




1、分析市场竞争环境,识别市场机会 竞争环境分析是为了识别企业所⾯对的市场特征和市场机会。
2、分析顾客价值 供应链管理的⽬标在于提⾼顾客价值和降低总的交易成本,经理⼈员要从顾客价值的⾓度来定义产品或服务,并在不断提⾼顾客价值的情况下,寻求最低的交易成本。
3、确定竞争战略 从顾客价值出发找到企业产品或服务的定位之后,经理⼈员要确定相应的竞争战略。


供应链管理的五个特点1. 全球化供应链管理的一个重要特点是全球化。
2. 协同性供应链管理的第二个特点是协同性。
3. 弹性供应链管理的第三个特点是弹性。
4. 可持续性可持续性是供应链管理的另一个重要特点。
5. 技术驱动供应链管理的最后一个特点是技术驱动。


供应链管理赛题5一、单选题(每小题 2 分,共 30 道,共 60 分)1.基于采购订单跟进含义的说法,以下正确的是()。
○A.传递评审法○B.会议评审法○C.授权评审法○D.直接评审法5.供应链结点企业产需率越接近 1,则说明()。
○A.企业综合管理水平低○B.下层结点企业准时交货率低○C.下层结点企业供需关系不协调○D.下层结点企业准时交货率高6.某航班的单程飞行的固定成本为 50000 元,可变成本为 100 元,单程机票售价为500 元,则盈亏平衡点的数量是( )。
○A.100 人○B.125 人○C.150 人○D.175 人7.影响物流业务外包选择的主要因素不包括()。
○A.粗能力需求计划的负荷对象是全部物料○B.粗能力需求计划的能力计划对象是关键工作中心○C.粗能力需求计划的计划阶段是主生产计划○D.粗能力需求计划的计划时段考虑的是提前期10.任何采购订单至少应包括以下 6 项内容:交货方式、验收方式、罚则、品质保证、履约保证、()。


Chapter 5Network Design in the Supply ChainTrue/False1. Supply chain network design decisions include the location of manufacturing,storage, or transportation-related facilities and the allocation of capacity and roles to each facility.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Decisions concerning the role of each facility are significant because theydetermine the amount of flexibility the supply chain has in changing the way itmeets demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. Decisions concerning the role of each facility are significant because theydetermine the amount of rigidity the supply chain has in changing the way itmeets demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. Facility location decisions have a long-term impact on a supply chain’sperformance because it is cost effective to shut down a facility or move it to adifferent location.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy5. Capacity allocation decisions have a significant impact on supply chainperformance because they tend to stay in place for several years.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. The allocation of supply sources and markets to facilities has a significant impacton performance because it affects total production, inventory, and transportation costs incurred by the supply chain to satisfy customer demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. The allocation of supply sources and markets to facilities does not need to bereconsidered on a regular basis so that the allocation can be changed as market conditions or plant capacities change.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. Network design decisions have a significant impact on performance becausethey determine the supply chain configuration and set constraints within whichinventory, transportation, and information can be used to either decrease supply chain cost or increase responsiveness.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate9. Network design decisions have a significant impact on performance becausethey determine the supply chain conflagration and set constraints within whichinventory, transportation, and information can be used to either increase supplychain cost or reduce responsiveness.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy10. Firms focusing on cost leadership tend to find the lowest cost location for theirmanufacturing facilities, but only if that means locating very far from the markets they serve.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. Firms focusing on responsiveness tend to locate facilities closer to the marketand may select a high-cost location if this choice allows the firm to quickly reactto changing market needs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. If production technology displays significant economies of scale, many locallocations are the most effective.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. If facilities have lower fixed costs, many local facilities are preferred because thishelps lower transportation costs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. If the production technology is very inflexible and product requirements vary fromone country to another, a firm has to set up local facilities to serve the market in each country.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard15. If the technology is flexible, it becomes more difficult to consolidatemanufacturing in a few large facilities.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard16. Tariffs have a minor influence on location decisions within a supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy17. High tariffs lead to more production locations within a supply chain network, witheach location having a lower allocated capacity.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. When designing supply chain networks, companies must build appropriateflexibility to help counter fluctuations in exchange rates and demand acrossdifferent countries.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate19. Inventory and facility costs increase as the number of facilities in a supply chainincrease.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. Transportation costs increase as the number of facilities is increased.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. A firm may increase the number of facilities beyond the point that minimizes totallogistics cost to improve the response time to its customers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy22. When faced with a network design decision, the goal of a manager is to design anetwork that minimizes the firm’s costs while satisfying customer needs in terms of demand and responsiveness.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. The supply chain network is designed to maximize total profits, taking intoaccount the expected margin and demand in each market, various logistics and facility costs, and the taxes and tariffs at each location.Answer: TrueDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Supply chain network design decisions includea. only the location of manufacturing, storage, or transportation-relatedfacilities.b. only the allocation of capacity and roles to each facility.c. both the location of manufacturing, storage, or transportation-relatedfacilities and the allocation of capacity and roles to each facility.d. neither the location of manufacturing, storage, or transportation-relatedfacilities nor the allocation of capacity and roles to each facility.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy2. Supply chain network design decisions classified as facility role are concernedwitha. what processes are performed at each facility.b. where facilities should be located.c. how much capacity should be allocated to each facility.d. what markets each facility should serve and which supply sources shouldfeed each facility.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate3. Supply chain network design decisions classified as facility location areconcerned witha. what processes are performed at each facility.b. where facilities should be located.c. how much capacity should be allocated to each facility.d. what markets each facility should serve and which supply sources shouldfeed each facility.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy4. Supply chain network design decisions classified as capacity allocation areconcerned witha. what processes are performed at each facility.b. where facilities should be located.c. how much capacity should be allocated to each facility.d. what markets each facility should serve and which supply sources shouldfeed each facility.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy5. Supply chain network design decisions classified as market and supply allocationare concerned witha. what processes are performed at each facility.b. where facilities should be located.c. how much capacity should be allocated to each facility.d. what markets each facility should serve and which supply sources shouldfeed each facility.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy6. Decisions concerning the role of each facility are significant becausea. they determine the amount of flexibility the supply chain has indemanding change.b. they determine the amount of flexibility the supply chain has in changingthe way it meets demand.c. they determine the amount of capacity the supply chain has in changingthe way it meets demand.d. they determine the amount of inventory the supply chain has indemanding change.e. None of the above are true.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate7. Facility location decisions have a long-term impact on a supply chain’sperformance becausea. it is very expensive to shut down a facility or move it to a different location.b. it is not expensive to shut down a facility or move it to a different location.c. it is advisable to shut down a facility or move it to a different location.d. it is cost effective to shut down a facility or move it to a different location.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate8. Capacity allocation decisions have a significant impact on supply chainperformance becausea. capacity decisions tend to be permanent.b. capacity decisions tend to be changed frequently.c. capacity decisions do not tend to stay in place for several years.d. capacity decisions tend to stay in place for several years.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate9. Allocating too much capacity to a location results ina. permanent damage.b. poor utilization, and as a result, higher costs.c. high utilization, and as a result, higher costs.d. poor utilization, and as a result, lower costs.e. high utilization, and as a result, lower costs.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate10. Allocating too little capacity results ina. temporary damage.b. good responsiveness if demand is not satisfied or low cost if demand isfilled from a distant facility.c. good responsiveness if demand is not satisfied or high cost if demand isfilled from a distant facility.d. poor responsiveness if demand is not satisfied or low cost if demand isfilled from a distant facility.e. poor responsiveness if demand is not satisfied or high cost if demand isfilled from a distant facility.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate11. The allocation of supply sources and markets to facilities has a significant impacton performance becausea. it cannot affect total production, inventory, and transportation costsincurred by the supply chain to satisfy customer demand.b. it cannot affect customer demand.c. it affects total production, inventory, and transportation costs incurred bythe supply chain to satisfy customer demand.d. it cannot satisfy customer demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate12. The allocation of supply sources and markets to facilities should be reconsideredon a regular basis so thata. the allocation can be held constant as market conditions or plantcapacities expand.b. the allocation can be changed as market conditions or plant capacitiesstagnate.c. the allocation can be held constant as market conditions or plantcapacities change.d. the allocation can be changed as market conditions or plant capacitieschange.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate13. Network design decisions have a significant impact on performance becausetheya. determine the supply chain configuration.b. determine the supply chain conflagration.c. set constraints within which inventory, transportation, and information canbe used to either decrease supply chain cost or increase responsiveness.d. set constraints within which inventory, transportation, and information canbe used to either increase supply chain cost or decrease responsiveness.e. a and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Hard14. Customer order entry isa. the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes adecision regarding a purchase.b. the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and theretailer allocating product to the customer.c. the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.d. the process where the customer receives the product and takesownership.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15. Which of the following is not a factor influencing network design decisions insupply chains?a. Strategic factorsb. Tactical factorsc. Macroeconomic factorsd. Political factorse. Infrastructure factorsAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate16. Firms focusing on cost leadership tend toa. locate facilities close to the market they serve.b. locate facilities very far from the market they serve.c. find the lowest cost location for their manufacturing facilities.d. select a high-cost location to be able to react quickly.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. Firms focusing on responsiveness tend toa. locate facilities close to the market they serve.b. locate facilities very far from the market they serve.c. find the lowest cost location for their manufacturing facilities.d. select a high-cost location to be able to react slowly.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate18. Which of the following is not one of Kasra Ferdows’ classifications of possiblestrategic roles for various facilities in a global supply chain network?a. Offpost facilityb. Source facilityc. Server facilityd. Contributor facilitye. Outpost facilityAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate19. A facility that serves the role of being a low-cost supply source for marketslocated outside the country where the facility is located isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a contributor facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate20. A facility that also has low cost as its primary objective, but its strategic role isbroader than that of an offshore facility isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a contributor facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate21. A facility built because of tax incentives, local content requirement, tariff barriers,or high logistics cost to supply the region from elsewhere with the objective tosupply the market where it is located isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a contributor facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate22. A facility located primarily to obtain access to knowledge or skills that may existwithin a certain region isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a contributor facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate23. A facility that serves the market where it is located but also assumesresponsibility for product customization, process improvements, productmodifications, or product development isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a contributor facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate24. A facility that creates new products, processes, and technologies for the entirenetwork isa. an offshore facility.b. a source facility.c. a server facility.d. a lead facility.e. an outpost facility.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate25. If production technology displays significant economies of scale,a. many high-capacity locations are the most effective.b. few high-capacity locations are the most effective.c. few high-capacity locations are the least effective.d. few low-capacity locations are the most effective.e. few low-capacity locations are the least effective.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate26. If facilities have lower fixed costs,a. a few high-capacity facilities are preferred because this helps lowertransportation costs.b. a few local facilities are preferred because this helps lower transportationcosts.c. many high-capacity facilities are preferred because this helps lowertransportation costs.d. many local facilities are preferred because this helps lower transportationcosts.e. one central facility is preferred because this helps lower transportationcosts.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate27. If the production technology is very inflexible and product requirements vary fromone country to another, a firm has to set upa. local facilities to serve the market in each country.b. a few high-capacity facilities to serve the market in each country.c. many local facilities because this helps lower transportation costs.d. a few high-capacity facilities because this helps lower transportation costs.e. many high-capacity facilities because this helps lower transportation costs.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard28. If the technology is flexible,a. it becomes more difficult to consolidate manufacturing in a few largefacilities.b. it becomes more difficult to distribute manufacturing in many localfacilities.c. it becomes easier to consolidate manufacturing in a few large facilities.d. it becomes easier to consolidate manufacturing in many local facilities.e. the firm should have one central facility.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard29. Which of the following is a macroeconomic factor influencing network designdecisions?a. Taxesb. Tariffsc. Exchange ratesd. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy30. Duties that must be paid when products and/or equipment are moved acrossinternational, state, or city boundaries are referred to asa. taxes.b. tax incentives.c. tariffs.d. incentives.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate31. If a country has very high tariffs,a. companies either do not serve the local market or set up manufacturingplants within the country to save on duties.b. companies do not serve the local market.c. companies set up manufacturing plants within the country to save onduties.d. companies will not serve the local market or set up manufacturing plantswithin the country to save on duties.e. companies will serve the local market by setting up regionalmanufacturing plants.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate32. Developing countries often create free trade zones wherea. duties and tariffs are imposed as long as production is used primarily forexport.b. duties and tariffs are imposed as long as production is used primarily forimport.c. duties and tariffs are relaxed as long as production is used primarily forexport.d. duties and tariffs are relaxed as long as production is used primarily forimport.e. duties and tariffs are increased as long as production is used primarily forexport.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy33. Building some over-capacity in the supply chain network and making the capacityflexible allows a firm to alter production flows within the supply chain toa. produce less in facilities that have a lower cost based on currentexchange rates.b. produce more in facilities that have a lower cost based on currentexchange rates.c. produce more in facilities that have a higher cost based on currentexchange rates.d. produce less in facilities that have the same cost based on currentexchange rates.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate34. Positive externalities are instances wherea. the collocation of multiple firms benefits all of them.b. the dispersion of multiple firms benefits all of them.c. the cooperation of multiple firms benefits all of them.d. the coordination of multiple firms benefits all of them.e. the disagreement of multiple firms benefits all of them.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate35. Inventory and facility costsa. decrease as the number of facilities in a supply chain increases.b. increase as the number of facilities in a supply chain increases.c. increase as the number of facilities in a supply chain decreases.d. are stable as the number of facilities in a supply chain increases.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate36. Transportation costsa. decrease as the number of facilities is decreased.b. decrease as the number of facilities is increased.c. increase as the number of facilities is decreased.d. remain stable as the number of facilities is increased.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy37. Total logistics costs are a sum of thea. inventory and facility costs.b. transportation and facility costs.c. inventory and transportation costs.d. inventory, transportation, and facility costs.e. inventory, transportation, and faculty costs.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy38. The facilities in a supply chain network musta. at least maximize total logistics cost.b. at least equal the number that maximizes total logistics cost.c. at least equal the number that minimizes total logistics cost.d. at least minimize total logistics cost.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy39. When faced with a network design decision, the goal of a manager is to design anetwork thata. maximizes the firm’s profits.b. minimizes the firm’s costs.c. satisfies customer needs in terms of demand and responsiveness.d. maximizes the firm’s profits while satisfying customer needs in terms ofdemand and responsiveness.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate40. Which of the following is not a phase in the design of a global supply chainnetwork?a. Define a supply chain strategy.b. Define the regional facility configuration.c. Select desirable sites.d. Location choices.e. Implement supply chain strategy.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate41. Which of the following is the first phase in the design of a global supply chainnetwork?a. Define a supply chain strategy.b. Define the regional facility configuration.c. Select desirable sites.d. Location choices.e. Implement supply chain strategy.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate42. The objective of the first phase of network design is toa. maximize total profits, taking into account the expected margin anddemand in each market.b. select a precise location and capacity allocation for each facility.c. select a set of desirable sites within each region where facilities are to belocated.d. identify regions where facilities will be located, their potential roles, andtheir approximate capacity.e. specify what capabilities the supply chain network must have to support afirm’s competitive strategy.Answer: eDifficulty: HardThe objective of the first phase of network design is to define a firm’s supply chain strategy. The supply chain strategy specifies what capabilities the supply chain network must have to support a firm’s competitive strategy (see Chapter 2).The objective of the second phase of network design is to identify regions where facilities will be located, their potential roles, and their approximate capacity.The objective of Phase III is to select a set of desirable sites within each region where facilities are to be located. The set of desirable sites should be larger than the desired number of facilities to be set up so that a precise selection may be made in Phase IV. The objective of this phase is to select a precise location and capacity allocation for each facility. Attention is restricted to the desirable sites selected in Phase III.43. The objective of the second phase of network design is toa. maximize total profits, taking into account the expected margin and demandin each market.b. select a precise location and capacity allocation for each facility.c. select a set of desirable sites within each region where facilities are to belocated.d. identify regions where facilities will be located, their potential roles, and theirapproximate capacity.e. specify what capabilities the supply chain network must have to support afirm’s competitive strategy.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard44. The objective of the third phase of network design is toa. maximize total profits, taking into account the expected margin and demandin each market.b. select a precise location and capacity allocation for each facility.c. select a set of desirable sites within each region where facilities are to belocated.d. identify regions where facilities will be located, their potential roles, and theirapproximate capacity.e. specify what capabilities the supply chain network must have to support afirm’s competitive strategy.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard45. The objective of the third phase of network design is toa. maximize total profits, taking into account the expected margin and demandin each market.b. select a precise location and capacity allocation for each facility.c. select a set of desirable sites within each region where facilities are to belocated.d. identify regions where facilities will be located, their potential roles, and theirapproximate capacity.e. specify what capabilities the supply chain network must have to support afirm’s competitive strategy.Answer: bDifficulty: HardFacilities last a long time and have an enduring impact on a firm’s performance. Therefore, it is very important that long-term consequences be thought through when making facility decisions.Network design decisions regarding facility location and facility role have a significant impact on the culture of each facility and the firm. The culture at a facility will beinfluenced by other facilities in its vicinity. Network designers can use this fact to influence the role of the new facility and the focus of people working there.The location of a facility has a significant impact on the extent and form of communication that develops in the supply chain network. Locating a facility far from headquarters will likely give it more of a culture of autonomy.The quality of life at selected facility locations has a significant impact on performance because it influences the work force available and their morale.Managers making facility location decisions should carefully consider tariffs and tax incentives. When considering international locations, it is astounding how often tax incentives drive the choice of location, often overcoming all of the other cost factors combined.46. It is very important that long-term consequences be thought through whenmaking facility decisions, becausea. network designers can use this fact to influence the role of the new facilityand the focus of people working there.b. facilities last a long time and have an enduring impact on a firm’sperformance.c. it is astounding how often tax incentives drive the choice of location.d. the location of a facility has a significant impact on the extent and form ofcommunication that develops in the supply chain network.e. the quality of life at selected facility locations has a significant impact onperformance.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard47. The implications of culture should not be glossed over becausea. tariffs and tax incentives should be carefully considered.b. facilities last a long time and have an enduring impact on a firm’sperformance.c. it is astounding how often tax incentives drive the choice of location.d. the location of a facility has a significant impact on the extent and form ofcommunication that develops in the supply chain network.e. the quality of life at selected facility locations has a significant impact onperformance.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard48. The quality of life at selected facility locations has a significant impact onperformance becausea. network designers can use this fact to influence the role of the new facilityand the focus of people working there.b. facilities last a long time and have an enduring impact on a firm’sperformance.c. it is astounding how often tax incentives drive the choice of location.d. the location of a facility has a significant impact on the extent and form ofcommunication that develops in the supply chain network.e. it influences the work force available and their morale.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard。

2023公司供应链管理制度范本5篇1. 供应链风险管理制度概述该制度旨在确保公司在供应链过程中能够有效管理和应对各种供应链风险,以确保供应链的稳定性和可持续发展。
关键要素- 风险评估和预警机制- 供应商审核和选择准则- 应急响应和业务恢复计划- 合同管理和供应链信息披露要求2. 供应商评价和选择制度概述该制度旨在确保公司与高质量和可靠的供应商建立长期合作关系,以提供优质的产品和服务,并降低供应链风险。
关键要素- 供应商评估准则和流程- 绩效评价和奖惩机制- 合同管理和供应商合规要求- 供应商发展计划和合作契约3. 物流管理制度概述该制度旨在确保公司在物流过程中能够高效地管理货物的流动和仓储,以实现供应链的高效运作和成本控制。
关键要素- 运输计划和运输方式选择- 仓储和库存管理- 物流信息管理和跟踪- 物流外包管理和合同要求4. 供应商社会责任管理制度概述该制度旨在确保公司的供应商遵守社会责任准则,尊重人权、劳工权益和环境保护,并促进可持续发展的供应链管理。
关键要素- 供应商社会责任审核和定期检查- 供应商管理指导和培训- 社会责任合作协议和合同要求- 反腐败和合规要求5. 战略合作伙伴关系管理制度概述该制度旨在建立与战略合作伙伴之间的互信和合作关系,以共同推动供应链的创新和持续改进。
关键要素- 合作伙伴选择和评估机制- 合作项目管理和风险共担机制- 知识共享和技术支持- 奖惩机制和合作目标评估以上是2023公司供应链管理制度范本的五篇简要概述。

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用信息技术和人力资源管理技术对企业 的❖流通程过进检行查创和新简,化可企以业极关大键地流提程高中企的业
B企us业ine流ss程P再roc设es计s I,nnBoPvRation B核us心ine流ss程P再roc设es计s R,edCePsRign
的活成动本和、信质息量流等,指达标到降低成本、提高 质❖量对和对增企大业柔运性营的进目行的根本性再思考, 对其工作流程、决策、组织和信息系
仓库 发票
供应商 付款
采购部门 采购定单 中央数据库
货物 电子付款
业务流程重组后,应付账款部门不再需要 发票,需要核实的数据项减少为三项:零 部件名称、数量和供应商代码,采购部门 和仓库分别将采购订单和收货确认信息输 入到计算机系统后,由计算机进行电子数 据匹配。最后结果是:应付账款部门的员 工减少了75%,而不是原计划的20%。
❖一是面向顾客,包括组织外 部的和组织内部的顾客
❖二是跨越职能部门、分支机 构或子单位的既有边界
以达成特殊业务成果为目标的一系列有逻 辑相关性的任务。
一系列将组织运作和顾客需求连接起来的 活动。
1、BPR的提出 2、其他定义 3、BPR的本质
C组or织e P再ro造ce,ssORRedesign
O企Brug业sainn流iezsa程stiP变orno化Rce管esesn理Cg,ihnaeBnegPreiCnMMg a务 思 巨na❖是流 考 大g一对e程 和 提m是企和 再 高e一业组 设nt种流织 计战程结,略的构以驱改进达动善行到的和根组组重本织织新性业变设绩的革计的再,,
❖BPR不像JIT那样局限于车间一级,而将事务级 和管理级的改造也包括在内,因而比JIT具有更 广泛的意义
二者都是面向流程、面向顾客的,而且实施过程中 都需要企业高层领导的参与并倡导团队的工作方式。
❖BPR是从整体上确认 企业的作业流程,追求
BPR 面向顾客和信息技术
❖BPR是围绕顾客的意愿开 展的
形 成 Allan M.Scherr 统 一 的 Davenport和Short 定 义
❖一个或一系列连续有规律 的行动,这些行动以确定的 方式发生或执行,导致特定 结果的实现
❖对输入的处理可能是转变 、转换或仅仅是原样输出
❖为特定顾客或市场提供特 定产品或服务而实施的一系 列精心设计的活动
❖在BPR由思想到现实的转 变中,IT起了一种良好的催 化剂的作用
❖为在反映企业绩效的关 键因素方面取得重大进展
➢成本 ➢质量
பைடு நூலகம்
❖伴随管理信息系统 在企业中的应用而产 生的一个新思想
▪是企业实现高效益、高质量、高 柔性、低成本的战略措施
第五章 供应链业务流程重组
业务流程重组概述 企业流程描述及分析 业务流程重组的一般方法 供应链企业组织与业务流程重组
第一节 业务流程重组概述
一、流程的概念 二、业务流程重组的概念 三、BPR与其他相关理论
今 未 《牛津英语大词典》
Oxford English Dictionary
最初,管理人员计划通过业务处理程序合理化 和应用计算机系统,将员工裁减到最多不超过 400人,实现裁员20%的目标。
日本马自达公司在福特公司占有22%的股份, 而在马自达汽车公司做同样工作的人只有5人。
尽管两个公司在规模上存在一定的差距,但5: 500的差距让福特公司震惊了。
为此,福特公司决定对公司与应付账款部门相 关的整个业务流程进行彻底重组。
1、BPR与准时生产理论JIT 2、BPR与全面质量管理TQM 3、BPR与敏捷制造AM 4、BPR与并行工程CE
❖JIT的原则是无浪费,它所追求的是零次 品,通过降低库存来提高企业效率 ❖BPR是以满足顾客需要为目标,主张重 点通过降低因多余活动造成的巨大开销来 优化企业效率
福特汽车公司应付账款部门的工作就是接 收采购部门送来的采购订单副本、仓库的
收货单和供应商的发票,然后将三类票据 在一起进行核对,查看其中的14项数据是 否相符,绝大部分时间被耗费在这14项数 据由于种种原因造成的不相符上。原有的 业务流程如图示。
采购部门 采购定单 财务部门
采购定单 货物
美国麻省理工学院哈默(Hammer) 1990年在《哈佛商业评论》 提出企业业务流程重组 (Business Process Reengineering,BPR)
❖从根本上考虑和彻底地设计企业的流程 ❖使其在成本、质量、服务和速度等关键 指标上取得显著的提高
▪要打破企业按职能设置部门的管理方式,代之以业务流 程为中心,重新设计企业管理过程
案例—福特汽车公司北美财 会部的BRP
福特汽车公司是美国三大汽车巨头之一,但是 到了20世纪80年代初,福特像美国其他大企业 一样面临着日本竞争对手的挑战,因而计划想 方设法削减管理费用和各种行政开支。
位于北美的福特汽车公司有三分之二的汽车部 件需要从外部供应商购买,为此需要有相当多 的雇员从事应付账款管理工作。在进行业务流 程重组之前,北美福特汽车公司的应付账款部 门雇员有32500多人。