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Acta Bot.Boreal.2Occident.Sin.


干旱胁迫下巨尾桉的形态可塑性和生理响应特征邓 云1,2,王 冰2,3,苏文华23,张光飞2,邓晓保1



摘 要:以1月龄巨尾桉组培苗为材料,通过模拟雨季和旱季的土壤水分条件试验探讨干旱胁迫下巨尾桉幼苗形态的可塑性及生理响应特征。结果表明:与高水和中水处理相比,低水处理(13%左右土壤体积水分含量,模拟旱季土壤水分)导致巨尾桉幼苗生物量减少,叶片形态发生明显变化,总叶面积、叶片数、平均叶面积和比叶面积减少,而且叶片可溶性糖含量增加;但水分胁迫下巨尾桉生物量分配模式不变,叶片脯氨酸含量变化也不明显,叶片最大光化学量子效率(F v/F m)仍维持在正常水平。研究发现,干旱并未对巨尾桉光合能力和水分吸收策略造成过多影响,巨尾桉能通过限制生长、减少水分消耗来应对干旱胁迫,保证植株安全度过干旱同时又不会过度消耗当地环境水分,以利于维持当地旱季的水分平衡。



Phenotypic Plasticity and Physiological R esponses of Eucal y pt us

gr a ndis×E.urophyll a Seedling under Drought Stress

D EN G Yun1,2,WAN G Bing2,3,SU Wen2hua23,ZHAN G Guang2fei2,DEN G Xiao2bao1

(1Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Mengla,Yunnan666303,China;2Institute of Ecology

and Geobotany,Yunnan University,Kunming650091,China;3Environmental Inspection Detachment,Puer Environmental Pro2 tection Bureau,Puer,Yunnan665000,China)

Abstract:The effect of simulated soil moist ure gradient on p henotypic plasticity and p hysiological responses of Eucal y pt us g randis×E.urop hy ll a seedlings was st udied in t his paper.One2mont h2old seedlings were grown under high/medium/low soil moist ure condition(high/medium/low water t reat ment,HW/MW/ L W)in pared wit h HW and MW,under L W(about13%volumet ric soil water content) t reat ment,t he biomass,total leaf area,average leaf area,leaf number and specific leaf area were significantly lower,while t he content of foliar soluble sugar was obviously increased.The change of biomass allocation and f ree p roline content were not obvious,optional/maximal p hotochemical efficiency of PSⅡstill main2 tained a normal level.The result s indicated t hat drought had less effect on t he p hotosynt hesis and water ab2 sorption of E.g randis×E.urop hy ll a seedlings.E.g randis×E.urop hy ll a adapt drought st ress by limited growt h and decreased water consume.This strategy might allow E.g randis×E.urop hy ll a seedlings to survive t hrough t he dry seaso n,which is advantageous to maintain t he water balance in t he local area.

K ey w ords:Eucal y pt us g ran dis×E.urop hy ll a;p henotypic plasticity;water st ress;p hysiological responses



作者简介:邓 云(1983-),男(汉族),硕士,研究实习员,主要从事植物生理生态学及生态水文学方面研究。E2mail:dy@ 3通讯作者:苏文华,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事植物生理生态学及人类生态学方面研究。E2mail:whsu@
