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The United Nations

源自文库 《打结的手枪》1988卢森堡
Light blue and olive branch represents peace, surrounded by olive branches from the Arctic overlooking the world map. The moral of the maintenance of world peace and Promoting world development is the important principle of the un.
To help resolve international disputes, the Secretary General may carry out mediation, or "quiet diplomacy behind the scenes". 为帮助解决国际争端,秘书长可进行调停,或在幕后进行“悄悄的外 交”。
The Secretary General of the United Nations impartiality is the most important asset. 秘书长的公正不偏是联合国最重要的资产。
联合第一任秘书长 1946.2.22---1952.11
The UN has six principal organs
the General Assembly
the Security Council
the Economic and Social Council
the Trusteeship Council
the International Court of Justice
officials and administrative officer, in front of the world, he is a symbol of the United nations. One of the main duties of the secretary is to draw the attention of the Security Council to threaten any questions of international peace and security. 秘书长的主要职责之一是提请安全理事会注意威胁到国际和平与安全 的任何问题。
Halvdan Lie
Born in Norway Oslo, 1919 Was awarded a law degree from University of Oslo He served as Norway Minister of justice, trade And industry minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Member of Norway's parliament in 1945 4. Month, led the Norway delegation to attend the At the United Nations in San Francisco Conference on international organization. He was 1946 Year in February 2nd officially became the United The first Secretary General of china.
经社理事会由54个理事国组成,经大会选举产生,任期三年。 经济及社会理事会一般每年举行一次为期五至六个周的实质性会议, 地点在纽约和日内瓦之间交替,并在纽约举行一次组织会议。实质性会 议包括一次由部长及其他高级官员出席的高级别特别会议,讨论重大的 经济和社会问题。
the Trusteeship Council
The Principles of the United Nations are :
所有会员国主权平等; 所有会员国必须履行《宪章》规定的义务; 各国必须以和平手段解决分歧; 禁止对他国进行武力威胁或使用武力; 集体协作; 确保非会员国遵守上述原则; 不干涉任何国家的内部事务。
The Trusteeship Council is the main organ responsible for supervision, the end of the Second World War 11 has not yet independent territory or cut management from the enemy's territory, until they get autonomy. The mission has been completed, the Council decided in 1994 to suspend work, before a meeting only when needed. 托管理事会是个主要机关,负责监督第二次世界大战结束时 11个尚未独立的领土或割自敌国的领土的管理情况,直到它 们获得自治。由于使命已经完成,理事会于1994年决定暂停 工作,只在需要时才开会。
The resolution adopted by the General Assembly although not legally binding, but the political impact on the member country wide.
the Security Council
托管理事会 the Secretariat 秘书处
the General Assembly
The general assembly of the United Nations is deliberative body composed of all the members, held once a year, time is in mid September, will generally for a period of three months. The general assembly has widely Power Authority of constitution can problem within the scope of the political, economic, social and cultural issues like education and UN any mechanism are discussed.
the Economic and Social Council
The Council is made up of 54 members, elected by the general assembly, elected for a term of three years.
The economic and Social Council generally held once a year for a period of five to six week substantive meeting, alternating between New York and Geneva sites, and held an organizational meeting in New York. Substantive session includes a attended by ministers and other senior officials of the special highlevel meeting, discuss the major economic and social issues.
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
维护世界和平与安全。 发展各国之间的友好关系。 促进国际合作,以解决国际间属于经济、社 会、文化及人类福利性质的国际问题。 作为协调各国活动的中心。 •简单地说,就是维护国际和平与安全,促进 国际合作与发展。
the International Court of Justice
The International Court of justice is the judicial structure of the United Nations in order to solve international disputes and the establishment of the Holland, in Hague, responsible for the settlement of disputes between countries. It consists of 15 judges, judges were elected by the general assembly and the security council. 国际法院是联合国为了解决国际争端而设立的 司法机构,在荷兰海牙,负责解决国家之间的 争端。 它由15名法官组成,法官由大会和安理会分 别选出。
The Security Council (the Council), by law, have 5 permanent members and 10 non permanent members, is the only institution has the right to take action to maintain international peace and security. The Security Council on issues of international mediation and implement the 5 permanent members of the principle of consistency (great powers agreed principles, namely) every decision as long as there is a permanent member of the UN Security Council veto, can not pass. 安全理事会(简称安理会)由中、法、苏(现由俄罗斯联邦继任)、英、 美5个常任理事国和10个非常任理事国组成,是唯一有权采取行动维护国际 和平与安全的机构。 安理会对国际问题的调停和裁决实行5个常任理事国一致的原则(大国 一致原则),即每项决议只要有一个常任理事国投否决票,便不能通过。
the Secretariat
The Secretariat is the administrative secretary affairs agency of the United Nations agencies. The secretary general is the chief administrative officer of the United Nations, recommended by the Security Council, appointed by the general assembly, elected for a term of 5 years, responsible for major international political responsibility. Since the founding of the United Nations, the Secretary General has 8, the current secretary general is South Korea's Ban Ki-moon, he was in 2007 January inauguration.
秘书处是联合国各机构的行政秘书事务机构。秘书长是联合国的行政首长, 由安理会推荐,经大会任命,任期5年,担负重大国际政治责任。 自联合国成立以来,已有8位秘书长,现任秘书长是韩国的潘基文,他 是2007年1月就职的。
Secretary General of the United Nations of the highest