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• When did mr and mrs green come to chinaHale Waihona Puke Baidu?
• Last month • What do they like about china ? • The beijing opera
• 24.上周六,海伦和朋友们举办了一场生日 聚会,她们唱歌吃蛋糕,玩的很开心,
• 8.李磊在操场上打篮球,他看见很多女生在 打排球。
• What is Li ming doing ? • He is playing on the playground. • What are the girls doing . • They are playing volleying .
• Millir
• Why was she late for school ?
• Because the traffic was busy /because of the heavy traffic /because of too much traffic on the road.
• 23.格林夫妇上个月来到中国,他们非常喜 欢京剧。
• What was the weather like on labor day ? • Cloudy • What did the classmates do on that day ? • They watered the trees
• 14.上周日,艾伦去爬山,回来的路上遇见 了他的朋友亨利。
• What did millie and her friends have last christmas day ?
• A party / they had a party .
• What did they do at the party ?
• They sang and danced/ they sang songs and danced .
• 9.你们学校将组织去公园春游,你准备了披 萨和果汁
• Which place will your school go to on a trip ?
• To a park / a park / our school will go to a park .
• What are you going to take ?
• 17.比尔上周来到青岛,他非常喜欢喝啤 酒。、
• When did bill come to qingdao ? • Last week , • What does he like about qingdao ? • He likes drinking beer .
• 18.去年圣诞节,米粒和朋友们举办了一场 晚会,他们唱歌跳舞。
• What happened 3 days ago . • A kidnapping happened . • Who was the suspect ? • A computer programmer .
• 22.今早米粒上学迟到了,因为路上交通很 拥挤。
• Who was late this morning.?
• Pizza and juice
• 10.jane 在卧室听cd,她妈妈在打扫厨房 • Where is Jane ? • In the bedroom / she is in the bedroom. • What’ s jane’s mother doing ? • She is cleaning the kitchen .
• 12.上周六,吉姆和父母去了公园,他们玩 了好多游戏。
• When did jim and his parents go to the park ?
• Last Saturday . • What did he do there ? • He played a lot of games /
• 13.劳动节那天天气多云,我们班同学去公 园浇树
• 19.艾米丽不会骑自行车,所以每天都是妈 妈送她上学
• Who can’t ride a bicycle ? • Emlily . • How does she go to school every day ? • Her mother takes her to school every day .
• 20. 今早海伦把英语词典忘在了家里,遇到 不认识的单词只好问老师。
• What did helen leave at home ? • The english dictionary . • Who did she turn to help . • Her teacher
• 21.三天前发生了一起绑架案,嫌疑犯是一 个电脑程序员。
• What did allen do last weenend ? • He climed mountains • What happened when he got back ? • He met his friend henry .
• 15. 怀特夫妇坐汽车去巴黎,并在那里停留 了一周。
• How did mr and mrs white go to paris • By bus • How long did they stay there ? • For a week .\\
• 16.今天早上贝蒂上学迟到了,因为她的自 行车路上坏了。
• Who was late for school thims moring ? • Betty • Why was she late for school ? • because her bike was broken on the road .
• 11. 路西被选为班长,因为她对人很有好。 • What was lucy chosen to be ? • The monitor / she was chosen to be the
monitor . • Why was she recommended ? • Because she is friendly .