
A.How are you ? B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thanks.
6. “我是玛丽。”对应的英文是:_C_______
A. How am I B.I am Mary C. I’m Mary
7.当别人对你说:“Good afternoon!”时,你应回答“B—
our teacher their friends our classroom our chairs your friends their pens
Who is your friend? My friend is… …is my friend.
This is my…
This is his… This is her…
2. morning Good
__G__o_o_d__m__o__r_n_i_n_g__. __________
3. my pencil that is
4. blue eraser this a is
( A)9. A. evening B. morning C. afternoon ( B)10.A. your B. you C. I
I you he she it we they my your his her its our their
This is a new car.
This is my new bag.
That is his blue pencil-case. 这是我的狗。 This is my dog.

(完整word版)剑桥少儿英语一级上册Unit1 Hello!I’m Sam单词:pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler尺子book 书bag包eraser橡皮new新的my我的your你的his他的her她的our我们的their他们的board写字板sand沙子mat垫子map地图party聚会time时间cousin堂,表(兄弟姐妹)show展示句型:1. Hello, your name, please?你好,你叫什名字?2. Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书。
3. Show me your pen!让我看看你的钢笔。
4. Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!音标:Aa/?/Unit 2 It’s a goat.单词:sheep绵羊horse马chicken小鸡cow奶牛goat山羊rabbit兔子fish 鱼turtle乌龟frog 青蛙lizard 蜥蜴world世界smile 微笑tail尾巴love爱句型:1.It’s a long tail.这是一条长尾巴。
2. Smile, please!请笑一笑。
3.—What’s this, Mr. Li?—李先生,这是什么?—It’s a goat.—它是一只山羊。
4.Let me try.让我试一下。
音标:Ee /e/Unit3 I like apples.单词:fruit水果apple苹果banana香蕉orange橘子peach桃watermelon西瓜grape葡萄mango芒果grapefruit柚子coconut 椰子pineapple菠萝pear梨peach桃子lemon柠檬favourite最喜爱的want想要eat吃mop拖把fox狐狸cock公鸡doctor医生句型:1.—What would you like, sir?你想要什么,先生?—I want some apples.我想要一些苹果。

Unit1 Hello,I’m Sam第1单元我是萨姆1 let’s do it.1 做一做Hello,your,name,please?你好,请问你的名字是?I’m Sam.我是萨姆Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!This is my new pencil!这是我的新铅笔!Hi! I’m Pat.你好!我的帕特。
I’m An Qi.我是安琪。
Hi! I’m ZhangXin.你好!我是张新。
he llo! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露丝。
My new book!我的新书!My new book!我的新书!4 Look,listen,read and learn4 看,听,读,学!apple bag cat sand hat Dan Lan Fan Pat Sam苹果,书包,猫咪,沙子,帽子,丹,兰,方,萨姆8 Let’s sing and dance.让我们唱歌跳舞。
Hello!Hello! Your name,please? Your name,please?你好!你好!请说出你的姓名?你的姓名?Hello!Hello! Your name,please? Your name,please?你好!你好!请说出你的姓名?你的姓名?I’m Sam.我是萨姆I’m Sam.我是萨姆Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!9 Listen, chant and act.听,朗诵,表演。
My friends are your friends.我的朋友就是你的朋友。
Your friends are my friends.你的朋友就是我的朋友。

Unit 5 Hokey and Pokey
• You put your right hand in , you take your hand out . • You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about. • You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around • That‟s what it‟s all about.
Unit 2 Let‟s sing
• • • • Old MacDonald had a farm , E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a cow , E-I-E-I-O. With a moo ,moo here ;and a moo,moo there Here a moo,there a moo,everywhere a moo,moo • Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Unit 7 Let‟s chant and sing
• • • • • Two little red apples are on a tree. I look at them and they look at me Come down, please! Come down, please! They fall on my head and drop at my feet
Unit 3 Let‟s sing
• I like to eat apple and banana • I like to eat lemon and coconut
Unit 4 chant and sing what‟s in the hat ? What‟s in the hat ? Rulers, pens, books and pencils What‟s in the hat ? What‟s in the hat ? Flowers , socks , birds and cars

4/9 1 Unit 1(1) name[ neim ]名字(2)pen[ pen ]钢笔(3)pencil[ ՝pensl ]铅笔(4)pencil-case [ ՝pensl keis ] 铅笔盒(5)ruler [ ՝ru։lə ] 尺(6)book [ buk ] 书(7)bag [ bæg ]书包(8)eraser[ i՝reizə ]橡皮(9)new[ nju։]新的(10)my[ mai; mi ]我的(11)your[ jɔ։, juə ]你的(12)his [ hiz;iz ]他的(13)her[ hə։; ə։hə, ə ]她的(14)our [ ՝auə ] 我们的(15)their [ ðεə, ðər ] 他们的(16)friend [ frend ] 朋友(17)cousin [ ՝kʌzn ] 堂(表)兄弟姐妹(一)Hello,your name,please?你好,请问你叫什么名字?I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。
Wow!This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!Hi! I’m Pat. 嗨!我是帕特。
I’m An Qi. 我是安齐Hi! I’m Zhang Xin. 嗨!我是张新Hello! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露西。
My new book! 我的新书My new book!我的新书(七)Hello! 您好!I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。
His name is Bill. 他的名字叫比尔。
Bill is my friend. 比尔是我的朋友。
Hello! 您好!I’m An Qi. 我是安齐。
His name is Alex. 他的名字是亚力克斯。
Alex is my friend.亚力克斯是我的朋友。

1. 导入(5分钟)
- 教师以一首英文歌曲《Hello》引导学生唱出单元主题“Hello”,激发学生的学习兴趣。
- 教师通过提问方式复习上一单元所学内容,如询问学生所学动物名称,引导学生回顾并复习。
2. 新课呈现(10分钟)
- 答案:B
3. 匹配题:
- 例题:将下列句子与正确的人物匹配。(1)This is my mother. (2)She is a doctor. (3)His name is Tom. (4)She is a teacher.
- 答案:(1)- (2)- (3)- (4)-
4. 简答题:
- 例题:请用英语介绍你的家庭成员。
17. 一般现在时的疑问句:Do you go to school?(你上学吗?)
18. 一般现在时的简略回答:Yes, I do./No, I don't.(是的,我上学./不,我不上学。)
1. 情境教学:通过引入真实的家庭场景图片和视频,让学生在情境中学习家庭成员的称呼和日常交流用语,增强学生的实际应用能力。
1. 填空题:
- 例题:填入适当的词汇完成句子。(1)This is my ____________________. (2)Her name is ____________________.
- 答案:(1)mother (2)Lily
2. 选择题:
- 例题:选择正确的答案完成句子。(1)What's your mother's name? A. She is a teacher. B. Her name is Li Ming. C. She has a car. D. Her name is Wang Fang.
剑桥少儿英语一级上册unit1Hello!I'm Sam.

• 12个特殊辅音音标: [z] [∫][з] [h] [w] [j] [t∫] [dз] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]
[æ ]
• 发音要诀:双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平 形,舌尖抵下齿,上下齿之间可容纳 食指和中指。发音时舌位低,不与上 齿接触,发出的音悦耳动听。
his 我的
her 你的
your my 我们的 她的
its 他们的
our 他的
their 它的
我有一支钢笔。 这是我的钢笔。 她有一支铅笔。 这是她的铅笔。 他有一个书包。 这是他的书包。
• 发该音的字母及字母组合:a
[æ ]----[bæ ]----[bæ g] [æ ]----[bæ ] ----[bæ t]
bat map
bag fan
Dan mat
hat Sam
ba g b ad f a t ha t la p m a d na p r at ra t sa d ta p wa x
Hello . Your name,
I’m Zhang Xin.
What’s your name?

剑桥少儿英语一级知识点汇总Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam.重点词汇:【默写】一支钢笔a pen,一支铅笔a pencil,一个文具盒a pencil-case,一把尺 a ruler ,一本书a book,一个书包a bag,一块橡皮an eraser【认读】新的new,展示show,朋友friend,我的my,你的your,他的his,她的her,我们的our,他们的their重点句型:1.你好,请问你叫什么名字?Hello, your name, please? 或What’s your name?我叫山姆。
I’m Sam. 或My name is Sam.What’s her/his name?She/He is Sam. 或Her/his name is Sam.She/He is Sam. 或Her/his name is Sam.2.他的名字是比尔。
His name is Bill. He is my friend.3.她的名字是安。
Her name is Ann. She is my friend.4.这是我的新书。
This is my new book.5. 把你的钢笔给我看Show me your pen!6.很高兴见到你。
Nice to see you.我也很高兴见到你。
Nice to see you,too!自然拼读: a语法点:my, your, hisUnit 2 It’s a goat.重点词汇:【默写】马horse,奶牛cow,猫cat,狗dog,绵羊sheep,鸭子duck,兔子rabbit,鸡chicken,青蛙frog,乌龟turtle,鱼fish,山羊goat【认读】长的long,尾巴tail,微笑smile,大象elephant,蜥蜴lizard重点句型:1. 这是什么?What’s this?这是我的猫。
This is my cat.What’s it?It’s a cat.2. 让我来试试。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册教案Unit 1 Hello,I’m Sam。
教学目标:1 单词:pen pencil pencil—case ruler book bag eraser 等.2句子:Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book. Hi ! I’m Lucy。
His name is bill. Bill is my friend。
Nice to see you。
教学准备:课件、单词卡片教学流程:第一课时1教歌Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~(唱的好,动作标准的同学或个人加分)PPT--先教第一单元标题,Hello ,I' m …和句子your name ,please?按顺序每个学生站起来向其后面的同学快速的说一句I am …,your name ,please?(认识一些名字,Part6)2教P2(Part1的后半部分),带读,然后找个别同学起来读,读的好的加分,再分组读,读的好的加分。
3重点词汇:(Part 2)A pen一支钢笔 A pencil 一支铅笔 A pencil—case 一个铅笔盒A ruler一把尺子 A book 书 A bag 一个书包 An eraser 一块橡皮game:Show me your … 优先快速的拿出东西的同学或小组得分.学习Part 1 的前半部分,方式同3。
第二课时4重点句型:Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book。
Hi ! I’m Lucy。
His name is bill. Bill is my friend. Nice to see you。

purple pink blue yellow grey red black white green
Guessing colors :
Say what colors they are.
It’s whiatemap + blue
a blue map
a pen + red a red pen
It’s a/ an + 颜色 + 物品
Unit 9 Where is my toy car?
a toy bike
a toy car
a toy plane
a toy train
a toy motorbike a toy bus
a toy jeep a toy boat
a toy ship
What’s this?
a pencil-case an eraser
a pen
a ruler a book
a→ba→bag a→ba→bat a→da→dan a→fa →fan a→ha→hat
a→ma→map a→ma→mat a→pa→pan a→sa →sam a→va→van
ba g b ad f a t ha t la p mad na p h at ra t sa d ta p wax
a pig a baseball a clock a fish a turtle an apple
Unit 5 My body and the monster
eபைடு நூலகம்e nose neck hand

剑桥少儿英语一级各单元重点Starters A(上册)Unit1Hello,I’m Sam.(Starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过学习,使学生掌握几种打招呼的不同说法复习和学习一些外国小朋友的英文名掌握有关学习用品的英文名称和句子2.交际用语Expressions in communication:Hello,your name,please?This is my new book.Hi!I’m Pat.His name is Bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to meet you.Show me you pen.3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:a pen,a pencil,a pencil-case,a ruler,a book,a bag,an eraser,my,you,his.男孩名字;Sam,Bill,Alex,Tom,Ben,Fan,Dan.女孩名字;Pat,Lucy,Ann,Sue,May,Jill,Lan,KimUnit2It It’’s a goat(Starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过学习,要求学生首先学会有关动物词汇的发音,做到读音准确。
2.交际用语Expressions in communication:What’s this,Mr.Li?It’s a goat.It’s a long tail.Smile,please!This is my cat,I love it.3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:a horse,a fish,a duck,a turtle,,a cow,a rabbit,a cat,a chicken,a dog,a sheep,a frog,a goat,Unit3I like apples(Starters A)1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过学习,初步掌握水果名称的读音。

2. 例题二:请用一般过去时描述你昨天穿的衣服,并说明原因。
3. 例题三:请用一般将来时描述你打算在周末穿的衣服,并说明原因。
Unit13 Paper clothes show(教学设计)-2023-2024学年剑桥少儿英语一级上册
1.课程名称:Unit13 Paper clothes show(教学设计)
- 完成作业:认真完成老师布置的课后作业,巩固学习效果。
- 拓展学习:利用老师提供的拓展资源,进行进一步的学习和思考。
- 反思总结:对自己的学习过程和成果进行反思和总结,提出改进建议。
- 自主学习法:引导学生自主完成作业和拓展学习。
- 反思总结法:引导学生对自己的学习过程和成果进行反思和总结。
1. 教材:确保每位学生都有剑桥少儿英语一级上册的教材,以便跟随教学进度。
2. 辅助材料:准备与Unit13 "Paper clothes show"相关的衣服图片、服装展示视频等多媒体资源,以增强学生对衣服类词汇的理解和记忆。
- 设计预习问题:围绕Unit13 "Paper clothes show"设计一系列具有启发性和探究性的问题,引导学生自主思考。

Unit 1 What’s your name?Hello! I’m Ted. What’s your name?I’m Jeff.How old are you?Seven.Come! Let’s play.I’m…=I am…You’re …=You are…He’s……=He is…She’s…=She is…It’s…=It is…We’re…=We are…They’re…=They are…Come in please and close the door. Go to school and don’t be late.Unit 2 What’s this?What’s this?It’s letter A.Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B?This is the letter B.Yes, you’re right.Hello, Meg, is this a bag?Yes, it is.Is that a bag, too?No, it isn’t. It’s a handbag.Unit 3 What colour do you like?What colour do you like?I like yellow. What about you?What colour s are they? What colour is it?Unit 4 How many ducks are there?How many ducks are there?There are two.Hello, Tom!Hello, Pat!Look! There are lots of chicks here.How many?I don’t know.Let’s count them. One, two, three,…eight.Yes, there are eight.Unit 5 Have you got any fish?Have you got any fish?Yes, I have. / No,I have n’t.Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear?Has he got a teddy bear?No, he hasn’t. But he’s got a ball.I have got a dog, but my sister has got a cat.We have got English books, but we haven’t got maths books.I /You /They /We have got…He /She has got…= I /You /They /We’ ve got …=He /She’ s got…Unit 7 Our familyHello, I’m Teddy. This is my grandmother. She I’s 25 years old.They’re my father and grandfather.Hi! I’m Tim. They’re my brothers.Have you got a hat?No, I haven’t. Is it for me?I like that hat.Peter’s father Peter’s mother Peter’s brother Peter’s sister Peter’s little monkey Peter’s little catThis is a book and that is a ruler.These are pen s and those are pencil s.The book is red and the ruler is blue.The pen s are brown and the pencil s are white.This is a boy and that is a girl.These are dog s and those are car s.Unit 9 What’s your favourite fruit?What’s your favourite fruit?I like fish.I don’t like fish.What’s your favourite drink?I like apple juice.There is a fish on the table.There is a chair in the picture.There are two children in the picture.Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear?Do you want an apple or a banana?I want an apple. I love apples.What’s that?That’s a fruit.Is it a lemon?No, it’s a mango.Do you like mangoes?Yes, I do. Do you like mangoes?No, I don’t. I like oranges.Is it a …/Is it an…Unit 11 Look at this tall man.This is his hair.These are his hand s.His eye s are big.Unit 12 Whose bike is it?Look! That’s a new bike. Whose bike is it?That’s Ann’s bike.Have you got a bike?Yes, I have.What colour is your bike?It’s red and black.It’s my pen. =It’s mine. It’s your book. =It’s yours. It’s her ruler. =It’s hers.It’s our dog. =It’s ours. It’s their cat. =It’s theirs. It’s his rabbit. =It’s his.I you he she we they itMe you him her us them itMy your his her our their itsMine yours his hers ours theirs itsUnit 13 What’s for breakfast?Mum, What’s for breakfast?We’ve got hot dogs, burgers, eggs, milk and sausages.That’s great!Hello, Mum! What’s for breakfast?We’ve got bread.Can I have some hotdogs?Sorry, we haven’t got any. But we have some sandwiches.Ok, I can have some sandwiches.Hello, Dad! What’s for lunch?There are some burgers, French fries and chicken.Oh, I like chicken.Would you like some pizza?No, thank you.Unit 14 By bus or by bike?Hi, Tom. Do you go to school by bus or by bike?I go to school by bike.Hello! How do you come here?I walk here.I fly here.Unit 15 We love animal s.Look, there are lots of animals in the zoo. Let’s go and see them.I like sheep. I like goats. I like cows. I like horses.a monkey a mouse a bird a snaketwo monkeys two mice three birds four snakesUnit 16 What do you do every day?What do you do every day?I learn English, read books and play games.--have breakfast, drink milk, eat cakes, ride a bike, sit on a chair, throw a ball,古诗词教学的四大步骤古诗词教学中,如果掌握了科学合理的方法,就会使得教学非常轻松,那么如何进行古诗词教学呢,我们认为古诗词教学需要掌握四个步骤。

剑桥少儿英语一级Part1: MeetingUnit1:What’s your name?...................................................................... Words: my, your, his, her, friendSentences:1) ----What’s your name?----My name is ....../I’m .......2)----How old are you?----I’m.....Exercise:--- What's your name? --- _________________.A、Good morning!B、Hello!C、I'm Lisa.D、My name is David.Unit2:Meeting new friends........................................................................ Words:meet,see,week,great,exercisePhrase: have fun, don’t worrySentences:1)----Nice to see you.----Nice to see you ,too.2)----How’s your holiday?----It’s great.3)----Thanks.----You’re welcome.4)----It’s good to see you back.----It’s great to see you all again. Exercise:A:______ to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,______.Unit3: Stationary...………………………………………......................... Words:pencil,pen,pencil-box,eraser,ruler,bag,crayon,RadioSentences:1)----This is my ........2)----Show me .........Part2:Letters and wordsUnit4:Letters A----G ……………………………………………………Unit5:Letters H-----N……………………………………………………Unit6: Letters O----T………………………………………….…………Unit7: Letters U----Z……………………………………….....…………Unit8: Word Factory……………………………………….,…………Words:word, factory, family, minute, ready, eat, drink, jump, listen... Sentences:1)----This way,please.2)----Aa is for an apple.Bb is for a banana. ... ... ....Part3: FoodUnit9: Have lunch………………………………………....………Words:burger, egg, chips/fries, sausages, cake, candy, chocolate, ... Sentences:1)----Would you like...?----I’d like... .2)----Can I have ...?----Sure.3)----Let’s buy some ...,ok?----No problem.Unit10:Fruit………………………………............……………………Words:pineapple,lemon,pear,watermelon,lime,banana,orange,grape,mango,peach...Sentences:1)----What shall we buy?Any ideas?----Let’s buy ....2)----What would you like,...?----I want some....(单词复数)/I like ...(单数).3)----Here you are.4)----How many (m)Unit11: Vegetable……………………………………………………... Words:onion[?nj n], pumpkin, pea, potato, bean, carrot, tomato, ...Sentences:1)----Which one do you like,the ... or the ....?----I like ...Part 4: ColoursUnit12: What colour is it ?…………………………………………..... Words:coloured, parrot, learn, rainbow, ...Phrase: by heartSentences:1)----Which coloured balloon do you want?----Yellow, please.2)----Which colour do you want to see?----Red!Unit13:Colour around us..................................................................... Words:red hat, green jacket, pink shoes, orange socks, brown dress, white T-shirt,black skirt...Phrases: please wait. Hurry up!Sentences:1)----What colour ... do you like?----I like this blue ....2)----Is your apple red?----Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.3)----What colour is it?----It’s red. ...Part 5:Reading roomUnit14:I like this reading room................................................................. Words: story, cartoon, music, math, English, Chinese, favorite, ... Sentences:1)----I’m coming.2)----This reading room is very nice,I like it.3)----What books do you like reading ?----I like picture books.4)----Which book would do you like to read?----I’d like to read a book on animals.5)----What’s the story about?----It’s about a boy’s family.Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting.Part6:Learning EnglishUnit1: I love English……………………………………………………Words:big ,small, happy,sad, long, short, young, old, quick, slow, Sentences:1)----Can I ask you a question?----Yes,please.2)----Excuse me,May I come in?----Yes, sure.3)----What’s the Chinese for “eraser”?Doing” English………………………………………………….. Unit2: “Words:time, name, family, body, sport, number, animalSentences:1)----What’s house animal?2)----What’s farm animal?Unit 3 An English evening......................................................................... Words:evening, quietly, asleep, past, suddenly, break, group,... Sentences:1)----Wow!What a big ....!2)----I can”t pull it out.3)----Let me help you.4)----Let’s do it.Part7:NumbersUnit4:“0~10”in our lives…………………………………………............ Words: numbers, double, lucky, date, share, fax, phone, page, Phrases:open/close the door, put on /take off the shoes.Sentences:1)----How many children can you see?----I can see ten children.Unit5: a math lesson…………………………………….......................... Words:plus, minus, easy, busy, missing,Phrases:take away,Sentences:1)----One plus two is three.2)----Three minus two is one.3)----Let’s count.4)----Math is fun/easy.Unit 6 Practicing numbers.........................................................................Part 8:Go to parkUnit7: Sports in the park……………………………………................... Words:talking, shining,Phrases:playing on the see-saw, riding a bike, catching a butterfly, listening to music, reading a book, kicking a ball,... Sentences:1)----It’s a nice day, isn’t it?----Yes, it is.2)----Let’s go and join them.----Good idea, let’s go!3)----Lots of children are playing in the park.Grammar:be +doingUnit8:Visiting to park……………………………………........................ Words:happy/angry, new/old, up/down, back/front, hot/cold, dark/bright, left/ right, day/night, fast/ slow,Sentences:1)----What can you see in the park?----I can see an old man and a young boy.Part9:BirthdayUnit9: Happy Birthday.………………………………………….............. Phrases: make a birthday, m ake a wish, blow out candles, cut the cake, give a present, birthday party,...Sentences:1)----Happy birthday!2)----What a beautiful cake!3)----Have you got a clock?----Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.4)How many glasses of water should we have a day?5)What should we often eat for lunch?Part10:Holiday!Uint10:Happy Children’s Day.…………………………………….......... Phrases: watch TV, see a puppet show, go boating, play table,go bike-riding play hide-and-seek,..Sentences:1)----Our policeman is helping the grandmother cross the street.2)----The little girls is giving the policeman some water.3)----What do you often do on Children’s Day?----I often go boating.Unit11:Happy new year............................................................................. Words: present, make, guess, bounce, wear, sleep, drink, blow,... Sentences:1)----Who is he?----He is...2)Happy new year!3)How long is your snake?Unit12:Practice and activityPart11:LessonsUnit13: I like paper-folding lessons………………………………….... Words: circle/ring, square, triangle, rectangle, star, pentagon,fold, scissors,sticky, tape, paperSentences:1)----May I use the sticky tape?----Here you are.2)----I like paper-folding lessons.----So do I .3)----My UFO is flying now.----How far will it fly?Unit14 Activity............................................................................................ Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting………………………………….………Part12:BodyUnit1: My body…………………………………………………....……Words: hair,eye, ear,leg,hand,foot,head,nose,mouth,arm,neck Sentences:1)----What can you see?----I can see a book.2)----We can see with our eyes.3)----He’s got three eyes ,four hands,four ears and three legs.4)----Touch your head.5)----What can we do with our hands and feet?Part13: Clothes show.................................................................................. Unit2:clothes show...................................................................................... Words:shirt, dress, jacket,socks, T-shirt,glasses, trousers, shorts,vest,shoes Sentence:1)----Is that yours?----Yes ,this is ./Yes, this is mine.2)----This is my hat./These are my hats.3)----What is she/he wearing today?Part 14:Where is/What is ...?Unit3: Where is my toy car?………………………………….................. Words: under, on, in ,between, behind, next to ,in front of,train, jeep, car, sheep, boat, motorbike, bike,bus,toy,mat,spider,lots,wheel,wing, Sentences:1)----Where is my toy car?----It’s under the cap.2)----How much ice cream do you want?3)----Have you got a toy car?----Yes, I have./No,I haven't.Unit4: What’s in my hat?………………………………………............ Words: hat, turtle,table,clock,fish,bird,pouch,watch,candy,fun,vase...Sentences:1)----What’s in my hat?----It’s ...2)----What’s on the table?3)---Let me try.Part15:AnimalsUnit5: It’s a goat. ....................................................................................... Words:horse, fish, duck, cow,rabbit,chicken, frog, goat,sheep Sentences:1)----What’s this ?----It’s a .../an...Part16:Family treeUnit6: My Family tree………………………………………................. Words:mother/mum,father/dad,grandfather/grandpa,grandmother/grandm a, uncle,aunt,Sentences:1)----I’ve got a friend here.2)----Is that your grandma?3)----She is watering the flowers now.`Unit7: Your family tree.……………………………….....................…Words: niece, nephew, daughter,cousin, sister,brother,Sentences:1)----Take a seat.2)----Who’s she/he?----She is .../He is ...3)----Come and show us your family photo.Part17:Let’s help the oldUnit8:Help the old...................................................................................... Words:feed,tidy,mop,sweep,wash,clean,scrub,floor,cupboard,street, bookcase, sofa,Sentences:1)----What is she /he doing?----She/He is mopping the floor.2)----Here we are.3)----Yes,thanks a lot.4)----Would you like a cup of tea?5)----I’ll clean the kitchen.Part18:How to playUnit9: Make a friend………………………………………………...…Words:friend,hobby,flying,wearing,swimming,drawing,climbing,talking,Phrases: roller-skating, play computer games, bike-riding,go shopping Sentences:1)----What’s your hobby?----I like bike-riding.2)----What does she/he like doing?3)----Come and have a book.Unit10: Play games…………………………………………………... Words:head,throw,kick,Phrases:draw the clown,kick the shuttlecock,throw the beanbag, catch the beanbag, hide and seek, pick and put hopscotch,Sentences:1)----Where is ...?----He/She (must be/is) in the ...?2)----Pick an apple and put it under the chair.3)----Which one do you want to play?----I want to play ....Unit11: Have fun in the ground……………………………………...... Phrases:hurry up, come on, throw the shuttlecock, feather race, mimic the animal sound, three leg running,musical island, bear walk,.... Sentences:1)----Let’s have fun in the playground.2)---- Who can jump highest?3)----Who can run faster?4)----Who can stand up one leg for a minute?Part19:Who can?Unit12: Everybody can!............................................................................. Words:everybody, chant, action, riddle,letterSentences:1)----We can sing a chant.2)----We can mime the actions.3)----We can sing a song.4)----I can colour this picture.5)----I can make words with these letters.Unit13:Review I.......................................................................................... Unit14:Review II....................................................................................... Unit15:Test and Parent’s meeting...........................................................。

剑桥少儿英语一级上 Unit1 What’s yourname?●Can ask the name of others●Can ask the age of others●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others●Can count the number1~~10What's your name?I'm ..., You' re..., He's..., She's..., It's..., We're..., You're..., They’re…one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tenBecause it is the first class, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answertogether: Nice to meet you ,too.Teacher can prepare some name cards before class, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards. When the class begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat.Then begin from you . Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’mJI QING. ”. Repeat it two or three times. Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you. Then do the same way tothe girl.Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin .Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names.So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…”After doing this, the teacher will add something new. Let the Ss listen to you carefully. You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old. ” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard. Say again “I’m 25 years old. ” Then ask one student“How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard . Ask more Ssthe question like this.Do Part5. We can clap while chanting. First chant together, then in part.Do the same activity as ep3.But the question is “How old are you?”.Ss will write down the numbers .Then check some Ss to see if they are right .1) Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are you? Then let theSs ask the questions in pairs. Act it out in front of the class.2)Ask a boy and a girl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong .She is WangFang and I’m Ji Qing .Repeat this for some times. Then three Ss form agroup ,practice like this:“I’m …,She’s …,He’s ….Act it out in front of theclass.Teacher claps once while say “one”,then Ss follow .Claps twice while say “two”. Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say “ten ” .*Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1*Ask each other the name and age after class .*Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the class next time .剑桥少儿英语一级上 Unit2What’s this●能熟读 26 个英语字母,会唱字母歌●能初步了解元音字母及其读音●能认读所给的全部缩写字母What’s this?Who’s jumping?Aa 到 Zz元音字母 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, UuReview Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ?What’s his name ? How old is he ?Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters .Prepare some capital letter cards(including these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG,BUS),some small word cards before class.After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other Ss say“bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat . ” Teache r first let the first student jump and say “Bag! Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat .Finish other word cards in this way .Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just did .Teacher can bring something to the class ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc. Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?”Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Whois jumping ?”See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs .Actit out in front of the class.Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted.Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let theSs with small letters run and find the big letters .If success, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the class .At last ,Ss will read theseletters .*Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet *Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?”*Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .剑桥少儿英语一级上 Unit3 What colourdo you like●能用英语说出 10 种常用的颜色●会用英语问询别人喜好的颜色What colour do you like? I likeblue.Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue,green ,red ,pink从 Aa 到 ZzReview Unit2.Ss can sing the alphabet song together before class.Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。

bath moth
沐浴 蛾, 蛀虫
Unit 15 A Happy New Year.
present guess
礼物 , 现在的 猜
game make words
游戏 编造单词
guess riddles make a good shot
猜谜语 投了一个好球
sing blow balloons
哑的 , 无声的
曲调 , 调子
Unit 11 Our family tree.
伯父 , 叔父,舅父,
马 鱼 鸭子 海龟 母牛 兔子 小鸡 , 鸡肉 狗 青蛙 山羊 绵羊 公鸡 猪 床 书桌 蛋, 鸡蛋 , 卵 母鸡 腿 兽医 湿的 , 潮湿的
沙, 沙子
Unit 2 It ’s a goat.
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Grandma and grandpa
Often work hard.
They say “never too old
to learn”. Remember this
by heart.
Let’s sing!
Listen, look, point and say.
mouth teeth
Grandma and grandpa
Take me to the shop.
Buy me a hot dog and
a very small clock.
Grandma and grandpa take me to the zoo. Show me the animals and get me some fruit.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Yes, please.
Look at your book and give number to the sentences.
Part 8 let’s chant.
Grandma and grandpa take me to school. Give me the handbag and hand me the food.
Unit 14
Let’s help the old! 让我们帮助老人。
Teacher: Maisie
What kind of housework do you do at home?
housework 家务
Let’s learn some phrases about housework!
moth fourth
month cloth
Sound practise.
th /ʃ/
Beth thank fifth tooth
Booth north path Seth
Part 9
1.I often do homework. 2.I run every day. 3.I am good in class. 4.We are friendly. 5.I can help at home. 6.I can lend a hand. 7.I can help make things.
1.听 part1. part2. and part8. 4 遍. 2.读 part1. and part8. 5遍. 3. 写第一部分的所有
短语2遍,1遍汉语。 4.用“She /He is …”造句2个。
phrase 短语 about关于
tidy the books 整理书籍
Clean the window 擦玻璃
mop the floor 拖地
feed the dog 喂狗
sweep the floor 扫地
comb hair 梳头发
clean the cupboard 擦橱柜
He is mopping the floor.
She is washing the tomatoes.
Here we are!
Yes, thanks a lot. 非常感谢。
Would you like to listen my story? 你喜欢听我讲故事吗?
wash the tomatoes 洗西红柿
h8ຫໍສະໝຸດ scrub the floor 刷地板
read a story book 读故事书
Let’s learn the sentences!
What is he doing?
He is sweeping the floor.
What is she doing? 她正在做什么?
She is cleaning the cupboard. 她正在擦橱柜。
Let’s practise.
What is she doing? She is tidying the books.
He /she is feeding the dog.