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高一必修一英语导学案 编制人: 审核人: 使用时间: 年 月 日

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友/患难见真情。 A life without a friend is a life without the sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳 .

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Class:_________ Group:____________ No:____________ Name:____________ 教师评价:_______________

课题:Unit 1 Friendship (Period1&2)

----- Words and Expressions 【学习目标】

1. To get to know the pronunciation of the words in this unit. (会读本单元词汇) 【重点难点】

1. To be able to read the vocabulary clearly and correctly. (准确清晰读出词汇)

2. To combine the English words with Chinese meaning, especially bold words & words with different meanings.(知道单词的汉语意思,尤其黑体单词和多义词。) 【导学流程】

一、自主感知 (课前作业) : 自读课本92页单词并勾画出不会读的单词。 二、深入学习

1. 跟老师和录音读单词,并注意你所勾画的单词的发音。

2. 疯狂自读单词和短语并背诵黑体词词义。

3. 两人之间互相读单词,相互指正,如仍有疑难单词再次标注,可求助其他同学或老师。


三、尝试运用 :根据背诵内容,完成下列练习。(注意单词的变形)


1.The news quite ____________ (使心烦) him last night .

2. Alice and Hans are _____________ (德国人).

3. Please _________ __________ (记下) what he said on this paper .

4. Everybody can see that she did it __________ _____________(故意).

5.Have a deep breath and it ’ll help to __________ you ___________ (使平静).

6.This old soldier ______________ ____________(经历)a lot of wars .

7.My holiday was spoiled by _______ ___________ _______ (一连串)wet days.

8.His father is in hospital and he __________ ___________ ____________(挂念) him .

这些单词你都认识了吗?如果不熟悉,请课下疯狂速读并背诵吧!明天课上展示你的风采! 1 add up 26 suffer from 2 upset 27 highway 3 ignore 28 recover 4 calm (...)down 29 get/be tired of 5 Have( got )to 30 pack ( sth ) up 6 be concerned about 31 suitcase 7 loose 32 overcoat 8 go through 33 teenager 9 Netherlands 34 get along with 10 German 35 fall in love 11 set down 36 exactly 12 a series of 37 disagree 13 outdoors 38 grateful 14 on purpose 39 dislike 15 in order to 40 join in 16 at dusk 41 tip 17 thunder 42 pack 18 entirely 43 swap 19 power 44 item 20 face to face 45 △survey 21 curtain 46 △ vet 22 dusty

47 △Jewish 23 no longer /not …any longer 48 △Nazi 24 partner 49 △loneliness 25




高一必修一英语导学案 编制人: 审核人: 使用时间: 年 月 日

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友/患难见真情。 A life without a friend is a life without the sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳 .

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Class:_________ Group:____________ No:____________ Name:____________ 教师评价:______________

课题:Unit 1 Friendship (Period3)

-----Warming up & reading Anne’s best friend


1.通过阅读了解二战中的犹太少女安妮的 所思所想,用心感受安妮处于恶劣的生活 环境之下渴望友谊、朋友、大自然、自由的心境。

2.掌握查读的阅读技能。 【重点难点】

1. To understand the passage. (理解课文)

2. To be able to finish the tasks according to the passage (完成各项任务) 【导学流程】


1. 根据自身实际,完成Page 1 Warming up 部分1-5 题。(老师课上评价) 2.在词典中查出该部分似认非认的10个左右的单词或短语. 1___________________________ 2___________________________ 3___________________________ 4___________________________ 5___________________________ 6___________________________ 7___________________________ 8___________________________ 9___________________________ 10___________________________

3.认真读Page 76 课文注释1-5 条。 二、课上深入学习


Scanning (查读):先读题目,带着题目中关键词对文章进行扫描式阅读,迅速获取细节信息。

Task 1. Fill in the form below.(填写下列表格)

The time of the story

The place of the story

The heroine (女主人公)of the story

Anne’s best friend

The length(长度) of time they hid away

The date of the diary

Task 2.Read the passage againg and choose the best answers. (再读课文内容并选择最佳答案)

⑴.Why did Anne and her family have to hide? A.Because they were Jewish. B.Because they made some mistakes. C.Because they disliked their country. D.Because they kept diaries.

⑵.According to Anne,what do people think of their diaries? A.They usually write a series of facts in their diaries. B.They want their diaries to be their true friends.
