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training 8.火车&v.训练__________ n.训练__________ train
trainer n.训练员__________ n.练习生受训者
_________ trainee
1.是···的缩写、简称 be short for 2.不再 not any more; no more 3. 过时 out of date 4. 指的是;涉及 refer to 5.毫无结果 without result 6. 向···射击 shoot to/at 7.无论如何 at all events/ in any event 9. 去旅行 go on a journey /make a journey
Module 5
contract 收缩______ contract 签合同_______ sign a contract 合同________ mixture 混合______ mix 将A与B混合__________ mix…with 混合物_______ electronic 电_________ 电子的__________ electricity 用电的__________ electrical conclusion 下结论__________ conclude 总结 结论__________ draw/come to/reach a conclusion __________ 5. 反应__________ 反应__________ 和··有反应 reaction react react with ;对···有反应__________ __________ react to part partial 6. 部分__________ 部分的__________ 7. 使··吃惊__________ 吃惊的__________ astonish astonished 令 astonishing ···吃惊__________ 1. 2. 3. 4.
fright 6. n.惊吓惊骇__________ v.使吃惊
frighten frightened adj.令人 __________ adj.吃惊的________ frightening 惊吓的______ exhaust exhaustion 7. v.疲惫__________ n.疲惫__________ exhausting adj.疲惫的exhausted ________ adj.令人疲惫________
By Kelly
enthusiastic n.热心___________ enthusiasm 1. adj.热心的___________ amazing 2. v.使· · · 惊讶___________ adj.让人惊讶的___________ amaze amazed adj.感到惊讶的___________ information v.告知___________ inform 3. n.信息___________ understand misunderstand 4. n.理解___________ v.理解___________ 5. v.指导___________ n.指示说明___________ 按照说明 instruct instruction follow one’s instructions ___________ embarrass embarrassed adj 6. v.使尴尬___________ adj感到尴尬的___________ embarrassing 令人尴尬的___________ behave behavior 7. v.行为举动___________ n.行为___________ describe description 8. v.描述___________ n.描述___________ impress impression 9. v.使印象深刻___________ n.印象___________ be impressed 给某人留下深刻印象 对· · · 印象深刻___________ leave an impression on sb with/by ___________
10. v.纠正; adj.正确的___________ n.纠正___________ correct correction
incorrect adj.不正确的___________ courage v.鼓励___________ encourage n.鼓励 11. n.勇气___________ encouragement ___________
disappointing 人失望的___________
15. v.消失___________ disappear v.出现___________ appear 16. v.包含___________ v.发现___________ n.发现 cover discover
discovery ___________
organisation 有组织 6. 组织__________ organise 组织__________ 的__________ organised employ employment 7. 雇佣__________ 就业;工作__________ unemployed 失业___________ unemployment 失业的__________ profession professional 教授 8. 专业__________ 专业的__________ professor __________ survive survival 9. 存活__________ 幸存__________ 幸存者 __________ survivor
1.确定;确信 make sure 2.因此 so that 3.取得进步 make progress 4.结果 as a result 5.事实上 in fact 6.睡着 fall asleep 7.讲笑话 tell jokes
MoBiblioteka Baiduule 3
distant distance 1. 距离的__________ n.距离__________ 在远处 in__________ the distance 从远处隔一段距离__________ at a distance Get on 2. 上车船等__________ 下车船等__________ Get Getoff off Get into Get out of 起飞事业 3. 上车养成__________ 下车__________ 腾飞脱掉__________ take off production a 4. n.产品__________ n.生产制造产量__________ product produce decline in production v.生产__________ 4. n.风景__________ n.场景__________ scenery scene interviewer n.面试 5. v.面试__________ interview n.面试官__________ interviewee 人员__________
许多 [cn] a number of/numbers of;
many(a great many=a number of)
[un] much; a great deal of(+ n); a bit of(+n) an amount of/amounts of [un]& [cn] :a quantity of/ quantities of a lot of/ lots of ;plenty of; masses of ; a pile of/piles of
12. v.享受___________ n.享受___________ enjoy enjoyment
13. adj.流利的___________ n.流利___________ fluent fluency
14. v.使失望___________ disappoint adj.失望的___________ disappointed adj.令
1. 在···的南部 in the south of 2. 修建;张贴 put up 3. 摆脱 give away from; get rid of 4. 成功 make it; succeed in doing sth 5. 到目前为止 so far; up to now; till now 6. 上升 go up
Module 4
1.邻居__________ neighbour 四邻街坊__________ neighbourhood attract attraction 2.吸引__________ 吸引__________ 有吸引的 attractive __________ fortune 3. 运气;财富__________ 幸运的 fortunate fortunately __________ 幸运地__________ 4. 观光__________ 旅游者__________ 旅游 tour tourist tourism 业__________ architect 5. 建筑师__________ 建筑__________ architecture
Module 2
amuse 1. v.使开心___________ adj.感到有趣的可笑的 amused amusing ___________ adj.有趣的可笑的___________ energy energetic 2. n.能量___________ adj.精力充沛的___________ intelligent n.聪明___________ intelligence 3. adj.聪明的___________ 4. adj.紧张的___________ 对···感到紧张 nervous ___________ be nervous about organize organization 5. v.组织___________ n.组织机构___________ organized adj.有组织的___________ patient patience 6. adj.耐心的___________ n.耐心___________ 对 be patient with 某人有耐心___________ revision 7. v.复习___________ n.复习___________ revise
translate 1. v.翻译________ n.翻译_________ translation n.翻译员 translator ___________ formal 2. adj.正式的___________ adj.不正式的 ___________ informal view 3. n.观察观点视野___________ n.预览预映 preview review ___________ n.温习___________ 4. v.使···有联系___________ ; adj.有关 relate related relationship 联的___________ n.关系___________ similar 5. adj.相似的___________ n.相似similarity ___________ be similar to 与···相似___________
1.在···开始的时候 at the start/beginning of 2.在···结束的时候 at the end of 3.上大学 go to college 4.被划分成··· be divided into 5.参加 take part in 6.期待;盼望 look forward to 7.换句话说 in other words