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happy families
What kind of parents are the lovely ones in your eyes?
lovely parents in my eyes
kind humorous loving strict open-minded considerate
fair patient learned helpful modest
1>time limit (3 minutes) 2>in English 3>tell the truth
1. Do you think your parents understand you? A. yes B. A little C. Don’t know
2. Do you often quarrel with you parents? A. Rarely(很少) B. Sometimes C . often
If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they should…
love understand
parents respec children
het lp
learn from each other
为什么要听妈妈的话 长大后你就会开始懂得这段话 哼 长大后我开始明白 为什么我 跑得比别人快 飞得比别人高 将来大家看的都是我画的漫画 大家唱的都是我 写的歌 妈妈的辛苦不让你看见 温暖的食谱在她心里面 有空就得多握握她的手 把手牵着一起梦游 ~~~~~~~~~ 听妈妈的话 别让她受伤 想快快长大 才能保护 她 美丽的白发 幸福中发芽 天使的魔法 温暖中慈
5. Do they always force you to do things you don’t like to do? A. never B.sometimes C.Yes, very
often 6. Do they ask for your opinions over some
family issues? A. Yes, very often B. Sometimes C. Never 7. If you have some problems or feel upset, will you choose to talk to your parents? A. Yes, I do B.sometimes C. No, I don’t 8. What do you think of the relationship between you and your parents? A. Very close B. Not so close C. loose(疏远)
Growing pains
Pains of Exams
Pains of Private
Things I like while my parents hate:
Computer games
Activities my parents like me to do while I
To study all the time
Congraduations!You&your parents get on well with each other. A.
Just so so . You need to talk to your parents more. B.
Sorry , you must find every chance to communicate with your C. parents.
M1U2 Growing pains
When you were a child , did you love your parents? How about now? And why?
How much do you really love your parents?
Now, let’s make a survey.
Comic Chatting on
Pop stars Pop music
Hip hop
Street dance
To attend classes in holidays
To listen to old songs
Generation gap
What is genera源自文库ion gap?
What is generation gap?
Especially as one gets older, she or he isn’t always understood by the elders, because of what she or he does, says or wears. So she or he will often have trouble or pains during their growth.
A generation gap describes a vast difference in cultural norms(标准) between a younger generation and their elders. The generation gap occurs when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior.
1. modest [‘mɔdist] adj.谦虚的;端庄的
2. considerate [kən’sidərit] adj. 考虑周到的;体谅的
3. forgiving[fə’gɪvɪŋ] adj.宽容的;仁慈的
4. tolerant [‘tɔlərənt] adj.公平的;宽容的
3. Do you & your parents often talk to each other or have fun together? A . often B . sometimes C. rarely
4. Do you & your parents have common interests or hobbies? A. Yes B. some C. no