
2016年上半年笔译二级综合能力真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Grammar 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze TestPART 1 V ocabulary and Grammar (25 points)This part consists of three sections. Read the directions for each section before answering the questions. The time for this part is 25 minutes.SECTION 1 V ocabulary SelectionIn the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer.1.Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to______more energy from the earth.A.detractB.protractC.extractD.retract正确答案:C解析:本题考查动词语义搭配。

笔译考试二级真题及答案一、英译汉1. Translate the following sentence into Chinese:"The rapid development of technology has significantly changed the way we live and work."答案:技术的快速发展显著地改变了我们的生活和工作方式。
2. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:"In recent years, environmental issues have gained global attention. Governments and individuals are taking steps to reduce pollution and protect the environment."答案:近年来,环境问题引起了全球的关注。
二、汉译英1. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“随着互联网的普及,越来越多的人开始在线购物。
”答案:"With the popularity of the internet, more and more people are starting to shop online."2. 将以下段落翻译成英文:“中国是一个历史悠久的国家,拥有丰富的文化遗产。
”答案:"China is a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage. These cultural relics not only attract tourists from home and abroad but also promote the development of the tourism industry."三、术语翻译1. 将以下专业术语翻译成英文:“可持续发展”答案:Sustainable Development2. 将以下专业术语翻译成中文:“Artificial Intelligence”答案:人工智能四、段落理解与翻译1. Read the following passage and translate it into Chinese: "The concept of a 'smart city' refers to the integration of various information and communication technologies to manage a city's infrastructure and resources efficiently. This helps to improve the quality of life for its residents."答案:"‘智慧城市’的概念指的是将各种信息和通信技术整合起来,高效地管理城市的基础设施和资源。


笔者 2019 年 7 月 2 日
2018 年 11 月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试
《全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试》是全国实行统一、面向社会的、国内最 具权威的翻译专业资格考试(认证),是对参试人员口译或笔译方面双语互译能 力和水平的认定。截止 2019 年之前官方(中国外文局)从未公布历年考试真题, 2019 年 4 月首次公布真题,但由于定价太高,且网络虽散见历年回忆版试题, 但并不完整,且错误较多,不利于考生复习备考。故笔者收集整理校对近三年《二 级笔译实务》真题,供广大参加翻译专业考试人员参考使用。
Passage 1
New drone footage gives a glimpse of the damage that parts of Hawaii's Big Island sustained in the wake of volcanic explosions in recent days. Smoke can be seen billowing off the lava as it creeps down roads and through wooded areas toward homes. Fires are visible with terrifying streams of brightness breaking through the surrounding areas of black. After a day of relative calm, Kilauea roared back in full force on Sunday, spewing lava 3,00 feet in the air, encroaching on a half mile of new ground and bringing the total number of destroyed structures to 35.

46. Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Your translation should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. The reason for this is simple:The longer you stay in the store, the more stuff you'll see, and the more stuff you see, the more you'll buy. And supermarkets contain a lot of stuff. The average supermarket, according to the Food Marketing Institute, carries some 44,00 different items, and many carry tens of thousands more. The sheer volume of available choice is enough to send shoppers into a state of information overload. According to brain-scan experiments, the demands of so much decision-making quickly become too much for us. After about 40 minutes of shopping, most people stop struggling to be rationally selective, and instead begin shopping emotionally - which is the point at which we accumulate the 50 percent of stuff in our cart that we never intended buying.超市设计的目的就是为了使消费者花尽可能多的时间在店内逛。

2015年5月翻译资格考试二级笔译实务真题及答案Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Translate the following two passages into Chinese.Passage 1Early Maori adapted the tropically based east Polynesian culture in line with the challenges associated with a larger and more diverse environment, eventually developing their own distinctive culture.The British and Irish immigrants brought aspects of their own culture to New Zealand and also influenced Maori culture. More recently American, Australian, Asian and other European cultures have exerted influence on New Zealand.New Zealand music has been influenced by blues, jazz, country, rock and roll and hip hop, with many of these genres given a unique New Zealand interpretation. Maori developed traditional chants and songs from their ancient South-East Asian origins, and after centuries of isolation created a unique “monotonous” and “doleful”sound.The number of New Zealand films significantly increased during the 1970s. In 1978 the New Zealand Film Commission started assisting local film-makers and many films attained a world audience, some receiving international acknowledgement.New Zealand television primarily broadcasts American and British programming, along with a large number of Australian and local shows. The country’s diverse scenery and compact size, plus government incentives, have encouraged some producers to film big budget movies in New Zealand.The Ministry for Culture and Heritage is government’s leading adviser on cultural matters. The Ministry funds, monitors and supports a range of cultural agencies and delivers a range of high-quality cultural products and services.The Ministry provides advice to government on where to focus its interventions in the cultural sector. It seeks to ensure that funding is invested as effectively and efficiently as possible, and that government priorities are met.The Ministry has a strong track record of delivering high-quality publications, managing significant heritage and commemorations, and acting as guardian of New Zealand’s culture. The Ministry’s work prioritizes cultural outcomes and also supports educational, economic and social outcomes, linking with the work of a range of other government agenciesPassage 2Along a rugged, wide North Sea beach here on a recent day, children formed teams of eight to 10, taking their places beside mounds of sand carefully cordoned by tape. They had one hour for their sand castle competition. Some built fishlike structures, complete with scales. Others spent their time on elaborate ditch and dike labyrinths. Each castle was adorned on top with a white flag.Then they watched the sea invade and devour their work, seeing whose castle could withstand the tide longest. The last standing flag won.Theirs was no ordinary day at the beach, but a newly minted, state-sanctioned competition for schoolchildren to raise awareness of the dangers of rising sea levels in a country of precarious geography that has provided lessons for the world about water management, but that fears that its next generation will grow complacent. Fifty-five percent of the Netherlands is either below sea level or heavily flood-prone. Yet thanks to its renowned expertise and large water management budget (about 1.25 percent of gross domestic product), the Netherlands has averted catastrophe since a flooding disaster in 1953.Experts here say that they now worry that the famed Dutch water management system actually works too well and that citizens will begin to take for granted the nation’s success in staying dry. As global climate change threatens to raise sea levels by as much as four feet by the end of the century, the authorities here are working to make real to children the forecasts that may seem far-off, but that will shape their lives in adulthood and old age.“Everything works so smoothly that people don’t realize anymore that they are taking a risk in developing urban areas in low-lying areas,” said Hafkenscheid, the lead organizer of the competition and a water expert with the Foreign Ministry. Before the competition, the children, ages 6 to 11, were coached by experts in dike building and water management. Volunteers stood by, many of them freshly graduated civil engineers, giving last-minute advice on how best to battle the rising water.A recently released report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on water management in the Netherlands pointed to an “awareness gap”among Dutch citizens. The finding did much to get the sand castle contest off the ground.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)Translate the following two passages into English.Passage 1改革开放30多年来,西藏通过深化改革和扩大开放积极推动全区商业、对外贸易和旅游产业加快发展,不仅增强了与内地的交流,同时也加强了与世界的联系和合作。

catti二级笔译综合能力试题精选及答案解析一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题1小题.每题1.0分,共1.0分。
In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ________ to the body.A the stress it is greaterB greater is the stressC greater stress isD the greater the stress【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】固定用法。
二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题11小题.每题1.0分,共11.0分。
This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题The thief was apprehended, but his accomplice had disappeared.A people who saw himB the person who helped himC guns and knivesD stolen goods模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题!【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】名词辨析。

第⼆,需要通过persuade way来处理⽭盾。

【英译汉必译题】Milton Friedman, Free Markets Theorist, Dies at 94.Milton Friedman, the grandmaster of free-market economic theory in the postwar era and a prime force in the movement of nations toward less government and greater reliance on individual responsibility, died today in San Francisco, where he lived. He was 94.Conservative and liberal colleagues alike viewed Mr. Friedman, a Nobel prize laureate, as one of the 20th century’s leading economic scholars, on a par with giants like John Maynard Keynes and Paul Samuelson.Flying the flag of economic conservatism, Mr. Friedman led the postwar challenge to the hallowed theories of Lord Keynes, the British economist who maintained that governments had a duty to help capitalistic economies through periods of recession and to prevent boom times from exploding into high inflation.In Professor Friedman’s view, government had the opposite obligation: to keep its hands off the economy, to let the free market do its work.The only economic lever that Mr. Friedman would allow government to use was the one that controlled the supply of money — a monetarist view that had gone out of favor when he embraced it in the 1950s. He went on to record a signal achievement, predicting the unprecedented combination of rising unemployment and rising inflation that came to be called stagflation. His work earned him the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1976.Rarely, his colleagues said, did anyone have such impact on both his own profession and on government. Though he never served officially in the halls of power, he was always around them, as an adviser and theorist.“Among economic scholars, Milton Friedman had no peer,” Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, said today.“The direct and indirect influences of his thinking on contemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate.”Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, said of Mr. Friedman in an interview on Tuesday. “From a longer-term point of view, it’s his academic achievements which will have lasting import. But I would not dismiss the profound impact he has already had on the American public’s view.”Mr. Friedman had a gift for communicating complicated ideas in simple and lucid ways, and it served him well as the author or co-author of more than a dozen books, as a columnist for Newsweek from 1966 to 1983 and even as the star of a public television series.【英译汉⼆选⼀】试题1Panama goes to polls on upgrade for canalPANAMA CITY: Voters were expected Sunday to approve the largest modernization project in the 92-year history of the Panama Canal, a $5.25 billion plan to expand the waterway to allow for larger ships while alleviating traffic problems.The government of President Martín Torrijos has billed the referendum as historic, saying the work would double the capacity of a canal already on pace to generate about $1.4 billion in revenue this year. Critics claim the expansion would benefit the canal's customers more than Panamanians, and worry that costs could balloon, forcing this debt- ridden country to borrow even more.The project would build a third set of locks on the Pacific and Atlantic ends of the canal by 2015, allowing it to handle modern container ships, cruise liners and tankers too large for its locks, which are 33 meters, or 108 feet, wide.The Panama Canal Authority, the autonomous government agency that runs the canal, says the project would be paid for by increasing tolls and would generate $6 billion in revenue by 2025.There is nothing Panamanians are more passionate about than the canal."It's incomparable in the hemisphere," said Samuel Lewis Navarro, the country's vice president and foreign secretary. "It's in our heart, part of our soul."Public opinion polls indicate that the plan would be approved overwhelmingly. Green and white signs throughout the country read "Yes for our children," while tens of thousands of billboards and bumper stickers trumpet new jobs."The canal needs you," television and radio ads implore."It will mean more boats, and that means more jobs," said Damasco Polanco, who was herding cows on horseback in Nuevo Provedencia, on the banks of Lake Gatún, an artificial reservoir that supplies water to the canal.The canal employs 8,000 workers and the expansion is expected to generate as many as 40,000 new jobs. Unemployment in Panama is 9.5 percent, and 40 percent of the country lives in poverty.But critics fear that the expansion could cost nearly double the government's estimate, as well as stoke corruption and uncontrolled debt."The poor continue to suffer while the rich get richer," said José Felix Castillo, 62, a high school teacher who was one of about 3,000 supporters who took to Panama City's streets to protest the measure on Friday.Lewis Navarro noted that a portion of the revenue generated by each ton of cargo that passes through the waterway goes to education and social programs."We aren't talking about 40 percent poverty as a consequence of the canal," he said. "It's exactly the opposite."【汉译英】【试题⼀】旅游是⼀项集观光、娱乐、健⾝为⼀体的愉快⽽美好的活动。

英译汉 passage1Along a rugged, wide North Sea beach here on a recent day, children formed teams of eight to 10,taking their places beside mounds of sand carefully cordoned by tape. They had one hour for their sand castle competition. Some built fishlike structures, complete with scales. Others spent their time on elaborate ditch and dike labyrinths. Each castle was adorned on top with a white flag.近日,北海沿岸崎岖而宽广的海滩上,孩子们八人一组,十人一队,在用隔离带精心围起来的沙堆旁各就各位。
1.“taking their places/ beside mounds of sand /carefully cordoned by tape.”这句话划分一下知道了大概意思是这些小朋友各就各位在自己的沙堆旁边,这些沙堆被隔离带精心的围着。
mound of [something]一堆某物A. noun警戒线to throw a cordon around [something]在某物周围设置警戒线B. transitive verbcordon off[cordon off something], [cordon something off]封锁4.ditchA. noun沟B. transitive verb①(get rid of)抛弃‹partner, friend›; 丢弃‹car, machinery›to ditch one's boyfriend甩掉男友②Aviation(crash-land)«pilot, crew» 使…在海上迫降‹plane›Then they watched the sea invade and devour their work, seeing whose castle could with stand the tide longest. The last standing flag won.然后,孩子们等待着大海涨潮,吞没沙堡,看谁的沙堡在潮水中持续的时间最久。

CATTI二级笔译汉译英真题2016年5月(总分:40.00,做题时间:60分钟)一、Chinese -English Translation (40 points) (总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.【Passage 1】人口问题归根结底是发展问题。
(分数:20.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Population-related issues are basically a matter of development. We shall pay attention to the relationship between population growth and economic development as we take a holistic approach to issues regarding population quantity, quality, composition, and distribution. In this connection, we shall pay particular attention to the relationship between the distribution pattern of population and economic and social development, and include population issues into China's overall economic and social development plan. The population mobility and changes in family structure will pose a challenge for public services and social governance as a whole. Large population movement has become a major driving force for social progress and led to smaller diversified families with scattered members. We shall work hard to provide equal public services for migrants and improve service and management to ensure that they have a fair and equal access to urban public resources and social welfare. We shall strive to get them actively involved in political, economic, social and cultural affairs as a way to realize their financial independence with a sense of belonging among diverse cultures. )解析:二、SECTION 2 Optional Translation (20 points)(总题数:1,分数:20.00)2.【Passage 2】本美术馆是以收藏、研究、展示中国近现代至当代艺术家作品为重点的国家艺术博物馆,是新中国成立以后的国家文化标志性建筑。

2005年11月英语二级《笔译实务》试题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题)Hans Christian Andersen was Denmark's most famous native son. Yet even after his fairy tales won him fame and fortune, he feared he would be forgotten. He need not have worried. This weekend, Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth, and Denmark is eager that the world take note as it sets out to define the pigeon-holed writer in its own way.The festivities began in Copenhagen on Saturday, Andersen's actual birthday, with a lively show of music, dance, lights and comedy inspired by his fairy tales before a crowd of 40,000people -- including Queen Margre the II and her family -- at the Parken National Stadium. The opening, called Once Upon a Time, will be followed by a slew of concerts, musicals, ballets, exhibitions, parades and education programs costing over US$40 million.So more than in recent memory, Danes -- and, they hope, foreigners -- will be reliving the humor, pain and lessons to be found in evergreen stories like The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, The Little Match-Seller, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Shadow, The Princess and the Pea and others of Andersen's 150 or so fairy tales.In organizing this extravaganza, of course, Denmark is also celebrating itself. After all, Andersen is still this country's most famous native son. Trumpeting his name and achievements not only draws attention to Denmark's contribution to world culture, but could also woo more foreign tourists to visit his birthplace in the town of Odense and to be photographed beside the famous bronze statue of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen's harbor.And Denmark has even more in mind. Local guardians of the Andersen legacy evidently feel his stories have lost ground in recent years to the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. Andersen's fairy tales may remain central to the Danish identity, serving as homespun guides to the vagaries of human behavior, but what about the rest of the world? "What we really need is a rebirth of Andersen," noted Lars Seeberg, secretary general of the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation. "Two centuries after his birth, he still fails to be universally acknowledged as the world-class author he no doubt was.Part B Optional Translation(二选一题)Topic 1(选题一)Independent Information and Analysis from the USAThe Gap between Rich and Poor Widened in U.S. Capital Washington D.C. ranks first among the40 cities with the widest gap between the poor and the rich, according to a recent report released by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute on July 22nd. The top 20 percent of household in D.C. have an average yearly income of $186,830, 31 times that of the bottom 20 percent, which earns only $6,126 per year. The income gap is also big in Atlanta and Miami, but the difference is not as pronounced.The report also indicates that the widening gap occurred mainly during the 1990s. Over the last decade, the average income of the top 20 percent of households has grown 36 percent, while the average income of the bottom 20 percent has only risen 3 percent."I believe the concentration of the middle- to high-income families in the D.C. area will continue, therefore, the income gap between rich and poor will be hard to bridge," David Garrison told the Washington Observer. Garrison is a senior researcher with the Brookings Institution, specializing in the study of the social and economic policies in the greater Washington D.C. area.The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the area's special job opportunities, which attract high-income households. Especially since the federal government is based in Washington D.C., Government agencies and other government related businesses such as lobbying firms and government contractors constantly offer high-paying jobs, which contribute to the trend of increasing high-income households in the D.C. area. For example, a single young professional working in a law firm in D.C. can earn as much as $100,000 in his or her first year out of law school."In addition, high-quality housing available in Washington D.C. is one of the main reason swhy high-income families choose to live here, while middle and low-income families, if they can afford it, choose to move out of Washington D.C. to the Virginia and Maryland suburbs so that their kids can go to better schools," stated Garrison."As rich families continue to move into D.C. and middle and low-income families are moving out, the poorest families are left with nowhere to move, or cannot afford to move. This creates the situation we face now: a huge income gap between the rich and poor."The Washington D.C. area to which Garrison refers is the District of Columbia city itself, not including the greater Washington metro area. "The greater Washington metro area has a large population of about 5 million, but the low-income households are often concentrated in D.C. proper," Garrison explained. Tony Blalock, the spokesperson for Mayor Anthony Williams, said resignedly, "No matter what we seem to do to bring investment into the District, a certain population is not able to access the unique employment opportunities there. The gap between the rich and poor is the product of complex forces, and won't be fixed overnight."Garrison believes that the D.C. government should attract high-income families. By doing so, the District's tax base can grow, which in turn can help improve D.C.'s infrastructure. "But in the meantime, the District government should also take into consideration the rights of the poor, set up good schools for them, and provide sound social welfare. All these measures can alleviate the dire situation caused by income disparity. "Garrison, however, is not optimistic about the possibility of closing the gap between the rich and poor. He is particularly doubtful that current economic progress will be able to help out the poor. "Bush's tax-cut plan did bring about this wave of economic recovery, and the working professionals and rich did benefit from it. It is unfair to say that the plan did not help the poor at all… it just didn't benefit them as much as it did the rich, " Garrison said. "The working class in America, those who do the simplest work, get paid the least, and dutifully pay their taxes, has not benefited from Bush's tax-cut plan much." Garrison concludes, "A lot of cities in America did not enjoy the positive impact of the economic recovery. Washington D.C., on the other hand, has always been sheltered by the federal government. The wide gap between rich and poor in the District, therefore, deserves more in-depth study and exploration."Topic 2(选题二)Sometimes you can know too much. The aim of screening healthy people for cancer is to discover tum ours when they are small and treatable. It sounds laudable and often it is. But it sometimes leads to unnecessary treatment. The body has a battery of mechanisms for stopping small tum ours from becoming large ones. Treating those that would have been suppressed anyway does no good and can often be harmful.Take lung cancer. A report in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association, by Peter Bach of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York and his colleagues, suggests that, despite much fanfare around theuse of computed tomography (CT) to detect tum ours in the lungs well before they cause symptoms, the test may not reduce the risk of dying from the disease at all—indeed, it may make things worse.The story begins last year, when Claudia Henschke of Cornell University and her colleagues made headlines with a report that patients whose lung cancer had been diagnosed early by CT screening had excellent long-term survival prospects. Her research suggested that 88% of patients could expect to be alive ten years after their diagnosis. Dr Bach found similar results ina separate study. In his case, 94% of patients diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer were alive four years later.Survival data alone, though, fail to answer a basic question: “com pared with what?” People are bound to live longer after their diagnosis if that diagnosis is made earlier. Early diagnosis is of little value unless it results in a better prognosis.Dr Bach, therefore, interrogated his data more thoroughly. He used statistical models based on results from studies of lung cancer that did not involve CT screening, to try to predict what would have happened to the individuals in his own study if they had not been part of that study. The results were not encouraging.Screening did, indeed, detect more tum ours. Over the course of five years, 144 cases of lung cancer were picked up in a population of 3,200, compared with a predicted number of 44.Despite these early diagnoses, though, there was no reduction in the number of people who went on to develop advanced cancer, nor a significant drop in the number who died of the disease (38, compared with a prediction of 39). Considering that early diagnosis prompted at enfold increase in surgery aimed at removing the cancer (the predicted number of surgical interventions was 11; the actual number was 109), and that such surgery is unsafe—5% of patients die and another 20-40% suffer serious complications—the whole process seems to make things worse.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation(汉译英)Part A25年来,中国坚定不移地推进改革开放,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。

全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语2级笔译综合能力真题2016年度下半年Section1Vocabulary and Grammar(60pionts)This section consists of3parts.Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.Part1Vocabulary SelectionIn this part,there are20incomplete sentences.Below each sentence,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word which best completes each sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)1、She______through the pages of a magazine,not really concentrating on them.A.curved B.flippedC.tumbled D.switched2、The republication of the poet's most recent work will certainly______ his national reputation.A.enhance B.enchantC.entertain D.enshrine3、It is a wonderful surprise to find out that other people perceive you as having the______you thought you were missing.A.standards B.levelsC.qualities D.grades4、Every street in that neighborhood has a different______of building boasting a combination of different angles and shapes.A.class B.flairC.style D.glamor5、Statistics convince us that in about one-third of this world today,survivalis still the leading industry;all else is______.A.logo B.luxuryC.lyric D.loss6、Maria became increasingly______,so she fled to her hometown in Austria.A.hasty B.horrifiedC.hateful D.homesick7、The nonverbal______communicated in business interactions through facial expressions and the movements of arms,legs and hands are very important.A.marks B.signalsC.labels D.hints8、In this hero of the film,you see a new image of the Chinese man,quite different from the______portrayed in popular Hollywood movies.A.example B.formalityC.stereotype D.category9、Traffic speed zones with a limit of60kilometers per hour reduce the death ______by45.6percent,with the greatest reduction in child casualties.A.sum B.quantityC.number D.toll10、This region may have as many as5million cases of AIDS in2016if the ______is not taken seriously.A.disease B.virusC.bacterium D.gene11、The protesters oppose building a high-rise in their neighborhood,stating that it will stand too close to their apartments and______the sunlight.A.obscure B.diluteC.alleviate D.lighten12、The president has got to provide a______overview of what he is trying to do throughout this explosive region of the world.A.controversial B.compellingC.consistent D.competing13、Jobs which require speed,accuracy,reliability or______can be performed far better by a robot than a human.A.insurance B.guidanceC.assistance D.endurance14、In the course of preparing his speech,he should be clearly aware of how to make effective use of statistics and examples to______one's point of view.A.blot B.blurC.bolster D.blunt15、Pessimistic procrastinators feel______and are afraid that their involvement in the task will prove this in the end.A.incompetent B.inconvenientC.inconstant D.incredible16、A simple microscope consists of a double convex lens and magnifying glass, while a______one,on the other hand,will contain more than one of these lenses.A.portable B.adaptableC.sophisticated D.movable17、Until______of the body clock has occurred,individuals suffering fromthe jet lag feel tired in the daytime and fail to sleep at night.A.amendment B.adjustmentC.assessment D.announcement18、According to CNN news,Oscar Menjivar-Herrera assaulted a girl with the help of the12-year-old boy.Police were shocked that this12-year-old has such a total lack of______.A.energy B.empathyC.endowment D.embarrassment19、The increasing popularity of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is attributed to the savings in fuel costs compared with______ internal-combustion engine vehicles.A.convenient B.competitiveC.customary D.controversial20、Early in September each year,the population of Ann Arbor,Michigan, suddenly increases by about25,000as students arrive for the new academic year.This______changes the character of the town in a number of ways.A.input B.influxC.inflation D.insertionPart2Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of20sentences.In each of them one word is underlined, and below each,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively. Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)21、Comparison and contrast are rhetorical devices often employed deliberately in advertisements.A.derivatives B.figuresC.skills D.components22、World leaders unequivocally condemned the latest terrorist attack on civilians in several countries.A.undeniably B.unmistakablyC.unbelievably D.unbearably23、The vice president tried to wave aside these considerations as inconsequential details that could be settled later.A.trivial B.arrogantC.intentional D.preliminary24、Radar is used to extend the competence of man's senses for observing his environment,especially the sense of vision.A.validity B.liabilityC.capability D.intensity25、Its success was instantaneous,though neither the host nor Mr.Pepys could quite see the joke.A.insistent B.initialC.imperceptible D.immediate26、Some of the employees of the company are just interested in getting the job done,and going home on time,and others have no sense of allegiance yet.A.contribution B.loyaltyC.urgency D.pressure27、The cloud has come to present the bright future of computing,a world where processing and storage become as ubiquitous and cheap as electricity.A.pervasive B.feasibleC.continuous D.obvious28、After the boss announced that he would move the company to Los Angeles,all the employees begrudgingly accepted the plan as they were afraid of losing their jobs.A.briskly B.purposelyC.willingly D.reluctantly29、There was no one to tell Scarlett that her own personality,frighteningly vital though it was,was more attractive than any masquerade she might adopt.A.distinction B.dissentC.dissemblance D.disagreement30、He is lucky because he has a fastidious girlfriend who always keeps the closets and the house sparklingly clean.A.picky B.reliableC.tidy D.fashionable31、They try to be assiduous and earnest and see to it that they finish their work smoothly;they never give any thought to personal fame and position.A.diligent B.insistentC.patient D.efficient32、The federal district court issued a preliminary injunction,finding thatthe law likely was unconstitutional in imposing an impermissible undue burden on a woman's right to abortion.A.inadequate B.insignificantC.inappropriate D.indefensible33、Hours after my24th birthday,my life began to change with strangely related events that make me wonder today whether they did not spring from the fictional leanings of my mind.A.invented B.coinedC.aligned D.generated34、Their sketches on Victorian manners and a Polite Victorian House are ahilarious way to introduce students to the many strictures placed upon the middle and upper classes.A.images B.structuresC.constraints D.praises35、This text is tightly structured around the main theme of researchassessment,scaffolded with a clear introduction and useful concluding summaries at the end of each chapter.A.included B.comprisedC.supported D.mixed36、This bestselling novelist shares the story of how she escaped the curses of her past to make a future of her own,and at the same time she presents a refreshing meditation on the choices,charms,freedoms,and luck that affect us all.A.contemplation B.prophecyC.mirage D.attention37、In fact,more than75percent of all major corporations report that they monitor their employees'use of E-mail and Internet access either by spot-checking or constant surveillance.A.computation B.auditC.survey D.inspection38、The controversy surrounding our English instruction dealt with the desireto protect our linguistic heritage,which may resonate with what happens in other countries.A.recur B.coincideC.harmonize D.echo39、There are two sorts of obscurity that you find in writers who have nevertaken the trouble to learn to write clearly.One is due to negligence,and the other to willfulness.A.unevenness B.capriciousnessC.fogginess D.illegibility40、John Cramer,a researcher at the University of Washington,has created two different expositions of what the big bang might have sounded like based on data from two different satellites.A.renditions B.thesesC.explanations D.inventionsPart3Error CorrectionThis part consists of20sentences.In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error,and below each,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)41、It shall be wrong if not consider how much money you have before going abroadto study.A.would...not to consider B.will...to consider not C.shall...if not considering D.should...if not to consider 42、For the scientist,it is useful,and theoretically sound,considering the earth an object in space.A.which considers the earth B.to consider the earth asC.that considers the earth as D.the consideration of the earth43、There never so many foreign guests come to our city as today,so learning English is important.A.Foreign guests who have never B.Never so many foreign visitors haveC.The foreign guests aren't ever D.Never have so many foreign visitors44、I won't be able to see you off at the airport tomorrow,so I will wish you could travel smoothly.A.a good journey B.have a good journeyC.could have a good journey D.having a good journey45、When our coming of the Space Age,a new dimension has been added to the study of the planets in the solar system and beyond.A.By the B.To theC.Along the D.With the46、The project which will cost34million yuan designs to build more than 100homes,restaurants and retail shops around the city.A.is designed B.is designingC.will be designed D.will design47、It is against the law for car drivers to honk their horns except avoid an accident and for garbage trucks to start their rounds before6am.A.besides for avoiding B.except for avoidingC.unless to avoid D.nevertheless to avoid48、Because excessively hunting has depleted many wildlife species,preservation zones for wild animals are being established in some provinces.A.excessive hunting B.excessively being hunting C.to excessively hunting D.to have hunted excessively49、I have redone the homework.Please review it again and return it back how I can further improve it.A.feedback it to me,so I can farther improveB.return it back to me,so I can further improveC.feed me back on how I can improveD.return it back.Then I'll see how I can further improve50、The community is launching a campaign to reduce noise in the areas around apartments,many residents complain that they cannot sleep at night.A.lest many residents complain B.though many residents complain C.because many residents complain D.as many residents complain51、Marriage was one of the first non-biological factors to be identified as improving life expectancy.A.identifying B.identifiedC.being identified D.to identify52、Nathan is afraid to go swimming in the ocean.He refuses to enter the water even the sea is perfectly calm and there are no waves.A.since the sea B.even if the seaC.if the sea D.for the sea53、Though iPads and E-readers have increasingly better screen clarity,the idea that every time a person reads a book,newspaper or magazine,what they will require an energy source is frightening.A.he will require B.and he will requireC.when he will require D.that he will require54、Antique auctions have become popular in this country unless a steadily increasing awareness of the investment value of antiques.A.because of B.in spite ofC.apart from D.with regard to55、The company says the homes are far more efficient than conventional housesand use less power as much as a third.A.less power as a third B.less than a third powerC.less as a third as much power D.less than a third as much power 56、The earth's atmosphere recorded the huge decline in the population of the western hemisphere in the150years as following the arrival of Columbus from Spain in1492.A.for following B.which followingC.when following D.following57、Walk by any Starbucks within several miles of your house,the chances are that you'll see several people sitting at a table,drinking coffee and enjoying the free WiFi.A.your house where the chances are B.your house and chances are C.your house that are chances D.your house are the chances 58、Directed by Benjamin Twist,who,incidentally,is one of the names beingmentioned as a possible successor to Nowozielski,a delightfully theatrical retelling is the production of Dicken's novel.A.the production is a delightfully theatrical retellingB.a delightfully theatrical retelling of the productionC.the production of a delightfully theatrical retellingD.is the production a delightfully theatrical retelling59、All are charged with violating official secrets laws,such is an offense that carries a maximum three-year prison term and fines up to US$27,000.A.an offense B.is an offenseC.is such an offense D.an offense is such60、So the theories of the schools are different from the practice of ordinary businessthat much of which he learned in the former will have to be unlearned in the latter.A.Are the theories of the schools so differentB.Are so different the theories of the schoolsC.So different the theories of the schools areD.So different are the theories of the schoolsSection2Reading Comprehension(30pionts)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage,each with4(A,B,C andD.choices to answer the question or complete the statement.You must choose the one which you think fits best.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.With cloud,mobility,big data and consumerization,companies are in even greater need of technology talent than they were in the late1990s,and that talent is in even shorter puter science enrollments are at an all-time low;baby-boomer workers are retiring and taking all of that legacy—systems knowledge with them;and Silicon Valley is hot again.Would that young,brilliant developer rather join the next Zynga or upgrade the payroll systems at your insurance company?Two weeks ago,I asked the IT executive readership of my weekly newsletter, The Heller Report,to answer the question:If you had a magic wand,which one talent problem would you solve?Responses poured in and addressed challenges around recruiting,developing leaders,and retaining the talent that they currently have.But more than70percent of readers would use their magic wand to do only one thing:give business skills to their technologists. Their people,they worry,are so narrowly focused on the technology that they fail to see the forest for the trees.They do not understand the business context of their technology work,nor can they have meaningful discussions with the leaders of the business areas about their technology support.This lack of business-savvy technology talent is a serious problem for every company that relies on technology to exist(which is,of course,every company).Those beautifully"blended executives,"who can talk technology in one meeting and can talk business in another,are rare birds.Yet with technology moving directly into the revenue stream of your company,you need them,and your need is only going to increase.One option is to spend all of your time and money on recruiting blended executives from the outside.You will be in heated competition with every other company in your market,and if your recruiting function is not a competitive weapon for you,you will find yourself in a losing battle.You would be much better off growing your own.Here are some ideas: Build a rotational program.Encourage your head of human resources to work with your CIO and a few of your other business leaders to build a programthat rotates IT people into different functions of the business.This kind of program is not easy,with your CIO having to survive without a trusted IT leader for a period of time,but the long-term result of a good rotational program can be tremendous.It may well be worth the investment.Involve your business leaders.If a rotational program is too much to take on right now,build a leadership development program for IT that involves your business executives.Encourage your CIO to invite the heads of your major business units to meet regularly with the senior IT team to educate them on their business area.And be sure that you,CFO,are spending enough time with e that interaction to chip away at the long-standing wall that often exists between the business and IT.Embed your IT people in the business.By now,your CIO should have restructured the IT organization so that each major business or functional area has a dedicated IT leader.These positions are called"business relationship executives,"portfolio CIOs,or customer relationship managers, and they often report both to the CIO and to a functional or P&L leader.The more time they spend in"the business,"the more they learn skills beyond IT,and the more valuable they become to you over time.You know you are on the right track when you walk into a business unit meeting,and from the dialogue taking place,you cannot easily distinguish the IT person from everyone else.61、Companies are in greater need of technology talent NOT because of______.A.the accumulation of more dataB.the need to serve consumersC.the rising demand for cloud computationD.the development of medical industry62、______is NOT a cause for the short supply of technology talent.A.Recruitment of IT companiesB.Upgrading payroll systemsC.Retirement of experienced IT technologistsD.Recruiting fewer people in computer programs63、The main idea of Paragraph2is that______.A.profound discussion is requiredB.IT employees should be business-savvyC.technology support is expectedD.there are challenges in recruiting developers64、The target readers of the weekly newsletter in Paragraph2are______.A.IT managerial staff members B.chief developersC.skilled technicians D.recruitment administrators 65、The word"forest"underlined in Paragraph2is a metaphor that refers to______.A.engineering circles B.IT businessesC.industrial leaders D.technological projects 66、The phrase"recruiting function"underlined in Paragraph4refers to ______.A.recruitment of a particular firmB.the functionality of recruitmentC.competitive recruitment strategyD.employment of IT workers for a certain employer67、If a company doesn't have enough time and money to hire executives it needs,it should______.A.achieve long-term results B.devise a training program C.participate in heated competition D.call on all business leaders 68、A rotational program DOESN'T involve______.A.blended IT executives B.CIOC.CEO D.all business leaders69、Following Paragraph5,the passage is intended for______.A.CFO B.CIOC.P&L D.IT professionals70、The phrase"the business"underlined in Paragraph7means______.A.how to recruit IT staff membersB.how to manage and marketC.how to develop new productsD.how to contact other employeesIf there is any endeavor whose fruits should be freely available,that endeavor is surely publicly financed science.Morally,taxpayers who wish to should be able to read about it without further expense.And science advances through cross-fertilization between projects.Barriers to that exchange slow it down.There is a widespread feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it. One of the latest converts is the British government.Recently it announced that,the results of taxpayer-financed research would be available,free and online,for anyone to read and redistribute.Britain's government is not alone.Soon the European Union followed suit. In the U.S.,the National Institutes of Health(NIH,the single biggest source of civilian research funds in the world)has required open-access publishing since2008.And the Wellcome Trust,a British foundation that is the world's second-biggest charitable source of scientific money,after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,also insists that those who receive its support should make their work available free.Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things.One is that their processes take months,when the Internet could enable them to take days.The other is that because each paper is like a mini-monopoly,which workers in the field have to read if they are to advance their own research, there is no incentive to keep the price down.The publishers thus have scientists—or,more accurately,their universities,which pay the subscriptions—in an armlock.That,combined with the fact that the raw material (manuscripts of papers)is free,leads to generous returns.In2011,Elsevier, a large Dutch publisher,made a profit of£768million on revenues of£2.06 billion—a margin of37percent.Indeed,Elsevier's profits are thought so egregious by many people that12,000researchers have signed up to boycott the company's journals.Publishers do provide a service.They organize peer reviews,in which papers are criticized anonymously by experts(though those experts,like the authors of papers,are seldom paid for what they do).They also sort the scientific sheep from the goats,by deciding what gets published,and where. That gives the publishers huge power.Since researchers,administrators and grant-awarding bodies all take note of which work has got through this filtering mechanism,the competition to publish in the best journals is intense, and the system becomes self-reinforcing,increasing the value of those journals still further.But not,perhaps,for much longer.Support has been swelling for open-access scientific publishing:doing it online,in a way that allows anyone to read papers free of charge.The movement started among scientists themselves, but governments are paying attention and asking whether they might also benefitfrom the change.Much remains to be worked out.Some fear the loss of the traditional journals'curation and verification of research.Even Sir Mark Walport,the director of the Wellcome Trust and a fierce advocate of open-access publication, worries that the newly liberated papers have ended up in different places rather than being consolidated in the way they want.A revolution,then,has begun.Technology permits it;researchers and politicians want it.If scientific publishers are not trembling in their boots, they should be.71、The first two paragraphs intend to indicate that______.A.taxpayers should make great efforts to exchange ideasB.publishers are regarded as a negative factor in scienceC.the government is liable to pay for research expensesD.the results of research projects are freely available to the public 72、According to Paragraph3,the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation______.A.is a very important provider of research fundingB.argues that researchers make their findings public freelyC.has a monopoly on any research results with its financial support D.follows the example set by the U.S.NIH73、According to the passage,people who are unhappy with publishers of scientific journals______.A.criticize the unfair publication of scientific articlesB.object to their slowness and the high costs of the journalsC.blame them for the slow pace of recent scientific progressD.think that journals should be abolished as an obstacle to freedom of speech74、The word"egregious"underlined in Paragraph4means______.A.somewhat unfavorable B.rather unnecessaryC.strikingly unavailable D.clearly bad75、According to Paragraph4,which of the following is true?______A.Mini-monopoly seems to advance scientific research.B.Subscription is a major source of margins for the journals.C.Publishers make great profits by keeping the price down.D.Researchers subscribe to journals to receive free manuscripts. 76、In the phrase"sort the scientific sheep from the goats"underlined in Paragraph5,the author uses a metaphorical device termed______.A.allusion B.punC.metaphor D.irony77、Before the publication of papers,peer reviews are to______.A.differentiate papers B.evaluate themC.exercise the power of publishers D.add the value of journals 78、The author mentions the concerns of Sir Mark Walport,who______.A.strongly supports current publishing arrangements and modelsB.worries about the poor quality of current scientific publication C.believes that the weaknesses of open-access journals can easily be overcomeD.is afraid that good papers in open-access journals may be neglected 79、What does the author think of the future of open-access journals?______A.Doubtful.B.Unclear.C.Foreseeable.D.Pessimistic.80、The passage intends to______.A.argue that academic journals face a radical shake-upB.illustrate that the publishing formalities need not to changeC.report that the publication of papers faces intense competition D.discuss that scientific research is shifting to free access Declining house prices,rising job layoffs,skyrocketing oil costs and amajor credit crunch have brought consumer confidence to its lowest point in five years.With a relatively long recession looking increasingly likely, many American families may be planning to tighten their belts.Interestingly,restraining our consumer spending,in the short term,may cause us to actually loosen the belts around our waists.What's the connection? The brain has a limited capacity for self-regulation,so exerting willpower in one area often leads to backsliding in others.The good news,however, is that practice increases willpower capacity,so that in the long run,buying less now may improve our ability to achieve future goals—like losing those 10pounds we gained when we weren't out shopping.The brain's store of willpower is depleted when people control their thoughts,feelings or impulses,or when they modify their behaviors in pursuit of goals.Psychologist Roy Baumeister and others have found that people who successfully accomplish one task requiring self-control are less persistent on a second,seemingly unrelated task.In one pioneering study,some people were asked to eat radishes while others received freshly baked chocolate chip cookies before trying to solve an impossible puzzle.The radish-eaters abandoned the puzzle in eight minutes on average,working less than half as long as people who got cookies or those who were excused from eating radishes.Similarly,people who were asked to circle every"e"on a page of text then showed less persistence in watching a video of an unchanging table and wall.Other activities that deplete willpower include resisting food or drink, suppressing emotional responses,restraining aggressive or sexual impulses, taking exams and trying to impress someone.Task persistence is also reduced when people are stressed or tired from exertion or lack of sleep.What limits willpower?Some have suggested that it is blood sugar,which brain cells use as their main energy source and cannot do without for even a few minutes.Most cognitive functions are unaffected by minor blood sugar fluctuations over the course of a day,but planning and self-control are sensitive to such small changes.Exerting self-control lowers blood sugar, which reduces the capacity for further self-control.People who drink a glass of lemonade between completing one task requiring self-control and beginning a second one perform equally well on both tasks,while people who drink sugarless diet lemonade make more errors on the second task than on the first. Foods that persistently elevate blood sugar,like those containing protein or complex carbohydrates,might enhance willpower for longer periods.In the short term,you should spend your limited willpower budget wisely. It can be counterproductive to work toward multiple goals at the same time if your willpower cannot cover all the efforts that are required.Concentrating your effort on one or,at most,a few goals at a time increases the odds of success.Focusing on success is important because willpower can grow in the long term.Like a muscle,willpower seems to become stronger with use.The idea of exercising willpower is seen in military boot camp,where recruits are trained to overcome one challenge after another.No one knows why willpower can grow with practice,but consistently doing any activity that requires self-control seems to increase willpower—and the ability to resist impulses and delay gratification is highly associated with。

2005年11月英语二级《笔译实务》试题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题)Hans Christian Andersen was Denmark's most famous native son. Yet even after his fairy tales won him fame and fortune, he feared he would be forgotten. He need not have worried. This weekend, Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth, and Denmark is eager that the world take note as it sets out to define the pigeon-holed writer in its own way.The festivities began in Copenhagen on Saturday, Andersen's actual birthday, with a lively show of music, dance, lights and comedy inspired by his fairy tales before a crowd of 40,000people -- including Queen Margre the II and her family -- at the Parken National Stadium. The opening, called Once Upon a Time, will be followed by a slew of concerts, musicals, ballets, exhibitions, parades and education programs costing over US$40 million.So more than in recent memory, Danes -- and, they hope, foreigners -- will be reliving the humor, pain and lessons to be found in evergreen stories like The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, The Little Match-Seller, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Shadow, The Princess and the Pea and others of Andersen's 150 or so fairy tales.In organizing this extravaganza, of course, Denmark is also celebrating itself. After all, Andersen is still this country's most famous native son. Trumpeting his name and achievements not only draws attention to Denmark's contribution to world culture, but could also woo more foreign tourists to visit his birthplace in the town of Odense and to be photographed beside the famous bronze statue of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen's harbor.And Denmark has even more in mind. Local guardians of the Andersen legacy evidently feel his stories have lost ground in recent years to the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. Andersen's fairy tales may remain central to the Danish identity, serving as homespun guides to the vagaries of human behavior, but what about the rest of the world? "What we really need is a rebirth of Andersen," noted Lars Seeberg, secretary general of the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation. "Two centuries after his birth, he still fails to be universally acknowledged as the world-class author he no doubt was.Part B Optional Translation(二选一题)Topic 1(选题一)Independent Information and Analysis from the USAThe Gap between Rich and Poor Widened in U.S. Capital Washington D.C. ranks first among the40 cities with the widest gap between the poor and the rich, according to a recent report released by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute on July 22nd. The top 20 percent of household in D.C. have an average yearly income of $186,830, 31 times that of the bottom 20 percent, which earns only $6,126 per year. The income gap is also big in Atlanta and Miami, but the difference is not as pronounced.The report also indicates that the widening gap occurred mainly during the 1990s. Over the last decade, the average income of the top 20 percent of households has grown 36 percent, while the average income of the bottom 20 percent has only risen 3 percent."I believe the concentration of the middle- to high-income families in the D.C. area will continue, therefore, the income gap between rich and poor will be hard to bridge," David Garrison told the Washington Observer. Garrison is a senior researcher with the Brookings Institution, specializing in the study of the social and economic policies in the greater Washington D.C. area.The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the area's special job opportunities, which attract high-income households. Especially since the federal government is based in Washington D.C., Government agencies and other government related businesses such as lobbying firms and government contractors constantly offer high-paying jobs, which contribute to the trend of increasing high-income households in the D.C. area. For example, a single young professional working in a law firm in D.C. can earn as much as $100,000 in his or her first year out of law school."In addition, high-quality housing available in Washington D.C. is one of the main reason swhy high-income families choose to live here, while middle and low-income families, if they can afford it, choose to move out of Washington D.C. to the Virginia and Maryland suburbs so that their kids can go to better schools," stated Garrison."As rich families continue to move into D.C. and middle and low-income families are moving out, the poorest families are left with nowhere to move, or cannot afford to move. This creates the situation we face now: a huge income gap between the rich and poor."The Washington D.C. area to which Garrison refers is the District of Columbia city itself, not including the greater Washington metro area. "The greater Washington metro area has a large population of about 5 million, but the low-income households are often concentrated in D.C. proper," Garrison explained. Tony Blalock, the spokesperson for Mayor Anthony Williams, said resignedly, "No matter what we seem to do to bring investment into the District, a certain population is not able to access the unique employment opportunities there. The gap between the rich and poor is the product of complex forces, and won't be fixed overnight."Garrison believes that the D.C. government should attract high-income families. By doing so, the District's tax base can grow, which in turn can help improve D.C.'s infrastructure. "But in the meantime, the District government should also take into consideration the rights of the poor, set up good schools for them, and provide sound social welfare. All these measures can alleviate the dire situation caused by income disparity. "Garrison, however, is not optimistic about the possibility of closing the gap between the rich and poor. He is particularly doubtful that current economic progress will be able to help out the poor. "Bush's tax-cut plan did bring about this wave of economic recovery, and the working professionals and rich did benefit from it. It is unfair to say that the plan did not help the poor at all… it just didn't benefit them as much as it did the rich, " Garrison said. "The working class in America, those who do the simplest work, get paid the least, and dutifully pay their taxes, has not benefited from Bush's tax-cut plan much." Garrison concludes, "A lot of cities in America did not enjoy the positive impact of the economic recovery. Washington D.C., on the other hand, has always been sheltered by the federal government. The wide gap between rich and poor in the District, therefore, deserves more in-depth study and exploration."Topic 2(选题二)Sometimes you can know too much. The aim of screening healthy people for cancer is to discover tum ours when they are small and treatable. It sounds laudable and often it is. But it sometimes leads to unnecessary treatment. The body has a battery of mechanisms for stopping small tum ours from becoming large ones. Treating those that would have been suppressed anyway does no good and can often be harmful.Take lung cancer. A report in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association, by Peter Bach of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York and his colleagues, suggests that, despite much fanfare around theuse of computed tomography (CT) to detect tum ours in the lungs well before they cause symptoms, the test may not reduce the risk of dying from the disease at all—indeed, it may make things worse.The story begins last year, when Claudia Henschke of Cornell University and her colleagues made headlines with a report that patients whose lung cancer had been diagnosed early by CT screening had excellent long-term survival prospects. Her research suggested that 88% of patients could expect to be alive ten years after their diagnosis. Dr Bach found similar results ina separate study. In his case, 94% of patients diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer were alive four years later.Survival data alone, though, fail to answer a basic question: “compared with what?” People are bound to live longer after their diagnosis if that diagnosis is made earlier. Early diagnosis is of little value unless it results in a better prognosis.Dr Bach, therefore, interrogated his data more thoroughly. He used statistical models based on results from studies of lung cancer that did not involve CT screening, to try to predict what would have happened to the individuals in his own study if they had not been part of that study. The results were not encouraging.Screening did, indeed, detect more tum ours. Over the course of five years, 144 cases of lung cancer were picked up in a population of 3,200, compared with a predicted number of 44.Despite these early diagnoses, though, there was no reduction in the number of people who went on to develop advanced cancer, nor a significant drop in the number who died of the disease (38, compared with a prediction of 39). Considering that early diagnosis prompted at enfold increase in surgery aimed at removing the cancer (the predicted number of surgical interventions was 11; the actual number was 109), and that such surgery is unsafe—5% of patients die and another 20-40% suffer serious complications—the whole process seems to make things worse.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation(汉译英)Part A25年来,中国坚定不移地推进改革开放,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。

catti二级笔译考试真题及答案CATTI二级笔译考试真题及答案一、英译汉1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives, from communication to transportation, and has also created new challenges for society.答案:技术的快速发展已经给我们的日常生活带来了显著的变化,从通信到交通,同时也为社会创造了新的挑战。
2. In the context of globalization, cultural exchange plays a crucial role in fostering mutual understanding and cooperation among nations.答案:在全球化的背景下,文化交流在促进国家间的相互理解和合作中扮演着至关重要的角色。
二、汉译英1. 随着互联网的普及,越来越多的人开始利用网络资源进行学习和工作。
答案:With the widespread of the Internet, an increasing number of people have begun to utilize online resources for study and work.2. 中国政府一直致力于推动可持续发展,以实现经济、社会和环境的和谐统一。
答案:The Chinese government has been committed to promoting sustainable development to achieve a harmoniousunity of economy, society, and environment.三、篇章翻译1. 英译汉原文:In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of people choosing to study abroad. This trend is driven by a variety of factors, including the desire for a higher quality education, exposure to different cultures, and the opportunity to develop global perspectives.答案:近年来,选择出国留学的人数激增。

二级笔译考试样题答案一、词汇选择(共10分)1. The company has been experiencing a period of rapid growth and expansion, which has led to a significant increase in its ________.A. assetsB. liabilitiesC. equityD. revenue答案:A2. The ________ of the new policy will be discussed at thenext meeting.A. implementationB. executionC. enforcementD. application答案:A3. The ________ of the ancient city has been well preserved, making it a popular tourist destination.A. architectureB. infrastructureC. structureD. construction答案:A4. The ________ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.A. initiationB. commencementC. startD. beginning答案:B5. The ________ of the company's profits has been attributed to the successful marketing campaign.A. increaseB. riseC. growthD. expansion答案:C二、阅读理解(共20分)Passage 1In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of eco-friendly products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and are seeking out products that are sustainable and have a lower carbon footprint. This trend has led to an increase in the demand for organic foods, renewable energy sources, and energy-efficient appliances.Questions:6. What has caused the surge in the popularity of eco-friendly products?A. The rise in consumer incomeB. The increase in environmental awarenessC. The decrease in the cost of productionD. The improvement in product quality答案:B7. Which of the following is NOT a result of the trendtowards eco-friendly products?A. Increased demand for organic foodsB. Increased demand for renewable energy sourcesC. Increased demand for energy-efficient appliancesD. Decreased demand for conventional products答案:DPassage 2The digital transformation of businesses has been asignificant driver of economic growth in the past decade. Companies that have embraced digital technologies have seen improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, andoverall profitability. However, this transformation also presents challenges, such as data security and the need for continuous innovation to stay competitive.Questions:8. What is a benefit of digital transformation for businesses?A. Improved efficiencyB. Increased costsC. Decreased customer satisfactionD. Reduced profitability答案:A9. What is a challenge faced by businesses during digital transformation?A. Data securityB. Reduced competitionC. Lack of innovationD. Excess capacity答案:A三、翻译(共70分)Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese: 10. The report highlights the importance of earlyintervention in the treatment of mental health issues.答案:报告强调了早期干预在治疗心理健康问题中的重要性。

2016年5月英语二级笔译真题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Passage 1Jane Goodall was already on a London dock in March 1957 when she realized that her passport was missing. In just a few hours, she was due to depart on her first 精品文档,超值下载trip to Africa. A school friend had moved to a farm outside Nairobi and, knowing Goodall’s childhood dream was to live among the African wildlife, invited her to stay with the family for a while. Goodall, then 22, saved for two years to pay for her passage to Kenya: waitressing, doing secretarial work, temping at the post office in her hometown, Bournemouth, on England’s southern coast. Now all this was for naught, it seemed.It’s hard not to wonder how subsequent events in her life — rather consequential as they have turned out to be to conservation, to science, to our sense of ourselves as a species — might have unfolded differently had someone not found her passport, along with an itinerary from Cook’s, the travel agency, folded inside, and delivered it to the Cook’s office. An agency representative, documents in hand, found her on the dock. “Incredible,” Goodall told me last month, recalling that day. “Amazing.”Within two months of her arrival, Goodall met the paleontologist Louis Leakey —Nairobi was a small town for its white population in those days —and he immediately offered her a job at the natural-history museum where he was curator. He spent much of the next three years testing her capacity for repetitive work.He believed in a hypothesis first put forth by Charles Darwin that humans and chimpanzees share an evolutionary ancestor. Close study of chimpanzees in the wild, he thought, might tell us something about that common progenitor. He was, in other words, looking for someone to live am ong Africa’s wild animals. One night, he told Goodall that he knew just the place where she could do it: Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, in the British colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania).In July 1960, Goodall boarded a boat and after a few hours motoring over thewarm, deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, she stepped onto the pebbly beach at Gombe.Her finding, published in Nature in 1964, that chimpanzees use tools —extracting insects from a termite mound with leaves of grass —drastically and forev er altered humanity’s understanding of itself; man was no longer the natural world’s only user of tools.After two and a half decades of living out her childhood dream, Goodall made an abrupt career shift, from scientist to conservationist.Passage 2Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as last summer, a paper published on Monday showed, raising the possibility that the planet could support life.Although the source and the chemistry of the water is unknown, the discovery will change scientists’ thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present day microbial life.The discovery was made when scientists developed a new technique to analyze chemical maps of the surface of Mars obtained by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet’s equatorial region.The slopes appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks were cut by flowing water, but previously had been unable to make the measurements.Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated.Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot home in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet wide.But Ojha and colleagues created a computer program that could scrutinize individual pixels. That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100 percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)Passage 1人口问题归根结底是发展问题。
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2016年5月英语二级笔译真题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Passage 1Jane Goodall was already on a London dock in March 1957 when she realized that her passport was missing. In just a few hours, she was due to depart on her first trip to Africa. A school friend had moved to a farm outside Nairobi and, knowing Goodall’s childhood dream was to live among the African wildlife, invited her to stay with the family for a while. Goodall, then 22, saved for two years to pay for her passage to Kenya: waitressing, doing secretarial work, temping at the post office in her hometown, Bournemouth, on England’s southern coast. Now all this was for naught, it seemed.It’s hard not to wonder how subsequent events in her life — rather consequential as they have turned out to be to conservation, to science, to our sense of ourselves as a species — might have unfolded differently had someone not found her passport, along with an itinerary from Cook’s, the travel agency, folded inside, and delivered it to the Coo k’s office. An agency representative, documents in hand, found her on the dock. “Incredible,” Goodall told me last month, recalling that day. “Amazing.”Within two months of her arrival, Goodall met the paleontologist Louis Leakey —Nairobi was a small town for its white population in those days —and he immediately offered her a job at the natural-history museum where he was curator. He spent much of the next three years testing her capacity for repetitive work.He believed in a hypothesis first put forth by Charles Darwin that humans and chimpanzees share an evolutionary ancestor. Close study of chimpanzees in the wild, he thought, might tell us something about that common progenitor. He was, in other words, looking for someone to live among Africa’s wild animals. One night, he told Goodall that he knew just the place where she could do it: Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, in the British colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania).In July 1960, Goodall boarded a boat and after a few hours motoring over thewarm, deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, she stepped onto the pebbly beach at Gombe.Her finding, published in Nature in 1964, that chimpanzees use tools —extracting insects from a termite mound with leaves of grass —drastically and forever altered humanity’s understanding of itself; man was no longer the natural world’s only user of tools.After two and a half decades of living out her childhood dream, Goodall made an abrupt career shift, from scientist to conservationist.Passage 2Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as last summer, a paper published on Monday showed, raising the possibility that the planet could support life.Although the source and the chemistry of the water is unknown, the discovery will change scientists’ thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present day microbial life.The discovery was made when scientists developed a new technique to analyze chemical maps of the surface of Mars obtained by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet’s equatorial region.The slopes appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks were cut by flowing water, but previously had been unable to make the measurements.Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated.Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot home in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet wide.But Ojha and colleagues created a computer program that could scrutinizeindividual pixels. That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100 percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)Passage 1人口问题归根结底是发展问题。