
那与手机相关的英语表达,你知道多少呢?按键 keypad彩铃 polyphonic ringtone关机 power off漫游 roaming service短信 short message / text message振动 vibrate彩屏 color screen壁纸 wallpaper手机费 mobile phone fee按键音 keypad tone提示音 warning tone对讲机 Walkie-Talkie高保真 high fidelity(hi-fi)储值卡 pre-paid phone card蓝牙技术 bluetooth移动梦网 Monter (Mobile+Inter)短信效劳 Short Message Service(SMS)彩信效劳 Multimedia Message Service(MMS)语音提示 voice prompt智能手机 smartphone直板手机 bar phone翻盖手机 clamshell phone / flip phone滑盖手机 slide phone翻盖接听 flip answer和弦铃声 chord music ringtone手机充值 cellular phone replenishing/recharging 手机用户 mobile phone user/subscriber图片短信 picture message手机铃音 mobile phone ringtone双卡双待 dual cards dual standby双向收费 two-way charging scheme待机模式 standby mode操作菜单 options菜单模式 list view/grid view快捷图标 short-cut icon自动重拨 automatic redial快速拨号 speed dial语音拨号 voice dial限制呼叫 fixed dial呼出通话 outgoing call被叫通话 ining call呼叫转移 call divert未接 missed call已接 received call手机入网费mobile aess fee不在效劳区out of reach手机实名制mobile phone identification policy近来的呼叫recent call全球定位系统Global Positioning System(GPS)客户身份识别卡Subscriber Identity Module(SIM) 全球移动通信系统Global System For Mobile Communications(GSM)。

一、手机基础词汇1. mobile phone/cell phone - 手机2. smartphone - 智能手机3. feature phone - 功能手机4. SIM card - SIM卡5. battery - 电池6. charger - 充电器7. touch screen - 触摸屏8. screen protector - 屏幕保护膜9. headphone - 耳机10. speaker - 扬声器二、手机功能词汇1. dial - 拨号2. call - 打电话3. answer - 接听4. hang up/end call - 挂断电话5. voicemail - 语音邮件6. message - 短信7. send - 发送8. receive - 收到9. delete - 删除10. contact - 联系人三、手机应用词汇1. app - 应用程序2. download - 下载3. install - 安装4. update - 更新5. uninstall - 卸载6. open - 打开7. close - 关闭8. notification - 通知9. setting - 设置10. lock screen - 锁屏四、手机网络词汇1. Wi-Fi - 无线网络2. network - 网络3. data - 数据4. mobile data - 移动数据5. 4G/LTE - 第四代移动通信技术/长期演进技术6. 3G - 三代移动通信技术7. 2G - 二代移动通信技术8. roaming - 漫游9. hotspot - 热点10. tethering - 共享热点五、手机操作词汇1. swipe - 滑动2. tap - 轻触3. pinch - 捏合4. scroll - 滚动5. zoom in - 放大6. zoom out - 缩小7. rotate - 旋转8. shake - 摇晃9. press - 按压10. hold - 长按六、手机问题与修复词汇1. freeze - 冻结2. crash - 崩溃3. restart - 重启4. reset - 重置5. update - 更新6. backup - 备份7. restore - 恢复8. troubleshoot - 故障排除9. screen flickering - 屏幕闪烁10. battery drain - 电池耗电总结:通过学习手机英语词汇,我们可以更好地与他人交流,更熟练地操作手机,解决手机相关的问题。

入门产品的英文单词全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:入门产品(entry-level products)通常指的是适合初学者或初级用户使用的产品。
1. 入门手机(entry-level smartphones):入门手机是指价格相对较低,功能相对简单的智能手机。
2. 入门笔记本电脑(entry-level laptops):入门笔记本电脑是针对学生、初学者或轻度办公用户设计的产品。
4. 入门音箱(entry-level speakers):入门音箱是适合家庭娱乐的音响产品,价格低廉但音质不错。
5. 入门游戏机(entry-level gaming consoles):入门游戏机是适合初学者或轻度玩家使用的游戏设备。
常见的入门游戏机品牌包括Nintendo Switch、PlayStation和Xbox。

家用电器英语Home appliances1:电视机:LCD TV/liquid crystal display television液晶电视Wall hung Plasma TV 壁挂式等离子电视ACTV- advanced compatible television 与普通电视兼容的高清晰度电视系统数字电视按照清晰度分为4档:高清晰度HDTV(High-definition television)、增强清晰度EDTV(Enhanced-definition television)、标准清晰度SDTV(Standard-definition television)、普通清晰度PDTV(pure digital television).等离子电视:PDP(Plasma Display Panel TV)液晶电视: LCD( Liquid Crystal Display TV)数字电视(Digital TV,简称DTV)机顶盒:set-top box液晶电视Plasma TV背投电视Projection TV平板电视Flat Panel TVCRT电视:CRT:Cathode Ray Tube纯平显示器黑白电视机monochrome television/black-and-white TV彩色电视Color TV:双声道stereo:2:关于冰箱的词汇:电冰箱对开门样式free standing side by side/French Door电冰箱的双开门样式top freezer3:关于洗衣机的词汇:波轮式全自动洗衣机automatic impeller washing machine前开式滚筒洗衣机front loader washing machine顶装式洗衣机 top loaded washing machine4:其它家电:Vertical Disinfection Cabinetffice 消毒碗柜Household Gas Stove 煤气炉Smoke Exhauster 抽油烟机Range hood 抽油烟机stove 炉子toaster 烤面包机air exhauster抽气机Soya-bean milk Grinder 豆浆机Food Blender 搅拌机Juice extractor 榨汁机Filter Purifier 净水器Water Dispenser 饮水机DVD: Digital Versatile Discfluorescent lamp 日光灯flashlight 手电筒electric calculator 计算器Dictaphone/dictating machine 录音机蓝牙枕头:perCushion可以接打电话的蓝牙枕头electric cooker电饭锅electric heater电暖气loud-speaker 扩音机microwave oven 微波炉electric iron 电熨斗electric foot warmer 暖脚器electric shaver 电动剃须刀electric heater 电暖气electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器bulb 电灯泡electronic oven 电烤箱air-conditioner 空调tumble dryer转筒式干衣机ceiling fan吊扇stand fan立扇table fan 台扇wall fan 壁扇Light commercial 中央空调PSP( Play station Portable)便携式掌机Onekey Recovery一键恢复dicer 切块机dishwasher 洗碗机compactor 捣碎器eggbeater打蛋器can opener 开罐头刀Ffwd: 快进rew:倒带Facsimile 传真机FAX 传真机HTPC: Home Theater Personal Computer的英文缩写,就是"家庭影院个人电脑" personal stereo (system)音响,嫦娥1号:Chang'e-1 lunar probe; Chang'e-1 lunar satellite月球探测卫星:lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter长征三号甲运载火箭:Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle数码类1:关于数码相机的词汇影像分辨率image sizeISO感光度sensitivity数字变焦digital zoom自动对焦auto focus手动对焦manual focus快门按钮:shutter button闪光灯:flash三脚架插孔:tripod receptacle取景器窗口:finder window自动调节模式:auto adjustment mode手动曝光拍摄:manual exposure shooting电池插槽:battery insertion slot模式旋钮:mode dial自动对焦:auto focus变焦:zoom智慧式变焦:smart zoom拍摄特写:shooting close-upsInstamatic INSTA(NT)+(AUTO)MATIC傻瓜相机a Polaroid picture一次成像照片2:其它MP3---MPEG Audio Player3MP4包括PMP(Portable Media Player)MPEG----是Motion Picture Experts Group的缩写,意即“运动图像专家组”像素:pixel百万像素:megapixel分辨率:resolution录音笔:Digital Record Pen摄像头(视频聊天用):webcam数码摄像机:DV(Digital Vedia)计算机类1:计算机类型:PC:(Personal Computer )个人计算机laptop:笔记本电脑Luggable computer 手提电脑desktop:台式机Mainframe 大型计算机Microcomputer 微型机Minicomputer 小型计算机Wearable Computer 嵌入式计算机NC: Network Computer 网络计算机MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer 多媒体个人电脑Home computer:家庭计算机Supercomputer 超级计算机PDA : Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理,掌中宝Palmtop computer 掌上电脑Stand-alone computer 独立计算机Portable computer 便携式电脑ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator 世界上第一台通用计算机2:Office操作英文词:program程序license许可(证)previous前一个back前一步next下一步finish结束settings设置update更新release发布data数据data base数据库DBMS(Data Base Manage System)数据库管理系统view视图insert插入object对象configuration配置command命令document文档POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序icon图标service pack服务补丁option pack功能补丁Demo演示short cut快捷方式exception异常debug调试cursor光标folder文件夹Destination Folder目的文件夹attribute属性text文本font字体size大小scale比例zoom 缩放zoom in 放大zoom out 缩小interface界面function函数access访问manual指南GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面template模版page setup页面设置print preview打印预览full screen全屏tool bar工具条status bar状态条default默认autoscan 自动扫描自动关机automatic shutdowncarbon copy (cc) 副本case insensitive 不分大小写3:相关配件英文词汇主机:mainframe双核处理器:Dual Core Processor路由器:router调制解调器Modem= Modulator Demodulator,集成显卡:integrated graphics card独立显卡:standalone graphics card显示卡(Video Graphic Array,即显示绘图阵列) :VGA声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) AUD网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) :LAN中央处理单元 CPU(Center Processor Unit)主板main boardMemory(存储器,内存随机存储器(内存)只读存储器ROM(Read Only Memory)RAM(Random Access Memory,随机存取存储器,内存属于这种存储器)HUB:集线器Capture:影音采集卡USB(Universal Serial Bus,Intel,公司开发的通用串行总线架构)USB Storage Device USB存储设备软盘Floppy Disk硬盘Hard DiskFloppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器软盘驱动器floppy drive光盘驱动器(光驱) CD-ROMCD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱光盘optical disk可移动硬盘portable hard disc监视器monitor键盘keyboard鼠标mouseThe optical mouse 光电鼠标The wheeled mouse 滚轮鼠标芯片chipfirewall防火墙Adapter 适配器Display Adapter 显示器,LCD(Liquid Crystal Display,液晶显示屏)Network Adapter 网卡,AC Adapter 交流电源适配器CD Compact Disk光盘MS(Memory stick) 记忆棒charger充电器Scanner(扫描仪)WebCam:网络摄影机network printer 网络打印机PC card个人计算机卡Personal laser printer个人激光打印机Personal video recorder card个人视频记录卡Photo printer照片打印机accelerator .加速装置,加速器System Memory 系统内存Panel Type 液晶屏型号光盘刻录机CD-R集线器HUB机箱Case鼠标垫mouse pad输入/出设备I/O devicesrouter 路由器script 脚本search engine 搜索引擎server 服务器SID 安全标识符sender 发送者client/server 客户机/服务器Site 站点snooping 探听4:计算机相关操作词汇Format-格式化Drag and drop拖放’Extract to..把文件解压缩把文件压缩到:Compress to "文件名.rar" Add to 文件名.zip快捷方式:shortcutEncrypt加密Decrypt 解密crack破解double click双击right click右击restart重启Keystroke n. 键击Intercept n. 截取picture processing 图像处理extended memory 扩充内存exit退出edit编辑copy复制cut剪切paste粘贴delete删除select选择find查找select all全选replace替换undo撤消redo重做autos can v.自动扫描Keyword search关键字搜索P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用setup安装uninstall卸载wizard向导Refresh 刷新Debug 调试Config 配置Registry 注册表Driver 驱动程序Application 应用程序Installation wizard 安装向导阻止弹出窗口Block pop-upsBus 总线Resolution(分辨率)Pixel 像素Screen Saver 屏幕保护程序Properties 属性UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)不间断电源OA(Office Automation)办公自动化AD Active Directory 活动目录ICQ网上寻呼OS(Operation System)操作系统Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统Windows NT微软公司的网络操作系统BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统文档语HTTP超文本传输协议FTP 文件传输协议HTML超文本标识语言hypertext超文本hyperlink超级链接Extension (文件的)扩展名5:其它计算机词汇:backup 备份buffer 缓冲storage space 存储空间Online n.联机subdirectory 子目录the root directory 根目录Accessory n. 附件modem 调制解调器default n. 缺省值,默认值character string 字符串attribute n. 属性,标志compatible a. 兼容的,destination disk 目标盘server-based network 基于服务器的网络session layer 会话层share、sharing 共享subnet 子网object program 目标程序source program 源程序MMX:Multimedia Extensions 多媒体扩展Video Signal 视频信号Audio Signal 音频信号Virtual memory 虚拟内存Virtual reality 虚拟现实Virtual terminal 虚拟终端Internet Explorer(IE)IBM的万维网浏览器互联网词汇BBS—bulletin board system电子公告栏系统Witkey威客(在网络时代,凭借自己的创造力(智慧和创意)在互联网上帮助别人,而获得报酬的人):VOD(Video-on-demand) :视频点播MSN: (Microsoft Service Network)微软网络服务Flasher:闪客,在网络上制作flash文件的高手网虫:mouse potato垃圾邮件:spam屏幕保护:screen saver播客:podcast点击量:click rate浏览量/访问量:page view漏洞:bug语音视频:voice and video chat网络课堂:online class群聊:group chat导航栏:navigation bar主页:homepage网页:webpage手动搜索:manual search站点管理员:site manager宽带:broad band浏览器:browser认证授权:certificate authority域名系统:DNS(Domain Name System)域名:domain name以太网: Ethernet常见问题答案:FAQ(Frequent Asked Question)互联网上的激烈争论:flame war远程登陆:telnet论坛板块: board版主:moderator发贴:post提交帖子:submit post预览:preview置顶:stick远程登陆: telnet网关:gatewaylogin 注册,登录,[港]登入logoff 注销logon 注册safe format 安全格式化send later 稍后传送surf the Net 网上漫游,网上浏览,网上冲浪synchronization 同步system administrator 系统管理员常见缩写科技词FTP: file transfer Protocol,即文件传输协议FTTC: Fiber-to-the-curb 光纤到路边FTTN: fiber-to-the—neighbor 光纤到社区PCS: personal communications service 个人通信业务FDMA: frequency division multiple access 频分多址技术WAN: wide-area network 广域网MAN: metropolitan-area network 城域风ISP: Internet Service Provider 因特网服务提供商MSM:mobile service mode 移动业务点VCR: video Cassette Recorder 录像机CATV: common antenna television 公用天线电视AMS: audiovisual multimedia service 视听多媒体服务USB: universal serial bus 由Intel公司开发的通用串行总线结构IP: Internet Protocol 网际协议全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,简称GPS)通信类1:关于电话:coin call 投币电话credit card call 信用卡电话crossed lines 电话干扰domestic call 国内电话emergency call 急救电话person-to-person call 叫人电话mouth piece 传话机intercom system 对讲机系统overseas call 国际电话party line 同线电话service meter 通话次数表station-to-station call 叫号电话switchboard 电话总机wireless transceiver 无线电对讲机PPS- Prepaid Service 预付费业务PSTN- Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网2:手机词汇(1)手机种类:智能手机:Smartphone宽屏:wide screen触摸屏:touch screen直板:bar phone翻盖:flip phone滑盖:slide phonea cell phone with double cards, double durations and double modes双卡双待双模手机(2)相关手机词汇:彩铃:polyphonic ring tone和弦铃声:chord music ring tone蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听):Bluetooth对讲机: Walkie-Talkie高保真:high fidelity (hi-fi)移动梦网:Monternet (Mobil+Internet)储值卡:pre-paid phone card按键音:keypad tone提示音:warning tone手机入网费:initiation charges for mobile phone/mobile access fee图片短信:picture message手机实名制:mobile phone identification policy双向收费:two-way charging scheme彩屏:color screen待机模式:standby mode菜单模式:list view/grid view操作菜单:options快捷图标:short-cut icon语音拨号:voice dial任意键应答:any key answer限制呼叫:fixed dial呼出通话(外线电话):outgoing call被叫通话:incoming call呼叫转移:call divert未接电话:missed call已接电话:received call下载的图片Download pic下载的铃声Download ringTFT 有源矩阵彩色显示器pan漫游cruise漫游PHS-FAX小灵通传真器EDGE: Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution增强型数据速率GSM演进技术(一种从GSM到3G的过渡技术)3:其它缩写通信词汇:1G:first generation 第一代移动通信系统,以频分复用技术为代表的模拟移动通信系统2G:second generation 第二代移动通信系统,以时分复用以及窄带码分多址为代表的数字移动通信系统3G:third generation 第三代移动通信系统,以宽带码分多址技术为代表的数字移动通信系统NG:next generation 下一代NGN:next-generation networking 下一代网络全球通:Go Tone动感地带:M-Zone神州行:Easyown机卡分离: Machine Card Separation无线音乐:wireless music全球移动通信系统:GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)GPRS: (General Packet Radio Service)通用无线分组业务CDMA (code division multiple access) 码分多址Global Positioning System(GPS) 卫星定位系统Local Telephone 市内电话Long Distance Telephone 长途电话Mobile Satellite Communications 移动卫星通讯PIN 个人识别号码Wi-Fi:(WirelessFidelity)无线保真技术BlackBerry: 一种采用双向寻呼模式的移动邮件系统TDM- time division mul tiple access 时分多址联接方式PTT- Postal, Telegraph and Telephone 邮政,电报和电话CDR- Call Detail Record 呼叫详细记录CIC- Circuit Identification Code 电路识别码DB- Data Base 数据库GUI- Graphic User Interface 图形用户界面HW- High Way 高速信号线IMSI- International Mobile Subscriber Identity 国际移动用户标识IP- Internet Protocol 网际协议LAN Switch- Local Area Network Switch 以太网交换机MSC- Mobile Switching Centre 移动交换中心SMSC- Short Message Service Center 短消息业务中心UDTS- Unit Data Service 单位数据业务WAN- Wide Area Network 广域网WS- Work Station 工作站通信常用缩略语Gbps- gigabit per second 千兆/秒PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)被呼用户优先priority for called subscriber本地交换机local exchange本地移动用户身份local mobile station identity ( LMSI)点对地区通信point-area communication点对点通信point-point communicate第二代无绳电话系统cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2) 第三代移动通信系统third generation mobile systems电池功率power of battery电池能量energy capacity of battery电池容量battery capacity多址呼叫multi address call多址联接multiple access多用户信道multi-user channel个人数字助理PDA personal date assistance仿真天线dummy antennaIT互联网服务提供商ISP internet service provider互联网内容提供商ICP internet content provider电子公告牌系统BBS bulletin board system窄带综合业务数字网N-ISDN非对称数据用户线(俗称超级一线通)asymmetric digital subscriber loop 通用无线分组业务GPRS general packet radio service网线Network Cable网线接头Network Cable Connector卫星直播Direct Broadcasting Satellite DBSterminal unit 终端设备timer 时钟,精密计时器time sharing 分时timing 定时track 磁道translator 翻译程序,翻译器Automated Teller Machine (ATM ) (银行) 自动出纳机Small office/home office(SOHO)小型家庭办公室E-commerce( electronic commerce) 电子商务,电子商业Telnet:远程登录Usenet新闻论坛密钥加密技术(Key Encryption Technology)Blu-Ray (vs. HD DVD): 高容量DVD的新科技barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器CCTV(closed-circuit television) 闭路电视cyber cash 电子货币数字现金(Digital Cash)关于光驱的词汇---BCF(boot catalog file启动目录文件)CAI Computer Aided Instruction电脑辅助教学CD-R Compact Disc - Recordable可写光盘CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory只读光盘CD-RW Compact Disc - ReWritable可擦写光盘DVD:Digital Versatile Disc 数字通用光盘关于电子游戏的词汇---电子竞技electronic sport,E-sport角色扮演类游戏role playing game即时战略类游戏realtime strategy game回合制战略游戏turn-based strategy game手柄joypad操作杆joystick商家游戏机arcade machine掌上游戏机handheld device终极玩家ultimate gamer电子竞技者cyber athleteAI Artificial Intelligence人工智能互联网引致新词汇:(1)@-party:电脑迷的派对。

手机英语词汇大全彩铃polyphonic ringtone和弦铃声chord music ringtone蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)bluetooth对讲机Walkie-Talkie全球定位系统GPS (Global Positioning System)高保真high fidelity(常简写为hi-fi)移动梦网Monternet(Mobile+Internet)短信服务SMS(Short Message Service)彩信服务MMS(Multimedia Message service)客户身份识别卡SIM卡(Subscriber Identity Module)全球移动通信系统GSM (Global System For Mobile Communications)储值卡pre-paid phone card语音提示voice prompt直板手机bar phone翻盖手机clamshell phone /flip phone滑盖手机slide phone翻盖接听flip answer按键keypad按键音keypad tone提示音warning tone手机充值cellular phone replenishing/recharging手机入网费initiation charges for mobile phone; mobile access fee漫游roaming service手机用户mobile phone user/subscriber短信short message; text message图片短信picture message手机费mobile phone fee关机power off手机铃音mobile phone ringtone振动vibrate手机实名制mobile phone identification policy双向收费two-way charging scheme 彩屏color screen壁纸wallpaper待机模式standby mode操作菜单options菜单模式list view/ grid view快捷图标short-cut icon自动重拨automatic redial快速拨号speed dial语音拨号voice dial任意键应答any key answer限制呼叫fixed dial呼出通话outgoing call 被叫通话incoming call 近来的呼叫recent call 呼叫转移call divert未接电话missed call已接电话received call 不在服务区out of reach。
2020中考英语作文热点素材范文02 手机

热点02 手机手机无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。
要点所示1. 在现代社会中,手机的发明改变着社会,手机起着重要的作。
2. 手机让人们的联系更加容易,让地球变小了。
3. 但过去人们常常交谈,而现在却是交流少了,玩手机的多了。
4. 有些学生用手机玩游戏,浪费许多时间,严重影响学习。
5. 你的建议。
(至少两条)可用词汇:手机:cell phone 智能手机:smart phone要求:1.词数:80词左右。
2. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和所在学校的名称。
____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】One possible versionWith the development of IT information industry ,there has been a.dramatic rise in cell phone,which are now essential to millions of people. But everything has two sides.On one hand,cell phones contribute a lot to daily life. firstly,cell phones enable people to easily and quickly communicate with one another whenever and wherever you are. Secondly, it is the multifunction of cell phonesthat help us survive those boring moments.On the other hand, the disadvantages can never be denied. The most disadvantages is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline.From my perspective, any new invention has its drawbacks,but such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. I strongly suggest that we use cell phones moderately and appropriately to make them more beneficial.【解析】试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。

手机相关英语写作词汇Bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)Hi-Fi: High Fldelity 高保真3-G:Generation Three 第三代PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统Walkie-Talkie:步话机GoTone:世界通GPS:Global Positioning System 世界定位系统Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务MMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 世界移动通信系统WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(使手机具有上网功能)PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡Roaming:漫游Voice Prompt:语音提示WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机3-D:Three-Dimension 三维LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示。

英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later.2、被叫用户关机:中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off.3、被叫不在服务区:中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。
英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢!英文:Sorry, your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it, thank you!5、用户申请临时停机/其他原因暂时停机:中文:对不起!您的电话已停机。
英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.6、被叫停机:中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。
英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.7、被叫忙:(1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。
英文:Sorry! Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,.(2)被叫用户未登记呼叫等待功能中文:您好!您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.8、中继忙/网络忙:中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。

1. 电子设备(Electronic Devices):电子设备(Electronic Devices):- 手机(Mobile Phone)- 平板电脑(Tablet)- 笔记本电脑(Laptop)- 数码相机(Digital Camera)- 平板电视(Smart TV)- 蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth Headphones)- 路由器(Router)- 打印机(Printer)- 游戏机(Game Console)2. 手机和平板电脑(Mobile Phones and Tablets):手机和平板电脑(Mobile Phones and Tablets):- 屏幕(Screen)- 触摸屏(Touchscreen)- 按钮(Button)- 扬声器(Speaker)- 麦克风(Microphone)- 摄像头(Camera)- 电池(Battery)- 存储空间(Storage)- Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)- 操作系统(Operating System)- 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit, CPU)- 内存(Memory)- 硬盘(Hard Drive)- 显卡(Graphics Card)- 鼠标(Mouse)- 键盘(Keyboard)- USB接口(USB Port)- 显示器(Monitor)- 网络(Network)4. 数码产品(Digital Products):数码产品(Digital Products):- 数字音乐播放器(MP3 Player)- 手持游戏机(Handheld Game Console)- 电子书阅读器(E-book Reader)- 可穿戴设备(Wearable Device)- 数码手表(Smart Watch)- 虚拟现实设备(Virtual Reality Device)- 无人机(Drone)- 智能家居设备(Smart Home Device)- 智能助理(Smart Assistant)- 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)5. 网络和互联网(Internet and Networking):网络和互联网(Internet and Networking):- 网站(Website)- 网络连接(Internet Connection)- 浏览器(Browser)- 电子邮件(Email)- 社交媒体(Social Media)- 云存储(Cloud Storage)- 数据隐私(Data Privacy)- 信息安全(Information Security)- 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network, VPN)- 数字版权(Digital Copyright)这些是一些常见的电子产品英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助!如果有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时向我提问。

首先我们来看看Menu(菜单),你会看到以下的一些常见选项(具体名称因手机厂商和型号的关系会有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通话记录)、Phone book(通迅录)、Settings (设置)、Organiser(事务管理)、Games(游戏)、Applications(应用)、Extras(附加功能)、Connectivity (数据联通)等等。
先进入第一项Messages来认认单词吧:选择Select进入,我们会看到这样的一些目录:Text messages (文字信息)1. Creat message (新建信息)2. Inbox (收件箱)3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建电子邮件)4. Sent items (已发信息)5. Saved items (已存信息)6. Achive (存档文件夹)7. Templates (范本)8. My folders (个人文件夹)9. Distribution lists (收信人列表)10. Delete messages (删除信息)第2个Multimedia msgs. (多媒体信息)内的菜单和上面差不多就不多说了。

手机的英语词汇有关手机的英语词汇大家对手机的英语词汇了解吗,下面由店铺为大家介绍一下有关手机的英语词汇吧,仅供参考!有关手机的英语词汇1一、bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)二、Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)三、Hi-Fi: High Fldelity 高保真四、3-G:Generation Three 第三代五、PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统六、Walkie-Talkie:步话机七、Gotone:全球通------这个应该太熟悉不过了吧八、GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统九、Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网---我们这儿有,不知道大家那有没有,我还有梦网邮箱十、GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务--这个很重要哦,要掌握十一、SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务---------最最流行的.service十二、MMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务十三、SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡-------现在知道SIM的全称是什么了吧,十四、GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统十五、WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能)十六、PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)十七、CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址-----------超级重点哦十八、pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡十九、Roaming:漫游二十、Voice Prompt:语音提示二十一、WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网二十二、DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机二十三、3-D:Three-Dimension 三维二十四、LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示有关手机的英语词汇21.按键 keypad2.彩铃 polyphonic ringtone3.关机 power off4.漫游 roaming service5.短信 short message / text message6.振动 vibrate7.彩屏 color screen8.壁纸 wallpaper9.手机费 mobile phone fee10.按键音 keypad tone11.提示音 warning tone12.对讲机 Walkie-T alkie13.高保真 high fidelity(hi-fi)14.储值卡 pre-paid phone card15.蓝牙技术 bluetooth16.移动梦网 Monternet (Mobile+Internet)17.短信服务 Short Message Service(SMS)18.彩信服务 Multimedia Message Service(MMS)19.语音提示 voice prompt20.智能手机 smartphone21.直板手机 bar phone22.翻盖手机 clamshell phone / flip phone23.滑盖手机 slide phone24.翻盖接听 flip answer25.和弦铃声 chord music ringtone26.手机充值27.cellular phone replenishing/recharging28.手机用户 mobile phone user/subscriber29.图片短信 picture message30.手机铃音 mobile phone ringtone31.双卡双待 dual cards dual standby32.双向收费 two-way charging scheme33.待机模式 standby mode34.操作菜单 options35.菜单模式 list view/grid view36.快捷图标 short-cut icon37.自动重拨 automatic redial38.快速拨号 speed dial39.语音拨号 voice dial40.限制呼叫 fixed dial41.呼出通话 outgoing call42.被叫通话 incoming call43.呼叫转移 call divert44.未接电话 missed call45.已接电话 received call46.任意键应答47.any key answer48.手机入网费49.mobile access fee50.不在服务区51.out of reach52.手机实名制53.mobile phone identification policy54.近来的呼叫55.recent call56.全球定位系统57.Global Positioning System(GPS)58.客户身份识别卡59.Subscriber Identity Module(SIM)60.全球移动通信系统61.Global System For Mobile Communications(GSM) 【有关手机的英语词汇】。

新概念英语青少版 1A 词汇表Lesson 1meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;满足vi.相遇;集合the [ðə, ðɪ] art。
这,那family [’fæmɪlɪ] n。
家庭,家族Hello [’hə’ləʊ] int。
喂my [maɪ] pron.我的name ['neɪm] n。
名字is [ɪz] v。
是this [ðɪs] a.这;这个wife [waɪf] n.妻子How do you do?您好daughter [’dɔ:tə] n.女儿son [sʌn] n.儿子Hi! 你好,嘿,喂and [ænd,ənd] conj。
和,又,并,则nephew [’nevju:] n.侄子,外甥Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
friend [frend] n.朋友teacher [’ti:tʃə] n。
夫人Lesson2your [jɔ:] pron。
你的,你们的pen [pen] n。
钢笔yes [jes] ad.是,是的Whose [hu:z] pron。
谁的No [nəʊ] ad。
不,并不a.没有的not [nɒt] ad。
不,没有it [ɪt] pron。
它it’s pn。
它是isn't 不是pencil [’pensl] n.铅笔hat [hæt] n.帽子coat [kəʊt] n。
外套,上衣mobile [’məʊbaɪl]手机ruler ['ru:lə] n。
直尺book [bʊk] n.书籍bag [bæg] n。
袋,包Lesson 3what [wɒt] pron。
什么Hey [heɪ] interj. 嘿good [gʊd] a.好的look [lʊk] n.看a [eɪ,ə] art。
一(个),每一(个)wheel [wi:l] n。
轮,车轮green [gri:n] a.绿色的 n。

以"手机之我见" 为题写一篇不少于80个词的短文。
Use the following points as a reference.1. Is it a good idea to own a mobile phone for a middle school student?2. Why do you think so? (give at least three reasons)注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。
例文:My views on mobile phones . Different people have different opinions on whether it’s a good idea to use mobile phones. When it comes to me, it’s unnecessary to do so.First of all, it does no good to our study. Since mobile phones have a lot functions, we can be easily distracted from our study.Second, it’s harmful to our health. For example, like all the electronic products, mobile phones have radiation which may cause serious diseases.Finally, paying for mobile phones can be expensive. Nowadays, many people like to show off themselves by taking out the latest phones. And this can be a great waste of money.As far as I am concerned, I hold the opinion that it’s not a good idea to use mobile phones.【详解】题干解读:根据文中给出的提示可知,这是一篇开放性的文章,作者可以写同意的观点也可以写反对的观点,只要说说自己的看法,合理即可。

新概念英语青少版A B单词表词汇The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.新概念英语青少版 1A 词汇表Lesson 1meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;满足vi.相遇;集合the [e, e] art.这,那family ['fml] n.家庭,家族Hello ['h'l] int.喂my [ma] pron.我的name ['nem] n.名字is [z] v.是this [es] a.这;这个wife [waf] n.妻子How do you do 您好daughter ['d:t] n.女儿son [sn] n.儿子Hi! 你好,嘿,喂and [nd, nd] conj.和,又,并,则nephew ['nevju:] n.侄子,外甥Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
friend [frend] n.朋友teacher ['ti:t] n.教师Mrs. n....夫人Lesson2your [j:] pron.你的,你们的pen [pen] n.钢笔yes [jes] ad.是,是的Whose [hu:z] pron.谁的No [n] ad.不,并不a.没有的not [nt] ad.不,没有it [t] pron.它it's pn. 它是isn't 不是pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔hat [ht] n.帽子coat [kt] n.外套,上衣mobile ['mbal] 手机ruler ['ru:l] n.直尺book [bk] n.书籍bag [bg] n.袋,包Lesson 3what [wt] pron.什么Hey [he] interj. 嘿good [gd] a.好的look [lk] n.看a [e, ] art.一(个),每一(个) wheel [wi:l] n.轮,车轮green [gri:n] a.绿色的 n.绿色OK [''ke] int.行,好now [na] n.现在flower ['fla] n.花red [red] a.红色的n.红色umbrella [m'brel] n.伞,雨伞that [et] a.那,那个grey [gre] n./a.灰色(的)bird [b:d] n.鸟,禽key [ki:] n.钥匙right [rat] a.正确的silver ['slv] n.银色的chair [te] n.椅子table ['tebl] n.桌子Lesson 4bicycle ['baskl] n.自行车colour ['kl] n.颜色what colour... ......什么颜色an [n, n] art.一(个,件...) white [wat] a.白的n.白色black [blk] a.黑色的,黑暗的dress [dres] n.连衣裙camera ['kmr] n.照相机,摄影机blue [blu:] a.蓝色的 n.蓝色desk [desk] n.书桌,办公桌brown [bran] n.褐色,棕色Lesson5who [hu:] pron.谁boy [b] n.男孩,少年,家伙which ['wt] pron.哪一个a.哪一个on [n] prep.在…上man [mn] n.男人with [we] prep.有,带着Mr. n.先生he [hi:] pron.(主格)他father ['fɑ:e] n.父亲woman ['wmn] n.妇女,女性she [i:, ] pron.她mother ['me] n.母亲girl [g:l] n.女孩子sister [sst] n.姐妹look at 看着;注视;察看young [j] a.年轻的n.青年们in [n] prep.在…里old [ld] a.陈旧的cousin ['kzn] n.堂(表)兄弟(姐妹) Oh 噢!car [kɑ:] n.轿车so [s] conj.那么,这样看来too [tu:] ad.也,还;太their [ee] pron.他(她,它)们的brother ['bre] n.兄弟student ['stju:dnt] n.学生his [hs] pron.他的,他的东西her [h:, h] pron.(宾格)她,她的new [nju:] a.新的Lesson6horse [h:s] n.马Tell me about 告诉我关于...... yellow ['jel] a.黄色的n.黄色taxi ['tks] n.出租汽车Lesson7well [wel] ad.健康的how [ha] ad.怎么,怎样,多少How are you 你好吗I [a] pron.(主格)我am [m, m] v.是fine [fan] a.健康的,舒适的but [bt] conj.但是,可是very ['ver] ad.很,非常sorry ['sr] a.难过的;对不起的him [hm] pron.(宾格)他What's the matter with ......怎么了hot [ht] a.热的,刺激的,辣的sure [] a.确信的,确实的hungry ['hgr] a.饥饿的,渴望的thirsty ['θ:st] a.渴的;渴望的poor [p] a.贫穷的;可怜的What about ......呢doctor ['dkt] n.医生,博士busy ['bz] a.繁忙的ill [l] a.有病的perhaps [p'hps] ad.也许,可能are [ɑ:] v.是Better safe than sorry 有备无患!cold [kld] a.冷的Lesson8or [:, ] conj.或,或者clever ['klev] a.聪明的,机敏的happy ['hp] a.快乐的,幸福的stupid ['stju:pd] a.愚蠢的story ['st:r] n.故事,小说funny ['fn] a.好笑的,有趣的,滑稽的sad [sd] a.悲哀的silly ['sl] a.傻的,愚蠢的Lesson9neighbour ['neb] n.邻居nice ['nas] a.美好的,令人愉快的What do you do 你是做什么工作的at [t, t] prep.在sports academy 体育学院come [km] vi.来,来到,出现art college 艺术学院writer ['rat] n.作者,作家aunt [ɑ:nt] n.伯母,婶母,姑母our ['a] pron.我们的husband ['hzbnd] n.丈夫Thank you! 谢谢你!everybody ['evrbd] pron.每人,人人for [f:, f] prep.为,给,因为welcome ['welkm] int.欢迎n.欢迎vt.欢迎Lesson10her [h:, h] pron.(宾格)她,她的housewife ['haswaf] n.家庭主妇job [db] n.职业,工作photographer [f'tgrf] n. 摄影师policeman [p'li:smn] n.警察postman ['pstmn] n.邮递员actor ['kt] n.男演员accountant ['kantnt] n.会计,会计师Lesson11tall [t:l] n.高的,身材高的gossip ['gsp] n.闲谈,碎嘴子,漫笔pretty ['prt] ad.相当地a.漂亮的over there 在那里(指较远处)where [we] ad.在哪里pron.哪里from [frm, frm, frm] prep.从…来,根据English ['gl] n.英语 a.英国人的American ['merkn] a.美洲的 n.美国人Washington ['wtn] n.华盛顿here [h] ad.这里,向这里famous ['fems] a.着名的expensive [ks'pensv] a.昂贵的,花钱多的beautiful ['bju:tfl] a.美的,美丽的handsome ['hndsm] a.英俊的wait [wet] vi.等待n.等待see [si:] vt.看见London ['lndn] n.伦敦nationality ['n'nlt] n.国籍,民族Lesson12describe [ds'krab] vt.形容,描写,描绘short [:t] a.短的;矮的Chinese ['ta'ni:z] a.中国的 n.中国人French [frent] a.法国的 n.法国人fat [ft] a.肥胖的 n.脂肪,肥肉thin [θn] a.薄的;淡的;瘦的actress ['ktrs] n.女演员Lesson13Mum [mm] n.(口语)妈妈one [wn] a.一样的东西favourite ['fevrt] n.特别喜爱的人(或物) a.最爱的long [l] a.长的,远的schoolbag n. 书包give [gv] vt.送给me [mi:, m] pron.我please [pli:z] ad.请Here you are. 给你。

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wi-fi:wireless fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)
hi-fi: high fldelity 高保真
3-g:generation three 第三代
phs:personal handyphone system 个人手提移动电话系统
gps:global positioning system 全球定位系统
monternet:mobile+internet 移动梦网---我们这儿有,不知道大家那有没有,我还有梦网邮箱
gprs:general packet radio service 通用分组无线业务--这个很重要哦,要掌握
sms:short message service 短信服务---------最最流行的service
mms:multi-media messaging service 多媒体信息服务
sim卡:subscriber identity module 客户身份识别卡-------现在知道sim的全称是什么了吧,
wap:wireless application protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能)
pas:personal access system 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)
cdma:code division multiple access 码多分址-----------超级重点哦
pre-paid phone card:储值卡
voice prompt:语音提示
wlans:wireless local area networks 无线局域网
dv:digital video 数码摄像机
3-d:three-dimension 三维
lcd:liquid crystal display 液晶显示。