm.
2. Because they were new patients and they knew how stubborn their child was. They thought it was hard to diagnose the child. Second they just spent three dollars on the doctor. They doubted whether the doctor could do his best in such cases.
3. She didn"t know seriousness of the disease - diphtheria. And she didn"t want the doctor to find that her tonsils were covered with membrane. Moreover she was very self-willed. All these made her refuse to open her mouth.
4. Because the doctor had seen at least two

children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases. He must diagnose in time.
5. Before the doctor could see anything she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars.
6. In the final unreasoning assault the doctor overpowered the child"s neck and jaws. He forced the heavy silver spoon back of the girl"s teeth and down her throat.
7. This is an open-ended question. In a sense, there"s some relation between the girl"s physical beauty and outcome of the incident. The girl"s parents spoiled her because of her beauty. This formed her self-willed character. If the girl was ugly, the situation may be different. However, in another sense, there"s no necessary relation between the girl"s beauty and the outcome of the incident. That"s because a child"s character if affected by various elements. No matter a child is pretty or not , he may beomce a self-willed child.
8. Yes. His purpose was good. But the means he employed to exam the girl"s throat was too rude. And he hurt the girl"s feeling.

1. apprehension , 2. rerrifying , 3. overpowering , 4. contemptible
5. motioned 6. profusion. 7. ensuing , 8. coax
1. terrified , 2. coaxed , 3. contemptible, 4. apprehension
5. apology, 6. terrifying , 7. desist , 8. admonished.
1. making an apology, expressing regret
2. … it was my duty, it required me…
3. and lots of people here have been ill
4. my best smile and my words were of no help. The girl was still.
5. in the view of the possibility, in the hope…
6. We"re going to complete the examination.
7. I too bad lost my sense. ( I became unreasonable)
8. the violent and unreasoning feeling


Mathilda had been ill for three days. Mother had given her some medicine, but it didn"t to any good. So she had to ask the doctor come. Since some students had got diphtheria in the school to which Mathilda went and two of them had already died. The doctor, arriving at Wilson"s, would first examine Mathilda"s throat. No matter how they coaxed , she didn"t open her mouth. So the doctor had to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. Mathilda, however, reduced it to splinters. In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children, the doctor had to make clear whether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could cure it in time. Therefore, he asked Mathilda"s father to hold both her wrists ,and he himself forced the child to open her mouth. And there it was - she really had diphtheria. The story sets us thinking of this question that not everything can depend on willingness in life and it is necessary to use some force under certain circumstances.

Book One: Lesson 4 生死由你

1. Yes. In Holland, mercy-killing is accepted by medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year.
2. Because they keep euthanasia secret. In America, they can rarely discuss euthanasia openly with patients - even when those patients beg them for it - doctors tend to kill only when the dying ae too far gone to consent. Thus, because voluntary euthanasia is taboo, a doctor makes the decision himself and the patient is killed involuntarily.
3. Passive euthanasia is letting patients die without using all the might of medical technology to prolong the lives of patients. Active euthanasia is killing the patients. No.
4. A " living will " is a document written by a person sound in mind and body and stating whether he/she should receive any medical treatment or what kind of medical treatment he/she should receive if he/she should contract some incurable disease.
5. Yes. His oath explicitly rules out active killing. No. Most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban. The author wants to tell the readers that even in ancient Greece doctors and thinkers had the courage to disagree with the Hippocratic ban. Today we should have the courage to support euthanasia.
6. The danger is that if euthanasia is legalized it might pose dangers for society by setting a precedent for killing.
7. The opposition is too fierce because of the shadow of the past, which refers to the atrocities committed by German fascists during the Second World War.
8. The author is in favor of euthanasia.



1. dodged, 2. intrude, 3. withhold, 4. ushered
5. legalize 6. precedent 7. credible 8. arguable
1. dodge 2. drowned out 3. intruding 4. omission
5. oath 6. withholding 7. arguable 8. credible
1. Euthanasia refers to the painless, gentle and easy death in case of incurable and painful disease.
2. Polemical impact ; a strong controversial influence.
3. Taboo: (among some people ) something which religion or custom regards as forbidden, something not bo be touched or spoken of.
4. might : great power , strength
5. setting a precedent for killing : furnishing an example that may serve to justify killing.
6. squeamishness here refers to a person who is excessively / too scrupulous ( careful to do nothing morally wrong , paying great attention to small points, esp. of conscience).
7. controversial : likely to cause prolonged argument
8. embrace: to include , incorporate or accept


It"s now very urgent to make laws on euthanasia. Most countries prohibit euthanasia. In these countries, euthanasia is secretly practiced by doctors. But some countries , Holland , for example , openly practice euthanasia. More and more countries are debating on legalizing euthanasia.

When a patient has long been suffering from a disease and has no hope of recovery, why should we let him go on suffering? Why not use euthanasia to end his throes?

If euthanasia is legalized, however, it my pose a danger- someone may use euthanasia to murder. In a word, euthanasia is a question that can"t be dodged.

Book One: Lesson 5 我宁愿做黑人而不做妇女(作者:(美)雪莉·奇泽姆)
1. She is the first black woman ever elected to Congress.
2. Because men do not support the struggle and women in America are much more brainwashed and content with their roles as second class citizens than blacks ever were.
3. Women can only do tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat on election day and the best position that any of them can hope for is the honor of being a district or county vice-chairman while her role is supposed to vote the way her male chairm

an votes.
4. The majority of women who are organized in PTAs, church societies, card clubs and other social and service groups helped her defeat her male opponent in the local election.
5. They are invariably paid less than a man for the same job.
6. The American women usually take the occupations of secretaries, librarians and teachers.
7. These problems are there are still some children going to bed hungry, there is not a good school for every child, money is still spent on weapons to murder people and the laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practice are not enforced effectively.
8. According to author, women have the qualities of empathy , tolerance , insight , patience and persistence . I agree with the author because they are women's naturally-born qualities.


1. make the differences 2. phenonmena 3. menial 4. prejudice
5. separate 6 predominate 7. rather than 8. thought of

1. incredible 2. tune; tone 3. sympathy 4. vacation
5. contented 6. illuminated 7. persistence 8. morale

1. Women have much more troubles and difficulties than blacks.
2. Women in America are told to change their ideas.
3. position, fate , destiny
4. unpaid individuals who work
5. When I attempted to free myself from that seterotype
6. I was confronted with open opposition
7. I was suggesting that a promising young women be named the candidate
8. the law was carried out instead of being avoided

American women have made great contr

ibutions to the American development, but they have been suffering from many kinds of prejudice because of their sex. In politics, they do all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat, but have little chance to reach higher positions while men reap the rewards. In economy, most women do the lower-paying , dead-end jobs and they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. Many Americans do not admit that it is prejudice, only saying that it is a division of labor. Many women are even content with their roles as second class citizens. So the author says that it will be a long and hard struggle if women want to get real equality
