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The western world has always been divided into two types of people-the cool and the uncool . It is a division that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports .They are popular with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to copy their style. They can do their homework but they don’t make a big effort. That would not be cool. The uncool kids are in the other corner of the playground .They are very bright , but they don’t have great social skills and they are hopeless at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus in their heads , they are reading comic books and watching shows like the “X Files”, they are known as the geeks .

Here’s the news .The geeks are taking over . Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and bring your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but take good degrees.

The most important industry of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates excite others to follow their example. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a world of their own to work and play in, making them a global force. Besides, the effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be uncool . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than what you look like . But there are also dangers .Geeks were often bullied or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.


One place I go often now is South Africa. And I am not talking about Johannesburg or Cape Town.. I stay in place is a farm country. Big big

open land and big big open sky. The place that I stay is traditional African hut. Inside is very comfortable, but no electricity. So the challenge there is try to learn how to live without the creature comforts you’re used to, like a computer, like a TV, like a cell phone. It’s really good for me because, especially my lifestyle here,HK, can be very spoiled sometime, everybody wants to give you the best things , you always have the best things. But can you live as a basic human being. Can you live without all the stuff? I think these kinds of things push me to expand my horizons. Because the problem with being in the same place always in the same time is your world becomes smaller, right. But what I do is as soon as I finish working on a movie or when I have time to relax or travel, I’ll go away in travel and try to go to somewhere new or some place different, and try to experience something I’d never experience in my home.

And that’s the mai n reason why I do it, to push my mind and try to challenge myself to see the world in a different way.


But really what it is is to just broaden your horizons and to look at the world in a wider perspective. I think acting gives me the opportunity to explore that much more. But what I really need to do when I’m not acting is to go out in the world and absorb all that information. I keep them in my mind, my library for when I can use them again when I’m acting.

I think in my field, in my business, you come across barriers and challenges everyday, and to be able to have the peace of mind to calmly look at the whole situation and learn how to make decisions off that is the most important. I think nowadays it’s very hard for people to be in the moment. You’re always thinking about what I got to do next, what happened yesterday, but what’s happening in front of you. Are you enjoying that moment in front of you, that’s the most important thing.
