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Complete the following sentences by circling the missing words.

1. Science still a cure for cancer.

a. doesn’t find c. hasn’t found

b. haven’t found d. aren’t finding

2. While he a route to the Indies, Columbus discovered America.

a. searched c. had searched for

b. was discovering d. was searching for

3. Existing reserves of fossil fuel by 2045.

a. have been run out c. is going to be run out

b. will have run out d. have run out

4. If logging of tropical rainforests continues at the present rate, a 30 per cent

increase in atmospheric CO2 by the year 2000.

a. there will be c. there would be

b. there might have been d. there could not have been

5. Only by investing heavily in value-added exports from the present trade


a. the country can emerge c. can the country emerge

b. the country might emerge d. the country emerged

6. The mystery of the double helix , the scope for genetic engineering

dramatically increased.

a. having solved c. solving

b. having been solved d. solved

7. Since the mid-’60s considerable research in embryo transplants .

a. has carried out c. has been carried out

b. was done d. was carried out

8. several hypotheses have been advanced for the disappearance of the dinosaur,

no conclusive evidence supports any of them.

a. despite c. although

b. in spite of d. in spite of the fact

9. Until the 16th century the earth to be flat.

a. is believed c. believed

b. has been believed d. was believed

10. If the temperature of the reactor 500C higher meltdown would have occurred.

a. was c. was being

b. had been d. had

11. adequate precautions are take, there is no risk involved in the operation.

a. Although c. Nevertheless

b. Providing d. Even

My supervisor advised me to the problem.



a. look ahead c. look out of

b. look down d. look into


The more acid you add to the solution, it becomes.


a. cloudier c. the cloudiest

b. the cloudier d. more cloudy


The lecturer said ‘It’s time you the literature review.’


a. began c. should begin

b. begin d. are beginning

After studying our experimental results, the tutor suggested the experiment. 15


a. us to repeat c. we repeat

b. that we to repeat d. me to repeat

After your results you should make an appointment with your tutor.



a. you receiving c. you have received

b. you would have received d. you received

You the experiment twice, not once.



a. should have carried out c. haven’t carried out

b. shouldn’t have carried out d. couldn’t have carried out


It looks you’ve made a mistake.


a. as c. if

b. as though d. perhaps


After receiving her results, the student stopped .


a. to worry c. worrying

b. having worried d. to be worried

20. You include this section. It is not necessary

a. must c. don’t need

b. couldn’t d. don’t have to

21. Unless an extension at least one week before the due date, it will not

be given.

a. you request c. you requested
