
2 The two friends said goodbye and went their
r_e_s_p__e_c_t_i_v_e_ ways.
__________ __________ __________ we are very fortunate.在这方面我们是很幸运的。
12. look down upon/on 蔑视,瞧不起
(3)give one’s respects to sb. 向某人致意
in some respects 在某些方面 in every respect/in all respects 在各方面
即学即练 respectable respectful respective
1 Our Chinese teacher was so r_e_s_p__e_c_t_a_b__le that I
crowd in/into sp.涌入/挤进某场所
拓展 (1)_c_ro_w__d_e_d_ adj.
(2)球赛结束后,人群为胜利而欢呼。 After the football match,__t_h_e_c_r_o_w__d cheered the winning. (3)一大群人在那里围观。
_A__c_r_o_w_d__o_f_p_e_o_p_l_e____ were looking on. (4)房间挤满了客人。 The housei_s_c_r_o_w_d_e_d__w_i_th__g_u_e_s_t_s_. (5)他从来不随大流。
The meeting is________ ________ ________the plan for building a new swimming pool.

v.观察,遵守 observe sb.do/doing sth. 注意到某人做/正在做某事 observe the rule/law 遵守规则/法律 observe Christmas (National Day)
➢ observation/'ɒbzə'veɪʃn/ (n.) 观察 ➢ observer (n.) 观察者
v.争论,辩论 argue for sth.支持某事, 为……而争论
argue against sth.为反对 某事而辩论
argue with sb. about sth.
➢ argument/'ɑ:ɡjʊmənt/ (n.)
➢beyond argument 无可争辩的
a crowd of 一群… in crowds成群,大群地
她想睡觉,但是脑子里的想法不断涌上心头。 she wanted to sleep, but thoughts crowded in.
go with/follow the crowds随大流
➢ crowded (adj.) 拥挤的 be crowded with满是,挤满了 ➢ crowd in (想法,问题)涌上心头
come about 发生 come up (被)提出,升起,发芽 come up with 提出 come out 出版,结果是
➢ when it comes to 当提到…
when it comes to getting things done, he is useless.

14. emergency/n./
It’s an emergency! 情况紧急! He was always prepared for any
unforeseen event of emergency. 他时刻为无法预料的紧急事件做好准备。 a state of emergency 紧急状态 in an emergency 遇紧急情况时
3.condition /n.C/条件; /n.U/ 状况,状态;
Heath is one of the most important conditions of achieving success.
be in good/poor/excellent condition 处于好的/差的/极棒的状态中
observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事 (2) 遵守; observe the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 (3) 庆祝;observe the Spring Festival / Christmas
拓展: observation n. 观察,观测;
observe an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念 observer /n./ 观察者;观测者;遵守者 observation /n./观测,监测,观察,观察力
15. considerate/v./考虑;
consideration /n./考虑 in consideration of...考虑到……,顾及…… take...into consideration考虑到……;体谅
…… be under consideration在考虑中,在审议中 give consideration to sth./give e/quarrel/discuss

6. look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起→ look up to 看得
7.by chance 碰巧→by accident 碰巧→by design/on purpose 故意 →come across (偶然)遇见,碰见
8. intend v.计划;打算→be intended for /be meant for 旨
9.However,the evening makes it all worthwhile. 但是到黄昏时分我们都觉得这一切都是值得的。
10. Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. 我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起 实验室的黑猩猩。
→ respectable adj.值得尊敬的 6.crowd vt.挤满→ crowded adj.拥挤的 7.kind adj.善良的→ kindness n.仁慈;好意 8.consider vt.考虑→ consideration n.考虑→
considerate adj.考虑周到的
1.Song Qingling was a woman of great achievements (成 就).She started some organizations (组织) to care for
the welfare (福利) of the kids and women. 2.Students should observe (遵守) the school rules a的词汇以及相关短语)
1.achievement n.成就→ achieve one’s dream/goal 实现梦想/目标 2.behave vt. & vi.(举止或行为)表现→ behave oneself表现好,听话 3. observe vt.观察;遵守;庆祝→ observe the law 守法 4. respect vt. & n.尊敬→ treat sb. with respect尊敬某人 5. lead a...life 过着……的生活→ live a...life 过着……的生活

Heathisoneofthemostimportantconditionsofachievingsuccess.beingood/poo r/excellentcondition处于好的/差的/极棒的状态中Sheisoftenintopcondition.I’m3、reallyoutofcondition.4.behave/v./举动;〔举止或行为〕表现eg.Imsorryaboutlastnight--Ibehavedlikeachild.对不起,昨天晚上我表现得太稚嫩了。
eg.Behaveyourself,youngman.年轻人,规矩些!(1)behaveoneself 守规矩,表现得体;(2)well-behaved/adj./表现好的badly-behaved/adj./表现差的3.behave/v./举动;〔举止或行为〕表现ubehaviour/n./举止;行为;习性;eg.Theboywaswell-behavedatthebanquetan4、deveryonepraisedhisproperbehaviour.这个男孩在宴会上表现很好,因此每个人都表扬他恰当的举止.behaveoneself守规矩behavewell/badly(towardssb.)(对某人)看法/举止好/恶劣beonone’sbestbehavior举止规矩4.devote/vt./把….奉献,把…专用于1)devoteoneself/sth.to(doing)sth.献身于……;致力于……Hedevoteshimselftofinishingthetask.Shedevotesallhertimetoherfam ily.2)devoted(adj.)深爱的,5、全心全意的,忠实的adevotedfriendSheisdevotedtoherfamily.她深爱她的家庭。

VocabularyofUnit4achievementn.[C]成就,伟绩;[U]达到,达成senseofachievement成就感peopleofachievement有成就的人inventionofthecomputerisagreatachievement.同源:achievevt.达成,达到,实现achieveone’sdream实现梦想achievesuccess实现成功achievethegoal实现目标近似:argue&argumentconnectionn.连结;关系aconnectionbetweenAandBhavea/noconnectionwith 与相关/没关同义:berelatedto belinkedto/with同源:connectv.e.g.Isthereanyconnectionbetweensmokingandhearttroubles? Hisresignationmusthavesomeconnectionwiththerecentscandal.campaignn.运动;战斗作战;参加运动campaignfor/against参加争取/反对的运动campaigntodosth.为了做而参加运动e.g.Johniscampaigningforequalrightsforwomen. Theyarecampaigningtosavetheareafrombuildingdevelopment.behavev.行为;(举止或行为)表现behavelike表现得像behavewell/badly 表现好/不好behaveoneself守规矩;举止得体同源:behaviorn.行为,举止e.g.Hebehavedlikeatruegentleman. Theybehavedverybadlytowardstheirguests.moveoff 走开;出发;出发e.g.Afewminuteslater,thewhistlesoundedandthetrainbegantomoveoff.worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的复习itisworthwhiletodosth.itisworthwhiledoingsth.beworth+n./vingbeworthyof+n./ofbeingdone/tobedone四看observevt.察看;观察;恪守 ;庆贺observetherules 恪守observethespringfestival 庆贺observesb.doingsth. 察看某人在做某事observesb.dosth.察看某人做了某事*observesth.done 察看某事/某物被近似用法:一感 feelhear,listentomake,let,havesee,watch,observe,notice 同源 observationn. e.g.DoyouobserveChristmasinChina? Theyobservedhimenteringthebank.respectvt.&n. 敬爱;尊敬;敬意vt.respectsb.for 因 ..尊敬某人respectsb.as 尊敬/敬爱某人为 ..n.show/haverespectforsb.尊敬/敬爱某人gain/loseone’srespect 获得/失掉某人的敬爱earn/winrespect 博得敬爱outofrespect 出于敬爱giverespectstosb.问候某人e.g.Weobservedaminute'ssilenceoutofrespectforthedisastervictims.Withhisdecisivehandlingofthedispute,hehadwontherespectofeveryone.Everyonehasarighttobetreatedwithrespect.arguevt&vi. 议论;争辩;争执arguefor/against 同意/反对arguewithsb.about/oversth.与某人争辩某事arguesb.intodoingsth.=persuadesb.todosth./intodoingsth.说服某人做某事arguesb.outofdoingsth.=persuadesb.nottodosth./outofdoingsth. 说服某人不做某事leada life 过着 的生活lead/liveahappy/quiet/hardlife 过着幸福的/安静的/困难的生活同源宾语:dreamaXXdream/fightaXXfightcrowd n.人群;观众vt.挤满;使拥堵crowdinonsb.(written)(ofthoughts,questionsetc.)tofillyourmindsothatyoucanthinkofnothinge lse 涌上心头;涌入脑海becrowdedwith 被.挤满、充满e.g.Thousandsofpeoplecrowdedthenarrowstreets.Toomanyuncomfortablethoughtswerecrowdinginonher.二听 三让supportvt.&n支持;拥戴supportone’sfamily养家生活insupportof 支持e.g.Hehasalargefamilytosupport. Onlyafewpeopleareinsupportoftheproposal.lookdownupon/on歧视;瞧不起e.g.Noonelikestobelookeddownupon.look短语概括lookround/about四周查察,找寻lookahead向前看lookinto检查;检查lookthrough检查;绅士lookafter照料,照看lookforwardto期望lookout向外看;注意,当心lookup查找,查阅;向上看refervi.谈到;查阅;参照(referred-referred)referto.as把。
人教版高中英语必修4 第一单元unit1单词讲解

重点单词.词组讲解1. achievement n.1. 达成;完成[U]2. 成就,成绩[C]sense of achievement 成就感people of achievement 有成就的人achieve vt. 完成,实现;达到You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.The actor achieved fame when he was only nineteen. 那位演员十九岁时就成名了。
achieve one’s dream 实现梦想achieve success 实现成功achieve the goal 实现目标achieve ,realize, come true的区别achieve:实现成绩、目标,主语是人。
come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划,主语是梦想蓝图计划什么的。
【期末测试】Lucy has ________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.A. acquiredB. finishedC. concludedD. achieved【2015北京】But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history.【2012天津】Teachers’knowledge is the key to students’achievements.2. campaignn. [C]1. 战役The campaign to seize the city was a failure. 攻占这个城市的战役失败了。
人教版必修四 unit1 知识点复习总结

必修四 Unit1Women of achievement.His works show a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions.adaptation改编particularly adj.特别地,细致的,详细的,挑剔的,独有的n.特点,特色,项目,细目,某一事项particularly adv.特别地,细致地,详细地chimp n.黑猩猩campaign v.运动,战役landmine n.地雷1.achievement n.成就,成绩a sense of achievement achieve v.获得,实现achieve success/a good result/one’s purpose倒装句never,not,hardly 等否定词①as,though ② only ③so,such ④here,there 地点和时间副词(完全倒装)if(虚拟语气中)argue sb into/out of doing sth说服某人做某事2.behavev.举止,(行为)表现,使表现得体badly-/well behaved (不守)规矩behave as if/though 表现得好像behave oneselfbehavio(u)r c.(人)行为,举止(物)反应,性能,行为方式,习性outstanding adj.杰出的voluntary adj.自愿的hardship adj.艰辛coincidence n.巧合contemporary adj.同一时代的ambitious adj.有雄心的possession n.拥有,财产stubborn adj.倔强的,顽固的outgoing adj.外向的professional adj.职业的questionnaire n.问卷,调查impression n.印象reputation n.名声contribution n.贡献nutritionist n.营养师invaluable adj.无价的insight n.洞察力,洞悉,直觉be bound to将要it is considerate of sb to do take into considerationbe attached to依恋attach great importance to认为...是重要的parade n.游行lung n.肺3.多数合成词在末尾加s/es girlfriends leter-boxes grown-ups stand-bys有少数合成词吧s/es加在主体后面sons-in-law passers-bylookers-on某些由man,women等,两部分都要变men students women-driversmen-workers4.treat vt.治疗,对待,探访,视为vi.探讨,请客n.请客,款待5.angel n.天使,善人,守护神6.pioneer n.先锋,开拓者7.honoradj.光荣的,受尊敬的,已兑现或付款的v.尊重(某人),给...以荣誉,执行(承诺)be addicted to doing做...上瘾8.renew vt. 重新开始,使更新/恢复,补充vi.重申,重复强调/开始virtue n.美德principle n.原则diligent adj.勤奋的brilliant adj.灿烂的,杰出的flexible adj.灵活的personality n.个性thoughtful adj.考虑周到的optimistic adj.乐观的noble adj.高尚的reasonable adj.合乎情理的determined adj.坚定的persistence n.毅力reliable adj.可靠的admirable adj.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的merciful adj.仁慈的reputation n.名声,名誉favourable adj.支持的。

Vocabulary of Unit 4●achievement n. [C]成就,功绩;[U]达到,完成sense of achievement 成就感people of achievement 有成就的人e.g.The invention of the computer is a great achievement.同源:achieve vt.完成,达到,实现achieve one’s dream 实现梦想achieve success 实现成功achieve the goal 实现目标类似:argue & argument●connection n.连接;关系a connection between A and Bhave a/no connection with 与……有关/无关同义:be related to be linked to/with同源:connect v.e.g. Is there any connection between smoking and heart troubles?His resignation must have some connection with the recent scandal.●campaign n.运动;战役v. 作战;参加运动campaign for/against 参加争取/反对……的运动campaign to do sth. 为了做……而参加运动e.g. John is campaigning for equal rights for women.They are campaigning to save the area from building development.●behave v.举动;(举止或行为)表现behave like 表现得像behave well/badly 表现好/不好behave oneself 守规矩;举止得体同源:behavior n.行为,举止e.g. He behaved like a true gentleman.They behaved very badly towards their guests.●move off 离开;起程;出发e.g. A few minutes later, the whistle sounded and the train began to move off.●worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的复习it is worthwhile to do sth.it is worthwhile doing sth.be worth + n./vingbe worthy of + n./of being done/ to be done●observe vt.观察;观测;遵守;庆祝observe the rules 遵守observe the spring festival 庆祝observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人在做某事observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做了某事*observe sth. done 观察某事/某物被……类似用法:一感feel二听hear, listen to三让make, let, have四看see, watch, observe, notice同源observation n.e.g. Do you observe Christmas in China?They observed him entering the bank.●respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意vt. respect sb. for 因…..尊重某人respect sb. as…尊重/尊敬某人为…..n. show/have respect for sb.尊重/尊敬某人gain/lose one’s respect 得到/失去某人的尊敬earn/win respect 赢得尊敬out of respect 出于尊敬give respects to sb.问候某人e.g.We observed a minute's silence out of respect for the disaster victims.With his decisive handling of the dispute, he had won the respect of everyone.Everyone has a right to be treated with respect.●argue vt&vi.讨论;辩论;争吵argue for/against 赞成/反对argue with sb. about/over sth.与某人争论某事argue sb. into doing sth. = persuade sb. to do sth./into doing sth.说服某人做某事argue sb. out of doing sth. = persuade sb. not to do sth./out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事●lead a … life 过着……的生活lead/live a happy/quiet/hard life 过着幸福的/宁静的/艰难的生活同源宾语:dream a XX dream/fight a XX fight●crowd n.人群;观众vt. 挤满;使拥挤crowd in on sb. (written) (of thoughts, questions etc.) to fill your mind so that you can think of nothing else涌上心头;涌入脑海be crowded with……被….挤满、充满e.g. Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her.●support vt.&n支持;拥护support one’s family 养家糊口in support of 支持e.g. He has a large family to support.Only a few people are in support of the proposal.●look down upon/on蔑视;瞧不起e.g. No one likes to be looked down upon.look 短语归纳look round/about 四处查看,寻找look ahead 向前看look into 调查;检查look through 检查;绅士look after 照顾,照看look forward to 期待look out 向外看;注意,小心look up 查找,查阅;向上看●refer vi.谈到;查阅;参考(referred-referred)refer to….as 把。

人教版高中必修四英语Unit1单元知识点总结人教版高中必修四英语Unit 1 Women of achievementWarming up1. in pairs 成对2. quite an achievement 了不起的成就;a sense of achievement成就感achieve one's purpose达到目的;achieve one's goal达到目标3. have a lot/much in common (with)…) (与……)有很多共同之处have not much / a little in common (with)…) (与……)没有很多共同之处have something / nothing in common (with)…) (与……)有/没有共同之处in common with…与…..一样4.. give reasons for 给…理由5. fight for…为……而战斗/奋斗; fight ag ainst…为反对……而斗争fight one’s way out打出一条路fight on继续战斗fight out解决6. put sb to death处死某人,判处某人死刑sentence sb, to death 判处某人死刑frighten /scare sb. To death把某人吓得要命7. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件8. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖9. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一10. concern oneself with 让自己关注be concerned about/for…对…担心/关心show/feel concerned about/for…担心/关心/挂念……with concern关切地;have no concern for…毫不关心……have no concert with…. 与……无关as far as I am concerned 在我看来11.. welfare projects福利项目12.. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会13. a specialist in women's illnesses妇科疾病的专家14. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给… 致力于…devote sth /oneself to +n./pron./doing 或be devoted to +n./pron./doing奉献……于……15. encourage sb 鼓励某人;encourage sb to do sth.鼓励某人做某事16. show the connection between A and B显示出A和B之间的联系the connection of A with B A与B的关系/联系in connection with…与……相关联;关于……be connected with…与……有关系;与……有亲戚关系“与……有关系”表达法:be related to ; be linked with; be involved in ; be in relation to ; be in connection with17. a campaign for…争取得到……的运动 a campaign against…反对……的运动a campaign to do…为了做……而进行的运动campaign for…参加争取……的运动campaign against…参加反对……的运动18. as…as possible (= as…as one can) 尽可能……“尽力做某事”的表达法有:try to do sth. try/do one’s best to do sth.do all/ everything (that) one can to do sth.; do what one can to do sth.;make every effort to do sth; make efforts to do sth.; spare noeffort to do sth.;go all out to do sth.; do everything in one’s power.19.. rather than而不是Pre-reading, reading and comprehending20. behave like humans像人类的举止behave oneself举止得体;守规矩behave like…表现得像……behave towards…对待……behave well/with good manners表现好/有礼貌behave badly 表现不好21. the night before前一天晚上22. in the shade of…在……的阴影下in the shade 在阴凉处23. move off离开;启程;出发(=start (out)= set out= set off)Move away搬走;move out迁出;搬出去move on继续前进;进行搬迁24.warn sb. of /about sth.警告/提醒某人某事warn sb. against doing sth; 或者warn sb not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事25. make it all worthwhile觉得这一切都是值得的It is worthwhile to do sth or It is worthwhile doing sth.做某事是值得的be wo rth one’s while doing / to do s th. 值得做某事注意这些句型的差异:worth; worthy; worthwhile1)be worth + n.=be worthy of + n.The matter is worth consideration =The matter is worthy of consideration.这件事值得考虑。

人教版高中英语必修四第一单元单词讲解1.achieve①gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etc (通常藉努力﹑技巧﹑勇气等)获得或达到(某事物):achieve success, one's ambition, notoriety, peace of mind获得成功﹑实现抱负﹑落得个臭名﹑得到心情的平静.②get (sth) done; accomplish or complete 做成(某事物); 实现; 完成: I've achieved only half of what I'd hoped to do.我希望做到的, 我仅完成了一半.> achievable adj (of an objective) that can be achieved (指目的)可完成的, 可达到的. achievement n①[U] action of achieving 完成; 达到: celebrate the achievement of one's aims庆祝愿望的实现.②[C] thing done successfully, esp with effort and skill 成就, 成绩(尤指藉努力和技巧而得到者): the greatest scientific achievement of the decade 这十年的最伟大的科学成就.2.campaign n①series of military operations with a particular aim, usu in one area 战役: He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战.②series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim 运动(为某一社会的﹑商业的或政治的目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动):a campaign against nuclear weapons反对核武器运动* an advertising campaign, ie to promote a particular product 广告宣传运动(以推销某产品)* an election campaign 竞选运动* a campaign to raise money for the needy为贫苦人筹款的运动.> campaign v [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for/against sb/sth)take part in or lead a campaign 参加或领导一战役或运动: She spent her life campaigning for women's rights. 她毕生致力於女权运动. *campaign to have sanctions imposed发起实施制裁的运动. campaigner n person who campaigns 参加战役或运动的人: an old campaigner, ie sb with much experience of a particular activity 老练的人.3.behave v①[I, Ipr] ~ well, badly, etc (towards sb) act or conduct oneself in the specified way (举止或行为)表现: She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother. 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲. * He has behaved shamefully towards his wife. 他对妻子的态度很可耻.②[I, Tn] ~ (oneself) show good manners; conduct oneself well 表现良好; 行为良好: Children, please behave (yourselves)!孩子们, 规矩些!③[I] (of machines, etc) work or function well (or in another specified way) (指机器等)运转或性能良好: How's your new car behaving?你的新汽车好使吗?> -behaved (forming compound adjs用以构成复合形容词) behaving in a specified way 有某种表现的:well-/ ill-/ badly-behaved children.4.shade n①[U] ~ (from sth)(place where there is) comparative darkness and often coolness caused by sth blocking direct light or heat, esp of the sun 荫; 阴凉处:a temperature of 35C in the shade 阴凉处35C的温度* sit in the shade of a tree, wall, etc 坐在树﹑墙等的阴凉处* Stay in the shade it's cooler.呆在背阴处吧--那儿凉快些. * The trees give some welcome shade from the sun. 这些树遮住了阳光, 很舒适凉快.②[C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) thing that shuts out light or makes it less bright 遮光物:an `eye-shade 遮光帽檐*a new shade for the `lamp/`lampshade新灯罩.③shades [pl] the ~s of sth(fml 文) the darkness of sth 黑暗: the shades of evening/night暮[夜]色.④shades [pl] (infml 口esp US) sun-glasses 墨镜.⑤[U] darker part(s) of a picture, etc (图画﹑照片等的)较阴暗部分: There is not enough light and shade in your drawing.你这幅画的明暗色调不够.⑥[C] (degree or depth of) colour; hue 颜色; 色度: material in several shades of blue 几种色度的蓝色材料*choose a lighter shade 选择淡些的颜色* Do you like the blouse in this shade?你喜欢这种色度的女衬衫吗?⑦(a) [C] ~of sth slight difference in sth 细微的差别: a word with many shades of meaning有许多相近意思的一个词* people with all shades of opinion意见不一的人们. (b) [sing] a ~ (better, worse, etc) a small amount 少量; 些微: I think it's a shade warmer today.我觉得今天暖和一点儿. *She feels a shade better than yesterday. 她感觉比昨天好一些.⑧shades [pl] ~ s of sb/sth (infml 口) reminders of sb/sth 对某人[某事物]的联想:`Shades of Hitler!' I thought, as I listened to the dictator haranguing the crowd. 那个独裁者向群众声嘶力竭地训话, 我一听就想到, ‘真像希特勒!’ *In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930s.在有些摩登时装中可以看到三十年代的影子.⑨[C] (fml 文) soul after death; ghost 灵魂; 鬼魂; 阴魂: the shades of my dead ancestors 我的先祖的幽魂.⑩(idm 习语)put sb/sth in the `shade be very superior to sb/sth 使某人[某事物]相形失色:I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the shade. 我原以为自己画得不错, 可比起你的画儿来未免相形见绌.> shade v①[Tn, Tn.pr]~ sb/sth (from sth) block off light from sb/sth; give shade to sb/sth 给某人[某物]遮住光线; 给某人[某物]阴凉: She shaded her eyes (from the sun) with her hand.她把手放在眼睛上方挡住阳光.②[Tn] screen (a lamp, light, etc) to reduce its brightness 遮挡(灯﹑光等)以减弱亮度: shade the bulb with a dark cloth用深色布遮挡灯泡使光暗些.③[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (in)darken (a part of a drawing, etc), eg with parallel pencil lines, to give an effect of light and shade 将(图画等的某部)颜色加深(如加铅笔线条以显出明暗效果): shade (in) this area to represent the person's shadow 把这部分画暗些以显出人影* the shaded areas on the map地图上颜色深的地方.④[Ipr, Ip]~ from sth into sth; ~ (off) into sth (esp of colours) change gradually into (another colour or variety) (尤指颜色)逐渐变成(其他颜色):scarlet shading (off) intopink 猩红色逐渐变成粉色* a colour that shades from blue into green由蓝逐渐变绿的颜色* (fig比喻)socialism shading into communism逐渐向共产主义过渡的社会主义. shading n [U] (use of) pencil marks, etc that give an effect of darkness in a part of a picture (绘画的)明暗(运用).5.observe v①[I, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tnt only passive 只用於被动语态, Tng, Tni] see and notice (sb/sth); watch carefully 看到, 注意到(某人[某事物]); 观察; 监视: He observes keenly, but says little.他观察敏锐, 但是很少说话. *observe the behaviour of birds 观察鸟类的行为*She observed that he'd left but made no comment. 她看见他离去, 但未置一词. * They observed how the tiny wings were fitted to the body.他们观看了微型翼的安装情况. * The woman was observed to follow him closely. 有人看到那女子紧跟着他. * The police observed the man entering/enter the bank. 警方监视着那男子进入银行的情况.②[Tn] (fml 文) (a) obey (rules, laws, etc) 遵守, 奉行(规则﹑法令等):observe the speed limit 遵守速度限制规定* observe the laws of the land遵守该国法律. (b) celebrate (festivals, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) 庆祝, 过(节日﹑生日﹑周年等):Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?那个国家的人过圣诞节吗?③[Tn, Tf] (fml 文) say by way of comment; remark 评说; 评论: He observed that it would probably rain.他说很可能下雨. * `It may rain,' he observed.‘可能要下雨, ’他说. > observer n①person who observes 观察者; 遵守者; 评论者:an observer of nature 自然界的观察家*a poor observer of speed restrictions不遵守速度限制的人.②person who attends a conference, lesson, etc to listen and watch but not to take part (会议﹑课堂等的)观察员, 旁听者:an observer at a summit conference 高峰会议上的观察员* send sb along as an observer派某人作观察员.6.respect n①[U]~ (for sb/sth)admiration felt or shown for a person or thing that has good qualities or achievements; regard 尊敬; 敬重; 钦敬: a mark, token, etc of respect尊敬的标志﹑表示等* have a deep, sincere, etc respect for sb 深深地﹑由衷地...敬重某人*I have the greatest respect for you/hold you in the greatest respect. 我非常尊敬您. * The new officer soon won/earned the respect of his men. 那新来的军官很快博得了士兵的钦敬.②[U] ~ (for sb/sth)politeness or consideration arising from admiration or regard 尊敬之表示; 尊重之情: Children should show respect for their teachers.学生要尊敬老师. * Out of respect, he took off his hat.他脱帽以示敬意. *have some, little, no, etc respect for sb's feelings相当﹑不太﹑毫不...尊重某人的感情* With (all due) respect, sir, I disagree. 先生, 恕我直言, 我不能同意.③[U] ~ (for sb/sth) protection or recognition 维护; 承认; 尊重: very little respect for human rights极不尊重人权.④[C] particular aspect or detail 方面; 着眼点: in this one respect 在这一点上* in some/all/many/several/few respects 在某些[各个/许多/几个/极少]方面*In what respectdo you think the film is biased?你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇?⑤(idm 习语) in respect of sth (fml or commerce 文或商) as regards sth; with special reference to sth 关於某事物; 就某方面而言: The book is admirable in respect of style. 这本书风格极佳. * price rises in respect of gas and water costs煤气费和水费涨价.with respect to sth(fml or commerce 文或商) concerning sth 涉及﹑提到或关於某事物: This is true with respect to English but not to French. 这一点在英语属实而在法语则不同. * With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.关於你的询问, 兹附上有关说明资料.7.argue v①[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) express an opposite opinion; exchange angry words; quarrel 争论; 争辩; 争吵: The couple next door are always arguing. 邻居的夫妇总吵架. * Don't argue with your mother.不要和母亲争辩. * We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱.②[I, Ipr, Tf] ~ (for/against sth) give reasons for or against sth, esp with the aim of persuading sb 说理; 争辩; 辩论:He argues convincingly.他的辩解很有说服力. * argue for the right to strike 为争取罢工权利而辩论*I argued that we needed a larger office.我据理力争我们需要大些的办公室.③[Tn] (fml 文) discuss (sth); debate 讨论; 辩论: The lawyers argued the case for hours. 律师们对那个案件辩论了几小时.④(idm 习语),argue the `toss say that one disagrees about a decision反对某项决定: Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice.我们不必争论已经决定的事--只好听他的.⑤(phr v)argue sb into/out of doing sth persuade sb to do/not to do sth by giving reasons 说服﹑劝说某人做[不做]某事: They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他们说服他撤回了投诉.> arguable adj①that can be argued or asserted 可论证的; 可断言的:It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff. 我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的.②not certain; questionable 可疑的; 有问题的: This account contains many arguable statements. 这种说法含有很多疑点.arguablyadv one can argue(2) that 可争辩地; 按理; 按说: John sings very well though Peter is arguably the better actor.约翰唱得很好, 不过按理说彼得演得更好.8.crowd v①[Ipr, Ip]~ around/round(sb)gather closely around (sb) 聚集在(某人)周围: People crowded round to get a better view. 人们争相围观. * Pupils crowded round (their teacher) to ask questions. 小学生围着(老师)提问题.②[Tn] fill (a space) so that there is little room to move 充塞(某空间):Tourists crowded the pavement.游客把人行道挤得水泄不通. *crowd a restaurant, theatre, beach, etc挤满餐厅﹑剧院﹑海滨等.③[Tn] (infml 口) put pressure on (sb); harass给(某人)施加压力; 逼迫: Don't crowd me: give me time to think!不要逼我: 给我时间让我想想!④(idm 习语) crowd on `sail (nautical 海) raise many sails in order to increase speed 扬起许多风帆(以增加速度).⑤(phr v)crowd in on sb (of thoughts, etc) come into the mind in large numbers (指想法等)大量涌现:Memories crowded in on me.往事一齐涌上我心头.crowd into sth; crowd in move in large numbers into a small space 大批涌入(某狭小空间内): Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium.来捧场的人挤过大门, 涌入运动场. * We'd all crowded into Harriet's small sitting-room. 我们大家涌进了哈丽特那狭小的客厅. * (fig 比喻)Disturbing thoughts crowded into my mind.我心乱如麻. crowd sb/sth into sth; crowd sb/sth in put many people or things into a small space or period of time; cram (sb/sth) into sth 使很多人或物挤进狭小空间或在短时期涌现出来; 勉强塞入: They crowd people into the buses.他们让许多人挤进公共汽车里. * Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了. * She crowds too much detail into her paintings. 她的画过於繁杂.crowd sb/sth out (of sth) (a) keep sb/sth out of a space by filling it oneself 挤占某空间使某人[某物]无法进入: The restaurant's regular customers are being crowded out by tourists. 这家餐馆的老主顾被游客挤得不得其门而入.(b) prevent sb/sth from operating successfully 排挤某人[某事物]: Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets. 小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤.9.support[Tn] help to show that (a theory, claim, etc) is true; confirm 支持(某理论﹑主张等); 证实; 肯定: a theory that is not supported by the facts缺乏事实根据的理论* This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty. 这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定.10.refer v (-rr-)①[Ipr]~ to sb/sth (a) mention or speak of sb/sth; allude to sb/sth 提到﹑说到或涉及到某人[某事物]: When I said some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you. 我说有些人很愚蠢, 并不是指你. * Don't refer to this matter again, please.请不要再提这件事了. * This incident in his childhood is never again referred to.他小时候的这件事永远不再提了.(b) be relevant to sb/sth; concern sb/sth 与某人[某事物]有关; 关系到某人[某事物]: WhatI have to say refers to all of you. 我要说的事和你们大家都有关.②[Ipr]~ to sth/sb turn to sth/sb for information, etc 向某事物[某人]查询信息等: refer to a dictionary, an expert 查词典﹑询问专家* I referred to my watch for the exact time. 我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间. *The speaker often referred to his notes.那个讲演的人不时地看发言稿.③[Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sb/sth to sb/sth send sb/sth to sb/sth for help, advice, action, etc 将某人[某事物]送交某人[某事物]以谋求帮助﹑指点﹑行动支持等: refer a patient to a specialist for treatment 把病人交给专科医生治疗* The dispute wasreferred to the United Nations/to arbitration. 该项争端已提交联合国处理[予以仲裁]. * I was referred to the manager/the enquiry office. 人家叫我去找经理[去问讯处]. * The reader is referred to page 3. 请读者参看第3页.④(phr v)refer sth back (to sb) return (a document, etc) to the sender for further clarification 将(文件等)退给送件人予以澄清: The letter was referred back (to us) with a query. 该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释.11.intend/ v①(a) [Tn, Tf, Tt, Tnt, Tg, Cn.n/a, Dn.n] ~ sth (as sth) have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind; mean 打算; 意欲; 想要: I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn't turn out as I intended (it should). 我本想随便商量一下, 结果事与愿违. *It's not what I intended (it to be).那并不是我的本意. *I hear they intend to marry/intend marrying.听说他们要结婚了. *I intended to do it, but I'm afraid I forgot. 我本有意去做, 但很遗憾, 我忘记了. *I don't intend to listen to this rubbish any longer! 我再也不想听这种无稽之谈了! *I intended it as a joke.我不过说笑罢了. * He intends you no harm, ie does not plan to harm you. 他对你并无恶意. (b) [Tf, Tnt] have (sth) as a fixed plan or purpose for sb else 为某人定下计画或目标: I intend that you shall take over the business.我有意让你接管公司. * I intend you to take over.我打算让你来接管. * You weren't intended(ie supposed) to hear that remark.你按说不应该听那些话.②[Dn.pr]~ sth for sb plan that sb should receive or be affected by sth 为某人准备某事物; 要使某人受某事物的影响:I think the bomb was intended for (ie planned to harm) me. 我认为那颗炸弹是要炸我的.③[Cn.n/a] ~ sth as sth plan that sth should be or become sth 打算使某事物成为另一事物: Was that remark intended as(ie supposed to be) a joke?那句话是不是当作笑话说的?④[Tn.pr] ~ sth by sth plan that sth should have the specified meaning 欲使某事物具有某意义; 意指; 意谓:What did he intend by that remark? 他说那话是什麽意思?> intended adj①[attrib 作定语] planned; meant; desired 计画的; 打算的; 意欲的: the intended meaning, result, effect, purpose原来的意思﹑想要的结果﹑预期的效果﹑原有的目的.②~ for sb/sth [pred 作表语] planned or designed for sb/sth 为(某人[某事物])计画或设计:a book, course, programme, etc intended for children, adults, beginners, etc 为儿童﹑成人﹑初学者等而写的书﹑开设的课程﹑编排的节目等* water (not) intended for drinking(非)饮用水.12.deliver v①[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr]~ (sth) (to sb/sth) take (letters, parcels, goods, etc) to the places or people they are addressed to 递送, 传送(信件﹑包裹﹑货物等): We deliver (your order) to your door! 我们送货上门! * A courier delivered the parcels (to our office). 送急件的人将包裹送来(送到我们办公室)了. * Did you deliver my message to my father?你把我的信息传给我父亲了吗?②(a) [Tn.pr only passive 只用於被动语态]be ~ed of sb (fml文) give birth to (a child) 生(小孩儿): She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生了一个健康的男孩儿. (b) [Tn] help a mother to give birth to (a child) 协助产妇分娩; 助产; 接生: Her baby was delivered by her own doctor.她的婴儿是由她自己的医生给接生的. (c) [Tn.pr]~ oneself of sth(fml 文) state sth 发言; 发表: deliver oneself of an opinion, a judgement, etc发表意见﹑看法等.③[Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up/over) (to sb) (fml 文) give sth up; hand sth over; surrender sth 放弃某事物; 交出某物: deliver (up) a fortress to the enemy 弃守要塞任敌人占据* deliver over one's property to one's children把财产交给子女.④[Tn, Tn.pr] give (a lecture, sermon, speech, etc) 授(课); 讲(道); 讲(话): She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话.⑤[Tn, Tn.pr]~ sb (from sth) (arch古) rescue sb (from sth); save sb; free sb 拯救某人; 解救某人; 释放某人: May God deliver us from evil. 愿上帝拯救我们脱离罪恶.⑥(a) [Tn] throw or launch (sth) in flight; release 投掷, 发射(某物); 放出: In cricket, the ball is delivered overarm. 打板球时, 要举臂过肩掷球. * The missile is delivered from underground. 这种导弹由地下发射. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] give (a blow) 给予(打击): deliver a blow to the jaw 给颌部一击* (fig 比喻) The teacher delivered a sharp rebuke to the class.教师尖刻地申斥了全班学生.⑦(infml 口) (a) [I, Ipr]~ (on sth) give what is expected or promised 不负所望; 履行诺言: They promise to finish the job in June, but can they deliver (on that)?他们答应六月份完成这项工作, 但他们能说到做到吗? (b) [Tn] achieve (a level of performance) 达到(某一能力﹑性能等的水平): The new model delivers speed and fuel economy. 这种新型设计能提高速度﹑节约燃料. * If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired!你要是不能提高销售额, 就把你解雇!⑧(idm 习语) come up with/deliver the goods => goods.> deliverer n①person who delivers (deliver 1, 2, 3, 4) 递送者; 助产者; 述说者; 放弃者; 交付者; 授课者; 讲道者; 演讲者.②rescuer; saviour 拯救者; 救星.。

人教版高中英语必修四Unit1课文全解(常考单词、高频短语和写作句式)1.知识点扫描之词汇characteristic n.特征;特性scientific adj.科学的analyse vt.分析defeat vt.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加expert adj.熟练的;经验或知识丰富的n.专家physician n.医生;内科医师cure n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗challenge n.挑战vt.向……挑战victim n.受害者absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心suspect vt.怀疑n.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯enquiry n.询问pump n.泵;抽水机vt.(用泵)抽(水)handle n.柄;把手vt.处理;操纵firework n.烟火(燃放)positive adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的movement n.移动;运动;动作backward adv. & adj.向后地(的);相反地(的)spin vi.& vt.旋转;纺(纱或线)blame vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备2.词汇拓展conclude vt.&vi.(结束;推断出)conlusion n.(结论;结束)neighbourhood n.(附近;邻近)neighbour n.(邻居;邻近的人)expose vt.(暴露;揭露;使曝光)exposition n.(说明;解释;博览会)pollute vt.(污染;弄脏)pollution n.(污染)announce vt.(宣告;通告)announcement n.(宣告;通告;通知)instruct vt.(命令;指示;教导)instruction n.(命令;指示;说明书)construct vt.(建设;修建)construction n.(建设;建筑物)contribute vt.(捐献;贡献;捐助)contribution n.(贡献;捐助物;捐款)enthusiastic adj.(热情的;热心的)enthusiasm n.(热情;热心;热忱)reject vt.(拒绝;不接受;抛弃)rejection n.(拒绝;退回;废弃物))universe n.(宇宙;世界)universal adj.(宇宙的;全世界的;普遍的)3.重点短语know about 了解……情况(消息)make sense 讲得通;有意义put forward 提出draw a conclusion 得出结论expose…to 使显露apart from 除……之外;此外be to blame 应受责备的;应负责任的come to an end 结束;终止lead to 引起;造成;导致(be)strict with…对……严格的point of view 观点link…to…将……和……联系或连接起来4.重点句型1.neither…nor…既不……也不……2.…every time…每一次(引导时间状语从句)3.…not (never)…until…直到……才……5.难句解读1. What do you know about great scientists?你对伟大的科学家们有哪些了解?本句中know about意为“知道,了解”。

必修四unit1单元知识点必修四 Unit 1 单元知识点一、重点单词1、 achievement əˈtʃiːvmənt n 成就;功绩例句:The invention of the computer is a great achievement (计算机的发明是一项伟大的成就。
)常见搭配:make an achievement 取得成就2、welfare ˈwelfeə(r) n 福利;福利事业例句:The government should pay more attention to the welfare of the poor (政府应该更加关注穷人的福利。
)相关短语:welfare system 福利制度3、project ˈprɒdʒekt n 项目;工程;规划例句:They are working on a new project (他们正在进行一个新的项目。
)常见搭配:carry out a project 实施一个项目4、institute ˈɪnstɪtjuːt n 学会;学院;协会例句:The Institute of Technology offers various courses (这所技术学院提供各种课程。
)5、specialist ˈspeʃəlɪst n 专家;专业工作者例句:He is a specialist in heart diseases (他是心脏病方面的专家。
)6、 connection kəˈnekʃn n 连接;关系例句:There is a close connection between smoking and lung cancer (吸烟和肺癌之间有密切的联系。
)相关短语:in connection with 与有关7、campaign kæmˈpeɪn n 运动;战役 vi 作战;参加运动例句:They launched a campaign to raise money for charity (他们发起了一场为慈善筹款的运动。

The teacher inspired us to make great efforts.
inspire sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事
inspiration n. C 灵感;鼓舞人心的人/事
inspiring adj.令人鼓舞的;鼓舞人心的
inspired adj.深受鼓舞的
vi.行为, 举止(得体), 表现;有某种作用
You shold learn to behave.你应该学会举止得体。She behaved with great courage.她表现出了很大的勇气。My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。
The last paragraph refers to the events of last year.
He never refered to his sister in his letters.
If you don't know the spelling of a word, you should refer tngs
I am a human being.
human being (c) 人类
mankind 人类
Without the light and warmth of the sun,there would be neither plants nor human beings.
reference n. 提及;参考;查阅
reference book
support vt.& n. 支持;供养;拥护;资助;支持

BOOK4 UNIT2 WORDSstatistic n. (常用pl statistics) 数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料Phrases:statistics of population 人口数据statistics shows that····据统计····Points:该词在表意为“统计学(学科)”时,谓语用单数,表意为“统计资料”时,谓语用复数,两个意思其形式同样为“statistics”struggle vi. & n.斗争;拼搏;努力Phrases:struggle···for···为···而奋斗struggle···against···与···斗争struggle···with···与···并肩作战;与···斗争(= struggle···against···)struggle to do sth 奋斗去做···※ struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来Points:与struggle前三点用法完全一样的单词还有:fight,campaign,battledecade cn.十年;十年期Usages:one decade 一年 two decade s两年Phrases:in the next decade(s) 在接下来的(数)十年里For decades 历经了几十年crop cn.庄稼;农作物;产量Phrases:have a good/bad (poor) crop 丰(欠)收cash crop 经济作物hunger un.饥饿;欲望vi. & vt.(使)饥饿Phrases:die of hunger 饿死Have a hunger 渴望Hunger for 渴望Derivative:hungry adj.饥饿的Phrases:be hungry for 渴望gone hungry 挨饿disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的Phrases:a disturbing problem 一个令人烦恼的问题Derivative:disturb v.打扰;扰乱disturber n.打扰者disturbance n.打扰expand vt. & vi.使变大;伸展Phrases:Heat expands metals. 热涨金属expand reproduction (n.再生产) 扩大再生产expand on sth 详细叙述某事Derivative:expansion n.扩大circulate vt. & vi.循环;流传Phrases: blood circulates through the body 血液循环Derivative:circulation. n.传播;通货Phrases:in circulation 在传播中Put sth into circulation 将···投入通货Vietnam n.越南 (东南亚国家)Derivative:Vietnamese n.越南人Thanks to ph. 幸亏;由于;因为Usages:thanks to one’s help 幸亏有某人的帮助Points:※同样表示“因为”意思的短语有:because of , as a result of , due to , owing to , on account ofAdd in:对比短语thanks for···因···而感谢battle n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗Phrases:accept the battle 应战Gain a battle 获得战斗的胜利rid vt.摆脱;除去 [rid/ridded (pt) - rid/ridded (pp) ridding (p.pr)]Phrases: rid of 使···摆脱或除去Rid sb/onesrlf of all worries 使某人摆脱忧虑Rid the house of mice 把老鼠赶出房子Be rid of 去掉;戒掉(表状态)Get rid of 去掉;戒掉(表动作)Be satisfied with ph.对···感到满意Synonym: be pleased withfreedom n.自由;自主Phrases: have the freedom to do sth 有自由做某事Freedom of speech 言论自由would rather ph.宁愿;宁可Usages: would rather (not) do A than do B 宁愿(不)做A也不做Bwould rather (not) do sth 宁可(不)做···would rather that + 从句①therefore adv.因此;所以;因而Points: 和thus同义,且两者都是副词,使用时需要注意不能将其用法与连词混淆mineral n.矿物;矿物Phrases: mineral water 矿泉水①从句需要用虚拟语态,且虚拟结构为时态往后退一步;需特别注意特殊情况:将来时再此结构运用中退为过去式,其他不变equip vt. & vi.配备;装备 [equipped (pt) – equipped (pp) equipping (p.pr)]Phrases: equip···with···用···装备···②···be equipped with···某物被装备···equip sb for sth 使某人能够做某事grain un.谷物;粮食;颗粒export vt. & vi.输出;出口n.出口品Antonym: input n.进口;进口品nationality n.国籍;民族;族Phrases: the minority (adj.少数的) nationalities 少数民族Usages: 提问:What’s your nationality ? 你的国籍是什么?回答: I’m of Chinese nationality./My nationality is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国。