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Unit 1 Review

1.因……著名be famous for



3.除……以外还有in addition (to...)

4.各种各样的,大量的 a (wide) variety of

5.对……热衷,喜爱be keen on

6.浪费时间做waste time doing

7.花费时间做take time to do

8.仓促完成rush through

9.发生sth. take place(无被动)

1.这个课程除了大体介绍电脑知识外,还为学生提供实际操作的机会。( addition )

2.为了使我们每天都充满活力,我们应保持均衡的饮食。( diet )

3.上海的人口在过去十年中增长了40%。( expand )

4.在开拓了国际市场之后,阿里巴巴成功在美国上市。( 分词作状语,go public )

5.给所有的客人都上了饭菜和饮料了吗?( serve )

6.这位已在部队服役了10个月的士兵是一个上海人,这从她的口音就能判断出来。( which )

7.他经历了这么多的失败,以至于对成功的可能性开始怀疑起来。( experience )

8.即使缺少实际工作经验是个不利条件,但这学生聪明又勤奋,这次竞赛他很可能得一等奖。( chance ) 1.这个课程除了大体介绍电脑知识外,还为学生提供实际操作的机会。( addition )

In addition to giving a general introduction to the computer, the course also provides students with practical experience.

2.为了使我们每天都充满活力,我们应保持均衡的饮食。( diet )

To keep us energetic every day, we should maintain a balanced diet.

3.上海的人口在过去十年中增长了40%。( expand ) In the past ten years, the population in Shanghai has expanded by 40 percent.

4.在开拓了国际市场之后,阿里巴巴成功在美国上市。( 分词作状语,go public )

After expanding the international market, Ali Baba managed to go public in the United States.

5.给所有的客人都上了饭菜和饮料了吗?( serve ) Have all the guests been served with food and drink?

6.这位已在部队服役了10个月的士兵是一个上海人,这从她的口音就能判断出来。( which ) The soldier who has served in the army for

10 months is a Shanghainese, which can be told from her accent.

7.他经历了这么多的失败,以至于对成功的可能性开始怀疑起来。( experience )

He experienced so many failures that he began to doubt the possibility of success.

8.即使缺少实际工作经验是个不利条件,但这学生聪明又勤奋,这次竞赛他很可能得一等奖。( chance ) Even though the lack of practical working experience was a disadvantage, since the student is diligent and intelligent, chances are that he will win the first prize in the contest.

Unit 2 Review

1.意识到,觉察be aware of

2.追溯到date back to

3.成立,建立set up

4.根据according to

5.茫然不知所措at a loss

6.决不,一点也不by no means

7.摆脱,除去get rid of

8.把……描述成describe as

9.干扰,妨碍interfere with

1.能(受邀)代表班级参加这次演讲比赛是我的荣幸。( honour )

2.足球已经确立了它作为世界领先运动的地位。( establish )

3.和其他同学相比,他更加勤奋一些。( in comparison with )

4.对父母而言,没有什么能与孩子的身心健康相比。( compare )

5.比较最新发现和历史数据后,他声称已经找到了解决问题的方法了。( claim )

6.总的来说,我是赞成你这个提议的。( favour )

7.教室外的嘈杂声严重的破坏了学生们的专注。( interfere )


( worthwhile )

1.能(受邀)代表班级参加这次演讲比赛是我的荣幸。( honour )

It is an honour for me (to be invited) to represent my class to be invited to to participate in the speech contest.

2.足球已经确立了它作为世界领先运动的地位。( establish )

Football has established itself as a leading sport in the world.

3.和其他同学相比,他更加勤奋一些。( in comparison with )

In comparison with other students, he is more diligent.

4.对父母而言,没有什么能与孩子的身心健康相比。( compare )

As for parents, nothing can be compared with their children’s physical and mental health.

5.比较最新发现和历史数据后,他声称已经找到了解决问题的方法了。( claim )

After comparing the recent finding with historical data, he claimed to have found the way to solve the problem.

6.总的来说,我是赞成你这个提议的。( favour ) On the whole, I am in favour of your proposal.
