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• 旧:选择题 20题 共计20%
• 新:选择题 14题+ 简答题 8题 预计共2230%
主观简答题基本步骤 蓝色部分同客观选择题步骤
• 1、找出题干key word • 2、根据题干key word+题目次序和原文次 序一致:定位到原文中的段落 • 3、快速阅读KW上下文各2-3句 • 4、答案可能是一个,或多个答案之综述
八级阅读简答题+ 八级读写写作题 动态预测与策略解析 2015.8.5
• • • •
新题型 重点考核英语专业核心技能: Reading Paraphrase 释义(同义替换) Summarize 概述、概要、梗概
• 阅读加主观简答题肯定增加了难度。
• 读写summary题难度还是体现在阅读上。 • 这两部分改革显然侧重了加大考核学生快 速阅读英文抓重点的能力,进一步减弱背 套句和押写作题的模式。 • 新题型类似英专考研常用题型。
• To live in a tiny town with all the organization of a state, with Viceroy (总督), Premier, Parliament, Press and Pentagon, all in miniature, all within arm‘s reach, is an intensive course in civics. In such an environment, nothing can be hidden, for better or for worse. One’s successes are seen and recognized; one‘s failures are immediately exposed. Social consciousness is at its strongest, with the result that there is a constant and firm pressure towards good social behaviour, towards courtesy and kindness. Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. // Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism. We look back on it, like all its exiled sons and daughters, with true affection.
What I Have Lived for By Bertrand Russell
• Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the verge of despair.
• • • • 由topic-based task转为reading-writing task 40分钟400字词的命题作文 改为: 材料作文:“阅读两篇短文,写一个30分钟 300词左右的summary,着重学生表达观点 的能力。”
• 1、10分钟阅读抓重点思路+30分钟写作, 共计给40分钟 • 2、10分钟阅读抓重点思路+20分钟写作, 共计30分钟
• Whenever we could, Joan and I took refuge in the streets of Gibraltar. The Englishman's home is his castle because he has not much choice. There is nowhere to sit in the streets of England, not even, after twilight, in the public gardens. The climate, very often, does not even permit him to walk outside. Naturally, he stays indoors and creates a cocoon of comfort. That was the way we lived in Leeds. • 下一段开头These southern people, on the other hand, look outwards.
• 答案: • The climate makes it hard for English people to walk or sit outdoors/outside.

• • • • • • • 客观题干15. According to the passage people in Gibraltar tend to be well-behaved because of the following EXCEPT _______. A. the entirety of the state structure B. constant pressure from the state C. the small size of the town D. transparency of occurrences 主观题干: What make people in Gibraltar tend to be well-behaved? Why can people in Gibraltar tend to be well-behaved?
改编自2011-TEXT A
• 客观题干Which of the following best explains the differences in ways of living between the English and the Gibraltarians? • 主观题干What best explains the differences in ways of living between the English and the Gibraltarians? • Why does the Englishman have to stay home? • 关键词:ways of living
• 1、尽量使用原文词汇(+适当连词),原 文没有合适的再用自己的话。 • 2、不要超过两个句号。适当使用冒号、分 号、破折号加大单句内信息容量。 • 3、抄用原文单词时切切不要出现拼写、语 法低级失误 • 4、除非题目很明显你百分百确定答案,否 则:扩大答案范围,宁可多答,不要少答
• 少答: Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. • 多答:In contrast to (Different from, Far from) the cynical anonymity of a big city, Gibraltar, a tiny town, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places.
问:Why did the author gain most pleasure in Gibraltar’s happy personalism? • 原文定位: • Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. //Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city(这半句 和上下句都是对比转折 关系), we luxuriated in its happy personalism.
• 文章的main idea • 文章的主要分论点subtopics • 文章各段分论点的重要论据example ( example可以不用,也可以只用下major example,即选用) • 重点内容通常在段落的开头2-3行内+But类 转折词后面2行;注意连词的提示 • 文章开头、结尾也许不重要,看出题人想 要什么样的难度、选什么样的文章。
• With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
• I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy--ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at last---I have found.
• 【直接采用原文词句】They live in a tiny town with all the organization of a state; thus nothing can be hidden in such an environment where strong social consciousness makes a constant and firm social pressure towards good social behavior. • 【略带个人综述】Because of the small size of the town, the entirety of the state structure, the transparency of occurrences, and thus a constant and firm pressure from social consciousness.