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accepted attitudes 被接受的态度 unspoken beliefs 未被说出的信念 manufacturing family 制造业家庭
bitten people
被咬的人 dog-bitten people
• This is a _____ refrigerator. A. power-consuming B. powerconsumed • This is the _____ power. A.refrigerator-consuming B.refrigerator-consumed consume vt. 消费;消耗;用
• 修饰名词的分词到底是用现在分 词? 还是过去分词? • 分词原形动词和被修饰的名词构 成主动关系还是被动关系。
People is bitten by dog. S V Dog is bitten by people. S V
Dog bites people. S V O People bites dog. S – Subject 主语 S V V – Verb O 动词
规律:of连接名词词组的中心词判定 • (1) the + N1 + of + N2 N1永远都是中心词 • (2) a/an + N1 + of + N2 分情况讨论:
– ① 如果N1是普通名词,则N1是中心词
a book of history – ② 如果N1是单位名词,则N2为中心 词 a cup of tea a series of books
• • • • • 名词 代词 动名词(v-ing) 不定式(to do) 名词性从句 —— 宾语从句
• • • • 系表结构 系动词+表语 be, become, seem, appear … 表语
• • • • • • 定语 ——―的” 修饰名词 形容词 贝多芬是一个天生的音乐家。 天生的——定语 Beethoven is a natural musician.
• 规律: 名词短语 N1 + N2 中心词永远是最后一个名词N2 前面的名词N1作为定语。 Eg.a table cloth a college student
prep. ―……的”
• the + N1 + of + N2 • the beauty of nature • the book of the teacher • the screen of the computer • the protection of nature • the criticism of the teacher • the screening of harmful information
• 定语从句 —— ―的”
• Any teacher would be dismissed instantly.
Teacher hit children. who
Any teacher who hit children would be dismissed instantly.
• 作用:修饰动词,形容词,或者整个 句子 • 可以作为状语的词: – 副词 – 介词短语(介宾) – 动词不定式 – 分词 – 从句
• 他们通常会比其他的孩子更有自信。 • 通常——generally • They are generally more confident than other children.
• 这一周以来,我都感觉我有点病了。 • 这一周以来——for a week • I have been feeling slightly ill for a week.
• • • • 在工作有压力时,保持冷静是很重要的。 保持冷静—— keep calm 是很重要的—— be important Keep calm [while working under pressure] is important. • To keep calm [while working under pressure] is important. • It is important to keep calm [while working under pressure].
练习: • Jason is a work-consumed manager. • Jason is a resource-consuming manager. • Mary is a heart-breaking girl. • Mary is a heart-broken girl.
• The book interests me.
O – Object 宾语
1.主动语态的句子中—— 主语和动词之间构成主动关系, 动词和宾语之间构成被动关系。 2.被动语态的句子中—— 主语和动词之间构成被动关系, 动词和由by引出的施动者 之间构成主 动关系。
• biting dog • bitten people • biting people • bitten dog
• 我到这里来,是为了和你说再见。 • I come here only to say good-bye to you. • 为了赶上第一辆公车,他跑的很快。 • He ran very fast in order to catch the first bus.
the criticism of the teacher VS the criticism of the teacher’s
• the softness of the policy the softening of the policy • the price of this product the pricing of this product • the manager of this company the management of this company
• 练习: • the number of students a number of students • the series of books a series of books • the school of fish a school of fish
• The old provide the young with enough money to spend. • the + adj. • n + (to do)
• 许多地方性的报纸和国家发行的报纸都刊登有 关于假期的广告和信息。 • 地方性的——local • 国家的—— national • 有—— there be • There are advertisements and information about holidays on many local and national newspapers. • Many local and national newspapers carry advertisements and information about
• • • • • 名词 代词 动名词(v-ing) 不定式(to do) 名词性从句 —— 主语从句
• 一些城市,地区和国家貌似比其他的地区和国 家拥有更好的教育。 • 城市地区国家——some towns, cities, regions and countries • 貌似——seem to have • 更好的教育——better education • Some towns, cities, regions and countries seem to have better education than others.
• • • • That she used to be a man shocked me. She used to be a man. X shocked me. It shocked me that she used to be a man.
• It is said … • It is said that she used to be a man. • That she used to be a man is said.
现在分词:v-ing 过去分词:v-ed bite vt. & vi. 现在分词: biting 过去分词: bitten 过去式: bit 咬;叮;蛰
good dog bad dog biting dog bitten dog dog-bitten people people-biting dog
• • • • • • • • 词性——动词 谓语动词的个数——1 造句:有许多同学都想出国 有——there be 许多同学——many students 都想出国——want to go abroad. There are many students want to go abroad. There are many students wanting Leabharlann Baiduo go abroad. • There are many students who want to go
• 每个人,不论男女,都有在大学学习的同等机 会。 • 定语——在大学学习的 • 不论男女——male or female • Everyone, male or female, has equal opportunities to study in universities.
• 穿裙子的男人 • The man in the skirt is Xiao Shenyang.
people-biting dog people-bitten dog 咬人的狗 被人咬的狗 Dog bites people. Dog is bitten by people.
dog-bitten people dog-biting people 被狗咬的人 People is bitten by dog. 咬狗的人 People bites dog.
• 动名词——v-ing • 同其他孩子在一起并且分享经验能够使孩子更有社交 能力。 • 同其他孩子在一起——spend time with other children • 分享经验——share experiences • 能够——can • 使孩子更有社交能力——make children more sociable • Spend time with other children and share experiences can make children more sociable. • Spending time with other children and sharing experiences can make children more sociable.
• 语法 语言的章法 语言的框架 • 词汇 • Language
• 宏观
– 写作 – 阅读 – 听力
• 微观——73373
– 七种句子成分 – 三种句子类型 – 三大类从句 – 七宗罪 – 三种特殊句型
• 学习了解西方社会的思想文化背景
• • • • 主谓宾 定状补 同位语 句子的核心——谓语
• 规律: the + N1 + of + N2 中 ‘of’ 的理解方 法 1)N1是普通名词,则 ‘of’ 结构翻译成: N2的N1 2) N1是动词V1变来的名词,且V1与 N2为动宾关系,则 ‘of’ 结构翻译成: 对N2的N1
• the beauty of nature the protection of nature • the book of the teacher the criticism of the teacher • the screen of the computer • the screening of harmful information