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i. 1. b, have 2. b, watching 3. c, in 4. a, she s

ii. 1-5babcc 6-10abbac

iii. kerry s, years, england, teaches, number

iv. 1-5 cbabc


i. 1-5abadd

ii. 略

iii. 1. (1)from (2)about (3)at (4)to (5)at (6)in (7)by (8)with (9)with/about/to/of (10)from

2. (1)playing (2)obey (3)ask (4)open (5)goes (6)have (7)do (8)paint (9)drawing (10)flying

iv. does do plays; does works office; playing the piano


i. 略

ii. 略

iii. i get up at six-thirty. my father gets up at six. my mother and my sister get up at seven.

iv. 1-6abcaac

v. 1-5 ttftf


i. 略

ii. women s day-- march 8th

children s day-- june 1st

tree planting day-- march 12th

teachers day-- september 10th

labour day --may 1st

new year s day-- january 1st

father s day-- the third sunday in june

national day--october 1st

thanksgiving day-- the fourth thursday of november

mother s day-- the second sunday in may

christmas day-- december 25th

iii. 1. from to 2. in 3. playing 4. collecting 5. like 6. waters 7. has 8. is 9. at 10. what

iv. 2-3-4-1-5

v. 1-5 t f ftt

vi. 略


i. 1-5cbacb 6-8cba

ii. 略

iii. planting flowers 种花drawing 画画collecting stamps 集邮

playing volleyball 打排球singing 唱歌playing basketball 打篮球

iv. comes, goes, says, friendly, all, 1. f 2. f 3. t 4. f

v. 1-5 abcbc


i. 1. your, my, that 2. that, he 3. she, your, she 4. that, he, his, he

ii. 1-6dbacfe

iii. 1. what is your hobby?

2. is li yan good at drawing?

3. my father doesn t work in a factory.

4. your mother is interested in(likes) cooking.

5. what is your father s hobby?

iv. speak, speaking, this, doing, watching

v. 略


i. 1. h 2. g 3. d 4. f 5. c 6. b 7.a 8. e

ii. 1. should 2. carefully 3. take good care of 4. gets up 5. hobby

6. interested in

7. like

8. go out

9. reading 10. growing vegetables

iii. 1-5aaccb 6-10cbbbc

iv. 略


i. 1. may 2. play with 3. green 4. sleep 5. longer, longer 6. playing 7. flying 8. sometimes

ii. 1-5bbcab 6-9accc

iii. 1-5edabc

iv. playing tennis; swimming; playing table tennis; fishing v. 1-5 tffff


i. 略

ii. triangle, square, rectangle, round/circle

iii. 1-5bcbcc 6-10aabca 11-14abca

iv. 1-5bbbcb 6-10bbcab

v. name


i. 略

ii. 1. see, sea 2. their, there 3. right

, write 4. no, know 5. sun, son 6. hear, here 7. i, eye

8. for, four
