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化学品安全周知卡Chemical Safety Know-How Card 化学品名称Chemical Name危害信息Hazard Information

氧气oxygen 易燃物、可燃物燃烧爆炸的基本要素之一,能氧化大多数活性物质,与易燃物形成有爆炸性的混合物。

One of the basic elements of combustion and explosion of combustibles and combustibles, which can oxidize most active substances and form explosive mixtures with inflammables.

危险性标志Hazard Symbol安全措施Safety measures

助燃剂Combustion aid 储存于通风、阴凉的库房,远离火种、热源,库温度不宜超过30度,应与易燃物分开存放。

Store in a ventilated, cool warehouse, away from fire, heat, storage temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, should be stored separately from combustibles.

乙炔瓶与氧气瓶存放距离不小于5m,与动火作业点间距不小于10m。The storage distance between the acetylene bottle and the oxygen cylinder is not less than 5m, and the distance from the hot work point is not less than 10m.


吸入:氧气浓度超过40%导致氧中毒,迅速脱离现场至新鲜空气处,保持呼吸道畅通。Inhalation: Oxygen poisoning caused by oxygen concentration exceeding 40%, quickly get out of the scene to fresh air, keep the airway open.

发生火灾时,用水保持容器冷却,以防受热爆炸,迅速切断气源,根据着火原因选择适当灭火剂灭火。In the event of a fire, keep the container cool with water to prevent it from exploding, quickly cut off the gas source, and choose an appropriate extinguishing agent to extinguish the fire according to the cause of the fire.

泄露时迅速撤离污染区人员至上风处,并进行隔离,严格限制进出,避免与可燃物接触,尽可能切断泄漏源,合理通风,加速扩散。When leaking, quickly evacuate people from the polluted area to the upper wind, and conduct isolation, strictly restrict access, avoid contact with combustible materials, cut off the leakage source as much as possible, and properly ventilate and accelerate the spread.ie rc e as much as possible, andate the

禁止烟火no burning禁止吸烟 no smoking

紧急联系电话Emergency Contact Number:
