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六年级上册易错题归纳(一)一.选择()1.Ben often ______ with his parents in the park after dinner. A.walk B.walked C.walks ()2.I like Science. It is________interesting subject. A. a B.an C.the ()3.It______ all day.We couldn’t play football in the park. A. rain B.rainy C.rained ()4.The bus stopped and two men _______ off. A.gets B.is getting C.got ()5.There ________ some black clouds in the sky. A .were B.are C.was ()

6.Mike _______ go to school today because he was ill. A.wasn’t

B. didn’t

C.isn’t()7._________ you play the piano ten years ago? No, I couldn’t. A. Can B.Did C.Could ()8.Were you at home last Sunday? No. I________ to the park. A.was B.went C.did ()9.What ________ you do two years ago? A.can B.did C.could ()10.They are having a(n)__lesson.They are learning the new words. A.English B.Art C.PE ()11.He wrote________ to his friends twenty years ago. A.pictures B.letters C.newspapers ()12.Bobby and Sam_____in the forest. They _______many monkeys in front of them. A.walk;look B.walk;find C.walk on;look for ()13.What do these _____mean? They __“No swimming” and “Danger”. A.signs;means B.signs;mean C.sign;means ()14.In the UK,people call the metro____. In the US,people call it_____.



C.subway;subway ()

15.What _______ the cinema dirty? __________makes it dirty.



C.keeps; Rubbish ()16.________ the river dirty? Yes. The fish _______ dead. A.is;are B.Is;are C. Is;is ()17.We should not cut down too many trees. It’s bad______the Earth. A.of B.to C.for ()18.Helen _______us _______her hobbies. A.tells;to B.tells;about C.talks;to 二.首字母填空 1.Why are the children l______? Because the story is fun. 2.Who’s w_______yellow today? 3.We can call people anywhere with a m________ p_______.

三.根据中文翻译句子 1.莉莉的姑妈经常穿着一件蓝色的毛衣和黑

色的长裤。Lily’s aunt often ________ a blue ________ and

__________ trousers. 2.请帮我从树上摘个橙子。 Please ______ an ________ _________ the______ for me. 3.我昨天在客厅里看报纸的。 I__________ _________in the living room________. 4.爷爷正在网上看新闻。 Grandpa is reading____________ on the

___________now. 5.昨天,杨玲和妈妈去了一个购物中心。 Yang Ling and her mother were ___ a _______ ________yesterday. 6.小心!那棵树周围有一些蜜蜂。 Be _________! There are some bees

________ the tree. 7.不要使用太多塑料用品。 D________ use

_______ ________ plastic. 8.我们用木头制作桌椅和其它物品。We______wood _______ ________tables,________ and other things.

9.圣诞节快来了,所有的孩子都很兴奋。 _____ ____ _______. All the children______ ________ __________. 10.他们将要在中秋节做什么?吃月饼和赏月。 What are they _____ _______ _______ at the Mid-Autumn Festival? They _____ ____ _____ _____moon cakes and _____ ______ ______. 四.根据要求改写句子 1.Go and smoke there.(改成否定句)_______ go and _______ there. 2. I’m looking for my bananas.(对划线部分进行提问) _______ _______ you looking for? 3.The girl goes to school on foot every day.(改为同义句) The girl______ ______school every day.

五.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.The boy________(can) not find his mother this morning. 2.The lion was angry because the old man________(pick)some flowers in his garden. 3.Lily often

________(watch)films in the evening. This evening she

______(go)shopping with her mother. 4.Alice,where _____(be) your doll? I____(give)it to Mary this morning. 5.Mrs Green usually _______(meet)her students in the library. 6.Where

______(did/ were) you go for the holiday? 7._______(be)you in Shanghai last week? 8._______(do) you _______(catch) a fish yesterday? 9.I wanted to______(pick)some apples for you.
