新牛津译林七下英语Unit 6 Intergrated skills 课件

What outdoor activity would you like to try?
Do you want to fly a kite?
Do you like flying kites?
Do you know how to make a kite?
Do you know the history of Chinese kites?
More information
• 中文名: 马可· 波罗 (1254~1324) • 外文名: Marco Polo • 国籍: 意大利 (Italy) • 职业: 旅行家、商人
• 成就: 《马可· 波罗游记》
The travels of Marco Polo 欧洲人撰写的第一部详尽描绘 中国历史、文化和艺术的游记
Teaching aims
学习目标: 1. 能总听力材料中获取有关风筝的信息。 2. 能用正确的语言谈论户外活动。 学习内容: 词汇:wood period century excited mobile phone dynasty Italian province 词组:make a bird out of wood use bamboo to make kites in the 13th century
背景知识 风筝,也称“纸鸢” 鹞子”。制作时用细竹扎 成骨架,再糊薄纸,系以长线或长绳,玩时利用风力 升入空中,造型有兽、鸟、虫、鱼等,现有以塑料代 替纸竹的。放风筝是中国民间传统体育项目,现已成 为ー项国际比赛项目。相传在战国 时期,墨子以木 头制成最早的风筝。后来他的学生鲁班用竹子改进墨 子的风筝材质,制成多线风筝。东汉的蔡伦改进了造 纸术,于是人们开始用纸来制造风筝。13世纪,意大 利人马可•波罗来到中国,回国后把风筝介绍到西方。 在明清两代,放风筝成为民间主要的户外休闲活动之 一。山东省潍坊市的放风筝活动闻名遐迩,当地设有 国际风筝节。

There are five children in my family. I am the fifth child of my family.
序数词通常和the 连用
他是第一个到达校的学生。 He is the first student to get to school.
in Fifth Street!
the CN Tower Canada's National Tower Toronto, Canada
the UBKig Ben 英国大本钟
Big Ben
Red Square Russia
Fill in the blanks
• 富士山是日本国内最高峰,被日本人民誉 为“圣岳”,是日本民族的象征。
Unit1 Dream Homes
Question: How many countries do you know? Can you tell us the names of the countries?
the USA France
the UK Russia
Mount Fuji 富士山
Japan 日本
the White House
the USA
France 法国
The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
•1、多少白发翁,蹉跎悔歧路。寄语少年人,莫将少年误。 •2、三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。2021/11/12021/11/12021/11/111/1/2021 10:03:20 AM •3、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人4、智力教育就是要扩大人的求知范围 •5、教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。 •6、要经常培养开阔的胸襟,要经常培养知识上诚实的习惯,而且要经常学习向自己的思想负责任。2021年11月 2021/11/12021/11/12021/11/111/1/2021

三一文库()〔牛津译林版七年级下册英语电子书〕*篇一:新目标英语七年级下册教材电子书Unit1*篇二:2013新外研版七年级下英语全册课文电子版2013新外研版七年级下英语全册课文Module1LostandfoundUnit1Whosebagisthis?MsLi:Welcomebacktoschooleveryone!Firstofall,comeand lookinthelostandfoundbox!Therearealotofthingsinit.Whosebagisthis Lingling:Ohsorry!It’smine.Aremycrayonstheretoo?MsLi:Arethesecrayonsyour s?Lingling:Yes,theyareandthiserasertoo.Thankyou.MsLi:MsLi:Tony:MsLi:Daming:MsLi:Daming:Whosetapesarethese?Daming:They’remine.Here’sapurplewallet!It’smine.Look!Here’smyname―Tony‖!Thankyou.You’rewelcome!Lookatthisnicewatch.Isityourstoo,Daming?N o,itisn’t.Ithinkit’sBetty’s.Lingling:Yes,it’shers.Everyone,pleasebecarefulwithyourthingsfromnow on.Herearesomenicegloves.Whoseglovesarethey?MsLi:Le tmesee...Oh,they’remine!Thankyou!Unit2Aretheyyours?TheLostandFoundOfficeinNewYorkCityWelcometotheNewYorkCityLostandFoundOffice.Peopleoft enlosethingswhenthey’retravellingorwhenthey’reinahurry.Theyleavethingsonplanes,ontrains,onbuses andintaxis.That’swhytherearelostandfoundofficesatairportsandstation s.TheNewYorkCityLostandFoundOfficeisverybig.Hundredso fpeoplecomehereeveryday.Theyarelookingfortheirphone s,cameras,watches,computersandmanyotherthings.Weusu allyhaveabouttwothousandmobilephonesandonethousandc ameras.Atthemoment,therearealsosomestrangethingsattheNewYo rkCityLostandFoundOffice.Thereareaboutahundredbikes andalargeboat.Therearealsoalotofanimals.Thisweek,therearethreedogs,twoducksandapig! Whosearethey?Aretheyyours?Wedon’tknow!Areyoulookingforfifteenkilosofsausages?They’reheretoo!Module2Whatcanyoudo?Unit1Icanplaythepiano.Daming:Look!Thenewclubsforthistermareontheboard.I’dliketojointheMusicClubbecauseIcanplaythepiano.Whataboutyou,Betty?Betty:Ilikecooking,soIcanjointheFoodandDrinkClub.Ca nyoucook,Daming?Daming:No,Ican’t.Well,Icancookeggs,butthat’sall.WhataboutLingling?Whichclubcanshejoin?Betty:Ithinkshe’dliketojointheDancingClubbecauseshecandancereally well.Tony,howaboutyou?Tony:Daming:I’dliketojointheChineseClub.Ican’tspeakChineseverywell.Don’tworryaboutChinese.WecanteachyouChinese!Sochoose yourfavouriteclub.Tony:OKthen..Iplaytabletennis,soIchoosetheTableTenn isClub.That’smyfavourite!Unit2Icanrunreallyfast.It’sthestartofthenewtermandwe’rechoosingournewmonitors.I’dliketobetheclassmonitor.Igetonwellwitheveryone,cla ssmatesandteachers.Iworkveryhard,andIdowellatschool .I’mkindandI’malwaysreadytohelpothers.Icanevenhelpteacherstoo.Ch oosemeasyourclassmonitorandIpromisetohelpYOU!IwanttobethePEmonitor.Ienjoysport,andIcanrunreallyf ast.I’mreallyfitandhealthy.Justwatchmeintheplaygroundbetw eenlessons!Iplaymostballgameswell.ButI’mreallygoodatfootball,andIplaybasketballintheschool team.Iusuallygetthebestscoreineverymatch.Choosemefo rthePEmonitorandyoucangetthebestscoretoo!I’dliketobethecleaningmonitor.Ioftenhelpmymotherdocle aningathomeandIlikeacleanandtidyhouse.I’msureeverybodywouldlikeacleanclassroom,justlikehome .Choosemeandwecanmakeourclassroombeautiful.Module3MakingplansUnit1Whatareyougoingtodoattheweekend?Betty:Daming:Whatareyougoingtodoattheweekend,Daming?OnSat urdaymorning,I’mgoingtocheckmyemailanddomy homework.ThenI’mgoingtohelpwiththehousework.Whatareyougoingtodo,Betty?Betty:Daming:Betty:I’mgoingtoseeamovieintheafternoon.Youcancometoo.Sure! Whoelseisgoingtobethere?Nobody.Linglingisgoingtohav eapianolesson,soshecan’tcomewithus,butonSundayafternoon,LinglingandIaregoingtoh aveapicnic.Wouldyouliketojoinus?Daming:Betty:Tony:Betty:Tony:Betty:Yes,I’dloveto.Arewegoingtomeethere?No,wearen’t.Wearegoingtomeetintheparkatoneo’clock.Hi,everyone!Hi,Tony.Whatareyourplansforthewee kend?Nothing.I’mgoingtostayathomealone.Don’tbesilly!You’regoingtocomewithus.It’sgoingtobeafantasticweekend!Unit2WearegoingtocheertheplayersWhatareyougoingtodo?AI’mlookingforwardtothefootballmatchtomorrow.Myfriends andIaregoingtowatchourfavouriteteam.We’regoingtomeetotherfans,andmakesomenewfriends.We’reallgoingtoweartheteamshirt,andwe’regoingtocheertheplayers.Ihopetheywinthematch!-------MartinBI’mgoingtoenjoymyselfduringtheMayDayholiday.Onthemorn ingof1stMay,I’mgoingtogetuplateandthenreadabook.IntheafternoonI’mgoingoutwithmyfamilyandfriends.We’regoingtotakeawalkinthecountryorgoswimming.Andon2st Maywe’regoingtocollectlitterintheparknearmyfriend’shouse.It’sgoingtobeagreatholiday------busybutgoodfun!------ZhangSijiaCUsuallyIspendtheSummerholidayathome,butthisyearisgo ingtobeverydifferentbecauseI’mgoingonasummercampinSydney,Australia.I’mgoingtostaywithanAustralianfamilyandspeakEnglish.W e’realsogoingsightseeingandgoingtohaveapicniconthebea ch.-------LucyModule4LifeinthefutureUnit1Everyonewillstudyathome.MsLi:Daming:MsLi:Daming:Willschoolsbedifferentinthefuture,Daming?Yes ,therewill!Intwentyyearstime,maybetherewon’tbeanyschools!Howwillstudentslearnthen?Everyonewillstudyathome.StudentswillusecomputersandgetinformationontheInternet.TheycanasktheirteachersbyI nternet,telephoneoremail.Betty:Well,I’mnotsure.Yes,studentswillusecomputers,butschoolisgo odfun,andyoucanmakefriendsthere.Andteacherscancheckth estudents’puterswon’tdothat.Tony:Yes.Teacherswon’tuseonablackboardandstudentswon’tusepensandpaper,orerasersanymore!Lingling:Great!Willstudentshavealotofhomeworktodo?Tony:Daming:No,theywon’t.They’llhavealotoffreetime!That’llbegreat!Unit2Everyfamilywillhaveasmallplane.Whatwilllifebelikeinthefuture?Howwillthingschange?H erearesomeideas.Whichoneswillcometrue?AInthefuture,achangeofweatherwon’tmeanachangeofclothes.We’llwearanewkindofclothes.They’llbewarmwhenwe’recold,andcoolwhenwe’rehot.BThere’llbenomorelightrainandcoldwindinspring.Theweatherwi llbequitewarmorevenhotallyear,withheavyrainandwind. Thesealevelwillriseaswell.CWewon’ttravelbybusorbikeanymore.Everyfamilywillhaveasmall plane.Nomoreexpensivecars-it’llbecheaptotraveleverywherebyplane,notonlyoverland, butalsoovertheseaorevenintospace.Maybethere’llbetrafficjamsintheair.DDoyoulikelongholidays?Well,you’regoingtolikethefuturebecausemachinesandrobotswilldoalltheheavyanddifficultjobs, andwe’llonlydolightandeasywork.Workinghourswillbeshortsop eoplewillhavelongholidays.Module5ShoppingUNIT1WhatcanIdoforyou?(Intheshop)ShopWorker:Lingling:WhatcanIdoforyou?IdliketobuyaT-shirtformym um.Whatcolourdoesshelike?Purple.Allright.Whatsizedoesshetake?Small.Whataboutthisone?MayItryiton?Certainly.Lookattheprice.Its198yuan.Thatstoomuch.Butwaitaminute!Theresasaleontoday.Everythingishalfp rice.OK!Illtakeit.Shopworker:Lingling;Shopworker:Lingling:Shopworker:Lingling:Shopworker:Lingling:Shopworke r:Lingling:(Inthemarket)Lingling:Ivegotsomefoodtobuytoo.*篇三:牛津译林版七年级下册unit12015年寒假一加一教育七年级英语讲义(一)Unit1Comicstrip&Welcometotheunit&reading编写人:蔡丹丹审核人:张万丽2015/2/2【预习目标】1.根据单词表,预习课本第6~7页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。
牛津译林版英语七年级下册 牛津译林版英语七年级下册

2021-2022学年七年级下册期末冲刺满分(牛津译林版)书面表达(一)学校将要举办以"My dream home"为话题的英文演讲比赛,请你根据所给提示写一篇演讲稿,向同学们介绍你理想的家园。
My dream homeHello, everyone! I'd like to tell you about my dream home._________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:My dream homeHello, everyone! I'd like to tell you about my dream home, It's a big house with three floors. There are many flowers and trees around it. I can smell flowers and hear birds sing in the morning. It's in a small town twenty miles from the city centreThere is a hospital, a shopping mall and many restaurants near my home. My school isn't far from my home, so I walk to school every day. My neighbours are friendly and helpful. They often help me with many problems. At weekends, I often go shopping with my friends when I'm free. Sometimes, my classmates and I join in the community activities. We visit old people and do some cleaning for them. That's all. Thanks for listening.(二)俗话说"远亲不如近邻”,邻居对我们的生活非常重要。

1. What differences are there
between Neil’s house and yours?
2. Which do you like better, Neil’s
house or your own house? Why?
1.Is Daniel at home? Speak up No, he‟s not at home. Simon is very happy today 2.Who‟s talking with Simon? because he has a new home. Daniel‟s father. So he’s calling Daniel. 3.Where is Simon calling? thehis tape and He‟sListen calling to from new home. 4.What does Simon ask Daniel‟s father answer the questions. to do? To ask Daniel to call him back. 5. What‟s his new telephone number? It‟s 5557 2188.
Let’s see which group does the best.
1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class.
我们用中文打电话,在开始打招呼 时,有时可以连喊几声“喂,喂”,但 用英语打电话,只需说一次 Hello 就够 了。(尽管我们把 Hello 译成中文是 “喂”) 接电话时,接在 Hello 之后,一般 (但不一定)是先报自己姓名或电话号码, 以便让对方知道你是谁。如 Hello, this is 223547. Hello, this is Pat Wilson„s phone. Hello, (this is)Jim speaking.

Words and expressions
n. 英里 n. 花园,果园 n. 公寓,套房 n. <英>中心 = <美> center living room n. 起居室,客厅 share vt. 合用;分享 share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物
What kind of home do you have now? Which is your favourite place in your home? Why? What kind of home do you want to live in? Why?
We know soto much about own Now listen three blogsour written homes. by students from different countries and what the homes names Do you want totell learn about ofother the students are. in countries? Their names are Neil, Anna and Stephen.
mile garden flat centre
Words and expressions
bedroom own bathroom balcony beach sea dining room n. 卧室 adj. 自己的 n. 浴室,盥洗室 n. 阳台 n. 海滩 n. 海 n. 餐厅
Mount Fuji
Read the second blog and answer the questions.

知识点 1 Would you like…? 你愿意/想……? 考向 Would you like…?表示用委婉的语气向对方提出
肯定回答常用:(1)Yes, please. (2)Yes, I'd love(like) to. (3)That's a good/ great idea.
world. 3. Every year there are many travellers coming to oouwr n
拓展 capital作名词还可意为“大写字母”。 eg:The child writes his name in capitals. 这个孩子用大写字母写他的名字。
典例 Can you tell me the c_a_p__it_a_l __ (首都) of Canada?(阜康)
一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1. My sister's __d_r_e_a_m__ (梦想) home is in a quiet city. 2. My father likes to visit differentp_a_l_a_c_e_s__ (宫殿) all over the
the UK the 6
the CN Tower
Big Ben
Red Square
B) Simon's cousin,Annie,is asking Simon questions about the places in Part A.Work in pairs and talk about them. Use the conversation below as a model. The capital of each country is listed in the box below.

Cardinal numbers 1 = one 11 = eleven 2 = two 12 = twelve 3 = three 13 = thirteen doing a test on B1 Millie 4 = four 19is = nineteen numbers. at the numbers twenty 5 = five 20 =Look below and her write the 6 = six 21 = help twenty-one numbers out in words. (P 12) seven 7= 30 = thirty 8 = eight 40 = forty 9 = nine 100 = a hundred 10 = ten 101 = a hundred and one
Hale Waihona Puke Ordinal numbers 1st = first 11th = eleventh 2nd = second 12th = twelfth 3rd = third 19th = nineteenth 4th = fourth 20th = twentieth 5th = fifth 21st = twenty-first 6th = sixth 22nd = twenty-second 7th = seventh 23rd = twenty-third 8th = eighth 30th = thirtieth 9th = ninth 40th = fortieth 10th = tenth 100th = a hundredth
Lead–in 1
Lead–in 2
What numbers can you see?
Objectives To learn cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers To learn the new words and useful expressions
牛津译林版七下英语课件:Unit 7 Abilities Comic str

Act out the dialogue
Lei Feng
He’s polite and helpful.
the elderly
a home for the elderly
What are they doing?
They are visiting a home for the elderly.
Name: My name is … Age: I’m … years old. Abilities: I can…I often…
1.Review what we learnt today.
2.Preview the reading A Brave Young Man.
Unit 7 Abilities
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Yao Ming
He can play basketball.
Playing basketball is his ability.
Jay Chou
He can sing.
Singing is his ability.
Liu Xiang
He can run. Running is his ability.
What abilities do they have?
He can play table tennis.
He can play football.
He can swim.
They can plant trees.
Make a dialogue in pairs:

牛津译林版七年级下册英语电子书篇一:新目标英语七年级下册教材电子书Unit1篇二:2019新外研版七年级下英语全册课文电子版2019新外研版七年级下英语全册课文Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lostand found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you.Ms Li:Ms Li:Tony:Ms Li:Daming:Ms Li:Daming: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine. Here’s a purple wallet! It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you. You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too,Daming? No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see...Oh, they’re mine! Thank you!Unit2 Are they yours?The Lost and Found Office in New York CityWelcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras.At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot ofanimals. This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! Whose are they? Are they yours? We don’t know! Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? They’re here too!Module 2 What can you do?Unit 1 I can play the piano.。
牛津译林版七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities课件

hurt adj. 受伤的
in hospital 住院
Match the words on the left with the
meanings on the right.
1. brave 2. alone 3. rush 4. put out 5. burn 6. at that moment
a. run quickly b. just then c. hurt someone with
Lin Tao: Yes, I did. I poured water over my clothes.
Reporter: Were you __a_f_r_a_id_ at that moment?
Lin Tao: Yes, a little. Reporter: How long did you stay in
When there is a fire, we should cover our bodies with wet blankets and rush out of the flat quickly.
新牛津译林七下英语Unit 2 Study skills 课件

4. When two consonant sounds of two words meet, we sometimes do not need to pronounce the first consonant sound. best time sit down a big cake
A Listen carefully. See how you can link the following words together. Then practise saying them.
Unit 2 Neighbours
1. Is there a community centre in your neighbourhood?
2. What do your neighbours do?
3. Do you think it’s helpful to have a
community centre?
Linking sounds
We often link sounds together when we speak English. There are four different ways of linking sounds together.
1. We usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound.
The volunteers would like to do anything to
help us.
Words and expression
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牛津译林版七年级下册英语电子书xx新外研版七年级下英语全册课文Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?Ms Li: Wele back to school everyone! First of all, e and look in the lostand found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li:Ms Li:Tony:Ms Li:Daming:Ms Li:Daming: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine. Here’s a purple wallet! It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you. You’re wele! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Everyone, please be careful with your thingsfrom now on. Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see...Oh, they’re mine! Thank you!Unit2 Are they yours?The Lost and Found Office in New York CityWele to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people e here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, puters and many other things. We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras. At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot ofanimals. This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! Whose are they? Are they yours? We don’t know! Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? They’re here too! Module 2 What can you do?Unit 1 I can play the piano.Daming: Look ! The new clubs for this term are on the board. I’d like to join theMusic Club because I can play the piano. What about you, Betty?Betty: I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club. Can you cook,Daming ?Daming: No, I can’t. Well, I can cook eggs, but that’s all. What about Lingling?Which club can she join?Betty: I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance reallywell .Tony , how about you?Tony:Daming: I’d like to join the Chinese Club. I can’t speak Chinese very well. Don’t worry about Chinese. We can teach you Chinese! So chooseyour favourite club.Tony:OK then. .I play table tennis, so I choose the Table Tennis Club. That’s my favourite!Unit2 I can run really fast.It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors.I’d like to be the class monitor. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. I work very hard, and I do well at school .I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. I can even help teachers too. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU!I want to be the PE monitor .I enjoy sport, and I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy. Just watch me in the playground between lessons! I play most ball games well. But I’m really good at football, and I play basketball in the school team. I usually get the best score in every match. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!I’d like to be the cleaning monitor. I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a clean and tidy house. I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful.Module 3 Making plansUnit 1What are you going to do at the weekend?Betty:Daming: What are you going to do at the weekend, Daming?On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my email and do myhomework. Then I’m going to help with the housework. What are yougoing to do, Betty?Betty:Daming:Betty: I’m going to see a movie in the afternoon. You can e too. Sure! Who else is going to be there?Nobody. Lingling is going to have a piano lesson, so she can’t ewith us, but on Sunday afternoon, Lingling and I are going to have apiic. Would you like to join us?Daming:Betty:Tony:Betty:Tony:Betty: Yes, I’d love to. Are we going to meet here?No, we aren’t. We are going to meet in the park at one o’clock. Hi, everyone!Hi, Tony. What are your plans for the weekend? Nothing. I’m going to stay at home alone.Don’t be silly! You’re going to e with us. It’s going to be a fantasticweekend!Unit 2 We are going to cheer the playersWhat are you going to do?AI’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow. My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. We’re going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. We’re all going to wear the team shirt, and we’re going to cheer the players.I hope they win the match!-------MartinBI’m going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. On the morning of 1st May, I’m going to get up late and then read a book. In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends. We’re going to take a walk in the country or go swimming. And on 2st May we’re going to collect litter in the park near my friend’s house. It’s going to be a great holiday------busy but good fun!------Zhang Sijia CUsually I spend the Summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. I’m going to stay with an Australianfamily and speak English. We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a piic on the beach.-------Lucy Module 4 Life in the futureUnit 1 Everyone will study at home.Ms Li:Daming:Ms Li:Daming: Will schools be different in the future, Daming? Yes, there will! In twenty years time, maybe there won’t be any schools! How will students learn then? Everyone will study at home. Students will use puters and getinformation on the Inter. They can ask their teachers by Inter,telephone or email.Betty: Well, I’m not sure. Yes, students will use puters, but school is goodfun, and you can make friends there. And teachers can check thestudents’ level and will help them. Computers won’t do that. Tony: Yes. Teachers won’t use on a blackboard and students won’t use pensand paper, or erasers any more!Lingling: Great! Will students have a lot of homework to do? Tony:Daming: No, they won’t. They’ll have a lot of free time! That’ll be great!Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.What will life be like in the future? How will things change? Here are some ideas. Which ones will e true?A In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes. We’ll wear a new kind of clothes. They’ll be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot.B There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring. The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year, with heavy rain and wind. The sea level will rise as well.C We won’t travel by bus or bike any more. Every family will have a small plane. No more expensive cars - it’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space. Maybe there’ll be traffic jams in the air.D Do you like long holidays? Well, you’re going to like the future becausemachines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs, and we’ll only do light and easy work. Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.Module 5 ShoppingUNIT 1 What can I do for you?(In the shop)Shop Worker:Lingling: What can I do for you? I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.What colour does she like?Purple.All right .What size does she take ?Small.What about this one ?May I try it on?Certainly.Look at the price .It's 198 yuan .That's too much.But wait a minute !There's a sale on today .Everything is half price.OK! I'll take it . Shop worker: Lingling; Shop worker: Lingling: Shop worker: Lingling: Shop worker: Lingling: Shop worker: Lingling:(In the market)Lingling:I've got some food to buy too.xx年寒假一加一教育七年级英语讲义(一)Unit1 Comic strip&Wele to the unit &reading 编写人:蔡丹丹审核人:张万丽 xx/2/2【预习目标】1.根据单词表,预习课本第6~7页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。