阿朗业务区MGW负荷均衡配置优化指导手册V1.0湖北省电信公司网络操作维护中心目录1. 概述 (1)2. 系统介绍 (1)2.1. MGW整体介绍 (1)2.2. BPH介绍 (2)2.3. PHA介绍 (3)3. 配置优化思路 (4)3.1. 配置优化原则 (4)3.2. 配置优化流程 (6)4. 数据提取 (7)4.1. 基站位置信息 (7)4.2. 基站话务统计 (8)4.3. 基站归属BHS (9)4.4. BHS负荷情况 (11)4.5. PHA负荷情况 (12)5. 基站划分 (13)5.1. 基站划分步骤 (13)6. 后续建议 (16)1.概述随着CDMA话务量的增长,在原有建设的基础上需要增加MGW设备的SM模块或者增加新的基站,这样就容易造成各SM负荷不均衡的情况出现,需要根据现网实际话务情况对MGW的相关资源进行规划调整,以使MGW交换资源得到最大化的利用,从而避免各SM出现过载问题,同时又杜绝盲目扩容造成的浪费,目前MGW交换资源的优化主要还是是针对不同SM的BPH/PHA的资源调整。
而MGW 上负责协议的处理单元主要是分组交换单元(PSU),主要包括PHA-ATM协议处理器(PHA1/PHA2)、STPH-信令终端协议处理器(PH22/PH33)、QPH/GQPH-QLPS协议处理器(PH22)(TN1873)、BPH -IP 回程网协议处理器(PHE3)、SIPPH -SIP协议处理器(PHE2)、NPH-网络协议处理器(PHE3)、PCFPH—以太网协议处理器PHE2(PH30),其中BPH、NPH、SIPPH以及PCFPH对外提供以太网接口。
. 202X年8月8日宽带多媒体终端使用指南适用型号〔A7688〕概述 (3)一、 A7688使用指南 (3)1.认识机器 (3)1.1根本结构 (3)2.功能简介 (6)2.1名片治理 (6)2.2内部 (8)2.3通话录 (9)2.4防火墙 (10)2.5上网扫瞄 (10)2.6精英生活 (11)2.7娱乐无限 (11)2.8健康杂志 (11)2.9短信 (11)2.10电子邮件 (12)2.11百宝箱 (13)3.机器使用 (17)3.1怎样使用援助? (17)3.2输入 (17)3.3如何调节屏幕明暗度? (18)3.4各项设置 (18)二、其他事项 (26)三、怎么办〔FAQ〕 (26)概述“平治X〞宽带多媒体终端是集多种功能于一身的全新概念智能型通讯、媒体接收设备。
.一、A7688使用指南1. 认识机器1.1 根本结构图一:根本结构1.1.2 硬件局部说明(1) 屏幕7吋色彩触摸屏幕,真彩,用于显示各个界面,并可用手写笔操作。
Omc操作及维护目录1.维护界面介绍2.每日维护介绍3.维护经验介绍4.基站常用参数的维护5.取SMARTER1.3数据附录一、维护界面介绍对基站的日常操作,管理和维护主要通过以下几个人机界面实现:1.ECP Control & Display 这个图形界面主要用于显示基站的状态。
2.TICLI ACCESS 是一个基于UNIX的命令行界面。
3.ECP Recent Change/Verify 这是和储存基站、ECP参数配置的数据库的接口,用于查找和更改基站、ECP的参数配置。
4.OMP Shell 这是OMP的UNIX Shell,每天记录的ROP文件就存放在其目录/omp-data/logs/OMPROP1中。
二、每日维护介绍1. 查看基站告警。
在ECP Control & Display界面输入以下命令:(其中c为RCS,n为CDM,x为CCU,d为DCS,t为TRKGRP)2121显示所有基站的状态,如下图所示:2131,c 显示基站c的状态,Signaling Link以及AP/RCS等2136,c 显示基站c的TFU,GPS,AMP状态2138,c,n 显示基站c,模块n的状态,包括CRC,CBR,Packet Pipe等2139,c,n,x 显示基站c,模块n,第x 块CCU(CMU)的状态2152,d,t 显示基站t的Packet Pipe Trunk Group状态,现在RCS号和Trunk Group号设为相同。
技术文件 无线AP产品手册_20091029
OmniAccess AP60-OT-E
集中控制型 AP 系列
OmniAccess AP70 双频AP和AM
阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniAccess AP 70(OAW-AP70)是业界第一款双频 AP,可提供 802.11a 和 802.11b/g 服务的同时工作。OAW-AP 70 是多用途设备,可用作 AP 和 AM - 单独或同时工 作在 2.4 GHz 和 5 GHz 频谱上。OAW-AP70 非常适合在工业环境部署,可以安全的部署在 墙壁或桌面上。
射频规格 - 802.11a ● 频4 通道
- 5.250~5.350 GHz(中频) 4 通道
- 5.500~5.700 GHz(ETSI 波段) 11 通道
- 5.725~5.825 GHz(高频) 4 通道
● 射频技术 :正交频分多路复用(OFDM) ● 调制类型 – BPSK、QPSK、16-QAM、64-
集中控制型 AP 系列
OmniAccess AP60/61 802.11a/bg AP
阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess AP 60和61(OAW-AP60和OAW-AP61)是无线密集部署的理 想选择,它们是单频802.11a或b/g AP,提供了高容量、性能和覆盖能力。通过与阿尔卡 特朗讯OmniAccess无线交换机配合,OAWAP60和OAWAP61可以作为AP、AM或者同时作 为两种角色。OAW-AP60和OAW-AP61消除安装和管理AP的高花费,由于非常经济的AP部 署,越来越多的企业能够部署高性能的WLAN。
> OmniVista 3600 无线管理平台 ......................................... 36
allura centron操作手册
allura centron操作手册一、简介Alura Centron 是一款功能强大的多通道数字信号处理器,广泛应用于音频、视频和通信领域。
本操作手册旨在帮助用户快速了解和掌握Alura Centron 的基本操作和使用方法。
二、设备连接1.连接电源:将Alura Centron 连接到稳定的直流电源,确保电源电压在规定范围内。
2.连接输入信号:根据需要,将音频或视频信号源连接到Alura Centron 的相应输入端口。
三、基本操作1.开机:按下Alura Centron 的电源开关,设备将自动启动。
2.显示界面:Alura Centron 配备高清液晶显示屏,用于显示设备状态、参数设置和操作菜单。
6.关机:如需关闭Alura Centron,请先退出菜单并按下电源开关,等待设备完全停止运行后再断开电源。
四、高级功能1.场景预设:Alura Centron 支持多个场景预设,用户可根据不同应用场景保存相应的参数配置。
2.音频分析:Alura Centron 内置音频分析功能,可对输入信号进行频谱分析、动态检测等,帮助用户更好地了解信号特性,进行针对性的处理。
3.网络控制:通过以太网或Wi-Fi 网络连接,用户可远程控制Alura Centron,实现远程调整参数、监控设备状态等操作。
4.API 接口:Alura Centron 提供开放的API 接口,支持第三方软件或硬件进行集成和控制,满足更高级别的应用需求。
5.系统升级:为保持设备性能和功能的领先地位,Alura Centron 支持在线系统升级,用户可随时更新设备固件。
阿尔卡特光传输设备网管配置标准化作业指导书作业班人员: 共人
作业时间:年月日时分至年月日时分作业地点: 作业单位:
1 适用范围
2 引用文件
DL/T 544—94《电力系统通信管理规程》
DL 548—94《电力系统通信站防雷运行管理规程》
DL/T 547—94《电力系统光纤通信运行管理规程》
3 作业前准备
3.1 工作任务及人员分工
3.2 人员要求标准
3 准备工作安排
6 危险点分析与安全控制措施
4 作业程序及作业标准4.1 开工
4.2 作业内容及工艺标准
5 结束阶段
1 竣工结束程序
2 召开班后会
6 完工总结
AUREL RTX-RTLP 434 RF数字传输器说明书
RTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualTechnical features are subject to change without notice. AUREL S.p.A. does not assume responsibilities for any damages caused by the device’s misuse.RTX-RTLP 434 TransceiverRF digital transceiver with very low voltage supply and consumption: ideal for RX-TX half-duplex radio systems with the RX permanently supplied and with no answer delayPin-outConnectionsPin 2-7-9-17-21 Ground GND Connections. Internally connected to a single ground platePin 3 +V TX Connection to the supply positive pole (+3V ± 5%) of the transmitting section.Pin 4 Tx Data In Transceiver digital input; accepts serial data [0 ÷ 3V] with a 10K Ω load impedance.Pin 10 Antenna 50Ω impedance antenna connectionPin 20-25 +V RX Connection to the supply positive pole (+3V ± 5%) of the receiving section.Pin 23 Test Point Analog output of the demodulated signal. By connecting an oscillograph the entity and quality of the received RF signal can be seen. Pin 24Rx Data Out.Transceiver digital output. Apply loads over 10 K ΩTechnical featuresMin Typical Max UnityRemarks Working centre frequency 433.92 MHzVoltage supply Vs2.8 33.2 V Absorbed current [TX ON] 15 17 mA Absorbed current [RX ON] 0.07 0.08 0.09 mARF sensitivity-95 dBm See note 1RF passband at –3dB 600 KHz Output square wave 2.5 KHz TX Power10 dBm Antenna impedance 50 ΩSwitch-on time1 s See note 2TX-RX commutation time 500 ms Working temperature -20+80 °CDimensions63.3 x 17.2 x 5 mmNote1: Values have been obtained by applying the test system as per Fig. 1 and the RX resistance not connected (see Fig. 2).Note2: By switch-on time is meant the time required by the transceiver to acquire the declared characteristics from the very moment the power supply is applied.225Lot (Week/Year) CodeRTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualThe declaired technical features have been verified by applying the following test system:Squelch threshold settingThe AUREL Transceiver mod. RTX-RTLP 434, normally presents, at the data output, 1 and 0 random commutations, corresponding to the noise generated by the transceiver itself.Such characteristic allows to make use of the maximum sensibility of the device. However, in certain application, where a low noise level is required, it is possible to connect a resistance of X value (see table) between transceiver T.P. pin and GND.The table here below shows for different resistance value, the obtained loss value:Model Loss (–1dB) Loss (-3dB) RTX-RTLP 434Rx = 10MRx = 5.6MFig. 2 Attenuation curve according to RX valueFig. 1RTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualBy accepting some commutation on the data output, it suffice to apply a resistance value that determines a 1 dB attenuation; attenuations of 3 dB increase the immunity to the noise till to obtain, to the data output, a logic, low and stable value in lack of RF signal.Device usageIn order to take advantage of the performances described in the technical specifications and to comply with the operating conditions which characterize the Certification, the transceiver has to be fitted on a printed circuit, considering what follows:3 V dc supply:1. The transceiver must be supplied by a very low voltage source, safety protected against short circuits.2. Maximum voltage variations allowed: ± 0,15 V.3. De-coupling, next to the transceiver, by means of a minimum 100.000 pF. ceramic capacitor.Ground:1. It must surround at the best the welded area of the transceiver. The circuit must be double layer, withthroughout vias to the ground planes, approximately each 15 mm.2. It must be properly dimensioned, specially in the antenna connection area, in case a radiating whipantenna is fitted in it (an area of approximately 50 mm radius is suggested.)50 Ohm line:1. It must be the shortest as possible.2. 1,8 mm wide for 1 mm thick FR4 printed circuits and 2,9 mm wide for 1,6 mm thick FR4 printed circuits.On the same side, it must be kept 2 mm away from the ground circuit. 3. On the opposite side a ground circuit area must be present.Fig.3 Suggested lay-out for the devicecorrect usageRTX-RTLP434 Instruction Manual Antenna connection:1. It may be utilized as the direct connection point for the radiating whip antenna.2. It can bear the connection of the central wire of a 50 Ω coaxial cable. Be sure that the braid is welded tothe ground in a close point.Antenna:1. A whip antenna, 16,5 mm long and approximately 1 mm dia, brass or copper wire made, must beconnected to the RF input of the transceiver.2. The antenna body must be keep straight as much as possible and it must be free from other circuits ormetal parts (5 cm minimum suggested distance.)3. It can be utilized either vertical or horizontal, provided the connection point between antenna andtransceiver input, is surrounded by a good ground plane.N.B:As an alternative to the a.m. antenna it is possible to utilize the whip model manufactured by Aurel (see related Data Sheet ed Application Notes).By fitting whip antennas too different from the described ones, the EC Certification is not assured.Other components:1. Keep the transceiver separate from all other components of the circuit (more than 5 mm).2. Keep particularly far away and shielded all possible microprocessors and their clock circuits.3. Do not fit components around the 50 Ohm line. At least keep them at 5 mm distance.4. If the Antenna Connection is directly used for a radiating whip antenna connection, keep at least a 5 cmradius free area. In case of coaxial cable connection then 5 mm radius will suffice.Reference RulesThe RTX-RTLP 434 transceiver is EC certified and in particular it complies with the European Rules EN 300 220-3 for class 2, and EN 300 683 for class 1. The equipment has been tested according to rule EN 60950 and it can be utilized inside a special insulated housing that assures the compliance with the above mentioned rule. The transceiver must be supplied by a very low voltage safety source protected against short circuits The use of the transceiver module is foreseen inside housings that assure the overcoming of the rule EN 61000-4-2 not directly applicable to the module itself. In particular, it is at the user’ s care the insulation of the external antenna connection, and of the antenna itself since the RF output of the transceiver is not built to directly bear the electrostatic charges foreseen by the a.m. rule.CEPT 70-03 RecommandationsIn order to comply with such rule, the device (strictly for what it concernes the tranbsmission phase) must be used only for a 10% of an hourly duty-cycle, (that means 6 minutes of utilisation over 60).The device usage inside the italian territory is governed by the Codice Postale and Telecomunicazioni rules in force (art. no. 334 and subsequents).The technical tests and reports have been carried out and obtained by the laboratories of :Messrs PRIMA RICERCA & SVILUPPO – via Campagna, 58 – 22020 Gaggino Faloppio (CO) - Italy I。
LN-23P 无线传输线缆馈器操作手册说明书
Operator’s ManualSave for future reference Date PurchasedCode: (ex: 10859)Serial: (ex: U1060512345)For use with machines having Code Numbers: 11671, 11384Register your machine:/registerAuthorized Service and Distributor Locator: /locator Need Help? Call 1.888.935.3877to talk to a Service RepresentativeHours of Operation:8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (ET) Mon. thru Fri.After hours?Use “Ask the Experts” at A Lincoln Service Representative will contact you no later than the following business day.For Service outside the USA:Email:*********************************SAFETYTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – LN™-23PWIRE DRIVE ROLLS AND GUIDE TUBES The LN™-23P is shipped with the proper drive rolls and guide tubes factory installed. Do not adjust the idle roll tension adjusting screw. If the idle roll tension must be relieved temporarily, see “A” and “B” of Maintenance Section.OPTIONAL FEATURES INSTALLATION INNERSHIELD GUN AND CABLE•Unclip the rubber retaining strap that holds the wire enclosure cover in place and remove the cover.•Push the wire drive section door latch towards the rear of LN™-23P and open door.•Loosen the gun locking set screw in the conductor block on the front of the gear box with a 3/16 hex Allen wrench.•Lay the cable out straight. Insert the connector on the conductor cable thru the large grommet in the front of the wire drive section and into the brass block on the front of the gear box. Make sure it is all the way in and tighten the locking set screw witha 3/16 hex Allen wrench. Keep this connectionclean and bright.•Connect the 3 pin gun trigger connector to the lower receptacle.•If the gun cable being used has a reduced speed switch, connect the 4 pin reduced speed switch connector to the upper receptacle. If the reduced speed switch is not used, install the protective cap on the upper receptacle.K-350 ADAPTER KIT– Turn off power source and all power to power source.•SAM-400 Engine Welders: Attach the shock mounted mounting plate to the front of the SAM electrical component panel to left of the relay case with 4 of the #10 self-tapping screws provided.Older models require the drilling of 4 5/32 dia.holes into the panel. Connect the adapter control cable to the SAM terminal strips per the proper connection diagram.2. Remove compartment cover along with plastic wirereel brake and reel cover. Pull wire end from spool and route it through the liner opening that is mount-ed inside the wire reel case.3. Pull 2-3 ft. of wire through upper conduit cablepiece as shown in picture below.ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Do not touch electrically hot parts. 5. Turn on power and trigger the gun to take up slackin the wire.6. Connect the upper conduit and lower Conduitpieces as shown in picture below.Reel Cover2-3 Feet Feed Wire thruLiner Opening.WARNINGWatch for kinks whenfeeding wire thru conduit.4. Add Reel Cover. Form a loop with the wire androute it through the lower conduit piece and pastthe drive rolls as shown below .Feed into DriveRolls in this area.LoopEnter Wire thru conduit pieceAdd Reel CoverINSTRUCTIONS FOR LOADING WIRE INTO LN™-23P(For machines that have code numbers Higher than 11384.)1. With the power shut off and input leads going to thewire feeder disconnected, lay LN™-23P down with wire reel facing up.DRIVE ROLL PRESSURE• Do not adjust the drive roll pressure. If the idle rolltension must be relieved temporarily, see (Maintenance Section).ADJUSTING WIRE FEED SPEED AND VOLTAGESet the wire feed as specified in the procedures using the calibrated dial on the back of the LN™-23P control box. When the reduced wire speed switch (mounted on the gun handle) is in Position No. 1, the wire feed speed will be that which is indicated on the dial. In Position No. 2, the wire feed speed will be 83% of the figure indicated on the dial.Set the voltage by adjusting the voltage control while welding until the voltage specified in the procedures is indicated on the meter. The meter reading with the power source on but not welding is the open circuit voltage. With some power sources, this voltage may be significantly higher than welding voltage.When establishing initial procedures, start with the voltage control set near minimum. Strike an arc on scrap steel. If the arc fails to start, increase the volt-age settings until the arc can be established.NEVER set the power source open circuit voltage higher than 50(1)volts. The LN™-23P will not feed wire when the voltage is higher than 50(1)volts.When using the CV Converter or the DC-600 and inching wire (not welding) at open circuit voltages below 20 volts or above 25 volts, feeding may be unsteady or the wire speed may vary from that set on the dial. This condition does not exist while welding.Minimum usable arc voltage is 14 volts.NOTE:For improved readability of the voltmeter in some applications, the voltmeter guard may be installed rotated end for end. This will result in the pro-tective bars crossing the meter face in a different loca-tion.MAKING THE WELDBe sure the proper contact tip for either .068" or 5/64"wire, as appropriate, is in the gun. The thread protec-tor should cover the external threads on the nozzle.Loosen the insulated screw on the side of the gun,rotate the gun nozzle to the position most convenient for the particular application, and retighten the insulat-ed screw.This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists theobvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________L N ™-23P A D A P T E R K I T W I R I N G D I A G R A MM -C R M 33014H F G E C DF E D C B AF O R C O D E S B E L O W 10892E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .C O N N E C T I O N O F C V C O N V E R T E R T O L N ™-23P ’S A ND S A -200 O R S A -250M -142656-22-84J4 1 -ME : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .C O N N E C T I O N O F L N ™-23P A ND A D A P TE R K I T T O R 3S -250 O R R 3S -325M -112-E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .C O N N E C T I O N O F L N ™-23P A ND A D A P TE R K I T T O R 3S -400, 600 O R 800M -12-E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .C O N N E C T I O N O F L N ™-23P A ND A D A P TE R K I T T O D C -250, D C -400 O R D C -600M -1427212-7-2001N O T E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e t h e m a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r ..LN™-23P WIRING DIAGRAMS-171242-19-82MFIELD CALIBRATION OF K-316 LN™-23P P.C. BOARDS-169023-30-84MJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE POLICYThe business of The Lincoln Electric Company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for advice or information about their use of our products. We respond to our customers based on the best information in our possession at that time. Lincoln Electric is not in a position to warrant or guarantee such advice, and assumes no liability, with respect to such information or advice. We expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, including any warranty of fitness for any customer’s particular purpose, with respect to such information or advice. As a matter of practical consideration, we also cannot assume any respon-sibility for updating or correcting any such information or advice once it has been given, nor does the provision of information or advice create, expand or alter any warranty with respect to the sale of our products.Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selectionand use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements.Subject to Change – This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to for any updated information.TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTALLATION OPERATION MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING DIAGRAMS。
烽火通信科技股份有限公司 二零零五年十二月
非常感谢您选择购买和使用我们提供的产品,我们视您的 满意为我们的宗旨。
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3.TMF 相关标准
TMF 513
TMF 608
TMF 814 TMF 814A
Multi-Technology Network Management, Business Agreement, NML-EML Interface Multi-Technology Network Management, Information Agreement, NML-EML Interface Multi-Technology Network Management, Solution Set, NML-EML Interface TM FORUM Implementation Statement (IS), Template and Guidelines, NML-EML Interface, For Management of SONET/SDH/WDM/ATM Transport Networks
G.783 G.784 G.803 G.813 G.823
G.831 G.841 G.842 G.874 G.958 G.807 Q.811 Q.812 Q.821 M.3010 X.86 X.733 G.7041 M.3010 M.3100 M.3300
阿尔卡特-朗讯OmniPCX Enterprise通信服务器说明书
Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Communication ServerThe expert enterprise phone system for medium, large and very large-sized companiesToday’s organizations want toimprove business responsivenesswhile offering employees moreflexibility in the way theywork. The OmniPCX® EnterpriseCommunication Server (CS) helpsemployees connect in real timewhatever their location, and holdhigh-quality business calls withcolleagues and customers.Organizations can connect theOmniPCX Enterprise CS to theAlcatel-Lucent Rainbow cloud service: The Rainbow mobile and borderless collaboration application is the perfect business phone companion and helps employees respond faster and better to business requests.Excellent voice connectivity to customers and employees Quality business response: Zero lost calls; powerful com-munication tools ensure instant connection to the right peopleEnsure employees can call wherever they are, on any device Mobility: Standardized communication experience across the organization; employees can use desk phones, wire-less handsets, or softphones at the office, on site, at home or on the moveA borderless and mobile collaboration application lets employee connect the phone system to the Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow cloud-based unified communications service Instant business response: Employees exchange instant messages, video, and screen sharing with their teams and business community while leveraging the office phoneSimplicity: Unified communications delivered by a cloud service connected to the phone system; seamless user experience; agile IT operationsServe users across multiple sites, with guaranteed high availability Cost-saving: Expect lower telecom bills with free Voice over IP (VoIP) across sites, built-in least-cost routing and centralized trunks to SIP, and traditional service providersReliability: High-availability options maintain vital business continuity duringnetwork or server outagesTechnical specifications Premium Business CommunicationsUser experience• Centralized directory with call by name• Multi-line telephony• Call options, including speed dial • Audio conferencing• Personal and enterprise call routing and forwarding• Call shift of current session between desk phone and mobile device of choice¬ Automatic shift with Near FieldCommunication (NFC) smartphones • Call-back and call history features • Messaging notification and control • Contextual voice prompts• Informal group features• Desk-sharing for shared offices¬ Alcatel-Lucent PremiumDeskPhones (IP)¬ Logon, logoff, re-logon¬ Automatic logoffManager/assistant• Teams• Filtered lines and private lines• Text messaging, IM and voice messaging• Discreet listeningTeams and groups• Hunting groups and queues• SupervisionMulti-tenancy• Services per entity:¬ Speed dial¬ CLIP/CLIR¬ Auto attendant¬ Greeting message¬ Music on hold¬ Night serviceSupported phones:• Alcatel-Lucent New Office Environment (NOE) protocol¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8008 (G) (CE), 8018DeskPhones (IP)¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8028s, 8058s,8068s, 8078s PremiumDeskPhones (IP)¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8029s, 8039sPremium DeskPhones (digital)¬ Alcatel-Lucent 4018 IP Touch (IP),4019 IP Touch (digital)¬ Alcatel-Lucent IP DesktopSoftphone¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8158s, 8168sWLAN Handsets• Alcatel-Lucent 8232, 8242, 8254,8262, 8262EX DECT handsetsEssential BusinessCommunicationsUser experience• Multi-line telephony• Personal call forwarding• Informal group features• Message waiting indication• Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)Supported phones• Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8088 SmartDeskPhone¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8028s PremiumDeskPhone¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8001, 8008 (G) (CE)8018 DeskPhones¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8135s IPConference Phone• Third-party SIP phones andsoftphones¬ Developer and Solutions PartnerProgram (DSPP)Huddle video rooms• Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)• Peer-to-peer video• Join a video conference¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch®Multimedia Services¬ Third-party video room systems(DSPP)• Supported phones¬ 8088 Smart DeskPhoneUnified Communications andCollaborationEnterprise mobility, desktopintegration, enterprise instantmessaging• Cloud-based UC&C:¬ Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow cloudconnectivity¬ Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow userexperience¬ See on-the-phone presence status¬ Search directory and click tocall from desk phone or cordlesshandset¬ Pop-up notification when phonerings¬ Communication history¬ Call to/from Rainbow client(WebRTC Gateway)¬ One number service: desk phone,Rainbow smartphone and desktopapps• Premise-based UC&C:¬ OpenTouch Multimedia Services¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouchConversation user experienceMessaging• Integrated voice messaging:¬ Alcatel-Lucent 4645 VoiceMessaging Service• Unified messaging and fax:¬ OpenTouch Multimedia Services• Centralized voice messaging:¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch MessageCenter• Centralized fax management:¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch FaxCenter• Third-party SIP voice messaging:DSPPWeb conferencing• Premise-based UC&C:¬ OpenTouch Multimedia ServicesCustomer welcome andContact centerGreeting services• Call queuing services• Alarm indication• Attendant group features• Busy Lamp Field• Multi-tenant services• Record online• Trunk and charging features• VIP line features• User management features• Add-on module• Headset capabilityAttendants• Centralized attendant console¬ Alcatel-Lucent 4059EE AttendantConsole• Attendant contextual menus¬ 8058s, 8068s, 8078s PremiumDeskPhones• Automated Attendant application:¬ Alcatel-Lucent Visual AutomatedAttendantVoice announcement• External/Internal voices guides¬ From audio station, PremiumDeskPhones¬ From audio file in SupervisionDesktop• Interactive Voice Response:¬ Alcatel-Lucent 4625 InteractiveVoice ResponseCustomer welcome and contact center• Alcatel-Lucent OmniTouch Contact Center Standard Edition:¬ Built-in OmniPCX Enterprise calldistribution¬ Distributed distribution over ABCnetwork¬ Agent context menus: 8008,8018, 8019s DeskPhone, 8028s,8029s, 8068s, 8078s PremiumDeskPhone, IP Desktop Softphone ¬ Supervision desktop application ¬ Reports¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouchCustomer Service: multimediainteractions¬ DECT 8232, 8242, 8262 Recording and quality management• Phone, softphone and trunk recording:¬ Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX RECORDSuite¬ Third-party recorders: DSPP Emergency communication servicesBuilding and campus emergency communications solution:• 112 (EU), E911 (North America) services¬ Alcatel-Lucent EmergencyNotification Server• Emergency Notification - Notify specific users about ongoing emergency callsHospitality communication services• 8088 Smart DeskPhone• Premium DeskPhones, 8018 DeskPhone, or analog phones• Guest features• SIP phones• Room service features• Room directory features• Billing and barring features • Integration with PropertyManagement Systems: DSPPArchitectureSystem architecture• 100% software architecture:¬ 100% IP, SIP communications¬ Communication Server¬ Software media services• Hybrid architecture:¬ IP, SIP, digital, analog, DECTcommunications¬ Communication Server¬ Rack modules and Cabinetsfor media services and TDMconnectivityCapacity• Single server or VMware delivery:15,000 IP users or 5000 TDM users• 100 servers in a single network• Fully networked servers, 100,000 IP/TDM users with single image• 250 servers in a supra network• More than 1 million users in a supranetwork• BHCC per server: 300,000• Software media services¬ IP, SIP, ABC network deployment¬ Up to 120 ports per virtualmachine¬ G.711, G.729.AB, G.722¬ Transcoding¬ Ad hoc, meet-me and masteredaudioconferencing¬ Dynamic voice guidesHigh availability• Communication Server and databaseduplication• Seamless communications failover• Ethernet redundancy on INTIP-3,GD-3 and GA-3 boards• Full-featured branch officesurvivability• Backup signaling link for branchoffice survivabilityCommunication ServerplatformIndustry servers• Lenovo servers• HP ProLiant DL serversVirtual machines• VMware vSphere• Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine(KVM)• Microsoft Hyper-VHosted cloud platform• In Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouchEnterprise CloudOptimized platform• In Rack modules and CabinetsRack modules and CabinetsOmniPCX Enterprise RM1(19-in. rack)• 3 modular slots (stackable up to 3with RM3)• Hot-swappable boards• Height: 66 mm (2.60 in)• Width: 442 mm (17.40 in)• Depth: 400 mm (15.75 in)• Weight: 10 kg (22 lb)OmniPCX Enterprise RM3(19-in. rack)• 9 modular slots (stackable up to 3with RM1)• Hot-swappable boards• Height: 154 mm (6.06 in)• Width: 442 mm (17.40 in)• Depth: 400 mm (15.75 in)• Weight: 17 kg (38 lb)OmniPCX Enterprise M2 (cabinet)• 1 ACT 28 or 2 ACT 14• Hot-swappable boards• Height: 740 mm (29.13 in)• Width: 570 mm (22.44 in)• Depth: 516 mm (20.31 in)• Weight: 70 kg (154.32 lb)OmniPCX Enterprise M3 (cabinet)• 2 ACT 28 or 4 ACT 14• Hot-swappable boards• Height: 1500 mm (59.05 in)• Width: 570 mm (22.4 in)• Depth: 516 mm (20.31 in)• Weight: 110 kg (242.5 lb)OmniPCX Enterprise ACT 14-indata rack format (19-in. rack)• 48 V power supply and batterybackup• Hot-swappable boards• 1 ACT 14• Height: 264.4 mm (10.41 in)• Width: 486.3 mm (19.15 in)• Depth: 383.4 mm (15.09 in)• Weight: 30 kg (66.14 lb)OmniPCX Enterprise ACT 28 in data rack format (19-in. rack)• 48 V power supply and battery backup• Hot-swappable boards• 1 ACT 28• Height: 530 mm (20.87 in)• Width: 486.3 mm (19.15 in)• Depth: 383.4 mm (15.09 in)• Weight: 70 kg (154.3 lb) Connectivity• Hybrid SIP, IP, digital, analog switching• IPv4 or IPv6 supportSIP• SIP proxy/registrar/redirect server and SIP gateway• Server redundancy (active/passive) • Branch office survivabilityIPv6• IPv6 and IPv4 dual stack¬ Communication server¬ RM1 and RM3• IPv6/IPv4 proxy¬ RM1 and RM3• IPv6 or IPv4 stack¬ Premium DeskPhones (IP)IETF standards• SIP RFC: 1321, 2327, 2617, 2782, 2833, 3261, 2543, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3265, 3311, 3323, 3324, 3325, 3327, 3515, 3725 (partial), 3842, 3891, 3892, 3398, 3608, 3903, 3960 (partial), 3966 (partial), 4028, 4497, 4568, 4733, 4904, 5009, 5806, 6140, 7433• RTP RFC: 1889, 1890, 2198, 3362, 3550, 3551, 3711VoIP• G.722 audio wideband• G.711 A-law and µlaw, G.723.1A, G.729.AB audio• Call admission control• Automatic compression algorithm allocation• Dynamic jitter buffer, echo cancellation, packet loss concealment (PLC), VAD: silence suppression and comfort noise generation• DTMF Q23, robust DTMF relay,RFC 2833, in band DTMF• Generic signal qualification and modem transport• Anti-saturation mechanism; backward and forward automatic gain control • Embedded signal quality diagnostictool• QoS: TOS or DiffServ tagging, 802.1p/QFax• G3, super G3 fall-back• Automatic fax detection• G.711 transparent and T.38(Alcatel-Lucent protocol and SIP)and T38 with G711 fallback (SIP)DECT• DECT/GAP¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8212 DECT Handset¬ Third-party GAP handsets• DECT/Alcatel-Lucent GAP (AGAP) forPremium Business Communications¬ 8232, 8242, 8254, 8262, 8262EXDECT Handsets• Built-in controller• Hybrid IBS/RBS and IP DECTnetworks¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8340 IP DECTAccess Point¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8378 DECT IP-xBSbase station¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8379 DECT IBS¬ Alcatel-Lucent 8318 SIP-DECTsingle Base station• Advanced Radio Base Station (RBS)¬ Dedicated DECT8 boardVoWLAN• Premium Business Communications¬ 8158s, 8168s WLAN Handsets inNOE mode• Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess® WLANaccess points and WLAN controllers¬ Built-in QoSPublic networking protocols• SIP, SIP/TLS, E164 support¬ Audio, video• T0 ISDN• T1-CCS ISDN (T2)• E1CAS• T1 CCS (PRI)• T1 CAS• DID/DDI or NDDI/non-DID analognetworksPrivate networking protocols• Alcatel-Lucent ABC¬ User feature transparency¬ Network-wide management¬ Network-wide routing¬ Centralized applications• IP¬ ABC based on enhanced QSIG(tunneling) and SIP for VoIP¬ SIP, H.323v2¬ ABC VPN for networking overISDN/ PSTN network• TDM¬ ABC¬ QSIG BC, QSIG GF, DPNSSBusiness process integrationInterfaces for Developer andSolutions Partner Program (DSPP)• SIP• XML web services• CSTA, TSAPI Premium Server, TAPIPremium Server, RTI, WMI• LDAP• DR-Link (IP and TDM)• Alcatel-Lucent Hospitality Link,InfoCenter• OmniVista 8770 Ticket collector,OpenAPI and SNMP proxy• QSIG, Paging Interface• SNMP v1/v2c/v3 for complete NMSintegration• OmniPCX Open Gateway: Call control,Management and AnalyticsSecurityAuthentication• Local, RADIUS, authentication• IEEE 802.1X TLS1.2• Integrated audit tool to assesssecurity managementTraffic filtering• Communication Server¬ Trusted hosts file¬ TCP wrapper function• Premium DeskPhones¬ ARP spoofing protection¬ PC port switch VLAN filteringEncryption for management• SSHv2 for secure sessions (such asTelnet, FTP)• TLS1.2 for secure HTTP session• LDAPS for directory access The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license byALE. To view other trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: /en/Native encryption• Client/device confidentiality (signaling protocol and media)• DTLS 1.2 with AES 256 and SRTP with AES 128¬ Pure software based¬ SHA2 certificate authentication ¬ Premium DeskPhone (IP) and IPDSP¬ GD3/INTIP3/OMS and PCS ¬ DTLS scalability with External Encryption Gateway• TLS 1.2 with AES 256 and SRTP with AES 128¬ SIP trunksIP premium security encryption• Client/device confidentiality (signaling protocol and media)• IPSec and Secure RTP (AES 128 bits)¬ Premium DeskPhones (IP) and IP Touch¬ GD-3 and GA-3 boards¬ Alcatel-Lucent IP Premium Server Security Module¬ Alcatel-Lucent IP Premium Media Security Module• Secure SIP/SRTP with security modulesIntegrity• Media gateway, PremiumDeskPhones binary signatures User policy enforcement • Call monitoring and barring• Internal toll fraud protection by class of servicesSession Border Controller• SIP perimeter defense:¬ Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch Session Border Controller¬ Remote worker with 8008(G), 8018, 8028sOperationsElement management• Command Line Interface • Web-based management ¬ Configuration ¬ Mass provisioningCentralized operations• Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista 8770 Network Management System • Media and Management IP flows separation• Cloud Connect Operations ¬ Cloud-based license controlEuropean Directives and International StandardsEC Directives• 1999/5/EC: R&TTE • 2011/65/EU: ROHS • 2012/19/EU: WEEE • 2014/30/EU: EMC • 2009/125/EC: Ecodesign • 2014/35/EU: LVDSafety• IEC 60950-1• UL/CSA 60950-1EMC• IEC CISPR 32 Class B • CENELEC EN 55032 Class B • FCC Part 15B • IEC CISPR24 • CENELEC EN 55024 • IEC EN 61000-3-2• ICES-003Miscellaneous environments• ACT:¬ CENELEC EN 50121-4: Railway applications • RM1, RM3:¬ DNV certificate: Maritime ¬ IEC 60945: MaritimeEnvironmental conditions• ETSI – ETS 300 019 Part 1-1: Storage • ETSI – ETS 300 019 Part 1-2: Transportation• ETSI – ETS 300 019 Part 1-3: In UseTelecom• ETSI EG 201 121• ETSI ES 203 021• ETSI ES 203 038• ETSI TBR 010, 022, 003, 033, 004, 034, 008• ITU-T H.323 • FCC Part 68• Canada CS03。
阿朗 7342OLT-GPON
SET-SID:::::FS-GMCC; /可配置1到20个字母、数字组成的系统ID/
SET-DAT:::::10-17-08,17-30-00; /先后配置MM-DD-YY,HH-MM-SS/
阿朗 7342 FTTU 培训
提纲 7342 7342 7342 7342 介绍 配置OLT方式 OLT基本配置 ONT业务配置
ALCATEL 7342 简介
GPON 宽带光接入产品是ISA系列 产品,共享技术架构及网管系统 单 PON 纤 2.5 Gb/s 下行 & 1.2 Gb/s 上行. GPON 封装模式 (GEM) 提供高效的 IP/Ethernet 数据传输 最大分光比 1:64 (每根 PON 纤) 4 PON 口 / 用户板, 14用户板, 双NT 系统支持16K MAC地址 系统支持16K 业务配置 系统支持4093个VLAN 上下行波长:1310 nm /1490 nm
CLI方式: 用户名:isadmin,密码:ans#150,初始密码:i$@mad-,退出命令:logout Would you like a CLI(C) or a TL1 login(T) or TL1 normal session(N) ? [N]: C login: isadmin /小写母/ password:ans#150
SFP单模模块 GE-EX 40km 1310nm 发光 0db 收光范围 -3 ~ -22db
推荐-国信朗讯的传输网网管和管线资源管理的用户手册管线资源完全使用手册录入规范分册 精品
YAV 1P NET-NB-IoT物联网通信转接器技术手册说明书
YAV 1P NET-NB-IoT物联网通信转接器技术手册V1905武汉亚为电子科技有限公司RTU1003序号版本号编写人编写日期支持对象应用时间特别说明1 1.0 郑先科2017.01 YAV 1P NET 采集卡2017.012 2.0 李雪2017.08 YAV 1P NET 采集卡2017.083 3.0 陈默2019.01 YAV 1P NET 采集卡2019.050. 产品概述 (1)1. 技术指标 (2)⏹ 供电 (2)⏹ 温度条件 (3)2. 硬件特点 (4)物联网模块特点 (4)原理框图 (6)机械规格 (7)3. 通信协议 (9)WSN无线或网络通信YAV IOT协议 (9)4. 应用实例 (14)无线连接方式 (14)发现硬件及配置 (14)软件功能 (15)5. 注意事项及故障排除 (16)注意事项 (16)⏹ 存储说明 (16)⏹ 出货清单 (16)⏹ 质保及售后 (16)⏹ 特别说明 (16)故障排除 (16)⏹ 无法正常连接至上位机 (16)⏹ 采集速度不够 (17)⏹ 软件出现错误 (17)6. 性能测试 (18)安全规范 (18)耐电压范围测试 (18)环境适应性测试 (19)7. 文档权利及免责声明 (21)8. 联系方式及公司简介 (22)9. 智能体验 (23)0. 产品概述7-24V直流电源供电,高速实现串口信号转NB-IoT的功能,包括不少于5种传输模式:透传、触发、询问、高速传输,支持Modbus RTU、YAV IOT等多种通信协议转NB-IoT,适应于不同使用场合,有配套的电脑软件,可在Windows XP、WIN7(32/64位)、WIN8(32/64位)、WIN10等操作系统下稳定运行,操作简单直观。
11. 技术指标功能指标⏹供电●电源电压:DC7-24V●电源电流:>1A●额定功率:0.3W2⏹温度条件●工作温度范围:-30~70℃●存储温度范围:-40~80℃32. 硬件特点●供电保护:DC7~24V宽电压供电,防反接、防过流、低功耗、耐高温,采取多级滤波措施,抗干扰。
阿朗传输网管使用手册目录1 网管登陆 (1)2 当前告警查看 (1)3 拓扑查看: (2)4 光功率查询 (3)5 历史告警查询 (3)前言:鹰潭、吉安、景德镇PTN网络使用阿尔卡特传输设备,设备型号主要有1850TSS-320,1850TSS-160,1850TSS-5C和1850TSS-5R,后缀代表设备容量,比如:1850TSS-320代表设备最大支持320G的多速率交叉能力(相当于2048个155M)。
1 网管登陆1.1 通过安全管控平台登陆吉安PTN本地网。
1.2 点击弹出的网页界面,可进入登陆界面,输入正确的用户名和密码。
2 当前告警查看2.1 登陆成功后,选择左边菜单-》Operation-》Alarms,双击Gobal Alarms图标。
2.2 此时弹出告警浏览界面,监控主要关注MAJOR级别告警:Loss of Signal以及 Hardware failure,点击左边树图中MAJOR栏,可选择查看MAJOR级别告警。
勾选掉菜单View-》Paginate sublist选项,可取消告警分页显示,提高告警查看效率。
由于告警查看界面无法关联到拓扑,要查看网络拓扑,需要启动Network Management服务,详见第3节。
3 拓扑查看:3.1在登陆主界面中,选择左边菜单-》Operation-》Management,双击Network Management 图标。
3.2 根据告警信息,查找告警网元:选择菜单Search-》Physical-》Nodes,可以显示所有网元,按Location(区县)排序,可以找到对应网元,注意区分5R和5C设备。
阿朗7342 OLT设备操作方法
1)TL1命令:串口方式登陆时,在操作终端直接输入”enter”键,系统提示信息如下:WouldyoulikeaCLI(C)oraTL1login(T)orTL1normalsession(N)?[N]:TEnterUsername:SUPERUSER //TL1登录账号//EnterPassword:ANS#150 //TL1登录密码//注:本文档中以“ < ”起始的命令皆为TL1命令。
2)cli命令:串口方式登陆时,在操作终端直接输入”enter”键,系统提示信息如下:Would you likea CLI(C) or a TL1 login(T) or TL1 normal session(N)?[N]:clogin:isadmin //cli登录账号//password:i$@mad- //系统初始密码//Your password is expired! //提示修改密码//Enter new password:ans#150 //统一设为ans#150//re-enter password:ans#150 //再次输入密码//The new password is accepted.注:第一次登录时设备时需使用初始修改密码,系统会提示修改密码,统一设为ans#150。
再次登陆时系统提示信息如下:Would you likea CLI(C) or a TL1 login(T) or TL1 normal session(N)?[N]:clogin: isadmin //cli登录账号//password: ans#150 //cli登录密码//Welcome to FTTUlast login : 03/01/70 21:12:18isadmin<#注:本文档中以“ # ”起始的命令皆为cli命令。
2.技术规范书通用部分分为总则、工作范围、应遵循的主要标准、使用条件、技术要求、试验及验收、产品对环境的影响、企业VI标识、技术文件要求、0 监造、包装、储存、运输、安装及质量保证、和设计联络会和技术培训等内容。
ASON设备技术规范书使用说明 (2)一、工程MiS (4)1.1工程概况 (4)1.2使用条件 (4)二、设备详细技术要求 (4)2.1专用技术条件 (4)2.2供货需求及供货范围 (6)2.3.标准技术特性参数表 (17)2.4投标设备板件通用情况表 (32)三、投标方技术偏差 (34)3.1投标方技术偏差 (34)3.2投标方需说明的其他问题 (34)四、设计图纸提交要求 (34)1.1光纤路由方案 (36)1.2业务承载 (36)1.3时钟同步 (36)一、工程概述1.1工程概况本技术规范书采购的设备适用的工程概况如表1.1所示。
表1.2设备外部条件一览表(投标方填写)二、设备详细技术要求2.1专用技术条件2.1.1本工程所投ASON设备安装机柜必须无特制要求,设备(含子框和扩展上框)能够安装于一面2200 X 600 X 600或2200 X 800 X 600标准机柜中。
OVATION-艾默生过程控制公用事业部(PWS) 网络OVATION网络在今天的过程控制领域,对于任何技术的投资必须考虑它与未来科技的发展的兼容性。
采用全冗余容错技术的OVATION Control Network 严格遵循IEEE的标准。
其采用的硬件极易在市场上购得,而且取消了对特殊网关和接口的要求,能够与企业内部LAN,WAN和Intranet 的完全连通。
因为OVATION系统在控制系统网络术上的突破,最终用户为了在局域和广域范围内(LAN 和WAN)构建信息系统,可以合成多个网络系统。
基于开放式的通讯协议,OVATION 系统已经成功的将全厂区域自动控制和信息组成一个整体,在今后所有的版本中也会继续使用所有标准组合。
Alcatel·Lucent 1350 OMS配置说明2016年4月7日上海辉电电力工程设备有限公司目录一、登录1350网管 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、ALcatel-Lucent Web Portal界面介绍 ........ 错误!未定义书签。
2.1、Management介绍 (3)2.2、Alarms介绍 (4)2.3、System 介绍 (5)2.4、Data Management介绍 (5)三、网络拓扑的建立 (6)3.1、子网络(sub-network)建立 (6)3.2、网元的创建 (6)3.3、创建物理连接 (11)四、路径结构 (15)4.1、AU4转换成Tu12 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
五、Path(通道)的创建 (16)5.1、path类型介绍 (16)5.2、PDH path创建 (16)5.3、Ethernet path 创建 (21)5.4、以太网层面配置 (23)六、删除环路网元和开环接入 (26)6.1、Join Physical Connections (27)6.2、Split Physical Connections (29)一、登录1350网管在登录1350网管前,需要做一些准备工作:1、客户端电脑里需安装java6软件,软件版本jre-6u25-windows-i586;2、客户端与服务器建立连接,把客户端的IP地址设置成10.10.0.X网段,子网掩码、网关不用更改;图(1-1)3、进入WEB浏览器,在浏览器地址栏输入IP地址:,进入1350登录界面,点击Click to Enter ,输入账户:alcatel ,密码:ALU@xt1234(@后面一般是修改的“月份+日期”,如本次修改为ALU@mar14),如下图所示:图(1-2)输入正确的账号密码,弹出Alcatel-Lucent web portal界面,1350网管的基本操作都是在该界面下完成的。
Amnoon BRAS User Manual(201301)
安朗(Amnoon)宽带接入服务器用户手册Amnoon BRAS User′s Manual广州安朗通信科技有限公司Guangzhou Amnoon Communication Tech. Co. Ltd.2013-01版权声明安朗 AM BRAS宽带接入服务器用户手册(V4.0)修订日期:20130130本公司依据中华人民共和国著作权法,享有及保留一切著作之专属权力。
一、总述AM BRAS宽带接入服务器是一款支持多种接入协议的宽带接入路由器。
根据设备型号的不同,一台AM BRAS可以同时支持128~20000个用户在线连接。
1.1 软件概述:AM BRAS宽带接入服务器是一款可以跨三层网络的接入设备,它主要实现以下功能:用户认证(PPPOE,L2tp,Web和私有客户端)、DHCP(动态IP地址分配)、NAT(网络地址转换)、Radius协议支持、Web Portal功能、Filist报文过滤功能、用户控制、和Radius后台系统配合完成用户认证、计费等功能;同时,在原有的网络拓扑不做变动的情况下,使用桥接模式可以实现除NAT(网络地址转换)其它全部功能;您可以利用Console口或者Telnet方式,方便地对服务器进行配置,使其部分或全部实现上述功能要求。
版本号的递进遵循以下原则:版本x.yy.zzzz 当文档中仅加入了纯粹编辑的更改时,第三位数字发生增长。
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初始数字为0.X 当文档确定为一个阶段性文档时,第一位数字发生增长。
前言 (6)1.1 文档目的 (6)1.2约定说明 (6)1.3 名词解释 (7)2系统管理 (9)2.1 系统登录退出 (9)2。
2 权限管理 (12)2.3 模板管理 (17)3业务管理 (23)3.1 设备管理 (23)3。
2 告警管理 (40)3.3 链路监控配置 (47)3。
4 城网节点管理 (48)3。
5 设备联通测试 (50)3.6 OLT设备管理 (51)3.7 ONU设备管理 (115)3.8 EOC设备管理 (142)3。
9 HFC设备管理 (158)4监控管理 (168)4。
1 监控页面 (168)4.2 告警信息 (168)5 查询管理 (170)5.1名词解释 (170)5。
2业务操作查询 (171)5.3告警查询 (172)5.4设备查询 (175)6 报表管理 (177)6。
1名词解释 (177)6。
2统计报表 (178)本文件中出现的任何文字叙述、文档格式、插图、照片、方法、过程等内容,除另有特别注明,版权均属陕西广电网络传媒(集团)股份有限公司所有,受到有关产权及版权法保护。
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HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】
1 网管登陆 (1)
2 当前告警查看 (2)
3 拓扑查看: (3)
4 光功率查询 (7)
5 历史告警查询 (9)
1 网管登陆
1.1 通过安全管控平台登陆吉安PTN本地网。
1.2 点击弹出的网页界面,可进入登陆界面,输入正确的用户名和密码。
2 当前告警查看
2.1 登陆成功后,选择左边菜单-》Operation-》Alarms,双击Gobal Alarms图标。
2.2 此时弹出告警浏览界面,监控主要关注MAJOR级别告警:Loss of Signal以及Hardware failure,点击左边树图中MAJOR栏,可选择查看MAJOR级别告警。
勾选掉菜单View-》Paginate sublist选项,可取消告警分页显示,提高告警查看效率。
由于告警查看界面无法关联到拓扑,要查看网络拓扑,需要启动Network Management服务,详见第3节。
3 拓扑查看:
3.1在登陆主界面中,选择左边菜单-》Operation-》Management,双击Network Management图标。
3.2 根据告警信息,查找告警网元:选择菜单Search-》Physical-》Nodes,可以显示所有网元,按Location(区县)排序,可以找到对应网元,注意区分5R和5C设备。
3.3 网元拓扑查看:右键点击找到的网元,选择Search-》Parent Map,可以跳转至网元拓扑。
3.4 在Maps子页中,选择Technology-》Physical,可查看网元拓扑连接。
3.5 要查看上联的汇聚层设备,可右键点击网元:Search-》Physical-》Physical Connections(With End Points),此时可查看与网元相连的设备名以及端口名。
(1)选择Search->Physical->Tansport Link;
(2)进入Transport Link后,单击T-MPLS Section 进入下一步;
(3)在T-MPLS Section 层单击T-MPLS Tunnels,可看到所有的Tunnels业务情况。
4 光功率查询
4.1 右键点击网元,选择:Search-》Physical-》Equipment View,将弹出一个设备管理网页。
4.3据传输综合网管中的定位信息,如P2T10GE-1-1-4,点击左边树图中对应的光口,如XFP-1-1-4-1,在右边可显示Input Power,正常的光功率为-6~-16dBm,此处光功率为-40dBm,需检查尾纤或修复光缆。
5 历史告警查询
5.1 在设备主页中选择:Alarms-》Condition Log,在页面中填写告警开始时间和结束时间,Domain选项选择ALL,可查询出所有设备告警和光路告警。
5.2 在下方的Data Reported Alarms子项中,可看到LOS告警的发生和清除时间。