知行英语综合教程Unit2 PPT



e3ve在ry压da力y成. T为he一b种o流dy行n病ee之d前s s,tr它es往s,往lo被n代gs称fo为r :it,工a作nd。c野an心’t。fu全n力ct以io赴n 。过 w去i的th美ou国t人it.都If深s知tre一ss点w:e压re力s是o 一ba种d,馈w赠h,y d如id今t的he人U们n都iv已er经se忘s记ee了fi。t t如o果cr没ea有te
something for which to work hard?
5 美国人发明了工作狂现象,这 5 Americans invented workaholism, 可以说是压力的最高水平。多半也 the highest level of stress. Probably an 是一名美国人杜撰了“过度进取者” American coined the term 这样的说法—一个应该被禁用的词 “overachiever”, a word that should be 汇,因为这个词汇将那些十分努力 forbidden, because it regards those 工作的人看作心胸狭隘的魔鬼,他 who work extra hard as small-souled 们没法以聪明的方式放慢工作节奏。 monsters who aren’t smart enough to
tension n.(精神上的) s间lo。w这ly一h想ar法m的in理g t论h似eir乎in是s一id天es中. W最h好o能c缓an口b气la,m而e 不th是em排?满D各o项ct课or程s g和iv活e动。最 紧张;紧张(局势); w好a暂rn时in忘g却s a为b考ou取t 哈th佛e 该da做n的ge努rs力o,f s松tr口es气s.,M减o减stl压y,。that only creates—


Benjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it vigorously. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not bothered in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. Now both Ellen and I were perfectly happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key near the key slot. His exploratory behavior seemed harmless enough. But I soon observed an interesting phenomenon. Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch Benjamin and, noting his lack of initial success, attempt to assist. He or she would hold onto Benjamin's hand and, gently but firmly, guide it directly toward the slot, reposition it as necessary, and help him to insert it. The "teacher" would then smile somewhat expectantly at Ellen or me, as if awaiting a thank you — and on occasion would frown slightly, as if considering us to be neglecting our parental duties. I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. And so before long I began to introduce the key-slot anecdote into my discussions with Chinesoward Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. LEARNING, CHINESE-STYLE Howard Gardner For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. The key to our room was attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. When leaving the hotel, a guest was encouraged to turn in the key, either by handing it to an attendant or by dropping it through a slot into a box. Because the key slot was narrow, the key had to be positioned carefully to fit into it.

知行英语综合教程2 Unit2

知行英语综合教程2 Unit2

6 我们之间相互理解。我懂得他 为什么一定要和朋友们一起打篮球。 而他也知道,我为什么每年都有一 次要离开家和孩子,甚至是离开他, 去和我的姐妹们住一段时间,不停 地聊天、说笑。
7 There is sharing. Not only do we share household worries and p8are我n们ta之l b间u相rd互en原s谅—。w当e我al在so聚s会ha上re大i声de、as疯. 狂Sc地ot吵t c闹a,m令e h人o难m堪e 时fro,m斯a科特 m原谅ee了tin我g。la当st他m坦o白nt承h认an将d我p们re的se积nt蓄ed用m来e炒w股it亏h了a钱th时ic,k h我is给to了ri他ca一l n个o拥ve抱l., T告h诉ou他g,h “he没p关re系fe。rs我th们r只ill是er丢s a了n点d 钱sc而ien已c”e 。fiction, he had read the novel on the plane. He wanted to be able to exchange ideas about the book after I’d read it, knowing how much I would enjoy that. That touched my heart.
3 nervous
4 happy
5 angry
6 sweቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt
Step 1
Task 2
Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and decide which of the above icons can best describe the emotions in the following situations.


Step 2
Reading It
How to Beat the Habit of Procrastinating
Better acquaintance
* Words
flaw n. 瑕疵;缺点
fundamental a. 基 本的;根本的
12 我I a知m道a,p这ro一cr点as非ti常na清to楚r.,I a但lw是a许ys多h人av都e看be不e到n.这It个’s最a 基ch本ar的ac技te能r。fla并w不, a是n我d们I a不d知m道it 该it.现I’v在e动tr手ie去d 做al,l s而or是ts我o们f t已hi经ng忘s 了to该b怎ea样t 去th做e 。ha以bi下t—是G我e让tti自ng T己h动in手gs做D事o不ne拖, e拉m的a几il r个em技i巧nd:ers, dozens of list systems—but the only thing that seems to work is to: Do it now.
Task 1
Answer the questions by matching the following items.
1 What do you call the following periods?
1) 14 days 2) 10 years 3) 7 days 4) 100 years 5) 1,000 years
• 1.
• N-COUNT A millennium is a period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends with a year ending in "000," for example the period from the year 1000 to the year 2000. 一千年



to insert the key.
( T)
3. The author and his wife didn’t care whether Benjamin succeeded
in inserting the key into the slot.
( T)
Questions and Answers
1. How does the author introduce the topic in Text A? In this text, the author introduces the topic by the keyslot anecdote (轶事).
The boy is given a hula hoop but no instructions.
What kind of outcomes do you expect?
A Practical Experiment
Two children are given hula hoops, a toy they are unfamiliar with.
Scan paragraphs 1-5 and answer the following questions.
4. What is the attitude of the author and his wife toward Benjamin’s efforts in inserting the key into the slot? (They were happy to allow him to play / explore.)
Ways of Learning
A Practical Experiment



• (17 days to D-Day) • May 20, 1944 • Darling, • Dad sent a fellow today to fix up our yard and he really did a super job — it looks nice. All the spring flowers are beginning to bloom now and
• 7(诺曼底登陆前17天) • 1944年5月20日 • 亲爱的, • 今天爸叫了个人来咱家整理院子,整得非常好,院子现在挺漂亮。这些天春花都开始绽放了,看着花,徒增思念… 有时我算着自从上次见到
你过去几个月了——因为真有好多个月了——到今天差不多八个月了——真禁不住自怜自艾,觉得自己真是好可怜… 说真的,亲爱的,我尽 量不去想自己可怜,你才是受苦受难的那一个。我有迪伊在身边,足以慰藉。要是没有她,真不知道如何忍受这种长久别离。可是, 亲爱的, 我时时刻刻全身心地思念着你。不会太长久了,亲爱的。 • 爱你,波莉
the sight of them just increases my longing for you. ... Sometimes I sympathize with myself by counting up the months since I’ve seen you — and because they are too many — nearly eight now — I feel very, very sorry for myself. ... Really dear, I try not to feel sorry for me, you are the one who is undergoing all the hardship. I have Dee who in herself is enough to compensate for anything.Without her, I don’t see how I would endure this separation. Yet constantly, darling, all of me longs for you. It can’t be much longer now, sweetheart. • I love you, Polly



3 In__h_ig_h__s_c_h_o_o_l__ , you're told what classes to take. In _c_o_l_le_g__e_, you can
4 In__c_o_ll_e_g_e__ , when you miss a class, you
choose classes by yourself.
我不会。但我住在加利福尼亚,这的人必须通过代数考试才能上州立大学。而且还要学 一门像天文学这样的科学课程。而要学天文学 ——你猜对了 ——就必须会代数。
21 T我he特re别w喜a爱s 每a t年im的e这i个n m时y节l。ife鲜w花h盛e开n ,th万e 物gr披ad绿u。at夏io天n 将se至as。o各n 地di的dn学't生m们a即ke me h将a毕pp业y。at全a新ll.的I'开d 始go。to commencement ceremonies and feel sad, longing for a degree of my own. But it always felt far out of my reach. That's because I have a learning disability that makes math seem like Greek to me. Don't ask me to do linear algebra. I can't. But in California where I live, you need to pass algebra to go to a state college. You also need an extra science class like astronomy. To take Astronomy—you guessed it—you need to be able to do algebra.

知行英语unit2 完整PPT

知行英语unit2 完整PPT
poor and I’m at a loss as to what to write and how to write it. Laura: Writing is just another way of expressing yourself. Just write
down what you would say. Li: Yes. I know. But the problem is—I don’t know the words and
Watching I How to Write English Compositions
Li: Laura:
Li: Laura:
Li: Laura:
Well, it’s usually best to make an outline or at least list some key points before you start to write. There is an expression called “brainstorming”. That means making a note of every thought that comes into your head when you think about the topic. Then decide which ideas to leave out, and which ones to use and in which order. Doing that will help to get you started. I see. Thanks. But how can I improve my writing? Well, reading a lot will help because writing is closely related to reading. It helps you to learn new words and to see how to use them. In addition, you should write as often as possible, as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” Try keeping a daily diary in English. Are there any short cuts? There is no short cut to success, I’m afraid. You also have to learn the grammar and how to organize your writing, that is, how to structure an essay. However, we’ll be learning about that together in class. Sounds good! Thank you very much for your advice. You’re welcome.

知行英语综合教程2 Unit 2 The Best Kind of Love

知行英语综合教程2 Unit 2 The Best Kind of Love

New Words & Expressions
• cycle n. (+of) • -the cycle of the seasons 四季循环 • -life cycle 生命周期 -production cycle 生产周期 • delighted a. • =pleased/happy/glad/cheerful • -be delighted to do • -be delighted that • embarrassingly adv. • e.g embarrassingly stupid idea • e.g Embarrassingly, she had no interest in
Love Test
• 1.你的一生会爱几个人? • 如果你五个手指都破了,你只能包一个,你包哪个?
• 答案如下: • 选择大拇指 - 有人会爱你一生一世 • 选择食 指 - 你会用一生去爱一个人 • 选择中 指 - 你会爱上很多人 • 选择无名指 - 你不爱别人只爱自己 • 选择小拇指 - 你会被很多人爱
的挑战,拥有冒险精神,对爱情充满了好奇与 自信,目标通常会定得很理想,不过,就因为 你太过高挑,不是每个人都能达到自己的高等 目标,大部分人往往得不到你爱的对象认可, 从而会对爱情有种失落感。(永远程度:低)
Love Test
• 答案解析: • • 选择狼的朋友: 你是对爱情最充满了渴望的人
,也是一个喜欢拼搏的人,拥有坚定的信念, 专一的对待爱情,有独特的爱情魔力,对恋爱 对象有计划地追求,但也会有少部分因为这份 执着,因为走错一步而选错了路,或许会到最 后才发现自己最爱的不是现在的。 • (永远程度:中偏高 )
知行英语综合教程2 Unit 2 The Best Kind of Love



Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
2. Read the last sentence of Text A and try to guess what the story is about.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
durable perpetual
long-standing enduring lifelong
warm close intimate everlasting Friendship
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
Topic-related Prediction 1. Text A is titled All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter. Before you read the story, think about the answers to the following questions. What does a cabbie do? Who wrote the letter to the cabbie? Why was all the cabbie had only a letter?



Directions: 1. Before class, students are asked to collect relevant
materials of participation in charity work by Bill Gates or Mother Teresa. Detailed Reading 2. In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: Mother Teresa has no money, but she took care of the poor in Calcutta until her death. Bill Gates gave a lot of money to charity, but he seldom works in the “frontline” with the poor. Does the world need more love like Mother Teresa’s or more money like Bill Gates’?
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
UUnniitt22 VVaalluueess Supplementary Reading
Warm-up Questions
1. Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people? Why?
☆ fDoetuainleddReedadinbgy William Booth and his wife Catherine Booth in London in 1865


like 4 3 2 • You'll be there • Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh
yeah • Wooooh, Wooooh • Yeah Yeah
• You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
• you really mean to me
• Everyday I will
• Ohh
• Find out what we're made of
• When we are called to help our friends in need
• You can count on me like 1 2 3 • I'll be there • And I know when I need it I can count on you
• Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
• You can count on me like 1 2 3 • I'll be there • And I know when I need it I can count on you
You'll be there
• Cause that's what friends are yeah
to do, oh
• You can count on me like 1 2 3
• I'll be there
• And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2

全新版大学英语综合教程第二版完整Unit 2ppt课件

全新版大学英语综合教程第二版完整Unit 2ppt课件
Part V Text Structure Part Ⅵ Translation
Pre-reading task
• One day Chen and I went downtown. I wanted to buy some supplies. He hates shopping but came along since he speaks better Chinese than me. Also, he is a better bargainer. For these good reasons he offers to help even though it’s boring, since otherwise I would buy the wrong thing.
• For me, China seems “reversed”. Relationships seem more important than the individuals involved. In North America, an individual is more important than relationships or roles. These two opposite starting points shape reality and expectations. Many say to me, “I hope we can be friends.” And what he or she wants is to practice English. Others want to be my friend because I am a foreigner and they think this makes them look good. This hurts me since I am along here and making friends is what I want, not teaching English every hour of the day or night, or being a prize. I feel used. But for Chinese, “using” is part of friendship.
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100 students or more.
Reading It
Graduation Season
Better acquaintance
* Words
*bloom n. 花;开花 (期)
*commencement n. 毕业典礼;学位授 予典礼
ceremony n. 典礼; 仪式 degree n. 学位
1 In __h_i_g_h_s_c_h_o_o__l _, you do homework.
In___c_o_ll_e_g_e___ , you study.
2 In __c_o__ll_e_g_e___, some professors teach
without looking at the teaching notes.
3 I’m interested in computer, so I choose to study in the Computer__D_e_p_a_r_t_m_e_n_t_ of my school.
4 We have three dining halls on___c_a_m_p__u_s_ . 5 How many __c__a_u_s_e_s__do you take for this
9 Some students will __tr_a_n_s_f_e_r_to another school to further their education.
10 College or universities usually hold a(n) __c_o_m__m_e_n_c_e_m__e_n_t__for students upon their graduation.
7 Not every student can get a(n) _d_e_g_r_e_e_after they receive several years of higher education. They need to meet the basic requirements.
8 Many students will take a job after _g_r_a_d_u_a_t_io__n_.
disability n. 无能力
*Greek n. 希腊文 *linear a. 线状的; 线性的
*algebra n. 代数(学)
extra a. 额外的
*astronomy n. 天文 学
Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons
21 I我lo生ve命t中hi曾s t经im有e过o那f y么e一ar.段T时he期f,lo毕we业rs的a季re节in让b我lo完o全m无, a法n开d 心ev。er每yt每hi参ng加is完别人 的gr毕ee业n.典S礼um,m总e是r 伤is心co而m归in,g.期A盼nd着s有tu一d天en自ts己e也ve能ry拿w到he学re位a。re可g学ra位d对ua于tin我g,. N总e是w遥 不be可gi及nn。in这g是s. 因为我有学习障碍,让我学数学如同看天书。你可别让我做什么线性代数,
application campus college course credit commencement (毕业典礼) degree department graduation transfer
Task 2
Fill in the blanks with “high school” or “college” according to your understanding. Then discuss with your partner on the differences between them.
application campus college course credit commencement (毕业典礼) degree department graduation transfer
Task 1
6 For the four hours of English classes I take each week this semester, I will get four_c__re_d_i_ts__ .
don’t need a note from your parents saying
you are sick that day.
5 In __c_o_ll_e_g_e__, you are not responsible for
knowing what it Biblioteka akes to graduate.
6 In __c_o_ll_e_g_e__, some classes may have
First Sight
Better Acquaintance
Further Development
Cross-cultural Communication
Real Time
First sight
Task 1
Fill in the following blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.
1 When we finish high school, most of us go to __c_o_l_le_g_e__to get higher education.
2 In some countries like the US, you need to send your __a_p_p_li_c_a_t_io_n__ to the school before you are accepted.
3 In__h_ig_h__s_c_h_o_o_l__ , you’re told what
classes to take. In _c_o_l_le_g__e_, you can
4 In__c_o_ll_e_g_e__ , when you miss a class, you
choose classes by yourself.