1. 尖顶(Spire)——哥特式建筑的尖顶是其最显著的特征之一。
2. 拱形窗户(Pointed Arch Window)——哥特式建筑采用了拱形窗户,相对于以往的圆拱窗户更加优雅和轻盈。
3. 飞扶壁(Flying Buttress)——哥特式建筑中采用的飞扶壁是一种外部支撑结构,它被用来支撑高大的尖顶和墙体,以分散建筑物的重量,并将压力传递到地基上。
4. 三层结构(Three-tier Structure)——哥特式建筑通常由三层结构组成。
5. 具象雕刻(Figural Sculpture)——哥特式建筑饰以丰富多样的雕刻,尤以具象雕刻最为著名。
6. 玫瑰窗(Rose Window)——玫瑰窗是一种圆形或近似圆形的巨大彩色花窗玻璃,通常位于建筑物的立面正中。
7. 拱顶(Ribbed Vault)——拱顶是哥特式建筑的典型元素之一。
Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture. 哥特式建筑是一种在中世 纪鼎盛时期和后期繁荣的 一种建筑风格,它由罗马 风格进化来,被文艺复兴 时期建筑继承。
法国 法国是哥特式建筑 哥特式建筑的起源地。 哥特式建筑 英国 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂 德国 弗莱堡大教堂、科隆大教堂 弗莱堡 科隆大教堂 西班牙 巴塞罗那 圣家堂 意大利 哥特晚期米兰大教堂 米兰大教堂 意大利没有追逐哥特式建筑的结构体系和造型原则,主要把它作为一种装饰 风格。 这种建筑风格的世俗代表建筑有:总督宫 捷克 圣维特大教堂(布拉格) 圣维特大教堂 中国 望海楼教堂(天津) 望海楼教堂 天津西站老站房(天津) 石室圣心大教堂(广州) 徐家汇天主教堂(上海) 徐家汇天主教堂 洪家楼教堂(济南)
Notre Dame 法国巴黎圣母院
Palace of Westminster
尖拱。哥特 式教堂中使用 侧推力较小的 尖拱,减轻了 结构的重量
哥特式建筑的特点是尖塔高耸、 尖形拱门、大窗户及绘有圣经故 事的花窗玻璃。在设计中利用尖 肋拱顶、飞扶壁、修长的束柱, 营造出轻盈修长的飞天感。
虽然扶壁在罗曼式建筑中即已得到大量运用 但哥特式建筑把原本实心的 被屋顶 遮盖起来的扶壁;都露在外面;称为飞扶壁 由于对教堂的高度有了进一步的要求;扶 壁的作用和外观也被大大增强了 亚眠大教堂的扶拱垛有两道拱壁;以支撑来自推 力点上方和下方的推力 沙特尔大教堂用横向小连拱廊增加其抗力;博韦大教堂则 双进拱桥增加扶拱垛的承受力 有的在扶拱垛上又加装了尖塔改善平衡 扶拱垛上
哥特式一词则于文艺复兴后期出现;带有贬意 ;16世纪意大利文艺复兴的艺术思潮 是崇尚古代希腊罗马的艺术风格;而哥特式艺术与之回异其趣;并贬为半开化和野
实际上;哥特式艺术是中世纪最伟大的成就;而哥特式建筑以其高超的技术和艺术 成就;在建筑史上占有重要地位
中世纪后期的哥特式家具;多为封建君主上层社会及教堂家具;其造型 和装饰特征与当时的建筑一样;完全以基督教的政教思想为中心;旨在让人 产生腾空向上;直指天空与上帝同在的幻觉;并形成崇高 神权的至高无上; 产生惊奇和神密的情感 同时;哥特式家具还呈现出了庄严 威仪 雄伟 豪 华 挺拔向上的气势;其火焰式和繁茂的叶饰雕刻装饰;是兴旺 繁荣和力量 的象征;具有深刻的寓意性 哥特式家具是人类彻底地 自发地对结构美追 求的结果;它是一个完整 伟大而又原始的艺术体系;并为接踵而来的文艺 复兴时期家具奠定了坚主要由石头的骨架券和飞扶壁组成 其基本单元是在一个正方形或矩
形平面四角的柱子上作双圆心骨架尖券;四边和对角线上各一道;屋面石板架在券 上;形成拱顶 采用这种方式;可以在不同跨度上作出矢高相同的券;拱顶重量轻;交
飞扶壁由侧厅外面的柱墩发券;平衡中厅拱脚的侧推力 为了增加稳定性;常在柱墩 上砌尖塔 由于采用了尖券 尖拱和飞扶壁;哥特式教堂的内部空间高旷 单纯 统一 装饰细部如华盖 壁龛等也都用尖券作主题;建筑风格与结构手法形成一个有机的
意大利最著名的哥特式教堂是米兰大教堂, 它是欧洲中世纪最大的教堂之一,14世纪 80年代动工,直至19世纪初才最后完成。 教堂内部由四排巨柱隔开,宽达49米。中 厅高约45米,而在横翼与中厅交叉处,更 拨高至65米多,上面是一个八角形采光亭。 中厅高出侧厅很少,侧高窗很小。内部比 较幽暗,建筑的外部全由光彩夺目的白大 理石筑成。高高的花窗、直立的扶壁以及 135座尖塔,都表现出向上的动势,塔顶上 的雕像仿佛正要飞升。西边正面是意大利 人字山墙,也装饰着很多哥特式尖券尖塔。 但它的门窗已经带有文艺复兴晚期的风格。
3、德国 德国最早的哥特式教堂之一科 隆主教堂于1248年兴工,由建 造过亚眠主教堂的法国人设计, 有法国盛期的哥特式教堂的风 格,歌坛和圣殿同亚眠教堂的 相似。它的中厅内部高达46米, 仅次于法国博韦主教堂。西面 双塔高152米,极为壮观。
4、意大利 意大利的哥特式建筑于12世纪由国外传入, 主要影响于北部地区。意大利没有真正接受哥 特式建筑的结构体系和造型原则,只是把它作 为一种装饰风格,因此这里极难找到“纯粹” 的哥特式教堂。 意大利教堂并不强调高度和垂直感,正面 也没有高钟塔,而是采用屏幕式的山墙构图。 屋顶较平缓,窗户不大,往往尖券和半圆券并 用,飞扶壁极为少见,雕刻和装饰则有明显的 罗马古典风格。
哥特式建筑起源于法国北方,12到16世纪在欧洲,尤其是 西欧广泛盛行,而歌特文学则出现在18世纪的英国,社会的动 荡、阶级的混杂、宗教的盛行都导致神秘主义文学甚至迷信的 兴盛,歌特文学也就是在这个阶段应运而生,这种充满了悬疑、 神秘、幻想、恐怖和荒蛮气味的文学风气在18世纪末19世纪初 期占据了英国文坛的主导地位,这其中最有名的,当属玛 丽·雪莱1818年出版的小说《弗兰肯斯坦》,这部作品后来成 为了神秘主义文学的经典。从18世纪末以来的一些文学作品, 因为具有共同的基调与文体而被归类于「哥特小说」。13~15 世纪流行于欧洲的一种建筑风格。主要见于天主教堂,也影响 到世俗建筑。哥特式建筑以其高超的技术和艺术成就,在建筑 史上占有重要地位。
专业英语翻译第十篇——Further Reading (1): Gothic Architecture 深入阅读(1):哥特式建筑建筑091班Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.哥特式建筑是一种兴盛于中世纪高峰和晚期的建筑风格。
Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style”, with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance as a stylistic insult. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.哥特式建筑发展于12世纪的法国并且持续到第十六世纪,哥特式建筑在此期间被称为“法国式”,哥特这个词第一次出现在文艺复兴后期并且带有一定的贬义色彩。
Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, universities, and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings.哥德式建筑最常见于欧洲著名的大教堂、修道院和教区教堂。
哥特歌特哥特(Goth)、哥特式(Gothic):1、哥特人的, 哥特族的(指曾入侵罗马帝国的一支日耳曼民族)2、哥特式建筑的(12至16世纪流行于西欧的建筑风格, 以尖拱﹑拱顶﹑细长柱等为特点)3、哥特派的, 哥特风格的(18世纪的一种文学风格, 通常描述有神秘或恐怖气氛的爱情故事)4、指字体,哥特字体的5、指颜色,红与黑哥特(Gothic)这个特定的词汇原先的意思是西欧的日耳曼部族。
在18世纪到19世纪的建筑文化与书写层面,所谓“哥特复兴”(Gothic Revival)将中古世纪的阴暗情调从历史脉络的墓穴中挖掘出来。
Originating in the 12th century in France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic
起源于12世纪的法国,持续到16世纪,哥特式建 筑是这一时期被称为“法国风格”。哥特式建 筑风格是最常用的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教 堂的欧洲。
Baroque means irregular or pear-shaped in Spanish and in Europe it has the definition of deformed , unusual or absurd.
巴洛克风格意味着不规则或梨形在西 班牙和欧洲变形的定义,不寻常的或荒 谬的。
巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris
It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, guild halls, universities and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings. The Gothic style, when applied to an ecclesiastical building, emphasizes verticality and light.
architecture was
known during the
period as “the
French Style”.
Gothic style is most
used in the
architecture of many
名词术语中英索引:AAalto, Alvar阿尔瓦·阿尔托Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Paimio帕米欧肺病疗养院Municipal Library,维堡图书馆Villa Mairea,玛丽亚别墅Town Hall of saynatsalo,珊娜特塞罗镇中心主楼Abu Simbel(Egypt),阿尔布辛贝勒(埃及) Acropolis(Athens),雅典卫城(雅典) Adornment ,装饰Agora,广场Agora,Assos ,阿索斯广场Aido Ross ,罗西Air conditioner ,空调Aisle ,侧廊Alberti,Leone Battista ,阿尔伯蒂Altar of Zeus,(Pergamon,Gteece),宙斯祭坛(希腊帕加马)Amiens Cathedral,亚眠主教堂Amphitheatre ,圆形剧场,角斗场Aqueduct ,输水道Pont du Gard{Nimes France},嘉德引水渠(法国尼姆)Roman,罗马引水渠Apollo,阿波罗Apse ,半圆形龛Arena ,(圆形剧场中的)表演区,沙场Arch,券Centre,圆心Crown,券顶.Extrados,券背Haunch,券肩石Impost,券底石Keystone,券心石(又称锁石)Soffit ,券底Springing line,起券线Voussoir ,楔形券石Anglo—Saxou Arch,盎格鲁·撒克逊式券Corbelled Arch,叠涩券Decorated Arch,装饰式券Early English Arch ,早期英吉利式券Horse shoe Arch,马蹄形券Multifoil Arch ,复叶形券Norman Arch ,诺曼式券Ogee Arch ,弓形券Perpendicular Arch ,垂直式券Pointed Saracenic Arch ,撒拉逊式尖券Roman Arch ,罗马式券Round Trifoliated Arch ,三叶形券Transitional Arch ,过渡时期式券Ogee,洋葱形穹顶Pointed,尖拱Roman,罗马拱Triumphal,凯旋拱门Blind Arches,假券Arcades,连券廊Blind Arcades,假连券廊Arc de Triomphe(Paris),凯旋门(巴黎) Architecture建筑analyzing,建筑分析as profession,建筑作为职业Architecture equipments,建筑设备Arch of Augustus.Perugia,佩鲁吉亚奥古斯都拱门Arch of Constantine(Rome),康斯坦丁凯旋门(罗马)Arch of Septimius Severus.Rome,罗马塞弗拉斯凯旋门Arch of Titus.Rome,罗马泰塔斯凯旋门Aronoff Center for Design and Art(Cincinnati).阿罗洛夫设计和艺术中心(辛辛那提)Art and Architecture Building(Yale University),艺术和建筑大厦(耶鲁大学)Art Deco,装饰艺术派Art Nouveau,新艺术运动Arts and Crafts movement,工艺美术运动Ascent roof,坡屋顶Assyria,亚述Athena,雅典娜Athens,雅典AT&T Building,美国电话电报公司大楼BBabylonia,巴比伦Basilica ,古罗马的巴西利卡Basilica of Constantine ,君士坦丁巴西利卡Basilica of Trajan ,图拉真巴西利卡The Basilica.Vicenza ,维琴察巴西利卡Basilica of San Marco(Venice),圣马53可大教堂Greek—cross Basilica,希腊十字式巴西利卡Latin—cross Basilica,拉丁十字式巴西利卡Condensed Dome Basilica集中式穹顶巴西利卡Baroque architecture,巴洛克建筑English,英国巴洛克建筑in France,法国的巴洛克建筑in Italy,意大利的巴洛克建筑Mexican,墨西哥巴洛克建筑Renaissance architecture and,文艺复兴建筑与巴洛克建筑Renaissance architecture compared to,文艺复兴建筑与巴洛克建筑比较Barrel Vault 筒形拱Baths.Roman,罗马浴场Baths of Caracalla.卡瑞卡拉浴室Baths of Titus(Rome),泰塔斯浴场(罗马) Bauhaus,包豪斯Bauhaus school,包豪斯建筑学派Bauhaus Workshop Wing(Dessau,Germany),包豪斯工作室(德国德骚) Berlin ,柏林AEG Turbin Factory ,德国通用电气公司透平机车间Altes Museum,老博物馆Berlin Schauspielhaus,柏林宫廷剧院Berlin Philharmonie,柏林爱乐音乐厅Brandenburg Gate,勃兰登堡门Conference Hall,西柏林会堂Jewish Museum,犹太人博物馆Model Factory at the Exhibition of thewerkbund in Cologne,德意志制造联盟科隆展览会模范车间National Gallery,国家美术馆新馆Bell Tower(Leaning Tower,Pisa),钟塔(比萨斜塔)Bernini.Giovanni Lorenzo 伯尼尼Scala Regia in Vatican 梵蒂冈教皇接见厅前的大阶梯Piazza of S.Peter 圣彼得主教堂前广场Borromini.Francesco 波罗米尼San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane罗马圣卡罗教堂Boston city Hall,波士顿市政厅Botta,Mario,博塔Bank of Gottardo,戈塔尔多银行House at Riva San Vitale,圣·维塔莱河畔的住宅Boullee,部雷Metropole project,大都市博物馆方案Project for a Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton,牛顿纪念碑方案Bramante,Donato伯拉孟特Tempietto in S.Pietro in Montorio罗马坦比哀多Bricks,砖British Museum(1ondon),大英博物馆(伦敦) Brunelleschi,Filippo ,伯鲁涅列斯基The Dome of S.Maria del Fiore ,佛罗伦萨圣玛利亚大教堂的穹窿Foundling Hospital.Florence,佛罗伦萨育婴院Pazzi Chapel,佛罗伦萨巴齐礼拜堂Brutalism,粗野主义Buttress ,飞扶壁Flying Buttress,飞扶壁Gothic Buttress,哥特式扶壁Byzantine architecture,拜占庭建筑Byzantine Empire,拜占庭帝国CCalatrava,Santiago,卡拉特拉瓦Alamillo Bridge,Spain 埃拉米诺大桥TGA Station ,Lyon-Satolas,France ,萨特拉斯车站Campanile,钟楼Camus,加缪体系Capitol,Rome ,罗马卡比多广场Casa Batllo(Barcelona),巴特罗公寓(巴塞罗纳)Casa Mila(Barcelona),米拉公寓(巴塞罗纳) Castel,城堡Castles,Romanesque,罗马式城堡Cathedral ,主教堂.Chartres Cathedral ,夏特尔主教堂Cologne Cathedral ,科隆主教堂CBD,中心商务区Cement,水泥Central Park(New York City),中央公园(纽约市)Center Pompidou(Paris),蓬皮杜中心(巴黎) Charter of Athens,雅典宪章Charter of Machu Picchu,马丘比丘宪章Chateau de Chambord ,法国尚堡府邸Chateau Vaux-le Vicomte ,维康府邸Chicago,芝加哥Carson Pirie Scott Department Store,C.P.S百货公司大厦First Leiter Building,第一莱特尔大厦54John Hancock Center,约翰·汉考克大厦Lake Shore building,湖滨公寓Marina City,马利纳城大厦Marquette Building,马凯特大厦Marshall Field Wholesale Store,马歇尔·菲尔德百货批发商店Reliance Building,里莱斯大厦Robie House,罗比住宅SearS Tower,西尔斯大厦The Capitol,卡皮托大厦Water Tower Place Building水塔广场大厦Willitts House威利茨住宅World’s Columbian Exposition,1893年哥伦比亚博览会Chicago School,芝加哥学派Choragic Monument of Lysicrates雅典列雪格拉德纪念亭Chrysler Building(New York),克莱斯勒大厦(纽约)Christian,基督教Church ,教堂Cross-domed Churchs,十字穹顶教堂Churches and cathedrals教堂和大教堂 Byzantine Church,拜占庭教堂和大教堂 Gothic Church,哥特式教堂和大教堂Romanesque Church,罗马式教堂和大教堂Circular Windows,圆窗Classical style(Classical Revival),古典风格(古典复兴)Colosseum.Rome 罗马大角斗场Columbian Exposition(Chicago,l893),哥伦比亚世界博览会(芝加哥,1893)Column ,柱子Corinthian Column,科林斯式Doric Column,多利克式Egyptian Column,埃及式Greek Column,希腊式Ionic Column,爱奥尼克式Roman Column,罗马式Concrete,混凝土Concrete in Roman architecture,罗马建筑中的混凝土Constantine(Roman emperor),君士坦丁(罗马皇帝)Constantinople,君士坦丁堡Constructivism构成主义派Contextualism “文脉主义Court of Alberca,玉泉院Court of Lions,狮子院Courtyards,庭院Crossing Tower,十字交叉点处塔楼Cross Vault,十字拱Crown,券顶Crystal Palace(London),水晶宫(伦敦)Curvilinear(Decorated)style,曲线(装饰)风格DDeconstruction(Decon) ,解构主义Decorated Arch ,装饰式券De Stij,风格派:Casa Schroder, Utrecht,乌德勒支的施罗德住宅Dessau,德绍Distyle , (希腊、罗马神庙的)端柱式The Doge,s Palace ,威尼斯公爵府Dome,穹顶Dome on Pendentives,穹顶-帆拱体系The Dome of S.Maria del Fiore,佛罗伦萨圣玛利亚大教堂的穹窿Dulles Airport (Washington,D C),杜勒斯国际机场(华盛顿特区)DWB/ Deutscher Werkbund,德意志制造联盟P.Behrens,贝伦斯AEG Turbine Factory,透平机车间Fagus Werk,法古斯工厂EEaves,屋檐Egypt,埃及Eiffel,Gustave,古斯塔夫·埃菲尔Eiffel,Tower(Paris),埃菲尔铁塔(巴黎)Einstein Tower(Potsdam.Germany),爱因斯坦塔(德国波茨坦)Eisenman,Peter,彼得·埃森曼Aronoff Center for Design and Art,Cincinnati,USA辛辛那提大学设计、建筑、艺术与规划学院大楼(阿洛诺夫设计与艺术中心)Columbus Convention Center,Ohio,USA哥伦布会议中心Forster House,Palo Alto,California,USA 11a号住宅又称福斯特住宅House I “住宅I”House lI “住宅lI"House VI,Washington,Connecticut,USA“住宅VI”Wexner Center for the Visual Arts,Columbus,Ohio,USA,韦克斯纳视觉艺术中心Elegant New Geometry,优雅新几何Elevator,电梯55Empire State Building.帝国大厦Engineering Building(University of Leicester).工程大厦(莱斯特大学)England英国Baroque architecture in.英国的巴洛克建筑Gothic architecture in,英国的哥特式建筑Gothic Revival in.英国的哥特复兴式建筑High Victorian Gothic in,英国维多利亚时代全盛哥特式建筑Neoclassic revival in,英国的新古典主义复兴建筑Norman(Romanesque)architecture in,英国的罗马风建筑Renaissance architecture in,英国的文艺复兴建筑Entablature,(柱式的)檐部Entasis,卷杀Entrance,入口Erechtheion,Athens雅典伊瑞克先神庙Expressionism,表现主义FFallingwater(Bear Run,Pennsylvania),流水别墅(宾夕法尼亚州熊溪)Fan Vault,扇形拱顶Farnsworth House(near Piano,Illinois),范斯沃斯住宅(伊利诺斯州普莱诺附近) Fireplace, 壁炉Flamboyant,(哥特建筑中的)火焰式Florence Cathedral,佛罗伦萨大教堂Flying Buttress,飞扶壁Flying ribs,飞肋Fontainebleau(France),枫丹白露(法国) Forbidden City,紫禁城Forster,Norman福斯特Commercial Bank Tower, Frankfurt法兰克福商业银行大厦New Headquarters for the Hong KongBank,Hong Kong香港汇丰银行新楼Parts Distribution Center for RenaultUK Ltd,Swindon,Wiltshire, UK雷诺公司产品配送中心Reconstruction of Reichstag,Bedin,Germany柏林国会大厦改建Reliance Contmls Ltd,Swindon,Woltshire,UK信托控股公司Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts,VEA,Norwich,Norfolk, UK塞恩斯伯里视觉艺术中心Telecommunications Tower,Torre diCollserola,Barcelona,Spain巴塞罗那通迅塔Third London Airport Stansted,Essex,UK伦敦斯坦斯梯德机场Formalism,典雅主义Form follows function,形式追随功能Forum罗马广场Forum of Angustus,奥古斯都广场Forum of Caesar,凯撒广场Forum of Nerva,奈乏广场Forum of Trajan,图拉真广场Forum.Pompeii,庞培城中心广场Forum Romanum,罗曼努姆广场Fountain,喷泉Functionalism,功能主义,功能主义派Futurism,未来派GGable山墙Gabrie,Jacques—Ange加贝里爱尔Petit Trianon小特里阿农Gallery,廊Garden City,花园城市Giant Order巨柱式Giralda,塞维利亚风标塔The Great Mosque,Damascus大马士革大礼拜寺The Great Mosque,Cordova科尔多瓦大礼拜寺The Great Mosque,Samarra萨马拉大礼拜寺Great Pyramids,Giza吉萨金字塔群Great Temple,Abu—Simbel阿布辛贝勒阿蒙神大石窟庙Great Temple of Ammon,Kanark卡纳克阿蒙神庙Great Temple,Madurai马杜赖大寺Greece,希腊Greek architecture,希腊建筑Gehry,Frank 盖里American Center,Paris,France巴黎美国中心California Aerospace Museum,LosAngeles,Calif.USA航空宇宙博物馆Gehry House,Santa Monica,California在圣·莫尼卡的自宅Guggenheim Museum,Bilbao,Spain毕尔巴鄂古根汉姆博物馆Nationale.Nededtmden Building,Prague,Czech Republic布拉格尼德兰大厦Vitra Furniture Design Museum,Weilam~Rhein,Germany维特拉家具设计博物馆56Weisman Art Museum,University ofMinnesota,Minneapolis,USA魏斯曼艺术博物馆Graves,Michael(1934~)格雷夫斯Benacerraf House Addition,贝纳塞拉夫住宅扩建Hanselmann House,Wayne,Indiana,USA汉索曼住宅Humana Building,Louisville,Kentucky,U.S.A休曼那大厦Public Service Building in Portland,Oregon,USA波特兰市市政厅Swan Hotel and Dauphin Hotel,WaltDisney World,Florida,USA海豚旅馆与天鹅旅馆Gridiron city,方格城市Gropius,Walter(1883—1969)格罗皮厄斯Bauhaus Dessau包豪斯校舍City Theatre,Jena耶那市立剧场Dammer stock Housing达默斯托克居住区Fagus Werk,Alfeld法古斯(鞋楦)厂Gropius Residence,Lincoln, Mass格罗皮厄斯自宅Harvard Graduate Center,Cambridge,Mass哈佛大学研究生中心Interbau,Hansaviertal 1957年汉莎区国际住宅展览会高层公寓楼Model Factory at the Exhibition of theWerkbund in Cologne德意志制造联盟科隆展览会办公楼Municipal Employment Office,Dessau德绍市就业办事处Siemensstadt Housing,Berlin西门子住宅区Village College,Impington英平顿乡村学院Gwathmey,Charles(1938~)格瓦斯梅HHadid,Zaha,扎哈·哈迪德Monsoon Restaurant,Sapporo,Tokyo,Japan东京扎晃餐厅Peak Club,Hong Kong,香港山顶俱乐部设计方案Vitra Fire—Station,Weilam Rhein,Germany维特拉消防站Hadrian(Roman emperor),哈德良(罗马皇帝) Hadrian’s villa(Tivoli,Italy),哈德良别墅(意大利底沃利)Hall of Mirrors(Versailles),镜厅(凡尔赛) Hatshepsut,哈特什帕苏墓Haussmann,Georges Eugene, Baron(1809—1891),奥斯曼Rebuilding Paris 19,世纪后半叶的巴黎改建Hejduk,John.约翰·海杜克High Gothic architecture,典型哥特式建筑High Renaissance,文艺复兴高潮High.Tech,高技派High.Tech and High-Touch,高度技术与高度感人High Victorian Gothic,维多利亚时代全盛哥特式High Victorian period,维多利亚全盛期Hill House(Glasgow),小山住宅(英国格拉斯哥)Holism,整体主义Holistic Design,整体设计Holl,Steven,斯蒂芬·霍尔Anchoring《锚固》Chapel of St.Ignatius,Seattle,USA圣伊纳爵小教堂Void Space/Hinged Space Housing,NexusWorld Kashii,Fukuoka,Japan日本福冈公寓Holocaust Memorial Museum(Washington,D.C.),大屠杀纪念展览馆(华盛顿特区)Horizontal lines,水平线条Hotel de Soubise ,巴黎苏必斯府邸House of Pansa ,潘萨府邸Houses of Parliament(London),议会大厦(伦敦)House of Silver Wedding ,银婚府邸House of Vettii ,维蒂府邸Howard,Ebenezer,Sir霍华德“Garden City”田园城市Garden Cities of Tomorrow,《明日的田园城市》humanizing architecture建筑人情化Hypostyle Hall(Temple of Amon at Karnak),多柱式大厅(埃及卡玛克阿蒙神殿)IIl Gesfi Rome,罗马耶苏会教堂Impressionism,印象主义,印象主义派Industrial City ,“工业城市”Interbau,Hansaviertal,1957年汉莎区国际住宅展览会International Style,“国际式"建筑Intersecting Vault,交叉拱Ishtar,新巴比伦城伊斯达门Italian Neorationalist Movement,新理性主义运动(又称La Tendenza坦丹札学派)57Italy,意大利Renaissance architecture in,意大利的文艺复兴建筑Baroque architecture in,意大利的巴洛可建筑Gothic architecture in,意大利的哥特式建筑Romanesque architecture in,意大利的罗马风建筑Industrial Revolution,工业革命JJencks,Charles詹克斯The Language of Post—mod~rytArchitecture《后现代建筑语言》The New Moderns《新现代》Jenney,William Le Baron(1832—1907)詹尼First Leiter Building第一莱特尔大厦Home Insurance Company芝加哥家庭保险公司大厦Johnson,Philip(1906一)P.约翰逊AT&T Headquarters,New York,USA,美国电话电报公司总部大楼Pittsburgh Hate Glass Company Head-quarters,匹兹堡的PPG平板玻璃公司总部大厦Republic Bank Center,Houston,Texas,共和银行中心大厦Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery,谢尔登艺术纪念馆Transco Tower in Houston,休斯敦的特兰斯科塔楼KKahn,Louis,路易斯·康Richard Medical Research Building,理查德医学研究楼Saik Institute for BiologicalResearch,La Jolla,Californa,索尔克生物研究所Karnak temples,埃及卡玛克神殿Key Stone券心石(又称锁石)King’s College Chapel(Cambridge,England),国王学院礼拜堂(英国剑桥)Koolhaas,Rem,雷姆·库哈斯Dall’Ava House,Saint-Claud,Paris,France达尔阿瓦住宅Delirious New York: A RetroactiveManifesto for Manhattan《颠狂的纽约:关于曼哈顿的回顾性宣言》Generic City《广普城市》National Dance Theatre in Hague,Holland海牙国立舞剧院LLa Sagrada Familia,Church of(Barcelona),神圣家族大教堂(巴塞罗纳)Le Brun,Charles勒勃亨The Louvre卢佛尔Le Corbusier,勒·柯布西耶Chandigarh,India,昌迪加尔规划及行政中心Convent de la Saint-Marie-de-1a-Tourette,near Lyons,拉图莱特修道院League of Nation’s Building,国际联盟总部设计方案Uunite d’Habitation,Marseille,马赛公寓“人居单元”Ministry of Education,巴西教育卫生部大楼(与Neimyer合作)“Modulor”,“模数理论”Notre.Dame.du.Haut,Ronchamp,朗香教堂PavilIion Suisse A La Cite Universitaire,Paris,巴黎瑞士学生宿舍Plan of the Ville Contemporaine ,300万人的现代城市规划方案Plan“V oisin'’de Paris,巴黎市中心区改建规划Vers une architecture,《走向新建筑》Villa Savoie,萨伏伊别墅Le Notre,Andre勒诺特Le Vau,Louis勒伏Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte维康府邸Library of St.Mark,Venice,圣马可图书馆Lincoln Cultural Center in Newyork,纽约林肯文化中心Linear City,带形城市Lion Gate,Mycenae迈西尼城狮子门Luxor temples,鲁克索神殿MMansart.Jules Hardouin,孟莎,J.H.Palais de Versailles,凡尔赛宫Church of the Invalides,巴黎残废军人新教堂Place de Vendome,巴黎旺多姆广场Masjid-j-Shah,1sfahan,伊斯法罕皇家礼拜寺Mastaba,玛斯塔巴Mausoleum of Hadrain,罗马哈德良墓Megaron,美加仑室Meirer,Richard ,R.迈耶(1934~)58Getty Center,Los Angeles,USA格蒂中心Higll Museum of Art,Adanta,Georgia,USA亚特兰大的海尔艺术博物馆Smith House,Darien,Conn.USA,史密斯住宅Mendelsohn,Erich(1887—1953),门德尔松Einstein Tower,Potsdam,爱因斯坦天文台Metabolism,新陈代谢派Michelangelo Buonarroti,米开朗琪罗Capitol,Rome,罗马卡比多广场S.Peter Cathedral,Rome,罗马圣彼得主教堂Michelozzo Michelozzi,米开罗佐Palazzo Ricardi,佛罗伦萨吕卡第府邸Mies van der Rohe,Ludwig,路德维希·密斯·范德·罗Barcelona Pavilion,巴塞罗那博览会德国馆Crown Hall ,IIT克朗楼Farnsworth House,Piano,Illinois,法恩斯沃思住宅minois Institute of Technology,伊利诺工学院校园规划Lake Shore Building,Chicago,芝加哥的湖滨公寓ment to Liebknecht and Luxemburg,李卜克内西和卢森堡纪念碑National Gallery,Berlin,柏林国家美术馆新馆Seagram Building,New York,西格拉姆大厦Tugendhat House,Brno,图根德哈特住宅Milan Cathedral(Italy),米兰大教堂(意大利) Millennium Dome(Greenwich,U K),千年穹顶(英国格林威治)Minimalism “极少主义”或“极简主义”Modern Architecture现代建筑,现代建筑派Modern Movement现代建筑运动Modernism现代主义,现代主义派Monolith整石柱Mosque of Ahmed I,伊斯坦布尔阿赫默德一世礼拜寺Multifoil Arch复叶形券NNeighbourhood Unit,邻里单位Neo.Classicism,新古典主义Neoplasticism,新造型主义Nervi,Pier Luigi(1891—1979),内尔维Palazzelto dello Sport,罗马小体育宫Palazzo dello Sport,罗马大体育宫Pirdli Tower大厦(与Ponti合作)St.Mary’s Cathedral,San Francisco,旧金山的圣玛丽主教堂(与Belluschi合作)Turin Exposition Hall,都灵展览馆UNESCO Headquarters,Paris,联合国教科文总部(UNESCO)的会议厅(与Breuer和Zehffuss合作)Neoclassic,新古典主义Neuschwanstein,Schloss(near Munich),新天鹅堡 (慕尼黑附近)New Babylon ,新巴比伦城New Brutalism,新粗野主义(新野性主义)New Empericism,新经验主义New Modem or Neo-Modernism ,“新现代",“新现代“派New Rationalism,新理性主义New Regionalism,新地域主义New Simplicity ,“新简约”New Tradition,新传统派,新传统主义建筑New York Five ,“纽约五”Niemeyer,Oscar(1907~),尼迈耶尔Ministry of Eduction,巴西教育卫生部大楼Notre Dame圣母教堂Notre Dame.Paris ,巴黎圣母教堂Nouvel,Jean(1945~),努维尔Arab World Institute.Paris,France,巴黎阿拉伯世界研究中心Tour Sans Fin, Paris,巴黎无止境大厦方案OObelisk ,方尖碑Ogee arch ,弓形券Omar Mosque ,耶路撒冷奥马尔礼拜寺(圣岩寺)Opera House(Sydney,Australia),歌剧院(澳大利亚悉尼)Opera(Paris),歌剧院(巴黎)Orders,Greek,希腊柱式Ordine(Order),柱式Ordine Composite,组合柱式Doric Order(Ordine Dorico),多立克柱式Ionic Order(0rdine Ionico),爱奥尼克柱式Corinthian Order(Ordine Corintio),科林斯柱式Ordine Tuscan,塔司干柱式Architrave,额枋Capital ,柱头Column ,柱身Entablature ,檐部59Frieze,檐壁Organic Decentralization,有机疏散理论Organic architecture,有机建筑Ornament,use of in architecture,建筑中装饰的使用PPalace of Sagon,萨艮王宫Palace of Persepolis,帕赛玻里斯宫Palace of Minos,Knossos,克诺索斯迷宫Palais de Versailles,凡尔赛宫Palazzo Pandolfini,Florence ,佛罗伦萨潘道菲尼府邸Palazzo Rucellai,Florence ,佛罗伦萨鲁切拉府邸Palladio,Andrea ,帕拉第奥Palladio Motif ,帕拉第奥母题The Basilica.Vicenza,维琴察巴西利卡Palladio Motif ,帕拉第奥母题Rotunda ,维琴察圆厅别墅Pantheon,Paris,巴黎的万神庙Pantheon,Rome ,罗马万神庙Parterre du Midi(Versailles),德米迪花坛(凡尔赛)Pazzi Chapel,Florence,佛罗伦萨巴齐礼拜堂Pei,I.M.(1917~),贝聿铭East Gallery,National Gallery ofArt,美国国家美术馆东馆Grand Louvre,Paris,France,巴黎大卢浮宫扩建Pelli,Cesar(1926~)佩利Miglin.Beitler Tower,Chicago,米格林·贝特勒大厦Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumper,吉隆坡的双塔大厦Pendentive,帆拱Perfection of Technique,讲究技术精美的倾向Petit Trianon ,小特里阿农宫,凡尔赛Peristyle ,列柱围廊式Pseudo peristyle ,假列柱围廊式Perpendicular Arch ,垂直式券Perrault。
哥特式建筑(Gothic architecture)In the fifth Century, with the demise of the Empire of Western Rome, Europe entered the period when historians called it the "middle ages". At this time in Europe, awareness of cultural and literary and artistic landscape of ancient Greece and unable to get up after a fall, the splendid culture of ancient Rome, has become a distant dream, disappeared in the long night, only the religious culture, especially Christian culture thriving, not only become a symbol of the spirit of the middle ages, has become a symbol of the power of the middle ages. But in the cultural desert, miraculously the birth of a new architectural culture architectural culture Gothic, its strange and unique image, such as breaking the eagle not only shows the nets above and snares below, the material and cultural achievements, and life to reveal the characteristics of the medieval European spirit culture. The level of architectural art to a new height. If the whole medieval art, almost at a standstill if so, only the construction of the eagle beat straight into the sky, fly proud, the brilliant art broadcast in Europe from all sides. In a sense, Gothic architecture is not only the greatest art of the middle ages, but also the only art of perpetual vitality in the middle ages. This great art, however, was born not only in times of great greatness, but also in a not so great name: Gothic architecture. Goth was originally a Germanic people who took part in the destruction of ancient Rome, and its title was vulgar and barbarous. It was a renaissance European who was given medieval architecture for distaste for the darkness of the middle ages. The Renaissance is intended to denounce the medieval people's architectural style, but later, with the development of history, the title will lose its praise, and became a proper noun, the habit ofpeople will agree the main building architectural style and the middle ages, are referred to as "Gothic building". The most influential Gothic buildings, mostly church buildings. This, of course, was related to the prevailing consciousness. The dominant ideology in the Middle Ages was religious consciousness, especially the Christian consciousness. At the same time, it was related to the more developed technical level at that time. Therefore, the influence of these two aspects also determines the general style and characteristics of Gothic architecture.The overall style of Gothic architecture is dense, tall, slender, sharp. They directly reflect the new structure, technology and strong religious consciousness of the middle ages. Sharp form, is the crystallization of sharp coupons, pointed arch technology; towering walls, but contains a bracing technology, buttress technology achievements. And the vacant artistic conception and vertical upward form are the most exact expressions of the connotation of Christian spirit. The tall, straight, ethereal, illusory image seems to be directed at God, inspiring people to escape from this world of misery and sin and to the kingdom of heaven". The religious consciousness expressed in this style and the technical achievements shown can be felt in two aspects. The first is exterior modeling. Gothic architecture, especially churches, is characterized by its high and straight appearance, typically consisting of a pair of tall minarets, with a gable in the middle,In the railings, gates gable eaves hole arranged on a column with a concave statue niches, the cross link between the central facade, railings and concave circular rose window niche is thesymbol of heaven. The West facade as the church entrance, there are three openings, openings within a few layers of moldings, moldings engraved with clusters of icons. All the walls are vertical lines through all other parts of system, and the details of decoration in the pointed arch, sharp coupons, spire synthesis elements, all of the arch are sharp, all openings on the pediment, concave niche canopy, buttress ridges on the edge are sharp edged, all of the tower, the upper wall buttresses and pinnacles are dubbed into the sky. At the same time, the facade of the building to divide more and more delicate, exquisite decorative form. All this makes the whole church filled with an otherworldly refined, prancing rise movement and momentum. This momentum has shown the Christian ideal of the kingdom of heaven as vivid and concrete, as well as the superb architectural techniques of the middle ages. Secondly, we can also see its religious feelings and technical means from the characteristics of the internal space. In Gothic churches, the use of the tip and the small arches gives the space and structure a great deal of flexibility, as well as a novel pattern for the church's artistic style. The plane is still the general Gothic church Latin cross, but the hall is narrow and long, thin and tall, the interior of the church and the altar of heaven oriented force is very strong, the structure inside the church all exposed to the frame, vertical line commands all the parts, the space is very high with a symbol of heaven. Vision. The pillars to bundle the zenith, like a bunch of fountains sprayed from the ground to the sky; sometimes like a forest of tall and straight trunk, leaf interwoven, light from the foliage gap in enlightenment comes through, people lost in the light, whenever the sun from the window frames covered with colored glass shines, the church space will be filled with blurred and phantom, thechurch is like heaven. This atmosphere has shown the spirit of Christianity, and this atmosphere has undoubtedly benefited from the techniques of sharp coupons, pointed arches and spatial structures. In Gothic cathedrals, churches of high prestige abound. Among them, the Notre Dame de Paris in France, the Church of Duomo in Italy, and the Cologne Cathedral in Germany are all representatives. Their exterior shape, detail decoration and interior space structure both reflect the general style characteristic of the Gothic architecture adequately, and have distinct personality. So, people talk about Gothic architecture, often take them for example.The architectural art of ancient Rome is the inheritance and development of ancient Greek architectural art. This "succession" is not only from time to time, but also from the basic style of architectural art. The content of this basic style is the scale of human consciousness and human being. However, this kind of human consciousness and the human scale, in the ancient buildings in Rome has a new meaning, it is the new meaning to promote the great ancient Rome architectural foundation in the art of ancient Greece, on the way. If we say that the ancient Greeks worship is embodied by the worship of "God", then, the ancient Romans worship of the people, directly tend to worship of the secular, real people, the people's consciousness,Also from the group to the individual, "emphasis on personal praise and material enjoyment of life."". It is in such a sense of right, and the buildings of ancient Rome not only with the help of more advanced technology, the development of the brilliant achievements of ancient Greek art, but also thecharacteristics of the artistic style of ancient Greek architecture, perfect harmony, noble, in the new social and cultural background, from the "Temple" to the secular, give this style to form new aesthetic taste and the corresponding. Vitrurius, an architectural theorist in ancient Rome, pointed out in his book architecture ten that the basic principle of architecture should be "regulation, configuration, symmetry, balance, propriety, and economy."". This can be said to be a theoretical summary of the architectural features and artistic styles of ancient Rome. In these characteristics, apparently still has a content of ancient Greek architecture style harmony, perfect and noble, but decent and economic leverage, "obviously the ancient Greek architectural style of the" God "means, in order to change the secular people. This can be seen directly from the design of the building type and the appearance of the building. The most outstanding architectural art in ancient Greece was related to the gods, and the magnificence of the temple reflected this feature more closely. The buildings of ancient Rome's most brilliant, the most artistic value is to serve the economy or human life (physical and mental) service buildings, such as square, roads, bridges, tunnels, elevated aqueduct, theater, arena, beach, residential and villa etc.. Almost all of these buildings serve people's material life or spiritual enjoyment directly. In artistic style, they are also the pursuit of harmony, the pursuit of perfection, the pursuit of lofty, but is not a "sacred" harmonious, perfect and noble, but the reality of life, is a "proper" economic prosperity, peace and stability, and to stimulate the pursuit of reality "lofty" some "sublime" also directly with a "tragedy" emotional contact, such as the famous ancient Colosseum, its perfect, harmonious and noble style, because of its function of thetragedy that connected, is bathed in blood and tears of the slave of a noble, so noble, make it perfect, with more secular, it can make people exclaim and exciting, but it is difficult to produce the kind of like a Greek temple "sacred". This can be said to be the architectural style of ancient Rome harmony, perfect, noble and ancient Greek architectural style of the biggest difference. As for some other secular buildings, such as the baths of Caracalla, its harmony, perfect and grand style, mainly from secular feelings, rather than from the idealism of the divine consciousness. In the specific architectural style, the ancient Rome architecture also inherited the ancient Greek architectural style, but also innovation and development of it. Such as ancient Rome Coliseum in the external facade, especially the 4 storey high external facade, is the ancient greek column composition of carbon, it is at the bottom of the second layer is the Doric order, ionic column, the third layer is the top layer in the Corinth post, around the wall column. However, this type of ancient Greece, the masterpiece of ancient Rome is no longer as in ancient Greek architecture that has the structure effect, it has been transformed into a simple decoration, the real structure part structure is hidden in the walls. Simultaneous,On the roof of the shape, the ancient Romans is greatly revolutionized the ancient Greek architecture form, the beam column structure used in ancient Greece, replaced by a more effective method to support the arch roof, in other hand, appeared in the ancient Greek architecture is difficult to see the "vault" roof. It is this "vault arch" roof that has become the most obvious difference between the ancient Rome architecture, especially the housing construction and theancient Greek housing construction. The arch structure due to economic, practical, and aesthetic effect is also very good, so it is not only applied to the temple and palace building, and extended to all areas of daily life, such as roads, bridges, aqueducts, ports, theater, residential, warehouse and sewer. So that many magnificent buildings in the performance of harmony, perfect and noble at the same time, with a clear "round" flavor. But at the same time, the buildings of ancient Rome and other aspects of consciousness in the reference and inheritance characteristic of the ancient Greek architecture, especially a use, often show a clear relationship between the buildings of ancient Rome and ancient Greek architecture. For example, Rome ancient temple of Pan Taiweng (also known as the Pantheon), its main part is a dome of the huge concrete barrel, this "circle" style, is the typical characteristics of the ancient buildings in Rome, and in the entrance door, and on a typical ancient Greek colonnades by eight, according to the Corinth post colonnade. It is a triangular pediment. The whole building was shown in ancient Rome building the inheritance and innovation of the image.Gothic church; architecture; artFrom twelfth Century ad to fifteenth Century ad, the city has become the political, religious, economic and cultural center of various feudal kingdoms. During this period, Gothic art emerged as a product of the great development of feudal society."Gothic" refers to the barbarians, Gothic art is the meaning of savage arts, is a derogatory term. In the eyes of Europeans, the Rome style is an orthodox art, and then the new buildingform is relegated to "Gothic".The first Gothic building was born in the domain of the king of france. Then all of Europe was influenced by the "Gothic" influence.Someone refers to Gothic architecture, Gothic sculpture was originally attached to the building, and the building in thirteenth Century after peak separation; Gothic painting in the year 14 - fifteenth Century.The characteristics of Gothic church architecture in the artistic form: first in the volume and height to create a new record, from the church hall height, Cologne hall 48 meters high from the church; the height of clock tower look at Germany's Ulm City Church up to 161 meters. The second is the body very strong upward momentum, brisk vertical line straight through his body. Whether the wall and the tower is to partition the finer, more decorative, more exquisite, and the top are sharp and piercing the sky pinnacles. Not only are all the coupons sharp, but also the upper part of the building and the details are pointed, and the church is full of upward momentum. This high, straight, sharp and strong upward momentum for the characteristics of the style is the embodiment of the world Church rejected religious ideas, but also the city to show its strong vitality of the spirit of reflection.If the Rome type with its thick and stocky, unshakable form to show the authority of the church, the form of a retro inherits the traditional means, so the Holy Spirit bold Gothic, dexterity, the rising power of the Church of the barbarians.The helicopter line space over cracks, through the stained glass windows of colorful light and every kind of light and exquisite decorative sculpture, synthetically create a "non human" realm, to give people a sense of mystery. Some people say that Rome is building on the floor of the palace, Gothic architecture is a heaven shrine.The Gothic church structure changes, resulting in a flame momentum, the people will take to the "Kingdom of heaven", successfully embodies the religious ideas, people's visual and emotional sublimation with upward spires, there is a feeling close to God and heaven.From the aesthetic perspective, Rome style building wide main muddy, but is the Gothic show close the country to international intercourse, a human mind impulse, it is no longer purely religious buildings, is no longer a military fortress, but the cultural symbol of the city, that get a bit limited freedom in the dark ages. People will find a real world of the sun through the dark ages.Along with Gothic architecture, it was a beautiful stained glass window painting. This kind of painting is also a Bible for illiterate believers. The round rose window symbolizes heaven, and all kinds of saints climb colorful windows, which resemble the colorful stage pictures. When people come near the church, they not only produce a sense of magic to the kingdom of heaven, but also produce decorative beauty. Because it is a glass picture, it can be colored by the penetration of light rays. It is fascinating with its wonderful light color.Gothic sculpture is indispensable for building the decoration of the church, its characters began to keep the space position independent, the pursuit of the three dimensional solid modeling, and strive to meet the real image, the pursuit of natural and vivid shape, the body gradually plump up, pleats also have structural changes, make people feel the clothes inside is real the human body. A statue is no longer the mold of human form, but of flesh and blood. On the use of Gothic sculpture and high relief carvings of the close.Gothic art close to life and realism, all over Europe, so also known as the International Gothic style. Late Gothic art has obviously nurtured the renaissance.。
哥特式建筑(Gothic architecture),又译作歌德式建筑,是位于罗马式建筑和文艺复兴建筑之间的,1140年左右产生于法国的欧洲建筑风格。
圣母大教堂位于莫斯科,在克里姆林宫墙外,红场与莫斯科河之间.是1555-1561年为纪念喀山公国和阿斯特拉罕合并于俄罗斯而建造的.它由9座教堂组成,中央教堂高47米,上部是一座富有民族风格的帐篷顶,顶端装饰着一个小穹顶,四周的8座教堂也都冠有一座葱头状的穹顶,有螺旋型、菱形等形状,花纹凹凸不同,颜色各异,以金色和绿色为主,杂以黄色和红色,仿佛一簇升腾跳跃的火焰.教堂内的平顶天花板上,饰有17-18世纪造型生动的壁画.教堂现为历史博物馆分馆.米兰大教堂(Churchof Duomo),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称“杜莫主教堂”,位于意大利米兰市,规模居世界第二。
1.哥特式建筑 Gothic architecture
2.巴洛克式建筑 Baroque Architecture
3.洛可可风格建筑 Rococo style architecture
Originating in the 12th century in France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic
起源于12世纪的法国,持续到16世纪,哥特式建 筑是这一时期被称为“法国风格”。哥特式建 筑风格是最常用的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教 堂的欧洲。
这也是许多城堡 的建筑,宫殿,市政厅, 公会大厅,大学和不 那么突出的程度上,
私人住宅。 哥特 式风格,当应用到一 个宗教建筑,强调垂 直度和光线。
这个是亚眠大教堂,被称作欧洲 第一座哥特式建筑的其实是圣丹 尼教堂,想去图片结果莫名 其妙的什么教堂都有……
The idea of baroque buildings was conceived by mixing different styles from different eras
巴洛克建筑的想法是通过混 合不同时代不同风格
Rome polo square 罗马波罗广场
Baroque means irregular or pear-shaped in Spanish and in Europe it has the definition of deformed , unusual or absurd.
Gothic architecture(哥特式建筑)
Gothic this particular word originally meant the Germanic tribes of Western Europe. From eighteenth Century to nineteenth Century, the architectural culture and writing level, the so-called "Revival Gothic" ("Gothic Revival") in the middle of the dark atmosphere from the historical context of the tomb dug out.
Gothic Spire
From the Roman type building of cylinder vault is changed to a pointed arch (Pointed Arch, or simply known as Gothic Arch), thrust at four arch stone arch height and span, so no restrictions, can build big and tall. And the pointed ribbed vault also has the "upward" visual cues.
Group 6
As one of the three architectural styles in the medieval West, Gothic ar chitecture represents characteristics of the time, the sacred mysteries, noble dignity, gorgeous sensory effects caused by the heaven of the w orld’s attractiveness. As an art style, Gothic style making the medieva l western art formssculpture, paintings, furniture and various arts and crafts , and even cal ligraphy has its own distinct characteristics. Its value has long exceede d the building itself , has become a symbol of the spirit of the middle ag es , the aesthetic impact of the middle ages , but also affect our unders tanding of architecture and the aesthetic experience nowadays.
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为哥特次文化定义一个明确的思想体系并不太容易, 主要有几个原因。第一,心境及审美观占有非常重要 的角色。有部分是受到浪漫主义和新浪漫主义的启发。 黑暗、神秘、病态的印象及心境也存在于传统浪漫主 义的哥特小说中。在18世纪末期和19世纪,恐怖感 及对超自然的畏惧普遍存在于大众文学中,并持续到 现代的恐怖电影。哥特另一个核心元素是滑稽夸张及 自我戏剧化,出现在哥特小说和哥特次文化中。
英国的哥特式建筑出现的比法 国稍晚,流行于12~ 世纪 世纪。 国稍晚,流行于 ~16世纪。 英国教堂不象法国教堂那样矗 立于拥挤的城市中心, 立于拥挤的城市中心,力求高 控制城市, 大,控制城市,而是往往位于 开阔的乡村环境中, 开阔的乡村环境中,作为复杂 的修道院建筑群的一部分, 的修道院建筑群的一部分,比 较低矮, 较低矮,与修道院一起沿水千 方向伸展。 方向伸展。它们不象法国教堂 那样重视结构技术, 那样重视结构技术,但装饰更 自由多样。 自由多样。英国教堂的工期一 般都很长,其间不断改建、 般都很长,其间不断改建、加 很难找到整体风格统一的。 建,很难找到整体风格统一的。
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哥特,是英文 哥特,是英文gothic的音 的音 也译作“歌特” 译。也译作“歌特”,两 种译法是完全等价的。 种译法是完全等价的。哥 特是70年代末到 年代末到80年代中 特是 年代末到 年代中 期的后朋克运动的一个分 它形成于地下, 支。它形成于地下,表现 了摇滚最黑暗和阴沉的一 面。哥特乐队也以戏剧化 的服装和它的追随者(称为 的服装和它的追随者 称为 Goths)而闻名。音质上, 而闻名。 而闻名 音质上, 哥特采取了阴冷的合成器 效果, 效果,加工了前朋克的吉 他声音使它们建造一种不 祥之兆、悲伤的感觉, 祥之兆、悲伤的感觉,通 常是很壮观的音响背景。 音响背景 常是很壮观的音响背景。
哥特式建筑主要用于教堂,在中世纪高峰和晚期盛行于欧洲,发源于十二世纪的法国,持续至十六世纪,哥特式建筑在当代普遍被称作“法国式”(Opus Francigenum),“哥特式”一词则于文艺复兴后期出现。
Gothic Architecture 哥特式建筑
2.Flying Buttress
– a supporting facility to share the pressure from the main walls – The original buttress was solid and covered by the roof. However,the buttress with Gothic style is exposed out – coved with complicated decorates and elaborate carvings
4. the LBiblioteka tin cross (or "cruciform") plan
Famous Gothic Buildings
I. Church of Duomo(米 兰大教堂) I. Westminster Abbey (威斯敏斯特大教堂) I. Notre-Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母 院大教堂)
Gothic Architecture
The Development
• flourished and lasted from the mid-12th to the end of 15th century. • started in France and quickly spread through all parts of western Europe. • evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.
3.stained glass
– these windows are high enough, almost to be used as the walls. The stained glass, covered with religious stories which help to illustrate the doctrines to illiterate(文盲的) people is of high artistic achievement. – There are two main colors, blue and red. Blue symbolizes the heaven and red symbolizes the blood of Christ. – The stained glass creates a mysterious but brilliant scene, which express people’s longing for the kingdom of heaven.
慕尼黑的啤酒节 (又称“十月节”),每年 九末到十月初在德国慕尼 黑举行,持续两周,是慕 尼黑一年中最盛大的活动。 2002年大约有六百万人参 加了啤酒节,许多其他城 市也效仿慕尼黑举行“十 月节”。
活动一共举行16天,到十月的第 一个星期天为止,举行的地点是 一个叫做“Theresienwiese”(特 里萨的草原)的地方,巴伐利亚 方言简称为“Wiesen”(意为牧 场)。为了这个活动专门酿制的 一种啤酒叫做Wiesenbier,比一般 的啤酒颜色更深,酒劲也更大, 上酒的时候用的是一种叫做 “Maß”;的容量一升的的酒 杯,现场搭建起容纳3000到一万 人的大帐篷,只有慕尼黑当地的 酒商才被允许在里面提供这种酒。 酒客们也消耗掉大量的食物,大 多是传统的家常菜。
哥特式(Gotick)是13世纪到16世纪流行的建筑风格。 它最先在法国出现,随后传入德国并发扬光大。哥特 式建筑大部分是教堂,也有市政厅等世俗建筑。它的 特点是:广泛运用线条轻快的尖拱卷,造型挺拔的尖 塔。轻盈剔透的飞扶壁以及彩色玻璃镶嵌的修长花窗。 另外,北德各地还建有不少砖砌的哥特氏建筑。
Le style est d‘origine France au 18ème siècle..
ils sont celui qui est le plus élégant.
Architecture néoclassique
à la fin 18ème siècle et début 19èmቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ siècle.
La construction du classicisme
entre le 17ème siècle.et le 18ème siècle.
C`est la construction de la forme, ce qui est critique (严谨的), la décoration interne est très bellel. Remplacée par le plus grand nombre de conforts logements urbains et élégantes villages.
L’architecture de France
La construction du style gothique(哥特式) La construction du classicisme(古典主义) Le style de ROCOCO(洛可可风格) Architecture néoclassique(古典复兴主义)
Le style de ROCOCO
• C`est le style de Rococo,ce qui se caractérisent par une décoration. • par exemple, Li a paris. Les hôtel ( 巴黎苏俾士府邸) et Le Château de Versailles
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专业英语翻译第十篇——Further Reading (1): Gothic Architecture 深入阅读(1):哥特式建筑建筑091班Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.哥特式建筑是一种兴盛于中世纪高峰和晚期的建筑风格。
Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style”, with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance as a stylistic insult. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.哥特式建筑发展于12世纪的法国并且持续到第十六世纪,哥特式建筑在此期间被称为“法国式”,哥特这个词第一次出现在文艺复兴后期并且带有一定的贬义色彩。
Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, universities, and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings.哥德式建筑最常见于欧洲著名的大教堂、修道院和教区教堂。
It is in the great churches and cathedrals and in a number of civic buildings that the Gothic style was expressed most powerfully, its characteristics lending themselves to appeal to the emotions. A great number of ecclesiastical buildings remain from this period, of which even the smallest are often structures of architectural distinction while many of the larger churches are considered priceless works of art and are listed with UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. For this reason a study of Gothic architecture is largely a study of cathedrals and churches.哥特式建筑在著名的教堂、大教堂和一些市政建筑中,哥特式风格得到了充分的体现和表达,它的建筑特点符合了人们的情感需要。
Characteristics of Gothic churches and cathedrals哥特式教堂和大教堂的特点In Gothic architecture, a unique combination of existing technologies established the emergence of a new building style. Those technologies were the ogival or pointed arch, the ribbed vault, and the flying buttress. The Gothic style, when applied to an ecclesiastical building, emphasizes verticality and light. This appearance was achieved by the development of certain architectural features, which together provided an engineering solution. The structural jparts of the building ceased to be its solid walls, and became a stone skeleton comprising clustered columns, pointed ribbed vaults and flying buttresses.在哥德式建筑中,独特的、成熟的技术结构决定了一种新的建筑风格的出现。
A Gothic cathedral or abbey was, prior to the 20th century, generally the landmark building in its town, rising high above all the domestic structures and often surmounted by one or more towers and pinnacles and perhaps tall spires.在二十世纪之前,哥特式大教堂或者修道院往往是城镇的地标性建筑,建筑的一个或者多个小尖塔或者高塔尖要高于国内其它建筑物。
Plan平面图Most Gothic churches, unless they are entitled chapels, are of the Latin cross (or “cruciform”) plan, with a long nave making the body of the church, a transverse arm called the transept and, beyond it, an extension which may be called the choir, chancel or presbytery. There are several regional variations on this plan.大多数哥特式教堂,它们除了被称为小教堂,都是拉丁十字或十字平面之外,它们都有一个中厅,横向伸臂两端的空间叫做十字耳堂,延长突出的那一端,有可能是唱诗班区、高坛、或者是内殿。
The nave is generally flanked on either side by aisles, usually singly, but sometimes double. The nave is generally considerably taller than the aisles, having clerestory windows which light the central space. Gothic churches of the Germanic tradition, like St. Stephen of Vienna, often have nave and aisles of similar height. In the South of France there is often a single wide nave and no aisles, as at Sainte-Marie in Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges.中殿通常是作为两边空间作为平面上交通的通道,一般设置一个,有时候设置两个。
In some churches with double aisles, like Notre Dame, Paris, the transept does not project beyond the aisles. In English cathedrals transepts tend to project boldly and there may be two of them, as at Salisbury Cathedral, though this is not the case with lesser churches.在一些教堂中有两条侧廊,例如巴黎圣母院,它的十字耳堂在设计上没有超过侧廊。
The eastern arm shows considerable diversity. In England it is generally long and may have two distinct sections, both choir and presbytery. It is often square ended or has a projecting Lady Chapel, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In France the eastern end is often polygonal and surrounded by a walkway called an ambulatory and sometimes a ring of chapels called a “chevet”. While German churches are often similar to those of France, in Italy, the eastern projection beyond the transept is usually just a shallow apsidal chapel containing the sanctuary, as at Florence Cathedral.教堂的东臂体现出相当大的差异。