Tulip Inn-PPT

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> Branche dining concept is Golden Tulip Hospitality Group Features > Each Tulip Inn provides full-time food or coffee and bar service > Recipes covers public preferences as to attract local visitors and hotel guests > The inspiration of the brand concept is born of nature. > Jazz music Themes
亚太地区 Asia Pacific 39 Hotels
数据截至 2013 update 2013
品牌简介 Brand Overview • 品牌概览 Brand Overview
> Tulip Inn作为金郁金香旗下中高端品牌,以舒适、好客和物超所值作为 品牌文化,为宾客提供4星级的舒适服务; > 其目标客户群集中在商务及休闲旅客; > 酒店选址主要位于便捷的市中心或交通枢纽中心及优良的旅游地区; > Tulip Inn, as the intermediate-scale brand within Golden Tulip’s portfolio, chooses comfortable, welcoming and value for money as its brand culture. It is committed to provide customers a 4-star service. > The target group concentrates on business and leisure travelers. > The hotel is located in a convenient location for major transportation hub or excellent tourist areas.
• 可持续发展 Sustainable Development
> 目的是实现绿色地球家园 > The aim is to achieve a GreenБайду номын сангаасPlanet.
卢浮宫 金郁金香酒店集团
指引 Index
1. 品牌概述 Who is Tulip Inn
2. 品牌特质 Our Specificities 3. 核心竞争力 Core Competitiveness
4. 酒店巡礼 Our Hotels
使命 Mission
酒店业品牌的公司 A Company of Winning
品牌简介 Brand Overview • 全球发展规模 Planisphere
俄罗斯 Russia 1 Hotel 欧 洲 Europe 964 Hotels 北美洲 North America 1 Hotel 非 洲 Africa 34 Hotels 南美洲 South America 34 Hotels 中东地区 Middle East 41 Hotels
> Since entering in China in 2008, the group has a rapid development where there are 35 hotels opened or signed, with more than 11,000 rooms. The group is entrusted with assets of more than 8 billion Yuan. > It is expected to have 50 hotels in 2015. These hotels will be primarily located in the major cities and coastal areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen and Sanya, etc.
品牌特质 Our Specificities
品牌特质 Our Specificities
天然材质 Natural Materials
灵活运用空间 Smart Design in Small Space
品牌特质 Our Specificities • 餐饮理念 Catering Concept > Branche 餐饮理念是金郁金香酒店集团的特色 > 每间Tulip Inn酒店均提供全日餐美食亦提咖啡、酒吧服务 > 菜谱涵盖大众的喜好,吸引本地宾客及酒店客人 > 品牌理念源于大自然的原乡灵感 > 以爵士音乐为主题
• 伙伴关系 Partnership
> 与所有股东(开发商、业主、员工、客人) 保持合作伙伴关系开展工作 > 与所有股东、客人和业主保持透明性、有效沟通 > Maintaining partnerships with all stakeholders (developers, owners, staff and guests) > Maintaining the transparency and effective communication with all shareholders, guests and owners
Hospitality Brands
品牌简介 Brand Overview
Since 1976
Since 1962
>全球第8大, 欧洲第二大酒店集团 >隶属于喜达屋资本财团 >6大不同品牌组合, 由1至6星级
>44个国家1,114 家酒店, 逾100,000间客房
>19,000 位雇员 >8st Hospitality Group in the world, 2nd in Europe. >Belongs to Starwood Capital Group. >The portfolio contains 6 brands, from 1 to 6-star. >1114 hotels in 44 nations and regions, for more than 100,000 rooms. >19,000 employees.
核心价值 Core Value • 全球网络 Global Network
> 我们创造了集当地与国际网络优势的网络销售中心,实现“全球+当地” 式的网络科技订房平台 > we create an online sales center which combines the advantages of both local and international network, so as to achieve a network technology platform for reservation in "the global and local" type.
品牌简介 Brand Overview • 中国发展概览Development in China
标识 已开设酒店 建设中酒店 商议中酒店
数据截至 2013 update 2013
品牌特质 Our Specificities • 品牌定位 Brand Positioning
> Tulip Inn致力于为顾客提供功能完善的的一流客房设施、高品质服务以及 物超所值的入住体验; > 酒店客房时尚而现代,所有客房的设计均遵循人体工程学原理;客房布局 力求最大化使用空间。同时,在能源利用方面,秉承高效利用能源,减少 废物产生以及建设环保建筑的宗旨。 > Brand is committed to provide customers with best full-featured room amenities, high-quality service and value for money during every stay. > Tulip Inn’s design is fashion and modern. All rooms are designed to follow ergonomic. Guest room layout makes every effort to maximize the use of space. Meanwhile, in the use of energy, Tulip Inn adhering to the efficient use of energy, to reduce waste and to the construction of green buildings.
核心价值 Core Value • 文化结合 Culture Combination
>致力于当地员工的发展 >与当今科技的发展的同步结合 >新锐市场营销当地化 >当地文化与国际标准相结合 >Commitment of the development of local staff >Synchronization with the development of new technology >Localization of new marketing >Combination of local culture and international standards
品牌特质 Our Specificities
舒适Comfort 时尚fashion 新鲜fresh 开放open
品牌特质 Our Specificities
核心价值 Core Value
• 专业品质 Professional Qualities
> > > > 尊荣关注的服务准则 欧洲酒店业的传统、专业及热诚与亚洲服务的完美结合 Service standards focus on Honor The perfect combination of traditional, professional and dedicated European and Asian hotel industry services
品牌简介 Brand Overview • 未来发展 Future development
> 自2008年进入中国以来,集团发展迅速,已开业及签约共计35家酒店, 客房数逾11,000间,受委托管理的酒店资产超过80亿元。 > 预计2015年旗下将有共50家酒店。这些酒店将主要分布在沿海及主要城 市如北京、上海、广州、成都、深圳、三亚等。
品牌特质 Our Specificities • 品牌定位 Brand Positioning
> 酒店内还设有Tulip Inn特有的概念餐厅、酒吧+酒廊+咖啡 Branche。同 时,所有酒店均配有会议室。无论是商务还是休闲宾客,都会喜欢这里 充满生机、品位独具的宜人氛围。 > Tulip Inn均提供高速上网服务、丰盛的全日餐、选择丰富的有线和卫星电 视频道、房内咖啡机和特快退房服务等; > The hotel also features a unique brand concept restaurant, bar + lounge + Café named Branche. Meanwhile all hotels are equipped meeting rooms. Whether for business or leisure guests will enjoy vibrant here, taste the unique and pleasant atmosphere. > Tulip Inn hotel offers high-speed Internet service, a rich breakfast buffet, selection of cable and satellite TV channels, in-room coffee maker and express check-out services, etc.