


所以复数 z 对应的点是以点 (1, -2) 为圆心,1 为半径的圆,如图,
表示圆上的点到原点的距离,由图可知, 的最小值为
12 + (-2)2 -1 = 5 -1.
答案第31 页,共22 页
故答案为: 5 -1
9.(-1, 2)
【分析】构造函数 g ( x) =∣2x - 3∣-1,去绝对值作出 g ( x) 的大致图象,将零点个数转化为图
( ) 故答案为: 3 - 4 3, 4 + 3 3 .
11. 3 - 2 3 ./ -2 3 + 3
uuuur PM
-1 的最值,由圆的几何性质可得解.
【详解】设 AB 的中点为 M ,如图,
( ) ( ) uuur uuur uuur uuur
则 AP × BP = PA× PB =
a 是实数,求
(2)若复数 z1 z2 在复平面内对应的点在第二象限,求 a 的取值范围.
p 3
(1)求角 B 的大小; (2)如图,在△ABC 内取一点 P,使得 PB=2,过点 P 分别作直线 BA、BC 的垂线 PM、PN,
上海市金山中学 2023-2024 学年高一下学期 5 月月考试卷







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.My neighbour came to ask me why there was so much noise in my house yesterday afternoon. I told her that some children an English song.A.praticed B.would practice C.have practiced D.were practicing2.—Can't you drive a little faster?—No. If I ________ another speeding ticket, my dad would take away my car.A.would get B.would have got C.had got D.got3.I think you could complain, _______, of course, you are happy with the way thing s are.A.unless B.that C.which D.where4._____ working ability,you are no worse than the others,it is just you who don’t put your heart in your work.A.In favor of B.In honor of C.In terms of D.In case of5.________ some teenagers don’t realize is ________ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.A.That; how B.Which; what aC.What; what D.What; how6.It was the natural disaster, rather than human errors, that ________ for the death of so many innocent people. A.are blamed B.was to blame C.was blamed D.were to blame7.We could have done something meaningful in the time it ________ to watch that boring movie.A.has taken B.took C.had taken D.takes8._______ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about computer games, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.A.If I devoted B.Had I devotedC.Would I be devoted D.Should I be devoted9.Is it common practice that salesmen receive a _______ of 10 percent on all sales made?A.deposit B.receiptC.pension D.commission10.I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise, I ________ you waiting for such a long time.A.had not kept B.will not keepC.would not have kept D.have not kept11.We had better put off interviewing the athlete, for he is busy preparing for an international contest __________ inShanghai next month.A.held B.to holdC.being held D.to be held12.The part in the film Rio _______ the two birds escaped from the crashing plane made some of the audience give a cry.A.which B.who C.where D.whom13.Ms Alice is considered a lady by us, for she often helps the poor she met with.A.selfish B.hopefulC.mean D.generous14.Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments ________ we can only keep silent.A.who B.whichC.when D.why15.Anyone with an eye on the employment situation knew the assessment about economic recovery _______ just around the corner was correct.A.being B.to be C.was D.having been16.—Have you watched the film “Avatar”?— Not yet. But I the film is worth watching.A.am told B.was told C.have told D.have been told17.When ____ to feel unworthy, children often work extra hard to please their parents.A.to make B.making C.made D.having made18.The new supermarket announced that the first to purchase goods on the opening day______________ get a big prize. A.must B.willC.shall D.need19.The influence of this book might not have been reaching so far, ________for Mr. William, who dared to publish it.A. if had it not been B.is it not being C.had it not been D. its only having been20.—Did you meet Mr. Smith?—Yes. When I arrived, he ________ for New York to attend a press conference.A.was just leaving B.just leftC.just leaves D.had just left第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

上海市民进自强高复学校2020届高三下学期二模考试数学试题 Word版含答案 (1)

上海市民进自强高复学校2020届高三下学期二模考试数学试题 Word版含答案 (1)

2020届上海市民进自强高复学校数学二模试卷一、填空题(1-6题每小题4分,7-12题每小题5分,满分54分)1、设x R ∈,则不等式13<-x 的解集为______________________2、设32iz i+=,其中i 为虚数单位,则Im z =______________________ 3、计算:13(2)lim 32n nn n n +→∞--=+ 4、集合{}22,log A m =,{}(),,B m n m n R =∈,且{1}AB =-,则A B =5、已知点(3,9)在函数()1xf x a =+的图像上,则()f x 的反函数()1f x -=6、在nx x ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-23的二项展开式中,所有项的二项式系数之和为256,则常数项等于____ _7、在正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面ABCD 的边长为2,1BD与底面所成角的大小为,则该正四棱柱的体积V =____________8、某微信群中四人同时抢3个红包(金额不同),假设每人抢到的红包的概率相同且每人最多抢一个,则其中甲、乙都抢到红包的概率为 9、如果函数()3cos 2y x ϕ=+的图象关于点403π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,中心对称,那么ϕ的最小值为 10、设x ,y 满足102024x x y x y -≥⎧⎪-≤⎨⎪+≤⎩,向量()2,1a x =,()1,b m y =-,则满足a b ⊥的实数m 的最小值为 11、已知等差数列{}n a 的公差()0,d π∈,12a π=,则使得集合(){}|sin ,n M x x a n N *==∈,恰好有两个元素的d 的值为_______12、函数()()()()220.51log 0.51xx f x x x ⎧-<⎪=⎨+≥⎪⎩,若函数()()0g x x m m =-+>与()y f x =的图像相交于,A B 两点,且,A B 两点的横坐标分别记为12x x ,,则12x x +的取值范围是 二、选择题(本大题满分20分) 13、已知R θ∈,则“22ππθ-<”是“sin 0θ>”的( ).A 充分非必要条件 .B 必要非充分条件 .C 充要条件 .D 既非充分又非必要条件14、已知数列{}n a 是首项为1a ,公差为(0)d d ≠的等差数列,则方程组123456a x a y a a x a y a +=⎧⎨+=⎩的解的情况为( ).A 无解; .B 有无数组解; .C 有唯一解; .D 无法确定15、已知线段AB 上有动点D (D 异于A 、B ),线段CD AB ⊥,且满足BD AD CD ⋅=λ2(01)λλ>≠且的常数,则点C 的运动轨迹为( ).A 圆的一部分 .B 椭圆的一部分 .C 双曲线的一部分 .D 抛物线的一部分16、已知()y f x =与()y g x =皆是定义域、值域均为R 的函数,若对任意x R ∈,()()f xg x >恒成立,且()y f x =与()y g x =的反函数1()y f x -=、1()y g x -=均存在,命题P :“对任意x R ∈,11()()f x g x --<恒成立”,命题Q :“函数()()y f x g x =+的反函数一定存在”,以下关于这两个命题的真假判断,正确的是( ).A 命题P 真,命题Q 真 .B 命题P 真,命题Q 假.C 命题P 假,命题Q 真 .D 命题P 假,命题Q 假三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17、(6+8=14分)长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面ABCD是正方形,1,21==AB AA ,E 是1DD 上的一点. (1)若E 为1AA 中点,求异面直线AE 与D B 1所成的角;(2)若⊥D B 1平面ACE ,求直线1EB 与平面ACE 所成的角的大小;18、(6+8=14分)在ABC ∆中, 3cos()cos sin()sin()5A B B A B A C ---+=-,其中角,,A B C的对边分别为,,a b c ; (1)求sin A 的值;(2)若a =5b =,求向量BA 在BC 方向上的投影.19、(7+7=14分)设a R ∈,函数22()21x xa a f x -⋅-=+为奇函数. (1)求函数4()()2121xx F x f x =+--+的零点; (2)设21()2log x g x k +⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭,若不等式1()()f x g x -≤在区间12,23x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦上恒成立,求实数k 的取值范围.20、(4+7+5=16分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆()2222:10x y M a b a b+=>>的左顶点为A ,过点A 的直线与椭圆M 交于x 轴上方一点B ,以AB 为边作矩形ABCD ,其中直线CD 过原点O .当点B 为椭圆M 的上顶点时,AOB ∆的面积为b ,且3AB b =.(1)求椭圆M 的标准方程; (2)求矩形ABCD 面积S 的最大值; (3)矩形ABCD 能否为正方形?请说明理由. .21、(4+6+8=18分)已知数列{}n a 、{}n b 、{}n c 满足2n n n b a a +=-,12n n n c a a +=+. (1)若数列{}n a 是等比数列,试判断数列{}n c 是否为等比数列,并说明理由; (2)若n a 恰好是一个等差数列的前n 项和,求证:数列{}n b 是等差数列;(3)若数列{}n b 是正数的等比数列,数列{}n c 是等差数列,求证:数列{}n a 是等差数列.2020届上海市民进自强高复学校数学二模试卷答案一、填空题:1、)4,2(; 2、3-; 3、13; 4、12,1,2⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭; 5、()2log 1x -;6、112;7、16;8、12; 9、6π; 10、125-; 11、23π ; 12、25log 3,2⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭二、选择题:ACBD17、解:(1)以1DA,DC,DD 为x,y,z 轴建立坐标系 依题意,()0,0,0D ,()100A ,,,()001E ,,,()1112B ,, 2分 所以()1 01AE =-,,,1(1,1,2)DB = 1分 异面直线AE 与D B 1所成的角为θ,则113cos 626AE DB AE DB θ⋅===⋅⋅ 2分 所以异面直线所成角的大小为3arccos61分(2)设(0,0,)E a ,则(1,0,)AE a =- 1分因为⊥D B 1平面ACE ,⊂AE 平面ACE ,所以AE D B ⊥1 所以10DB AE ⋅=,所以021=+-a ,21=a 2分10,0,2E ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,13112EB ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,,,平面ACE 的一个法向量()11,1,2n DB == 2分直线1EB 与平面ACE 所成的角为θ,则11||5102sin 511764EB n EB nθ⋅===⋅⋅2分所以,直线1EB 与平面ACE 所成的角的大小为5102arcsin511分 18、解:(1)由已知得:3cos()cos sin()sin 5A B B A B B ---=-2分 3cos()5A B B ⇒-+=-,即 53cos -=A 2分又0A π<<,所以4sin 5A = 2分 (3)由正弦定理,有BbA a sin sin =,所以22sin sin ==a A b B , 2分 由题知b a >,则 B A >,故4π=B . 2分根据余弦定理,有 )53(525)24(222-⨯⨯-+=c c ,解得 1=c 或 7-=c (负值舍去), 2分 向量BA 在BC =B BA 222分 19、解:(1)函数22()21x x a a f x -⋅-=+为奇函数,2(0)02a a f --==,解得1a =, 2分此时212112(),()()212112x x xx x xf x f x f x -----=-===-+++,()f x ∴为奇函数, 2分425()()2121=02121x xx x x F x f x -=+--=+-⇒++2(2)260x x +-=,解得22x =,或23x =-(舍去), 2分1x ∴=,函数()F x 的零点为1; 1分(2)令212111o (,l 1)2g ,21x x x y y x y y y f x -==+++==--,121()log 1x f x x-+∴=-, 2分不等式1()()f x g x -≤在区间12,23x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦上恒成立,即2221log 1log 1k x x x +⎛≤-⎫ ⎪⎝⎭+,221,1112,3k x x x x +⎛⎫⎡⎤∈ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭+≤-⎣⎦恒成立, 2分212,13,2k x x ⎡⎤∈≤⎢⎣-⎥⎦恒成立,故2min (1),12,,23k x x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎣-⎥⎦≤, 2分59k ∴≤,所以实数k 的取值范围是5(,]9-∞ 1分20、解:(1)由题意:12ab b =⎨=⎪⎩,解得2a =,b =, 3分所以椭圆M 的标准方程为22142x y +=;1分 (2)显然直线AB 的斜率存在,设为k 且0k >,则直线AB 为:()2y k x =+ 1分联立()222142y k x x y ⎧=+⎪⎨+=⎪⎩得()2222128840k x k x k +++-=,解得222412B k x k -=+,2412Bk y k =+, 所以AB ==, 2分直线CD 的方程为y kx =,即0kx y,所以BC==分所以矩形ABCD 面积2881122k S k k k===≤=++分 所以当且仅当2k =时,矩形ABCD 面积S 取最大值为; 1分(3)若矩形ABCD 为正方形,则AB BC ==, 则()3222200k k k k -+-=>, 2分令()()322220f k k k k k =-+->,因为()110f =-<,()280f => 2分又()()322220f k k k k k =-+->的图像不间断,所以()()322220f k k k k k =-+->有零点,所以存在矩形ABCD 为正方形. 1分21、解:(1)设等比数列{}n a 的公比为q ,则()12221n n n n n n c a a a q a q a +=+=+=+ 1分 当12q =-时,0n c =,数列{}n c 不是等比数列;1分当12q ≠-时,因为0n c ≠,所以()()112121n n n nq a c q c q a +++==+,所以数列{}n c 是等比数列; 1分(2)因为n a 恰好是一个等差数列的前n 项和,设这个等差数列为{}n d ,公差为d 因为12n n a d d d =+++,所以1121n n n a d d d d ++=++++,两式相减得11n n n a a d ++-=,因为2n n n a a b +=+, 3分所以()()()()1312321312n n n n n n n n n n n n b b a a a a a a a a d d d +++++++++-=---=---=-=, 所以数列{}n b 是等差数列; 3分(3)因为数列{}n c 是等差数列,所以321n n n n c c c c +++-=-,又因为12n n n c a a +=+,所以()()43322112222n n n n n n n n a a a a a a a a ++++++++-+=+-+, 即 ()()()423122n n n n n n a a a a a a +++++-=-+-,则212n n n b b b ++=+, 3分又因为数列{}n b 是等比数列,所以212n n n b b b ++=,则2112n nn n b b b b +++=⋅, 即()()1120n n n n b b b b ++-+=,因为数列{}n b 各项均为正数,所以1n n b b +=, 2分则312n n n n a a a a +++-=-,即321n n n n a a a a +++=+-, 又因为数列{}n c 是等差数列,所以212n n n c c c +++=,即()()()321212222n n n n n n a a a a a a ++++++++=+,化简得3223n n n a a a +++=, 将321n n n n a a a a +++=+-代入得2122()3n n n n n a a a a a ++++-+=,化简得212n n n a a a +++=,所以数列{}n a 是等差数列. 3分。









1、下列说法正确的是( )A .一个热力学系统吸收热量后,其内能一定增加B .一个热力学系统对外做功后,其内能一定减少C .理想气体的质量一定且体积不变,当温度升高时其压强一定增大D .理想气体的质量一定且体积不变,当温度升高时其压强一定减小2、如图所示,理想变压器的原线圈接在2202sin (V)π=u t 的交流电源上,原线圈上接有20Ωr =的电阻,副线圈接有50ΩR =的负载电阻,原、副线圈匝数之比为2:1,电流表、电压表均为理想电表。

下列说法正确的是( )A .副线圈输出交流电的周期为50sB .电流表的读数为1AC .电压表的读数为50VD .若将r 替换为电阻为20Ω的二极管,电流表、电压表读数均不发生变化3、两辆汽车A B 、在同一时刻开始运动,运动方向相同。

如图所示为运动的v t -图像。

A 车的图像在00~t 段和00~2t t 段的形状对称相同。

0t 时刻两车并排行驶。

下列表述中正确的是( )A .00~t 内A 车先加速运动后减速运动B .00~2t 内两车的加速度有一个时刻相同2t时刻A车在B车之前C.02t时刻两车的距离相等D.开始时刻两车的距离与04、如图所示,装有细沙的木板在斜坡上匀速下滑。





2020年2020届上海市民进自强高复学校2017级高三下学期二模考试数学试卷★祝考试顺利★(含答案)一、填空题(1-6题每小题4分,7-12题每小题5分,满分54分)1、设x R ∈,则不等式13<-x 的解集为______________________2、设32i z i+=,其中i 为虚数单位,则Im z =______________________ 3、计算:13(2)lim 32n nn n n +→∞--=+ 4、集合{}22,log A m =,{}(),,B m n m n R =∈,且{1}A B =-,则A B =5、已知点(3,9)在函数()1x f x a =+的图像上,则()f x 的反函数()1f x -=6、在nx x ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-23的二项展开式中,所有项的二项式系数之和为256,则常数项等于____ _ 7、在正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面ABCD 的边长为2,1BD与底面所成角的大小为,则该正四棱柱的体积V =____________ 8、某微信群中四人同时抢3个红包(金额不同),假设每人抢到的红包的概率相同且每人最多抢一个,则其中甲、乙都抢到红包的概率为9、如果函数()3cos 2y x ϕ=+的图象关于点403π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,中心对称,那么ϕ的最小值为 10、设x ,y 满足102024x x y x y -≥⎧⎪-≤⎨⎪+≤⎩,向量()2,1a x =,()1,b m y =-,则满足a b ⊥的实数m 的最小值为11、已知等差数列{}n a 的公差()0,d π∈,12a π=,则使得集合(){}|sin ,n M x x a n N *==∈,恰好有两个元素的d 的值为_______12、函数()()()()220.51log 0.51x x f x x x ⎧-<⎪=⎨+≥⎪⎩,若函数()()0g x x m m =-+>与()y f x =的图像相交于,A B 两点,且,A B 两点的横坐标分别记为12x x ,,则12x x +的取值范围是 二、选择题(本大题满分20分)13、已知R θ∈,则“22ππθ-<”是“sin 0θ>”的( ).A 充分非必要条件 .B 必要非充分条件 .C 充要条件 .D 既非充分又非必要条件14、已知数列{}n a 是首项为1a ,公差为(0)d d ≠的等差数列,则方程组123456a x a y a a x a y a +=⎧⎨+=⎩的解的 情况为( ).A 无解; .B 有无数组解; .C 有唯一解; .D 无法确定15、已知线段AB 上有动点D (D 异于A 、B ),线段CD AB ⊥,且满足BD AD CD ⋅=λ2(01)λλ>≠且的常数,则点C 的运动轨迹为( ).A 圆的一部分 .B 椭圆的一部分 .C 双曲线的一部分 .D 抛物线的一部分16、已知()y f x =与()y g x =皆是定义域、值域均为R 的函数,若对任意x R ∈,()()f x g x >恒成立,且()y f x =与()y g x =的反函数1()y f x -=、1()y g x -=均存在,命题P :“对任意x R ∈,11()()f x g x --<恒成立”,命题Q :“函数()()y f x g x =+的反函数一定存在”,以 下关于这两个命题的真假判断,正确的是( ).A 命题P 真,命题Q 真 .B 命题P 真,命题Q 假.C 命题P 假,命题Q 真 .D 命题P 假,命题Q 假三、解答题(本大题满分76分)17、(6+8=14分)长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面ABCD 是正方形,1,21==AB AA ,E 是1DD上的一点.(1)若E 为1AA 中点,求异面直线AE 与D B 1所成的角; (2)若⊥D B 1平面ACE ,求直线1EB 与平面ACE 所成的。
















众人听了这话,留神细看,都笑起来了,说:“果然像得很!”(选自《红楼梦》第二十二回)A.薛宝钗B.史湘云C.王熙凤D.贾宝玉①________ ②______ ③_______ ④________3.《乡土中国》和《红楼梦》存在“互释”的可能。








上海市行知中学2024学年第一学期第一次月考高二年级英语学科试卷(试卷满分140分,考试时间120分钟)第Ⅰ卷(共100分)Ⅰ. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 100 dollars. B. 200 dollars. C. 300 dollars. D. 600 dollars.2. A. In the hospital. B. At a nursery. C. At a police station. D. In a library.3. A. April. B. May. C. June. D. July.4. A. Go to visit the writer. B. Buy her new book.C. Ignore her new book.D. Write a book review.5. A. Jogging. B. Basketball. C. Swimming. D. Throwing.6. A. The lady’s room is far.B. She has to sign up for using the lady’s room.C. She is not able to use the lady’s room right now.D. He will lead her to the lady’s room.7. A. He will read it on Saturday. B. He will lend it to Sandy first.C. He will lend it to Jane first.D. He will keep the paper until Sunday.8. A. He probably just has got a headache.B. There’s no air-conditioner in the room.C. She thinks he is not seriously sick.D. She thinks he should go to see the doctor.9. A. They couldn’t change the plan.B. They should change their plan.C. She doesn’t believe the weather forecast.D. She thinks the basketball game won’t last.10. A. He can come for next party. B. He can bring his wife along to the party.C. He can stay at home for his wife.D. She will change the time of the party.Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read rhe four possible answers on your paper anddecide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. They believed that he would realize his dream.B. They offered him help to achieve his dream.C. They didn’t believe that his dream would come true.D. They made no response to his announcement.12. A. That he was encouraged by the teacher.B. That he was encouraged by the local paper editor.C. That his first poem was published.D. That he was encouraged by a professional writer.13. A. It reminds him of his school life.B. It reminds him that dreams will come true through efforts.C. It reminds him how poor he used to be.D. It reminds him of the local paper.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Gardening. B. How to take care of birds.C. How to feed birdsD. How to get birds to the garden.15. A. Fruit, water and insects.B. Plants, sleeping place and food.C. Variety of plants, food and water.D. Different types of plants, seed and insects.16. A. Change the water for them. B. Play with them.C. Not to approach them.D. Play the music for them. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. The bookstore is sold out of the book.B. The bookstore he is in does not carry the book.C. His professor did not order enough copies of the book.D. The book is not being used for any course offered at the university.18. A. Save a copy of the book for him as soon as it comes inB. Order more copies of the bookC. Call the computer store across the StreetD. Find a store that sells the book if he cannot find it19. A. He is embarrassed that he did not think of it himself.B. He suggests that the information be posted in the store.C. He apologizes for bothering the woman.D. He is annoyed that the woman did not tell him sooner.20. A. To determine how urgent the student’s need is.B. To figure out why the book is not listed on the computer.C. To find out what level computer science course the man is taking.D. To explain why the book might be sold out.Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.AI and Culture: The Dawn Of The Omnistar (全能明星)Computers have spent decades transforming humdrum jobs. Now artificial intelligence (AI) is coming for the most glamorous ones. Hollywood has been at a standstill for half the year, until studios agreed on November 8th to offer (21)__________ (strike) stars protection from robotic rivals.Stars may worry that AI is stealing their work and giving less talented performers the skills to snatch their audience. In fact, the famous stars complaining (22)__________ (loud) about the new technology are the ones who benefit the most. (23)__________ __________ reducing star power, AI will make the biggest celebrities bigger than ever, by allowing them to be in all markets, in all formats, at all times. Put your hands together - or insert your earplugs if you prefer - for the rise of the omnistar.This is not the first time that technology (24)__________ (change) the rules of the fame game. People began to talk of stars in the 18th century, after the spread of reading made it possible to be truly famous within your lifetime. Film and radio initially seemed like a threat to stars, who worried that their live performances (25)__________ be devalued. In fact, those technologies ushered in (开创) the era of the superstar, a term that caught on in the 1920s.(26)__________ similar panic greeted the invention of television and led to the last big Hollywood strike in 1960. But again, the new tech made the famous even more so, bringing them into every living room.As AI-generated content floods into the entertainment business, it will give the megastars the ability to be truly ubiquitous for their fans. AI-powered dubbing is already allowing actors and podcasters to speak to foreign audiences instantly and in their own voice. It will soon be standard for video to be edited (27)__________ __________ their lips match the new language, too. Besides, removing the Hollywood problem of crowded schedules, AI allows stars to perform alongside each other while not being together at all.These opportunities come with concerns (28)__________ (attach). The risk is boredom. AI is brilliant at remixing old material, but not as adept at generating novel and the pulse-racing stuff (29)__________ is, for now, a human speciality. Yet the entertainment market is strongly self-correcting. Audiences have the power to turn “a hot property” into a has-been in an instant. And even as Al-powered entertainment grows, consumers still seem to relish human drama. In the AI age, audiences will face heavy exposure to a handful of omnistars, from Taylor Swift to Darth Vader. (30)__________ it will be easier than ever for them to change the channel.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. rateB. superiorityC. matchD. attributesE. measuresF. short-livedG. overestimated H. enduring I. disillusioned J. reframe K. biasYou are not perfectWe humans have a natural tendency to magnify our positive qualities, and compare ourselves favorably with others. This is called “self-enhancement 31 ”, and it gives rise to all sorts of distortions in perception. Famously, back in the 1980s, researchers suggested that up to 80 percent of motorists considered themselves to have above-average driving skills. If you’re a regular driver, you have to know that this cannot be true - even if you persist in believing it about yourself.People also tend to 32 themselves more highly on positive moral traits: the odds are, for example, that they see themselves as industrious, honest, and warm. This is particularly pronounced among young and middle-aged adults, who often rank themselves as excelling beyond the norm on muitiple 33 . One reason for this tendency is that it acts as protection against the mental pain that comes from negative comparisons with others.Being told that you’re wonderful, even perfect, plays into your need to enact self-enhancement. You might do it to yourself, such as self-talk to boost one’s esteem through positive affirmations. However, it is a(n) 34 solution to life’s problems. You’re bound to be confronted with a painful adjustment to the truth sooner or later. For instance, researchers publishing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology demonstrated that when college students harbored a(n) 35 view of their academic capabilities, it augmented their mood—indeed, they experienced heightened levels of happiness. But the perception of 36 did not translate into more satisfactory academic performance. In fact, that in part led to lower self-esteem.All of this can explain why so many young people today wind up seeing the world as hostile (敌对的): “If I’m wonderful, other people must be creating many problems.”Consequently, you can see how some would feel 37 and wronged when confronted with a reality about their performance in school or at work that doesn’t 38 their self-enhancement propaganda (宣传).So we face a dilemma in life: we aspire to enhance our own well-being and to elevate the emotional state of others, but people’s tendency to do so through self-enhancement may possibly yield 39 ultimate costs. Here are some pearls of wisdom to consider: 40 your imperfections, not as failings but as interesting puzzles to solve.Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.What Does It Really Mean To Learn?During my sophomore year, I read “Middlemarch” and didn’t understand why Dorothea, a young and intelligent woman, despite warnings, married an annoying old man and, after 40 years of unfulfilled dreams and compromises, got divorced, finally realizing her grave mistake. Neither did my classmates, which frustrated our professor. “You’ll understand when you’re forty.” he said. At that age, we had never experienced the consequences of a hasty marriage, a career misstep, or the loss of a loved one.41 , it’s one of the tragedies of humanities education that so much of it occurs between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. We don’t teach people to drive at twelve, when they’re carless; why should we make themread novels about life’s 42 when they have none? Yet there’s a theory behind: it’s that knowledge acquired too early gets stored. Patterns of thinking established now will be 43 later; ideas encountered first in art will prime us for the rest of life. This sounds vague until you reflect on the fact that knowledge almost never arrives at the moment of its 44 . You take a class in law school today only to argue a complicated case years later; you learnC.P.R. years before saving a drowning man; you read online about how to prevent a(n) 45 bear, because you never know.Leslie Valiant, a renowned computer scientist, calls our ability to learn over the long term “educability” and he embraces it as the key to our success. When we think about what makes our minds special, we tend to focus on 46 . But if we want to grasp reality in all its complexity, then “cleverness is not enough.” We need to build flexible theories about the world — theories that will serve us in 47 circumstances—and we do that by collecting different types of knowledge, often gradually and unexpectedly and then 48 them together. Through this process, we acquire systems of beliefs that are 49 than the ones we can create through direct personal experience.An educable mind, he writes, can learn from books, lectures, conversations, and experiences—from anything. Educability is similar to “ 50 smarts” which means having a practical ability to handle life’s challenges, and is closely related to having common sense in real-world contexts. When people strike us as particularly “well-educated”, this might mean that they’ve had lots of school, but it could also mean that they’re 51 educable, with the ability to “ 52 of whatever educational opportunities arise.”Valiant thinks at a time when accelerating technological change means there’s always more to learn, we might seek to create a more educable society in general. As for me, I would seek to learn about a wider range of disciplines, and simply try more things. Down in the basement, “Middlemarch” is there, along with many other books that I read casually then but have come to 53 with the passage of time. Reading widely about things that don’t seem immediately useful, in the hope that what you learn now may prove meaningful later—that’s pretty much the definition of a 54 education. Who knew that one of its best 55 would turn out to be a computer scientist?41. A. Scientifically B. Naturally C. Surprisingly D. Arguably42. A. happiness B. challenges C. regrets D. knowledge43. A. retraced B. repeated C. reopened D. reassured44. A. learning B. absorption C. application D. acquisition45. A. sleeping B. wandering C. roaring D. charging46. A. intelligence B. creativity C. imagination D. empathy47. A. unfolded B. unanticipated C. unreal D. related48. A. analyzing B. classifying C. knitting D. diversifying49. A. broader B. greater C. shallower D. newer50. A. cognition B. relationship C. study D. street51. A. exceptionally B. consistently C. coincidentally D. merely52. A. make control B. take charge C. on account D. take advantage53. A. perceive B. memorize C. realize D. value54. A. well-rounded B. professional C. technology D. public55. A. creators B. winners C. defenders D. writersSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(A)Human beings around the world delight in hot and spicy foods. Thai, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian—the dishes that can take the roof off your mouth are numerous and flavourful. As you have these intense tastes, however, you may wonder, why do some dishes compete for the title of spicy champion, while others feature barely the hint of a burn?This is a question that has interested food historians for some time. Indeed, it’s a curious truth that places with warm climates do seem to have a heavier preponderance (优势) of hot and spicy dishes, which may have something to do with the fact that some spices have antimicrobial features, studies have found.In one survey of cookbooks from around the world, researchers note: “As mean annual temperatures increased, the proportion of recipes containing spices, number of spices per recipe, total number of spices used, and use of the most effective antibacterial spices all increased.” In hot places where before refrigeration food would have gone off very quickly, spices might have helped things keep a bit longer.It’s also been suggested that because spicy food makes most people sweat, it might help us to cool off in hot parts of the world. One study of people who drank hot water after exercise showed that they did cool down slightly more than those who drank cold water, but only in situations with low humidity. Thailand in August, that ain’t.But spice is hardly limited to the hot parts. While chilli peppers are originally from the Americas, this particular kind of heat grew widespread in the 15th and 16th centuries. Other spices not spicy in the same way as peppers, perhaps, but still strongly flavoured—had been circulating in Europe for centuries. Heavily spiced dishes were the darlings of many cuisines we currently don’t think of for their zing (活力): numerous recipes in one 18th-century British cookery book include strong spices, for instance. What happened?Well, one possibility is that it became a bit uncivilized to like quite so many flavours in one’s food, as Maanvi Singh has written over at The Salt. What we now consider classic European cuisine has a tendency to focus on pairing like flavours with like, rather than bringing in a crowd of strong, contrasting ones. That may be because, as spice prices dropped dramatically in Europe in the 1600s and it became easier for just anyone to season their food with them, tastemakers fell out of love with them. They began to emphasize dishes where the focus was the purest essence of the basic ingredients combined with flavours that served to bring that out. In a word, it may have been snobbery, Singh writes, that erased the joy of spice from many European tastes.56. Which of the following cuisines does NOT value hot and spicy flavour?A. Food in Europe before the 1600s.B. Dishes from places with warm climates.C. Food in the Americas.D. Dishes in today’s Britain.57. Which of the following is true about the relationship between temperature and spice?A. The higher the temperature is, the more spices are used.B. The lower the temperature is, the more chilli peppers are consumed.C. The higher the temperature is, the more expensive it is to get spices.D. The lower the temperature is, the more strongly flavoured the food is.58. In Paragraph 4, what does the sentence “Thailand in August, that ain’t” mean?A. People in Thailand don’t enjoy spicy food.B. Summer in Thailand doesn’t boast hot weather.C. Thai people don’t enjoy cold drinks in summer.D. Drinking hot water doesn’t help cool Thai people down.59. According to Maanvi Singh, today’s Europeans prefer pure tastes rather than strong, contrasting flavours, most probably because ________.A. the spice prices have grown too high for ordinary peopleB. people have been too used to food seasoned with spicesC. spice no longer represents a special right or advantageD. strongly flavoured spices no longer circulate in Europe(B)Memory expert Professor Jemima Gryaznov answers your most common questions about memory.1.____________________We remember the things that have strong connections in our mind, especially emotional connections. Childhood memories are often very emotional: we experience things for the first time so we have strong feelings of fear or excitement. Retelling events also helps to fix them in our memories and interesting or funny stories from our childhood are often told again and again!2. Do some people really have a photographic memory?It is well known that some people have an extraordinary memory. Daniel Tammet, for example, can remember the first 22,500 digits of pi and Stephen Wiltshire can draw a detailed picture of a city from memory after flying over it in a helicopter. However, neither Daniel nor Stephen has a photographic memory. They are good at remembering particular things for a limited time. A person with a photographic memory could remember every detail of a picture, a book or an event many years later. No one has yet proved that they have a photographic memory in a scientific test.3. Is computer memory better than human memory?That depends on what you mean by “better”! Information in a computer is stored in separate pieces. Human memory is stored in a different way. Each piece of information is connected to many other pieces. That’s why a particular smell can bring back memories of a holiday or a person. The problem with human memory is that it is messy and not very accurate. The problem with computer memory is that it can’t make connections between pieces of information — it isn’t creative.4. I’m 24. Is my memory getting worse?Not yet, but it will do soon. Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25. At that point we can remember up to 200 pieces of information a second. After this age, however, the brain starts to get smaller. By the age of 40 weare losing 10,000 brain cells every day. By middle age our memory is significantly worse than when we were young.5. Is it possible to remember early childhood?Scientists used to believe that it was impossible to remember very early childhood, but recent research shows that babies are much cleverer than we previously thought. Some people really can remember being a baby. Others, however, remember nothing before the age of five or even ten!60. Which of the following questions best fits the blank in the passage?A. What can we do to improve our memory as we grow older?B. Can childhood memories help us remember what has happened recently?C. How do we establish emotional connections with our childhood experiences?D. Why can I remember events in my childhood but not what happened last week?61. What can we learn about photographic memory?A. Only some of us can benefit from it.B. There is no reliable evidence that it exists.C. We cannot acquire it without specialized training.D. It enables us to remember details in a limited time.62. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A. In most cases information is separately stored in human memory.B. Human’s ability to memorize things declines as the brain gets smaller.C. Computer memory is better than human memory from many perspectives.D. Whether we can remember our early-childhood needs more scientific research.(C)Dr. Donald Sadoway at MIT started his own battery company with the hope of changing the world’s energy future. It’s a dramatic endorsement (认可) for a technology most people think about only when their smartphone goes dark. But Sadoway isn’t alone in boasting about energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner, more efficient, and more equitable energy future.Scientists and engineers have long believed in the promise of batteries to change the world. Advanced batteries are moving out of specialized markets and creeping into the mainstream, signaling a tipping point for forward-looking technologies such as electric cars and rooftop solar propels.The ubiquitous (无所不在的) battery has already come a long way, of course. For better or worse, batteries make possible our mobile-first lifestyles, our screen culture, our increasingly globalized world. Still, as impressive as all this is, it may be trivial compared with what comes next. Having already enabled a communications revolution, the battery is now poised to transform just about everything else.The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones, tablets, and laptops, but also our cars, homes, and even whole communities. In emerging economies, rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power. Instead, some in Africa and Asia are seeing their first lightbulbs illuminated by the power of sunlight stored in batteries.Today, energy storage is a $33 billion global industry that generates nearly 100 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year. By the end of the decade, it’s expected to be worth over 50 billion dollars and generate 160 gigawatt-hours,enough to attract the attention of major companies that might not otherwise be interested in a decidedly pedestrian technology. Even utility companies, which have long viewed batteries and alternative forms of energy as a threat, are learning to embrace the technologies as enabling rather than disrupting.Today’s battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet. Those simultaneous challenges appear less overwhelming with increasingly better answers to a centuries-old question: how to make power portable.To be sure, the battery still has a long way to go before the nightly recharge completely replaces the weekly trip to the gas station. A battery-powered world comes with its own risks, too. What happens to the centralized electric grid, which took decades and billions of dollars to build as: more and more people become “prosumers”, who produce and consume their own energy on site?No one knows which—if any—battery technology will ultimately dominate, but one thing remains clear. The future of energy is in how we store it.63. What does Dr. Sadoway think of energy storage?A. It involves the application of sophisticated technology.B. It is the direction energy development should follow.C. It will prove to be a profitable business.D. It is a technology benefiting everyone.64. What is most likely to happen when advanced batteries become widely used?A. Mobile-first lifestyles will become popular.B. The globalization process will be accelerated.C. Communications will take more diverse forms.D. The world will undergo revolutionary changes.65. In some rural communities of emerging economies, people have begun to ________.A. find digital devices simply indispensableB. communicate primarily by mobile phoneC. light their homes with stored solar energyD. distribute power with wires and wooden poles66. What does the author imply about the centralized electric grid?A. It might become a thing of the past.B. It might turn out to be a “prosumer”C. It will be easier to operate and maintain.D. It will have to be completely transformed.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Both the gorgeous (非常美丽的) and non-gorgeous improved by being with other people.B. Sometimes the subjects in the pictures were shown as part of a three-person group.C. It turns out that people don’t even need to be in an actual group to look more attractive.D. It’s no secret that our definition of beauty is defined by a very clear set of physical norms.E. A big nose in the company of a small nose does not look bigger still; rather, both noses move closer to the average.F. While being average-looking might seem like a bad thing, the research suggests that’s not necessarily the case for attractiveness.According to a new study just published in Psychological Science, any one person seen in a group just seems better looking than when viewed alone. The reason: human eyes average things out, and when it comes to faces, average is usually good.67 Facial analysis studies show the symmetry (对称) is almost always regarded as prettier that asymmetry and the most beautiful faces are the ones on which eyes are no more or less than a certain distance apart, and the forehead, chin, cheeks and other features take up no more than a certain share of the whole. It’s the reason that models may be gorgeous but can prove awfully difficult to tell apart.“Perhaps,” says psychological scientist Drew Walker of the University of California, San Diego, in a statement that accompanied the release of the study, “beautiful people are all alike, but every unattractive person is unattractive in their own ways.”To test how that plays out in a group setting, Walker and his UCSD collaborator, psychological scientist Edward Vul, recruited 130 undergraduate students and showed them pictures of 100 different men and women. 68 Other times they were cut out to show just one face at a time. Still other times, the faces were taken out of context and arranged on a simple grid (风格) of either four, nine or 16 faces.Consistently, the researchers found, the sole shots were regarded as less attractive than the faces viewed in a group—whether in a real setting or on the grid. This was true regardless of the gender of the subjects and regardless of whether they would broadly be described as following most definitions of attractiveness or unattractiveness. 69 The explanation for the phenomenon, they believe, is the averaging effect and how it works. 70 “Individuals with complementary features—one person with narrow eyes and one person with wide eyes—would enjoy a greater boost in attractiveness when seen together, as compared to groups composed of individuals who have similar features,” Walker and Vul write.Ⅳ. Summary Writing71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Curiosity Is an Increasingly Rare VirtueMost of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints (打火石) for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in common: They are the result of curiosity. But the journalist Ian Leslie, in his newly-published book Curious:The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, insists that curiosity is a much-overlooked human virtue, crucial to our success, and we are losing it.Leslie presents considerable evidence for the claim that the society as a whole is growing less curious. In the U.S. and Europe, for example, the rise of the Internet, among other social and technological changes, has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the reader’s borders. Indeed, Google, for which Leslie expresses admiration, is also his frequent whipping boy (替罪羊): we seek only the information we want. But not everything is to be blamed on。



2023学年第一学期初三周测11月语文试题一、古诗文(35分)(一)(13分)1. 默写与运用(1)夕日欲颓,________________________。




【答案】①. 沉鳞竞跃②. 直挂云帆济沧海③. 晴川历历汉阳树④. 采菊东篱下⑤. 悠然见南山【解析】【详解】本题考查名句名篇的默写。












2. 【甲】文选自课文《_________》,作者是______。

3. 解释下列加点的词语。

(1)父母岁有裘葛之遗.遗:_______________(2)足.以追配古人足:_______________4. 下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是()A. 少年志气方强时/能如此/半古之人/功必倍之B. 少年志气方强时/能如此/半古之/人功必倍之C. 少年志气方强/时能如此/半古之/人功必倍之D. 少年志气方强/时能如此/半古之人/功必倍之5. 用现代汉语翻译下面句子。



上海市吴淞中学2024学年第一学期高一年级语文学科第二次质量检测 2024.12.5(时间: 120分钟 满分: 100分)一,积累运用(10分)1. 按要求填空。

(5分)(1) ,潦倒新停浊酒杯。

(杜甫《登高》)(2)《师说》中,作者强调“从师是为了学道,和他人的年龄大小无关”的两句原文是:“ , 。

”(3) 故木受绳则直, 金就霸则利, , 。

(荀子《劝学》)2. 按要求选择。

(5分)(1) 下列诗句没有用典的一项是( ) (2分)A. 周公吐哺,天下归心。

(曹操《短歌行》)B. 方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。

(陶渊明《归园田居》)C. 脚著树公履,身登青云梯。

(李白《梦游天姥吟留别》)D.凭谁问,廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? (辛弃疾《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》)(2)下列各句中,表达得体的一句是 ( ) (3分)A. 王老师毕业于北京师范大学,她独特的讲课模式得到了全班同学的赏识。

B.在便民市场上,小明指着水果摊问: “大妈,请问芒果多少人民币1千克?”C. 张医生,我最近总是感觉浑身无力,想向您垂询一下如何改善这一状况。

D. 欣闻令郎以高考684分的好成绩被清华大学录取,特此祝贺。

二,阅读(50分)(一) 阅读下文, 完成3-6题(12分)。






晚清小说家们自觉地用“海上”命名自己的作品, 《海上花列传》《海上繁华梦》《海上尘天影》,如“海客谈瀛洲.....”般描绘着这座东方城市的表与里, “海上小说”也因此得名。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The company and the effect brought about did great good to our business in the market.A.it B.whichC.that D.what2.Although passing the driving test ________ be difficult now, it’s worth the efforts.A.need B.shallC.can D.should3.After three years of preparation for the 2011 Xi’an International H orticultural Expo (西安园博)会),the city is presenting the world______ many people think is the green Special Olympics.A.that B.which C.what D.where4.It's always a good idea to have a second key somewhere________ you lose the first one.A.in case B.now thatC.even though D.as long as5.-----Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.-----Good evening. ______________?A.Do you still have a room for tonight B.What would you like, pleaseC.Is there anything I can do for you D.Who is that speaking, please6.If the traffic so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o’clock.A.hadn’t been B.wasn’tC.couldn’t be D.hasn’t been7.Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,___________ the old town into a dreamland.A.turned B.turningC.to turn D.having turned8.This book is said to be a special one, as it ____ many events not found in other history books.A.writes B.prints C.covers D.reads9.The film Mei Lanfang, Li Ming plays the starring role,has again drawn the world’s attention to our traditional Chinese art.A.what B.that C.which D.where10.Y ou can get off the bus one or two stops ________ and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take someexercise.A.more early B.earliest C.early D.earlier11.—I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.— ________. Don't forget you will drive.A.Anything but that B.By all meansC.Take it easy D.I won't say no to this12.________ in the last examination, she was more confident of another success in the coming one.A.To succeed B.To have succeeded C.Having succeeded D.succeeding13.In contrast with the liberal social climate of the present, traditions in the past were relatively ______. A.competitive B.comprehensiveC.creative D.conservative14.The conference aims to develop business and let people think about _______ they can have a positive influence on the planet.A.why B.thatC.what D.how15.Up till now, there has been no scientific evidence about ________ caused the death of dinosaurs.A.what is it that B.what it was that C.it was what D.what is it16._______, the dancers practise hard to make their dreams come true.A.Instead of being disabled B.Being disabledC.Disabled as they are D.In case of being disabled17.It is almost five years since Jimmy taught high school students and he _____ as an interpreter in a foreign enterprise. A.served B.had servedC.is serving D.would serve18.Peter survived in the accident when he fell overboard yesterday. He _______ escaped drowning.A.nearly B.slightly C.narrowly D.hardly19.—It’s really great to have a computer to store my photos.—Don’t count on it too much. It ________ break down and you’d better make a copy of them.A.must B.canC.should D.will20.I don’t think she visited the exhibition this morning, ______ she was with me at that time.A.though B.or C.but D.for第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



上海市高一下学期政治第一次月考模拟卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共22题;共44分)1. (2分)我国人民民主专政的本质是()A . 民主具有真实性B . 民主与专政的统一体C . 人民当家作主D . 对人民实行民主,对极少数敌人实行专政2. (2分) (2016高二下·桂林期末) 2016年3月1日,《中华人民共和国法反家庭暴力法》正式实施。



这一法律的实施表明()A . 我国人民民主具有广泛性B . 公民将不再受家暴的伤害C . 我国人民民主具有真实性D . 家庭成员享有相同的权利3. (2分) (2018高三上·黑龙江月考) 2016年,某市提出支持和鼓励有条件地区探索推进街居体制机制改革,建立健全社区行政性事务职能上收镇(街道)、服务管理资源下沉村(社区)、社区服务外包的“一上、一下、一包”模式,强化镇(街道)社会服务管理“中心化”的功能作用。

该举措()①有利于满足社区居民日益增长的多样化服务需求②强化了基层自治组织和居民自治功能③旨在理顺街道办与居委会间的行政隶属关系④是创新基层民主自治组织形式的有益探索A . ①②C . ①④D . ③④4. (2分) (2020高一下·温州期中) 下列选项中属于我国公民政治义务的有()①选举权和被选举权②维护国家统一和民族团结③负责地行使监督权④服兵役和参加民兵组织A . ①②B . ①③C . ②④D . ③④5. (2分) (2017高二上·汕头期末) 漫画《偏爱》的作者通过自己的作品指出当前某些政府官员中存在的问题,这说明在我国政治生活中,公民享有()①政治自由②言论、出版自由③对国家机关和国家工作人员的监督权④申诉和控告的权利A . ①②③B . ①③④C . ①②④6. (2分) (2017高二上·腾冲期末) 《中国互联网状况》白皮书指出,《中华人民共和国宪法》赋予公民言论自由的权利,中国公民在互联网上的言论自由受法律保护,中国公民可以通过各种形式在网上发表言论。



2023-2024学年高二语文上学期第一次月考(上海专用)A卷·基础知识达标测一、积累应用(10分)1.(5分)①先致其知②慎终如始③余食赘形④君子喻于义⑤小人喻于利2(1)(2分)C2(2)(3分)D二、阅读(70分)3. (2分)低劣的文艺作品与奉承的文艺评论(文艺表扬)。

4. (2分)B5. (3分)D6. (4分)不能。




7. (5分)答案示例:属于“文艺批评”的范畴。





8. (4分)不可。


9. (4分)从叹气(神态)和肖像角度,细腻入微的描写表现母亲一生的沧桑)(历经磨折、困苦)。



10. (4分)(对比)从视觉角度,以一雪兼写生死反差、轮回之思,承接上文文学艺术中对“白”的领悟,回到现实,与末段从听觉角度写母亲相映衬,寄寓对生命哲理的思考。

11. (4分)借助寻常自然雪景并融合深厚的艺术修养来参悟精微的人生哲思,写亲情(母子亲情,人间真情)又超越亲情,写出少年欢悦、壮年繁华和老年虚空的生命历程,表达对人生哲理的终极感悟,对生命充满关切而有鉴赏与淡然(超脱)之情,富有理趣,格局开阔,气韵不俗,堪称典范。



上海民办新高级中学2021-2022学年高二物理月考试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (单选)将一定量电荷Q分给A、B两绝缘导体小球,要使两球相隔一定距离时有最大的作用力,则A 球电荷量q应为()A. B. C.Q D.Q参考答案:选B.F=k,当q=Q-q,即q=时F最大.2. (多选)两只电阻的伏安特性曲线如图所示,则下列说法中正确的是()A.两电阻的阻值为R1大于R2B.两电阻串联在电路中时,R1两端电压大于R2两端电压C.两电阻串联在电路中时,R1消耗的功率小于R2消耗的功率D.两电阻并联在电路中时,R1的电流大于R2的电流参考答案:CD3. 质量为1kg的小球从高20m处自由下落到软垫上,反弹后上升的最大高度为5m,小球接触软垫的时间是1s。

在接触时间内,小球受到的平均冲力大小为(空气阻力不计,g=10m/s2)A.10N B.20N C.30N D.40N参考答案:D4. (单选)一个电流表的满偏电流Ig=1mA,内阻Rg=500Ω,要把它改装成一个量程为10V的电压表,则应在电流表上()A.串联一个10kΩ的电阻B.并联一个10kΩ的电阻C.串联一个9.5kΩ的电阻D.并联一个9.5kΩ的电阻参考答案:C发现万有引力定律的科学家是5.A.牛顿 B.安培 C.爱因斯坦 D.库仑参考答案:A二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 一物体由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小为a1,经时间t后做匀减速直线运动,加速度大小为a2,若再经时间t恰能回到出发点,则a1:a2应为__________.参考答案:1:37. 一个带电小球,用细绳悬挂在水平方向的匀强电场中,当小球静止后把悬绳烧断,小球将沿方向做运动参考答案:悬绳的延长线匀加速直线8. 某一回旋加速器,两半圆形金属盒的半径为R,它们之间的电压为U,所处的磁场的感应强度为B,带电粒子的质量为m,电荷量为q,则带电粒子所能获得的最大动能为__________参考答案:9. (5分)如图所示,一甲虫从一半球形碗底沿碗内表面缓慢向上爬,已知球面半径为R,甲虫与碗的内表面的静摩擦因数为μ=0.25,它可以爬的最大高度为_____。



上海市民办远东学校2024-2025学年八年级上学期第一次月考试卷一、单选题1.在下列二次根式中,属于最简二次根式的是()AB C D 2.下列二次根式中,属于同类二次根式的是()A .B C D 3.若方程()211350mm x x +-++=是一元二次方程,则m 的值等于()A .±1B .1C .﹣1D .04.下列运算中,正确的是()A2B .21=C-D5.用配方法解方程2830x x +-=,方程变形为()2x p q +=,则p q +=()A .25B .24C .23D .226.如图,在大正方形纸片中放置两个小正方形,已知两个小正方形的面积分别为118S =,212S =,重叠部分是一个正方形,其面积为2,则空白部分的面积为()A .6B .16C .16D .8二、填空题7.当时,二次根式有意义.8.已知23a <<=.9=成立的条件是.10=.11.方程22x x =的解是.12.如果2310x x -+=的值是.13.不等式(21x >的解集是.14.如果最简根式是同类二次根式,那么m=.15.若关于x 的一元二次方程220240ax bx +-=有一个根为1,则a b +=.16.已知(x 2+y 2)(x 2+y 2﹣5)=6,则x 2+y 2=.17.已知三角形两边长分别是2和9,第三边的长为一元二次方程214480x x -+=的一个根,则这个三角形的周长为.180.618法就应用了黄金分割数.设a =,b =则1ab =,记11111S a b =+++,2221111S a b =+++,…,1010101111S a b =+++.则1210S S S +++= .三、解答题19.计算:(2)(()22+20.化简:(1)21.解方程(1)2132-+=x x x(2)24210x x --=(用配方法)22的整数部分为x ,小数部分为y ,试求2212x xy y ++的值.23.已知:3a b +=,1ab =,且a b >24.如图,矩形ABCD 中,6cm AB =,8cm BC =,点P 从A 开始沿AB 边向点B 以1厘米/秒的速度移动,点Q 从点B 开始沿BC 边向点C 以2厘米/秒的速度移动,如果P 、Q 分别是从A 、B 同时出发,当其中一个点到达终点时,两个点都停止运动.(1)求经过几秒时,PBQ 的面积等于8平方厘米?(2)PBQ 的面积能否等于10平方厘米,如果能求出运动的时间,如果不能,请说明理由.25.配方法是数学中重要的一种思想方法,这种方法是根据完全平方公式的特征进行代数式的变形,并结合非负数的意义来解决一些问题.我们规定:一个整数能表示成22a b +(a ,b 是整数)的形式,则称这个数为“完美数”.例如,10是“完美数”,理由:因为221031=+,所以10是“完美数”.解决问题:(1)下列各数中,“完美数”有______(填序号);①29②48③13④28(2)若2618a a -+可配方成()22a m n -+(m ,n 为常数),则mn 的值______;(3)已知224512S a ab b b k =++-+(a ,b 是整数,k 是常数),要使S 为“完美数”,试求出符合条件的一个k 值,并说明理由.拓展应用:(4)已知实数a ,b 满足2530a a b -++-=,求a b +的最小值.。

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第二学期第一次语文月考(本试卷满分150分,考试时间150分钟)一 80分(一)阅读下文,完成1—6题。




































(2分)1. 石库门代表(包涵)了当时上海社会的方方面面。


(2分)2. 外观(外表)功能(2分)3.请在第⑥节的空白处填入一组合适的关联词,使文意顺畅。

(2分)3.(形成递进关系)不仅(不但),而且(2分)4. 原文作者在文中加了三个小标题,这样写有什么好处?(4分)①②4. ①提示各段的主要内容(或附加说明各段的核心意思);②使全文脉络清晰(或体现全文内容层次的递进);③便于读者整体把握文意(或便于读者把握石库门的海派文化符号的含义)(每点2分共4分)5.下列选项不符合文意的一项是()(3分)A.由于石库门居住密度增强,私密空间与公共空间交错,使上海人邻里关系融洽。




5. C(3分)6. 据最近上海市旅游产业发展大会的信息:到2015年,上海将基本建成魅力独具、环境一流、旅游产业体系健全、旅游产品丰富多样的世界著名旅游城市。


(3分)..建议....的具体6.要体现创意,围绕如何把石库门文化打造成更能凸现海派文化特点的一个品牌(1分);要结合文章核心意思,阐明如何通过创造性和保护性的开发将石库门文化资源成功转变为旅游经营资源,达到弘扬海派文化,进而提高上海综合竞争实力的目的(阐述 2分)。






十多年前买这盘唱碟时,对它一无所知,就是看到了“天堂兄弟”(P alace Brothers)这个名字,忍不住把它买下了。









人们很难知道他个人经历稍微细致一点的信息,只知道他的名字叫做威尔〃奥尔德哈姆(W ill Oldham)。



一直到1993年才独自一人出山,在D rag City唱片公司出版了第一张自己的专辑《没有一个人要关心你》。















