知行英语综合教程Unit2 PPT

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1 In __h_i_g_h_s_c_h_o_o__l _, you do homework.
In___c_o_ll_e_g_e___ , you study.
2 In __c_o__ll_e_g_e___, some professors teach
without looking at the teaching notes.
disability n. 无能力
*Greek n. 希腊文 *linear a. 线状的; 线性的
*algebra n. 代数(学)
extra a. 额外的
*astronomy n. 天文 学
Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons
21 I我lo生ve命t中hi曾s t经im有e过o那f y么e一ar.段T时he期f,lo毕we业rs的a季re节in让b我lo完o全m无, a法n开d 心ev。er每yt每hi参ng加is完别人 的gr毕ee业n.典S礼um,m总e是r 伤is心co而m归in,g.期A盼nd着s有tu一d天en自ts己e也ve能ry拿w到he学re位a。re可g学ra位d对ua于tin我g,. N总e是w遥 不be可gi及nn。in这g是s. 因为我有学习障碍,让我学数学如同看天书。你可别让我做什么线性代数,
7 Not every student can get a(n) _d_e_g_r_e_e_after they receive several years of higher education. They need to meet the basic requirements.
8 Many students will take a job after _g_r_a_d_u_a_t_io__n_.
don’t need a note from your parents saying
you are sick that day.
5 In __c_o_ll_e_g_e__, you are not responsible for
knowing what it takes to graduate.
6 In __c_o_ll_e_g_e__, some classes may have
1 When we finish high school, most of us go to __c_o_l_le_g_e__to get higher education.
2 In some countries like the US, you need to send your __a_p_p_li_c_a_t_io_n__ to the school before you are accepted.
application campus college course credit commencement (毕业典礼) degree department graduation transfer
Task 2
Fill in the blanks with “high school” or “college” according to your understanding. Then discuss with your partner on the differences between them.
3 I’m interested in computer, so I choose to study in the Computer__D_e_p_a_r_t_m_e_n_t_ of my school.
4 We have three dining halls on___c_a_m_p__u_s_ . 5 How many __c__a_u_s_e_s__do you take for this
3 In__h_ig_h__s_c_h_o_o_l__ , you’re told what
classes to take. In _c_o_l_le_g__e_, you can
4 In__c_o_ll_e_g_e__ , when you miss a class, you
choose classes byBiblioteka Baiduyourself.
100 students or more.
Reading It
Graduation Season
Better acquaintance
* Words
*bloom n. 花;开花 (期)
*commencement n. 毕业典礼;学位授 予典礼
ceremony n. 典礼; 仪式 degree n. 学位
9 Some students will __tr_a_n_s_f_e_r_to another school to further their education.
10 College or universities usually hold a(n) __c_o_m__m_e_n_c_e_m__e_n_t__for students upon their graduation.
First Sight
Better Acquaintance
Further Development
Cross-cultural Communication
Real Time
First sight
Task 1
Fill in the following blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.
application campus college course credit commencement (毕业典礼) degree department graduation transfer
Task 1
6 For the four hours of English classes I take each week this semester, I will get four_c__re_d_i_ts__ .