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• Tanabata Festival legend has it that the seventh lunar day and night or July 6th. This is a romantic atmosphere of Jill, the festival generally in the summer, the sky is full of stars and of the festival, a beautiful love story • According to legend, Weaver is the granddaughter of Wang Mu, her ingenuity, good texture, can use a pair of dexterous hand woven out of the clouds, a riot of colours. Once there was an orphan named cowboy, although he is hard-working, but has lived a poor life. Later, cowboy in under the guidance of the cow, removed in the clothes of a bath in the lake of the weaver, Weaver loved cowboy, the two formed a husband and wife. Since then, men tilling the farm and women weaving a son and a daughter, born and lived a happy life. Who knows the weaver earth in the world with the Cowherd and enjoy their grandchildren, waste cloth Yun Xia weaving, she knew, furious, sends the invincible force will Weaver catch back to the temple. In the old cowboy's help, with a basket filled with children, looking to the sky. Wang Mu see cowboy chase, with the head of the nobile in Vega and Altair to draw a river, this is the Milky Way
Double seventh day
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 七夕节,又名乞巧节、七巧节或七姐诞,始于汉朝,是流行于中国及汉字文 化圈诸国的传统文化节日,相传农历七月七日夜或七月六日夜妇女在庭院向 织女星乞求智巧,故称为“乞巧”。其起源于对自然的崇拜及妇女穿针乞巧, 后被赋予牛郎织女的传说使其成为极具浪漫色彩的节日之一。节日产生了妇 女穿针乞巧,祈祷福禄寿活动,礼拜七姐,陈列花果、女红等习俗, Tanabata Festival, also known as Qi Qiao Festival, Qiqiao festival or seven sisters gave birth, began in the Han Dynasty, is popular in China and Chinese culture circle countries traditional culture festival, legend has it that the seventh lunar day and night or 6 July day and night women in the courtyard to beg wiseness Vega, the so-called "Qiqiao". The origin of natural worship and women Qiqiao needle, is assigned to the legend of the Cowherd and the girl weaver has become a very romantic festivals. The festival has women Qiqiao needle, prayer fukurokuju activities, worship seven sisters, floral display, needlework and other customs
• • 七夕节相传农历七月七日夜或七月六日,这是一个充满浪漫气息的吉尔,这个节日一般在盛夏,天 空布满星星,而且关于这个节日,有一个美丽的爱情故事 相传织女是王母的孙女 ,她心灵手巧,善织,能用一双灵巧的手织出五彩缤纷的云朵。从前有个孤 儿叫牛郎,他虽然勤劳,但一直过着贫苦的生活。后来,牛郎在老牛的指点下,取走了在湖中洗澡 的织女的衣裳,织女也喜爱牛郎,两人就结成了夫妻。从此,男耕女织,生下一儿一女,过上了幸 福美满的生活。谁知织女下凡在人间与牛郎尽享天伦之乐,荒废了布耘织霞,王母知道后,大发雷 霆,派天兵将织女捉回天宫。牛郎在老牛的帮助下,用箩筐装着儿女,挑着追到天上。王母见牛郎 追来,就用头上的金钗在织女和牛郎之间划出一道大河,这就是银河。Tanabata Festival legend has it that the seventh lunar day and night or July 6th. This is a romantic atmosphere of Jill, the festival generally in the summer, the sky is full of stars and of the festival, a beautiful love story According to legend, Weaver is the granddaughter of Wang Mu, her ingenuity, good texture, can use a pair of dexterous hand woven out of the clouds, a riot of colours. Once there was an orphan named cowboy, although he is hard-working, but has lived a poor life. Later, cowboy in under the guidance of the cow, removed in the clothes of a bath in the lake of the weaver, Weaver loved cowboy, the two formed a husband and wife. Since then, men tilling the farm and women weaving a son and a daughter, born and lived a happy life. Who knows the weaver earth in the world with the Cowherd and enjoy their grandchildren, waste cloth Yun Xia weaving, she knew, furious, sends the invincible force will Weaver catch back to the temple. In the old cowboy's help, with a basket filled with children, looking to the sky. Wang Mu see cowboy chase, with the head of the nobile in Vega and Altair to draw a river, this is the Milky Way