
剑桥少儿英语一级上册1-8单元试卷剑桥少儿英语一级上1—8单元测试卷姓名得分Part One :听力部分(35分)一、听录音,补充丢失的字母(10分)1. p n2.era er3.c w4.fr__g5.cl ck6.or nge7.b__g8. l__g 9. gr pe 10. n se二、写出听到的阿拉伯数字(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.三、圈出你听到的单词(15分)1. your my 6.green grey 11.table desk2. eraser pencil-case 7. pear peach 12.hat cap3.chicken turtle 8.coconut lemon 13.eye ear4.horse house 9.Miss Mr 14.see touch5. what who 10.potato tomato 15.hop jump Part Two: 笔试部分(50分)一、将下列名词的复数形式写在括号内(5分)1. apple()2.foot ()3.sheep ()4. peach ()5. mango ()二、判断正误并写出正确形式(每个1.5分,共15分)1. a apple ( ) 6.two pens( )2.an fish ( ) 7.five dog( )3. a eraser ( ) 8.two ear( )4.some banana ( ) 9.up and downs( )5.three book ( ) 10.two peaches ( )三、选择题(选出下列短语或句子的正确意思)(每个2分,共20分)1.()three rulers A. 四把尺子 B. 三把尺子2.()my new clock A. 我的新闹钟 B.我们的闹钟3. ()two ears A. 两只眼睛 B. 两只耳朵4.()Show me your new eraser.A.碰一下你的新橡皮B.给我看你的新橡皮5.()Let’s have a party. A.让我们开派对吧B你来开派对吧吧6.()I don’t like bananas. A.我喜欢香蕉 B.我不喜欢香蕉7.()I want some apples. A.我要一些苹果B. 我有一些苹果8.()What’s on the table ?A.桌子上有什么?B.桌子是什么样?9.()I can see with my eyes.A.我能用眼睛看 B. 我能用耳朵听10.()Hurry up! A.等等我! B.快一点!四、句子大排队。

剑桥一级上Unit1-Unit3测试题一、听力 (15)A)选出你所听到的字母,将其标号写在题前括号中。
() 1. A.B,G B.D,A C.D,G D.I ,L () 2. A.I ,H B.E,K C.M,L D.F,R () 3. A.Q,T B.W,S C.Y,Z D.V,E () 4. A.U,F B.J,Y C.R,P D.X,L () 5. A.Y,D B.J,L C.Y,S D.J,H B)选出与所听内容符合的图片,将其标号写在题前括号中。
()1. A. B. C.()2. A. B. C.()3. A. B. C.()4. A. B. C.()5. A. B. C.C)选出与所听内容符合的图片,将其标号写在题前括号中。
()1. A. B. C.()2. A. B. C.()3. A. B. C.()4. A. B. C.()5. A. B. C.二、找出以下单词划线部散发音不一样的单词 (5)()1. A.bag B.cat C.apple D.watermelon()2. A.pen B.Ben C.elephant D.lemon()3. A.dog B.frog C.cow D.box()4. A.Sam B.pencil-case C.eraser D.grape()5. A.hello B.new C.bed D.friend三、填空 (40)A) 填写字母p__nc_l( 铅笔 )r__l__r( 尺子 )b____k( 书)f__sh( 鱼 )r__bb__t( 兔子 )g____t( 山羊 )b__n__n__(香蕉 )w__t__rm__l__n( 西瓜 ) d__g( 狗 )fr__g( 青蛙 )m__ng__(芒果 )l__z__rd( 蜥蜴 )B)依据音标写单词1.[]2.[]3.[]4.[]5.[]6.[]7.[]8.[]9.[]10.[]C)填写正确的 be 动词1.I_____Sam.2.She______ateacher.3.He_____myfriend.4.What_____yourname.5.We______happy.6.They______mysisters.7.That_____acock.8.This______mynewbook.9.It_____agrapefruit.10.You_____Dan.D)填空( I,you,he,she,we,they,it)1._______( 它)isagoat.2.______( 我)amPat.3._______( 他)isKen.4.________(我们 )areDanandLan.5._______( 他们 )areSamandBen.6.______( 你)areBen.剑桥少儿英语一级上册UnitUnit测试题7._______( 她)isLan.8.________( 你们 )areSam,PatandDan.四、选择题 (30)()1.Goodmorning! A.Hello! B.Goodmorning! C.Ok!()2.What’sthis A.It ’sahorse. B.Thisisafrog. C.That ’sacat. ()3.Iwantsome______. A.one B.pencils C.coconut ()4.Whatsounds‘Woof!Woof! ’ A.bird B.dog C.pig()5.Idon ’tlike_______. A.grapefruit B.goats C.dog()6.Whatwouldyoulike A.I ’dagrape. B.I ’dlikegrapes C.Ilikebirds. ()7.Wouldyoulikeaneraser A.No,Idon't. B.No,thanks. C.No,itisn ’t. ()8.Iwant______. A.awatermelons B.apineapple C.grapefruit ()9.What’syourfavouritefruit A.Goats. B.Pens. C.Coconuts. ()10.Thisis______orange. A.an B.a C.some()11.Yourname,please A.Hello! B.Apen. C.Ben()12.Nicetoseeyou. A.Nicetoseeyou,too. B.Goodafternoon. C.Hi!()13.Showmeyourbag,please A. B. C.()14.Isthisabag A.Yes,itis B.It ’sabag. C.Yes,Ido. ()15.Hello! A.Adog. B.Pat.Hello!()16.What’syourname A.I ’msix. B.Myname’sLan. C.Hi!()17.Wouldyoulikeamango A.Yes,please. B.Yes,itis. C.Yes,Iwould. ()18.It ’sapig. A. B. C.()19.Whatsounds‘Baa!Baa! ’ A.Horse. B.Rabbit. C.Sheep.()20.Iwouldlikesomepencils. A. B. C.()21.Whatsounds‘Meow!Meow!’ A.Cat. B.Dog. C.Fish.()22.I____likebananas. A.isn ’t B.don’t C.aren ’t ()23.Ilike_______. A.cat B.apples C.apear()24.Iam______.()25.Heis_____( 我的 )friend. ()26.Thatis______( 他们的 )book.()27.Benis________( 她的 )friend.()28._______(它的) tailislong.()29.Samis________(你的 )friend.()30.Wouldyoulike______五、排序 (4)() Howmany()Whatwouldyoulike,Miss ()I ’dlikeone,please.()Iwantsomecoconuts,please!A.pear B.elephant C.Bill A.I B.my C.his A.their B.they C.he A.she B.her C.he A.it B.It C.he A.you B.my C.your A.aorange B.grapes C.lemon六、改错。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册随堂测班号____________ 姓名____________ 教师____________Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam.1. 钢笔_________2. 铅笔_________3. 文具盒_________4. 尺子_________5. 书_________6. 书包_________7. 橡皮_________8. 我的_________9. 你的_________ 10. 他的_________ 11. 新的_________ 12. 朋友_________Unit 2 It’s a goat1. 马_________2. 鱼_________3. 鸭子_________4. 海龟_________5. 奶牛_________6. 兔子_________7. 猫_________8. 小鸡_________9. 小狗_________ 10. 绵羊_________ 11. 青蛙_________ 12. 山羊_________ 13. 大象_________ 14. 蜥蜴_________Unit 3 I like apples1. 苹果_________2. 香蕉_________3. 梨_________4. 葡萄柚_________5. 芒果_________6. 橘子_________7. 菠萝_________8. 西瓜_________9. 桃子_________ 10. 椰子_________ 11. 柠檬_________ 12. 高兴的_________Unit 4 What’s in my hat1. 帽子_________2. 桌子_________3. 猪_________4. 朋友_________5. 钟表_________6. 棒球_________7. 小鸟_________8. 书桌_________Unit 5 My body and the monster’s1. 头发_________2. 眼睛_________3. 耳朵_________4. 脖子_________5. 手_________6. 脚_________7. 头_________8. 鼻子_________9. 嘴巴_________ 10. 胳膊_________ 11. 腿_________ 12. 看见_________ 13. 闻_________ 14. 听见_________ 15. 品尝_________ 16. 摸____ ____17. 拍手_________ 18. 写字_________ 19. 抓住_________ 20. 站_________21. 跑_________ 22. 跳_________ 23. 踢_________ 24. 跺脚_________ 25. 握住_________ 26. 摘_________ 27. 单脚跳_________Unit 6 Let’s play games1. 画_________2. 扔_________3. 接住_________4. 捡起_________5. 踢_________6. 放_________Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party1. 水果_________2. 蔬菜_________3. 聚会_________4. 土豆_________5. 豆角_________6. 橘子_________7. 西红柿_________8. 薯片_________9. 奶酪_________ 10. 黄油_________ 11. 伤心的_________ 12. 熊_________13. 香肠_________ 14. 西瓜_________ 15. 南瓜_________ 16. 红萝卜_________Unit 8 Colours around us1. 新的_________2. 街道_________3. 美好的_________4. 想要_________5. 短裤_________Unit 9 Where is my toy car1. 在…下面_________2. 在…上面_________3. 在…里面________4. 在两者之间________5. 在…后面_________6. 在…旁边_________7. 火车_________8. 吉普车_________9. 小汽车_________ 10. 轮船_________ 11. 小船_________ 12. 飞机_________ 13. 自行车_________ 14. 公共汽车_________ 15. 小地毯_________ 16. 玩具_________Unit10 An easy math lesson1. 数数_________2. 数学_________3. 容易的_________4. 忙的_________5. 给_________6. 所有的_________7. 加上_________8. 减去_________Unit 11 Our family tree1. 妈妈_________2. 爸爸_________3. 爷爷_________4. 奶奶_________5. 侄子_________6. 侄女_________7. 儿子_________8. 女儿_________9. 堂兄弟_________ 10. 家庭_________ 11. 照片_________Unit 12 Let’s make friends1. 爱好_________2. 飞_________3. 骑自行车_________4. 去购物_________5. 穿着_________6. 游泳_________7. 画画_________8. 爬_________9. 滑旱冰_________ 10. 讲话_________ 11. 听音乐_________ 12. 做作业_________ Unit 13 Paper clothes show1. 衬衣_________2. 连衣裙_________3. 短裙_________4. 帽子_________5. 袜子_________6. 体恤衫_________7. 眼镜_________8. 短裤_________9. 背心_________ 10. 鞋子_________ 11. 夹克衫_________ 12. 裤子_________ 13. 衣服_________Unit 14 Let’s help the old1. 整理书_________2. 喂鸟_________3. 拖地_________4. 书架_________5. 沙发_________6. 打扫_________7. 洗_________8. 擦_________9. 梳头_________ 10. 沏茶_________Unit 15 A Happy New YearUnit 16 An English evening。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册1--6单元测试Part 1写出丢失的字母(大小写各一个)(5分)Aa_____ Cc______ Ee, Ff, Gg, ______ , Ii,Jj, ________, Ll, ________, Nn, Oo, ________ Qq, ________, Ss, Tt, ________Vv, Ww, ________, Yy, ________.Part 2写出下列名词的复数形式.(14分)boy ________ sheep ________grape apple ________ butterfly ________foot________dog________ orange ________box ________ cake ________family ________ fish ________brush ________ cat ________radio__ hippo ________ tooth________Part 3请写出缩写和意思(14分)I am=______________ ( )You are = ____________ ( )He is =_____________ ( )She is =_____________ ( )It is =______________ ( )We are =___________ ( )They are =__________ ( )Part 6填写下列空白处的数字(10分)________ two _______four ______six _______eight _______ten.One + ________________=fiveTwo+ ______________ = eight_______________ + three = sixseven + ________________= tenfour + ________________= ninePart 5用a或an填空(每空1分共6分)1.__________ umbrella2. __________ fish3.__________ apple4. __________banana5. __________ English book6. __________ orangePart 6 请写出句子的意思.(每题1分共12分)1. Hello,your name,please?2. His name is Sam.3. What would you like,sir?.4.It`s our fun time today.5.What about you?6.Please watch carefully.7.What`s in the pouch8.Who wants to try?9.Whose body is it?10.Which one do you want to play first?11.Pick an apple and put it under the chair.12.Turn off the lights.Part 7 写出相应的颜色.(5分)red .yellow green .black. pink purple . orange blue . rown . grayPart 8 试找出一个不同类的单词,并圈出来(10分)1.apple banana eye watermelon2.ear nose turtle hand3.bear lemon elephant dog4.ant blue green yellow5.pineapple house mango pear6.cow fox green panda7.forty ten nine purple8.bike car uncle train9.under shirt on behind10.sister mother niece glassesPart9填写单词(15分)1.c_ke 蛋糕2. __me 名字3.f_ce 脸4. ____游戏5. _rog青蛙6.win___窗户7. _iraffe长颈鹿8. ____鼻子9. ____脖子10.p_n别针11. _ib钢笔尖12.zi_拉链13.l__盖子14.clo__闹钟15.t_r_l_乌龟16.r_ck 石头17. ___雾18. __rld世界19. _ot婴儿床20. ____efruit葡萄柚21. _____桃子22.h_n母鸡23. _et外科医生24. ________最喜欢的25. ________ 仔细地26.pl____请27.ta__尾巴28.g__t山羊29. ________今天30. ________时间Part 11.看图回答(10分)in :在······里on :在······上under:在······下between :在······中间behind :在······后面1.The snake is _________ the tree.2.The sheep is _________ the tree3.The pencil-case is _________ the desk.4.The bag is ___________ the two chairs.5.The girl is ___________ the chair.。

mango grape lemon chickenA. Nice to see you.B. Whafs your name?英联学校剑桥一级过级测试姓名—I. Read and write.写出下列单词的小写形式。
(2*4)WHAT WOULD FAVOURITE FRUITII. Read and write.写出下列单词的汉语意思。
(2*4)III. Read and write. (#图,选择正确的单词填写在格子里。
)(2*4)ruler rabbit frog eraser IV. Look and choose.选出不同类的单词.(3*6)1) A. coconut B. lemon C. dog ()2) A. duck B. two C.sheep ()3) A .five B. ten C. pencil ()4) A. book B. turtle C. cow ()5) A. pen B. ruler C. grapefruit ()6) A. my B. peach C. watermelon ()V. Read and choose.(选出正确的答案填在横线上。
)(2*5)1.当早上遇见老师,你会说A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon2.当你想说见到你很高兴时,你会说3. This is my newA. bagB. rulerC. pencil4. —How many—There are two.A.dogsB. catsC.sheep5.——What is it?3.1 want some oranges.VI. Look and write, (#图片,读句子,写“Yes” 或 “No"。
)(2*5) 4. Would you like some bananas?5. Show me your pencil-case. _arethere? ?2.1 like chickens.1. This is a duck.1. This is a(turtlecat ) 2.1 can see two//erasers pens) 3. HikeVII. Look, read and write.看图,选词填空。

剑桥少儿英语综合测试一级上剑桥少儿英语综合测试(一级上)一、听一听,圈一圈(5分)( ) 1、A、PRC B、PLA ( ) 2、A、cow B、down ( ) 3、A、light B、lizard ( ) 4、A、blue B、red ( ) 1、A、VCD B、DVD二、听录音,选择正确的汉语翻译或相关内容(5分)1、( ) A、6 B、82、( ) A、课本 B、书包3、( ) A、公共汽车 B 自行车4、( ) A、黄色 B、红色5、( ) A、苹果 B、菠萝三、听录音,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内(10分) ( )1、_______ is your cake? ( ) 2、This is _______ pen .A、HereB、WhatC、Where A、my B、his C、her( ) 3、It's a ______ bag. ( ) 4、How many? ________ .A、yellowB、 greenC、red A、 two B、ten C、five( ) 5、How _______ you ?A、amB、isC、areII. 笔试部分一。
选择最佳答案(每题2 分,共20分)( )1. How are you? ( )2.How old are you?A.Tom.B.Yes,it is.C.Fine,thank you.。
A. I’m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I’m five。
( )3. What colour do you like?? ( )4. How many dogs are there?A.How are you?B.I like green.C.My mother。
A.Cat. B.Two. C.He’s fourty。
( )5. Have you got any fish? ( )6. How do you go to school?A.Yes,it is.B.No,I’m not.C.Yes,I have。

剑桥一级(上)1-3单元测试Name:_________笔试部分(满分90分)一、默写单词.(每空2分,共12分)1.晚会2.名字3.表兄弟4.地图5.兽医6.水果二、找出不同类的单词(每空1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. pen B. pencil C. bat D. book( ) 2. A. Sam B. Tim C. Jack D. boy( ) 3. A. fog B. lizard C. hippo D. panda( ) 4. A. catch B. wet C. jump D. run( ) 5. A. lemon B. fruit C. pear D. peach三、选择题(每空2分,共10分)( ) 1. Your name, please?.A. I am peterB. I 'm Peter.C. I'm peter.D. Ok( ) 2. What would you like?I want some ______.A. grapefruitB. mangoC. orangesD. Coconuts( ) 3.What's _____ name ?----He's Pat.A. hisB. herC. yourD. my( ) 4. Would you like a lemon? ___________________A. Yes, an apple.B. No, thanks you.C. No, I don’t.D. Yes, please.( ) 5. There are a lot of in the zoo.A. monkeyB. sheepC. watermelonsD. lion.四、选词填空(每空2分,共10分)1. What's ________name?.2. This is my ______book.3. Please _____our animals.4. Jack is my _______5. It has a _____ tail.五、排序. (每空1分,共11分)(A)A. What’s your name?B. This is our party time.C. Welcome to our party. Let’s play with sand.D. I love it. This is my cousin. His name is Bill.E. My name is Sam.(B)A. Here you are.B. Thanks.C. I’d like one, please.D. How many?E. I want some apples.F. What would you like?六、写出下列缩写形式. (每空2分,共14分)1. I am 5. it is2. she is 6. You are3. we are 7. I would like4. They are七、用be动词(am, is, are)填空. (每空2分,共20分)1. I _____ a teacher.2. He _____ Den.3. We ______ good friends.4. That _____ an erase.5. It _____ a horse.6. She ______ my friend.7. His name ______ Mike.8. They ______ rabbits.9. This ______ a ruler.10. You _____ a boy.八、翻译. (14分)1.给我看一下你的铅笔. 4.你最喜欢什么水果?Show ______ your ________. What’s _______ favo rite _______?2.这是我的表妹。

剑桥英语一级上册1-2单元练习题(复习)附答案一单词1.写出二十个动物单词2.写出十种水果单词3.写出八个文具类单词4.写出所有的学过的人称代词(主宾格)5.写出所有学过的形容词性物主代词二句子(一) 写出下列句子的同义句1.What is your name? ____ ____ ,____?2.I’m An Qi. ____ ____ ____An Qi.3.Nice to see you! ____ ____ ____ ____.4.I want some apples. I ____ ____some apples.5.What about you? ____ ____ you?答案: 1. Your name, please? 2. My name 3. Nice to meet you! 或其他两个4. would like 5. How about(二)翻译句子1. 这是我的书包。
8.This is our animal world. Please love our animals.9. How are you going there?10. I watch TV in the living room.答案:1. This is my bag. 2. This is a man with two big eyes.3. This is your book. Your name is on it.4. Thank you very much!5. Maybe it’s my book.6. Here you are!7. I like shirts but I don’t like jackets.8.这是我们的动物世界。
你打算怎么去那? 10。

剑桥少儿英语一级上册Unit1-13试卷Chinese Name Score听力部分一.选择你所听到的单词( ) 1. A sheep B shower C brush( ) 2. A bike B sit C lime( ) 3. A rode B red C kite( ) 4. A face B late C Kate( ) 5. A teeth B mouth C forth( ) 6. A、PRC B、PLA C、USA( ) 7. A、cow B、down C、now( ) 8. A、light B、lizard C、late( ) 9. A、blue B、red C、read( ) 10. A、VCD B、DVD C、TV二.圈出你所听到的物品或相关内容1) computer radio bookcase 2) pen ruler notebook3) book pencil eraser 4) egg sausage sandwich5) mango lemon pineapple 6)I have got big (ears , eye).7) The baby has a (big nose, small mouth). 8) Has Jane got (big, small) ears?9) That boy hasn’t got long (arms, legs). 10) My mother hasn’t got pretty (shirt,skirt).三、选择正确的汉语翻译或相关内容( ) 1、A、6 B、8 C、9( ) 2、A、课本B、书包C、课桌( ) 3、A、公共汽车B、自行车C、吉普车( ) 4、A、黄色B、红色C、橙色( ) 5、A、苹果B、菠萝C、芒果( )6、_______ is your cake? A、Here B、What C、Where ( )7、This is _______ pen . A、my B、his C、her ( )8、It's a ______ bag. A、yellow B、green C、red ( )9、How many? ________ . A、two B、ten C、five ( ) 10、How _______ you ? A、am B、is C、are笔试部分写出下列单词的大、小写形式WHAT WOULD FA VOURITE FRUITmango grape lemon chicken二.看图连线rabbit eraser frog ruler三. 选出不同类的单词1) A. coconut B. lemon C. dog2) A. duck B. two C. sheep3) A .five B. ten C. pencil4) A. book B. turtle C. cow5) A. pen B. ruler C. grapefruit四. 选出正确的答案填在横线上( )1.当早上遇见老师你会说_________A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon ( )2.当你想说见到你很高兴时你会说_____A. Nice to see you.B. What’s your name? ( )3. This is my new_____________.A. bagB. rulerC. hat( )4. --- Would you like some _________? --- Yes, please.A. applesB. pearsC. lemons( )5. ---How many _____ are there? ? ---There are two.A. dogsB. catsC. sheep( )6. ----What would you like? ---___________.A. I want some pears.B. Yes, please!( )7. --- What is it? ----It’s a __________.A. mangoB. coconut( )8----What’s your favourite fruit? ----__________A. No, thanks.B. I like watermelons.五.看图片读句子写“Yes”或“No”1. This is a duck. ______2. I like chickens._____3. I want some oranges. _____4. Would you like some bananas? ______5. Show me your pencil-case. _____六.看图选词填空1. This is a____________. ( turtle cat )2. I can see two________. ( erasers pens )3. I go to school by _____________. (plane train )4. There are ________pandas. ( eight five )5. Do you like_____? (rabbits dogs )七选择最佳答案( )1. What’s your name?A.Tom.B.Yes,it is.C.Fine,thank you.( )2.How old are you?A. I’m Lucy.B.Good morning.C.I’m five.( )3. What colour do you like??A.How are you?B.I like green.C.My mother.( )4. How many dogs are there?A.cat.B.two.C.He’s fourty.( )5. Do you like bananas ?A.Y es,it is.B.No,I’m not.C.Yes,I do.( )6. How(怎样)do you go to school(上学)?A.I don’t like it.B.I go to school by bus.C.It’s my brother’s. ( )7.What’s your favorite(最喜爱的)vegetable?A.It’s small.B.carrots.C.I like it.( )8. Whose (谁的)bike is it?A.It’s Tom’s.B.Yes.C.It’s red.( )9. What's for breakfast(早餐)?A.It’s on the table.B.egg.C.it’s red.( )10. What do you do every day(每天)?A.cat.B. I read book.C. He is short?八、选出合适的单词填入相应的类别中A.brotherB.eyeC.penD.yellowE.lemon1. book pencil ruler ________2.father mother sister ________3.apple pear banana ________4.red green black ________5.nose arm leg ________九、情景交际。

(10分) ()()()()()()()()()()三.听一听,连一连。
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rulers, an eraser and three pencils.
Pat is my new friend . Bill, Tom and Ann
are my new friends, too. I love all my friends
and my teacher !
剑桥少儿英语一级上册练习 册1
Sam Pat
book pencil-case
1. A mat 2. A cat 3. A bat 4. A Sam 5. A add
B map B hat B bag B van B apple
My name is Sam . I’m seven years old.
I’m a new student now . I have a new bag .
In the bag , I have five new books and a new
pencil-case . In the pencil-case , I have two
i d nwo w e cn p l i kobo mrnigno tae h r ec f i r n ed
Look at the ceiling (天花板). Look at the floor (地板). What’s in the classroom?
p-e-n-c-i-l --c-a-s-e 铅笔盒
Monday ,September 3rd
A pen (钢笔) and a ruler (尺子) . A bag (书包) and an eraser (橡皮).
Sam: Good morning ! Pat: Good morning ! Sam: I’m Sam. What’s your name ? Pat: My name is Pat. Who is this ? Sam: This is my friend . His name is Bill . Pat: Nice to see you ! Sam: Nice to see you , too .