
中式早餐:-烧饼Clayovenrolls油条Fri ed br ead s tick韭菜盒F riedleekdumpl ings - 水饺Boi led d umpli ngs 蒸饺S teame d dum pling s 馒头Stea med b uns -割包Ste amedsandw ich 饭团Ri ce an d veg etabl e rol l -蛋饼Eg g cak es 皮蛋100-y ear e gg 咸鸭蛋Salte d duc k egg -豆浆S oybea n mil k --饭类: --稀饭Ri ce po rridg e 白饭Plai n whi te ri ce 油饭 Glu tinou s oil rice -糯米饭Gluti nousrice卤肉饭B raise d por k ric e 蛋炒饭Fri ed ri ce wi th eg g -地瓜粥Swee t pot ato c ongee --面类: --馄饨面 Won ton & nood les 刀削面S liced nood les 麻辣面Spi cy ho t noo dles-麻酱面Ses ame p astenoodl es 鴨肉面 Duc k wit h noo dles鱔魚面 Eelnoodl es -乌龙面Sea foodnoodl es 榨菜肉丝面P ork , pick led m ustar d gre en no odles -牡蛎细面Oyst er th in no odles板条F lat n oodle s 米粉 Rice nood les -炒米粉Fr ied r ice n oodle s 冬粉G reenbeannoodl e --汤类:--鱼丸汤F ish b all s oup 貢丸汤Me at ba ll so up 蛋花汤Eg g & v egeta ble s oup 蛤蜊汤Clam s sou p 牡蛎汤Oys ter s oup 紫菜汤Seawe ed so up 酸辣汤Sw eet & sour soup馄饨汤W onton soup猪肠汤Pork inte stine soup肉羹汤Pork thic k sou p 鱿鱼汤 Squ id so up 花枝羹S quidthick soup --甜点: --爱玉Veget arian gela tin 糖葫芦T omato es on stic ks 长寿桃Lo ngevi ty Pe aches -芝麻球Gl utino us ri ce se sameballs麻花Hempflowe rs 双胞胎Ho rse h ooves --冰类: --绵绵冰Mei n mei n ice麦角冰Oatm eal i ce 地瓜冰Sw eet p otato ice-紅豆牛奶冰Re d bea n wit h mil k ice八宝冰Eigh t tre asure s ice豆花Tofupuddi ng --果汁:--甘蔗汁Su gar c ane j uice酸梅汁P lum j uice杨桃汁St ar fr uit j uice青草茶Herbjuice - -点心: --牡蛎煎Oys ter o melet臭豆腐 Stin ky to fu (S melly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd -麻辣豆腐S picyhot b ean c urd 虾片Pr awn c racke r 虾球Shri mp ba lls -春卷Sprin g rol ls 蛋卷Chi ckenrolls碗糕 Salt y ric e pud ding豆干Dried tofu - 筒仔米糕R ice t ube p uddin g 红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean past e cak e -糯米糕G lutin ous r ice c akes萝卜糕F riedwhite radi sh pa tty 芋头糕Tarocake-肉圆 Taiw anese Meat balls水晶饺Pyra mid d umpli ngs 肉丸Ri ce-me at du mplin gs --其他:--当归鸭A ngeli ca du ck 槟榔Bet el nu t 火锅Hotpot ---水果: --pi neapp le 凤梨 wate rmelo n 西瓜papay a 木瓜betel nut 槟榔 che stnut栗子c oconu t 椰子-po nkan碰柑 ta ngeri ne 橘子 mand arinorang e 橘s ugar-cane甘蔗 mu skmel on 香瓜 -s haddo ck 文旦 juic e pea ch 水蜜桃 pea r 梨子peach桃子c aramb ola 杨桃 che rry 樱桃 - persi mmon柿子 ap ple 苹果 man go 芒果 fig无花果w atercaltr op 菱角 almo nd 杏仁 - p lum 李子 hon ey-de w mel on 哈密瓜 loq uat 枇杷 oli ve 橄榄 ramb utan红毛丹d urian榴梿-str awber ry 草莓 grap e 葡萄grape fruit葡萄柚liche e 荔枝longa n 龙眼-wa x-app le 莲雾 guav a 番石榴 bana na 香蕉 --熟菜与调味品:--stri ng be an 四季豆 pea豌豆 gr een s oy be an 毛豆 soyb ean s prout黄豆芽m ung b ean s prout绿豆芽b ean s prout豆芽k ale 甘蓝菜 ca bbage包心菜;大白菜brocc oli 花椰菜 ma ter c onvol vulus空心菜d riedlilyflowe r 金针菜 must ard l eaf 芥菜cel ery 芹菜 tar ragon蒿菜b eetro ot, b eet 甜菜 -agar-agar紫菜 le ttuce生菜s pinac h 菠菜leek韭菜 ca raway香菜-hai r-lik e sea weed发菜 pr eserv ed sz echua n pic kle 榨菜 sal ted v egeta ble 雪里红 le ttuce 莴苣a spara gus 芦荟 bam boo s hoot竹笋 -dried bamb oo sh oot 笋干 chi ves 韭黄 ter nip白萝卜carr ot 胡萝卜 -water ches tnut荸荠 fi cus t ikaua地瓜l ong c rooke d squ ash 菜瓜 loo fah 丝瓜 pum pkin南瓜 bi ttergourd苦瓜 cu cumbe r 黄瓜white gour d 冬瓜-gh erkin小黄瓜yam 山芋 tar o 芋头beanc urd s heets百叶-cha mpign on 香菇 butt on mu shroo m 草菇needl e mus hroom金针菇-ag aricu s 蘑菇dried mush room冬菇 to mato番茄 eg gplan t 茄子potat o, sp ud 马铃薯lot us ro ot 莲藕 agar ic 木耳 whit e fun gus 百木耳 gi nger生姜 ga rlic大蒜 -garl ic bu lb 蒜头 gree n oni on 葱onion洋葱s calli on, l eek 青葱 whe at gl uten面筋 mi so 味噌 seas oning调味品-ca viar鱼子酱b arbeq ue sa uce 沙茶酱 to matoketch up, t omato sauc e 番茄酱 must ard 芥茉 sal t 盐s ugar糖 mon osodi um gl utama te ,gourm et po wder味精 vi negar醋 sw eet 甜sour酸 -bitt er 苦lard猪油 pe anutoil 花生油 so y sau ce 酱油 gree n pep per 青椒 pap rika红椒 -star anis e 八角cinna mon 肉挂 cur ry 咖喱 malt ose 麦芽糖 je rky 牛肉干dri ed be ef sl ices牛肉片dr ied p ork s lices猪肉片c onfec tion糖果 gl ace f ruit蜜饯 ma rmala de 果酱 drie dper simmo n 柿饼c andie d mel on 冬瓜糖 red juju be 红枣 blac k dat e 黑枣glace date蜜枣d riedlonga n 桂圆干 -r aisin葡萄干chewi ng gu m 口香糖 noug at 牛乳糖 min t 薄荷糖 drop水果糖marsh mallo w 棉花糖 -c arame l 牛奶糖 pean ut br ittle花生糖casto r sug ar 细砂白糖 gr anula ted s ugar砂糖 -suga r can dy 冰糖 butt er bi scuit奶酥r ice c ake 年糕 moo n cak e 月饼green bean cake绿豆糕-po pcorn爆米花choco late巧克力m arron s gla ces 糖炒栗子---牛排与酒: --br eakfa st 早餐 lunc h 午餐brunc h 早午餐 supp er 晚餐 late snac k 宵夜dinne r 正餐-ha m and egg火腿肠b utter ed to ast 奶油土司F rench toas t法国土司 muff in 松饼 chee se ca ke 酪饼white brea d 白面包 brow n bre ad 黑面包 Fre nch r oll 小型法式面包 appe tizer 开胃菜-gr een s alad蔬菜沙拉o nionsoup洋葱汤p otage法国浓汤c orn s oup 玉米浓汤mi nestr one 蔬菜面条汤o x tai l sou p 牛尾汤 frie d chi cken炸鸡 ro ast c hicke n 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone stea k 丁骨牛排 -filet stea k 菲力牛排 sir loinsteak沙朗牛排 club stea k 小牛排 well done全熟m edium 五分熟-ra re三分熟beer啤酒dra ft be er 生啤酒stou t bee r 黑啤酒canne d bee r罐装啤酒 redwine红葡萄酒g in 琴酒 bran dy 白兰地 whi sky 威士忌vod ka伏特加 on t he ro cks 酒加冰块r um兰酒c hampa gne 香槟其他小吃: -meat肉 bee f 牛肉pork猪肉 ch icken鸡肉m utton羊肉b read面包 st eamed brea d 馒头-ri ce no odles米粉f riedricenoodl es 河粉 stea med v ermic elliroll肠粉 ma caron i 通心粉-b ean t hread冬粉b ean c urd w ith o dor 臭豆腐 fl our-r ice n oodle面粉n oodle s 面条-in stinc t noo dles速食面 ve getab le 蔬菜 crus t 面包皮 sand wich三明治-toa st 土司 hamb urger汉堡ca ke 蛋糕sprin g rol l春卷p ancak e煎饼fr ied d umpli ng煎贴r ice g lue b all元宵gluepuddi ng 汤圆mille t con gee 小米粥 -cere al 麦片粥 ste ameddumpl ing 蒸饺滑ra violi馄饨----餐具:--coff ee po t 咖啡壶coffe e cup咖啡杯p apertowel纸巾n apkin餐巾ta ble c loth桌布tea -pot茶壶t ea se t 茶具tea t ray 茶盘 cad dy 茶罐 dish碟 pl ate 盘 sauc er 小碟子 ric e bow l 饭碗chops ticks筷子s oup s poon汤匙 kn ife 餐刀 cup杯子-gla ss 玻璃杯 mug马克杯picni c lun ch 便当 frui t pla te 水果盘 too thpic k 牙签----中餐: --bea r's p aw 熊掌 * of deer鹿脯b eche-de-me r; se a cuc umber海参-sea stur geon海鳝 sa ltedjelly fish海蜇皮k elp,s eawee d 海带abalo ne鲍鱼s harkfin鱼翅scall ops干贝lobst er龙虾bird's nes t 燕窝roast suck lingpig 考乳猪 -pig's knu ckle猪脚 bo iledsalte d duc k 盐水鸭 pres erved meat -腊肉 bar becue d por k 叉烧sausa ge 香肠 frie d por k fla kes 肉松 BAR-B-Q烤肉 -meat diet荤菜v egeta bles素菜 me at br oth 肉羹 loc al di sh 地方菜 Can tones e cui sine广东菜s et me al 客饭 curr y ric e 咖喱饭 -f riedrice炒饭 pl ain r ice 白饭 cri spy r ice 锅巴 -gruel, sof t ric e , p orrid ge 粥—nood les w ith g ravy打卤面-pla in no odle阳春面c asser ole 砂锅 cha fingdish,firepot火锅 meat bun肉包子 -shao-mai烧麦pres erved bean curd腐乳be an cu rd豆腐-fe rment ed bl ank b ean 豆豉 pic kledcucum bers酱瓜 -pres erved egg皮蛋 sa ltedduckegg 咸鸭蛋 dr ied t urnip萝卜干---西餐与日本料理: --m enu 菜单Fren ch cu isine法国菜t oday's spe cial今日特餐chef's spe cial主厨特餐buffe t 自助餐 fast food快餐s pecia lty 招牌菜 co ntine ntalcuisi ne 欧式西餐 ap eriti f 饭前酒 dimsum 点心 Fre nch f ires炸薯条bak ed po tato烘马铃薯m ashed pota toes马铃薯泥om elett e 简蛋卷 pudd ing 布丁 pas tries甜点p ickle d veg etabl es 泡菜 kimc hi 韩国泡菜 cr ab me at 蟹肉 praw n 明虾conch海螺e scarg ots 田螺brai sed b eef 炖牛肉 ba con 熏肉 poa chedegg 荷包蛋 su nny s ide u p 煎一面荷包蛋o ver 煎两面荷包蛋 frie d egg煎蛋-ove r eas y 煎半熟蛋 ove r har d 煎全熟蛋 scr amble eggs炒蛋-boi led e gg 煮蛋 ston e fir e pot石头火锅 sash i 日本竹筷 sak e 日本米酒 -misoshiru味噌汤roast meat铁板烤肉 sash imi 生鱼片 bu tter奶油 ----冷饮:--bever ages饮料soya-bean milk豆浆sy rup o f plu m 酸梅汤 -t omato juic e番茄汁orang e jui ce 橘子汁 coc onutmilk椰子汁-asp aragu s jui ce 芦荟汁 gra pefru it ju ice 葡萄柚汁v egeta ble j uice蔬菜汁-gin ger a le 姜汁 sars apari lla 沙士 sof t dri nk 汽水 -c oco-c ola (coke)可口可乐 tealeave s 茶叶black tea红茶 ja smine tea茉莉(香片)teabag 茶包 lem on te a 柠檬茶 whit e gou p tea冬瓜茶-ho ney 蜂蜜 chl orell a 绿藻sodawater苏打水artif icial colo r 人工色素 ice wate r 冰水- mi neral wate r 矿泉水 dist illed wate r 蒸馏水 long-life milk保久奶-co ndens ed mi lk 炼乳;炼奶c ocoa可可coff ee ma te奶精c offee咖啡ice d cof fee冰咖啡whit e cof fee牛奶咖 bla ck co ffee纯咖啡 ov altin e 阿华田 -c hlore lla y akult养乐多essen ce of chic ken 鸡精 ice-crea m con e 甜筒-su ndae圣代;新地 ice-cream雪糕s oft i ce-cr eam 窗淇淋 -vani lla i ce-cr eam 香草冰淇淋ice c andy冰棒 mi lk-sh ake 奶昔 str aw 吸管-。

绿色发展的英文翻译常用"green development"或"environmentally friendly development",强调经济和环境之间的平衡与协调。
低碳经济的英文翻译常用"low-carbon economy",强调对碳排放的限制和减少。
生态文明的英文翻译常用"ecological civilization",强调人类与自然的和谐和可持续发展。
绿色农业的英文翻译常用"green agriculture",强调农业的环保和可持续发展。
生态保护的英文翻译常用"ecological conservation",强调对生态系统的保护和维护。

Created By Ieltsassistantslip through one's fingers英文翻译:miss the opportunity or chance to do something中文翻译:错失机会做某事例句:Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers、Shell out英文翻译:pay中文翻译:支出花费例句:Well,it sounds like a lot of money to shell out for such a short trip、A steal英文翻译:good bargain中文翻译:便宜货例句:At this price, this dress is a steal、Cover a lot of ground英文翻译:travel a far distance中文翻译:旅行一段很长的路程例句:He used to cover a lot of ground recently to forget his bad memories、Homebody英文翻译:a person who like to stay home中文翻译:宅例句:Don’t be homebody and let’s go out for a while、Splurge英文翻译:spend a great deal of money中文翻译:花很多钱例句:Splurge a little when you have much money、Have a blast英文翻译:have a good time,enjoy yourself中文翻译: 享受一段美好时光例句:We are going hiking next week hopefully to have a blast、Tag-along英文翻译:a person who follows along,and in some cases,not wanted 中文翻译:在某些您不希望的情况下,被别人跟随着例句:I don’t like to have tag-along fellow、Lounge around英文翻译:be lazy or idle中文翻译:闲逛例句:He used to lounge around on weekends、Get some shut eye英文翻译:go to sleep中文翻译:去睡觉例句:I’m thinking of getting some shut eye till he comes ever、Be glued to the tube英文翻译:watch intensely the TV中文翻译:长时间瞧电视例句:You’re always glued to the tube、On a first-come,first-served basis英文翻译:not reserving an item for sale中文翻译:没有保留的去出售例句:To rent our apartment,we make deals only on afirst-come,first-served basis、Green英文翻译:native or a novice at something,without experience中文翻译:新手,新人,没有经验的例句:You are still green but this job needs hands on experience guy、Gimmick英文翻译:a clever sales trick to get people to buy中文翻译:一种聪明的推销手法例句:I never believe any gimmick whenever I go shopping、Blow money英文翻译:spend money carelessly中文翻译:花钱大手大脚例句:Stop blowing your money or you will be broke one day、Bump into英文翻译:meet unexpectedly中文翻译:偶遇,恰巧撞见例句:I bump into my ex-girlfriend last week with a new boy、Flunk英文翻译:have to leave school because of poor grades中文翻译:留级生例句:He is going to flunk the test due to his carelessness、Hit the books英文翻译:study中文翻译:学习例句:I need hit the books for the coming exam、Workaholic英文翻译:a person who works a lot中文翻译:工作狂例句:Since he got a new baby,he became workaholic to make money for him、Work your fingers to the bone英文翻译:work very hard中文翻译:工作非常刻苦例句:You just can’t keep working your fingers to the bone for such little money、Get your foot in the door英文翻译:get a chance to work for or be involved in a business organization中文翻译:得到一个工作的机会例句:He is such a right person,once he gets his foot in the door he will get his boss satisfaction、Have a crush on英文翻译:romantic love,used especially for young people、中文翻译:浪漫的爱情例句:Surprisingly she had a crush on him and got married in a month、Be on cloud nine英文翻译:extreme happiness中文翻译:非常开心例句:I would be on cloud nine if I got that job opportunity、Down to an art英文翻译:to learn something very well中文翻译:学某事学的很好例句:My brother has skiing down to an art、Get ahead英文翻译:become successful in the business world中文翻译:在商界变得很成功例句:If you want to get ahead in life,you have to set clear goals、Ace英文翻译:do very well on an assignment or test中文翻译:考试考得很棒’t study much last 例句:I can’t believe she aced the test because she didnnight、Elaborate英文翻译:explain in more details中文翻译:在细节上解释的更加清楚例句:Could you elaborate on your ideas on starting your company? Tactile英文翻译:the idea of touching例句:He is a very tactile learning and always benefits from hands -on activities like building things、Stroll英文翻译:take a leisurely walk中文翻译:悠闲的散步例句:During the early spring ,you often see couples strolling through the park、Commence英文翻译:begin,start中文翻译:开始例句:The meeting was supposed to commence at 9:00 AM,but it was postponed until tomorrow、Tentative英文翻译:not certain , still in review中文翻译:不确定,还在观望中例句:Here are our tentative travel plans for next week’s trip、To be hard pressed英文翻译:to have difficulty doing something中文翻译:做某事很困难例句:I’m going to be hard pressed to complete the presentation this evening、Get this rolling英文翻译:to start something中文翻译:开始做某事例句:If you help,we can get things rolling and complete the assignment by tomorrow、Jot down英文翻译:to write down a quick中文翻译:快速记下例句:Let me jot down your phone number so I don’t forget it、Tall order英文翻译:something difficult to do中文翻译:一些很难做的事情例句:Completing work order by noon is a real tall order、To give the green light英文翻译:to give the okay or permission to中文翻译:亮绿灯,行方便例句:The president of the company must give the green light before we proceed with the plan、To wrap things up英文翻译:to complete or finish中文翻译:完成例句:Since everyone lent a hand to the project ,we were able to wrap thins up in time for the party、Bottom line英文翻译:the most important point中文翻译:最重要的点例句:We want to emphasize that the bottom line in our business is great customer satisfaction、Exterminate英文翻译:destroy,kill off中文翻译:毁灭,毁坏例句:The farmers were determined to exterminate the crickets eating their crops、Roar英文翻译:to move very quickly中文翻译:移动的非常快例句:My sisters always coming roaring home from school so she can go online and chat with friends、Breathtaking英文翻译:incredible,awesome中文翻译:非常赞的,非常棒的例句:The scenic views of the valley were breathtaking、Strenuous英文翻译:physically difficult中文翻译:艰苦的例句:We took a very strenuous hike that lasted all day,and I’m exhausted、Sturdy英文翻译:strong中文翻译:强壮的例句:You need to wear sturdy hiking boots for this trip because we will be going through some rough terrain、Outskirts英文翻译:the outer area of city中文翻译:城市的郊区例句:Often,the outskirts of the city are the most peaceful、Bleak英文翻译:hopeless中文翻译:没有希望的例句:The economy looks very bleak at this point with sky high inflationand unemployment at 27 percent、Linger on英文翻译:continues slowly on中文翻译:持续例句:The conflict has lingered on for more than three years、Thrilling英文翻译:exciting中文翻译:令人兴奋的例句:I watched a thrilling game on TV last night、Dig oneself out of a hole英文翻译:get out of a difficult situation中文翻译:摆脱困境例句:We couldn’t dig oneself out of a hole when we were way behind in the game、Heckle英文翻译:bother and harass someone中文翻译:打扰或骚扰某人例句:The fans for the other team tried to heckle our players for having fouled one of their players、Sluggish英文翻译:moving slower than normal, poor performance中文翻译:比平常表现的差劲例句:He looked really sluggish during the first part of the game、Horrendous英文翻译:terrible中文翻译:恐怖的例句:Over twenty people lost their lives in the horrendous accident、Charity英文翻译:love中文翻译:爱例句:We should show acts of charity to those less fortunate throughout the year、Fret英文翻译:to worry unnecessarily of excessively,or be unhappy中文翻译:担心不开心例句:The boy fretted over losing his favorite toy、Vegetation英文翻译:plants in general中文翻译:植物的总称例句:Having vegetation in some areas can slow down the process of erosion、Revitalization英文翻译:the process of bringing back something to strength or prosperity、中文翻译:复兴例句:I am proposing a city center revitalization project、To be elated英文翻译:very happy or excited中文翻译:非常开心兴奋例句:They were elated to hear the good news、Inspired英文翻译:influenced or encouraged中文翻译:激励例句:She felt inspired to seek professional help in raising her kids、Lavish英文翻译:give a lot,or too much of something中文翻译:某件事给予的太多例句:Instead of lavishing our kids with gifts for Christmas,we ought to teach them to serve others who are in need、Heading英文翻译:going or traveling toward中文翻译:去、、、、旅行例句:Let’s head east to avoid the traffic、At ease英文翻译:a condition of comfort中文翻译:一种舒适的环境例句:He feels at ease when speaking in Spanish、Knack英文翻译:a special way of doing something中文翻译:做事的特殊方式例句:If you practice enough,you soon get the knack of speaking in a foreign language、Chaotic英文翻译:complete disorder and confusion中文翻译:非常的混乱,无秩序例句:The traffic is very chaotic during the rush hour, so I always take the train、Blase英文翻译:unconcerned and uninterested中文翻译:不关心的不感兴趣的例句:He felt the visit to the museum was so blase ,having been to many others over the past few days、Dart英文翻译:move very quickly中文翻译:移动的非常快例句:Taxis often dart in and out of traffic to take passengers to their destinations、Land英文翻译:find中文翻译:寻找例句:I need to land a good job where I can earn a lot of money、Count on英文翻译:depend on中文翻译:依赖例句:I can always count on my kids to drive safely、Otherwise ,I wouldn’t let them use my car、Wreck英文翻译:completely destroy or ruin中文翻译:彻底毁灭例句:My father wrecked the family car last night,but fortunately,he wasn’t hurt、Gloomy英文翻译:sad or depressed中文翻译:悲伤的令人失望的例句:I’ve noticed a very gloomy atmosphere in their family recently、Bliss英文翻译:happiness中文翻译:开心的例句:Marriage is filled with a combination of bliss and trails、Peek英文翻译:to take a short look at something中文翻译:一瞥例句:This car looks nice、Take a peek inside to check how many miles it has、Mishaps英文翻译:accidents中文翻译:事故例句:There were a few unfortunate mishaps while we were on vacation、Out of the ordinary英文翻译:unusual or unexpected中文翻译:不正常的,不寻常的例句:If you notice anything out of the ordinary ,call the police、Confrontation英文翻译:a fight or argument中文翻译:争斗冲突例句:There was a serious confrontation between the neighbors、Blaring英文翻译:very loud中文翻译:声音非常大例句:I can’t do my homework with the TV blaring next door、Resume英文翻译:continue , start again中文翻译:重新开始继续例句:Classes will resume at the beginning of September、Good grief英文翻译:an expression of disgust of surprise中文翻译:表达惊讶的一种方式例句:Good grief!I can’t believe your hiding your money、Stick with英文翻译:remain with someone or something中文翻译:继续做某事例句:Stick with me,and you won’t get lost、Trek英文翻译:a long walk , often through the mountains中文翻译:长时间的散步例句:They estimate that the trek will take about a week、Gear英文翻译:equipment中文翻译:设备例句:We rented some camping gear for the backpacking trip、Explicit英文翻译:clear and exact中文翻译:清楚明确的例句:I gave her very explicit directions how to get here、Grab a bite英文翻译:have a light meal中文翻译:吃一顿饭例句:Would you like to grab a bite this evening after work?Relegate英文翻译:To assign to a lower position or to classify something、中文翻译:转移、例句:She resigned when she was relegated to a desk jobMercurial英文翻译:Quick and changeable in temperament volatile中文翻译:多变的不可预测的例句:She was entertaining but unpredictable with mercurial mood swings、Candor英文翻译:sincerity of expression , openness中文翻译:坦率公正例句:We really don’t know what to do about it, she said with surprising candor、Homily英文翻译:An inspirational saying or platitude中文翻译:说教例句:He launched into a homily on family relationships、Admonish英文翻译:To reprove gently but earnestly中文翻译:劝告例句:His mother admonished him for eating too quickly、Daunt英文翻译:discourage中文翻译:威吓,使、、、气馁例句:She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem、Proximity英文翻译:near or next closeness中文翻译:亲近例句:The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the down center、Apocryphal英文翻译:Of questionable authorship or authenticity中文翻译:可疑的例句:It’s a good story but I dare say it’s apocryphal、Magnanimous英文翻译:Generous in forgiving unselfish中文翻译:慷慨的不自私的例句:Arsenal’s manager was magnanimous in victory,and praised the losing team、Notorious英文翻译:known widely and usually unfavorably ; infamous中文翻译:臭名昭著的例句:The company is notorious for paying its bills late、Ambivalent英文翻译:having mixed feelings中文翻译:具有矛盾情感的例句:He has fairly ambivalent feelings towards his father、Irrevocable英文翻译:Impossible to retract or take back中文翻译:不可改变的例句:Closing the factory would irrevocable alter the character of the local community for the worse、Relentless英文翻译:unyielding in severity or strictness中文翻译:坚韧的不屈不挠的例句:She has campaigned relentlessly for the husband’s release from prison、。

1. 中药:Chinese medicine2. 针灸:Acupuncture3. 脉象:Pulse condition4. 望、闻、问、切:Observation, listening, inquiry, palpation5. 辨证论治:Syndrome differentiation and treatment6. 气滞血瘀:Qi stagnation and blood stasis7. 气血两虚:Qi and blood deficiency8. 风寒感冒:Wind-cold感冒9. 湿热证:Damp-heat syndrome10. 脾胃虚弱:Spleen-stomach weakness11. 肝火旺盛:Liver fire flaming12. 心火旺盛:Heart fire flaming13. 肺热咳嗽:Lung heat cough14. 脾虚泄泻:Spleen deficiency diarrhea15. 肾虚腰痛:Kidney deficiency waist pain16. 湿温病:Damp-heat disease17. 风湿病:Rheumatism18. 痛经:Menstrual pain19. 月经不调:Menstrual irregularity20. 更年期综合症:Menopause syndrome21. 肥胖症:Obesity22. 高血压病:Hypertension23. 糖尿病:Diabetes24. 失眠:Insomnia25. 抑郁症:Depression26. 焦虑症:Anxiety disorder27. 自闭症:Autism28. 强迫症:OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)29. 多动症:ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)30. 老年痴呆症:Alzheimer's disease31. 帕金森病:Parkinson's disease32. 癌症:Cancer33. 白血病:Leukemia34. 心脏病:Heart disease35. 肝病:Liver disease36. 肾病:Kidney disease37. 肺病:Lung disease38. 高脂血症:Hyperlipidemia39. 甲亢:Hyperthyroidism40. 甲减:Hypothyroidism41. 黄褐斑:Chloasma42. 白癜风:Vitiligo43. 牛皮癣:Psoriasis44. 带状疱疹:Shingles45. 水痘:Chickenpox46. 麻疹:Measles47. 风疹:Rubella (German measles)48. 痄腮:Mumps (耳下腺炎)49. 红眼病(急性结膜炎):Red eye (acute conjunctivitis)50. 中耳炎:Otitis media (middle ear infection)请注意,这些翻译可能并不完全准确或具体,因为中医是一个非常复杂和深奥的医学系统,其概念和术语往往难以用简单的英文词汇来表达,仅供参考。

13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl
14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department
15. 集体舞:Group Dance
16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau
17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals
67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match
68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh
69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures
70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"
62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves
63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit
64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao
65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution
66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River
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八个字母的英文单词词汇带翻译我们从小就开始学习英语,对于词汇量的积累也有一定程度,那么你知道的八个字母的英文单词有哪些呢,今天店铺为大家整理了一些八个字母的英文单词,一起来学习一下吧!八个字母的英文单词Romantic 浪漫的Feathery 羽毛似的东西Peaceful安宁的Raindrop 雨滴Fantasia 幻想曲highness 高尚smile微笑shimmer闪光,微光dream梦幻freedom自由maple枫叶memory回忆八个字母的英语词汇surround 环绕somebody 某人superman 超人sailboat 帆船solution 溶液straight 直的software 软件security 安全sequence 顺序specific 特指strategy 策略standard 标准schedule 日程表allergic 过敏的behavior 行为,举止;态度characin 各种热带淡水鱼,脂鲤director 主管,董事,负责人,主任,校长ellipsis (语法结构上的)省略detector 探测器keckling 包缆绳,防磨卷licencee 获许可的人,领到执照的人八个字母的英文单词例句1. The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal.养育孩子的现实经常与浪漫的理想大相径庭。
2. She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.她沉醉于婚后幸福的浪漫幻想。
3. Spanish grass with light feathery panicles grown for dried bouquets.西班牙一种草本植物,轻薄的羽毛状圆锥花序,用作干花.4. The bright green, feathery leaves turn reddish brown in autumn.叶亮绿色, 羽状,秋季变成红棕色.5. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.他们强调他们的设备用于和平而非战争目的。

1. 绿色发展 - Green Development绿色发展是中国提出的一种发展理念,强调以可持续的方式推动经济增长,保护生态环境。
2. 生态文明 - Ecological Civilization生态文明是中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,强调人与自然和谐共生,通过建设良好的生态环境,实现经济社会的可持续发展。
3. 绿色生态 - Green Ecology绿色生态是指一种环保、低碳、循环的生产、生活方式,旨在降低对自然资源的消耗,减少对环境的污染,实现资源的可持续利用和生态系统的平衡发展。
4. 生态保护 - Ecological Protection生态保护是中国政府一直以来高度重视的工作,强调加强对生态环境的保护与修复,实现人与自然的和谐共生。
5. 森林覆盖率 - Forest Coverage Rate森林覆盖率是衡量一个地区森林面积与该地区总面积之比的指标。
6. 生态补偿 - Ecological Compensation生态补偿是指为了保护和修复生态系统所付出的经济性补偿,旨在鼓励各方参与生态保护工作,推动绿色发展。

下面是一些关于locking的常见用法和中英文对照例句:1. Locking something:- Please lock the door when you leave the house. (请离开房子时锁门。
)- Don't forget to lock your bike before entering the store. (进店前别忘了锁好自行车。
)- Make sure to lock your computer when you step away from your desk. (离开办公桌时确保锁定电脑。
)2. Locking a device or account:- I accidentally locked my phone and now I can't remember the passcode. (我不小心锁了手机,现在记不住密码了。
)- If you enter the wrong password too many times, your account will be locked. (如果你多次输入错误密码,你的账户将被锁定。
)3. Locking a position or target:- The sniper locked onto his target and prepared to take the shot. (狙击手锁定目标,准备开枪。
)- The radar locked onto the incoming aircraft and alerted the air traffic control. (雷达锁定正在接近的飞机,并通知了空中交通管制。
)4. Locking in a price or rate:- We need to lock in the current interest rate before it increases. (我们需要在当前利率上涨之前锁定利率。

在英文中,"chatai"通常被翻译为"tea table"或者"coffee table",具体取决于其在客厅或起居室中的用途。
总的来说,"chatai"在英文中可以被翻译为"tea table"或者"coffee table",它是客厅家具中常见的一种,除了实用功能外,还承载着一定的文化象征意义。
电影词汇 中英文对照

31353请根据内容en aberration 像差absolute film 绝对电影abstract film 抽象电影academy aperture 影艺学院片门academy awards 奥斯卡金像奖academy leader 影艺学院导片academy mask 影艺学院遮片academy of motion picture arts & science 美国影艺学院(台)美国电影艺术和科学学院(大陆)academy standards 影艺学院标准accelerated montage 加速蒙太奇ace 美国电影电视剪接师协会 american cinema editors的简称。
action 开拍action cutting 表演场次action field 表演区action film 动作片actors studio 演员工作室actual sound 真实声音actualite 纪实片ad lib 即兴台词aerial shot 高空镜头agent 经纪人agit-prop 政治教育电影aleatory technique 即兴技巧amamorphic lens 变形镜头ambiguity 暧昧性american film institute 美国电影学院american montage 美国式蒙太奇american society of cinematographers 美国电影摄影师协会american standards association 美国标准协会american studio years 美国片厂时代anaglyph 立体电影animation camera 动画摄影机animation school of violence 暴力派动画animation stand 动画摄影台animator 动画设计不会启用宏?点击查看帮助: office2003帮助点击朗诵16国外语:需要启用宏后才能使用朗诵功能启用方法:先启用编辑,然后启用宏内容。
ae particular world中英文对照

【导语】本文将介绍ae particular world的词汇解释、用法示例及相关知识,帮助读者更好地理解这一词组。
一、ae particular world的中文解释ae particular world可翻译为“一个特定的世界”,其中ae为英文中的一种缩写形式,在特定的语境中代表一个或者一种特殊的概念,而此处引申到一个特定的世界。
二、ae particular world的用法示例1. 此处是ae particular world的用法示例,可以更好地理解这一词组在句子中的意思。
2. 此处是ae particular world的用法示例,可以更好地理解这一词组在句子中的意思。
3. 此处是ae particular world的用法示例,可以更好地理解这一词组在句子中的意思。
三、ae particular world的相关知识1. ae particular world常常出现在文学作品或者诗歌中,代表着作者营造的独特世界观。
2. ae particular world也可以用于描述某种意义上的孤岛,比如某个人的内心世界或者某个小裙体的特殊社区。
3. ae particular world常常代表着某种扭曲、离经叛道的世界观,给人以另类或者异化的感觉。
四、总结通过对ae particular world的词汇解释、用法示例及相关知识的介绍,相信读者对这一词组有了更清晰的认识。
一、ae particular world的深层含义在之前的介绍中,我们了解到ae particular world指的是一个特定的世界,可以是虚构的,也可以是真实的,是作者或个体营造的独特世界观。
然而,ae particular world所蕴含的含义远不止这些。
在文学作品中,一些作家会通过构建ae particular world来表达对主流价值观念的反思和批判,突显个体内心世界的独立性和与外部世界的隔阂。

1. 元宵节: Lant ern F estiv al 2. 刺绣:embro idery3.重阳节:Dou ble-N inthFesti val4. 清明节:Tombsweep ing d ay5. 剪纸:Pa per C uttin g6.书法:Cal ligra phy 7. 对联:(Sprin g Fes tival) Cou plets8.象形文字:Pi ctogr ams/P ictog raphi c Cha racte rs9. 人才流动:Brain Drai n/Bra in Fl ow10. 四合院:Si heyua n/Qua drang le11. 战国:War ringState s12. 风水:Feng shui/Geoma nticOmen13.铁饭碗:IronBowl14.函授部:The C orres ponde nce D epart ment15.集体舞:Group Danc e16. 黄土高原:Lo ess P latea u17. 红白喜事:We dding s and Fune rals18.中秋节:Mid-A utumn Day19.结婚证:Marri age C ertif icate20.儒家文化:Con fucia n Cul ture21.附属学校:Affi liate d sch ool 22. 古装片:C ostum e Dra ma23. 武打片:Ch inese Swor dplay Movi e24. 元宵:Tang yuan/Sweet Rice Dump ling(Soup)25. 一国两制:On e Cou ntry, TwoSyste ms26. 火锅:Hot Pot27.四人帮:Gangof Fo ur28. 《诗经》:T he Bo ok of Song s29. 素质教育:Es senti al-qu aliti es-or iente d Edu catio n30. 《史记》:Hi stori cal R ecord s/Rec ordsof th e Gra nd Hi stori an31. 大跃进:Gr eat L eap F orwar d (Mo vemen t)32. 《西游记》:The J ourne y tothe W est 33. 除夕:Ch inese NewYear’s Eve/Eveof th e Spr ing F estiv al34. 针灸:Acu punct ure 35. 唐三彩:T ri-co lor P otter y ofthe T ang D ynast y/ Th e Tan g Tri-colo red p otter y 36. 中国特色的社会主义:Ch inese-char acter ed So ciali st/So ciali st wi th Ch inese char acter istic s37. 偏旁:radi cal 38. 孟子:Me ncius39.亭/阁: Pav ilion/ Att ic40. 大中型国有企业:Lar ge an d Med ium-s izedState-owne d Ent erpri ses 41. 火药:gu npowd er42. 农历:Lun ar Ca lenda r43. 印/玺:Sea l/Sta mp44. 物质精神文明建设:Th e Con struc tionof Ma teria l Civ iliza tionand S pirit ual C ivili zatio n45. 京剧:Beij ing O pera/Pekin g Ope ra46. 秦腔:Cry ing o f Qin Peop le/Qi n Ope ra47. 太极拳:Ta i Chi48.独生子女证:Th e Cer tific ate o f One-chil d49. 天坛:Alta r of Heav en in Beij ing 50. 小吃摊:S nackBar/S nackStand51.红双喜:Doub le Ha ppine ss52. 政治辅导员:Polit icalCouns elor/Schoo l Cou nselo r53. 春卷:Spri ng Ro ll(s)54.莲藕:Lotus Root55.追星族:Star Stru ck56. 故宫博物院:The P alace Muse um57. 相声:Cro ss-ta lk/Co mic D ialog ue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laidoff 59. 北京烤鸭:Beiji ng Ro ast D uck 60. 高等自学考试:Sel f-tau ght E xamin ation of H igher Educ ation61.烟花爆竹:fir ework s and fire crack er62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Cave s63. 电视小品:TV Sket ch/TV Skit64.香港澳门同胞:C ompat riots from Hong Kong andMacao65.文化大革命:Cu ltura l Rev oluti on66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low R eache s ofYangt ze Ri ver 67. 门当户对:Perfe ct Ma tch/E xactMatch68.《水浒》:Wat er Ma rgin/Outla ws of theMarsh69.中外合资企业:J ointVentu res 70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Trea sureof th e Stu dy" "Brush, Ink stick, Pap er, a nd In kston e"源地址:ht tp://blog.renre n.com/GetE ntry.do?id=722406948&owne r=222638397 来源:高瑶的日志|分享74491| 浏览54870评论|分享|喜欢|举报T A的分享评论全站评论点名表情同时评论到原日志T A的其它分享热门分享动车“追尾”---------我们可以挖掘多少英文单词vi aduct['vai?d?kt]高架桥;高架铁路...我来给你们分析分析美国人是有多S B东北小狠嗑——大金链子小手表,一天三顿小烧烤显示更多 ?相关日志致那位挪威失足青年--------下辈子We lco...你好布雷维克,我是一位来自中国的女青年,几天前听说...致那位挪威失足青年--------下辈子Welc o...你好布雷维克,我是一位来自中国的女青年,几天前听说...如何给网站添加快捷分享关于|开放平台|手机人人 |糯米网团购 |广告 |招聘 |客服帮助 |隐私 |友情链接人人网?2011北京千橡网景科技发展有限公司:文网文[2009]169号京ICP证090254号京公网安备110000000009号甲测资字11002066文化部监督电子邮箱:wlwh@vip.s ina.c om 返回顶部返回首页。

尺寸表翻译:Shirring 褶襞, 装饰性的褶带Total length from HPS 前长(肩顶度)Placket width at bottom 袋阔在脚位度Placket width at top 袋阔在顶位度Placket height at center 袋高在中间度Pocket height at sides 袋高在侧边度Pocket opening 袋开口Pocket plomt up from buttom hem 袋位置在衫脚上Forearm width 4‖ from cuff seam 臂阔袖骨位上4‖Bodice length from HPS to seam 衫身长距膊顶至骨Neck turnback height 领折入后高Front neck drop from HPS 前领深Armhole length straight from neck fold to s.s.夹长(从领摺起边到侧骨)Armhole trunback height 夹圈折入后高Armhole tirm height 夹捆高Across front @ mid armhole(edge to edge) 前上胸阔—夹圈中度Hood hem height 帽脚高Hood width at widest point 帽阔(在最阔总度)Bake yoke height from CB neck seam 后驳片高距后中领骨Double needle straddle: @ side seam 侧骨:冚双针骑骨线Back moon facing-width from widest point 后龟背阔—最宽点度(后半月贴阔—从最阔点度)Back moon facing-length from CB back 后龟背长—领骨度(后半月贴长-从后中领度下)Length from HPS (front)- tops 前衫长-肩顶度Chest width at 1‖ blw A/H 胸阔 - 夹下1度Bottom sweeep width 脚阔Bottom hem height 脚咀高Bottom width at seam 裙摆宽(骨位度)Bottom sweep width @ edge 裙摆宽(在边度)Across shoulder 肩阔Across back at mid A/H 后阔—夹中度Across chest at mid A/H 胸阔—夹中度Across back 4‖ from HPS 后上胸(膊顶下4‖度) 前Across back at strap join seam 后肩宽(在带驳骨位度)Sleeve length from shoulder袖长—肩点度Sleeve length from shoulder seam 袖长—肩骨度Sleeve length from shoulder incl rib 袖长(膊度连袖咀)Sleeve cap height 袖山高Sleeve inseam length 袖内骨长Sleeve inseam length incl rib 袖底长Armhole length straight 夹直长Armhole straight 夹宽(直度)Sleeve opening width 袖口阔---along rib edge --边度Sleeve rib height 袖罗纹高Sleeve cuff height 袖咀高Shoulder slope 肩斜Cuff opening width along rib seam 袖口阔—骨度CF & CB Banner Width 前后幅驳条阔CF banner plcmt down from placket end 前幅驳条离筒底Back rise-incl WB to crotch seam 后浪(包腰头至驳幅骨位)Outseam incl WB 外长(包腰头)Leg hem height 脚咀高Crotch panel length 驳幅长Crotch panel width 驳幅宽Back(Front) neck drop from HPS 后(前)领深—肩顶度Neck width seam to seam 领阔—骨至骨Minimum neck stretch 最小领拉度Collar length at top edge 领长(边度)Collar height at CB (not including collarband) 领高--后中度(包下级领)Collar point length 领尖长Collar stand height at CF 下级领高,前中度Collar roll over height @ CB 领拉链唇线到后中高Collar point spread 领尖距Collar length at outer edge 领长(边度)Collar circumference along top edge 领围(外边长)Placket length 筒长Placket width 筒阔Side went height(front)前侧叉高Back neck tape height 后领捆高后领带阔Forward shoulder 肩走前Stripe width measure from body 驳片阔Tape width at inside neck and side vents 领捆和侧叉人字带阔Front opening wind flap width @ top 前防风贴顶阔Front panel piecing 前幅Logo placement --- HPS to top of logo 穿计左胸车花位—花边至顶Logo placement down from shoulder seam ---距肩骨Logo placement in from CF 前中横度Logo placement --- in from CF to inside edge ….花边距前中---up from sleeve cuff seam 距袖口骨位---in from CF-WR chest 穿计右胸车花位距前中Oval椭圆形 stitch length thru centerLogo POS below Wr’s left HPS-Top crown 左胸章仔:膊顶度至花顶Logo POS below Wr’s left CF-Leaf Edge 左胸章仔:前中横度Print POS up from hem @ ss 右侧印花位:衫脚咀上在侧骨处Printing pos first buckle below pkt over CF 右侧印花:前中横度1st flounce height 第一层裙摆高1st button placement down from neck 顶钮:筒顶度下CF length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(前中顶至浪底)CB length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(后中顶至浪底)CB placket stitch length at sides 后筒车线长(侧度)Chest width at top smocking stitching(relaxed) 胸阔(打缆位松度)Chest width at armhole edge(stretched)胸阔(夹位处拉度)Hip width 1/2‖ above encased elastic 坐围(丈根上1/2‖)Leg opening width (stretched) 裤口阔(拉度)Leg opening width: along curve(relaxed) 裤口阔(沿裤口弯度)Back leg curve at center 后裤口弯(中度)Crotch width at front edge 浪底阔(前边度)Crotch width at fold 浪底阔(折边度)Crotch forward from fold 浪底走前(折边度)Leg opening hem height 裤口脚高Front neck width: distance between inside straps 前领阔(吊带里间距度)Strap length 吊带长Top tier height from last smoking stitch 顶层衫长(从最后一条打缆线度)Bottom tier height(showing) 底层衫长(外露部分)Tier hem height(blind) 衫脚高Collar ruffle height 领打褶花边高Placket box stitch height 前筒盒子线高Ruffle height(top) 裙脚打褶花边高(顶层)Ruffle height(bottom) 裙脚打褶花边高(总长)Bottom ruffle hem height 裙脚高(折入)Top(bottom) ruffle height 顶层(底层)打褶花边高Truks height 打褶高Side panel width @ outseam 侧骨驳片阔Onseam pkt plcmet down from wb stitching 袋距腰底间线度Back yoke height at CB 后机头高后中度Low hip width 3‖ from crotch 下坐围浪上3‖度Waist width (relaxed) 腰阔(松度)Waist width at top edge(relaxed) 裤头阔平放度Waist width stretch 腰阔(拉伸度)Waistband height 腰高Waist position from HPS 腰位置:膊顶度下Hip width 3‖ up from crotch 坐围(叉位上3度)Low hip width 1/2 above leg opening 低坐围阔(脚开口上1/2‖)Hip width along seam 坐围(沿骨度)Inseam(finished) 内骨长(完成后)Outseam-incl WB 外侧骨长(包腰头)Thigh width @ center 1‖ from crotch seam 大腿阔(中间叉位骨下1‖)Leg opening 脚口Leg hem height 脚高Panty front rise-incl WB to crotch seam 内裤仔前浪Panty back rise-incl WB to crotch seam 内裤仔后浪Front rise length( including waistband) 前浪长(包腰头)Back rise length (including waistband) 后浪长(包腰头)Neck circumference bttn to bttnhole 领围(钮至钮门)Tape height @ inside neck 领捆高(在内领)Logo Graphic – down from HPS 印花位置距脖顶度下Crotch panel length 叉位长Crotch panel width 叉位阔Leg elastic width 脚口丈根阔Tucks height 裙摆褶脚高Hood hem height 帽脚高Hood length @ seam 帽长(沿后中骨位度)Zipper guard 防风筒Total pocket width at top edge 袋顶阔Sleeve pocket hem height袖带口间线高Sleeve pocket dart length 袖袋打褶长Sleeve pocket flap hem height 袖袋盖脚高Sleeve pocket flap width 袖袋盖阔Sleeve pocket flap height X-top 袖袋盖顶高Belt loop placement in from CB 后中腰耳仔距离Musle width 肶阔Tie space 呔位Collar length thru center领长-中心度Taping height neckline and side vents 捆条高(领围和侧脚叉)Yoke height at CF 前中担干高1st ruffle height 第一节裙摆高Sash height 腰带高Attached short 内裤Front rise (excluding WB)前浪(不包裤头)Short thigh width(1’ fr crotch)肶阔(浪下1‖)Bow(head to head) 蝴蝶结(头至头间)Bow(tail length) 蝴蝶结尾长Bow – loop end to loop end 蝴蝶结阔(耳仔尾至耳仔尾)Diamond quilted width: top stitch 菱形阔:顶线度Front yoke diamond quilt length form HPS 前担干棱形车线高(膊顶度下)Zipper guard 拉链贴阔CB neck shirring 后领缩摺长Shoulder piecing width at neck(total)肩驳片阔领度(共计)Shoulder piecing width at shl pt-total肩驳片阔肩点度(共计)Front princess seam up from underarm pt前胸骨位延至夹底Side seam panel width rib seam total 侧骨驳片阔骨度(共计)Pocket plcmt up from rib seam(at ss)袋距罗纹骨位侧度Piecing width at CB neck collar top edge 驳片阔后中领顶边度服装做工翻译1X1 r ib(on fold) as banding at bottom opening. Finish banding seam w ith 1/4‖double needle stranddle stitch.1X1罗纹衫脚,在1/4‖双针骑骨线2-piece hood with waffle lining. Finish hood opening with self turn back hem. Edge stitch is visible on outside of garment. 1/4‖ double needle stranddle stitch along center hood seam.两片帽。

一、【同义词】奇特二、【词语注音】dú tè三、【基本词意】独有的,特别的。
四、【英文翻译】unique; distinctive; special; original五、【详细解释】(1).只身无倚。
” 秦牧《艺海拾贝·菊花与金鱼》:“我们不妨说,菊花中‘朱砂牡丹’、‘芙蓉托桂’等等品种,都各有自己独特的风格。
” 聂绀弩《我对于小品文的意见》:“小品文固然不能代替大品文,却也有它独特的任务,也不是大品文所能代替的。

以下是一些常见的无法直译成中文的英语单词及其解释:1. Wanderlust(漫游欲):这个词用来形容一种渴望探索、旅行和探险的强烈欲望。
2. Serendipity(意外收获):这个词形容了在寻找某样东西的过程中,无意中发现了意想不到的宝贵或美好的事物。
3. Schadenfreude(幸灾乐祸):这个词用来形容在别人不幸或失败时感到快乐或满足的情感。
4. Saudade(思乡之情):这个词源于葡萄牙语,用来形容对远离的家乡、过去的时光或某个人的深深思念和怀念之情。
5. Hiraeth(追忆之情):这个词源于威尔士语,用来形容对过去或已经失去的东西的强烈渴望和追忆之情。
以下是一些例子:1. Wanderlust(渴望远足)- 这个词指的是对未知地方的强烈渴望和愿望。

例如:He read the entire book in one day. 他一天读完了整本书。
例如:I asked for the entire truth.要求说出完全真相。
例如:She is an entire beauty.是一个完美无缺的美人。
例如:She gave me only an entire explanation.只给了我一个部分解释。
来表示“无界限的”,如:entire freedom(无界限的自由);它还可以表示“大量的”,如:an entire list of names(一张大量的名字列表)。

中国182个流行词汇的英文译法1. 素质教育:Quality Education2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3. 保险业:the insurance industry4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers11. 出口信贷:export credit12. 贷款质量:loan quality13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions19. 费改税:transformadministrative fees into taxes20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy26. 基本生活费:basic allowance27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision29. 经济安全:economic security30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth33. 粮食仓库:grain depot34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage40. 融资渠道:financing channels41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit42. 社会保险机构:social security institution43. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes45. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending46. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents47. 信息化:information-based; informationization48. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive49. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises50. 下岗职工:laid-off workers51. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel52. 素质教育:education for all-round development53. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects54. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation55. 民族国家:nation state56. “*”:"independence of Taiwan"57. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities58. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.60. 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions61. 可持续性发展:sustainable development62. 风险投资:risk investment63. 通货紧缩:deflation64. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand65. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )66. 网络空间:cyberspace67. 虚拟现实:virtual reality68. 网民:netizen ( net citizen )69. 电脑犯罪:computer crime70. 电子商务:the e-business71. 网上购物:shopping online72. 应试教育:exam-oriented education73. 学生减负:to reduce study load74. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)75. “拉尼娜”:(La Nina)76. “智商”:(IQ)77. “情商”:(EQ)78. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/inFORMation industry)79. “军嫂”:(military spouse)80. “峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)”:summit(conference)81. “克隆”:clone82. “冰毒”:ice83. “摇头丸”:dancing outreach84. “传销”:multi level marketing85. “(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)86. “白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)87. “傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);88. “白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)89. “巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。

剑眉的英语单词剑眉的英语单词如果你是一位学习英语的人,你或多或少已经听说过“sword eyebrows”这个词汇。
这是因为“sword eyebrows”是中文翻译成英文的一种独特方式,常常被广泛地使用。
1. 什么是“剑眉”?“剑眉”这个词汇源于中国的古代武侠小说。
2. “剑眉”在英语中的翻译虽然“sword eyebrows”这种翻译方式在中国人中非常流行,但它在英语世界中却并不常用。
如果你想更科学地翻译“剑眉”,那么你可以使用“sharp eyebrows”这个词汇。
3. 其他有趣的中文词汇的英文翻译实际上,我们在学习中文时,可能会遇到许多其他有趣的词汇。
比如说,“画龙点睛”这个词汇的英文翻译就可以是“the finishing touch”。
除此之外,还有“蜀黍”可以翻译成“uncle”,“雾里看花”可以翻译成“see things through rose-tinted glasses”等等。
4. 总结在学习英语的过程中,我们必须要意识到每一种语言都有它自己独特的思维方式和表达方式。
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agar-agar 紫菜 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 -
hair-like seaweed 发菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot竹笋 -
green salad蔬菜沙拉 onion soup 洋葱汤 potage法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤 fried chicken 炸鸡 roast chicken 烤鸡 steak 牛排 T-bone steak 丁骨牛排 -
bean thread 冬粉 bean curd with odor 臭豆腐 flour-rice noodle 面粉 noodles 面条 -
instinct noodles速食面 vegetable 蔬菜 crust 面包皮 sandwich 三明治 -
strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 -
wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香蕉 -
熟菜与调味品: -
string bean 四季豆 pea豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot, beet 甜菜 -
稀饭 Rice porridge 白饭 Plain white rice 油饭 Glutinous oil rice -
糯米饭 Glutinous rice 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg -
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee -
其 他: -
当归鸭 Angelica duck 槟榔 Betel nut 火锅 Hot pot -
水果: -
pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 -
ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 -
甜 点: -
爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃 Longevity Peaches -
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花 Hemp flowers 双胞胎 Horse hooves -
割包 Steamed sandwich 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll -
蛋饼 Egg cakes 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg -
豆浆 Soybean milk -
饭 类: -
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd 虾片 Prawn cracker 虾球 Shrimp balls -
春卷 Spring rolls 蛋卷 Chicken rolls 碗糕 Salty rice pudding 豆干 Dried tofu -
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding 红豆糕 Red bean cake 绿豆糕 Bean paste cake -
烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings -
水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns -
果 汁: -
甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶 Herb juice -
点 心: -
牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐 Oily bean curd -
bitter 苦 lard 猪油 peanut oil 花生油 soy sauce 酱油 green pepper 青椒 paprika 红椒 -
star anise 八角 cinnamon 肉挂 curry 咖喱 maltose 麦芽糖 jerky 牛肉干dried beef slices 牛肉片dried pork slices 猪肉片confection 糖果 glace fruit 蜜饯 marmalade 果酱 dried persimmon 柿饼candied melon 冬瓜糖 red jujube 红枣 black date 黑枣 glace date 蜜枣 dried longan 桂圆干 -
garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 seasoning 调味品 -
caviar 鱼子酱 barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱 mustard 芥茉 salt 盐 sugar 糖 monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精 vinegar 醋 sweet 甜 sour 酸 -
面 类: -
馄饨面 Wonton & noodles 刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles -
麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面 Duck with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles -
meat 肉 beef 牛肉 pork 猪肉 chicken 鸡肉 mutton 羊肉 bread 面包 steamed bread 馒头 -
rice noodles 米粉 fried rice noodles 河粉 steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉 macaroni 通心粉 -
乌龙面 Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles -
牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles 板条 Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles -
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle -
dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄 ternip白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜 -
water chestnut 荸荠 ficus tikaua 地瓜 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 -
popcorn 爆米花 chocolate 巧克力 marrons glaces 糖炒栗子 -
牛排与酒: -
breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 brunch 早午餐 supper 晚餐 late snack 宵夜 dinner 正餐 -
ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司 French toast法国土司 muffin 松饼 cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包 French roll 小型法式面包 appetizer 开胃菜 -
filet steak 菲力牛排 sirloin steak 沙朗牛排 club steak 小牛排 well done 全熟 medium 五分熟 -
rare三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer罐装啤酒 red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒 brandy 白兰地 whisky 威士忌vodka伏特加 on the rocks 酒加冰块 rum兰酒champagne 香槟其他小吃: -
汤 类: -
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup 貢丸汤 Meat ball soup 蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤 Clams soup 牡蛎汤 Oyster soup 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup 酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤 Wonton soup 猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤 Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹 Squid thick soup -
raisin 葡萄干 chewing gum 口香糖 nougat 牛乳糖 mint 薄荷糖 drop 水果糖 marshmallow 棉花糖 -
caramel 牛奶糖 peanut brittle 花生糖 castor sugar 细砂白糖 granulated sugar 砂糖 -
sugar candy 冰糖 butter biscuit 奶酥 rice cake 年糕 moon cake 月饼 green bean cake 绿豆糕 -