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(1)F________, I'd like to thank all those people who helped make the meeting successful. (2)Kate g________ from Oxford University last year, and then went to work at a bank.

(3)He is so s________ that no one can persuade him to change his mind.

(4)I tried to p________ him to go there with us, but he refused.

(5)What's your a________ towards his behavior?

(6)How much is the train ________ (费用) from Beijing to Shanghai?

(7)These gates control the amount of water ________ (流入) into the river.

(8)I like my little sister but she has a serious________ (缺点).

(9)Does environment ________ (决定) one's character?

(10)I like the way you ________ (组织) the information in the report.

(11)He ________(时常)takes a walk in the morning.

(12)I don't want to make the ________(航海) by myself.

(13)The President was leaving for a four-day ________(正式的) visit to Mexico.

(14)________(事实上), on second thoughts, I don't think I will go out with him.

(15)It is said that the ________(身份) of the woman is still unclear.

(16)The teacher advised him to build his v________ by doing more reading.

(17)Go s________ ahead, and you will find the entrance.

(18)The following table is a list of some Latin phrases in common English ________ (使用). (19)The ________ (航行) from England to India used to take six months.

(20)A ________ (指令) is an order to a computer to take some kind of action.

(21)I was certain that love was quite enough to ________ (战胜) our differences.

(22)If you keep talking with your foreign friends, you'll soon pick up ________ (流利的) English.

(23)The best way of learning a foreign language is to speak to the n________ speakers. (24)An elderly woman rang up the police at the r________ of her neighbor.

(25)By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more f________.

(26)Police are trying to discover the i________ of a baby found by the side of a road.

(27)They are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than p________.

(28)The word has long been in common ________ (使用).

(29)It's well known that Zheng He's ________ (航行) made the connections between East and West closer.

(30)A ________ (指令) is an order to a computer to take some kind of action.

(31)I was certain that love was quite enough to ________ (战胜) our differences.

(32)At the end of that summer vacation, I found I could speak English nearly as ________ (流利地) as a native English speaker.

(33)The best way of learning a foreign language is to speak to the n________ speakers. (34)An elderly woman rang up the police at the r________ of her neighbor.

(35)By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more f________.

(36)Police are trying to discover the i________ of a baby found by the side of a road.

(37)You can g________ increase your running until you can do 30—40 minutes of running at a time, 4 days a week.

(38)All the d________ of the meeting are fresh in my mind.

(39)Beauty is an a________. It has nothing to do with age.

(40)The Australians like to go c________ in the countryside at the weekends.

(41)Changjiang River runs through hills and valleys and f________ enters the East China Sea. (42)When the water b________, add the meat and the fish.

(43)If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big ________(劣势) when you try to get a job.

(44)The weather________(预报) says it will rain heavily tomorrow.

(45)I balanced the benefits against the costs of medical ________(保险).

(46)After ________ (毕业), Li Hua went to work in a foreign company.

(47)John sends Mary a________(包裹).

(48)The dam ________(爆裂) under the weight of water.

(49)Although the world is full of ________(苦难), we don't fear it.

(50)Many people are reported killed and ________(受伤) in the incident.

(51)Life would be very difficult without ________(电).

(52)The whole city lay in ________(废墟) after the earthquake.

(53)Everybody on this earth needs food, s________, and clothing.
