model_202 美国2B公司臭氧分析仪
ODOROMETER 臭氧测试仪 产品说明书
![ODOROMETER 臭氧测试仪 产品说明书](
ODOROMETERPortable Gas Odorant TesterPart Number 5110-0200Operation and Maintenance ManualInstruction P/N: 0023-9125Rev. 17 – June 2011WARNING!Because this instrument is used to detect and monitor materials and conditions which are listed by OSHA or others as potentiallyhazardous to personnel and property, the information in this manual must be fully understood and utilized to ensure that theinstrument is operating properly and is both used and maintained in the proper manner by qualified personnel. An instrument that isnot properly calibrated, operated and maintained by qualified personnel is likely to provide erroneous information, which couldprevent user awareness of a potentially hazardous situation for the instrument user, other personnel and property.If, after reading the information in this manual, the user has questions regarding the operation, application or maintenance of theinstrument, supervisory or training assistance should be obtained before use. Factory assistance is available by calling 724-334-5000.World Headquarters621 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068Ph: 724-334-5000 • Fax: 724-334-5001 • Toll Free: 800-736-4666Website:•E-mail:********************WARRANTYBACHARACH, Inc., warrants to Buyer that at the time of delivery this Product will be free fromdefects in material and manufacture and will conform substantially to BACHARACH Inc.’sapplicable specifications. BACHARACH’s liability and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty arelimited to the repair or replacement, at BACHARACH’s option, of this Product or parts thereofreturned to Seller at the factory of manufacture and shown to BACHARACH Inc.’s reasonablesatisfaction to have been defective; provided that written notice of the defect shall have been givenby Buyer to BACHARACH Inc. within one (1) year after the date of Delivery of this product byBACHARACH, Inc.BACHARACH, Inc. warrants to Buyer that it will convey good title to this Product. Bacharach’sliability and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty of title are limited to the removal of any title defectsor, at the election of Bacharach, to the replacement of this Product or parts thereof that aredefective in title.The warranty set forth in paragraph 1 does not apply to parts the Operating Instructions designateas having a limited shelf life or as being expended in normal use.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE GIVEN AND ACCEPTED IN LIEUOF (i) ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE: AND (ii) ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDYIN CONTRACT OR TORT, WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM BACHARACH S NEGLIGENCE,ACTUAL OR IMPLIED. The remedies of the Buyer shall be limited to those provided herein to theexclusion of any and all other remedies including, without limitation incidental or consequentialdamages. No agreement varying or extending the foregoing warranties, remedies or this limitationwill be binding upon Bacharach, Inc. unless in writing, signed by a duly authorized officer ofBacharach.Batteries, being expendable items, are excluded from the terms of this warranty.Page 2 Instruction 0023-9125OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSfor theODOROMETER1. APPLICATIONThe ODOROMETER is a portable instrument that can be used by gas companies to check the odorization of the gas being distributed. The instrument provides an easy method of determining the odor intensity of a gas stream at any convenient point in the gas distribution or transmission lines, and is a faster method of determining odor levels at high or low gas-air concentrations than the room-test method. The range of testing on the standard instrument is from one-twentieth of 1% to slightly over 1% gas in air. This range enables the operator to check the accepted gas concentrations for the detection of an odorant in natural gas.The ODOROMETER may also be used to perform natural gas odor intensity tests in accordance with ASTM D 6273-98. (ASTM is the American Society for Testing and Materials.)2. DESCRIPTIONThe ODOROMETER uses a constant-speed, motor-driven blower to produce a constant flow of air, which is discharged from a glass SNIFFING FUNNEL through an opening in the top of the case, where the operator can sniff it conveniently for the presence of detectable odor. The gas to be tested is supplied to the instrument under its own pressure and metered by a FLOWMETER (also known as a Rotameter) and needle valve. The concentration of gas in the effluent air is determined from the FLOWMETER reading by reference to the calibration chart on the inside of the front cover.The instrument components are mounted on an anodized aluminum panel which, in turn, mounts inside an anodized aluminum case. All metal and instrument surfaces have been chosen so that no outgas problems will occur. Make sure not to use any chemicals on the instrument that would give off residual odors.The ODOROMETER is a DC model completely independent of the power line and takes power from a battery pack consisting of five size D Alkaline cells. This model is adjusted at the factory for proper blower speed and contains a front panel POWER LED which indicates that the unit is working properly.NOTE:Two older versions of the ODOROMETER, an AC and DC model are still in use, andsupported by Bacharach Inc. The AC model uses a shaded-pole constant-speed motor to drive Array the blower, and the instrument is equipped with a line cord for convenient connection to any115 volt 60 cycle power source. The blower speed of the DC model is controlled by a rheostatand is set using the reading of the built-in milliammeter.Because there are slight differences in the three models, the older models will be referred to inAppendix A, which only needs to be referenced when using one of these older models.3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1. Make sure batteries are in place. (See Appendix A for AC models.)2. The gas supply should be connected to the inlet fitting on the front panel, and pressure should be below 5 psig.Connection should be made with aluminum or plastic tubing only; do not use copper or rubber, as these tend to remove odorant compounds. A 6 foot length of suitable plastic tubing is supplied with the instrument.3. Where possible, tests should be run in an odor and draft free area.4. Set the instrument on a level bench or desk. Swing the handle down and the top cover open. Switch the unit"ON" (clockwise). The green POWER LED should light (see Appendix A for older models).Instruction 0023-9125 Page 3Page 4 Instruction 0023-9125NOTE: If the LED goes out after a few seconds, replace the batteries.5. The GAS INLET NEEDLE VALVE is located in the center of the panel. Open the valve slowly while sniffing theair being discharged from the SNIFFER FUNNEL opening in the top of case.6. The observer must be careful to hold his nose within one inch of the SNIFFING FUNNEL to avoid dilution withthe surrounding air (placing the upper lip on the handle will allow the nose to be centered about one inch above the SNIFFING FUNNEL).7. Odor level rating must be based on the first sniff or two because the olfactory senses fatigue rapidly withcontinued exposure to an odor.8. Between sniffs the observer should breathe deeply but slowly through his nose to “regenerate” his perception.4. THRESHOLD ODOR DETERMINATION1. Have the observers sniff the unodorized air stream.2. Adjust the gas flow rate to the estimated threshold value and let the observers sniff again to see if they cansmell any foreign odor.3. Adjust the gas concentration upward or downward, as indicated by the above test, and have the observers sniffagain.4. Repeat this procedure until the threshold value is obtained for each observer. It is best to take severalreadings on both sides of the threshold and to run an occasional blank using air with no added gas.5. Calculate the average threshold value of each observer. Then calculate the total average value, using theseindividual averages. This procedure is advisable because considerable variation is found among individuals indetecting threshold value. Thus, if the observers take different numbers of readings, a “straight” average of allthese values would give more weight to the observer with the larger number of readings.6. It is essential for this type of determination that the odor level rating be based on the first sniff only, becausefatigue is very rapid in this range.1. Have the observers sniff the unodorized air stream.2. Adjust the gas rate to the desired concentration.3. Have the observers sniff the effluent air stream, rating the odor intensity as:(1) absent(2) barely detectable(3) readily detectable(4) strong(5) very strong (obnoxious).4. If desired, a description of the character of the odor, such as onion, garbage,refinery, etc., can also be obtained.5. Repeat the test after a short time to check the first determination.6. RANGE OF MEASUREMENTThe instrument has two ranges, obtained by using a lightweight glass and aheavier metal float, both in the same metering tube. Take readings on the glassfloat when both are within the range of measurement; take readings on the metalfloat when the glass float reaches the top of the tube. Useful ranges areapproximately 0.04 to 0.4% for the glass float, and 0.2 to 1.1% for the metal float.When taking readings, observe the FLOWMETER graduation corresponding to thebottom of the ball float. Find the gas concentration corresponding to this reading bylooking at the calibration chart on the inside of the front cover. This chart has beendrawn to give the percent gas concentration over the useful ranges for natural gaswith a specific gravity of 0.620 relative to air. Concentrations of gases of otherdensities may be read using the correction factors shown on the graph below thecalibration chart.Instruction 0023-9125 Page 5Page 6 Instruction 0023-91257. MAINTENANCEThe FLOWMETER tube and floats must be kept clean to prevent sticking of the floats in the tube. To disassemble, press the sides of the plastic cover and pull out. Remove the spring lock clip at the top of tube, lift the tubeconnector and pull tube out by lifting from the bottom connectors. The tube and floats can be washed in alcohol, trichloroethylene or other solvent.8. HOW TO USE THE ODOROMETER GAS CALIBRATION CHARTWhen the odor (mercaptan) in gas has been detected, observe the reading indicated by the FLOWMETER float.Depending on the range required, use either the upper glass float (colored) for values 0.04 to 0.4% or lower metal float (silver) for values 0.2 to 1.2%.EXAMPLE:FLOWMETER (silver float) indicates 70; use second curve and observe that percent gas indicated by the chart is 1.1% (% GAS IN ODOROMETER EFFLUENT). If specific gravity of gas under test is0.620, the correct percentage of gas is as noted on the curve (1.1%). If specific gravity differs, usethe CORRECTION CHART below.EXAMPLE:Specific gravity of gas under test is 0.55, the correction factor noted on the chart is 1.06. The correct gas concentration is obtained by multiplying the following:1.1% x 1.06 = 1.166% (Gas in ODOROMETER effluent).NOTE: The chart below is intended as an example only and does not reflect the calibration ofyour instrument. See actual calibration graph on your instrument.Your ODOROMETER was calibrated against standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) prior to its shipment from the factory. To ensure the instrument’s continued accuracy and reliability, Bacharach recommends periodic calibration by an authorized Bacharach Service Facility. For best results, the instrument should be initially calibrated after no longer than one year of service. Thereafter, the calibration interval should be set as needed to ensure continued reliability. If calibrated by a Bacharach Service Facility, the assigned interval will be based upon the instrument’s condition as received, in or out-of-tolerance and degree of drift since the last calibration.Bacharach recommends that service on portable instruments, in or out of warranty, be performed at one of our Service Centers. Should service be required, please pack the instrument carefully, include all necessary identifying papers (with description of service needed), and ship prepaid to one of the below locations.United StatesBacharach Sales/Service Center 621 Hunt Valley CircleNew Kensington, PA 15068 Phone: 724-334-5051Fax: 724-334-5723Email:**********************CanadaBacharach of Canada, Inc.20 Amber St. Unit #7Markham, Ontario L3R SP4 Canada Phone: 905-470-8985FAX: 905-470-8963E-mail:*******************APPENDIX A - OLDER VERSIONS OF THE ODOROMETER1. Instruments designed to operate from AC will operate from any 115 volt, 60 Hz power source.2. For the DC model, start motor by turning switch clockwise to “ON” and rotating the knob clockwise until air flowis achieved. Set ammeter to red mark for proper amount of air flow. For the AC model, just plug in line cord and turn on switch to start air flow. Pilot light will indicate that power is connected to motor.Instruction 0023-9125 Page 7Page 8 Instruction 0023-9125Bacharach, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to anotherlanguage without the prior written consent of Bacharach, Inc.Copyright © 2005-2011, Bacharach, Inc., all rights reserved.BACHARACH ®is a registered trademark of Bacharach, Inc. All other trademarks, trade names,service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective owners.Headquarters621 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068Ph: 724-334-5000 • Fax: 724-334-5001 • Toll Free: 1-800-736-4666Website:•E-mail:********************Printed in U.S.A. ® Registered Trademark of Bacharach Inc.。
2B臭氧分析仪106-L 使用说明书操作手册 2B科技设计的Model 106-L型号臭氧分析仪采用254nm紫外吸收法技术
![2B臭氧分析仪106-L 使用说明书操作手册 2B科技设计的Model 106-L型号臭氧分析仪采用254nm紫外吸收法技术](
Model 106 臭氧分析仪手册Rev. D 12目录鉴别记录..............................................................................................3 打印记录................................................................................3 担保申明................................................................................4 警告......................................................................................6 臭氧分析仪引言.......................................................................7 技术规格................................................................................9 操作......................................................................................9 菜单.....................................................................................12 维护/故障诊断........................................................................20 校准.....................................................................................22 部件表..................................................................................28 服务记录...............................................................................28 附录A :USB 安装...................................................................29 附录B :使用USB 连接. (32)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦A1509网址 www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589003鉴别记录请记录下列信息用做将来参考:产品序列号:____________________________________ 质保日期: ____________________________________(自收货之日起有效)打印记录新版本是仪器操作指南的完整修订本,合并了先前所有该仪器的更新彩页及补充说明。
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02 Xylem Wedeco 臭氧产品介绍_201112——
![02 Xylem Wedeco 臭氧产品介绍_201112——](
Xylem: 公司简介
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2B臭氧分析仪106-L 使用说明书操作手册 2B科技设计的Model 106-L型号臭氧分析仪采用254nm紫外吸收法技术
![2B臭氧分析仪106-L 使用说明书操作手册 2B科技设计的Model 106-L型号臭氧分析仪采用254nm紫外吸收法技术](
Model 106 臭氧分析仪手册Rev. D 12目录鉴别记录..............................................................................................3 打印记录................................................................................3 担保申明................................................................................4 警告......................................................................................6 臭氧分析仪引言.......................................................................7 技术规格................................................................................9 操作......................................................................................9 菜单.....................................................................................12 维护/故障诊断........................................................................20 校准.....................................................................................22 部件表..................................................................................28 服务记录...............................................................................28 附录A :USB 安装...................................................................29 附录B :使用USB 连接. (32)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦A1509网址 www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589003鉴别记录请记录下列信息用做将来参考:产品序列号:____________________________________ 质保日期: ____________________________________(自收货之日起有效)打印记录新版本是仪器操作指南的完整修订本,合并了先前所有该仪器的更新彩页及补充说明。
IDEAL-2000Ozone concentration detectorManualUnited States-owned IDEAL Computer(ZIBO) CO,.LTD.Dear users:Thank you very much for using our products.Before using this product, please read these instructions carefully.The products described in this manual only for trained qualified workers. This product's adjustment, repair and maintenance must be authorized officers specified by the manufacturer.For use this product correctly and safety, you need to operate in accordance with this manual.The manufacturer recommendations:Maintain the integrity of the product label;Do not disassemble this product;All maintenance and calibration of this product needs to operate in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction Manual.The manufacturer has no responsibility to any damage and injure caused by improper use of this product.The manufacturer can improve the product specifications or modify the contents of the manual without notice.If you find any errors in this manual, please contact us, we are very grateful.DO NOT copy or imitation of all or part of this manual without Them anufacturer’s Permission!Directory1.Outline2.Technical Parameters3.Structure4.Function Introductionmunication protocol6. of validity1. OutlineIDEAL-2000-type Ozone concentration detector mainly use for the export’s ozone concentration detection of ozone generator,UV lamp as light source system,Life is 30,000 hours or more,Stable measurements, High precision;Use Integration Layer Stream light pool structure,No leakage、absorb high pressure、absorb high flow sample gas’s impact、easy to clean、easy to maintenance、easy to operate. The product will correction zero automatically during using, ensure accuracy of concentration and avoid zero drift,have 4-20mA and RS-485 output signal。
1.化学检测法碘量法碘量法是最常用的臭氧测定方法,我国和许多国家均把此法作为测定气体臭氧的标准方法,我国建设部发布的《臭氧发生器臭氧浓度、产量、电耗的测量》标准CJ/T — 94 中即规定使用碘量法。
其原理为强氧化剂臭氧(O 3)与碘化钾(KI)水溶液反应生成游离碘(I 2)。
反应式为:O 3 + 2KI + H 2O → O 2 + I 2 + 2KOH游离碘显色,在水中浓度由低至高呈浅黄至深红色。
用硫代硫酸钠(NaS2O3 )标准液滴定(硫代硫酸钠应加入碱式滴定管中,带橡胶和玻璃珠的),游离碘变为碘化钠(NaI),反应终点为完全褪色停止。
反应式为:I2 + 2Na 2S2O 3→ 2NaI + NaS4O 6两反应式建立起O3反应量与NaS2O3消耗量的定量关系为1molO 3:2mol NaS2O 3,则臭氧浓度C(O3)计算式为:C(O3)= V1x L*48 /2 V 0(mg/L )式中:C(O3)——臭氧浓度,mg/L ;V1 ——硫代硫酸钠标准液用量,ml ;L ——硫代硫酸钠标准液浓度,mol/L ;V 0——臭氧化气体取样体积,ml 。
操作程序及方法参照标准CJ/ — 94 。
臭氧化气体积用流量计计数,NaS2O 3浓度一般配制为L ,测定精度可达± 1% 。
为保证测定精度,NaS2O 3 配为L 。
NaS2O3浓度为L 。
缺点是易受其氧化剂如NO 、CI2等物质的干扰,在重要检测时应减除其它氧化物质的影响。
Bacharach Model BC-3000 可移动燃烧和排放分析仪说明书
![Bacharach Model BC-3000 可移动燃烧和排放分析仪说明书](
Inspired by contractors.Typical 14 hourrun time with standard Li-Ion rechargable or use 4x AA batteriesor AC power .Organize records in folder structure for later viewing and downloads.1000 Memory2- Holds up to 4 sensors at once.- Automatic Sensor Protection.- CO-H2 compensatedof 10,000 ppm.- Smart Sensors: Includes a chip to tell the instrument the gas and calibration curve.Advanced®and easy-to-see results.Large Color text, bar graph, tile or trending format making it easier to interpret results.Enhanced Data Includes common fuels like natual gas, oil, propane and kerosene.10 Standard Fuels cal gases with simple, pre-cali-brated sensor exchange using Near Field Communication (NFC).B-SMART ®Pre-Calibrated PRODUCT SHOWN ACTUAL SIZEPCA 400 Portable Combustion & Emissions Analyzeror VITON TM tubing formost accurate NOx and SOx measurements.Sample Lineextended 15 ft sample lines.Sample Line Length OptionsInspired By Contractors.You spoke. We listened. SoBacharach delivered the PCA 400, an easy-to-use, feature-rich industrial combustion analyzer.Designed By Bacharach.The PCA 400 was designed for a wide variety of combustion applications. Whether tuning boilers or spot-checkingemissions, it provides accurate,reliable, repeatable results in a cost-effective package.Built on Reputation.Bacharach’s reputation includes over 100 years of American made products and ingenuity. This foundation combined with our extensive combustion analysis experience, brings the PCA 400 to life.Provides a quick, simple robust con-nection to the analyzer.4Data can be viewed in list (text), tile, bar graph and trending formats to easily analyze yourinformation and results. You can further customize the PCA 400 to show all the parameters in the order you prefer.Enhanced Data Viewing CapabilitiesTHE COMPLETE SOLUTION . . . FOR PORTABLEThe PCA 400 provides accurate readings for CO, O NO with our standard probe. Optional Viton and thermo-electric sample conditioner ensure accu-rate results in any application including NO measurements.Sample Conditioning for Accurate Measurements1Windows PCs, Android and iOS devices only. See website for details.5Rugged and ReliableDesigned for commercial and industrial environments, the PCA 400 is rugged and reliable for everyday use. With a rugged one-step probe connection and automatic sensor protection to extend the safe operating range the PCA 400 remains ready at your side.Bacharach’s B-SMART™ pre-calibrated sensorseliminate field calibrations. or allow the user to add a new sensor type in the field. With NFC technology, in -stalling a B-SMART™ sensor takes just a few seconds. The B-SMART™ exchange program is available so you don’t have to remember when your instrument needs calibration.B-SMART™ Pre-Calibrated Sensors Easy to Service and MaintainThe PCA 400 is designed to make maintenance easy. With quick access to sensors, batteries, probes and other consumable parts, cost of ownership and down time are significantly reduced.Multiple Sensor OptionsThe PCA 400 can be configured with up to 4 gas sensors. Pick from the CO-H 2 compensated or CO high-range sensor, then add NO, NO 2 and SO 2 asneeded. NOx is calculated from the NO reading if NOx and SOx are both required.COMBUSTION AND EMISSION ANALYSISHigh-Flow Pump with Fresh Air PurgeFor the toughest applications the PCA 400 has options to enable a higher pump flow and perform fresh air sensor purges while the probe is still in the flue.6From commercial boilers to the oil and gas industry —Bacharach’s PCA 400 is designed for you.The PCA 400 is perfect for spot-checking and tuning your engines with the high range CO sensor (with dilution capabilities for CO of up to 80,000 ppm ensuring the sensor is not overranging) and available sample conditioner. Whether it’s natural gas, stationary gensets or mobile diesel fleet vehicles, monitoring your emissions is fast, easy and accurate.ENGINES:The PCA 400 offers you everything you and your technicians need to commission,tune, maintain and certify any boiler, anywhere. With customized reporting and a simple user interface, boiler tuning and commissioning has never been so simple.COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BOILERS:Whether gearing up for a compliance test or doing a quick spot check, the PCA 400 is always at the ready. Bluetooth ® data streaming and customizable reporting options provide all of the necessary information for reliable test reporting.MIDSTREAM OIL AND GAS:SPECIFICATIONSATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONDisplay 4.3 in. (10.9 cm) color touch panel LCDPower Rechargeable Li-Ion battery pack, 4x AA batteries or wall adapter (5V USB)Run Time 12 to 14 hours (typical, w/ included LI-Ion battery pack)Size (HxWxD) 10 x 3.8 x 2.5 in, (25.4 x 9.7 x 6.4 cm)Weight 1.5 lb. (0.68 kg) w/ Li-Ion battery packFuels (1) Natural gas, coal, oil 2-4 or 6, propane, wood/biofuel, kerosene, bagasse, digester gas, B5, pellets, KOKS, LEG, LPG,butane, wood chips Warm-up Time 60 secondsMemory1,000 sets of recordsCommunications USB 2.0 (micro-B), IrDA, Bluetooth ® 4.0 Approvals CE MarkWarranty2 years for instrument, 5 years for O 2 sensor Sample Flow Rate 0.6 to 0.7 L/min (standard)1.0 L/min (high flow mode)Storage Conditions 20 to 50° C (-4 to 122° F), 15 to 90% RH, non-condensing, 1 Atmosphere ± 10%,Normal Operating 0 to 45° C (23 to 113° F), 15 to 95% RH, non-condensing, 1 atmosphere ± 10%,Conditions(1)Depending upon combustion equation setting (North American or Siegert) - see manual for details7MEASUREMENTSO 2 0 to 20.9 %0.1% +/- 0.3% (on flue gas) T90 < 20 sec Standard CO-H 2 compensated 0 to 10,000 ppm 1 ppm +/- 10 ppm (0 to 200) T90 < 40 secOptional+/- 5% of reading (201 to 2,000) +/- 10% of reading (2,001 to 10,000)CO (high) 0 to 40,000 ppm 10 ppm +/- 10 ppm (0 to 100) T90 < 75 sec Optional +/- 10% of reading (101 to 40,000)NO 0 to 3,000 ppm 0.1 ppm (0 to 50) +/- 3 ppm (0 to 50) T90 < 75 sec Optional +/- 5% (51 to 2000) 1 ppm (> 50) +/- 10% of reading (> 2000)NO 2 0 to 500 ppm 0.1 ppm (0 to 50) +/- 3 ppm (0 to 50) T90 < 40 secOptional1 ppm (> 50) +/- 5% (51 to 500) SO2 0 to 5000 ppm 1 ppm +/- 10 ppm (0 to 200) T90 < 30 sec Optional+/- 5% of reading (201 to 2,000) +/- 10% of reading (2001 to 5000)Ambient -20 to 537 °C 0.1 °C +/- 1 °C (0 to 100 °C) T90 < 70 sec Standard Temperature (-4 to 999 °F) (0.1 °F)Stack -20 to 1200 °C 1 °C +/- 2 °C (0 to 124 °C) T90 < 50 secStandardTemperature (-4 to 2192 °F) (1 °F) +/- 3 °C (125 to 249 °C) +/- 4 °C (250 to 400 °C)Differential +/- 600 °C 0.1 °C N/A N/A Standard Temperature (+/- 1112 °F) (0.1 °F) Pressure +/- 179 mB 0.01 mB +/- 0.03 mB (-1 to 1 mB) N/AStandard/ Differential (+/- 72 inwc) (0.01 inwc) +/- 0.05 mB (from -2.5 to -1 and +1 to +2.5) Pressure +/- -3% of reading (from 100 to -2.5 and +2.5 to +100)Flow 0 to 1 LPM0.05 LPM +/- 0.1 LPMN/A StandardCALCULATED READINGSEfficiency (HHV) 0.1 to 100% 0.1% North American, Siegert CO 2 (dry basis) 0.1 to a fuel dependent max in % 0.1%North American, Siegert NO x 0 to 3500 ppm 0.1 ppm (0 to 50) North American, Siegert 1 ppm (> 50) CO Ref to O 2 0 to 9999 ppm 1 ppm North American, Siegert NO Ref to O 2 0 to 9999 ppm 1 ppm North American, Siegert NO 2 Ref to O 2 0 to 9999 ppm 1 ppm North American, Siegert NO x Ref to O 2 0 to 9999 ppm 1 ppm North American, Siegert SO 2 Ref to O 2 0 to 9999 ppm 1 ppm North American, Siegert Excess Air 1 to 250% 1% North American CO/CO 2 Ratio 0.0001 to fuel dependent max 0.0001 Siegert ETA (LHV) 0 to 115% 0.1% Siegert Stack Loss 0.1 to 100% 0.1% Siegert Lambda 1 to 9.550.01Siegert8Bacharach621 Hunt Valley Circle,New Kensington, PA 15068 USA|********************Ordering Information1 = CO-H 1 = 7.5 ft. STD tubing2 = 15 ft. STD tubing3 = 7.5 ft. VITON tubing4 = 15 ft. VITON tubing2 = 24 in. probe3 = 36 in. probe2410-1110PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. STDtubing and standard case2410-1112 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. STD tubing, standard case and Bluetooth ® printer 2411-1110 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. STD tubing and standard case2411-1112 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. STD tubing, standard case and Bluetooth ® printer2412-1310 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, NO 2, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. VITON TM tubing and standard case2412-1312 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, NO 2, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. VITON M tubing, standard case and Bluetooth ® printer2413-1310 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, SO 2, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. VITON M tubing and standard case2413-1312 PCA 400 w/ O 2, CO, NO, SO 2, 12 in. probe with 7.5 ft. VITON M tubing, standard case and Bluetooth ® printerAccessories0024-1400 Bluetooth ® printer kit 0021-7006 Tru Spot ® Smoke Kit0104-1797 Thermocouple - 10 ft. for combustion air temperature0104-1798 Thermocouple - 1 in. for ambient air temperature 0024-8242 Differential Pressure and Temperature Kit 0024-3150 High-temperature particulate filterProbe and Hose Assemblies0024-3231 Probe Handle Assembly with 12 in. probe tube 0024-3232 Probe Handle Assembly with 24 in. probe tube 0024-3233 Probe Handle Assembly with 36 in. probe tube 0024-3234 Hose Assembly, Standard tubing, 7.5 ft 0024-3235 Hose Assembly, Standard tubing, 15 ft. 0024-3236 Hose Assembly, Viton TM , 7.5 ft.0024-3237Extended Hose Assembly, Viton TM , 15 ft.Common Configurations For more information about the PCA 400 and other Bacharach products scan here.HOW TO CONTACT US:Bacharach US Customer Service: +1 724 334 5000Bacharach EU Customer Service: +353 1 284 PCA 400 is a trademark of Bacharach, Inc.。
臭氧分析仪检测的原理 分析仪工作原理
![臭氧分析仪检测的原理 分析仪工作原理](
臭氧分析仪的检测方法及其原理介绍臭氧浓度检测方法大致可分为“化学分析法”“物理分析法”“物理化学分析法”三类.1.化学检测法1.1碘量法碘量法是zui常用的臭氧测定方法,我国和很多国家均把此法作为测定气体臭氧的标准方法,我国建设部发布的《臭氧发生器臭氧浓度、产量、电耗的测量》标准CJ/T3028.294中即规定使用碘量法.其原理为强氧化剂臭氧(O3)与碘化钾(KI)水溶液反应生成游离碘(I2).臭氧还原为氧气.反应式为:O3 2KI H2OO2 I2 2KOH游离碘显色,依在水中浓度由低至高呈浅黄至深红色.利用硫代硫酸钠(NaS2O3)标准液滴定,反应尽头为完全褪色止.反应式为:I2 2Na2S2O32NaI NaS4O6两反应式建立起O3反应量与NaS2O3消耗量的定量关系为1molO3:2molNaS2O3,则臭氧浓度CO3计算式为:CO3=40x3x1000/1000(mg/L)式中:CO3臭氧浓度,mg/L;ANa硫代硫酸钠标准液用量,ml;B 硫代硫酸钠标准液浓度,mol/L;V0臭氧化气体取样体积,ml.操作程序及方法参照标准CJ/T3028.294.测定标准型发生器浓度很便利.臭氧化气体积用流量计计数,NaS2O3浓度一般配制为0.100mol/L,测定精度可达1%.测定空气中臭氧浓度时,应用在气采样器抽气定量.为保证测定精度,NaS2O3配为0.10mol/L.测定水溶臭氧浓度亦可用此公式计算,只是V0代表采水量,取1000ml.NaS2O3浓度为0.10mol/L.碘量法优点为显色直观.不需要宝贵仪器.缺点是易受其氧化剂如NO、CI2等物质的干扰,在紧要检测时应减除其它氧化物质的影响.1.2比色法比色法是依据臭氧与不同化学试剂的显色或脱色反应程度来确定臭氧浓度的方法.按比色手段分为人工色样比色与光度计色.此法多用于检测水溶解臭氧浓度.国内检测瓶装水臭氧溶解浓度有使用碘化钾、其方式是利用检测样品显色液管相比较,确定测样臭氧溶解度值(0.05~0.08mg/L),要求的,则利用分光光度计检测.国外利用此法做成仪器,配制标准工具与药品作为现场抽检使用,很便利.如美国HACH公司、日本荏原公司的DPD(二己基对苯二胺)比色盘,范围为0.05~2mg/L.美国HACH公司微型比色仪,利用靛蓝染料脱色反应.在600nm波长比色,0.05~0.75nm/L浓度数字显示,精度0.01nm/L.受其它氧化剂干扰少.1.3检测管将臭氧氧化可变化试剂浸渍在载体上,作为反应剂封装在标准内径的玻璃管内做成测管,使用时将检测管两端切断,把抽气器接到检测管出气端吸取定量臭氧气体,臭氧浓度与检测管内反应剂柱变色长度成正比,通过刻度值读取浓度值.德国、日本和我国都生产臭氧检测管,浓度范围分为高(1000ppm)、中(10ppm)、低(3ppm)三种,用于检测空气臭氧浓度,适于现场应用,使用简便,但精度低(为15%).2.物理方法物理方法分析臭氧现在在国际上zui流行的是紫外线吸取法.它是利用臭氧对254nm波长的紫外线特征吸取的特性,依据比尔郎伯(Beer—Lambert)定律制造出的分析仪器,只要选择合适长度的吸取池,就可以检测0.002mg/m3~5%(vol)浓度的臭氧.其线形在4~5个数量级内都很好.该法已被我国作为环境空气中测定臭氧的标准方法(GB1/T1154348).紫外线吸取法不但可以适用于检测气体中臭氧浓度,也可以检测水中溶存的臭氧浓度.紫外线吸取法的仪器在美国、的国、瑞士、日本都有产品.我国北京分析仪器厂于1985年引进了美国莫尼特(MONITORLABS)公司的ML—8810型紫外吸取式臭氧分析器,用于环境检测,1992年以后又连续扩展量程到100ppm、1000ppm.北京超能自控试验技术讨论所在1999年开发了ZX—01系列紫外线吸取式臭氧分析器,其测量范围从0~10ppm(用于环境检测)、0~100ppm、0~1000ppm、0~10000ppm到0~25000ppm.2.1紫外线吸取法原理辐射被某种气体或液体吸取是受朗伯—比尔(LambertBeer)定律掌控的:I=Ioeklc式中Io入射光束的强度;I光束穿透样品(气体或液体)后的强度;l通过样品光程的长度;c样品内吸取物质的浓度;k吸取物质对该光线波长的比吸取系数.此种检测需要对物质在已知波长下k值的了解.2.2臭氧检测臭氧吸取短波紫外区(200~300nm)哈特雷波段紫外光,在253.7nm处具有zui大吸取。
2B品牌臭氧检测分析仪 可检测1PPB级臭氧Ozone Monitor Models 106-L, 106-M and 106-H
![2B品牌臭氧检测分析仪 可检测1PPB级臭氧Ozone Monitor Models 106-L, 106-M and 106-H](
2B Technologies, Inc.An InDevR Company 2100 Central Ave., Suite 105 Boulder, CO 80301, USAsales@+1(303)273-0559Ozone Monitor Models 106-L, 106-M and 106-H地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦A1509蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址 www.shenguoan.comGeneral SpecificationsMeasurement Principle UV Absorption at 254 nmMeasurement Interval10 s for Models 106-L & 106-M, 2 s for Model 106-HData Averaging Options10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hrFlow Rate~1 Liter/min; Up to 20 L/min for Model 106-HData Storage32,736 lines (10 s avg. = 3.7 days; 5 min avg = 113 days)Choice of Units ppb, ppm, pphm, µg m-3, mg m-3 (vol%, wt% air, wt% O2 for Model 106H) Data Outputs USB, RS232, 0-2.5 V Analog, 4-20 mA, LCD DisplayPower Requirements12 V, 500 mA, 6 wattSize 3.75 x 8.5 x 8.5 inches (9.5 x 21.6 x 21.6 cm)Weight 4.5 lb (2.0 kg)Features∙Measurement based on UV absorption∙Low power consumption; can be battery operated∙Internal data logger with real time clock∙On-board microprocessor with interactive menus includes data averaging options of 10 s, 1 m, 5 m and 1 hr∙USB and RS-232 output of time/date, O3 concentration, internal temperature and pressure∙Analog output (0-2.5 V and 4-20 mA) of ozone concentration in user selected units∙Two level relay for control purposes (e.g., control of ozone source or turn warning light on and off)∙Long-life pump (15,000 hr) for Models 106-L and 106-M深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦A1509蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址。
Model 200稀释法CEMS手册_V1.1
![Model 200稀释法CEMS手册_V1.1](
Model 200 稀释法CEMS 用户维护手册赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司目录前言 0第一章系统介绍 (1)一、烟气连续排放监测系统简述 (1)1、系统任务 (1)2、监测项目 (1)3、系统组成 (1)4、系统框图 (2)二、SO2 和NO x 监测 (3)1、简介 (3)2、稀释采样系统 (4)2.1 稀释比 (4)2.2 稀释法采样探头 (5)2.3 采样管线 (6)2.4 稀释空气净化系统 (6)3、分析系统 (7)3.1 SO2 气体分析仪 (7)3.2 NO-NO2-NO X 气体分析仪 (9)第二章系统日常操作维护要点 (11)一、系统启动与关闭 (11)1、启动系统 (11)2、关闭系统 (11)二、分析仪常用操作 (12)1、按键功能 (12)2、报警查询 (12)3、校准菜单 (14)三、系统校准操作 (16)1、校准流程 (16)2、零点校准 (16)3、量程校准 (16)四、日常维护检查 (17)第三章常见故障及解决方法 (18)第四章推荐耗材及备件 (19)前言本文包括了对我公司所提供的Model 200 型烟气连续排放监测系统(CEMS,Continuous Emissions Monitoring System)的原理、操作进行概括性介绍,并未对所有设备的所有操作进行全面详述,每种设备的具体操作请详细阅读设备说明书。
第一章系统介绍一、烟气连续排放监测系统简述1、系统任务(1) 实现大气污染物排放源的实时连续监测;(2)为脱硫、脱硝系统实现系统控制提供相关参数;(3)计算污染物排放量,为环境管理提供数据;(4) 为炉窑控制提供参数。
2、监测项目(1)普通烟气监测:SO2、NO X、烟尘、流量、温度、压力、湿度、O2.(2) 脱硫、脱硝系统:FGD 或SCR 入口、FGD 或SCR 出口监测,根据控制要求配置。
① 零点校准:先令输入端短路(开关S1闭合),此时 有x=0,得到输出为y0,按式(4-4) , 有
② 增益校准 :令输入端接上一个已知的标准电压(开 关S2闭合),此时有x=E,得输出为y1, 于是有
③ 联立求解式(4-5)和式(4-6) ,可得两个误差 因子为
温度 变送器
压力 变送器
紫外 光源
样气分析池 排出
紫外光 检测器
多路 模拟 开关
DB 微型 CB 计算机
图4.22 臭氧分析仪结构示意图
(1)臭氧测量仪的工作原理 显然,由于吸收系数与环境因素有关,按式(4-8 )测量样气光强还不能准确知道臭氧浓度,还需要弄
清α随环境变化的规律,并进行补偿,才能真正解决问 题。现已知α与α0、T、p之间有下列近似关系:
ε是影响量(例如零点漂移或干扰) i是偏置量(例如直流放大器的偏置电流 ) k是影响特性(例如放大器增益的变化)
无误差的理想情况下: 系:
Mini-Hicon 高浓度臭氧分析仪 操作手册说明书
![Mini-Hicon 高浓度臭氧分析仪 操作手册说明书](
Mini-Hicon高浓度臭氧分析仪操作手册IN USA INC.电话:781-444-2929传真:781-444-9229中国区代理商:上海卯林机电设备有限公司地址:上海市闵行区外环路352号D205室电话:************传真:************email:*****************网址:文件变更记录表日期ECO#版本描述发起人27-8-97 1.0草案初稿DB9-10-97 2.0问题修正DB31-8-98 3.0CE认证的声明和符号VJD本设备具体配置系统序列号:软件版本:测量范围:臭氧测量单位:%WT g/m3g/Nm3mg/l压力测量单位:PSIA mB自动排放选项:□安装□不安装目录一、一般注意事项 (5)1.1、警告信息: (5)1.2、注意事项: (5)1.3、常规说明: (6)二、系统维护 (7)2.1系统概述 (7)三、安装和连接 (11)3.1、位置要求 (11)3.2、尺寸 (11)3.3、气体管路连接 (12)3.3.1、支路模式 (12)3.3.2、回路模式 (13)3.4、电路连接 (13)3.5、电源: (16)3.6、模拟输出 (17)3.7、仪器错误延迟 (17)3.8、远程零点校准 (17)3.9、自动吹扫 (18)3.10、RS-232通讯 (18)四、操作 (20)4.1、通电和预热 (20)4.2、吹扫 (20)4.3、校零 (20)4.4、测量单位 (20)五、浓度仪零点校准 (21)5.1、校零步骤 (21)仪器校零包括以下阶段: (21)5.1.1、通过前面板校零: (21)5.1.2、通过前面板校零程序操作 (21)5.2、参比气体类型和吹扫时间 (22)5.3、气动结构和吹扫 (22)六、故障情况 (23)6.1、查看故障信息: (23)6.2程序按钮 (24)6.3验证所有工厂参数 (24)6.4重新初始化 (25)6.5重新编程传感器参数 (25)6.6重新程序化操作参数 (26)6.7更改量程 (28)6.8紫外线灯管 (28)6.8.1不正确的预热,零气校准缺失 (28)6.8.2零点校准 (29)6.8.3.灯管诊断 (30)6.8.4灯管调整 (31)6.9其他错误情况 (32)七、维护 (33)7.1预防性维护计划 (33)7.2耗材订货信息 (33)7.3进口过滤器滤芯更换 (36)7.4更换紫外线灯管 (36)7.4.1更换灯管需要的设备: (36)7.4.2流程: (37)7.5替换测量池window和o型圈 (39)7.5.1需要的设备 (39)7.5.2流程 (40)7.6尾气破坏器更换 (42)八、CPU和L型电路板更换 (42)关于IN USA (46)符合标准声明 (47)一、一般注意事项1.1、警告信息:1.臭氧(O3)是一种有毒气体,高浓度臭氧是危险的,对人体健康有害,应该采取合理的方式避免接触,现在臭氧暴露的最大限度是8小时0.1PPM(按照U.S.职业安全与卫生条例)。
目前,臭氧已成为环境空气中仅次于PM 2.5的重要污染物。
PM 2.5与臭氧污染的协同控制成为我国“十四五”及更长时期的一个重要任务。
1校准中的注意事项1.1气路的检查以美国赛默飞世尔科技公司生产的49I 型臭氧气体分析仪为例,其测量范围为0~500nmol/mol 。
3)在仪器背面“sample ”口处连接三通,其中一路连接参比实验室计量标准产生的臭氧标准气体,另外一路排空。
3)用气体流量计确认计量标准是否达到输入流量的Precautions and Evaluation ofMeasurement Uncertainty in the Calibration of Ozone AnalyzersJIANG Tianqi ,GUO Xiaoyan ,DONG Jia ,WANG Lin(Liaoning Institute of Measurement,Shenyang 110004,China)Abstract :According to the Notice on Organizing the Implementation of the 2022National Metrology Comparision Projects requirements,the China Environmental Monitoring Center jointly with the China Institute of Metrology as the leading laboratory,organized the implementation of ozone standard metrology comparison work.Liaoning Provincial Metrology Institute participated in this comparison.According to the provisions of JJG 1077—2012Ozone Gas Analyzer inspection regulations,the transmission standard ozone gas analyzer (100±10)nmol/mol (20%FS),(250±10)nmol/mol (50%FS),(400±10)nmol/mol (80%FS)three concentration points were tested,and the test results were expressed in terms of the absolute value of the indicator error.This paper introduces the matters needing attention in the calibration of ozone analyzers in detail,evaluates the measurement uncertainty,and analyzes it.Keywords :ozone analyzers;calibration;metrological comparison;uncertainty臭氧分析仪校准中的注意事项及测量不确定度评定姜天淇,郭小岩,董佳,王琳(辽宁省计量科学研究院,辽宁沈阳110004)【摘要】根据《市场监管总局办公厅关于组织实施2022年国家计量比对项目的通知》要求,中国环境监测总站联合中国计量科学研究院作为主导实验室,组织实施了臭氧计量标准计量比对工作。
1-MCP结合臭氧处理对蓝莓低温保鲜效果的影响吉宁;龙晓波;李江阔;曹森;张鹏;马超;马立志;王瑞【摘要】为探索1-MCP(1μL/L)熏蒸结合臭氧处理(2 h)对蓝莓低温下(1±0.3)℃保鲜80 d的效果,以蓝莓鲜果(粉蓝)为研究对象,将其分为CK组、50、100和150μL/L臭氧处理组,贮藏期间取样对果实的顶空气体、呼吸强度、乙烯释放率、腐烂率、果皮相对电导率、软果率、硬度、可溶性固形物、维生素C、花色苷和多酚进行测定.结果表明,1-MCP结合100 μ.L/L浓度臭氧处理在整个贮藏期间效果最好,贮藏到第80 d,其腐烂率、软果率、呼吸强度、乙烯释放率分别比CK组低6.14%、6.87%、21.13%和15.77%,而VC、花色苷、多酚、硬度和可溶性固形物分别比CK组高出18.78%、13.55%、19.98%、9.74%和9.02%,因此,1-MCP结合适宜浓度的臭氧处理是一种低成本、高效的蓝莓鲜果保鲜方法.【期刊名称】《食品工业科技》【年(卷),期】2019(040)011【总页数】6页(P302-307)【关键词】1-甲基环丙烯;蓝莓;臭氧;低温贮藏;保鲜【作者】吉宁;龙晓波;李江阔;曹森;张鹏;马超;马立志;王瑞【作者单位】贵阳学院食品与制药工程学院,贵州省果品加工技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550005;贵州省凯里市麻江县蓝莓办公室,贵州凯里556000;国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心,天津300000;贵阳学院食品与制药工程学院,贵州省果品加工技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550005;国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心,天津300000;贵阳学院食品与制药工程学院,贵州省果品加工技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550005;贵阳学院食品与制药工程学院,贵州省果品加工技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550005;贵阳学院食品与制药工程学院,贵州省果品加工技术研究中心,贵州贵阳550005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS262.7蓝莓(Semen trigonellae)又称越橘,因果实甜酸适宜,具有防止脑神经老化、抗癌、软化血管、增强机体免疫及明目等保健功能,被列入世界第三代水果,亦是世界粮农组织推荐的五大健康食品之一[1]。
臭氧前体物分析全球热脱附技术领跑者从样品前处理到分析结果整体方案臭氧前体物在线分析系统——来自热脱附技术领跑者经得起考验的监测方案珀金埃尔默与美国国家环保局(US EPA)联合开发了可用于野外无需液氮且自动监测 C2-C12 碳氢化合物的分析仪和整套分析方案。
珀金埃尔默这套系统成功运行了很多年,现在仪器已升级至最新技术——Clarus500GC 和TurboMatrix热脱附。
全球重要性在美国,1970 年的清洁空气法赋予了环保署(EPA)维持空气清洁和保障公众健康的责任。
挥发性有机物(VOC)、羰基类化合物(carbonyls)以及氮氧化物(NOx)是地面臭氧生成的前体物,无论是在城市还是乡村地区,它们都以低至 ppb 级别的浓度存在于环境空气中。
例如,欧洲现在就在遵循联合国欧洲经济局有关控制 VOCs 排放的协议。
臭氧前体物监测最主要的目标化合物列于表格 1 中。
表1. 2000年臭氧前体物挥发性有机物目标化合物关键特点z 采用电子制冷,无需液氮或干冰冷却系统,可方便远程操作;z 同步监测中每小时获得一个数据;z 独特的中心切割技术,采用 Dean’s swithch 压力切换阀允许双柱同时分析,增大产出及色谱分辨率;z 完全无需操作人员照看;z 整套系统可经由网络、LAN或拨号调制解调器进行远程控制,数据可自动归档。
连续在线监测连续在线监测系统的要求包括:z 连续的无需人员照看的操作; z 以最少的闲置时间,最高时间分辨率进行等时间间隔数据采集(每小时 1 个分析数据,每天 24个分析结果);z 能够捕集样品中宽范围挥发性物质;z 无需液氮冷却;z 分析物能通过聚焦装置快速转移至 GC 进行高分辨色谱分析;z 自动进行校准;z 采用氢火焰检测器(FID)检测限低至 ppb 浓度级别;z 稳定的保留时间;z 定量结果准确,精密度高;珀金埃尔默臭氧前体物分析系统满足所有上述要求。
臭氧标准校准仪资料汇总一、列表简介序号型号品牌产地尺寸mm 外观类型国内情况是否国产1T703API 美国178×124×4954U应用较广原装进口先河贴牌2T750U API 美国229×432×533便携部分应用原装进口349i-PSThermo 美国178×124×4954U应用较广原装进口4EC9811EC澳大利亚432×178×6484U应用较广原装进口先河贴牌5724TANABYTE 美国178×124×4954U部分应用原装进口6OC500OPSIS 瑞典485×350×1354U 未知原装进口72030SABIO 美国156×364×3164U 未知原装进口臭氧标准校准仪83062B 美国90×210×290便携未知原装进口二、品牌介绍1T703API美国178×124×4954U应用较广先河贴牌T703型号是微处理器控制的臭氧校准仪精密气体分析仪。
T703可以在流量从1LPM-5LPM 时递送浓度为5ppb-5ppm。
所有T系列仪器均提供先进的彩色显示屏,电容式触摸屏,汉化系统,直观的用户界面,灵活的I/ O,并内置了数据采集能力。
2.1 GOME卫星数据
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME)具有320×40 km2 的空间分辨率。文中应用的
臭氧廓线资料是由Liu Xiong等利用最优估计方法反演的产品,该产品能够给出从地面到平流层
为了进一步验证该版本GOME臭氧资料在中国地区应用的可行性和精度,本文利用三个站 点的臭氧探空资料对GOME 2.1版臭氧廓线及对流层柱总量(TCO)进行了详细验证,同时对拉 萨郊区(91.16°E,29.65°N,海拔3650m)、瓦里关山(100.9° E,36.28° N,海拔3810m)、临 安(119.73°E,30.30°N,海拔132m)观测的地面臭氧浓度与近地面层GOME臭氧浓度进行了对 比。探空站点为拉萨(91.3°E,29.7°N,海拔3510m),西宁(101.75°E,36.63°N,海拔2296m) 和北京(116.39°E,39.79°N,海拔40m),采用的两种气球探空仪分别是进口电化学探空仪ECC (拉萨(EN-SCI公司),西宁(芬兰VAISALA公司))tract: Global Ozone Monotoring Experiment (GOME) on board second Earth Remote Sencing (ERS-2)launched in 1995. To evaluate the performance of GOME’s ozone data in China, ozone sonde observations at three stations in Lhasa(1998-1999), Xining(1996), and Beijing(2002-2003) are used to validate ozone profiles and tropospheric column ozone retrieved from Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME). Ozone detecting systems are Electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) sonde at Lhasa and Xining and GPSO3 sonde at Beijing; GOME data are retrieved by Liu et al.. A comparison data set consists of 51 matching pairs were obtained by applying a baseline criteria ( ± 6h, ± 3 0 longitude, ± 1.5 0 latitude). A statistical analysis of the differences between coincident O3 profiles obtained by GOME and ozone sondes was conducted using the methodology suggested by von Clarmann. When comparing with measurements that have much better vertical resolution than satellite retrievals, we apply retrieval averaging kernels to the high-resolution data so that we are comparing the same data . As the high-resolution sondes profiles do not cover the GOME retrieval altitude range, we augment the high-resolution profile (ozone sonde only up to ~30 km) with monthly mean climatological profiles from TOMS V8. Statistical bias determination and precision validation show that in the lower and middle troposphere, the mean biases are significant within 5% at Lhasa and Xining and within 10% at Beijing. In the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, the mean biases are within 10% at Lhasa and Xining and within 20% at Beijing. In the middle and upper stratosphere, the mean biases are within 5% at all three locations. The larger bias in the troposphere and lower stratosphere at Beijing may result from a different type of ozone sonde and different time period (ozone profiles shows multiple peaks in Beijing area in the spring). The mean biases of the tropospheric column ozone are within 10% at all three sites, which are partly caused by different estimated tropopause heights between GOME and ozone sondes. The GOME monthly mean ozone concentration at 0-2.5 km correlates well with surface ozone measurements, basically capturing the temporal variations of surface ozone at Lhasa, Waliguan, and Linan. In conclusion, from lower troposphere to upper stratosphere, GOME data used here has strong ability to analysis ozone distribution and dynamic changes in China. Key words: validation, ozone profile, tropospheric column ozone, GOME
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The 2B Technologies Model 202 Ozone Monitor™ is designed to enable accurate and precise measurements of ozone ranging from low ppb (precision of ~1.5 ppb) up to 250,000 ppb (250 ppm) based on the well- established technique of absorption of UV light at 254 nm. The Mo del 202 Ozone Monitor™ is light weight (4.7 lb., 2.1 kg.) and has a low power consumption (12V DC, 0.33 amp, 4.0 watt) relative to conventional instruments and is therefore well suited for applications such as:
➢Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, RPVs, and light aircraft where space and weight are highly limited
➢Long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited
➢Urban arrays of ground-based detectors
➢Personal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air p ollutants
➢Environmental health and safety monitoring
➢Laboratory studies of the effects of ozone exposure on materials and o rganisms
The Model 202 has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM): EQOA-0410-190. As a designated FEM, the Model 202 Ozone Monitor may be used by states and other monitoring agencies under 40 CFR Part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance, for monitoring for compliance with the Clean Air Act.
➢Flash Card Memory for virtually unlimited, portable data storage
➢GPS for continuous logging of latitude, longitude, and altitude
➢Rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides 12 hours of continuous operation ➢External particle filter
➢Rotary vane air pump for low temperature and quiet operation
➢External air pump for long pump life
System Includes
➢Model 202 Ozone Monitor
➢AC Power Adapter (100-240 VAC to 12 VDC) with Country-Specific Plug ➢Zeroing Cartridge
➢Operation Manual on USB Stick
➢Calibration Data and NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate
➢Instrument Birth Certificate
➢One-Year Warranty。