第1课时 情景对话-介绍和开场白

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1)this is…这是...

2)I'd like to introduce a friendof mine,…我想给你介绍一个我的朋友...

3)I'd like you to meet…我想让你见一下...


introduce v. :介绍

introduction n.:介绍

would like(sb.) to do sth.:想要做某事


1) Nice to meet you.

2) I'm very glad to meet you.

3) It's a pleasure to meet you.

4) Pleased to meet you.


pleasure n.高兴的事,快乐

Thank you !---My pleasure.是我的荣幸

Can you help me?---With pleausre.我很乐意。

be pleased with sth./sb. 对。。。很满意

please v.使。。。满意/快乐


1)How do you like…?

2)What do you think of…?

3)What's your impression of…?


impression n.印象

impress v. 给人…印象


He impressed me a lot.

He left me a deep impression.


1) It's really different from what I expected. (这儿跟我想象的完全不一样。)

2) I can't get over how different the weather is here. (这里的天气太不一样了,我适应不了。)

3) I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seemstrange to me. (我还是有点想家,这里太多东西对我来说太陌生了。)

4) If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much. (除了气候,我倒是挺喜欢这儿的。)【拓展】

be different from 与…不同

expect v.期待

expectation n.期待

get over:克服,度过

I feel…我感到…

homesick 想家,思乡

seasick/carsick 晕船/晕车

heartsick 悲痛的

heart attack/disease 心脏病

seem 似乎,好像

strange adj.奇怪的,陌生的

If it weren't for…Iwould…如果没有…,我会…


1) Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

2) you'll get used to it soon!

3) You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.

4) It always takes time to get used to a new place.


get/be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于…

used to do sth.过去常常做某事

be bound to必然,一定要

it takes sb. some time to do sth.花某人多长时间做某事


a) 表示与现在事实相反的情况:



b) 表示与过去事实相反的情况

从句:If 主语+had+done



If he had taken my advice, hewould not have made such a mistake.(事实:没有听我的话)c) 表示对将来情况的主观推测


从句:①if+主语+were to do




If shewere to be here next Monday,I would tell her about the matter.(事实:来的可能性很小)【对话练习】

Dialogue 1

A: Mary, this is Joe'sbrother David.

B; I'm very glad to meetyou.

C: It's a pleasure to meetyou.

B: How do you like Texasso far?

C: It's really differentfrom what I expected.

B: Don't worry. You'll getused to it in no time.

Dialogue 2

A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like tointroduce a friend of mine, Peter Brown.

B: How do you do?

C: Hello.

B: What's your impressionof the United States?

C: Well, I can't get overhow different the weather is here.

B: Oh, you'll get used toit soon!
