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出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 雅思听力多选题的出题思路及解题技巧




1. 利与弊的讨论

What TWO disadvantages of the questionnaire form of data collection do the students discuss? (C4T2S3)

What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to? (C5T3S2)

2. 时间的区分

What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course? (C5T1S3)

Which THREE topics do this term’s study skill workshops cover? (C6T4S3) Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch? (C6T2S2)

Which TWO activities can students do after the tour at present? (C8T1S2) Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment? (C8T3S1)

3. 因果关系

出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 Which TWO reasons does Jeannie give for deciding to leave some college clubs? (C8T43)

Which TWO factors reduce the benefits of shark nets? (C4T4S4)

4. 包含与否

Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour? (C5T1S1)

Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at Shore Lane Health Center? (C9T4S1)

Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum? (C8T1S2) Which THREE topics does Sandra agree to include in the proposal? (C8T1S3)

5. 行为方式

In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course? (C8T4S3)

Which THREE things can the general public do to help the charity Pedal Power? (C5T2S2)

6. 重要细节

Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test? (C9T1S2)

Which TWO achievements of Antarctic Treaty are mentioned by the speakers? (C7T2S3)

Which TWO facilities did the students request in the new Union Building? (C4T3S4)

Which TWO security measures have been requested? (C4T3S4)

Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End? (C6T1S4)


出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁 从选项的数量来看,多选题主要可分为五选二和七选三两种情况,极少出现七选二。与单选题相比,两道单选题有六个选项,三道单选题有九个选项,多选题反而少了一两个干扰信息,考生应该为此感到庆幸。





1. 无中生有

选项中的内容在音频中没有被提到,如C5T1S3中的选项E. study diary在音频中并未被提及,即可排除此选项;或者选项中的内容在音频中只提到了一部分,另一部分的内容在音频中未被提及,如C5T2S2中的选项G. write to the government,音频中提到了government, 但并没有提到write, 也没有出现其同义词,故可排除该选项。

2. 似是而非

选项中的内容与音频中的表述几乎一模一样,但实际上不同,如C5T2S2中的选项D. do voluntary work in its office, 音频中说的是Also you could help by contacting the voluntary staff at our offices, voluntary与office的出现几乎可以以假乱真,但是音频中说的是contacting而不是选项中的do, 不仔细很容易将D听成正确选项。

3. 答非所问
