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Day 1

Adhere(黏附, 附着; 坚持, 支持)

China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.

Cherish(珍爱, 珍视, 爱护)

I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!


The agency ascribed the temperature climb mainly to increased greenhouse gases emissions, cyclical temperature fluctuations and less cold air generated from the Arctic.


Her taste in music coincides with her husband’s.

Overwhelm(压倒, 制服; 打败)

Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.


Beijing took an overwhelming majority of votes and won the Olympic bid.

Pursuit(追赶, 追捕)

We’ve simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness. Comply(遵从, 依从, 服从)

China will strictly comply with the universally acknowledged market rules.

Conspicuous(显眼的, 明显的)

The house standing on the island is very conspicuous.


Despite our best endeavors, we couldn’t get the machine started.

Homogeneous(同性质的, 同类的)

Milk and cream are homogeneous foods, and they are both dairy products.

Immerse (使浸入)

She was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper.

Indulge(放纵, 容许)

Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?

Persistent(持续的; 不断的)

She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.

Retrieve(寻回, 找回,收回)

The shopkeeper went to the window and retrieved Reuben’s treasure.

Revive(恢复, 苏醒, 复活)

Peter tried to revive the frozen robin; but it was stone-dead.

Suppress(压制; 镇压)

All these movement were suppressed by the government.

Testify(证明; 证实)

This excellent book testifies to the author’s ability.


The hunter is trying to accustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.

Ambiguous(引起歧义的; 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的)

That’s a rather ambiguous answer-what exactly do you mean?

Ascend(上升, 攀登)

Step by step the ladder is ascended.


The billionaire is campaigning for political reform.

Brisk(轻快的, 活泼的)

Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.

Certify(证明, 证实)

You are basically asking people to certify, with big penalties, that nobody has lied on their expense accounts.

Conceive(想出, 构想, 设想)

The coach conceived the strategy that won the game for us.

Contemplate(注视, 凝视)

She stood contemplating the painting.

Disable(使无能力; 使残废)

An accident disabled him from playing football.

Eccentric(古怪的, 怪癖的; 异乎寻常的)

A few weeks later I began saving again. Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? Not at all.

Day 2

Essence(本质, 实质, 要素)

Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against—discrimination by age.

Extravagant(奢侈的, 铺张的)

When asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were “extravagant”,“greedy”and “corrupt”(堕落的, 腐败的).

Flush (面红耳赤; (使)脸红)

The child's cheeks were flushed with fever.


Even Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building or co-funding a space hotel.


Granted, some amount of delusion (错觉)is probably part of the human condition.

Haunt (经常出没于)

He was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life.

Initiate (开始, 着手)

The concept of a “non-smoking” Olympics, Initiated in 1988, has been put into practice since the 1992 Barcelona Games.

Intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的)

The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.


Nobody told me where to find you. It was sheer intuition.

Irritate(使发怒, 使急躁)

The boy's foolish question irritated his mother.

Manifest (清楚表示; 显露)

She manifested little interest in her studies.

Mingle(混合, 混入)
