它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际 (鲍明捷,2002)。
如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear,animosity,而美语会读成clear—ranimosity。
1. 个人主义与集体主义美国文化倾向于个人主义,注重个体的独立和自主性。
这种差异在语言交际中表现明显,比如在表达感谢之情时,美国人更倾向于使用“I thank you”这样的第一人称表达方式,而中国人则更倾向于使用“We thank you”来强调团体的感谢之情。
2. 时间观念与未来导向美国人注重效率和时间观念,强调将时间用于创造价值。
1. 礼貌用语中美两国在礼貌用语方面存在差异。
美国人更倾向于使用直接的表达方式,比如“Please pass the salt”。
2. 言语间断和暗示中美文化中存在着对言语间断和暗示的不同需求。
1. 非语言表达在非语言表达上,中美文化也存在着差异。
英语论文 从中美肢体语言体现的文化差异
![英语论文 从中美肢体语言体现的文化差异](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/730ea43c482fb4daa58d4b76.png)
The Cultural Differences Reflected by Body Language inChina and America1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundThere are more and more chance for people to contact with people from different culture because of the quick development of science, technology and economy. The world is become smaller and smaller, which has become a global village. The communication between people from various cultures and countries is increasing. We can communicate with each other through not only language communication but also nonverbal communication. Actually, in everyday life, we spend a considerable amount of time on body language communication. In addition, we receive much of our emotional meanings through noverbal elements.Body language communication is connected with cultures and it is the result of cultures. But many people pay great attention to the acceptance and correctness of the verbal communication and overlook the influence and cultural difference of nonverbal communication. Then the misunderstanding and cultural crash often occur in the cross-cultural communication. So in the process of communication, it is not a complete communication while ignoring the cultural differences of nonverbal communication. A famous anthropologist E.T.Hall pointed out “Silent language expresses more information than verbal language.” According to some researchers abroad, in people’s daily life, nonverbal communication takes over 65% in all of information exchange. So we must know the cultural differences of body language to achieve efficient communication.With increasing contact between China and America, a better understanding betwwen both culture is of growing importance. Nonverbal communication influences how individuals from these two cultures interact and understand or misunderstand each other. Therefore, an understanding of the differences is vital for building harmonious relationships. The thesis is designed to help readers understand and appreciate the differences in nonverbal communication between China and America.There are cross-culture differences in nonverbal communication, which are obvious inmany aspects. Gestural symbols play a large part, and because this is true, gestural emblems are highly sensitive. The same body language have different interpretation because of different cultures. Different body language can be used in different background, however, they can express the same siginificance.To master the nonverbal communication is a necessary part for those who come from different culture. Some people find it difficult to understand the nonverbal code. Because they do not know the background of body language.1.2 SignificanceBody language communication is very important in people communication because it can help us cause first impressions. Think for a while we often judge a person coming from nonverbal information, especially body language. It is important many original information usually can have intuitive recognition. Even how we choose a partner is based on the people who give us the first impression. For example, a famous Chinese proverb going on “fall in love at first sight.” Whether we can have a long-term association with other person also based on the first impression.Body language is so important that some people think of body language as equal to nonverbal communication. More and more people realize the importance of body language communication. We can know more about people’s instinctive feelings situation grounded on their behavioral communication. For example, when we notice a person closing finger tightly with stern appearance, we can judge that this person is sad based on his action. When we are hearing people with shaking sound and noticing them with quivering hands, we can judge that this person is mentally troubled regardless of their saying. Our feelings are showed in our gesture, posture, facial expression and eye contact-it can be happy, sad, anxious and anger and so on. Therefore, we can show our attitude and express ourselves without speaking anything. Because of this, we depend largely on what we have learned coming from our eyes. Many researcher make know that we will rely heavily on non verbal communication rather than verbal ones when they are in conflict with each other.When we come to realize that the nonverbal communication is very important, it is apparent that nonverbal behavior can communicate(convey)people’s physical as well asmental situation. The importance of nonverbal behavior is apparent if we realize that in one form or another, all of our actions convey information about our psychological and physical states. A stroking of the the chin, bow, wave, pointed finger, or yawn all have a message. Our actions, in addition of those association with some illness, have some rules; in a particular way, they stand for outsider speaking to insider. And it is very significant, those behaviors show the time, be it turning to face in another direction from people with whom we feel uneasy. It is very important for us to expain correctly behavioral communication of people who come from other cultures.It is well know that some nonverbal actions have close connection with culture. The body language may lead to understand incorrectly for people of different behaviors who send the same message with different gestures of the body. Misunderstanding can cause the feeling of offence, insult. From these reason, I think that it is highly necessary to make cross-cultural studies of the body language.2 Definition and functions of body language2.1 Definition of body languageBody language, also called body movements, body behavior and so on, refers to all expressions and movements that send communicative messages. Body language is a process in which communicators use the natural features of their bodies to deliver information and express specific meaning instinctively to the other communicator. We will discuss it in details later. It used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood.Different scholars have made various efforts to define it. Accoring to Knapp the phrase‘nonverbal communication’ reffered to communication effect by means other than words. Some linguist also claimed that body language could be without the use of words. Other linguists took into account social cinventions in defining body language. Besides social conventions, many oter factors are also important in helping convey nonverbal meanings. The meanings of body language often have to be interpreted via considerations of such aspects, because these factors may help make clear the complexity of bodylanguage.However, these factors are so diliverse and complex that a perfect definition is impossible. It is so natural that current definitions are different from the ones in their orientations.2.2 Functions of body languageBody language like verbal communication is also a part of culture and the carrier of a certain culture. The function of body language in the whole communication can’t be overlooked. “In the daily communication, we can see people can’t communicate effi ciently by verbal language alone. And nonverbal communication will express clear meanings in a certain context. And a certain nonverbal communication should be connected with verbal communication or the other nonverbal communication to provide correct info rmation.” So in communicative activities, body language also plays a great role. Of course, we should pay close attention to the functions of body language. “In any case, when verbal communication conflicts with no nverbal communication, people are willing to accept the information nonverbal communication delivers. Because nonverbal communication sounds more natural, more instinctive and it is hard to pretend.”Obviously, we should make full use of body language to achieve efficientcommunication. Now, we will discuss the functions of body language.Nonverbal communication ofen performs one of several functions in relationship to verbal communication. These functions help us to understand and use communication more effectively. Nonverbal messages serve six major functions: repetition, contradiction, substitution, accentuation, supplementation or modification and regulation.Repetition is defined as the process of reinforcingverbal messages through redundancy. People often use nonverbal messages to repeat apoint they are trying to make. For example, when we tell people how to get to the nearest hospital, we are not only telling them the direction but also pointing to the direction with hands. Generally speaking, the gestures and words have a similar meaning and reinforce one another.Contradiction is the opposite of repetition; it negates the verbal message. On some occasions, our nonverbal actions send signals opposite from the literal messages contained in our verbal messages. For instance, you tell someone you are relaxed and at ease, yet your voice quavers and your hands shake.Substitution. We use substitution in body language when we perform some action instead of speaking. If a group of people is boisterous, you might place your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “please calm down so that I can speak”.Accentuation. For example, you may have noticed how some people tap the desktop with each word of an important message like “I want you to do this today”.Supplement. For instance, we greet people with a smile. Smile functions as a supplement to the pleasure of meeting people.Regulation occurs when nonverbal messages help to control the flow of verbal messages. We often regulate and manage communication by using certainform of body language. We nod our head in agreement to indicate to our communication partner that we agree and that he or she should continue talking or we have direct eye contact with someone to let him or her know the channels are open.Thus,body language function sometimes occur separately, and sometimes they occur at the same moment. Without them, we should have a very difficult time communicating.3 Cultural differences of body language betwwen Chinese and Americans3.1 Types and differences of body languageHere, we research into three elements of body language: gesture (head gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, arm gesture, hand gesture, and leg movement), posture(walking posture, standing posture, squatting posture, and sitting posture), and touch (ten distinctions concerning touching behaviors) Different believes are the causes of the differences of body language. According to the theories proposed by American anthologists Barnettt Pearce, Verrion Cronent, people’s behavior, the way of thinking and so on are aff ected by their believes. And every culture has its distinctive belief system. A normal action in this culture will be abnormal in another one. A positive behavior in one culture will be negative in another. People from eastern world advocate modesty, tolerance, mutual-support and responsibility for the group. But western people admire independence, self-respect, free development, and requiring individual space and so on. Next, we will go to the differences of body language from five parts.3.1.1 Head gestureChinese and American head gesture shares a number of similarities. For example: nodding the head up and down means “yes”, “I agree”; shaking the head side to side means “no”; heading forward shows an interest in the conversation; heding backward shows lack of interest and so on.As to the differences, a nod of the head in China can function as greeting and beckoning someone to come here, while the same function performed by the Americans is a raise of the head. Patting on head means differently in these two cultures. Occasionally, Chinese adults may pat the head of children to show affection; patting the head of a teenager or an adult would cause displeasure and can be insulting. Americans’ patting on other’s head is just for giving comfort, consolation or encouragement; and also for showing affection.A unique head gesture in China-tip the head backward and audibly suck air in through the teeth-meas “no”or “something is very difficult” and has the function of pausing to rethink. Also there are some head gestures use in America but seldom seen in China: scratching the head means thinking or confused or skeptical; chin stroke, tapping the head with forefinger showscontemplation; hand cutting across the top of the head shows impatience; head switching to one side with a rush or chin pointing to a certain direction function as beckoning someone to come here or pointing direction.3.1.2 Facial expressionsWe constantly read expressions from people’s face. In fact, facial cues are the single most important source of nonverbal communication.Facial expressions have some own features: they are innate and universal. Therefore, the expressions for happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and surprise (the six basic emotions) are recognized by most culture groups as having the same meaning. However, some variations also exist. Some facial expressions and their interpretations may vary from one culture to another.Generally speaking, Chinese people are more self-controlled, especially in formal, public occasions, and when communicate with strangers and foreigners, they tend to control their emotions. When in down spirits (sad, angry, contemptuous and so on), Chinese people usually try to sustain a neutral expression. The whole face is on a loose state, forehead and eyebrow are equable, lips close naturally, and eyes open looking forward-such kind of looks is considered to be a neutral expression. Differently, the Americans may show in their expressions immediately when they are in the same spirits. Controlling one’s bad mood properly is considered mature and well-educated in China. Therefore , they think the Americans’ lack of control their emotions as an illustration of puerility and philistinism; whereas the Americans may consider the Chinese to be wooden and slow.When expressing some positive emotions, such as compliment and sympathy, Chinese people sometimes have less sense of propriety in their exprssions than the Americans do. They think the more exaggerated the better. American people regard this as dishonest.In daily communication and daily behaviors, some differences cause by Chinese’s humility and Americans’ self-esteem are worth mentioning. When receiving honest praise from others, Chinese people usually send an expression showing “I don’t believe”, “no”, “I don’t deserve such praise”, and sometimes even give an anxious looks. American people think that such response is dishonest and hypocritical. On the contrary, they may smile to the person who praise them, accept the compliment and usually say “thank you”. In the Chinese point of view, such response is kind of pride and conceited.3.1.3 Smile and laughterWhen it comes to smile and laughter, the most common facial expressions, they may cause some misunderstandings between Chinese and American culture. Thus it is necessary to explore them further in this point. Smile and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy, merriment. This is generally true in China as well as in America. However, it may be difficult for Americans to believe that smiling for the Chinese not only means that someone is happy, but also that he or she is sorry. It is desirable for a Chinese to apologize with a smile, which indicates humbleness and embarrassment.3.1.4 Eye languageAs saying go es “The eyes are the window of the soul”. That is to say, we can read one’s mind through his or her eyes. Eye language can express complicated feelings and it is an important way to judge the intimacy of communicators. People from America have more eye contact than Chinese people when they are in conversation. According to American tradition, communicators must gaze at each other. “But there are many rules about eye language: Whether to look at the other communicator or not; when it is the time to look at them, how long we can look at; who we can look at and who we can’t; they all imply different meanings in communication.”Americans pay great attention to the time and the way of eye contact. In common conversation, they will look at each other about one minute and then they will look away. If two Americans gaze at each other, which indicate they are intimate. In North America, the children there have learned to look at the other communicator directly. If they don’t, they are regarded lack of enthusiasm or co nfidence. They believe the saying “Never trust a person who can’t look you in the eyes.” For showing politeness or respect, Chinese people frequently avoid direct eye contact with others.3.2 Gestures“Gesture means we communicate and express by the movement and manners of our hands and fingers.” In our daily li fe, every one makes gestures, but many gestures have distinct regional and cultural features. “Don’t assume that every one in the world understands one gesture in the same way.”For example, A mericans often touch their temples to express somebody’s cleverness. But。
英语教学中的文化意识 (中学英语教学论文)蒲江中学李然【提要】:“文化可以解释为社会所做的和所想的,而语言则是思想的具体表达方式。
1 本文通过文化干扰对学生学习英语的影响进行归类分析,并结合外语教学,阐述重视文化教学,提高学生文化修养的重要性并如何进行文化意识的渗透。
香港学者鲁凡之先生认为“文化具有化人的本质性”:“‘文化’即‘人化’,人在回应环境挑战而反过来将环境‘人化’——不仅将外在于人的客观环境‘人化’,而且将人自身的主体‘人化’,即人由‘自存体’(in-itself)向‘自为体’(being for-itself)的转化或提升。
英语专业英语作文范文Title: The Importance of Cultural Immersion in Language Learning。
In the realm of language learning, particularly in the field of English studies, the significance of cultural immersion cannot be overstated. It serves as a pivotal aspect in comprehending and mastering a language beyond its syntax and grammar. This essay aims to delve into the importance of cultural immersion in language acquisition, shedding light on its various benefits and how it enriches the learning experience.Firstly, cultural immersion fosters a deeper understanding of the contextual usage of language. Language is not merely a set of words strung together but is deeply intertwined with the culture from which it originates. By immersing oneself in the culture associated with the language being studied, learners gain insights into the nuances of expressions, idioms, and cultural references.For instance, understanding the context behind phrases like "break a leg" or "raining cats and dogs" requiresfamiliarity with the cultural background from which these expressions emerged.Secondly, cultural immersion enhances communication skills and fosters intercultural competence. Language learning extends beyond the classroom walls; it encompasses real-life interactions with native speakers in various contexts. Through immersion experiences such as studying abroad, participating in cultural exchange programs, or engaging with native speakers locally, learners are exposed to authentic language use. This exposure not only sharpens their listening and speaking abilities but also cultivates an appreciation for diverse cultural perspectives. Communicating with native speakers enables learners to adapt their language skills to different social settings and effectively navigate cross-cultural communication barriers.Furthermore, cultural immersion facilitates personal growth and self-discovery. Stepping out of one's comfortzone and immersing oneself in a different culture fosters resilience, adaptability, and open-mindedness. It encourages learners to challenge their preconceived notions and broaden their worldview. By experiencing firsthand the customs, traditions, and daily life of another culture, individuals gain a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and develop empathy towards people from different backgrounds. This not only enriches their language learning journey but also contributes to their personal and intellectual development.Moreover, cultural immersion provides opportunities for authentic cultural experiences and meaningful connections. Whether it's attending local festivals, exploringhistorical landmarks, or simply engaging in everyday conversations with native speakers, immersion experiences offer a window into the richness of a culture. These experiences not only make language learning more enjoyable and memorable but also foster genuine connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Building meaningful relationships with native speakers not only enhances language proficiency but also promotes cross-culturalunderstanding and friendship.In conclusion, cultural immersion is an indispensable component of language learning that goes beyond grammar rules and vocabulary memorization. It offers a holistic approach to language acquisition by providing insights into cultural contexts, enhancing communication skills,fostering personal growth, and facilitating meaningful connections. As English learners, embracing cultural immersion experiences enriches our understanding of the language and enables us to become more proficient, confident, and culturally competent communicators. Therefore, incorporating cultural immersion opportunities into language learning curricula is essential for achieving fluency and cultural proficiency in English studies.。
英语五级文化意识作文Title: Embracing Cultural Awareness: A Key to Success in English Proficiency。
In today's interconnected world, mastering English proficiency is not merely about grammar rules and vocabulary. It extends beyond linguistic competence to encompass cultural awareness. As a learner striving to achieve proficiency in English, understanding cultural nuances is paramount. Let's delve into why cultural awareness matters and how it contributes to English language mastery.Firstly, cultural awareness fosters effective communication. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, reflecting the beliefs, values, and norms of a society. Without an appreciation of cultural context, misinterpretations and misunderstandings can arise, hindering communication. For instance, the use of idiomatic expressions or body language varies across cultures, andwithout awareness, one may misinterpret intended meanings. By understanding cultural nuances, learners can navigate conversations more adeptly, fostering meaningful connections with English speakers worldwide.Moreover, cultural awareness enriches language learning experiences. Learning about different cultures broadens perspectives, fosters empathy, and promotes tolerance. Exposure to diverse cultural practices, traditions, and customs enhances the learning journey, making it more engaging and immersive. It allows learners to appreciate the richness of language beyond its surface structure, embracing its cultural depth. For example, exploring the history behind English idioms or studying literature from various cultural backgrounds not only enhances language skills but also cultivates a deeper understanding of the world.Furthermore, cultural awareness is essential for academic and professional success. In today's globalized economy, proficiency in English opens doors tointernational opportunities. Whether pursuing highereducation abroad, collaborating with multinational teams, or engaging in cross-cultural business ventures, cultural competence is a valuable asset. Employers seek candidates who can navigate diverse cultural landscapes, communicate effectively across borders, and adapt to multicultural environments. By honing cultural awareness alongside language skills, individuals position themselves for success in an increasingly interconnected world.Additionally, cultural awareness promotes respect and appreciation for diversity. In an era marked by globalization and migration, societies are becoming increasingly multicultural. Embracing cultural diversity not only enriches communities but also fosters social cohesion and harmony. Language learners who embrace cultural awareness contribute to creating inclusive spaces where differences are celebrated rather than marginalized. By recognizing and respecting cultural diversity, individuals foster mutual understanding and build bridges across linguistic and cultural divides.In conclusion, cultural awareness is integral tomastering English proficiency. Beyond grammar and vocabulary, it enriches communication, enhances learning experiences, and facilitates academic and professional success. Embracing cultural diversity fosters respect, empathy, and tolerance, contributing to a more interconnected and harmonious world. As English learners, let us not only strive for linguistic fluency but also embrace the cultural tapestry that shapes the language we seek to master.。
语言艺术英文作文英文回答:As I sit down to pen my thoughts on the topic of "The Importance of Language in Human Communication," my mind races with memories and anecdotes that attest to the profound impact language has had on my life. From the moment I uttered my first words as a baby to the countless conversations I've had throughout my life, language hasbeen the bridge that has connected me to the world around me.Growing up in a bilingual household, I was fortunate to experience the richness and diversity of two languages from a young age. My mother tongue, Chinese, allowed me to connect deeply with my cultural heritage and family history. At the same time, English, the language of my formal education and wider social interactions, opened up a whole new world of knowledge and opportunities.Language has been the key that has unlocked my imagination. Through reading books, I have traveled to distant lands, met extraordinary characters, and experienced a vast array of emotions. Poetry has stirred my soul, inspiring me to see the beauty in everyday things. And through writing, I have found a way to express my own thoughts and feelings, to share my stories with others.I firmly believe that language is not merely a tool for communication. It is a living, breathing entity that has the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. The words we use, the way we construct our sentences, even the tone of our voice can all convey subtle nuances that can make a world of difference in how our message is received.For instance, in a job interview, using formal and professional language can create a positive impression of competence and respect. On the other hand, in a casual conversation with friends, slang and colloquialisms might be more appropriate to establish a sense of camaraderie and rapport. Understanding the appropriate language fordifferent contexts is essential for effective communication.Furthermore, language is closely tied to our cultural identity. It reflects the values, beliefs, and traditionsof a particular society. When we learn a new language, wenot only gain access to a new way of communicating but also a deeper understanding of the culture that surrounds it.In my own experience, studying Chinese calligraphy has not only improved my writing skills but also given me a greater appreciation for the artistic and philosophical traditions of Chinese culture. Similarly, learning Spanish has allowed me to connect with the vibrant and diverse Hispanic community in my city.In conclusion, language is the cornerstone of human communication. It allows us to express ourselves, connect with others, and make sense of the world around us. By embracing the richness and diversity of language, we notonly open ourselves up to a world of possibilities but also contribute to the tapestry of human culture and understanding.中文回答:语言作为人类交流的载体,有着举足轻重的地位。
关于英语语⾔学论⽂范⽂参考 随着对英语⽂化学习的不断深⼊,随着英语重要地位的不断确⽴,英语语⾔学的研究⼯作也越来越深⼊。
下⽂是店铺为⼤家整理的关于英语语⾔学论⽂范⽂参考的内容,欢迎⼤家阅读参考! 关于英语语⾔学论⽂范⽂参考篇1 浅探英语语⾔学中的幽默话语 幽默是指在⼈类交际的过程中,能够引⼈发笑的话语、动作和表情等,其内容丰富多彩,表现形式多种多样,⽐例幽默话语、幽默动作、幽默⾳乐等等。
⼀、英语语⾔学中的幽默话语 在繁忙的⽣活中,幽默是⼀剂强⼒润滑剂。
例如,“Mr Zhou have a sharp tongue,look out,it doesn’t cut your throat.”这句话看起来是像是在说⾆头,但是,我们把这句话放到语境中,就可以想到,这⾥的“a sharp tongue”并不是什么锋利的⾆头,⽽是⽛尖嘴利、毒⾆的意思,是发话者幽默、含蓄、间接的表达⽅式。
⼆、幽默话语与合作原则 (⼀)合作原则 胡范畴认为,所谓幽默话语是语⾔的各要素通过变异和创造⽽出来的。
Grice认为,在⼈们运⽤语⾔进⾏交际时,交际的双⽅(发话者和受话者)还要遵守⼀些先决条件和原则,例如使⽤双⽅都能熟练运⽤的语⾔、交谈内容是双⽅都熟悉的话题,还有最重要的合作原则(cooperative principle,CP)。
例如: red sky彩霞a red rose. (红色玫瑰) The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside. (彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。
) a blue dress.(蓝色连衣裙。
) Your hands are blue with cold. (你的双手冻得发紫了。
E.g. Mary is dressed in grey / red / white. (玛丽穿着灰色/红色/白色衣服。
This model of product has three colors available: white,gray and green. (该型号的产品有三种颜色:白色、灰色和绿色。
英语语言文学作文模板素材Title: The Influence of English Language Literature on Modern Society。
English language literature has played a significant role in shaping modern society. From classic works of fiction to contemporary poetry, English literature has influenced the way we think, feel, and interact with the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the impact of English language literature on modern society and how it continues to shape our cultural, social, and intellectual landscape.Historical Perspective。
The influence of English language literature can be traced back to its origins in ancient England. From the epic poems of Beowulf to the plays of William Shakespeare,English literature has always been a reflection of the society and culture in which it was created. These early works laid the foundation for the development of English language literature and set the stage for its enduring influence on modern society.Literature and Identity。
语言作文英语The Importance of Language in Communication。
Language is a fundamental tool for communication between individuals and groups. It is an essential aspect of human life, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Language enables us to express our ideas, feelings, and opinions, and itfacilitates our interactions with others. In this article, we will explore the importance of language in communication and its impact on our daily lives.Firstly, language is a means of expressing our thoughts and ideas. It allows us to communicate complex concepts and abstract ideas, which would otherwise be difficult to convey. For example, we use language to explain scientific theories, philosophical concepts, and artistic expressions. Moreover, language enables us to share our experiences and emotions with others, which helps us to develop deeper connections and relationships.Secondly, language is a tool for socialization and cultural transmission. We learn language from our parents, peers, and teachers, and it shapes our worldview and cultural identity. Language allows us to communicate with our community and to understand their customs, traditions, and values. For example, learning a foreign language can help us to appreciate and respect other cultures, and it can broaden our perspectives on the world.Thirdly, language is essential for education and intellectual development. It is the primary means of instruction in schools and universities, and it enables us to acquire knowledge and skills. Moreover, language allows us to think critically and to express our ideas clearly, which are essential skills for academic success and professional development.Fourthly, language is a tool for persuasion and influence. It enables us to convince others of our opinions and to negotiate with them. For example, politicians use language to persuade voters, and salespeople use languageto persuade customers. Moreover, language is a tool for resolving conflicts and reaching agreements, which is essential for maintaining peace and stability in society.Fifthly, language is a means of self-expression and creativity. It allows us to express ourselves through writing, poetry, music, and other forms of art. Moreover, language enables us to create new words and phrases, which enriches our vocabulary and expands our creativity.In conclusion, language is a fundamental tool for communication, socialization, education, persuasion, and creativity. It plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and it is essential for ourpersonal and social development. Therefore, we should value and cherish language and use it responsibly and effectively in our daily lives.。
The Influences of Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures on Polite Language[Abstract] Language is the most important communication tool for human beings. And in it is loaded the profound national cultural connotation. Since mankind headed into the era of civilization, polite language has been highly valued in each culture, community and group. On one hand, polite language is an indication of being elegant and civilized, and on the other hand, it is helpful to establish and maintain a good relationship between people. As an observable phenomenon, politeness is something superficial and is recognized as a norm in all societies. People in every culture are trying to be polite when communicating. Furthermore, politeness is culture-specific to some extent and a reflection of specific cultural values in the language. Due to the influence of cultural value orientations, the actual manifestations of politeness and the standards for its judgment differ substantially from culture to culture. Therefore, misunderstandings or even breakdown may occur if the cultural differences of politeness are neglected in cross-cultural communication. This thesis aims to make a contrastive study on polite language between Chinese and the West in cultural perspectives and the points that people should be aware of in communication between different cultural groups.[Key Words] polite language; cultural trait; cultural value; cross-cultural communication; cultural difference中西文化差异对礼貌用语的影响【摘要】语言是人类最重要的交际工具。
文学文化英文作文英文:Literature and culture are two intertwined conceptsthat have a significant impact on our lives. Literature is a form of art that expresses the human experience through language, while culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a society.Literature plays a crucial role in shaping culture. It reflects and critiques the values and beliefs of a society, and it can also challenge and change them. For example, the works of Shakespeare have had a profound impact on English culture and language. His plays have become a cornerstone of English literature, and his language has influenced the way we speak and write today.On the other hand, culture also influences literature. The cultural context in which a work is produced can shapeits content and style. For instance, the works of Toni Morrison, a prominent African American writer, are deeply rooted in the African American experience and culture. Her novels explore issues such as race, identity, and history, and they are written in a style that reflects the rhythms and cadences of African American speech.中文:文学和文化是两个紧密相连的概念,对我们的生活有着重要的影响。
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例如在学生入门学"thank you"时,不妨利用中英美文化的差异,插入这样一则跨文化交际的笑话:一位外国朋友不知道汉语中的"哪里!哪里!"另有自谦的意思。
一次他参加一对中国新人的婚礼时,很有礼貌地赞美新娘 you are beautiful today今天您真漂亮。
一旁的新郎代新娘说:where where哪里!哪里!。
不料,这位外国朋友听了大吃一惊,想不到笼统的赞美,中国人还不过瘾,还需要举例说明,于是他便用生硬的中国话说:"头发、眉毛、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴都漂亮!"这样,相信学生都能在笑声中轻而易举地记住在英美国家中应用"thank you"来回答别人的赞美,同时也能激发他们对学习英语的兴趣。
如,在教学打电话这一内容时,学生会脱口而出Who are you?他们并非不知道如何应答,只是缺乏练习的机会。
如,学完A BirthdayParty一课后,教师可组织学生编一段为某位同学过生日的对话。
又如:1--what's your name?--my name is wEi fang.2--how old are you?--I'mtwenty.听起来,形式正确,语法没毛病,也挺符合中国国情。
Sunday星期日太阳神之日,由Sunnandaeg变来的;Monday星期一月亮神之日,由Monandaeg变来的;Tuesday星期二战神之日,它来自天空和战争之神Tiw的名字;Wednesday星期三它是根据掌管文化、艺术、战争、死者的最高之神Woden的名字命名的;Thursday星期四雷神之日,它是雷神thethunder god Thor的名字命名的;Friday星期五它是以Woden神的妻子Frigg的名字取的;Saturday星期六农神之日,它是根据古罗马神州中的崩溃神Saturn的名字命名的,据说这位农神是负责把农耕方法教给人民。
英美国家在见面打招呼时的常用问候语有“Hi”、“Hello” 、“How are you?”、“Good morning/afternoon/evening”等,这是英语的语言习惯。
教师要适当地引导学生认识英语国家的一些有关个人的话题如“Where are you going?”会被视为对个人隐私的侵犯,而“Have you eaten yet?”则会被误以为你要邀请对方吃饭。
“What’s your name?”在教材中出现的频率相当高。
问及姓名,一般也只说“May I know your name?”如果使用“What’s your name?”对方会有一种被审问的感觉;在应答“Your English is very well.”时,西方人擅于表现,面对赞美会欣然接受说:“Thank you .”而中国人以谦逊为美德——“No my Englishis very poor.”这往往会被误解为你在怀疑他的判断力,使对方不悦。
冀教版《小学英语》教材Book4 Lesson25 My FavoriteColour中有些既是姓氏又是颜色的单词,如:“White”怀特/白色、“Black”布莱克/黑色、“Brown”布朗/棕色、“Green”格林/绿色等,教师可以提前告诉学生。
而英语国家白色象征着高雅纯洁,于是就有了whitewedding clothes婚礼服, white men高尚的人。
冀教版《小学英语》教材Book4 Lesson10 First,Second,Third在拓展环节,可增加以下内容:“星期一在中国是一周的开始,而英语中周日是星期的第一天”,学生感到很好奇。
“Sunday”这天做礼拜,有神圣、欢乐之意,所以最漂亮的衣服可以说成“Sunday”或“Sunday best”,而星期五“Friday”是耶稣受难日,因此就有了“Friday face”愁眉苦脸,“Black Friday”灾难的一天。
教学可以增加以下节日文化:冀教版《小学英语》教材Book7 Lesson25~31介绍西方的重大节日——圣诞节。