《了不起的盖茨比》英文读书报告 中英文对照 PDF

R e p o r t o n t h e G r e a t G a t s b yI n t r o d u c t i o n o f t h e w r i t e rT h e G r e a t G a t s b y i s w r i t t e n b y F.S c o t t F i t z g e r a l d,w h o w a s b o r n i n1896a n d d i e d i n1940.H i s n o v e l E a r t h l y P a r a d i s e m a k e h e b e c a m e f a m o u s.H e p u b l i s h e d t h e n o v e l T e n d e r i s t h e N i g h t,P a r a d i s e,T h e L a s t G i a n t a n d s o o n.P u b l i s h e d o v e r160 s h o r t n o v e l s,f o r e x a m p l e B e n j a m i n's F a n t a s y T r i p,I c e P a l a c e,W i n t e r D r e a m,S e n s i b l e,B a c k t o B a b y l o n a n d s o o n.I n t h e81s t O s c a r A w a r d s c e r e m o n y g o t t h r e e O s c a r-w i n n i n g f i l m s B e n j a m i n B u t t o n i s b a s e d o n h i s s h o r t n o v e l B e n j a m i n's F a n t a s y T r i p a d a p t a t i o n.T h e t w e n t i e t h c e n t u r y,t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a c a d e m i c c o m m u n i t ys e l e c t e d100t h e b e s t n o v e l s i n t h e r i v e r o f E n g l i s h l i t e r a t u r e.T h e G r e a t G a t s b y a n d T e n d e r i s t h e N i g h t a r e t h e l i s t.A n d T h e G r e a t G a t s b y i s s e c o n d.T h e n o v e l p u b l i s h e d i n1925.B u t I r e a d t h i s b o o k p u b l i s h e d i n2008b y A v i a t i o n I n d u s t r y P r e s s.I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h i s n o v e lT h e n o v e l i s t o l d u s t h e s t o r y o f G a t s b y b y N i c k’t o n e.N i c k i s t i r e d o f h i sh o m e t o w n’l i f e(t h e A m e r i c a M i d d l e W e s t)a n d c a m e t o N e w Y o r k.R e n t a s m a l l h o u s e i n t h e s u b u r b o f W e s t E g g.H e i s D a i s y's c o u s i n.T h e G a t s b y i s h i s n e i g h b o r, l i v i n g i n l u x u r i o u s G a t s b y m a n s i o n.H e a n d D a i s y l o v e e a c h o t h e r w h e n G a t s b y w a s y o u n g.B u t b e c a u s e o f h i s p o o r f a m i l y t h e y w e r e b r o k e n u p.T h e n h e j o i n e d t h e F i r s t W o r l d W a r.W h i l e D a i s y w a s m a r r i e d t o r i c h K i d s T o m,a n d g a v e b i r t h t o a d a u g h t e r.F i v e y e a r s l a t e r,D a i s y a n d h e r f a m i l y m o v e t o t h e W e s t f r o m C h i c a g o.N i c k s t a r t e d h a v e c l o s e c o n t a c t s w i t h t h e m.G a t s b y a c c u m u l a t e d g r e a t w e a l t h t h r o u g hi l l e g a l m e a n s i n t h e f i v e y e a r s.F o l l o w D a i s y c a m e t o N e w Y o r k.O p p o s i t e D a i s y h o m e h e b o u g h t t h e v i l l a-G a t s b y M a n s i o n.I n o r d e r t o a t t r a c t m a r r i e d D a i s y t o m e e t.H e h e l d a l a r g e p a r t a t t h e v i l l a e v e r y w e e k e n d.V a i n h o p e t o a r o u s e t h e l o s t l o v e b e t w e e n t h e m.A n o c c a s i o n a l o p p o r t u n i t y l e t G a t s b y k n e w t h a t N i c k i s D a i s y's c o u s i n.A s k e d h i m a r r a n g e a m e e t i n g w i t h D a i s y.T h e n t h e y o f t e n m a k e d a t e.H e g r a d u a l l y f o u n d D a i s y's v a n i t y,v u l g a r a n d s e l f i s h.G a t s b y's p i n k d r e a m f i n a l l y h a s b e e n b r o k e n,b u t h e s t i l l i n s i s t e d i t.S t i l l r e t a i n a n y i l l u s i o n a b o u t D a i s y,a n d e v e n l e a d t o h i s t r a g e d i e s. O n e d a y D a i s y w a s i n a d r u n k e n d r i v i n g G a t s b y's c a r r a n o v e r a n d c a u s e d a n a c c i d e n t t h a t k i l l e d T o m's m i s t r e s s.A n d p l a n a p l o t w i t h T o m a n d c r u e l t o p u t t h e b l a m e o n G a t s b y.R e s u l t i n g i n t h e v i c t i m's h u s b a n d s u d d e n l y b u r s t i n t o t h e h o u s e a n d s h o tG a t s b y.T h e m u r d e r e r e v e n t u a l l y a l s o k i l l e d h i m s e l f.A n d D a i s y a n d T o m w e r et r a v e l i n g t o E u r o p e.O n l y G a t s b y's p o o r f a t h e r a n d N i c k a t t e n d a t t h e f u n e r a l.T h e s t o r y e n d s u p w i t h t h e G a t s b y b e c o m e v i c t i m f o r s e l f i s h a n d c r u e l o f D a i s y.C o m m e n t sC h a r a c t e r a n a l y s i s�G a t s b y i s a t r a g e d y h e r o.H i s b e h a v i o r i s a l w a y s h a n d s o m e,v e r y g e n t l e m a n l y.A s N i c k s a i d i n C h a p3“H e s m i l e du n d e r s t a n d i n g l y–m u c h m o r e t h a n u n d e r s t a n d i n g l y…I t u n d e r s t o o d y o u j u s t a s f a r a s y o u w a n t e d t o b e u n d e r s t o o d,b e l i e v e d i n y o u a s y o u w o u l d l i k e t o b e l i e v e i n y o u r s e l f”.A n d h e i s a l s o a g o o d p e r s o n w h o h a v e d r e a m. K n o w t h e s e l f-t r a i n i n g w h e n h e w a s a b o y.B u t h i s d r e a m i s D a i s y’s l o v e.H e i n d u l g e s i n t o h i s o w n d r e a m i n t h e i m a g i n a t i o n.“I t h a s g o n e b e y o n d h e r,b e y o n d e v e r y t h i n g”.G a t s b y i s t h e t y p i c a l e x a m p l e o f t h e p e r s o n s w h o p u r s u e t h e i r A m e r i c a n d r e a m,b u t h e c a n c h a n g e h i s f a t e b e c a u s e o f a w o m a n.T h a t i s h i s t r a g e d y.D a i s y c a n b e s a i d i s h a l f a n g e l a n d h a l f d e v i l.H e i s a c o n s e r v a t i v e a n d f i c k l e-m i n d e d w o m a n.R e g a r d l e s s o f t h e s e c u l a r v i s i o n a n d l o v e G a t s b y a t h e r y o u n g a g e,e v e n w i l l i n g t o a b a n d o n e v e r y t h i n g a n d l i v e f o r e v e r w i t h G a t s b y.A f t e r m a r r i a g e s h e s t i l l l o y a l t y t o h e r h u s b a n d e v e n T o m h a s m a n y l o v e a f f a i r s.N e v e r m a k e a n y t h i n g s c o n t r a r y t o h e r f a m i l y.S h e i s a l s o t y p i c a l w o m e n w o r s h i p s m o n e y.U s e G a t s b y's w o r d s"H e r v o i c e f u l l o fm o n e y."H e r s e l f i s h n e s s a n d s t u p i d i t y l e d t o G a t s b y's t r a g e d y.M e a n i n g�W r i t e r o w n e x p e r i e n c e c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e s o c i a l o f t h e U S c r e a t e t h e n o v e l.T h e a u t h o r's w i f e Z e l d a w a s a s p o i l e d r i c h g i r l b y s u b s t a n c e,t h e s a m e a s D a i s y. S o m e p e o p l e s a y t h a t Z e l d a r u i n e d h i s t a l e n t,s o m e s a y s h e c r e a t e d F i t z g e r a l d.I n s h o r t, a n d t h e a u t h o r's e x p e r i e n c e i s s i m i l a r w i t h p a r t o f G a t s b y.T h e r e a s o n w h y a r e G a t s b y g r e a t b e c a u s e h e w a s s i n c e r e a n d p e r s i s t e n t w a i t i n g f o r a n d p u r s u i n g h i s l o v e a t h e a r t.W h e n t h e s o c i a l i s p o p u l a r t h a t p e o p l e i n d u l g i n g p l e a s u r e a n d p r i d e l u x u r y.H o w e v e r,i n m a t e r i a l-d r i v e n e n v i r o n m e n t,w h e t h e r i t i sG a t s b y,D a i s y o r T o m.T h e y p u r s u i t,d e v o t i o n a n d t r a n s f e r f o r l o v e a r e c l o s e l i n k e d t o m o n e y a n d s t a t u s.T h e s t o r y b e g i n s i n1920s–w a s n a m e d b y"j a z z"a n d"m o n e y"e r a.T h e n o v e l u s e N i c k’t o n e s t e l l t h e s t o r y.H a p p e n e d a s i f i s N i c k’e x p e r i e n c e.I t i s u s e a u n i q u e l i t e r a r y v i s i o n a n d n e w p e r f o r m a n c e s t y l e p r o f o u n d l y r e v e a l e d t h e b u r s t r e a s o n a b o u t A m e r i c a n D r e a m a t J a z z a n d M o n e y A g e.A f t e r w a r T h e U S e c o n o m i c p r o s p e r i t y a g e, t h e l i f e s t y l e t r e n d s t o m o n e y w o r s h i p a r e e x p r e s s e d m o s t v i v i d l y.B u t i t w a s u n d e r t h e c o v e r o f t h e s e l f i s h n e s s a n d i n d i f f e r e n c e o f h u m a n n a t u r e.了不起的盖茨比《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德写的�他生于1896年以及死于1940年。

了不起的盖茨比The Great GatsbyNICK: In my younger and more vulnerable years...我年纪还轻,世故不深的时候...my father gave me some advice.我父亲曾教训我一句话"Always try to see the best in people," he would say.他说:“总要把人往最好的方面想。
”As a consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments.由此,我一生待人接物宁可采取保留的态度But even I have a limit.但是即便我也是有限度的Back then, all of us drank too much.彼时,我们所有人都沉溺于杯中物The more in tune with the times we were...我们越想跟着这个时代...the more we drank.我们就越纵情沉醉And none of us contributed anything new.我们当中任何人也没创造出什么新的价值When I came back from New Y ork, I was disgusted.当我回到纽约时,我感到厌世DOCTOR: I see, Mr. Carraway.我明白,卡拉威先生NICK: Disgusted with everyone and everything.我讨厌周围一切人和事Only one man was exempt from my disgust.我的这种反应只有对于一个人例外One man?一个人?Mr. Carraway?卡拉威先生?Gatsby.他是盖茨比DOCTOR: Was he a friend of yours?他是您的朋友吗?He was...他曾是…...the single most hopeful person I've ever met.我见过最乐观的人And am ever likely to meet again.并且我以后也不会再遇到他这样的人了There was something about him, a sensitivity.他(对于生命前途的指望)具有一种高度的敏感He was like...像是……He was like one of those machines that register earthquakes 10, miles away. 像是一具精密的仪器,能够探测一万英里以外的地震Where'd you meet him?你在哪认识他的?NICK: At a... At a party...在一次……宴会上...in New Y ork.在纽约NICK: In the summer of 1922...尼克:那是1922年的夏天...the tempo of the city approached hysteria.纽约的发展陷入了一种不正常的狂热Stocks reached record peaks.股票业务到达了巅峰...and Wall Street boomed in steady golden roar.华尔街的金融业一度繁荣稳定The parties were bigger.宴会越来越大The shows were broader.舞台越来越宽The buildings were higher.建筑越来越高The morals were looser and the ban...道德约束也越来越宽松...on alcohol had backfired...禁酒令没有取得预期效果...making the liquor cheaper.酒精越来越便宜Wall Street was luring the young and ambitious.华尔街引诱着年轻人和野心家And I was one of them.我便是其中之一I rented a house miles from the city on Long Island.我在离城里20英里的长岛上租了一所房子I lived at West Egg...我住在西卵...in a forgotten groundskeeper's cottage...一所被遗忘的园丁小屋里...squeezed among the mansions of the newly rich.被挤在暴发户们的豪华别墅之间To get started, I bought a dozen volumes on credit, banking and investments. 为了开始我的新事业,我买了十几本有关信贷和投资等方面的书籍All new to me.对我而言完全是全新的领域MAN [OVER RADIO]: The stock market hit another high.(广播中男人的声音:股票市场又创新高)CLERK: The market's moving up, up, up!(职员:大盘在上涨,上涨,不断上涨!)Well, of course, nothing is percent. I wouldn't go investing every penny. 好的,当然,没有百分百确定,我不会花一分钱投资的NICK: At Y ale I dreamed of being a writer...在耶鲁读书的时候,我曾梦想当一名作家...but I gave all that up.但我全然放弃了With the sun shining...阳光普照...and the bursts of leaves on the trees...绿树成荫...I planned to spend...2 / 76我本来打算...the summer studying.将这个夏天用来学习And I probably would have...我本该好好学习的...were it not for the riotous of amusements that beckoned...要不是高墙那边巨大城堡里...from beyond the walls of that colossal castle那些喧嚣的娱乐招引着我...owned by a gentleman I had...owned by a gentleman I had not yet met 别墅的主人是一位我从未谋面的绅士d Gatsby.他的名字叫盖茨比DOCTOR'. So...医生:那么…...he was your neighbor.…他是你的邻居My neighbor.我的邻居Y eah.是啊When I think about it, the history of the summer really began...当我回想起这段历史时,夏天才真正开始...the night I drove over to my cousin Daisy's for dinner.那天晚上,我开车去我表妹黛西家赴宴She lived across the bay in old moneyed...她家住在海湾对面的东卵——, ,.East Egg-传统富人区Her husband was heir to one of America's wealthiest families.她丈夫出身于美国最富有的家族之一His name...他的名字叫...was Tom Buchanan汤姆·布坎南When we were...我们同在耶鲁读书的时候...at Y ale together, he'd been...他就是一颗耀眼的体育明星了...a sporting star. But now his glory days were behind him and he...虽说现在他荣耀的时代一去不复返,他又开始-...contented himself with. .. - Telephone, Monsieur Buchanan.沉迷于——(您的电话,布坎南先生)MYRTLE: It's me. NICK: ...other affairs.(梅朵:是我)尼克:嗯,其他事情I thought I told you not to call me here.我不是告诉过你么,不要往我家里打电话Boaz!波阿斯!(大财主)Shakespeare!莎士比亚!(大文豪)- Tom! Oh! - Ha-ha-ha!汤姆!哦!哈哈哈!- How's the great American novel coming? - I'm selling bonds with Walter Chase's outfit. ——你的小说写得怎么样了?——我现在在沃尔特·蔡斯的公司销售债券Let's say after dinner, you and I, we go into town.我们晚饭后再谈,只有你和我,我们去城里- I can't. - Catch up with the old wolf pack.——我没法去——起去玩玩吧- Big day on the job tomorrow. - Nonsense! We're going.——明天工作还有很多事情要做——胡说!就这么定了First team, all-American.这都是我在美国一流球队中获得的荣誉Y ou see?瞧见没?Made me who I am today.造就了今日的我Forest Hills.森林山赛场上Played the Prince of Wales. What a sissy.出战威尔士亲王队,对方不堪一击Life is something you dominate, Nick!If you're any good.尼克,要是你足够优秀,人生由你主宰Oh!噢!Oh.喔DAISY: Hey.嘿TOM: Henri! Where are you?亨利!你在哪里?The doors! Close them.把门都关上Sorry. Thank you.——抱歉——谢谢DAISY: Is that you, my lovely?是你么,亲爱的?NICK: Daisy Buchanan, the golden girl.黛西·布坎南,黄金女郎A breathless warmth flowed from her.她身上散发出一股令人喘不过气的热情A promise that there was no one else...好像这这个世界上她除了我以外in the world she so wanted to see.不会这么热切地想见任何人Do they miss me in Chicago?他们在芝加哥想我了没?Y es. Um, at least a dozen people send their love.是的,呃…呃,至少有一打朋友要我带信来问候你How gorgeous.多好啊They're absolutely in mourning.4 / 76他们想你想得好凄惨- They're crying. Y es. DAISY: No.——他们不停地哭泣,是的——黛西:才不是呢- I don't believe you. NICK: Wailing.——我不相信你——尼克:甚至哭号DAISY: I don't believe you. - They're screaming.黛西:我不信你说的话——他们不断的哭号"Daisy Buchanan, we can't live without you!"“黛西·布坎南,离开你我们就活不下去了!”- I'm paralyzed with happiness.我高兴得瘫掉了NICK: Whoa!尼克:哇哦!Whoa! Oh!哇!哦!Jordan Baker, a very famous golfer.乔丹·贝克,著名的高尔夫球手Oh.噢NICK: She was the most frightening person I'd ever seen.尼克:她是我见过的最令人惊慌的人Well, I - I've seen your face on the coverof Sporting Life.呃,我——我曾在《体育生活》杂志封面上见到过你Nick Carraway.尼克·卡拉威But I enjoyed looking at her.但我很喜欢看着她JORDAN: I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.乔丹:我从未在沙发上躺这么久This summer I'll fling you two together. I'll push you into linen closets... 这个夏天我要撮合你俩,把你俩关在小房间里面and out to sea in boats!或者把你俩放在小船上往海里一推!- I'm not listening to a word. - So, Nick...——我什么也没听到那么,尼克…...Daisy tells me...黛西告诉我...that you're over in West Egg...你从西卵来的Throwing your lot in with those social-climbing...与那些只知道追名逐利的...primitive new-money types.暴发户为邻My little shack's just a cardboard box at a month.我的小棚屋只有纸盒那么大,租金一个月只要80美元Y our life is adorable.你的生活真是可爱JORDAN: I know somebody in West Egg.乔丹:我在西卵认识些人I don't know a single person...我在西卵...that side of the bay.一个人也不认识Y ou must know Gatsby.你一定知道盖茨比Gatsby?盖茨比?What Gatsby?哪个盖茨比?Madame, the dinner is servi.夫人,晚餐准备好了DAISY: Would you like to hear family secrets?黛西:你想听一听家庭秘密么?- That's why I came over. DAISY: It's about the butler's nose.——这正是我今晚来拜访的目的黛西:是关于仆人的鼻子Things went from bad to worse.后来事情越弄越糟TOM: I hate that word "hulking."汤姆:我最恨你用这个“横”字Nicky, I heard a rumor that you were getting married to a girl out West.尼克,我听说你正准备和一个西部的姑娘结婚NICK: It's a libel.尼克:完全是谣言- I'm too poor. JORDAN: They have to be old...——我太穷了乔丹:他们一定是到了年纪了...so they die quickly.所以很快就会死的NICK: Can't we talk about something else?尼克:我们不能聊聊别的事儿么?Anything. Crops.什么都行,庄稼什么的Y ou're making me feel uncivilized...跟你在一起我觉得我简直不够文明...Daisy.黛西TOM: Civilization's going to pieces.汤姆:还讲什么文明——文明社会已经破产了Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires...你有没有看过一本书叫做《有色帝国的兴起》,...by this fellow Goddard? Everybody ought to read it.作者是一个姓高达德的?大家都应当读一读The idea is...这本书大意是说,...that it's up to us, the dominant race...全要靠我们白种人,优越民族自己提防...to watch out or these other races...不然的话那些有色人种...will have control of things.就会控制一切Tom's very profound lately. He reads deep books with long words in them. 汤姆近来常常研究学问,他读了许多深奥的书,书里尽是难懂的字眼6 / 76TOM: It's been proved.汤姆:这已经被证明了It's scientific.都是有科学根据的We've got to beat them down.我们非打倒他们不可HENRI: Buchanan residence.亨利:布坎南公馆Monsieur Wilson, from the garage.是修车厂的威尔逊先生Monsieur Buchanan.布坎南先生Excuse me, I'll be right back.失陪一下,我很快就回来I'm sorry.抱歉- Well, this Mr. Gatsby you spoke of... TOM: I'm working on it.呃,你刚提到的那位盖茨比先生……(汤姆:我已经在处理了)NICK: ...he's my neighbor. - Shh! Don't talk.尼克:他是我的邻居——嘘!别说话I wanna hear what happens.我要听听看出了什么事DAISY: I don't care what you do...黛西:我才不在乎你做了什么Something happening?是出事了吗?- Why, I thought everybody knew. - Well, I don't.——为什么这么说,我以为大家都知道了。

了不起的盖茨比The Great GatsbyNICK: In my younger and more vulnerable years...我年纪还轻,世故不深的时候...my father gave me some advice.我父亲曾教训我一句话"Always try to see the best in people," he would say.他说:“总要把人往最好的方面想。
”As a consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments.由此,我一生待人接物宁可采取保留的态度But even I have a limit.但是即便我也是有限度的Back then, all of us drank too much.彼时,我们所有人都沉溺于杯中物The more in tune with the times we were...我们越想跟着这个时代...the more we drank.我们就越纵情沉醉And none of us contributed anything new.我们当中任何人也没创造出什么新的价值When I came back from New York, I was disgusted.当我回到纽约时,我感到厌世DOCTOR: I see, Mr. Carraway.我明白,卡拉威先生NICK: Disgusted with everyone and everything.我讨厌周围一切人和事Only one man was exempt from my disgust.我的这种反应只有对于一个人例外One man?一个人?Mr. Carraway?卡拉威先生?Gatsby.他是盖茨比DOCTOR: Was he a friend of yours?他是您的朋友吗?He was...他曾是…...the single most hopeful person I've ever met.我见过最乐观的人And am ever likely to meet again.并且我以后也不会再遇到他这样的人了There was something about him, a sensitivity.他(对于生命前途的指望)具有一种高度的敏感He was like...像是……He was like one of those machines that register earthquakes 10, miles away. 像是一具精密的仪器,能够探测一万英里以外的地震Where'd you meet him?你在哪认识他的?NICK: At a... At a party...在一次……宴会上...in New York.在纽约NICK: In the summer of 1922...尼克:那是1922年的夏天...the tempo of the city approached hysteria.纽约的发展陷入了一种不正常的狂热Stocks reached record peaks.股票业务到达了巅峰...and Wall Street boomed in steady golden roar.华尔街的金融业一度繁荣稳定The parties were bigger.宴会越来越大The shows were broader.舞台越来越宽The buildings were higher.建筑越来越高The morals were looser and the ban...道德约束也越来越宽松...on alcohol had backfired...禁酒令没有取得预期效果...making the liquor cheaper.酒精越来越便宜Wall Street was luring the young and ambitious.华尔街引诱着年轻人和野心家And I was one of them.我便是其中之一I rented a house miles from the city on Long Island.我在离城里20英里的长岛上租了一所房子I lived at West Egg...我住在西卵...in a forgotten groundskeeper's cottage...一所被遗忘的园丁小屋里...squeezed among the mansions of the newly rich.被挤在暴发户们的豪华别墅之间To get started, I bought a dozen volumes on credit, banking and investments. 为了开始我的新事业,我买了十几本有关信贷和投资等方面的书籍All new to me.对我而言完全是全新的领域MAN [OVER RADIO]: The stock market hit another high.(广播中男人的声音:股票市场又创新高)CLERK: The market's moving up, up, up!(职员:大盘在上涨,上涨,不断上涨!)Well, of course, nothing is percent. I wouldn't go investing every penny. 好的,当然,没有百分百确定,我不会花一分钱投资的NICK: At Yale I dreamed of being a writer...在耶鲁读书的时候,我曾梦想当一名作家...but I gave all that up.但我全然放弃了With the sun shining...阳光普照...and the bursts of leaves on the trees...绿树成荫...I planned to spend...2/ 76我本来打算...the summer studying.将这个夏天用来学习And I probably would have...我本该好好学习的...were it not for the riotous of amusements that beckoned...要不是高墙那边巨大城堡里...from beyond the walls of that colossal castle那些喧嚣的娱乐招引着我...owned by a gentleman I had...owned by a gentleman I had not yet met 别墅的主人是一位我从未谋面的绅士d Gatsby.他的名字叫盖茨比DOCTOR'. So...医生:那么…...he was your neighbor.…他是你的邻居My neighbor.我的邻居Yeah.是啊When I think about it, the history of the summer really began...当我回想起这段历史时,夏天才真正开始...the night I drove over to my cousin Daisy's for dinner.那天晚上,我开车去我表妹黛西家赴宴She lived across the bay in old moneyed...她家住在海湾对面的东卵——, ,.East Egg-传统富人区Her husband was heir to one of America's wealthiest families.她丈夫出身于美国最富有的家族之一His name...他的名字叫...was Tom Buchanan汤姆·布坎南When we were...我们同在耶鲁读书的时候...at Yale together, he'd been...他就是一颗耀眼的体育明星了...a sporting star. But now his glory days were behind him and he...虽说现在他荣耀的时代一去不复返,他又开始-...contented himself with. .. - Telephone, Monsieur Buchanan.沉迷于——(您的电话,布坎南先生)MYRTLE: It's me. NICK: ...other affairs.(梅朵:是我)尼克:嗯,其他事情I thought I told you not to call me here.我不是告诉过你么,不要往我家里打电话Boaz!波阿斯!(大财主)Shakespeare!莎士比亚!(大文豪)- Tom! Oh! - Ha-ha-ha!汤姆!哦!哈哈哈!- How's the great American novel coming? - I'm selling bonds with Walter Chase's outfit. ——你的小说写得怎么样了?——我现在在沃尔特·蔡斯的公司销售债券Let's say after dinner, you and I, we go into town.我们晚饭后再谈,只有你和我,我们去城里- I can't. - Catch up with the old wolf pack.——我没法去——起去玩玩吧- Big day on the job tomorrow. - Nonsense! We're going.——明天工作还有很多事情要做——胡说!就这么定了First team, all-American.这都是我在美国一流球队中获得的荣誉You see?瞧见没?Made me who I am today.造就了今日的我Forest Hills.森林山赛场上Played the Prince of Wales. What a sissy.出战威尔士亲王队,对方不堪一击Life is something you dominate, Nick!If you're any good.尼克,要是你足够优秀,人生由你主宰Oh!噢!Oh.喔DAISY: Hey.嘿TOM: Henri! Where are you?亨利!你在哪里?The doors! Close them.把门都关上Sorry. Thank you.——抱歉——谢谢DAISY: Is that you, my lovely?是你么,亲爱的?NICK: Daisy Buchanan, the golden girl.黛西·布坎南,黄金女郎A breathless warmth flowed from her.她身上散发出一股令人喘不过气的热情A promise that there was no one else...好像这这个世界上她除了我以外in the world she so wanted to see.不会这么热切地想见任何人Do they miss me in Chicago?他们在芝加哥想我了没?Yes. Um, at least a dozen people send their love.是的,呃…呃,至少有一打朋友要我带信来问候你How gorgeous.多好啊They're absolutely in mourning.4/ 76他们想你想得好凄惨- They're crying. Yes. DAISY: No.——他们不停地哭泣,是的——黛西:才不是呢- I don't believe you. NICK: Wailing.——我不相信你——尼克:甚至哭号DAISY: I don't believe you. - They're screaming.黛西:我不信你说的话——他们不断的哭号"Daisy Buchanan, we can't live without you!"“黛西·布坎南,离开你我们就活不下去了!”- I'm paralyzed with happiness.我高兴得瘫掉了NICK: Whoa!尼克:哇哦!Whoa! Oh!哇!哦!Jordan Baker, a very famous golfer.乔丹·贝克,著名的高尔夫球手Oh.噢NICK: She was the most frightening person I'd ever seen.尼克:她是我见过的最令人惊慌的人Well, I - I've seen your face on the coverof Sporting Life.呃,我——我曾在《体育生活》杂志封面上见到过你Nick Carraway.尼克·卡拉威But I enjoyed looking at her.但我很喜欢看着她JORDAN: I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.乔丹:我从未在沙发上躺这么久This summer I'll fling you two together. I'll push you into linen closets... 这个夏天我要撮合你俩,把你俩关在小房间里面and out to sea in boats!或者把你俩放在小船上往海里一推!- I'm not listening to a word. - So, Nick...——我什么也没听到那么,尼克…...Daisy tells me...黛西告诉我...that you're over in West Egg...你从西卵来的Throwing your lot in with those social-climbing...与那些只知道追名逐利的...primitive new-money types.暴发户为邻My little shack's just a cardboard box at a month.我的小棚屋只有纸盒那么大,租金一个月只要80美元Your life is adorable.你的生活真是可爱JORDAN: I know somebody in West Egg.乔丹:我在西卵认识些人I don't know a single person...我在西卵...that side of the bay.一个人也不认识You must know Gatsby.你一定知道盖茨比Gatsby?盖茨比?What Gatsby?哪个盖茨比?Madame, the dinner is servi.夫人,晚餐准备好了DAISY: Would you like to hear family secrets?黛西:你想听一听家庭秘密么?- That's why I came over. DAISY: It's about the butler's nose.——这正是我今晚来拜访的目的黛西:是关于仆人的鼻子Things went from bad to worse.后来事情越弄越糟TOM: I hate that word "hulking."汤姆:我最恨你用这个“横”字Nicky, I heard a rumor that you were getting married to a girl out West.尼克,我听说你正准备和一个西部的姑娘结婚NICK: It's a libel.尼克:完全是谣言- I'm too poor. JORDAN: They have to be old...——我太穷了乔丹:他们一定是到了年纪了...so they die quickly.所以很快就会死的NICK: Can't we talk about something else?尼克:我们不能聊聊别的事儿么?Anything. Crops.什么都行,庄稼什么的You're making me feel uncivilized...跟你在一起我觉得我简直不够文明...Daisy.黛西TOM: Civilization's going to pieces.汤姆:还讲什么文明——文明社会已经破产了Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires...你有没有看过一本书叫做《有色帝国的兴起》,...by this fellow Goddard? Everybody ought to read it.作者是一个姓高达德的?大家都应当读一读The idea is...这本书大意是说,...that it's up to us, the dominant race...全要靠我们白种人,优越民族自己提防...to watch out or these other races...不然的话那些有色人种...will have control of things.就会控制一切Tom's very profound lately. He reads deep books with long words in them. 汤姆近来常常研究学问,他读了许多深奥的书,书里尽是难懂的字眼6/ 76TOM: It's been proved.汤姆:这已经被证明了It's scientific.都是有科学根据的We've got to beat them down.我们非打倒他们不可HENRI: Buchanan residence.亨利:布坎南公馆Monsieur Wilson, from the garage.是修车厂的威尔逊先生Monsieur Buchanan.布坎南先生Excuse me, I'll be right back.失陪一下,我很快就回来I'm sorry.抱歉- Well, this Mr. Gatsby you spoke of... TOM: I'm working on it.呃,你刚提到的那位盖茨比先生……(汤姆:我已经在处理了)NICK: ...he's my neighbor. - Shh! Don't talk.尼克:他是我的邻居——嘘!别说话I wanna hear what happens.我要听听看出了什么事DAISY: I don't care what you do...黛西:我才不在乎你做了什么Something happening?是出事了吗?- Why, I thought everybody knew. - Well, I don't.——为什么这么说,我以为大家都知道了。

Fitzgerald was both a leading participant in the typically frivolous, carefree, money-making life of the decade and, at the same time, a detached observer of it.
class frantically pursued individual “success” and
personal enjoyment. They lived a rich, extravagant, frivolous
Everything seemed to be feasible through modern technology. New technologies, especially automobiles, moving pictures and radio proliferated 'modernity' to a large part of the population. Formal decorative frills were shed in favor of practicality in both daily life and architecture. At the same time, jazz and dancing rose in popularity, in opposition to the mood of the specter of World War I. As such, the period is also often referred to as the Jazz Age.
the general and the specific Bold impressionistic and

I was within and without.
All the bright, precious things fade so fast. And they dont come back.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, hetold me, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.
Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes,but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on.


在我年纪尚轻涉世未深的时候In my younger and more vulnerable years,父亲曾这样告诫我my father gave me some advice."多发掘他人身上的闪光点""Always try to see the best in people," he would say.父亲的教诲使我不对他人妄加评判As a consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments.但我的忍耐也是有限度的But even I have a limit.那时我们每天都醉生梦死Back then, all of us drank too much.越是与时俱进The more in tune with the times we were,越是长醉不醒the more we drank.我们也越是陈旧迂腐And none of us contributed anything new.帕金斯疗养院我从纽约回来时心中深感厌恶When I came back from New York, I was disgusted.我明白卡罗威先生I see, Mr. Carraway.对周围所有的人和事感到厌恶无比Disgusted with everyone and everything.帕金斯疗养院精神康复诊所病人姓名尼克·卡罗威体检结果酗酒过度失眠易怒焦虑除了一个人之外Only one man was exempt from my disgust.一个人One man?卡罗威先生Mr. Carraway?盖茨比Gatsby.医嘱年月日初次问诊盖茨比他是你的朋友吗Was he a friend of yours?他是我见过的最乐观的人He was the single most hopeful person I've ever met.而且是绝无仅有的And am ever likely to meet again.他对周围发生的事十分敏感There was something about him, a sensitivity.就像He was like,就像一台地震仪he was like one of those machines能探测到万里之外的地震that register earthquakes , miles away.你是怎么认识他的Where'd you meet him?在纽约的At a, at a party派对上认识的in New York.那是年夏天In the summer of ,城市发展的脚步越来越快the tempo of the city approached.几近疯狂Hysteria.股价暴涨至史上最高点Stocks reached record peaks,华尔街在呼啸而来的金融大潮中一派昌盛and Wall Street boomed in a steady golden roar.派对排场越发奢华The parties were bigger.秀场演出越发气派The shows were broader.摩天大楼直冲云霄The buildings were higher.道德底线逐渐沦丧The morals were looser,禁酒令反而使私酒泛滥and the ban on alcohol had backfired越演越烈making the liquor cheaper.华尔街吸引着充满野心的年轻人Wall Street was luring the young and ambitious.我就是其中之一And I was one of them.我在距市区英里的长岛租了一间房子I rented a house miles from the city on Long Island.我住在西卵区I lived at West Egg一栋无人修葺的小别墅里in a forgotten groundskeeper's cottage,被暴发户们的豪宅包围squeezed among the mansions of the newly rich.为了尽快上手我买了一整套To get started, I bought a dozen volumes有关信贷金融和投资的书籍on credit, banking and investments.我对此一窍不通All new to me.股市再创新高The stock market hit another high.大盘持续走高The market's moving up, up, up!不过凡事都有风险Well, of course, nothing is percent.换我就不会孤注一掷I wouldn't go investing every penny.《尤利西斯》在耶鲁大学时我曾梦想当一名作家At Yale I dreamed of being a writer不过最终彻底放弃but I gave all that up.在炎炎夏日与繁盛的树荫下With the sun shining and the great bursts of leaves on the trees,我本打算在学习中度过整个夏天I planned to spend the summer studying.第一章市场投资计划未能如愿却也是件好事And I probably would have were it not,因为我那素未谋面的邻居盖茨比for the riotous amusements that beckoned在他那巨大城堡内举办的盛大派对from beyond the walls of that colossal castle已经勾走了我的魂owned by a gentleman I had not yet met named Gatsby.那他是你的邻居了So, he was your neighbor.我的邻居是的My neighbor. Yeah.仔细想想那个难忘的夏季起始于When I think about it, the history of the summer really began我驱车去表妹黛西家吃晚餐的那一夜the night I drove over to my cousin Daisy's for dinner.她住在对岸东卵区She lived across the bay in old moneyed,一座祖传庭院里East Egg.她丈夫是美国最富有的家族之一的继承人Her husband was heir to one of America's wealthiest families.他的名字叫汤姆·布坎南His name was Tom Buchanan.我们就读于耶鲁时他还是个运动健将When we were at Yale together, he'd been a sporting star.但那些都是英雄往事了But now his glory days were behind him他现在安于...and he contented himself with...您的电话布坎南先生Telephone, Monsieur Buchanan.-是我-一些风流韵事- It's me. - other affairs.不是告诉过你别打到这儿来吗I thought I told you not to call me here.波阿斯Boaz!波阿斯是《圣经》中的富豪莎士比亚是人尽皆知的文豪莎士比亚Shakespeare!汤姆Tom!你那本伟大的美国小说写得怎样了How's the great American novel coming?我最近在沃尔特·切斯的公司卖证券呢I'm selling bonds with Walter Chase's outfit.晚饭后和我一起去镇上Let's say after dinner, you and I, we go into town.-不行-带你去见见老弟兄- I can't. - Catch up with the old wolf pack.-明天还上班-废话让你去就去- Big day on the job tomorrow. - Nonsense! We're going.全美第一First team, all-American.看见没You see?造就了今天的我Made me who I am today.森林山[纽约长岛赛场]Forest Hills.大败威尔士亲王队那帮娘娘腔Played the Prince of Wales. What a sissy.人得靠自己本事活着尼克Life is something you dominate, Nick.只要你有一技之长If you're any good.亨利Henri!你在哪儿呢Where are you?这几扇门The doors.给我关上Close them.-抱歉-谢谢- Sorry. - Thank you.是你吗亲爱的Is that you, my lovely?黛西·布坎南绝代佳人Daisy Buchanan, the golden girl.她散发着一股令人窒息的热情A breathless warmth flowed from her.仿佛在这世上除你之外A promise that there was no one else她谁也不想见in the world she so wanted to see.芝加哥那些人想我了吗Do they miss me in Chicago?是的不少人托我带个好Yes. Um, at least a dozen people send their love.真不错How gorgeous.没有你的日子他们悲痛欲绝They're absolutely in mourning.-他们愁眉苦脸真的-瞎说- They're crying. Yes. - No.-才不信你-抱头痛哭- I don't believe you. - Wailing.-我才不信你呢-仰天长啸- I don't believe you. - They're screaming."黛西·布坎南没有你我们活不了""Daisy Buchanan, we can't live without you!"我高兴死了I'm paralyzed with happiness.乔丹·贝克著名高尔夫球手Jordan Baker. A very famous golfer.《纽约闲谈》她是我见过的最让人手足无措的人She was the most frightening person I'd ever seen.我在《运动人生》的封面上见过你的照片Well, I've seen your face on the cover of Sporting Life.尼克·卡罗威Nick Carraway.但能注视着她仍是一桩美差But I enjoyed looking at her.我在沙发上躺得太久了I've been lying on that sofa for as long as I can remember.这个夏天我要把你俩撮合到一块去This summer I'll fling you two together.我会让你们盛装打扮I'll push you into linen closets,然后一起出海游玩and out to sea in boats!-想得美-对了尼克- I'm not listening to a word. - So, Nick,黛西说你住在西卵区那边Daisy tells me that you're over in West Egg throwing your lot in和那些攀高结贵的暴发户们住一起with those social-climbing primitive new-money types.我不过租了间每月块的陋居罢了My little shack's just a cardboard box at a month.你过得真有意思Your life is adorable.我倒是认识一个西卵区的人I know somebody in West Egg.我和那边的人还没来往过呢I don't know a single person that side of the bay.但你一定听说过盖茨比You must know Gatsby.盖茨比Gatsby?哪个盖茨比What Gatsby?夫人晚膳已备齐Madame, the dinner is servi.想听听咱家的秘密吗Would you like to hear a family secret?-洗耳恭听-是有关管家的鼻子的- That's why I came over. - It's about the butler's nose.事情变得每况愈下Things went from bad to worse.我不喜欢"大老粗"这个词I hate that word "Hulking."尼克听说你准备娶一个Nicky, I heard a rumor that you were getting married-西卵区的姑娘-哪有的事- to a girl out West. - It's a libel.我没钱啊I'm too poor.除非找个老女人准备坐吃遗产They have to be old so they die quickly.咱换个话题行吗Can't we talk about something else?什么都好谈谈作物收成吧Anything. Crops.你让我觉得自己像野蛮人黛西You're making me feel uncivilized, Daisy.文明已经要四分五裂了Civilization's going to pieces.你读过戈达德写的那本Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires《黑色帝国的崛起》吗by this fellow Goddard?人们都该读读这本书Everybody ought to read it.如果白人再掉以轻心的话The idea is that it's up to us, the dominant race to watch out别的种族就要主宰一切了or these other races will have control of things.汤姆近来看问题比较长远Tom's very profound lately.他读了很多晦涩难懂的书籍He reads deep books with long words in them.这是有根据的It's been proved.是科学的道理It's scientific.我们得消灭这些苗头We've got to beat them down.布坎南府邸Buchanan residence.是汽车修理厂的威尔逊先生打来的Monsieur Wilson, from the garage.布坎南先生Monsieur Buchanan.不好意思我去去就来Excuse me, I'll be right back.抱歉I'm sorry.你提到的这个盖茨比先生Well, this Mr. Gatsby you spoke of,-他就住我隔壁-嘘别说话- he's my neighbor. - Shh! Don't talk.我想听听他们在说什么I wanna hear what happens.我不管你用什么方法...I don't care what you do...出了什么事吗Something happening?-我还以为众人皆知呢-我就不知道- Why, I thought everybody knew. - Well, I don't.-汤姆在纽约有了外遇-外遇- Tom's got some woman in New York. - Got some woman?她或许不懂晚饭时不该打过来She might have the decency not to telephone at dinnertime.你说呢Don't you think?你嫌我管太宽吗Is that too much to ask?黛西不要无事生非Daisy, don't create a scene.你能上我这儿吃晚餐真好尼克I love seeing you at my table, Nicky.你让我想到玫瑰他难道不像玫瑰吗You remind me of a rose. An absolute rose, doesn't he?-等下吃完饭-我可没玫瑰那么脆弱- So after dinner, - Well, I'm not even faintly like a rose.尼克想去镇上逛逛对吧Nick wanted to go into town. Right, Nick?去耶鲁俱乐部To the Yale Club.尼克就待在这儿吧Nicky, stay.明天我还得早起上班呢I have to work early.胡说Nonsense.-还有好多话没说-就去喝几杯而已- There's so much to talk about. - It's just for a drink or two.第五次急切而刺耳的电话铃声None of us could ignore that fifth guest's牵动了每个人的神经shrill metallic urgency.-尼克-怎么了- Nicky. - What?就是我觉得一切都糟透了It's just, well, you see, I think everything's terrible anyhow.-是吗-是的- Really? - Yes.我周游各地看遍世间百态I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything.我曾经有一段低谷时期尼克I've had a very bad time, Nicky.导致我现在有点愤世嫉俗I'm pretty cynical about everything.你女儿一切都好吧Your daughter, I suppose she talks and eats and everything?你说帕米Pammy?是的Oh, yes.尼克她出生的时候Listen, Nick, when she was born,天知道汤姆在哪Tom was God knows where.和谁鬼混在一起with God knows whom.我问护士And I asked the nurse是男孩还是女孩if it was a boy or a girl.她说是女孩And she said it was a girl我哭着说and I wept:真庆幸是个女孩"I'm glad it's a girl.我希望她做个傻姑娘And I hope she'll be a fool.傻姑娘才是最幸福的That's the best thing a girl in this world can be.美丽的傻姑娘A beautiful little fool."华美珍贵的事物总是很快逝去All the bright, precious things fade so fast.而且一去不复返And they don't come back.我回到家When I arrived home发现邻居家的码头上I noticed that a figure出现了一个身影had emerged on my neighbor's dock.直觉告诉我他就是And something told me it was盖茨比先生Mr. Gatsby.他似乎伸着手He seemed to be reaching toward在黑暗中摸索着什么something out there in the dark.那束绿光The green light.我不想再说了医生I don't wanna talk about this, doctor.那就写下来Then write about it.-写下来吗-是的- Write about it? - Yes.为什么要写呢Why would I do that?你说过写作能给你带来慰藉You said yourself writing brought you solace.是的但却不能给别人带去慰藉Yeah, well, it didn't bring anyone else much solace.我写得不好I wasn't any good.又不是给人看的No one need ever read it.你可以烧掉You could always burn it.写些什么呢What would I write about?什么都行Anything.只要能让你安心的东西都可以写Whatever brings you ease:一段回忆a memory一点想法一个地方a thought, a place.写下来Write it down.一个地方A place.灰之谷是个怪异的地方The Valley of Ashes was a grotesque place.它是纽约的垃圾场New York's dumping ground在西卵区和城区之间halfway between West Egg and the city它的煤炭where the burnt-out coal点燃了纽约的纸醉金迷that powered the booming golden city但它已支离破碎was discarded by men who moved dimly在这漫天尘土中and already crumbling也无人愿意停留through the powdery air.这个古怪的农场This fantastic farm一直在T·J·埃克伯格医生的注视下was ever watched by Dr. T.J. Eckleburg他虽然被人遗忘A forgotten oculist却审视着这里whose eyes brooded over it all就像上帝之眼like the eyes of God.汤姆邀请我进城Tom had invited me to town,肯定是去参加耶鲁俱乐部的午宴apparently for lunch at the Yale Club,但是but却出现了意想不到的转折the day took an unexpected turn.跟我来Come on.-快来-什么意思- Come on! - What do you mean?相信我Trust me!-我们这是要做什么-你们在干什么- What are we doing? - Where are you going?跳Jump!-你要做什么-快跳- What are you doing? -Jump, come on!-汤姆-跟我来- Tom! - Come on!天啊Oh, God.汤姆等等等等我行吗Tom, wait. Wait a second, would you?跟我来尼克Dominate, Nick!跟我来Dominate!你好威尔逊Hello, Wilson.生意怎么样How's business?还好没什么可抱怨的Yeah, I can't complain.什么时候把车卖给我So when are you gonna sell me that car?我正让人修着呢Oh, I've still got my man working on it.他修得也太慢了不是吗Yeah, well, he works pretty slow, don't he?也许该卖给别人Maybe I'd better sell it somewhere else.别别别Oh, no, no, no.我不是那个意思我只是...I wasn't saying that. I was...如果是谈生意的话得跟我谈If it's business, you should be talking to me.你还不快去搬椅子来Get some chairs why don't you,让人家坐下so somebody can sit down.好的Uh, sure.我们谈谈生意吧Yeah, let's talk business.没问题Sure.我去搬椅子I'll get the chairs.桃金娘Myrtle,-你来招待一下-快去- why don't you entertain? - Hurry up.-你好-你好- Hi. - Hi.布坎南先生Mr. Buchanan.吃糖吗Candy?-不吃谢谢-不吃吗- No, thank you. - No?威尔逊夫人这是尼克·卡罗威Mrs. Wilson, Nick Carraway.幸会A pleasure.尼克是位作家Nick's a writer.实际上我在搞债券I'm in bonds actually.我要你I want you搭下一列火车get on the next train.现在吗Now?是的Yes.我们可以养只狗吗Can we get the dog?-在公寓里-听你的- For the apartment? - Whatever you want.布坎南先生Hey, Mr. Buchanan!喝汽水吗You want a soda?-不喝了-不喝吗- I'm fine. - No?叫上你的妹妹她会喜欢他的Call your sister. She'll like him.不不不用了谢谢No, no, no. That's all right, thank you.认识凯瑟琳的人都说她漂亮Catherine's said to be very good-looking by people who know.真的不用了Oh, really, I can't.不给桃金娘面子吗You wanna embarrass Myrtle?那多没礼貌That's rude.我是凯瑟琳I'm Catherine.来场狂欢吗Ain't we having a party?我觉得Um, I'm not sure现在不太合适吧now's a good time.我正要走实际上有人在...I'm just going. Actually, there are peop...你好Hello!切斯特他就是那个表哥吧Oh, Chester, this must be the cousin.-你真可爱-谢谢- Oh, you are adorable. - Oh, thank you.我是切斯特·麦基很高兴见到你Chester McKee. Pleasure to meet you.-尼克·卡罗威-来吧- Nick Carraway. - Come on,-难道你不喜欢我-撞盆栽上了- don't you like me? - Oh. Heh. A plant.桃金娘Myrtle!桃金娘桃金娘小龟龟Myrtle turtle!我真得走了I really must go.快给大家拿点喝的不然都睡着了Get everybody a drink before they fall asleep.汤姆我要走了Tom, I'm just leaving now.尼克Nick.等等Wait.-我要走了我得出去了-胡闹- I'm going. I've gotta get out of here. - Nonsense!进去和凯瑟琳说说话Go on in there and talk to Catherine.我觉得不自在黛西可是我表妹I'm not comfortable. Daisy's my cousin.我知道你不爱凑热闹大学时就是这样Listen, I know you like to watch. I remember that from college.不不我不是指责你No, no, no, I don't make any judgment.我们有整个夏天来潇洒We have all summer.你是想袖手旁观呢Now, do you wanna sit on the sideline and watch,还是想参与进来or do you wanna play ball?Play ball.-是我们不够好吗-来吧- Ain't we good enough for you? - Come on!来吧来吧Come on! Come on.他是要袖手旁观He's gonna sit on the side and watch, huh?还是来乐呵乐呵Or is he gonna play ball?摘掉帽子留下来Take off your hat and stay a while.对了尼克Oh, hey, Nick.-麦基是搞艺术的-摄影- McKee is in the artistic game. - Photography.-尼克也是搞艺术的-不是- Nick's artistic. - No.-不是不是-真的吗- No, no, no. - Really?-偶尔会写作但... -真的吗- I write a little, but... - Really?你也住长岛吗Do you live on Long Island too?我住在西卵区I live at West Egg.大概一个月前我去那参加过派对I was there at a party about a month ago.有个叫盖茨比的认识吗A man named Gatsbys. Do you know him?我就住在他隔壁I live right next door to him.他是德皇威廉的表亲He's a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm's.-就是那个邪恶的德国皇帝-真的吗- You know, the evil German king? - Really?麦基Hey, McKee!把这照下来Take a picture of that.别这样我才不是那种模特呢Don't, I'm not one of those models.如果你想拍也可以You can if you want.他们俩都受不了自己家的那口子Neither of them can stand the person they're married to.她也不喜欢威尔逊吗Doesn't she like Wilson either?他是个谄上媚下的人渣He's a greasy little scumbag.不了谢谢不用喝就已经飘飘然了No, thanks, I feel just as good on nothing at all.治疗神经的药Nerve pills.我在皇后区的一个医生那搞到的I get them from a doctor in Queens.你也来一片吗Do you want one?不我的神经没问题谢谢Oh, no. My nerves are fine, thanks.我一生中只醉过两次I had been drunk just twice in my life.第二次就是在那天下午And the second time was that afternoon.那晚That night,在汤姆为桃金娘准备的藏身公寓里in the hidden flat that Tom kept for Myrtle我们借着酒劲买醉狂欢we were buoyed by a sort of chemical madness.我们内心深处对狂欢的渴望A willingness of the heart雷鸣般迸发出来that burst thunderously upon us all.突然间And suddenly,我开始喜欢上了纽约I began to like New York.这比耶鲁俱乐部棒多了This is better than the Yale Club.我们这排高踞在城市上空的High over the city灯火通明的窗子our yellow windows必定给街上观望的过客must have contributed their share of human secrets增添了神秘感to the casual watcher in the street.我曾经也像他一样And I was him too,仰望又寻思着looking up and wondering.我既置身事内I was within又超乎其外and without.我对人生的变幻莫测Enchanted and repelled既感陶醉又感厌恶by the inexhaustible variety of life.你没权利说她的名字You have got no right to speak her name.黛西黛西黛西Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!你没权利说她的名字You got no right to speak her name!我想说就说...I'll speak her name whenever...天啊你疯了Oh, my God, you are crazy!臭婊子You whore!他们会把你抓起来They're gonna arrest you!不知道我是怎么回的家I have no clue how I got home但我醒来时but I do know that着实有种不安的感觉I awoke with a distinctly uneasy feeling觉得盖茨比在盯着我that Gatsby was watching me.盯着你Watching you?是的Yes.盖茨比一直在盯着我Gatsby was always watching me.你怎么知道的And how did you know that?我收到一份邀请I got an invitation.只有我收到了邀请I was the only one.我是说除我之外By which I mean no one except me恐怕没人真正收到过盖茨比家的邀请ever received an actual invitation to Gatsby's.亲爱的卡罗威先生还望赏光我的小派对您真诚的杰·盖茨比其他纽约人You see, the rest of New York都是不请自来simply came uninvited.全市的人三五成群地搭车而来The whole city packed into automobiles.每个周末And all weekend, every weekend都在盖茨比家度过ended up at Gatsby's.不管是谁什么工作And I mean everyone from every walk of life住在哪里的人都会来from every corner of New York City,这场缤纷夺目的嘉年华this kaleidoscopic carnival挤破了盖茨比家的大门spilled through Gatsby's door.闪开Out of the way!我的邀请函My invitation.先生这是我的邀请函Sir, my invitation.这边This Way!大厅里满是A caravanserai of billionaire playboy publishers左拥右抱的出版界富豪and their blond nurses.沙滩上是炫耀遗产的小姐们Heiresses comparing inheritances on Gatsby's beach.我老板沃尔特·切斯在轮盘赌上输了钱My boss, Walter Chase, losing money at the roulette tables.八卦写手伺机而动Gossip columnists alongside,黑帮和政府官员互换号码打成一片gangsters and governors exchanging telephone numbers.影星Film stars.百老汇导演Broadway directors.道德的捍卫者Morality protectors.叛逆的青少年High school defectors.这是尤因·克里普斯普林格传言是贝多芬的后代And Ewing Klipspringer, dubious descendent of Beethoven.请问派对主人盖茨比先生在哪里Do you know where I might find the host, Mr. Gatsby?我就住隔壁I live just next door.盖茨比吗Gatsby?先生我从未见过盖茨比先生I've never seen Mr. Gatsby, sir.根本没人见过他Why, no one has.孤身一人又碰了一鼻子灰Alone, and a little embarrassed.我决定不醉不休I decided to get roaring drunk.我就觉得看到的是你I thought I might see you here.你好Hello.我记得你就住隔壁I remembered you live next door.这里就像游乐园It's like an amusement park.跳支舞吧Shall we?你收到邀请函了吗Did you get an invitation?来盖茨比家是不用邀请函的People aren't invited to Gatsby's.但是我收到了Well, I was.好像就我收到了Seems I'm the only one.盖茨比究竟是何方神圣Who is this Gatsby?他曾是战时德国间谍He was a German spy during the war.泰迪·巴顿Teddy Barton.尼克·卡罗威Nick Carraway.德国间谍吗A German spy?不对不对他是德皇的杀手No, no, no. He's the Kaiser's assassin.-听说他杀过人-没错- I heard he killed a man once. - It's true.就是杀着玩而已也没被抓Kills for fun, free of charge.绝对是有通天的本领He's certainly richer than God.你不会真相信他杀过人吧You don't really believe he killed a man, do you?找到他以后你自己问问不就知道了Let's go find him and you can ask him yourself.女士们先生们掌声欢迎Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage...才华横溢的the incredible吉尔达·格蕾因西米舞而闻名的美国艺人吉尔达·格蕾小姐Miss Gilda Gray!带来查尔斯顿舞The Charleston!至少我还怀念着At least I miss环球之旅Trips around the world不是你的女人Don't mean a thing就一文不值If I ain't your girl宝贝我没时间陪你耗I ain't got time for you, baby不管你属不属于我Either you're mine or you're not盖茨比先生Mr. Gatsby?亲爱的宝贝Sweet baby来吧Come on.此时此地Right here, right now但你弄错了But you are mistaken!因为我就是For I am神秘的the mysterious盖茨比先生Mr. Gatsby.你们找不到他的You won't find him.这房子只不过是This house and everything in it are all part精心布置的假象of an elaborate disguise.而盖茨比先生并不存在But Mr. Gatsby doesn't exist.呸我碰到过他Phooey. I've met him.是吗是哪一个身份的他呢Really? Which one?是王子The prince?还是间谍The spy?亦或是杀人犯The murderer?我找不出一个I cannot find anyone了解一点真实内幕的人who knows anything real about Mr. Gatsby.我不在乎Well, I don't care.他办了这么多大型派对He gives large parties很合我心意and I like large parties.有很多私人空间They're so intimate.派对小了哪儿都能撞见人Small parties, there isn't any privacy.假如你说的是对的But if that's true,这又是为了什么what's all this for?我亲爱的朋友That, my dear fellow这是个问题is the question.准备好了吗Are you ready?小小派对无伤大雅A little party never killed nobody所以就算跳到精疲力尽依然不停息So we gonna dance until we drop still go on小小派对无伤大雅A little party never killed nobody此时此刻就请及时行乐吧Right here, right now is all we got小小派对无伤大雅A little party never killed nobody能请你跳这一曲吗May I have this dance?你个小白脸You penniless pantywaist.小小派对无伤大雅A little party never killed nobody我把她借走了卡罗威I'm stealing her away. Carraway.女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen!世界顶尖爵士舞曲过后A jazz history of the world,为您带来的是and accompanying烟花表演fireworks!-快点尼克-看看你周围- Come on. Nick. - Look around you.富家女是不会嫁给穷小子的Rich girls don't marry poor boys.她是我的She's mine.你看起来好眼熟Your face is familiar.您战时曾在第三师吗Weren't you in the Third Division during the war?-对在第九营-我在第七营- Oh, yes, the th Battalion. - I was in the th.-借过-我就觉得是见过的- Excuse me. - I knew you looked familiar.玩得开心吗老伙计Having a good time, old sport?真是太神奇了The whole thing's incredible.我就住隔壁呢I live just next door.他真给我发邀请函了好像就我收到了He sent me an actual invitation. Seems I'm the only one.我还没见过盖茨比先生本人I still haven't met Mr. Gatsby.没人见过他No one's met him.听说是德皇的三表弟They say he's third cousin to the Kaiser,又是魔鬼的二堂弟and second cousin to the devil.恕我招待不周老伙计I'm afraid I haven't been a very good host, old sport.我You see,就是盖茨比您就是...You're...他的微笑是如此不寻常His smile was one of those rare smiles人这一生也难得几回见that you may come across four or five times in life.这微笑似乎在告诉你It seemed to understand you,他理解你信任你and believe in you just as you恰如你内心深处的渴望would like to be understood and believed in.抱歉老伙计我还以为你知道Sorry, old sport. I thought you knew.那个...我不知道说什么不好意思Please just... I don't know what to say. Please forgive me.-没事-我喝多了- it's quite all right. - I've had so much to drink.-怎么了-盖茨比先生- Yes? - Mr. Gatsby, sir.-芝加哥来电-天啊- Chicago on the wire. - Oh,my.我马上过去I'll be in in just a minute.明天上午我新买的水上滑艇试水I'm taking my new hydroplane out in the morning.你想一起来吗Would you like to go with me?What time?你什么时候方便The time that suits you.您真是太好了Well, that's very kind of you.很高兴再次见到你贝克小姐Lovely to see you again, Miss Baker.要是有什么需要If there's anything that you want,尽管开口老伙计just ask for it, old sport.我先失陪了Excuse me.过会儿再来I will rejoin you later.我以为他...I expected him to be...-是个大腹便便的糟老头吗-对- Old and fat? - Yes.年轻人是不会突然冒出来Young men don't just drift coolly out of nowhere,在长岛买座豪宅的and buy a palace on Long Island.他说他以前在牛津读书He told me once he was an Oxford man.可我不相信However, I don't believe it.为什么Why not?不知道就是不信I don't know. I just don't believe he went there.抱歉I beg your pardon.贝克小姐盖茨比先生有请Miss Baker, Mr. Gatsby would like to speak to you.您一人前去Alone.叫我吗Me?是的女士Yes, madam.尼克Nick!尼克Nick!尼克Nick!我刚才听到了最骇人的消息I've just heard the most shocking thing.你去哪里了车等着呢Where have you been? The car's waiting.-快得走了-简直让人目瞪口呆- Come on, we're leaving. - Simply amazing.这就说得通了It all makes sense.解释了这一切It all makes sense.明白了吧-什么意思-所有- What makes sense? - Everything!快点别闹了Come on, this is crazy!-我们得走了-但我只能说这么多- We gotta get out of here. - Oh, but here I am tantalizing you,因为我发了誓不能说when I swore I wouldn't tell.你就告诉我吧Just tell me.尼克对不起我发过誓了Oh, Nick, I'm sorry, I swore.发了誓不能说的I swore I wouldn't tell.抱歉让她走了老伙计Sorry to keep her from you, old sport.别忘了明天上午的水上滑艇之约Don't forget we're going up in that hydroplane tomorrow morning.一定Yes.盖茨比先生Mr. Gatsby, sir.-费城来电-知道了- Philadelphia on the phone. - Yes.晚安老伙计Night, old sport.晚安Good night.Thank you.怎么了What's the matter?没油了吗You run out of gas?尼克要来看我哦Nick! Come and see me!下周一起喝茶We'll have tea next week.电话簿上找I'm in the phone book.我会给你打电话的I'll call you up.后来我们去坐了水上滑艇Well, we rode in the hydroplane.我又参加了两次他的派对And I attended two more of his parties.还借用过他家沙滩Even made use of his beach.但老实说医生But you know, doctor, I realized我完全不了解盖茨比这个人that I knew absolutely nothing about Gatsby at all.直到后来...Until...车还不错吧老伙计It's pretty, isn't it, old sport?以前是不是没见过Haven't you ever seen it before?。


第14单元了不起的盖茨比The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald事隔两年,我回想起那天其余的时间,那一晚以及第二天,只记得一批又一批的警察、摄影师和新闻记者在盖茨比家的前门口来来往往。


简介· · · · · ·《了不起的盖茨比》是20世纪美国著名作家菲茨吉拉德的代表作。
作者简介· · · · · ·弗.司各特.菲茨杰拉德1896-1940的一生是短暂的他的创作生涯充其量不过二十年但他却留下了四部长篇小说和一百六十多篇短篇小说使其成为二十世纪最重要的美国小说家之一。

而在他的代表作小说The Great Gatsby 中这一特点尤为突出。
…,and so it came about that in college I was unjustlyaccused of being a politician, because I was privy to thesecret griefs of wild,unknown men. Most of the confidenceswere unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep,preoccupation,or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakablesign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them,are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions.高:……,这样一来,我在大学时代就不幸被人目为小政客,因为同学中一些冒冒失失的相知不深的家伙都找着我私下来发牢骚。

菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》,摘录书中比较经典的句子:,摘录书中比较经典的句子:Chapter 1 1. 每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。
Whenever you feel like cri cizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.2.人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。
A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3.人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。
Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but a er a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on.Chapter 2 这时,天色已经暗了下来,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,我也是这样的一个过路人,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望举头望着诧异着。
Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy secrecy to to to the the the casual casual casual watcher watcher watcher in in in the the the darkening darkening darkening streets, streets, streets, and and and I I I was was was him him him too, too, too, looking looking looking up up up and and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaus ble variety of life. Chapter 3 1. 他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有更多的含义。


二、探析“《盖茨比》”小说人物对话翻译 可 以 说 “《盖 茨 比 》”小 说 流 入 到 中 国 已 经 有 较 长 一 段 时 间。 在该部小说中除了通过利用小说人物来展现小说的思想 内涵和表现具体故事事件之外,还利用小说中实际对话来具 体将人物性格给与良好刻画。 与其是小说中展现的人物对话 是小说人物的自我表白,不如说是作者在向每一个阅读的文 学爱好者展示一个真实自我。 在该部小说的翻译作品中,如 何将小说的思想精髓以及文化内涵充分的表现出来就需要 翻译者抓住小说中人物之间的对话。 而怎样呈现原著对话也 成为现今众多翻译者的重要研究课题。 通常来讲将小说中人 物之间对话给与良好翻译,一方面需要严格尊重原著对话含 义,另一方面还要照顾到不同读者的实际阅读状况以及阅读 习惯,从这两方面来讲对小说中人物之间对话的翻译工作实 属不易。 下面就“《盖茨比》”小说中人物之间对话翻译通过举 例方式给与具体分析阐述。 (一) 人物个性的特征展现 我国著名学者孟子曾道,“发于声而征于色”。 一个优秀 小说人物的实际展现不仅仅是需要传达出一定的思想情怀, 还需要将这种思想情怀通过声音以及话语实际传达出来,让 阅读者以及观看者真正感受到。 如果没有将小说的对话加工 良好,那么小说人物即使具有再崇高的精神,阅读者也是茫 然不知。 “《盖茨比》”小说中则将人物之间对话给与了良好翻 译,通过较好翻译还原了小说人物真实个性。 例 如 小 说 中 黛 茜 的 一 些 对 话 : (1) “I told her that I had stayed in Chicago for a day, a dozen or so, on the way to the East. How a dozen people friend asked me to say hello to her.”该 句 翻 译为 “我告诉过她我需要在去东北的途中停留芝加哥一日, 数十个朋友让我同她问好。 ” (2)“The whole town is desolate.

Unit9Canyoucometomyparty课文翻译第一篇:Unit 9 Can you come to my party课文翻译Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A, 2d杰夫:嘿,尼克。
那周一见啦!Section B, 2b 你好,戴维:好主意!我真的特别喜欢斯蒂恩小姐。

Never forget to responsibility(永远不要忘记责任)
打电话到盖茨比家,暗示 盖茨比的生意败露了。
打电话到盖茨比家,一番 周旋后,原来只是一双鞋 忘在了盖茨比家,怕受牵 连。
未来参加葬礼 未来参加葬礼 未来参加葬礼
About love
No matter right or wrong in front of love. (爱情面前不论对错)
(两年后,尼克回想起当天的情景,媒体们对盖茨比的 死充满了揣测和不实的报道。凯瑟琳否认盖茨比和她姐 姐有关系,这样威尔逊就只被认为是一个失去妻子而 “悲伤过度,精神错乱的人”,案件就此告一段落。)
2 No one expressed concern for the death of Gatsby except Nick , Nick contact Daisy, hope her to attend the funeral, but they had run away.
Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams;
盖茨比的房子,曾经一度迎风飘扬,低声响应人类最后的也是最伟大 的梦想。
I raised him up out of nothing, right out of the gutter.
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第14单元了不起的盖茨比The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald事隔两年,我回想起那天其余的时间,那一晚以及第二天,只记得一批又一批的警察、摄影师和新闻记者在盖茨比家的前门口来来往往。