雅思口语之Shopping and clothing

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雅思口语之Shopping and clothing

Shopping and clothing


1. Do you like shopping? Do you often go shopping?


Yes, I do. I?m really keen on/ crazy about shopping.

I take it as my hobby, whenever I got some time off, I?d like to go shopping.

I?m afraid I can?t live without shopping. I feel as if addicted to it.


Frankly speaking, I hate it, it is so tiring, I can never understand why some ladies keep going shopping, esp. those who just keep going without buying anything.

2. What places do you often go for shopping?

PLACES: supermarket, hypermarket, local market, department store, clothing mall, emporium(商场, 商业中心, 大百货商店), marketplace, window shop,

Well, in china/ Beijing/ my hometown, there?re many places to go, such as supermarket, clothing mall and window shop, but I like the local markets best, coz I can buy something special/ unique/ there.

Well, normally I?d like to go to the department store, which has more comfortable environment and better service, what?s more, the quality of the goods are more reliable.

Verbs for purchase: buy, purchase, have, take,

3. What things do you often buy?

THINGS: clothing/ clothes, kitchen appliance厨房用具, office appliance办公用具, necessaries 必需品, gift/present, books, shoes, food

Since I like eating very much, so very often I?d buy some special food and cook it for myself.

I don?t have to buy anything for the family, so I just buy some clothes that I like.

As I was called book worm, the only place I?d like to go is book store.

4. Do the Chinese like to buy something through the Internet?

Yes, there?re many people shop on line, which is said very convenient, but I have never tried for security reasons.

Yes, it is very popular among young people esp. boys, who don?t like go shopping.

5. Who tend to do more shopping? Man or Woman? Why?

Surely women are more tend to do shopping, especially the house wives, who know much better about what to buy.

It depends on what to buy, for furniture, normally it is man who does the shopping, while if

I am not sure whether it?s true or not, but most of women do enjoy shopping. On the contrary, man would normally do something else instead.

6. Describe a shopping center where you often go.

KEY: (where, why)

Actually, I don?t do much shopping, but there is one shopping center that I often go to. That is ?Xiu Shui Street?, which locates in the east of the downtown of BJ.

It is a street mainly deal with traditional Chinese clothes and some other unique, I may say it is foreign oriented, all the shop owners and assistants can speak some foreign language, which make the shopping of foreign friends easier. The reason why I often go is not to buy anything, but to meet some foreign friends so that I can practice my English.

Normally, I?d like to go to Carrefour, from which I can buy comparatively better things with the lowest prices, and there are normally all kinds of things from daily necessaries to appliance, so that I do not have to keep walking in deferent stores. But I hate to line up for my turn to pay, sometimes I have to wait for about 30ms, which drive me crazy.

7. What kind of shop is popular among young people in China?
