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e.g. 飞鸽(bicycle) [鸽]Frame
鸽(Chinse) 爱好和平
pigeon(western) peace and hope
2.4.2 Different cultural implication in similar cognitive frame
The cognitive frames the words activate are similar frames, but a little diffferent in cultural implication.
e.g. Coco-Cola 芳芳 Lactogen 口渴口蜡 → 可口可乐 Fang Fang 勒吐精
Therefore, brand name translation is important for the companies if they are to compete in the global market.
2.1 Review of Frames
Frames are specific unified frameworks of knowledge or cohenrent schematization of experience.
(Fillmore, 1985)
According to Fillmore, the knowledge of any language includes the knowledge of a range of suck frames and knowledge of what particular language is associated with each of these frames.
reality (frame)
Map has definite borders, as is frame, culture is frame's definite borders.
How does culture and frame interact?
identity values capabilities
1.2 Formation of Brand Names
1) Person Name as Brand Name e.g. Boeing(plane)-----William Edward Boeing
Benz(car) ----- Mercedes-Benz Chanel (dress and perfume)----Gabrielle Chanel Nike(sports wear)----Name of the goddess of victory
4) Coinage Words as Brand Name
new words with systematical combination e.g. Kodak(Camera) Bossini(casual wear) Rolex(watch) Rado(watch)
1.3 Characteristics of Brand Names
2.4 Cultural Implication of Different Cognitive Frame in Brand Name
2.4.1 Same cultural implication in same cognitive frame 2.4.2 Different cultural implication in same cognitive frame 2.4.3 Similar cultural implication in different cognitive frame 2.4.4 Different cultural implication in different cognitive Frames
and good population such as Sony, Benz, Nike, etc
1.5 Importance of Translating Brand Names
A well translated brand not only reflects brand's image and conveys product information, but can adjust to the cognitive frame of the customers in the local market, bringing about unexpected advantages
similarities and differences between Chinese and western culture
same cultural frame similar cultural frame different cultural frame
2.3 Relations between Culture and Frames
e.g. Apple(computer)
Frames are culturally determined.
Frame to a map and reality to territory is a useful metaphor when talking about frame and culture.
territory (map)
2 Theoretical framework about Brand Name Translation
2.1 Review of Frames 2.2 Review of Culture 2.3 Relations between Culture and Frame 2.4 Cultural Implication of Different Cognitive Frames in Brand Name
3) Common Words as Brand Name
suggesting qualities, features or functions of products e.g. Rejoice(shampoo) General Motor Safeguard(soap) Vanish(cleanser}
associated words
cognitive frames
2.2 Review of Culture
Culture is relating to tradition, customs, religions, believes, geographical condition, historical evolution, climates, and so forth.
Top 10 Global Brands
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Brand Name CoCa-Cola Microsoft IBM GE Nokia Brand Value($ Mil) 653.24 587.09 570.91 515.69 336.96
uncommon characters are not used. e.g.宇碁
d. Distinctiveness and Sonority
distinguish the goods, e.g. Timex is associated with time
e. Elegance
meaning of a brand name, a favorable impression, aethetic enjoyment
2.4.1 Same cultural implication in same cognitive frame
The equivalent words in Chinese and English activate the same frame and its components in translating brand names.
Brand Name Translation Based on Cultural Frames
Supervisor: Prof. Wang
1 Introduction to Brand Names 2 Theoretical Framework about Brand Name Translation 3 Brand Name Translation Based on Cultural Frames
a. Brevity
90%--disyllables or trisyllables in naming and translating
b. Novelty
employing figures of speech, adding humorous element, coining new word.
c. Readability
A brand name is part of the brand, which can be a letter, word or groups of words. It is a name given by a producer to a particular product, by which it may be recognized from among products made by other producers.
1 Introduction to Brand Names
1.1 Definition of Brand Names 1.2 Formation of Brand Names 1.3 Characters of Brand Names 1.4 Functions of Brand Names 1.5 Importance of Translating Brand Names
9 10ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Disney Mercedez-Benz
292.10 235.68
1.1 Definition of Brand Names
A brand is a distinguishing symbol, mark, logo, word, sentence, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors.
1.4 Functions of Brand Names
1) to create identification and brand awareness e.g. Camel, Companion, Epique, Kent, Marlboro,
红塔山, 阿诗玛, 云烟,中华,大前门
2)to attract customers' attention 3)to arouse association in the customers' minds. 4) to advertise and promote sales e.g. Well-known brand names stand for high quality
2) Place Name as Band Name
e.g. Vichy(cosmetic)---a city of central France
Avon(cosmetic)---a river in Shakespeare's hometown Shangri-La(hotel)---a fictional place in a novel