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扬州市梅岭中学 2017--2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷


(时间:100 分钟;命题人:龙英审核人:花永琴)

第I 卷(80分)

一、听力测试(共20 小题;每小题1分,计20 分)

第一部分听对话本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。( ) 1. What will the boy take part in today?

A. B. C.

( ) 2. What is An n’s animal sign?

A. B. C.

( ) 3. What is the girl’s dream?

A. B. C.

( ) 4. How did the man go to the football match?

A. B. C.

( ) 5 What colour may represent Jenny’s feeling now?

A. Blue.

B. Red.

C. Green.

( ) 6. What does the man think of his cousin?

A. Energetic.

B. Curious.

C. Creative.

( ) 7. What is Mrs. Black like?

A. Tall.

B. Smart.

C. Serious.

( ) 8. Where does this dialogue probably take place?

A. In a clothes shop.

B. In a library.

C. In a hospital.

( ) 9. What does the girl mean?

A. She doesn’t like swimming.

B. She can’t go swimming with Tom.

C. She will go swimming with her mother.

( ) 10. When did the man become an Art teacher?

A. In 2004.

B. In 2006.

C. In 2008.



( ) 11. What’s the woman’s problem?

A. she feels nervous about the test.

B. She doesn’t work hard.

C. She has never taken any test.

( ) 12. What is the man’s suggestion for getting good results in exams?

A. Talking with others.

B. Often taking tests.

C. Always working hard.


( ) 14. A. Her teacher B. She herself C. Her parents

( ) 15. A. donating money B. performing operations C. doing voluntary work 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题。

( ) 16. How long was Mr. Brown going away?

A. A week.

B. A month.

C. Two weeks.

( ) 17. Where did the boy put the paper at first?

A. Into his pocket.

B. Into his schoolbag.

C. Into his wallet.

( ) 18. What did the boy do when he thought nobody would come to see Mr. Brown?

A. Looked for the paper.

B. Burnt the paper.

C. Visited someone.

( ) 19. When did the man come to see Mr. Brown after he left?

A. On the fourth day.

B. On the last day.

C. On the fifth day.

( ) 20. Why was the man very surprised after he heard the boy’s words?

A. He thought Mr. Brown was out.

B. He thought Mr. Brown was ill.

C. He thought Mr. Brown was dead.

二、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)

21. The 19th CPC National Congress (十九大) is ______big success and we should try our best to build

______better world.

A. /, a

B. /, the

C. a, a

D. a, the

22. ---Although my grandma is seventy years old, she is always in the pink.

---Yes. Because she exercises every day and ha s a balanced diet .Here “in the pink” means ______.

A. healthy

B. lucky

C. beautiful

D. creative

23. ---Have you heard that Song Zhongji married Song Hye Kyo ?

---Yes, The film “Descendants of the Sun”(太阳的后裔) brought them to the ______of us.

A. attention

B. celebration

C. introduction

D. organization

24. --- Boys and girls, no hand ______any other tool can be used in the game, ______ you still need to

make it work. Are you clear about the rules?

---Yes, sir.

A. and; so

B. or; but

C. and; but

D. or; so

25. ---That old man looks weak these days.

---Yes .we're sure ____ something is wrong with him and we doubt ______ the disease can be cured.
