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Unit 13
1. my strong dad burst out crying
2. searched
3. indifference towards everyday chores
4. pretending to be my old self
5. stay away from
6. made (the trees) look fresh and white
1. juvenile 2. apathetic 3. stripped of 4. rummage 5. transcends
6. remedy 7. admitted to 8. get rid of 9. depression 10. make up for
1-8. D A C B D B A A
1. a. assumed b. suppose c. suppose d. assume
2. a. leave b. depart c. departing d. left
3. a. altered b. change c. change d. altering
4. a. treated b. remedy c. remedy d. treating
1. young, youthful
2. involuntarily, unwillingly, reluctantly
3. dull, insensitive, unfeeling
4. cheering
5. prize, honour, accolade
6. cheerful, merry, joyful, jubilant
7. valueless, useless, futile
8. appear, emerge
1. Various organizations voluntarily helped raise money for the new operating theatre in that hospital.
2. Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters.
3. Strenuous efforts were made throughout the war to disguise the scale of civilian casualties.
4. All in-patients must fill this form and sign it when they check out.
5. WHO tries to diagnose the existing conditions of work in each participating country in order to draft a plan of action.
6. He slipped into his pajamas and immediately fell into a deep sleep.
7. After the band stopped playing, people drifted away in twos and threes.
8. This mistake must be remedied immediately to prevent any further problems.
1. being 2. to accept 3. jogging 4. breaking 5. to arrive 6. smoking 7. to operate 8. damaging 9. borrowing 10. to concentrate
1. to phone 2. paying 3. rubbing 4. to get 5. drinking 6. to admire
7. to insult 8. getting 9. to inform 10. asking
1. Having heard that the caves were dangerous, I didn’t like to go any further without a light.
2. Exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed.
3. Having removed all traces of his crime, the criminal left the building.
4. Thinking he must have made a mistake somewhere, he went through his calculations again.
5. People sleeping in the next room were awakened by the sound of breaking glass.
6. Infuriated by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue.
7. Soaked to the skin, we eventually reached the station.
8. Becoming tired of my complaints about the programme, she turned it off.
9. Turning on the light, Mary was astonished at what she saw.
10. Addressing the congregation, he said he was sorry to see how few had come.
1. go, am going, takes, costs
2. talk, prefer
3. got, washed, shaved, got, didn’t hear, heard, made
4. is being painted, isn’t looking
5. want, tells, says, thinks
6. has been, used, rode, have had
7. is
8. haven’t seen, have you been, have been, had meant, didn’t have, Did you have, were, was, enjoyed, skied, danced

Wrote, asking, replied, enclosing, filled, returned, have heard, am beginning, has gone, have received, have received/ received, haven’t decided, should/ would be, would tell, has been, should/ would like, don’t get, shall/will have, do, shall/will have

1. 在我的一生中,当世界正对我敞开胸怀的时候,我却发现自己在退缩。
2. 事实上,我父母发现:每逢有人过生日、圣诞节以及任何值得庆祝的场合都会让我极其兴奋。
3. 他们以为那只不过是周末过后一时的忧郁不欢罢了,因此深信只要我努力不让自己感到郁闷,我就会“好起来”的。
4. 我更进一步地明白了自己是谁:我是一个年轻女子,需要得到爱是为了自己,并非为了所能奉献的东西------并非为了能让你有怎样的感觉。
1. The airport authorities request that every passenger keep an eye on his/her own belongings.
2. Although he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, he still took an optimistic attitude toward life.
3. His teacher advised him not to eat so much junk food.
4. With a high sense of responsibility, the teacher gave his life in order to save his students.
5. His comrades did whatever they could for his release from the prison, and they succeeded.
6. The sudden financial tsunami has stripped quite a number of people of their property.
7. My secretary is looking for this or that all the time, for she is always misplacing her things.
8. After drifting into the woods, he was greatly amazed at the scene in front of him.
9.So far no effective remedy for the addiction to the Internet has been found.
10. In view of the serious employment situation, many university graduates voluntarily go and work in the remote areas.

Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
1. not 2. followed 3. even 4. Since 5. yet 6. faced 7. hospitals 8. widely
9. maintained 10. without

Unit 14
1. be embodied
2. persistent hard work
3. be the most important and noticeable
4. not been effective
5. revealed
6. making progress and very likely to succeed in
1. professional 2. refined 3. marks 4. institutions 5. induces 6. scholarship
7. fundamental 8. multiplying 9. attendance 10. in vain
1-8 C A B D D C A B
1. a. get b. acquire c. get d. acquire
2. a. traits b. traits c. characteristic d. characteristics
3. a. persisted b. insisted c. insisted d. persist
4. a. politeness b. politeness c. manners d. manners
1. obvious, clear, distinct, definite
2. unreasonable, improper, excessive
3. accuracy, exactness
4. conscious, voluntary
5. shallow, skin-deep
6. hide, cover, screen
7. persist, keep, maintain
8. inefficiency, incompetence, inability
1. The agent described it as a magnificent, eighteenth-century mansion.
2. We were on the point of going to bed when th

e earthquake happened.
3. Tony bought Stella a necklace to make up for not having a holiday with her.
4. The doctor says that Stanley’s liver will be all right now, provided he doesn’t start drinking again.
5. The stories he tells about his war experiences are beyond belief.
6. How fast is one allowed to ho on this motorway?
7. No, I did not forget to give her your message.
8. Brown’s Hotel is considered as one of the best in London.
1. Need he explain again and again?/ Does he need to explain again and again?
2. I needn’t wait./ I don’t need to wait.
3. You needn’t drive so fast. / You don’t need to drive so fast.
4. You needn’t take the umbrella./ You don’t need to take the umbrella.
5. Need I go to the meeting?/ Do I need to go to the meeting?
6. I hardly need tell you the importance of it.
7. She needn’t come./ She doesn’t need to come with us if she doesn’t want to.
8. She’s thirsty. She needs a drink.
1. needs 2. didn’t need to show 3. need 4. needed 5. needn’t have carried 6. need
7. don’t need to do/ needn’t do 8. don’t need to pay
1. swollen 2. beaten 3. encouraging 4. fallen 5. born 6. uninvited 7. broken
8. enclosed 9. smiling 10. waiting
1-8 B C D A C A B C
1. 教育会在人的某些特性、特点和能力方面留下印记,并从中找到其证据,而这些特性、特点和能力必须通过耐心的努力、仿效榜样、接受明智的训练和正确的指导方可获得。
2. 英语口语中存在许多令人震惊的脏话俗语,英语书面语里也有不少,这是大家所见所闻的事情。这种现象毫无疑问地证明:多年在中小学和大学所受的那种被认为是受人尊敬的教育没有产生任何影响。
3. 正直之人本能地知道哪些事情他可做,而且应该做;哪些事情他不可做,而且不应该做。
4. 当前风行的成人教育就是这么一种有系统、有明确目标的尝试,让人们在久离学校后还能继续自我发展,从而帮助他们继续接受教育。
1. He possesses some fine traits: he has refined and gentle manners; he is kind and generous to others; he is always modest and prudent; and he constantly perfects his work.
2. A high crime rate that doesn’t seem to drop is a reflection of an unstable society.
3. It is beyond doubt that Shanghai is fast becoming another financial center.
4. Such a small gym can hardly meet the needs of such a large student body, amounting to about 3000.
5. A person with reason instinctively knows what should be done and what should not be done.
6. Despite hardships, she persisted in her efforts to complete her university education.
7. As long as you study hard and make progress constantly, your chances to succeed will multiply.
8. Wang Li works very efficiently, because he possesses strong professional competence and, moreover, he pays particular attention to the meth

ods he employs.

9. The so-called problem teens are not born to be problems. Very likely, it is because they lack parental and school discipline.
10. The President of the university displays both professional competence and excellent leadership; therefore, he is very popular among the teachers and other staff members.

Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
1. aware 2. decided 3. no 4. actor 5. demands 6. correct 7. remain
8. low 9. quick 10. however
